Effect of Principal Managerial Leadership and Compensation Towards Physics Teacher Performance in Senior High School in Baguala District-Ambon

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International Education Studies; Vol. 10, No.

1; 2017
ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Effect of Principal Managerial Leadership and Compensation towards

Physics Teacher Performance in Senior High School in Baguala
Izaak Hendrik Wenno1
Physics Education Orogram, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Pattimura University, Ambon-Maluku,
Correspondence: Izaak Hendrik Wenno, Physics Education Orogram, Faculty of Teaching and Education,
Pattimura University, Ambon-Maluku, Indonesia. E-mail: wennoiz@yahoo.co.id

Received: May 30, 2016 Accepted: July 1, 2016 Online Published: December 26, 2016
doi:10.5539/ies.v10n1p233 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v10n1p233

The performance of teachers is an important factor that must be considered in efforts to improve the quality of
education. Teacher’s performance is affected by many factors. Factors that affect the performance of teachers are
principals’ managerial leadership and compensation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
principals’ managerial leadership and compensation to the performance of physical science teachers in senior
high schools in the district Baguala Ambon city. This type of research is quantitative design. The instrument was
used questionnaire. The variables studied were the principal managerial leadership (X1), compensation (X2) as
independent variables and performance of science physics teachers (Y) as dependent variable. Prior to use in the
true research, the validity and reliability of these instrument was done. To reveal relationships between variables,
correlation analysis was performed, while to know the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable
regression analysis also performed. Analysis of the validity, reliability, correlation and regression analysis was
performed using SPSS program version of 18.0 for windows. The results showed that between principal managerial
leadership and teacher performance there is a very high correlation. Between compensation with the performance
have high correlation and the combination of principals’ managerial leadership and compensation with the
performance there is a very high correlation. Regression analysis showed that the independent variables principals
managerial leadership and compensation, or a combination of both contribute to or affect the performance of
physical science teacher at senior high school in the district Baguala.
Keywords: physics education, teacher performance, leadership, Baguala
1. Introduction
Nowadays, many obstacles have faced by the government in improving the quality of learning and education.
One of the obstacles to improve the quality of learning is inequity in the quality of teachers in schools. As well
known, teachers are the main factor that determines the success of the learning process. The quality of teachers,
both academic and non-academic, influences the quality of learning and education in general (Arifin, 2013).
In Maluku context, until now the quality of education has not shown significant improvement. Some reports of
competency test placed Maluku in the lowest position. Teacher competency test results during the last five years
have always put Maluku in the final rankings. The results of initial competency tests of teacher for certification
in 2015 also showed that Maluku was placed in the final ranking of five provinces with a lower score (34.5) than
the highest value of national score (50.1).
The low quality of teachers is basically an accumulation of many factors that affect the competence of teachers.
Teacher performance is basically a part of teachers’ competencies related to professional competence,
pedagogical competence, social competence and personal competence. If these competences of teachers are low,
teacher’s performance will also be low (Arifin, 2015a).
Teacher performance was affected by many factors. According to Tambunan (2014) and Yani et al. (2015) factors
that affected teachers performance consist of school leadership, teachers’ interests, attitudes of teachers, teacher
motivation, teacher’s creativity, school culture, facility or infrastructure, job satisfaction, achievement motivation,
and compensation.

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School leadership affects teacher performance. This can be very understandable, because the principal is a
central figure in the school’s management especially in quality improvement of the school. The school principal
is the highest office of a school organization, and has a vital role in developing school as an institution (Fitriati et
al., 2014). As stated by Abdullah et al. (2008) a very important role in school is the managerial ability of a principal.
Managerial leadership of a school principal is important and necessary to manage education in schools
effectively and efficiently to achieve quality education expected by all parties. The school principal is the actual
organization manager who did the strategies that have been decided to achieve educational goals. As a manager,
the principal must have the ability to perform managerial functions concerning management activities such as
planning, organizing, and controlling actuating (Tobin, 2014).
The principal managerial functions have been widely studied in the literature. In Indonesia, the function of
school leadership as a manager was stipulated in the regulations of the Minister of National Education the Republic
of Indonesia Number 13 in 2007. Under these laws, it is explained that managerial functions of the principal is
school ranging from planning, development, utilization and empowerment of all elements in the school, including
teachers, administration, students and infrastructure that exist in the schools to be used as possible to improve the
quality of schools, teacher quality, and the quality of student. Principals managerial leadership will greatly
affect the performance of teachers when supported with a great attention to the welfare of teachers. According to
Sedarmayanti (2011), the theory of motivation implemented in pay incentive plans work is that the task given is
always relates to the payment, and this affects the increase in employee productivity.
According to Jensen (2010) the level of performance is closely related to the workers’ compensation system
applied by the institution or organization they work. The compensation of improper influence increases one’s
performance. Inaccuracy of the compensation due to the provision of compensation was less attractive, nor is the
award less precise does not make workers feel attracted to it. As a result, workers have no desire to improve their
performance to get the compensation.
To improve the quality of the performance, it is necessary to adequately welfare level of compensation in the
form of an essential right and a commitment to supported by the loyalty and the willingness of high employment
and conducive of work climate as an school organization. One strategy used to improve the performance of teachers
in school is the compensation program. With the award of compensation it is expected to improve the performance
of teachers in teaching in schools. With compensation, school climate and commitment will improve
performance or of peak performance (Saani, 2013). As stated by Sofo et al. (2012) the gap between attention of
policy makers in the region and between schools leading a loss of management efficiency. This situation could
affect the compensation is not right on time, so it can affect the performance of teachers.
It still reminds that teachers whose prosper economically tend to support their teaching job. Teachers do not bother
thinking about family and financial needs. If all needs are met, teachers will focus on their duties, they will do
anything to support and enrich their knowledge. With financially well-off, teachers also have the opportunity
to continue their education to a higher level so that teachers will be more competent.
Physics is a subject that requires teachers with high competence and high performance. This is caused by
learning physics requires deep exploration and purposed to make deep understanding in students.
Common reality encountered that when teachers teach physics, they do not teach in earnest. Sometimes physics
teachers teach physics just to meet the modest achievement of the curriculum, regardless of whether students
have understood the lesson they have taught.
Results of preliminary observations at the secondary school in the Baguala district have found that physics teachers
as much as twenty five teachers have already obtained certification allowance. However, this allowance are not
always right on time and other incentives are also irregular, and sometimes this condition affect the performance
of teachers.
The compensation is not solely always associated with money, but with regard to the award or reward of
achievement in the slightest form. But this is rarely obtained by the teacher and it is allegedly that this situation
deals with school leadership. Therefore, the researchers want to conduct to reveal the impact of school leadership
and compensation to the performance of physical science teachers in secondary schools in the district Baguala
Ambon city. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of managerial leadership principals on physics
teacher’s performance, to determine the effect of compensation to the physics teacher’s performance, and to
determine the effect of managerial leadership principals and compensation collectively to the performance of
physics teacher at the senior high schools in district Baguala Ambon City.

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2. Methodology
2.1 Site and Time
This research was conducted in five secondary schools in District Baguala Ambon during first semester of
2015-2016 academic year.
2.2 Population and Sample
The population in this study is all Physics teacher in 5 secondary schools in districts Baguala as much as 25
2.3 Research Variable
The variables in this study consisted of the independent variable, including Principal managerial leadership (X1)
and compensation (X2), and the dependent variable, including physics teacher performance (Y) (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Frame work of research design

2.4 Research Instruments

The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire used to measure the performance of physics teacher in the
secondary school in district Baguala Ambon City (Y), principals’ managerial leadership (X1), and compensation
(X2). Each statement will be answered by the respondents with five answer choices i,e: very satisfy (5), satisfy
(4), sufficient (3), unsatisfy (2), and very unsatisfy (1).
2.5 Research Procedure
This study began with preparation of instrument for two independent variables and one dependent variable. Prior
to use in the real research, the instrument was tested for its validity and reliability. The trial was conducted on 20
physics teacher as respondents in five schools. Test of the validity was based on the product moment correlation.
If the product-moment correlation coefficient > 0.25 the item is valid (Marguiriete et al., 2006). Reliability
testing following the Cronbach alpha coefficient formula. If the value of Cronbach alpha coefficients > 0.70 or
70 %, then the instrument is reliable (Hilton & Brownlow, 2004; Lounsbury et al., 2006). After the test of
validity and reliability was conducted, the valid and reliable instrument then use for really research for all twenty
five science physics teacher.
2.6 Data Analysis
Data obtained from the results of questionnaire by 25 physics teacher was analyzed using descriptive

quantitatively. To determine the relationship between X1 variables (Principal managerial leadership) with Y
variable (teacher performance) and X2 (Compensation) with Y variable (the teacher performance) either alone or
together was done with correlation analysis. The correlation between the variables X1 and X2 with Y was
performed using bivariate correlation analysis or simple, whereas the correlation between X1, X2 and Y together,
was conducted by using multiple correlation analysis. Test criteria were used both bivariate correlation and
multiple correlations as shown in Table 1 below:

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Table 1. Criteria for correlation result interpretation

Product-Moment Coefficient correlation Criteria
0.00-0.199 Very low
0.20-0.399 Low
0.40-0.599 Medium
0.60-0.799 High
0.80-1.00 Very high

Creswell (2005).

Before correlation test was conducted, the normality of data was tested using Shapiro Wilk normality test
(number of sample less than 30). To determine whether the correlation between the variables X1-Y, X2-Y and X1,
X2-Y together linearly or not, the significance of the correlation coefficient also conducted. Between X1 and X2
to Y using t test, whereas among the variables X1, X2-Y together, used F test. Test criteria was required f the

significance value > 0.05 the correlation is not linear, or there is no influence of variables X1 or X2 to Y. If sig <
0.05 the correlation is linear, or both X1 and X2 variables affect Y. To know the contribution of variable X1 to Y,
X2 to Y, and X1, X2 together to Y the regression analysis was performed. Analysis of the validity, reliability,
correlation and regression was done with the assistance of computer program SPSS version 21.0 for Windows.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Analysis of Questionnaire Data
Questionnaire data is the result of the calculation of average respondents for all items of instruments on each
variable. The average score of respondents was used in order to determine whether the average score of

respondents fall into the category of very satisfy (5), satisfy (4), sufficient (3), unsatisfy (2) or very unsatisfy (1).
The recapitulation of the average response of 25 respondents for the 35 item of variables X1 , 29 item for X2, and
the 35 item for Y variables are valid and used in the really research as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Average score of respondents for X1, X2 and Y variables

Data in Figure 2 shows that the variable of principal managerial leadership (X1) and the quality of teaching and
teachers (Y) are in the satisfy category, while the variable compensation in the sufficient category.
3.2 The Results of Validity and Reliability Test of Instrument
Validity test is done to determine the validity of item. Invalid item is not used in this study. In contrast, valid
instrument means that the statement could represent the topic which was studied. According to Weyner (2007),

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the validity of an instrument shows the ability of the instruments to measure precisely what it will be measured.
Formerly, Diem (2002) was argued that in order to obtain a valid instrument in accordance with what it is

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supposed to be measured, it’s necessary to test the validity. Based on validity test of items by using product
moment correlation, and reliability using Cronbach Alpha coefficients, the obtained results as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Validity and reliability of items from X1 (Principal managerial leadership)

Criteria of Cronbach Alpha
X1 variable Number of items coefficients Information Information
validity coefficients

X1_1 .572 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable

X1_2 .419 0.25 Valid .941 Reliable
X1_3 .543 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_4 .654 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_5 .587 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_6 .469 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_7 .813 0.25 Valid .937 Reliable
X1_8 .680 0.25 Valid .938 Reliable
X1_9 .504 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_10 .347 0.25 Valid .942 Reliable
X1_11 .473 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_12 .696 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_13 .463 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1-14 .490 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1-15 -.085 0.25 Not valid .931 Reliable
X1-16 .573 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_17 .437 0.25 Valid .941 Reliable
X1_18 .517 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
Principal X1_19 .407 0.25 Valid .941 Reliable
Managerial X1_20 .046 0.25 Not valid .930 Reliable
leadership X1_21 .596 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_22 .656 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_23 .523 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_24 .721 0.25 Valid .938 Reliable
X1_25 .565 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_26 .627 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_27 .394 0.25 Valid .941 Reliable
X1_28 .401 0.25 Valid .941 Reliable
X1_29 .463 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_30 .617 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_31 .615 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_32 .552 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_33 .295 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X1_34 .507 0.25 Valid .940 Reliable
X1_35 .596 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_36 .566 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_37 .608 0.25 Valid .939 Reliable
X1_38 .064 0.25 Not valid .929 Reliable
X1_39 .728 0.25 Valid .938 Reliable

Based on Table 2, it appears that on the 39 items of principal managerial leadership variable (X1) there are 36 valid
items and 4 items are not valid. This unvalid items then disposed of and not used in a real research. Reliability
value for all 35 items for X1 variable categorized as very high (Cronbach Alpha values > 90 %). These results
indicate that the item of X1 instrument is reliable. According to Gliem & Gliem (2003) the Cronbach Alpha
coefficients for reliability analysis range from 0-1. The reliability is very high, if the value of Cronbach Alpha
coefficients reach a minimum number > 0.90 or more than 90%.
Variable compensation (X2) consists of 39 items. The validity test of these items show that 10 items not valid,
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and still remains 29 valid items and can be used for further research. As same as the X1 variable. The criteria for
validity that used if the value of the Product-Moment correlation coefficient > 0.25, while the reliability of items
is categorized as very high (Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient values > 90 %) (Table 3).

Table 3. Validity and reliability of X2 (Compensation)

Number of Criteria for Alpha Cronbach
X2 Variable correlation Information Reliability
instrument validity coefficient

X2_1 .547 0.25 Valid .928 Reliable

X2_2 .352 0.25 Valid .930 Reliable
X2_3 .571 0.25 Valid .927 Reliable
X2_4 .671 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_5 .631 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_6 .544 0.25 Valid .927 Reliable
X2_7 .559 0.25 Valid .927 Reliable
X2_8 .666 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_9 .673 0.25 Valid .925 Reliable
X2_10 .473 0.25 Valid .928 Reliable
X2_11 .353 0.25 Valid .930 Reliable
X2_12 .739 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_13 .664 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_14 .594 0.25 Valid .927 Reliable
X2_15 .297 0.25 Valid .932 Reliable
X2_16 .520 0.25 Valid .928 Reliable
X2_17 .554 0.25 Valid .927 Reliable
X2_18 .606 0.25 Valid .926 Reliable
X2_19 .423 0.25 Valid .929 Reliable
Compensation X2_20 .518 0.25 0,25 .928 Reliable
X2_21 .571 0.25 0,25 .927 Reliable
X2_22 .564 0.25 0,25 .927 Reliable
X2_23 .688 0.25 0,25 .925 Reliable
X2_24 .755 0.25 0,25 .924 Reliable
X2_25 .507 0.25 0,25 .928 Reliable
X2_26 .548 0.25 0,25 .927 Reliable
X2_27 .561 0.25 0,25 .928 Reliable
X2_28 .461 0.25 0,25 .928 Reliable
X2_29 .305 0.25 0,25 .930 Reliable
X2_30 .021 0.25 Not valid .895 Reliable
X2_31 -.036 0.25 Not valid .893 Reliable
X2_32 .161 0.25 Not valid .892 Reliable
X2_33 .189 0.25 Not valid .893 Reliable
X2_34 .114 0.25 Not valid .894 Reliable
X2_35 -.037 0.25 Not valid .897 Reliable
X2_36 -.031 0.25 Not valid .897 Reliable
X2_37 -.188 0.25 Not valid .898 Reliable
X2_38 .224 0.25 Not valid .892 Reliable
X2_39 .152 0.25 Not valid .893 Reliable

Teacher performance variable (Y) consists of 35 items. The validiy test result shows that all of 35 such items is
valid and has high reliability (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient values > 90 %) (Table 4).

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Table 4. Validity and reliability result of Y variable (physics teacher’s performance)

Number of Pearson correlation Cronbach Alpha
Y Variable Criteria Information Reliability
items coefficient coefficients

Y_1 .795 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable

Y_2 .696 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_3 .853 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_4 .806 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_5 .852 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_6 .905 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_7 .812 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_8 .827 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_9 .831 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_10 .770 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_11 .862 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_12 .916 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_13 .923 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_14 .827 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_15 .870 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_16 .887 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_17 .935 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Physics Teacher’s
Y_18 .933 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_19 .702 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_20 .792 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_21 .768 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_22 .838 0.25 Valid .969 Reliable
Y_23 .669 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_24 .667 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_25 .510 0.25 Valid .971 Reliable
Y_26 .265 0.25 Valid .973 Reliable
Y_27 .307 0.25 Valid .972 Reliable
Y_28 .495 0.25 Valid .971 Reliable
Y_29 .537 0.25 Valid .971 Reliable
Y_30 .278 0.25 Valid .972 Reliable
Y_31 .450 0.25 Valid .971 Reliable
Y_32 .395 0.25 Valid .971 Reliable
Y_33 .570 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_34 .643 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable
Y_35 .595 0.25 Valid .970 Reliable

3.3 Results of Normality Test

Prior to correlation analysis the X1, X2, and Y variables were tested for its normality. The criteria for normality
based on the significant value of Saphiro-Wilk at α 0.05. If the significance value is more than 0.05, the data is
normal. Conversely, if the significance value < 0.05, the data are not normally distributed. Results of data
normality test showed that the data of the three variables X1, X2, and Y is normal (Table 5).

Tabel 5. Result of normality data of X1, X2, and Y variables

Variables Significance of Saphiro-Wilk Information
X1 0.218 Normal
X2 0.637 Normal
Y 0.218 Normal

3.4 Results of Correlation Analysis

To determine the relationship between variables X1 (principals managerial leadership) and X2 (Compensation)
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with a variable Y (the performance of physics teacher) partially or together, the correlation analysis was
performed. The correlation between X1 with Y and X2 with Y variables performed using bivariate correlation
analysis or simple correlation, whereas the correlation between X1, X2 and Y together, was conducted using
multiple correlation analysis with the criteria as shown in Table 1, and the results was shown in Table 6 below:

Table 6. Correlation result of variables

Correlation Pearson coefficients correlation (R) Category
X1-Y 0.812 Very high
X2-Y 0.680 High
X1,X2-Y 0.848 Very high

3.5 The Results of Significance Test of Correlation Coefficient

To determine whether the correlation between the variables X1-Y, X2-Y and X1, X2-Y together linearly or not, the
significance of the correlation coefficient were tested. Among the variables X1 and X2-Y the significance of the
correlation coefficient test using the t test, whereas among the variables X1, X2-Y together used F test. Test
criteria was required if the significance value > 0.05 the correlation formed is not linear, or there is no influence
of variables X1 or X2 to Y. If p < 0.05 the correlation is linear, or in other words, both X1 and X2 variables affect
the Y variable. The results of significance test of the correlation coefficient between X1 with Y, X2 with Y, and
X1-X2 with Y together (Table 7).

Table 7. Result of correlation coefficient significance test

Level of significance (α 0.05) Information
X1-Y 0.000 Sig/linier
X2-Y 0.000 Sig/linier
X1, X2-Y 0.000 Sig/linier

As seen in Table 7 the coefficient correlation between X1 with Y, X2 with Y, and X1-X2 with Y are linear or
significant correlation, because the significance value < 0.005.
3.6 Regression Analysis
Regression analysis was conducted in order to determine the contribution of independent variables on the
dependent variable. In this case, the variable X1 to Y, X2 to Y, and for both X1, X2 to Y variable (Table 8).

Table 8. Result of regression analysis

Variables Regression models Correlation Determination Level of Information
coefficient (R) coefficient (R2) significance α 0.05
X1-Y Y = 0.821+0.611X1 0.812 0.660 (66 %) 0.000 sig/linier
X2-Y Y = 1.456+0.342X2 0.680 0.462 (46.2 %) 0.000 sig/linier
X1, X2-Y Y= 0.828+0.152X1+0.475X2 0.848 0.719 (71.9 %) 0.000 sig/linier

Contributions of independent variables (X1 and X2 ) to Y, can be seen through the coefficient of determination
(R2). The data in Table 7 shows that the contribution of principals managerial leadership (X1) variable to the
variable physics teacher performance (Y) is approximately 66%, while the contribution of variable compensation
(X2) to the physics teacher performance (Y) is about 46.2 %. Combined these two variables jointly contribute to
variable Y as much as 71.9 %. These results indicate that both principals managerial leadership variable and
compensation gave a major contribution to the performance of physics teachers performance in secondary
schools districts in Baguala Ambon city.
3.7 Discussion
3.7.1 Correlation between Principal Managerial Leadership with Physics Teacher Performance
The results showed that the relationship between principals managerial leadership and physics teacher performance
is very high (r = 0.812) and the correlations are significant and linear. Results of regression analysis

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also showed that managerial leadership principals affect teacher performance with a contribution of 66%. This
result is associated with Figure 1 which shows that the principal managerial leadership is satisfy.
Principal or headmaster is the highest or top leader in a school organization. He has very important role in
developing school-led institution. Managerial leadership is one of the seven core functions of the principal. The
principal’s role as manager was stipulated by the regulation of the Minister of National Education of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 13 in 2007. This laws set out the duties and managerial roles principals which
consists of planning the school organization and development according to the needs. In order to optimally
empowering schools, management change and development of the school should be implemented to create effective
learning, empowering optimally relationship between school and community in order to find fresh ideas, learning
resources, and school funding, and the placement and capacity development of learners.
Managerial functions of headmasters as defined in these regulations is to manage the development of curriculum
and learning activities in accordance with the direction and objectives of national education, financial management
of the school in accordance with the accountable principle of management, transparent, and efficient,
manage school administration in supporting the achievement of the objectives of the school, managing special
service unit of school in supporting learning and activities of students in school, manage the information systems
of school in support programs and decision-making, utilizing advances in information technology to improve
learning and school management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting the implementation of school program, as
well as follow-up plans.
The regulation stated that managerial skills of principals including: planning, organizing, mobilization and
supervision. The ability to manage a process to determine and achieve the goals that have been set through the
utilization of human resources and other sources. In other words, management is the process of managing an
organization to be able to achieve its intended purpose. Thus, as a manager, the principal demanded to make the
planning, organizing, directing and monitoring. With good managerial abilities expected every school principal
is able to be advocates and enforcers of discipline for teachers so that they are able to show good performance
The performance of teachers in secondary schools in Baguala district is in satisfiy category. This shows that the
principal already perform managerial functions properly. Perhaps, the principal has been able to do planning and
good management of the potential possessed by the school such as planning for the improvement of the quality
and competence of teachers in these schools. In addition, principals also been able to create a culture and climate
of the school conducive and innovative to form a high motivation of the teachers which in turn have an impact
on improving teacher performance. Arifin (2015b) stated that the school culture affects the performance of teachers.
The quality teacher performance also influenced by school leadership, and capability of implementing the
managerial function properly. School principals already have the ability to manage, striving for improvement and
optimizing the procurement and utilization of school facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of
the learning process. Upon ability-with managerial skills possessed by the principal, is able to give a positive effect
on teachers as an integral part of the school leadership, and this leading the positive performance shown through
the quality of teaching and teacher satisfactory.
3.7.2 Relationship between Compensation with Physics Teacher Performance
The results showed that the compensation variable is linked to teacher performance variable, high categorized, and
the quality of these relationships is significant and linear. Regression analysis showed that the contribution of
compensation on teacher performance amounted to 46.2%. This is associated with the data in Figure 1, and can
be seen that compensation is sufficient categories, while the performance of teachers is satisfy. These results show
that the compensation given to the physics teacher in the district Baguala are adequate, or in other words, the
compensation awarded has fulfilled what is desired by the teacher, may also be compensated in accordance with
what the teacher wants, so that the alleged provision of such compensation affect both the performance of teachers,
and motivate teachers to improve their quality of teaching.
Sedarmayanti (2001) stated that compensation is a gift in form of fringe benefits both directly or indirectly like
money, or things to employees as a reward due to their work. Dessler (2003) also stated that the compensation
can be like a rewards not just in the form of money or non-financial (nonfinancial rewards) and can’t be quantified
with numbers, but more qualitative as praise, motivation, reward, attention, more challenging work, working hours
flexible and more prestigious office. If the compensation in the form of salary or wages, benefits or incentives,
the amount must be increased, accuracy in time of administration should also be considered.
It is recognized that teachers are the people who directly interact with students, and become critical factors in
developing the school organization’s goals. Therefore, the teacher performance should be improved, one of

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which is through the provision of compensation. Saani (2013) stated that when carrying out their duties, they
always need attention, appreciated, and motivation to improve the quality and competence of themselves as well
as get paid accordingly, and given facility adequate support and support activities of teaching, the teacher would
have excited the work included in the learning process. Awarding monetary compensation for teachers in Indonesia
is done through the provision of allowance teacher certification. Kanto et al. (2014) stated that there is a significant
influence allowance teacher certification on work motivation of teacher and teacher job satisfaction. It is undeniable
that the provision of compensation in the form of salary or wages, benefits, and incentives, will increase the
motivation of teachers, and teachers will be eager to work and teach. Usman (2010) stated that a person’s
motivation is influenced by the intensity of his motives (in this case is money). In performing his duties as a teacher,
of course earn money as their wage suite also is the desire of every teacher. If the wages earned appropriate, it will
improve the welfare of teachers. Teachers prosperous will focus to continue to work, their performance will
increase, and in turn will improve their quality and competence for the overall improvement of the learning quality.
3.7.3 Correlation between Principals Managerial Leadership and Compensation with Physics Teacher
Correlation between managerial leadership of principals and compensation and science teacher performance is
very high (r = 0.848) and the contributions of both on teacher performance amounted to 71.9%. These results
indicate that both managerial leadership of principal and compensation collectively affect science physics
teacher performance. A teacher performance results achieved by teachers in carrying out the tasks assigned to
him based on skill and determination as well as the use of time. The performance of teacher will be good if teacher
can implement the required elements as a strong commitment to their task of teaching, master and develop
learning materials, teaching discipline and creativity in implementing the teaching and other purposes.
Commitment of the teachers in carrying out his duties as a teacher, needs to be balanced with the provision of
adequate compensation. According to Jensen et al. (2010) the compensation is very important for teachers, because
the amount of compensation is the acceptance or measure the value of a teacher’s job itself. The size of the
compensation can affect the performance of teachers. If the compensation that given was appropriately and
correctly, teachers will gain satisfaction in their work, and can encourage them to show a good performance so that
the purpose of education in a school can be met.
The achievement of educational goals in schools is also determined by the success of the principals in managing
the teaching staff was available at the school. The school principal is one of the components that influence the
improvement of teacher performance (Hallinger & Hack, 2010). The school principal is responsible for the
provision of education, school administration, coaching other education personnel and the efficient utilization
and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure (Yasin, 2013). As the highest leader in the school, a school principal
must have managerial capability and high commitment and flexibility in performing their duties. School
leadership must be able to work on improving the performance of teachers through capacity-building program of
education personnel (Leithwood et al., 2008)
If a leader do not ever pay attention to the needs of members for whom he leads, in this case just like observing
the right time in salaries, job promotion, proposal reception allowances or incentives, never pay attention, rewards,
and appreciate greatly work of teachers, this condition can leads teachers to feel neglected, ignored and
unappreciated. This change will provide a not conducive work situation. Teachers will be refuse to work, lazy
and. This will affect the performance of teachers. Conversely, if the managerial leadership principals were able to
pay attention to the needs of teachers, this is allegedly can improve the quality and competence of teachers, provide
supporting facilities, support and funding teachers to work, giving awards to teachers with great work, and strive
to increase the allowances or incentives to teachers in both quantity and timeliness of administration, regard the
teacher as a partner in charge, establish effective communication with the teacher, always listen and receive input
from teachers and build democratic attitude, this will leading teacher to will feel appreciated. Teachers will feel
that the task and the work were not wasted. Teachers will also be proud of themself, enthusiastic, and
motivated to perform well and this can be addressed through good performance. Marks and Printy (2003) stated
that in order to improve the quality of education in schools, there must be understanding and coordination between
teachers and principals in the various aspects related to the creation of quality schooling.
Apparently, the principal in high school in Baguala District was able to apply managerial leadership satisfy
category, and followed by giving adequate compensation to the performance of teachers in secondary schools in
the Baguala district is satisfy category. This condition is good, and should be improved. Baguala district is one of
the districts in the administrative area of Ambon city. This area is very close to the center of both provincial and
city governments, so that the various changes that occur in connection with improving the quality of education

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can be quickly adopted and adapted to the school environment. Attention central and local governments through
the allowance teacher certification and Ambon city administration to administration incentives to teachers, although
not examined in this study, but it is thought to be one of the factors that influence the performance of teachers in
the city of Ambon included in District Baguala.
4. Conclusion
Principals’ managerial leadership and compensation positive correlate and significantly affected physics teacher
performance in secondary school in Baguala Distric-Ambon City. Correlation between principals managerial
leadership with physics teacher performance is very high, as well as principal managerial leadership and
compensation, while between compensation and teacher performance, the correlation is high categorized. For
both dependent variables i,e principals managerial leadership and compensation significantly affect the
performance of physics teacher performance at the senior high school in Baguala District of Ambon
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