Saxmag Oper
Saxmag Oper
Saxmag Oper
Operating Manual
Internal Gear Pumps with Magnetic Coupling
Declaration of Conformity
in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) on equipment and
protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
declares that
when ordered as ATEX pump or ATEX pump unit, the following pumps
are in conformity with Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994:
We hereby declare that the pump unit of the V Series described on page 1 under "Technical Data"
delivered by us is in conformity with the following directives and standards:
EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EC, Annex I No. 1
ATEX Equipment Directive 94/9/EC, Annex II.
Page 2
Table of Contents:
Declaration of Conformity 2
1 General 5
2 Safety 5
2.1 Marking of instructions/notes in the Operating Manual 6
2.2 Qualification and training of personnel 7
2.3 Risks involved in non-compliance with safety instructions 7
2.4 Safety-conscious work 7
2.5 Safety instructions for the owner/operator 7
2.6 Safety instructions for maintenance, inspection and installation work 8
2.7 Conversion and production of spare parts by customer 8
2.8 Improper modes of operation 8
2.9 Explosion protection 8
2.9.1 Filling the unit 9
2.9.2 Special operating conditions 9
2.9.3 Markings 9
2.9.4 Checking the sense of rotation 10
2.9.5 Mode of operation of the pump 10
2.9.6 Temperature limits 10
2.9.7 Maintenance 11
2.9.8 Safety and accident prevention standards 11
Page 3
4.2.2 Rating plate 16
5 Mounting/Installation 18
5.1 Safety regulations 18
5.2 Installation 19
5.2.1 Checks 19
5.2.2 ATEX Certification 19
5.3 Checks prior to installation 19
5.4 Foundation 20
5.5 Piping 20
7 Ausbau ...........................................................................................................22
9 Disassembly 26
9.1 General 26
9.2 Disassembly of the pump cover 27
9.3 Disassembly of the pump casing 28
9.4 Disassembly of the plug-in unit 29
9.5 Disassembly of the bearing bracket 31
9.6 Adjusting the axial play 32
Page 4
1 General
This state-of-the-art Varisco pump has been manufactured with greatest care and is subject to
continuous quality control.
The present Operating Manual will familiarize you with the pump, its intended purpose and
fields of application.
This Operating Manual contains important information on the safe, proper and efficient operation of the
pump. Follow these instructions to ensure the pump’s reliable operation and long service life and to avoid
potential risks.
This Operating Manual does not include any site-specific regulations. The owner of the pump is responsible
for complying with such regulations. This also applies to the assembly/installation personnel concerned.
This pump unit must not be operated beyond the operating limits specified in the technical documentation in
terms of pumped medium, delivery rate, speed, density, pressure, temperature and motor power or other
instructions given in the Operating Manual or contract documentation. If you have any questions or
require further information, please do not hesitate to consult the manufacturer.
Pump series/size, major operating data and the series number are indicated on the rating plate. We kindly
request you to supply this information whenever you have questions, for supplementary orders and when
ordering spare parts.
2 Safety
This Operating Manual contains important information to be observed during installation, operation,
supervision and maintenance. Therefore, ensure that the fitter of the pump and the future operator/owner
carefully reads and understands this manual prior to installation and commissioning. Make sure that this
Operating Manual is always available at the place where the pump is used.
Apart from the general safety instructions provided in this Section, all other relevant safety information,
particularly as regards the use of the pump in potentially explosive atmospheres as described in Section
2.9 must also be observed.
Persons who have a pacemaker must not stay in the vicinity of the pump because of
the pump’s strong magnetic field!
Be aware of potential hazards (both during transport and handling) before returning
the unit.
Page 5
2.1 Marking
g of instruc
es in the Operating Manual
Saffety informa
ation contain
ned in this Operating
Manual is ind
dicated by the
t following
g symbol:
General haza
ard symbol for areas according to ISO 7000 – 0434
arning of ele
Wa ectric powerr:
Safety symbol
s acco
ording to IEC
C 417 - 503
d explosion protection:
ety instructio
ons pertaining to machines and their functions
s are indica
ated by the ffollowing sy
e following warning
w sig
gn is used to hat persons who have a cardiac pa
o indicate th acemaker are at risk, fo
ample, due to the stron
ng magneticc field:
Page 6
It is imperative to observe important information/
i /signs direc
ctly attached
d to the ma
achine such as
- Ra
ating plate
2.2 Qualific
cation and training off personne
In particular,
p n
non-complia ety informattion may result in the following
ance of safe f ha
4 Safety-c
conscious work
When the pu
W ump unit is used
u in area
as with pote
entially explosive atmosspheres, it is
i imperative to
observe the sections in this Operatting Manuall marked with the Ex syymbol.
5 Safety instruction
i ns for the ow
Persons who
P o have a pa acemaker must
m not stay in the viciinity or bring
g parts of th
he magneticc
coupling closse to their body
b because of the efffects of the
e strong mag gnetic field..
Page 7
Iff hazardouss media (e.g
g. explosive
e, toxic, hot)) leak out, th
hey must be e drained offf to preven
exposure off people or the environ
nment to any y risk. Relevant legal pprovisions must
m be
observed. F
Furthermore e, the magnetic field miight damage e data carriiers and ele
components s.
Take measu
T ures to preve ails, please consult
ent any danger caused by electricitty. (For deta
country-spec cific regulattions and/or informatio
on issued byy local enerrgy supply companies/
c /
public utilitie
6 Safety instruction
i ns for mainttenance, in
nspection and
a installa
ation work
or to restartting the pum
mp, follow th
he notes listted in the Section
S “Start-up and placing out of
o service“ (6.).
7 Converrsion and production
p of spare parts
p by cus
8 Improper modes of
o operatio
9 Explosiion protecttion
Page 8
2.9.1 Filling the unit
Normally the system of suction and discharge lines and consequently the pump’s interior that is in contact
with the fluid is permanently filled with the pumped medium during pump operation to prevent any potentially
explosive atmosphere and the risk of dry running.
If the operator cannot meet this requirement, we recommend providing appropriate monitoring facilities.
Moreover, ensure that auxiliary, heating and cooling systems are filled properly.
In the standard model of the pump, the inner (fluid-filled) space of the magnetic coupling is cooled by a
partial flow that branches off from the main fluid flow. If particular properties of the fluid (sticking, clogging)
lead to a disruption of the cooling flow, the temperature may rise inadmissibly. If such risk exists, make
sure to take suitable monitoring measures (see 4.3.4).
If an environmental hazard arises as a result of damage to the containment shell (rare incident) causing
liquid to leak, make sure to provide leakage detection facilities (see 4.3.4). If necessary, check if there is
any potential interaction between the liquid and the pumped medium.
2.9.3 Markings
Markings and signs on the pump refer only to a specific pump section, i.e., shaft coupling and motor should
be considered separately. A Manufacturer’s Declaration with the appropriate marking is required for the
shaft coupling. The drive is subject to a separate marking on the pump section. Example of marking on
the pump section: II 2 GT3 -T4.
The marking shows the range of theoretically available temperature classes. Admissible temperatures
depending on the relevant pump design are specified in 2.9.6.
Variant 1:
II 2 G Eex c T3 – T4
II 2 G: Surface unit intended for use in an area where an explosive atmosphere in the form of
gases or mists is likely to occur occasionally in normal operation (EN 1127-1 Sec. 6.3)
Page 9
Variant 2:
II 2 G Eex c Tx
Eexx c: E
Equipment with protection by consstructional safety
s (prEN
N 13463-5)
TX: IIf the pump is used in a potentiallyy explosive area, the attached
a tem
mperature monitor
m will
switch off th utomatically 10°C beforre the maxim
he pump au mum admisssible tempe erature for the
s of application is reached. On the suction side of the pump the ttemperature
site e of the
pumped me edium should be at least 10°C below the temp perature spe
ecified for shutdown.
9.5 Mode of
o operation
n of the pump
9.6 Temperrature limitts
Temmperature classes
c acccording to ENN13463-1 are
a given in n the table below together with the
e resulting
eoretical limit values forr the pumpeed medium.
Thee maximum m admissible e temperature of the pu
umped medium depend ds on the temperature class
c and th he
opeerating condditions of the pump. Thhe temperatures given in
i the table below referr to a maxim
mum ambien nt
mperature of 40°C.
Page 10
Safety inforrmation:
The rele
evant admisssible opera
ating temperature of the
e pump is in
ndicated in the data sh
heet. If the pump
is opera
ated at a hig
gher temperrature and no
n data she
eet is available or the p
pump is used as a “poo
pump”, contact the manufacturer for the maximum
m admissible operating
o temperature of
o the pumpp.
Assumin ng an ambieent tempera ature of 40°°C, grease lubrication and a proper maintenanc ce and operration,
ensure that
t temperrature classs T4 is maintained for th he antifrictio
on bearingss. Dry-running may nott only
occur inn the event of
o an insuffiiciently filled
d interior, but also in th
he presence e of high gas contents in the
pumped d medium. Operating
O th
he pump ou utside the addmissible ra ange may aalso lead to dry-running
(e.g., du
ue to evapooration in the
e interior).
7 Maintena
The actu
ual service life of the antifriction
a b
bearings dep
pends on th
he mode of operation and
a the speccific
ons on site. Regular cheecks of the running noise prevent the risk of excessive temperature
t es
caused by overhea gs, start-up of the exterrnal rotor on
ated bearing n the lantern or defective bearing seals.
Regularrly monitor vibration
v be
ehaviour to ensure
e the proper funcctioning of th he plain bea
arings. If
auxiliaryy systems are
a installedd, check to see
s whether monitoring g facilities sshould be in
nstalled to ensure
proper functioning.
2.9.8 Safe
ety and acc
cident preve
ention stan
Wear apppropriate clothing
c wheen working in the vicinity of the pump.
Avoid loose
l garme ose parts (ties, scarves
ents with loo s, etc.) that could
get cau
ught in movving compon nents. Wearr protective clothing tha at
meets safety reguulations: glovves, insulatting footweaar, goggles,
g protectorss and helme et (see figurre on the rig
Do nott perform anny maintena w the motor running. Do
ance work with
not comme close wiith your han
nds to any moving
m parts
s (e.g. beltss,
couplinngs, etc.) Do not comee close with your hands
s to hot mottor
parts. Do
D not step o perform interventions.
p on the mottor pump to
Page 11
3 Transpo
ort, interm
mediate storage
3 Transpo
3.1 ort
It is not perm
mitted to atta
ach the sling
ging ropes to
t the free shaft
s end off the pump or to the rinng
oops of the motor.
lo m Any slippage off the transpo
ort suspenssion points m
may cause risk of perssonal
njury and daamage to prroperty. Plea ase note that the ring bolt
b on the b bearing lanttern is the only
slinging point for the pummp.
Make sure to
M o use suitab
ble lifting de
evices for tra vices supplied
ansport. The transport locking dev
w the pum
with mp can be reemoved afte er transport.
Max. lifting speed:
s V/m
max < 0.5 m//s
Always use
u two ropes to be securred in such a way Never lift the
e pump at on ne suspensioon
that the pump
p cannott slip. Make sure
s that the point
p only. In
ncorrect lifting
g may result in
n personal
pump un nit is suspend
ded in a horizoontal position
n! injury
i and/or damage to p property.
Page 12
3.2 Intermed
diate storage/preserv
Never start up the pum
mp with wa
ater and do
o not leave any traces of water in
n the pump
3 Return
A declarration of con
nformity con
nfirming tha
at it is safe to use and a safety data
a sheet for the medium m must
be enclo
osed with th he returned pump (see Annex ”Certificate of Conformity“)
C ). Please sta
ate safety
precautiions and deecontaminattion measurres taken.
Page 13
4 Description of the product and accessories
V-Series internal gear pumps are volumetric rotary displacement pumps with internal gears designed to
deliver fluids of any viscosity. The flow of the fluid to be delivered is produced by two gears: The directly
driven rotor designed as a gear and the pinion which, also designed as a gear, engages the rotor in an
off-centre configuration.
Rotor and pinion are isolated from one another by a stationary steady (crescent-shaped partition). For the
pumped fluid to be drawn in (inlet), the teeth of the rotor and the pinion in engagement will come out of
mesh, whereas the teeth moving into mesh will result in discharge of the fluid (outlet).
The pump shaft is supported in the bearing housing in a plain bearing; similarly, the pin of the pinion
(single-ended shaft) is also supported in a plain bearing. The plain bearings are lubricated by the pumped
fluid. The pumps are self-priming. Optionally, the pumps are equipped with a safety relief valve (a pressure
relief valve designed as a bypass). When the valve operates, as a rule fluid will flow from the discharge side
to the suction side of the pump, which - in an extreme case - can entail recirculation (internal circulation)
with overheating.
It is the key property of pumps with magnetic couplings (VTRM Series) that they are driven through a
magnetic coupling. The external magnet core is connected to the motor shaft; it serves to transmit the
torque to the internal magnet core that is mounted to the pump shaft. The magnetic field generated by the
motor-driven magnet hub with the externally placed set of (permanent) magnets causes the internal
magnet core and, thus, the rotor to rotate.
Arranged between the two magnet cores is a containment shell which hermetically seals the pumped fluid
from the atmosphere without any shaft seal fitted. Suitably designed coolant and lubricant grooves are
provided to continuously dissipate heat to which the magnetic coupling is exposed because of eddy current
losses. The coolant flow is returned to the pump's suction side through the gap between the containment
shell and the internal rotor, via the internal rotor's rear side and a centre port in the pump shaft.
Pumps with a drive-end magnetic coupling and a pressure relief valve at the opposite end do not have any
dynamic shaft seals fitted. These pumps are hermetically sealed.
The drive shaft which mounts the magnet hub at its drive end is supported in the bearing flange in two ball
bearings with a shaft seal made of Perbunan fitted to cover the bearings towards the outside. Where it is
desirable to monitor the temperature on the magnetic coupling the pumps can be equipped with a PT 100
temperature sensor that is inserted into the flange of the containment shell from above. Moreover,
provision for PT 100 temperature monitoring is made directly on the pump casingr.
The maximum operating pressure for all pump types is in the range from 8 to 16 bar, depending on pump
type, design and operating conditions.
The maximum allowable operating temperature range (at the same time the
pumped-fluid temperature range) is: - 40°C to + 220°C.
Page 14
4.1.2 Operating principle
Arranged in a pump casing a gear pump has two gears that mesh to provide its pumping action through
rotation in opposite senses. The gears are mounted on two shafts which, in turn, are supported in the pump
casing and the pump cover. One of the two gears is driven through a shaft, with the former also driving
the second gear in mesh. As the space between any two teeth opens a pressure below atmospheric is
generated, drawing the fluid into the pump and advancing it between the tooth spaces and the casing wall.
In the area where the teeth re-mesh the fluid is forced from the tooth gaps and into the outlet. Thus, the fluid
can also be delivered against a higher pressure.
The figure above shows the liquid as it advances through the pump; the point where the teeth come out of
mesh governs the phase of the liquid entering between the rotors and is, therefore, physically located
close to the suction zone. The liquid is carried between the teeth and the steady and the discharge opening
developing as the teeth come into mesh eject the liquid.
The permanent-magnet coupling guarantees operation that requires no maintenance, it is without leakage,
and prevents air entrainment, e.g., when product is drawn in from a vacuum.
4.2 Designation
Page 15
4.2.2 Nameplate
The data on the nameplate relates to a final acceptance with oil at 20°C and a viscosity of 100 cSt.
II 2 G C X
See below
Protection by constructional safety to EN 13463-5
Use in atmospheres with gas/vapour/mist
Category 2
Group II
As the actual maximum surface temperature varies with the temperature of the pumped fluid rather than
the ignition sources, no marking is made to show a temperature class or temperature. The marking
includes the symbol "X" and reference to surface temperatures occurring is made in Section 2.9.6 of this
Operating Manual.
Page 16 Internal rotor
The internal rotor is mounted on the pump drive shaft. The magnets are pasted on the rotor outside and
hermetically sealed in to protect them from chemical attack.
The external rotor with the coupling hub is mounted on the motor shaft. The magnets sit on its inside. The
magnets actually fitted are provided as a function of the torque to be transmitted by the coupling. Magnets
The magnets consist of high-grade samarium cobalt (SmCo). Outstanding features are high magnetic
energy density and low unit volume as well as a high field service temperature limit. Given the magnets'
limited chemical resistance the internal rotor is encapsulated (i.e., hermetically sealed).
4.3.2 Bearings
The drive-end shaft is supported in deep groove ball bearings which, featuring C3 bearing clearance and
high-temperature grease packing, have sealing washers on either side.
The pump-end shaft is supported in hydrodynamic carbide plain bearings which are lubricated by the
pumped fluid.
4.3.4 Monitoring
Depending on the unit's operational reliability and availability requirements, it is recommended that
appropriate monitoring equipment be fitted.
Page 17
Temperrature mon
3.5 Permis
ssible forc
ces, torques
s and mom
ments on th
he pump brranches
ump Type Flangge Fx, Fy, Fz Mx, My, Mz
N) N Nmm
V6, V12 15
5 196 99
V20, V25-2,
V V30--2 40
0 520 2660
2 50
0 650 3330
2 80
0 1,040 5220
V100--2 100 1,300 6660
3.6 Expec
cted noise
4 Acces
Shaft coupling
g: Flexib
ble coupling with / witho
out adapter sleeve
uch guard: Coupling guard
Basseplate: Weldeed fabricatio
on, for commplete (to ISO 3661) unnit (pump an
nd motor) off torsionallyy rigid
Where e complete units are deelivered the
e coupling and
a the coup pling guard will be furnnished
by the
e supplier.
5 nsions and weights
mensions an
nd weights can be seen
n from the pump's
p insta
allation draw
5 Mountting/Installation
5.1 Safety
y regulation
Equipment op perated in po
otentially exxplosive atm
mospheres must complly with relevvant explosion protectio
gulations. Th
his requirem
ment is clear from the ra
ating plates
s of the pum
mp and the m motor.
Persons who have
h a pace
emaker sho ould not be allowed in the
t vicinity of
o the strong magnetic c field
gen t magnetic coupling. Persons within
nerated by the w 2 m off the pump would
w be rissking their lives!
Page 18
2 Installlation
2.1 Check
• Prio
or to starting
g installation, inspect and
a check th he entire unnit and syste em.
• Che eck to make e sure that the
t data of the
t unit (sp pecified on the rating p plate, in the
doccumentation n, etc.) is in
n conformityy with the hazardous zone,
z the caategory and the system m
• Dam mage as ma ay have occcurred: The pump unit to be installe ed must be in a sound condition and a
is required
r to have
h been stored
s properly (for threee years ma ax.) prior to installation. In case off
douubt or if dammage is fou und, please contact you ur supplier of Varisco p pumps.
• Care must be taken to ma ake sure thaat hot air fro
om other insstallations or systems does
d not
advversely affect the environs of the pump
p system m; the ambient air temperature must not
excceed 40°C.
2.2 ATEX Certificatio
3 Check
ks prior to installation
i n
Moount the pummp as close as possiblee to the tankk of the liquid to be pum
mped and a
allow sufficient space
aroound to facilitate mainttenance wo
ork, inspectiion and che ecks. K e e p enough frree space specifically
s in
nt of the pu
ump to permmit the guard
d to be atta
• The
e pump and
d the system
m must be accessible
a fo ance and insspection during
or maintena
• An electric mo
otor should have
h a clea ot less than 25% of the
arance of no e motor diam
• e pump sho
The ould be mou unted horizo ontally and placed
p direcctly on the ppump feet. Any
A mounting
possition other than speciffied will havee an impactt on draining d venting of the pump as
g, filling and a
well as on the magnetic coupling's
c prroper function.
Page 19
4 Found
Thee structure must be pre epared such h that the dimensions conform
c to those
t show
wn in the dim
awing/installation drawiing.
Thee concrete foundations
f s shall have a sufficientt concrete strength (at least Class X0) to permmit safe and d
nctional mou unting accorrding to DINN 1045 or ann equivalent standard.
Thee concrete foundation
f m
must have completely
c cured prior to putting the
t unit in place. Its surface must be
horrizontal and
d level. The anchor boltts must be suspended
s in the base eplate.
Support the pu ump system m or parts thhereof on vibration dammpers (wherre necessarry) so as to reduce
nsmission of
tran o vibrationss and noise to the environment.
Smmaller pumpss may be in he piping without any fo
nstalled in th oundation. In I such an aapplication, install vibra
dammpers betw ween the pum mp and the piping so asa to preven nt transmission of vibrattions from the pump to the
ping system..
5 Piping
Cirrcumferenttial speed:
Pump ty Drive
e-shaft Max. spee
ed Maximu um
meter [rpm]] circ
cumferential speed
mm] [m/s]
V6 1
14 1,450 1.06
V 12 1
14 1,450 1.06
V 20 1
14 1,450 1.06
V 25-2 2
22 1,450 ( 1,00
00 ) 1.67 ( 1.0
09 )
V 30-2 2
22 1,450 ( 1,00
00 ) 1.67 ( 1.0
09 )
V 50-3 3
30 700 1.09
V 60-2 3
35 640 1.14
V 70 4
40 500 1.04
V 80-2 4
40 500 1.04
V 100-2 5
55 350 1.00
As set fo
orth in prEN
N 13463-5:2 2002 Sectio
on 5.1, no friction-inducced tempera
ature rise is
s anticipated
to occurr on the sha
aft seals at circumferen
c ntial speedss of 1 m/s.
Page 20
To prrevent entryy of foreign matter, which may result in destru
uction of thee pump, a suuction filter with
a filte
er rating ne
eeds to be installed on the inlet side.
s Givenn its inner flo
ow resistance, the filte
ratingg must be sufficiently
s large since it affects th
he pump's suction
s capa acity.
Bend ds in the pip
ping laid shoould have a radius as large as praactical. Small-angle pippe elbows
shou uld be avoided.
ump type
Pu Filter ra
ating [mm]
V6, 12, V20,
V V25-2, V30-2, V60
0-2, V80.-2 , V100-2 0.5
6 Start-u
up and placing out off service
At the pump
p up phase, particular carre must be taken
start-u t to meet the requirements listted below so
o as to
avoid costly
c incidents - See in the manuals of the varrious pump versions
v whhich spare parts are
recomm mended for start-up.
All pum
mps are prottected durin
ng installatio
on by a pas
ssivating oilyy liquid. If th
he latter is not
n compatiible
with the
e pumped fluid
f the pummp must be e removed and
a cleaned d. Prepare the taps for connecting a
pressure gauge an nd a vacuumm gauge.
Page 21
7 Removing the pump
If the pump is under warranty you will need to contact Varisco prior to removing the pump. Otherwise,
warranty claims will be null and void.
it is completely depressurised;
Predictable malfunction denotes equipment trouble which, usually occurring in the field, entails a situation
such that the pumps do not function any longer as intended or fail to meet the design parameters.
When operating the pumps the following aspects need to be given particular consideration:
Trouble caused by external effects: Obstruction attributable to foreign matter in the pumped medium,
or discharge-side clogging;
Overtemperature resulting from recirculation when the pressure relief valve has operated;
Referring to the appraisal of malfunctions, it can be anticipated that predictable malfunction because of
faulty design or installation faults is ruled out by implementing the 'Internal Production Control' quality
assurance system established at the manufacturer's in conformity with Annex VIII of the Directive 94/9/EC.
This quality system, while guaranteeing design in line with good engineering practice, also serves to
ensure that agreements with the customers as well as the design solutions chosen are in conformity with
Directive 94/9/EC and the underlying standards.
Consistent compliance with the operating manual and maintenance instructions implies that loss of control of
the pumps by the operators is ruled out.
An assessment of concrete design solutions with respect to ignition hazards (acc. to EN 13463-1) is
made in the table below (see next page).
Page 22
Reference to
Potential ignition source Measures standards
Normal Trouble to be
service expected
Hot surface - Make sure that the max. permitted temperature is not EN 13463-1
- Hot surface Make sure that the rotor, the pinion and the plain bearings are EN 13463-1
properly lubricated. 5.2.; 6.1.2.
Every precaution must be taken to prevent the pump running
Mechanical The materials employed are stainless steel or ductile cast iron.
sparking These materials are permitted as set out in EN 13463-1. All
bearings are made of stainless steel.
Mechanical Mechanical sparking which could ignite a potentially explosive
sparking atmosphere is not considered as a trouble to be expected.
Faster-than- Lubrication of the packing rings must be ensured.
normal heating Temperature monitoring is essential – see Section 5.1
of the gland
Faster-than- Quenching and flushing liquid must be checked. Pump must Operating
normal heating not be allowed to run dry! Manual
of shaft seals
Electrostatic charges During normal service, while complying with the design EN 1127-1
criteria, dangerous electrostatic charges which can result in 6.4.7
discharge sparks that could ignite a potentially explosive EN 13463-1
atmosphere are ruled out as trouble to be expected since
7.4.1, 7.4.2,
Æthe thickness of a paint coat that may not be
electroconductive is less than 0.2 mm; 7.4.4, 11
Æthere are no exposed components of non-conductive
plastics in pumps;
Æall conductive components of the pump are in metal-to-
metal contact to one another and the pump is included in
the equipotential bonding system of the equipment;
Æit needs to be remembered that a flexible coupling with non-
conductive elastoms functions as insulation.
Potential differentials between the individual assemblies
(pump and motor) are prevented in that all the assemblies
of the pump are bonded through metal-to-metal screwed joints
and, in the end, the pump is included in the equipotential
bonding system of the equipment (earthed). The oil film
between the rotating and the stationary components is not
considered a mutual insulation. However, it should be
remembered that a flexible coupling with non-conductive
elastomers between the motor and the drive shaft functions as
Ignition sources other than those described above are not likely to occur.
Therefore, no further evaluation of ignition hazards is required.
Page 23
Trouble Potential causes Trouble shooting
1. Pump not filled with fluid. 1. Fill the pump
No fluid delivered 2. Discharge suction valve closed 2. Open the valve
3. Incorrect sense of rotation 3. Reverse sense of rotation, taking note of the
arrow on the pump.
4. Suction line clogged 4. Eliminate clogging
5. Filter clogged 5. Clean the filter
6. Leaky suction line 6. Find and eliminate leakage
7. NPSH too low (excessive 7. Increase diameter of suction line and/or
manometric suction head) piping. Reduce manometric suction head.
Consider vapour pressure of pumped fluid;
alter arrangement, if appropriate.
9. Relief valve opens too early or 9. Set opening pressure. Check valve mechanism
fails to close
10.Stop motor immediately and eliminate cause of
10. Magnetic coupling slips pump obstruction trouble.
4. Vibration noise from relief valve 4. Increase spring pressure. Repair or renew
relief valve.
Pump experiences 1. Foreign matter in pumped fluid 1. Install filter; Check materials selected.
faster-than-normal Contact Varisco
wear 2. Correct pump alignment.
2. Operating range exceeded
(excessive noise development),
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Trouble Potential Causes Trouble shooting
Drive gets hot or Incorrectly designed delivery, Check the piping
is overloaded delivery pressure Contact the manufacturer
High containment Excessive viscosity Contact the manufacturer
shell temperature Product flow for cooling Check filter and design
High casing Foreign matter in pumped fluid
temperature Pump running dry
Relief valve spring broken
Fluid temperature too high
Insufficient delivery rate Reduce delivery head or delivery.
Magnetic drive desynchronised
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Disassembly of the V-Series Internal Gear Pump
with Magnetic Coupling
9. Disassembly
9.1 General
Improper or incorrect assembly and disassembly may cause pump malfunctions and result in high
repair costs and long downtimes. If you have questions or require further information, please do not
hesitate to contact VARISCO S.p.A.
! Failure to observe these instructions and/or the warning notes may result in risks to the operator
and/or serious damage to the pump or pump unit. VARISCO S.p.A.shall not be held liable for any
accidents or damage caused as a result of non-observance of this manual.
The specific safety requirements in relation to strong magnetic fields must be strictly observed.
Persons who have a pacemaker should not be allowed to work on a pump with magnetic
coupling! The magnetic field is sufficiently strong to affect a pacemaker’s proper operation. For
this reason, a safe distance of at least three (3) metres should be kept.
Always keep equipment with magnetic data carriers (memory) such as cheque cards, computer
disks, watches, etc. at a distance from the magnetic coupling (at least 1 m) because they might
be damaged and/or data loss might occur.
- it is completely depressurized
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9.2 Disassembly of the pump cover (04)
Remove the screws (43). Where present, use the two threaded bores to facilitate removal. When
removing the cover (04) make sure that the seal (31) will not be damaged. If damaged, replace it.
Pull off the pinion (03) with pressed-in plain bearing (37) from the cover (04) via the pin (06).
Heat the pinion (03) to approx. 80°C. When the temperature is high enough, the pinion’s plain
bearing (37) can be removed from the pinion (03).
Heat the pump cover to approx. 80°C. Press the pin out of its seat. Make sure that the pin is
pressed out in the direction of the crescent.
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9.3 Disassembly of the pump casing (01)
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9.4 Disassembly of the plug-in unit
Unscrew the bolts (M3.02) and (M3.03) and pull-off the complete plug-in unit from the bearing
bracket (M1.01).
! On principle, the plug-in unit should only be separated from the external magnet (M2.02) by radial
guidance (restricted guidance). Make sure that the external magnet (M2.02) and the containment
shell (M2.03) do not get in contact. If they get in contact, the external magnet (M2.02) could be
damaged. In such a case pump malfunction cannot be excluded.
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Remove the bolts (M2.05) and pull-off the containment shell (M2.03) from the intermediate flange
! As regards the containment shell (M2.03), please remember that some remainders of the pumped
fluid may still be in the pump. For safety instructions, please see the relevant media data sheet.
Remove nut M18 (M3.13) and washer (M3.12) from the pump shaft (M3.08).
Separate the internal magnet (M2.04) from the pump shaft (M3.08) with the help of a suitable pull-off
Remove the thrust washer (M3.11) from the pump shaft (M3.08).
Pull-off the intermediate flange (M3.01) via the pump shaft (M3.08).
Heat the intermediate flange (M3.01) to approx. 80°C. Press-out the shaft slide bearing (M3.09) from
the bearing seat.
Press out the pump shaft (M3.08) from the rotor (02).
! Make sure that the thrust washer (M3.10) will not be damaged because it loosens when pump shaft
(M3.08) and rotor (02) are pressed out.
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9.5 Disassembly of the bearing bracket
Remove the feather key (M1.12) from the drive shaft (M1.03).
Remove the shaft sealing ring (M1.05), the slotted nut (M1.09) and the safety plate (M1.10) from the
drive shaft (M1.03).
Press out the external magnet (M2.02) and the drive shaft (M1.03) with magnet hub (M2.01) from the
bearing bracket (M1.01) in the direction of the external magnet (M2.02).
Unscrew the bolts (M1.08) and dismantle the ball bearing cover (M1.02) from the bearing bracket
Remove the ball bearing (M1.04) from the ball bearing cover (M1.02).
Unscrew the screws (M2.06) and separate the external magnet (M2.02) from the magnet hub
Press out the drive shaft (M1.03) from the magnet hub (M2.01) in the direction of the feather key
Remove the ball bearing (M1.04) from the drive shaft (M1.03).
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9.6 Adjusting the axial play
! The axial play is dependent on the viscosity and can be adjusted through various thicknesses of
the cover or the casing seal. Please see the table below for further information.
Pump type
Class V25-2 V60-2
V85-2 V100-2
V30-2 V70-2
1 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 mm
2 0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.7 mm 0.7 mm
3 0.5 mm 0.7 mm - 1.0 mm
Pump type
Stainless steel Grey cast iron
Class 2 Class 1 up to 600 cSt and up to 180°C
Class 3 Class 2 from 600 to 6000 cSt and up to 180°C
Class 3 Class 3 over 6000 cSt and over 180°C
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Certificate of No Objection
We, the undersigned, submit the following pump and pump accessories for repair I inspection:
Specification: ......... ...... ...,. ........ This certificate must be filled out
and enclosed with any shipment
for repair purposes to ensure
proper handling of the pump.
Series no..:.. ... ......
We, the undersigned, confirm that the information provided above is correct and complete and
shipment is in compliance with legal regulations.
Postal code / town
Place I date / company stamp / signature
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Terza Strada, 9 - Z.I. Nord - 35129 PADOVA - Italy
Tel. 049 82 94 111 - Fax 049 82 94 373
International sales: Ph. +39 049 82 94 111 - Fax +39 049 80 76 762