To Design The Use Case Diagram For Railway Reservation System

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To Design the Use Case Diagram for Railway Reservation


Use Case Diagram :-

A use case diagram, at fundamental level can be described as a representation of a
user's interaction with the system that shows the relationship between the user and
the different use cases in which the user is involved.
A use case diagram can identify the various types of users of a system and the
different use cases and will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams
as well. The use cases are represented by majorly ellipse. A use-case diagram
can help provide a higher-level view of the system. It also provides the clarity
of the flow of distribution of work among various segments.

Basic Use Case Notations and Symbols :-

Use Case
Draw use cases using ovals. Label the ovals with verbs that represent the
system's functions.

Actors are the users of a system. When one system is the actor of another
system, label the actor system with the actor stereotype.

Illustrate relationships between an actor and a use case with a simple line. For
relationships among use cases, use arrows labelled either "uses" or "extends."
A "uses" relationship indicates that one use case is needed by another in order
to perform a task. An "extends" relationship indicates alternative options under
a certain use case.
To Design the E-R Diagram for Railway Reservation

Entity-Relationship Diagram:-
The ER or (Entity Relational Model) is a high-level conceptual data model diagram.
Entity-Relation model is based on the notion of real-world entities and the
relationship between them. ER modelling helps you to analyse data requirements
systematically to produce a well-designed database. So, it is considered a best
practice to complete ER modelling before implementing your database.

Uses of ER Diagrams:

 Helps you to define terms related to entity relationship modelling.

 Provide a preview of how all your tables should connect, what fields are going
to be on each table.
 ER diagrams are translatable into relational tables which allows you to build
databases quickly.
 ER diagrams can be used by database designers as a blueprint for
implementing data in specific software applications.
 The database designer gains a better understanding of the information to be
contained in the database with the help of ERP diagram.
 ERD is allowed you to communicate with the logical structure of the database
to users.
Basic Entity-Relationship Notations and Symbols :-
ER Model:

ER Model is used to model the logical view of the system from the data perspective
which consists of these components:

 Entity
 Entity Type
 Entity Set

An Entity may be an object with a physical existence – a person, car, house, or

employee – or it may be an object with a conceptual existence – a company, a job,
or a university course. An Entity is an object of Entity Type and set of all entities is
called an entity set.
To Design the Data Flow Diagram for Railway Reservation

Data Flow Diagram:-

In Software Engineering, data flow diagram is a way of representing the flow of data
of a process or a system. Data flow diagram also provides information about the
outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself. A data-flow diagram has no
control flow, there are no decision rules and no loops. The data-flow diagram is part
of the structured-analysis modelling tools.

Levels of Data Flow Diagrams:-

Data flow diagrams can be drawn to represent the system of different levels of
abstraction. Levels in DFD are numbered 0, 1, 2 or beyond.

 0 level DFD is also known as context diagram. It’s designed to be an

abstraction view, showing the system as a single process with its relationship
to external entities. It represents the entire system as a single bubble with input
and output data indicated by incoming/outgoing arrows.

To Design the Data Flow Diagram for Railway Reservation


In 1-level DFD, context diagram is decomposed into multiple bubbles/

this level, we highlight the main functions of the system and breakdown the high-
level process of 0-level DFD into sub processes. 2-level DFD goes one step deeper
into parts of 1-level DFD. It can be used to plan or record the specific/necessary
detail about the system’s functioning.

Level-1 DFD

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