Blood Witch
Blood Witch
Blood Witch
Hag, Blood
This bent-backed crone has long, leathery arms and cruel,
flesh‑shearing talons. Her face is a misshapen mass of leathery flesh
with a bulbous nose, like a gnarled knot on an old oak tree.
Vampiric Origins. Blood hags have long skulked on the
fringes of society. The first blood hags appeared when a red hag
mated with a mad vampire archmage—their offspring became
the first blood hags. Many more followed.
Face Stealers. Blood hags prey on mankind, stealing their
seed to propagate, their blood to satisfy their insatiable thirst,
and their faces as trophies of these short-lived and bloody trysts.
Worm Hair. A blood hag’s hair is a morass of wriggling worms,
ever thirsty for fresh blood.
Medium fey, chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 178 (21d8 + 84)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.