Simulation Setup and Specifications
Simulation Setup and Specifications
Simulation Setup and Specifications
Parameter Condition
Coolant Light Water (H2O)
Coolant flow direction Upward
Fuel U-10Mo
Fuel Density (g/cm3) 16.09
Fuel Thermal Conductivity (W/cm. k) 0.176
Cladding Aluminum 6061
Cladding Thermal Conductivity (W/cm. k) 1.67
Cladding Density (g/cm3) 2.7
Zirconium Density (g/cm3) 6.506
Zirconium Thermal Conductivity (W/cm. k) 0.23
Inlet coolant temperature (° C) 49
Initial fuel plate temperature (° C) 25
Operating pressure (Pa, atm) 101325 Please double check this value
Number of fuel Plates used 2
Number of coolant-channel used 1
Cross-sectional area of coolant-channel (cm2) 2.0708
Heat generation rate (W/cm3) Upper FP generates 872.25
Lower FP generates 872.25
Model computational domain (x,y,z) in cm X - 6.6218, Y - 1.2509, Z - 62.547
Fluid domain dimension (x,y,z) in cm X - 6.6218, Y - 1.1129, Z – 62.547
Reynold number Please Calculate this value
Prandtl number Please Calculate this value
Parameter Condition
Turbulence model Standard k-ε model double check….!
Inlet condition (mass flow rate) 0.24823 kg/s (it may change!)
Outlet condition Pressure outlet
Wall between fuel and cladding Coupled
Wall between cladding and coolant Coupled
Outer walls condition Adiabatic
II. Mesh setting
The mesh setting needs to be defined for the simulation. For example, the Zr region of each
FP is too thin (0.00254 cm), at least, I think one cell needed to be defined to cover this very thin
region. After defining the mesh, XY-view and 3D figures are needed to be included in the
simulation report. Something like figure#1. Figure#1 has been copied from a similar project (just
to give you an idea).
Table 3 Meshing Characteristics.
Parameter Condition
Number of cells per X Needs to be determined
Number of cells per Y Needs to be determined
Number of cells per Z Needs to be determined
Total fluid cells Needs to be determined
Total solid cells Needs to be determined
Total cells Needs to be determined
Total nodes, if its applicable Needs to be determined
Hint: For the results, high-quality figures are important (temperature and velocity
profiles). Also, I need you to point out (write in report) what are the values at the
following positions; inlet, middle and at the outlet of the model in terms of
temperature, velocity and pressure.