Thyroid Storm Induced by Trauma: A Challenging Combination
Thyroid Storm Induced by Trauma: A Challenging Combination
Thyroid Storm Induced by Trauma: A Challenging Combination
Davis, S., M.D., McIntyre, R., M.D., Cribari, C., M.D., & Dunn, J., M.D. (2018). Thyroid storm induced
by trauma: A challenging combination. The American Surgeon, 84(2), E44-E46. Retrieved from
The Perfect Storm: A Case of Ischemic Stroke in the Setting of
Thyroid Storm
Three months after treatment at the Sanglah General Hospital, TSHs and FT4
levels examination were performed on the mother and normal thyroid function was
obtained. Laboratory evaluations were performed at 3 months of age with normal range
value of TSH and FT4. Conclusion Thyroid storm is Endocrinology emergency
characterized by acute hypermetabolic with rapid deterioration of life-threatening
condition. The criteria for thyroid storm diagnosis by using BW scores, involving several
components such as thermoregulation, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, and
cardiovascular. Management of thyroid storm includes PTU, lugol solution given 1 hour
after PTU and dexamethasone whereas heart failure treatment can be given diuretics to
reduce fluid overload in other hand CAP treatement can be given antibiotic combination
like cefalosporin and macrolide group. To reduce the incidence rate of thyroid storm in
pregnancy, required thyroid hormone profile screening at antenatal care.
Prabawa, A., & Ketut, S. N. (2018). Diagnosis and comprehensive management of thyroid
storm in pregnancy : A case report. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 11(3), 1329-1334.
Thyroid storm: Is there a role for thyroid function test?
Here we report a patient with TS, who did not respond clinically to the initial
treatment but post plasmapheresis, her thyroid function test improved. Her blood
investigations revealed increased white cell count, raised free thyroxine with
suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone, deranged liver, renal and coagulation profiles.
Due to poor response to the initial treatment, plasmapheresis was started on day 4 of
her admission. Despite being on maximal inotrope support, patient succumbed due to
multi-organ failure one day after plasmapheresis.
There are a few hypotheses regarding the pathogenesis of TS. Either there is
rapid increase in thyroid hormones, giving rise to an abrupt increase in intracellular
availability of free thyroid hormones, or, there is diminished physiological reserve due to
intercurrent illness. These two mechanisms will lead to imbalance of the normal thyroid
hormone homeostasis. The renal profile worsened from day 1 to 3, improving on day 4
post plasmapheresis but deteriorating again on day 5. The potassium level reduced
after plasmapheresis, probably due to the effect of replacement regimen using saline
and albumin. 6 Increasing trend of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate
aminotransferase and bilirubin indicated hepatocellular injury, which can be attributed to
the direct effect of increased thyroid hormones.
Ibrahim, T. Z., Thambiah, S. C., Samsudin, I. N., Nasuruddin, A. N., & Zakaria, M. H. (2019). Thyroid
storm: Is there a role for thyroid function test? The Malaysian Journal of Pathology, 41(3), 355-358.
Retrieved from
Diagnosis and Comprehensive Management of Thyroid Storm in
Pregnancy : A Case Report
Prabawa, A., & Ketut, S. N. (2018). Diagnosis and comprehensive management of thyroid
storm in pregnancy : A case report. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 11(3), 1329-1334.