Mock Rmo 2018

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Mock RMO 2018

Kayak and TheDarkPrince

Problems :

1. Let a, b, c, d ∈ R+ such that a + b + c + d ≤ 1. Prove that

(1 − a4 )(1 − b4 )(1 − c4 )(1 − d4 ) ≥ 255 · abcd.

2. Call a sequence of positive integers {ai }i≥1 to be polynomial like if i − j|ai − aj for all i 6= j.
A sequence {bi }i≥1 of positive integers is called Mahismatian if there’s a constant c such that
0 ≤ bi+1 − bi ≤ c for all i. Prove that if a polynomial like sequence {ai }i≥1 is Mahismatian
then there exists fixed constants m, n with ai = mi + n for all i.

3. A non-degenerate triangle ∆ABC is given in the plane, let S be the set of points which lie
strictly inside it. Also let C be the set of circles in the plane. For a point P ∈ S, let AP , BP , CP
be the reflection of P on sides BC, CA, AB respectively. Define a function ω : S → C such
that ω(P ) is the circumcircle of AP BP CP . Is ω injective?
Note: The function ω is called injective if for any P, Q ∈ S, ω(P ) = ω(Q) ⇔ P = Q

1+ 5
4. Let φ = , and a be a positive integer. and f (a) denote the number of solutions to
adbφe − bbaφc = 1, where b is allowed to vary on the set of positive integers

• Prove there’s a constant c such that 0 ≤ f (a) ≤ c for all a, and f (a) = c infintiely many
• Let S = {dlog2 ae + 1|f (a) = c, a ∈ N}. Prove there are infinitely many primes p such
that p divides atleast one element of S

Note: It’s not terribly hard to see that the equation adbφe − bbaφc = 1 can have finitely many
(possibly zero) solutions for fixed a, so f (a) is well defined.

5. Let ∆ABC be a triangle with circumcircle ω, PA , PB , PC be the foot of altitudes from A, B, C

onto the opposite sides respectively and H the orthocentre. Reflect H across the line BC
to obtain Q. Suppose there exists points I, J ∈ ω such that PA is the incentre of ∆QIJ. If
M and N be the midpoints of PA PB and PA PC respectively, then show that I, J, M, N are

Kayak and TheDarkPrince

6. Let n ≥ 2 be a positive integer. There’re n roads in Mahismati, no three roads are concurrent
intersect). Number all possible 4 n2 angles

and no two roads are parallel (so each two of them
formed by intersection points with {1, 2, · · · , 4 n2 } in any order.

Baahubali moves in the road in the following way: he starts at an point in the road, moves
forward until he reaches an intersection and every time he meets an intersection, he moves
either left or right, alternating his choice at each intersection point.
Now, for a path traced by Baahubali, we say the path touches a numbered angle ∠(`1 , `2 ) if
he goes through `1 , turns at the intersection point around the angle and then continues to `2
(or vice versa). Katappa colors two numbers i, j with 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 4 n2 with the same color iff
there’s a path traced by Baahubali which touches the angles numbered i, j simultaneously.
Is it true that atleast 2n colors will be used by Katappa to color all the numbers?
Example for n = 3 : In the picture attached below, total 2 × 3 = 6 colors will be used to
color the numbers in each set with same color {1}, {6}, {11}, {4, 9, 7}, {12, 3, 5}, {10, 8, 2}. The
numbers {4, 9, 7} will be colored with the same color because the red path traced by Baahubali
touches the angles 4, 9, 7.

Figure 1: Problem 6

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