Signal and Systems - CLO

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EE-312 Signals & Systems

Contact Hours: Credit Hours:

Theory =48 Theory = 3.0
Practical = 48 Practical = 1.0
Total = 96 Total = 4.0
Course outcome:
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

S.No CLO Domain Taxonomy level PLO

1. Express the concepts of signals and systems and Cognitive 2 1
their different types which can be used in a wide
variety of disciplines in engineering.

2. Identify and report system properties such as Cognitive 3 1

causality, stability, linearity, and time invariance
3. Apply the convolution sum/convolution integral Cognitive 4 1
formulas to determine the output of continuous
time/discrete time systems.

4. Analyze continuous and discrete time signals and Cognitive 5 2

systems in the time/frequency-domain using Fourier
and Laplace Transforms.


The course is designed so that students will achieve the following PLOs:

1 Engineering Knowledge:  7 Environment and Sustainability: ☐

2 Problem Analysis:  8 Ethics: ☐

3 Design/Development of Solutions: ☐ 9 Individual and Team Work: ☐

4 Investigation: ☐ 10 Communication: ☐

5 Modern Tool Usage: ☐ 11 Project Management: ☐

6 The Engineer and Society: ☐ 12 Lifelong Learning: ☐

Course outline:

Fundamental Concepts of Signals & Systems, Signals and Their Classification, Basic Continuous and
Discrete Time Signals, Operations on Signals, Systems and Classification of Systems, Interconnections of
Systems, Linear Time-invariant systems: convolution integral for continuous-time systems; convolution
sum for discrete-time systems; properties of linear time-invariant systems; systems described by
differential and difference equations. Fourier Series Representation of Periodic Signals: sinusoidal steady-
state response; representation of periodic signals by trigonometric series; properties of continuous-time
Fourier series; discrete-time Fourier series and its properties; continuous and discrete-time filtering. The
Continuous-time Fourier Transform: definition of the Fourier transform and its inverse; properties of the
transform; common transform pairs; convolution and multiplication theorems. The Discrete-Time Fourier
Transform: definition and properties; convolution theorem; frequency response corresponding to
difference equations. Laplace Transform; definition; region of convergence; properties; analysis of LTI
systems; solution of differential equations, The Unilateral Laplace Transform.

S.No CLO Domain Taxonomy level PLO
1. Confirm basic concepts of programming in Cognitive 2 5
MATLAB, express knowledge of handling
matrices and explain use of built-in functions to
perform assigned task and state how to use

2. Produce signals, apply transforms and Cognitive 3 5

manipulate and feed signals to systems as per the

3. Investigate noisy audio signals and effect of Cognitive 6 4

using different filters on noisy input

S.No Descriptions

1. Getting started with MATLAB

2. Introduction to Matrix

3. Programming in MATLAB

4. Introduction to Graphics

5. Linear Algebra using MATLAB

6. Introduction to Plotting of simple signals

7. Plotting a Piece Wise defined signal

8. Signals Time Transformations

9. Differentiation in MATLAB, Integration in MATLAB ,Solving Differential Equations

10. a) Convolution in CT

b) Convolution in DT

11. Fourier series and the Gibbs Phenomenon

12 Fourier Transform

13. Laplace Transform

14. Introduction to SIMULINK

Teaching Methodology

 Lecturing
 Written Assignments
 Report Writing


Sessional (25%)
 Quizzes 15%
 Assignments 10%

Mid Term (25%)

 Written (Long Questions, Short Questions, MCQs)

Final Term (50%)

 Written (Long Questions, Short Questions, MCQs)

Text book:
Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, by Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky

Reference book:
Signals, Systems, and Transforms by Charles L. Phillips

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