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44 Insectsfrom PDF
44 Insectsfrom PDF
Abstract— Insects collected in the light traps over a period of two years in the agroecosystems of GKVK campus
represented 13 of the 21 orders of India. Among these orders collected, five orders viz., Coleoptera, Hemiptera,
Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera were the most predominant. We compared the relative proportions of these
five speciose orders with those expected at national and at global levels to test if the light traps collections can be
used as a surrogates of national and global diversity of these groups. We found that while orders Coleopteran and
Hemipteran insects are over represented, those of Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera are under-represented. We discuss
the possible reasons for these differentia representation.
Keywords— Insects, light trap, GKVK campus.
spread over an area of about 1500 acres has several cropping as the ratio of their numbers of species of these orders to that
systems such as plantations (mango, guava, citrus, sapota, of the sum of their numbers. Such proportions were
etc.), dry land farming systems, irrigated crops and even computed for the global level (Ghosh, 1996) and also for the
agro-silviculture systems. The rain-fed crops such as cereals, national level (Ghosh, 1996). Using these proportions at the
pulses and oilseed crops, horticultural crops such as national and global level, we derived the expected numbers
flowering plants, fruits and vegetable crops such as tomato, of each order and compared them with the observed numbers
bhendi, chillies, etc., are grown during different seasons of of OTUs using chi square test.
the year. Besides, the campus also has several experimental
plots covered by soybean, sunflower, minor millets, arid III. RESULTS
legumes and agro-forestry crops. Surrounding the campus From 26 sampling days during the study period of
there is very little vegetation as the area is dominated by 546 days, 209,098 insects were collected and were classified
residential areas. in to 764 OTUs. These OTUs represented 13 orders of
Funnel and vane type of light trap fitted with a insects, viz., Isoptera, Psocoptera, Neuroptera, Odonata,
container to collect the insects was set up almost in the Mantodea, Blattodea, Trichoptera, Orthoptera, Hymenoptera,
middle of the campus. The light source for the trap was a Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera. Therefore,
mercury vapour lamp of 165 Watts (make: Philips). fifteen of the 28 orders that are expected to be found at the
Dichlorvos mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1 served as the lights had no representation in the light trap catches (Table
killing agent for insects trapped. The traps were run between 1).
8th May, 2015 and 6th December, 2016 at 21 day intervals As many as 740 of the OTUs collected were from
from 6.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. Thus there were totally 26 the five orders (Table 1) with 351 from Coleoptera, 133 from
sampling dates. Hemiptera, 110 from Diptera, 108 from Lepidoptera and 38
The trap catches were initially air dried and sorted. were Hymenoptera. Thus Coleoptera represented 45.76 per
It was not possible to identify all the collected insects’ up to cent, Hemiptera were 17.34 per cent, Diptera 14.34 per cent,
the species level. Therefore, based on external morphology, Lepidoptera 14.08 per cent and 4.95 per cent were from
all potential taxa were assigned to different Operational Hymenoptera (Figure 1).
Taxonomic Units (OTUs). These OTUs were assigned to These proportions were different from those known
different families and orders. at global and national level (Figure 1). Therefore in order to
understand the extent of deviation from the general
Comparing diversity of insects at GKVK with global and representation we computed the expected number of OTUs
national level. for these five orders based on the proportionate
Among the insects collected, five orders viz., representation at global and national level.
Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Chi-square computation showed that the relative
Hymenoptera were the most abundant in terms of the OTUs diversity of the five orders collected at GKVK differed
represented; the numbers of OTUs in other orders were very significantly from those expected at the global (Chi-square =
less (Matata, 2017). Therefore, only these five orders were 90.16; p<0.001) and at the national level (Chi-square =
considered for comparison with the global and national level. 139.03; p<0.001; Table2). Order Coleoptera, Diptera and
We hypothesized that if the proportions of these five orders Hemiptera were found to be over represented while the other
in our collections were similar to those at the national and two were under represented (Table 2) at GKVK light traps
global level then light traps could be used to assess the considering both the global and the national levels. Clearly
overall diversity of insects. the insect diversity collected at light traps at GKVK did not
Of the 31 orders of Insects, Zoraptera, match the representation of the five most speciose orders at
Grylloblattodea and Mantophasmatodea are not found in both the national and the global level insect diversity.
India. Further, Collembola, Protura, Diplura, Archaeognatha The results of the present study suggest that light
and Thysanura are primarily wingless, while all species of traps from a single locations may not provide a relative
Siphonaptera and Phthiraptera are secondarily wingless. representation of insect diversity across a larger geographical
Leaving out these orders, it can be anticipated that members area. This is anticipated because a single locality cannot
of as many as 21 orders are to be found at the light trap. For capture the diversity of the diverse habitats over a large
this, we first computed the proportion of each of these orders geographic scale. For example as many as 65 species of tiger
beetles are known from a single stretch of Siliguri to the difference was maximum when compared to the national
Darjeeling (Pearson and Ghorpade, 1987) owing to level diversity. Further considering the 21 orders expected at
continually changing habitats in this stretch. While the lights, the representation of Coleoptera in India seems to be
entire stretch of Western Ghats is home for less than 300 far poorer among all insects, compared to the relative
species, the state of Sikkim alone harbors 689 species of representation of the order at the global level (Table 2). As a
butterflies (Haribal, 2003) again due the habitat diversity result, it is tempting to suggest that the Coleopteran fauna of
created by the altitude variations. Thus the insects from a India seems to be far poorly known, and hardly matches with
single locality can be expected to differ from that of a wider the global proportions. Further, the relatively large diversity
geographical area. of the phytophages among the Coleoptera may have provided
Many factors may influence nocturnality in insects. a better representation of the over all diversity of the group at
Potentially the night hours being cooler, the cost of flight the lights.
may be of great importance in being nocturnal in many Similarly, a substantial proportion of Hymenoptera
insects (Price, 1997). Nevertheless, advantages such as being parasitic (high abundance of Ichneumonoidea (Shapiro
avoidance of abiotic stresses (Casy, 1981; Heinrich 1977, and Pickering, 2000), underrepresentation of the group could
Janzen 1973), restricted availability of resources as a be because of the overwhelming diversity of predatory and
mechanism to avoid competition (Sheehan 1994) and parasitic species in the order which by and large are expected
possibly predator avoidance (Wcislo et al., 2004; Basset & to be diurnal (Rosenthal, 2004; Springate and Basset, 1996).
Springate 1992, Heinrich 1977) could drive some insects to However, the under representation of Lepidoptera despite
become nocturnal. Given these potential advantages, do having a large proportion of moths (90 % or more) which are
nocturnal insects outnumber diurnal insects? The available all, by and large, herbivores and nocturnal and the over
records do not always favour this possibility and suggest all representation of Diptera is enigmatic. General
the three possibilities of either the diurnal or the nocturnal representation of the Lepidoptera in the plains of southern
insects to be relatively more abundant than the other or India that are relatively dry could be poorer relative to the
almost a similar representation of both the groups (Springate more wet habitats such as the Western Ghats and the North-
and Basset, 1996; Basset and Springate, 1992). However, the Eastern parts of the country, as exemplified by the diversity
relative abundances can vary across taxa and the general idea of butterflies in the state of Sikkim. Many anthropophilic
of herbivores to be more abundant during nocturnal hours Diptera are expected to be nocturnal as also the scavengers.
seems to be better supported with predatory and parasitic Other flower visiting Diptera and midges could potentially be
species being more active during day time (Rosenthal, 2004). crepuscular or nocturnal (Inouye et al., 2015) and are likely
Few studies have examined the entire fauna of to be trapped at lights. A detailed analysis of the dipterans
trapped insects and most studies restrict themselves to single caught at lights may throw some light on the general
taxonomic groups. As a result, although similar trapping ecological features that might be contributing for better
methods are likely to provide more constant relative representation at lights. But these results are invariant with
representation (Kitching et al., 2001), it is unlikely that the studies using Malaise traps that expect Diptera to be more
results would hold when diverse kinds of habitats are abundant (Kitching et al., 2001) and consequently more
explored. Light trap catches have been rarely examined from active during day time. Yet, GKVK campus being quite an
this point of view. The results thus suggest that the light trap island in the midst of a growing city, it is possible that a
collections may not be expected to represent total diversity considerable diversity is trapped in the island situation,
on a gross scale for the above mentioned reasons. which gets reflected in the trap catches. A similar possibility
Nevertheless, it may be of interest to examine the relative may explain the over representation of Hemiptera. An
differences between the GKVK collections and that of global analysis of the subcategories and the juveniles (Basset and
and national level diversity. Springate, 1992) may provide a meaningful explanation for
Order Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera were the observed results.
found to be over represented at GKVK while Lepidoptera These results apparently are a product of both the
and Hymenoptera were under represented. Although, geographic variations in representation and the variability in
Coleoptera were over represented in the GKVK collections, the relative diel activity of different taxa. Better appreciation
it is of interest to note that among the five orders considered, of the results are possible through comparative studies with
it had best match with the global diversity (Table 2), while other ecologically matching environments and a detailed
analysis of the insects caught in the study at taxonomic broad comparisons are rare to come by. In the present study,
subcategories. Such detailed studies will provide better in an insular environment, it was possible to collect
opportunities to evaluate the constancy of the patterns of representatives of as many as 13 different orders among the
collections across different taxa and help strengthen the possible 21 orders of insects. Potentially a greater diversity
observed results vis-à-vis general patterns of diversity. of insects by major groups can be found at lights in a more
Different collecting methods are expected to open environment. Thus despite the limitations, the light
provide different kinds of samples that can be delineated by traps continue to be the choice method of sampling for many
taxa. But light traps catch a greater diversity of insects when groups of insects and in studies to address broad ecological
compared to many other method of sampling; yet few studies questions. Present investigation further points to many
have made efforts to assess the overall diversity of all taxa surprising results that call for greater in depth studies to
attracted to light and make comparisons with the general understand and explain the variations found.
diversity patterns. Most studies are target taxa specific and
Table 2.Comparison of the proportions of five speciose orders at GKVK with those of global and national level diversity.
Sl. Order No. of No. of species No. of species Per cent Per cent
No. species expected from expected from deviation from deviation from
observed at national Global national level global level
GKVK proportions proportions
1 Hymenoptera 38 77 93 -50.4504 -59.0181
2 Lepidoptera 108 199 132 -45.8364 -18.2633
3 Diptera 110 93 90 17.7032 22.80722
4 Hemiptera 133 100 74 33.40283 79.29575
5 Coleoptera 351 230 325 52.56068 8.155201
2 139.03** 90.16**
** Chi square values are significant at 1 %
World India GKVK
Hymenoptera Lepidoptera Diptera Hemiptera Coleoptera
Fig.1: Percent species of the five orders of insects at global, national and at GKVK campus. These values are computed as a
percent of the total number of species in 21 of the 31 potential orders that are expected to be attracted to light.
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