Emergencias Endocrinas
Emergencias Endocrinas
Emergencias Endocrinas
SEVERAS Endocrine emergencies
OBSTÉTRICAS Christopher G. Goodier, MD1
Emergencias endocrinas
Christopher G. Goodier, MD Resumen
96 Jonathan Lucas St, CSB 634 Las emergencias endocrinas, tales como la tormenta tiroidea y la cetoacidosis diabética, de-
MSC 619 ben ser consideradas como procesos mórbidos que ponen en riesgo la vida de la población
Charleston, SC 29425 obstétrica. El diagnóstico requiere gran sospecha clínica e inicio inmediato del tratamiento,
Tel 843 792 4500 soporte clínico e intervención. Se debe organizar un equipo multidisciplinario de especialistas
Fax 843 792 0533 que incluyan la medicina maternofetal, endocrinología, intensivista médico, neonatólogos y
anestesiólogos, de manera de lograr el mejor resultado para la madre y el bebe.
@ goodier@musc.edu Palabras clave: Embarazo; Diabetes; Diabetes, cetoacidosis; Tiroides, disfunción; Hipertiroi-
dismo; Tiroides, Tormenta.
Treatment should include 1) adequate intra- Corticosteroids can also be administered which
venous access; 2) replacement of fluids; 3) in- have the effect of decreasing systemic inflam-
terpretation of heart rhythm; and, 4) ensuring mation as well as peripheral effects of de-
oxygenation. EKG, continuous monitoring with creasing T4 to T3 conversion. Other supportive
telemetry if possible and pulse oximeter should medications again include antipyretics such as
be placed. Laboratory evaluation should include acetaminophen and beta-blockade.
TSH, FT3/4, liver and kidney function as well as
electrolytes and blood count with differential. Beta blockade is a critical adjunct to treatment
Respiratory failure is a late finding, but intuba- of thyroid storm and tachycardia leading to high
tion and mechanical ventilation is sometimes output cardiac failure is one of the leading caus-
necessary. es of mortality in a thyroid storm. Propranalol
may be used for rate control and has the advan-
Definitive treatment of thyroid storm also in- tage of reduces peripheral T4 to T3 conversion.
volves the use of several medications in addi- Long-term use of beta-blockers has been asso-
tion to supportive care. First-line treatment of ciated with fetal growth restriction, but is gen-
hyperthyroidism is the thionamides, specifically erally considered safe in a risk/benefit consider-
propylthiourocil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI) ation. Atenolol is generally avoided (Category D).
. Both agents act within the thyroid gland to
inhibit follicular growth and development. One If conventional treatments fail to generate an
advantage of PTU is that it also works outside adequate response, emergency thyroidectomy,
the thyroid gland to inhibit peripheral conver- with or without plasmaphoresis has been de-
sion at the tissue level of T4 to T3. PTU how- scribed successfully in thyroid storm, but must
ever is not typically first line given that there be considered a high-risk undertaking(10).
have been rare cases of fulminate liver failure
and death associated with its use, including in- Diabetic ketoacidosis
stances in pregnancy. There is a FDA “black box”
warning for PTU concerning this link to hepato- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a medical emer-
toxicity. It is unclear how thyroid storm specifi- gency and can result in both maternal and fetal
cally affects this risk. morbidity and mortality with and overall inci-
dence, which has decreased, from approximate-
Methimazole use in pregnancy has been linked ly 10 to 20% in the late 1970s to approximately 1
to some teratogenic effects including aplasia cu- to 2% in most recent reports(11-13). The improve-
tis(9). This association is not particularly strong in ment has been attributed to early recognition
the literature so its use is generally considered and aggressive multi-disciplinary management.
to be acceptable, especially outside the time of As a result both maternal and fetal mortality
organogenesis. In addition, rarely a life-threat- have significantly improved. Preterm birth, both
ening agranulocytosis may develop after MMI from premature labor and from medical inter-
use. Given these conflicting risks there is no vention, is a common sequalae from severe DKA.
clear recommendation for which thionamide to
initiate in a thyroid storm. The pathophysiology of DKA is the result of a
complex interplay in which inadequate insulin
In addition to PTU or MMI to treat thyroid storm, action results in perceived hypoglycemia at the
it is also recommended to use iodide-contain- cellular level of target cells such as those in the
ing medication to inhibit the further release of liver, adipose and muscle tissues. The body re-
active thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland. sponds by releasing glucagon, which worsens
Oral potassium iodide, 5 drops every 8 hours, or the level of hyperglycemia in the serum causing
IV sodium iodide 1 000 mg every 12 hours may osmotic diuresis and resultant hypovolemia and
be used. The use of iodines should not be ad- electrolyte depletion.
ministered prior to the use of thionamides due
to their initial action, which releases thyroid hor- The lack of insulin and production of counter-reg-
mones from the thyroid, prior to suppressing ulatory hormones in the adipose tissue activates
it. The general time frame is recommended to hormone sensitive lipase, which causes the re-
be 30-60 minutes after the initiation of thion- lease of free fatty acids into the circulation. The
amides(8). free fatty acids are then oxidized to ketone bod-
ies. Acidosis occurs secondary to ketone body Maternal DKA presents a significant risk to over-
formation, which can overwhelm the buffering all fetal well being. The mechanism is not clear-
capacity of the body leading to a metabolic aci- ly understood; however appears to be related
dosis manifested as an anion gap. Ketoacids bind to ketoacid production, which readily cross the
sodium and potassium, which are excreted in the placenta, decreasing fetal tissue perfusion and
urine, further worsening the electrolyte balance. reducing oxygenation in the fetus. In addition
The final common pathway if this process is left these ketoacids can dissociate into anions and
untreated can lead to cardiac dysfunction, de- result in fetal metabolic acidosis(16). The fetus
creased tissue perfusion and worsened real func- has a limited ability to buffer significant acide-
tion leading to shock, coma and death(11,16). mia, and therefore is quite sensitive to maternal
The normal physiologic changes of pregnancy in-
crease the susceptibility of the gravid parturient This often results in a fetal heart tracing that may
to DKA. Pregnancy related physiology results in include decreased variability or late decelera-
increased insulin resistance primarily due to the tions. Interpretation can be difficult; however,
action of human placental lactogen. Thus, nor- it is likely that maternal acidosis, hyperglycemia
mal exogenous insulin requirements increase and hypovolemia all contribute to a potential
with advancing gestation. threat to fetal well-being(12). Initially, the primary
effort should focus on correcting the maternal
In addition, respiratory adaptations of normal acidosis, which should improve the underlying
pregnancy produce a compensated maternal re- fetal status. It is important to exhaust all at-
spiratory alkalosis. The compensatory decrease tempts to correct the underlying maternal ab-
in serum bicarbonate reduces the body’s normal normalities prior to intervening for the fetus(13,16).
buffering capacity, thus predisposing the patient
to DKA(11,12,16). Like thyroid storm, DKA is considered a medical
emergency and a multidisciplinary team should
Patients generally present with abdominal pain, be assembled, including Maternal-Fetal-Med-
malaise, persistent vomiting, polydypsia, hyper- icine, Neonatology and Critical Care, as soon
ventilation, tachycardia, dehydration and poly- as possible. In addition, strong consideration
uria. As the level of acidosis increases patient will should be made for admission to an intensive
often have altered mental status and sometimes care unit.
present obtunded. The diagnosis is confirmed
with documentation of hyperglycemia, acidosis Treatment includes adequate IV access and
and ketonuria. Other laboratory findings include placement of an indwelling urinary catheter. Sig-
anion gap, ketonemia, renal dysfunction as well nificant fluid deficits should be anticipated and
as possible electrolyte abnormalities(12,16). corrected, insulin should be started and electro-
lyte abnormalities corrected. Fluid balance and
Typically patient presents with serum glucose vital signs need to be carefully monitored and
levels greater than 300 mg/dL; however this documented.
threshold is much lower in pregnancy and DKA
can occur with levels <200 mg/dL(13). Basic labs, including a complete metabolic pan-
el with magnesium and phosphorous, complete
Precipitating factors for diabetic ketoacidosis in- blood count with differential, urinalysis, fin-
clude emesis, infection, previously undiagnosed gerstick blood glucose, arterial blood gas and
diabetes, beta-sympathomimetic tocolytic serum ketones should be collected. Additional
agents, corticosteroids, poor compliance, pump testing (urine culture, blood culture, chest X ray,
malfunctions and medical errors(14,15). While be- etc.) should be performed based on clinical sus-
ta-sympathomimetics (eg. terbutaline) are not picion and any potential underlying processes.
routinely used for prolonged (>48 hrs) tocolysis Initially, urine/serum ketones, electrolytes and
due to the FDA safety communication in 2011 maternal acid/base status should be monitored
warning potential for serious maternal heart every 2 hours until ketosis and acidosis resolved.
problems and death, it is important to remem- Blood sugars should be collected hourly during
ber that they should be used very cautiously, if this time to titrate appropriate insulin doses (11,12
ever, for patients with diabetes (11). 16-18)
Once viability is confirmed, fetal monitoring line) should be avoided initially as they can cause
should be initiated. As noted, the fetal heart a rapid decline in plasma osmolarity leading to
tracing will likely appear concerning during the cerebral edema. Blood glucose values should
initial insult. Maternal oxygen supplementation be monitored hourly as they will decrease with
and favorable maternal positioning should be initial hydration alone. Once the serum glucose
employed to increase blood flow to fetus and reaches <250 mg/dL fluids should be switched to
improve oxygenation. Adequate hydration and D5-0.45% normal saline.
correction of acid/base derangements must be
started. Delivery should usually be postponed Intravenous insulin administration should be
until after maternal metabolic condition is sta- undertaken immediately to aid in lowering blood
bilized, as this will usually correct the fetal heart glucose levels associated with lipolysis and ke-
tracing abnormality. There are exceptions, in- togenesis. Subcutaneous and intramuscular
cluding intractable bradycardia or persistent are typically avoided due to the slower onset of
Category III tracings. action, which is worsened in DKA 12. The initial
blood glucose target is 150-200 mg/dL in order
Figure 1 illustrates the goals of treatment for to avoid rapid correction and resulting compli-
any patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, including cations.
rehydration, reduction of hyperglycemia, cor-
rection of acid-base and electrolyte imbalance It is important to continue the insulin infusion
while searching for and treating the underlying until the anion gap is closed and acidosis re-
etiology(11,12,16-18). solved. This can take significantly longer than
correcting the hypoglycemia and typically takes
The fluid deficit leading to the profound intra- 12-24 hours.
vascular depletion is estimated at 100 mL/kg of
total body weight and is typically 4-10 liters(19). It is important to remember that insulin require-
Initially, aggressive intravenous replacement ments can be significant and most protocols sug-
with isotonic normal saline should be started gest an initial bolus dose of 10-20 units of regu-
with the goal to replace approximately 75% of lar insulin, followed by an infusion rate of 5-10
the overall deficit within the first 24 hours. Hy- units/hour. This amount should be increased if
potonic fluids (e.g. lactated ringers and 0.45% sa- the blood glucose values do not fall 25-20% over
two hours. Once it is deemed safe to transition
Figure 1. Diabetic ketoacidosis algorithm. to subcutaneous insulin, the first dose should be
given prior to the discontinuation of the intrave-
Maternal nous infusion to decrease the risk of recurrent
Replacement of low serum bicarbonate levels re- ciation of Clinical Endocrinologists. Endocr Pract. 2011 May-
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