Foundation Mini Lamrim
Foundation Mini Lamrim
Foundation Mini Lamrim
The Foundation of All Good Qualities is the kind and venerable Guru.
Correctly devoting to Guru is the root of the path.
By clearly seeing this and applying great effort,
Please bless me to rely upon the Guru with great respect.
Understanding that the precious freedom of this rebirth is found only once,
Is greatly meaningful and difficult to find again;
Please bless me to generate the mind that unceasingly,
Day and night, takes its essence.
This life is as impermanent as a water bubble;
Remember how quickly it decays and death comes.
After death, the effects of black and white karma pursue us
As a shadow follows the body.
Finding firm and definite conviction in this,
Please bless me always to be careful;
To abandon even the slightest negativities
And to accomplish all virtuous deeds.
Seeking samsaric pleasures is the door to all suffering;
They are uncertain and cannot be relied upon.
Recognizing these shortcomings,
Please bless me to generate the strong wish for the bliss of liberation.
Led by this pure thought,
Mindfulness, alertness, and great caution arise.
The root of the teachings, is keeping the pratimoksha vows:
Please bless me to accomplish this essential practice.
Having seen that all beings, my kind mothers,
Have fallen, like myself, into the ocean of samsara,
May I train in supreme bodhichitta, and
Bear the responsibility of freeing all migratory beings.
If I develop bodhichitta without practicing the three types of morality,
I will not achieve enlightenment.
With my clear recognition of this,
Please bless me to practice the bodhisattva vows with great energy.
By pacifying distractions to wrong objects
And correctly analyzing the meaning of reality,
Please bless me to generate quickly with in my midstream
The path uniting calm abiding and special insight.
Having become a pure vessel by training in the general path, Please bless me to
The holy gateway of the fortunate ones:
The Vajrayana, the highest of vehicles.
The basis of accomplishing the two attainments
Is keeping pure vows and commitments.
Having become firmly convinces of this,
Please bless me to protect these vows and pledges with my life.
Having realized the importance of the two stages,
The essence of the Vajrayana,
By practicing with great energy, never giving up the four sessions,
Please bless me to realize the teachings of the holy guru.
May the gurus who show the noble path
And the spiritual friends who practice it have long lives.
Please bless me to pacify completely
All outer and inner hindrances.
In all my lives, may I never be separated from
Perfect gurus and the magnificent Dharma.
By completing qualities of the stages and paths,
May I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara.
Mini Lam-Rim
by Arjia Rinpoche
A. Fear of suffering, life is full of stress. Basically we feel we don’t have enough so we
want to earn or gain more. It’s this process that causes suffering because the attitude
behind it if checked is fear.
Success=happiness, No Success=unhappiness, End of Success=unhappiness
B. Solution to the fear of suffering from the Buddhist point of view is taking refuge in the
three jewels; namely the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
A. Buddha: he found the solution. If he had become a king he would definitely have
been able to manage the country better. Instead he found a way to help all sentient
1. Temporary
2. Long-term 3.
3. Long-term for self or others (for this life or for the next life
4. Sangha: the evaluation of his teaching, a proving ground.
a. A model for actions
b. Support from friends
III. Once we take refuge our homework* becomes the 10 virtues or eliminating the 10 non-
virtues to control ourselves in order not to harm others via the three entrances.
1. Killing: If we kill someone its legally and ethically wrong. If we kill a fish we
think it’s less wrong. If we kill a bug or a spider we don’t even think about it.
Buddha says all sentient beings are equal. If we think we could become a
mosquito in some life then we wouldn’t kill it. We kill it because we are
searching for happiness. In order to eat, not be eaten or bother. We cannot
get happiness from others’ suffering.
3. Sexual misconduct: For monks: vows are very clear in teachings about why
they don’t marry: Purpose is to teach & attain enlightenment. Families need
taking care of and attachment is created. For General Population: If married;
no cheating.
B. Speech
1. Lying
a. White lie- depends on result, i.e.: to save life
b. False pretenses- if breaking a vow it’s as severe as killing
c. Slander or divisiveness: to create disharmony among a group
3. Idle gossip: irresponsible speech that can lead to misconduct. Light but easy
to fall into
1. Desire: covetousness; attachment
2. Hatred or Malicious intent which is the seed of anger. A wish to harm and
therefore hidden anger, it is the motivation
3. Wrong View is the basis of all Ignorance: finding justification for our actions,
e.g. killing for food
Environmentally there is suffering; it surrounds us. First there is the IDEA to stop it
which can lead to action (the path
A. Morality (path)
B. Concentration (path)
C. Wisdom (goal)
4. Heartwarming love
5. Compassion
6. Resolute intention/ loyalty
7. Exchange self with others; put others before self in actions and mind (bodhicitta)
1. Generosity
2. Morality
3. Forbearance
4. Wise effort (with enthusiasm)
5. Concentration
6. Wisdom
VIII. Compassion