WCF Eligible Regions and Countries

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WCF eligible regions and countries

Projects by directors from the following countries are eligible for WCF funding.
Eligible to submit a project are companies from the following countries who can confirm cooperation with the
director from a WCF eligible region or film production companies based in Germany who can confirm cooperation
with the director from a WCF eligible region (Stand February 2018)

America & Central Middle
Africa Southeast WCF
the Asia East Caucasus
Asia countries

Algeria Malawi Antigua and Kazakhstan Iran Cambodia Armenia Afghanistan

Angola Mali Barbuda Kyrgyzstan Iraq East-Timor Azerbaijan Bangladesh
Benin Mauritania Argentina Pakistan Israel Indonesia Georgia Bhutan
Botswana Mauritius Bahamas Tajikistan Jordan Laos Nepal
Burkina Faso Morocco Barbados Turkmenistan Lebanon Malaysia Mongolia
Burundi Mozambique Belize Uzbekistan Oman Myanmar Pakistan
Cameroon Namibia Bolivia Palestinian Philippines Sri Lanka
Cape Verde Niger Brazil Territories Thailand
Central Nigeria Chile Syria Vietnam
African Republic of Colombia Turkey
Republic the Congo Costa Rica Yemen
Chad Rwanda Cuba Latin
Comoros Sao Tome Dominica
Cote d'Ivoire and Principe Dominican
Democratic Senegal Republic
Republic of Seychelles Ecuador
the Congo Sierra Leone El Salvador
Djibouti Somalia Grenada
Egypt South Africa Guatemala
Equatorial South Sudan Guyana
Guinea Sudan Haiti
Eritrea Swaziland Honduras
Ethiopia Tanzania Jamaica
Gabon Togo Mexico
Gambia Tunisia Nicaragua
Ghana Uganda Panama
Guinea Western Paraguay
Guinea- Sahara Peru
Bissau Zambia Puerto Rico
Kenya Zimbabwe St. Kitts and
Lesotho Nevis
Liberia St. Lucia
Libya St. Vincent
Madagascar and the
Trinidad and

WCF Europe eligible regions and countries: Same as above plus Belarus, Moldavia and Ukraine.

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