Safety Equipment On Board and Their Proper Use PDF

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) – личные защитные

Personal life saving appliances (PLSA) – личные
спасательные устройства
Survival craft – спасательно плавучее средство
Distress signal – сигнал бедствия
Overall – комбинезон
Gloves – перчатки
Safety harness – страховочный пояс
Goggles - очки
Helmet – шлем
Face mask – защитная маска ( маска для защиты лица)
Headphones – наушники
Ear muff/ plug- ушная заглушка
PPE& Survival
PLSA Crafts

Pyrotechnic Use of
Distress PPE &
Signals Survival
• overall • face mask
• safety harness • headphones
• gloves • safety -shoes
• goggles • ear muff/plug
• helmet • chemical suit
Study following definitions :
 Overall: is a type of protective clothing which protects the body
from hazardous substance like hot oil, water, welding spark etc.

 Safety : that is designed to catch a person in case of falling while working

harness at height.

 Gloves : they are used to protect ones hands and they are provided on
board ship.

 Goggles: special glasses that fit close to the face to protect the eyes from
chemicals, wind, water etc.

 Helmet : a hat which is made of a strong material (hard plastic) that is

worn by crewmembers to protect their heads. A chin strap is also
provided with the helmet.
 Face mask : is a device which is worn the face to protect oneself
from breathing bad air.
 Headphones : is a device which is use to protect your ears from terrible
noise while working on the main deck or in the engine room.

 Safety shoes : safety shoes ensure that nothing happens to the crew
member’s feet while working or walking onboard.

 Ear muff/plug: it is e device which is used to protect from terrible

noise(especially in the engine –room).
 Chemical suit : a chemical suit is worn to avoid direct contact with
dangerous liquids onboard ship.
Watch some videos about
personal protective
equipment on board.
Discuss them with the
teacher .
Describe the pictures:
- Where are the crew members?
- What kind of PPE are they
wearing in?
- Make up a short story using
this pictures.

life -buoy – спасательный круг

life – jacket – спасательный жилет
immersion suit – гидрокостюм
thermal protective aid (TPA) – термо-защитное средство
life- boat – спасательная шлюпка
life- raft – спасательный плот
rescue boat – дежурная спасательная шлюпка
light & smoke signal – световой и дымовой сигнал
red hand-flare красный фальшфейер
red parachute signal rocket красная парашютная сигнальная
smoke signal orange – оранжевая дымовая шашка
 Lifebuoys
 Life- jacket
 Immersion suit
 Thermal Protective Aid (TPA)
Study following definitions :
 Lifebuoy : any of various kinds of buoyant device for keeping people
afloat in an emergency.

 Life-jacket : an inflatable device which is worn to keep a person afloat

when in danger of drowning.

 Immersion: is a protective suit that reduces loss of body heat of a

suit person wearing it in cold water.

 Thermal : is a kind of bag or suit made of waterproof material with

Protective low thermal conductance.
Aid (TPA)
A lifebuoy should be :

not be
on each side of easily thrown
the ship overboard

Regular inspection of lifebuoys is essential. If they

have defects they will be useless.
should be easily
their position
will keep you
must be clearly

make sure you they should be on

know where you the bridge, in the
can find a engine room, at
lifejacket any watch
An immersion suit

cover the whole body except keep a person dry when in

the face the water

be highly visible be made of waterproof


be fitted with retro-reflected


An immersion suit is worn with a lifejacket.

Thermal Protective Aid

is a bag or is worn with

suit a life-jacket

is made of cover the

waterproof whole body
material except face
Describe the pictures:
Where are the crew members?
What are they doing?
What kind of PPE/PLSA are
they wearing in?
Make up a short story/situation
with following pictures.
Match a synonym for each of the verbs on the left. Choose
from the ones on the right.

1. to prohibit to happen
2. to allow to assist
3. to protect to strand
4. to destroy to mend
5. to carry to alter
6. to finish to continue
7. to occur to unload
8. to overturn to permit
9. to begin to complete
10. to run aground to forbid
11. to help to transport
12. to repair to capsize
13. to go on to defend
14. to discharge to ruin
15. to change to start
Check your answers and make up short situations
on safety appliances on board using these verbs.

1. to prohibit to forbid
2. to allow to permit
3. to protect to defend
4. to destroy to ruin
5. to carry to transport
6. to finish to complete
7. to occur to happen
8. to overturn to capsize
9. to begin to start
10. to run aground to strand
11. to help to assist
12. to repair to mend
13. to go on to continue
14. to discharge to unload
15. to change to alter
Choose the appropriate words under the correct
safety helmet, breathing apparatus, life-jacket, overall, , facial shields , hair
net , safety belt, ear plugs, respiration, safety boots, life buoy, dust mask,
bump cap, harness, ear muffs, goggles , apron gloves

Hand and Face and Protection Head Respirator

Hearing Body protection
foot eye against y
protection protection
protection protection drowning protective
Check your answers:

Hand and Face and Protection Head Respirator

Hearing Body protection
foot eye against y
protection protection
protection protection drowning protective

ear overall, safety g
safety goggles, life
plugs, safety helmet, apparat
boots, facial buoy,
ear belt, hair net, us, dust
gloves shields immersi
muffs harness bump mask,
on suit
, apron cap respirati
Watch some videos how
crewmembers should don
a life-jacket, an immersion
suit and TPA. Discuss
them with the teacher .

Life – boat Life –raft

Rescue boat

partially totally
enclosed enclosed
Partially enclosed

is lighter than is lowered using a

totally enclosed simultaneous release
lifting hook

is more easily
accessible in case of sides are closed
emergency with foldable cover
Totally enclosed

 is made of steel, aluminum or fire-resistant material;

 red and orange colours are used
 is provided with a door to allow passengers to board it
and with small windows that can be opened to let in fresh
air ;
 saves the lifeboats passengers from sea water, rough
weather or strong winds;
 have the ability to get upright position;
 they do not require manual power to propel the lifeboat
forward as it is fitted with an engine.
Free – Fall Lifeboat:
is a type of totally enclosed lifeboat
must be painted in international
is made of glass-reinforced plastic;
bright orange color;

is carried at the stern

the boat slides quickly out from a hits the water bow first well away
ramp onboard installation; from the ship;

rapid evacuation in emergencies

crewmembers are securely All crewmembers are provided with
strapped with a harness; an inflatable life-jacket;

Evacuation Davit – launched Throw overboard
System (MES) life-raft life-raft

- Auto release with Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)

- Manually launching
- Launching by Davits.
System (MES)

 an inflatable inclined evacuation slide;

 a large capacity inflatable life-raft (canopied or open
 a lightweight stowage cradle manufactured in marine grade
 provide rapid and safe evacuation which delivers
passengers and crew, directly into large capacity life-rafts.
Davit –
launched life-

 it is enclosed in fiberglass containers;

 When the life-raft in the container it is secured by hydrostatic
release unit;
 it is lowered into the water from davit on board the ship;
 it is kept the crewmembers dry;
 such launching requires great skills and experience.
overboard life-

 it is stowed in the container;

 it is designed to thrown over the board;
 it is easy to launch and also during emergencies;
 it inflates itself automatically as soon as it comes in contact
with seawater;
 it has the disadvantage that the crewmembers may have to
enter the water before getting into the raft
Rescue boat

 it is a davit-launched boat;
 the boat may be of either rigid or
inflated construction or a
combination of both;
 it is a semi-rigid structure with
the inflated chambers of an
upper and an outboard engine;
 the major problem is launching
and recovery.
Watch some videos about different procedures of
launching life-boats, life-rafts and rescue boats. Then
discuss it with the teacher.
Distress Signals


 is an illuminating distress signal;

 people use the pyrotechnics when they are in grave or
imminent danger ;
 when they require immediate assistance.
Types of
available on board

 Light & Smoke Signal

 Red Hand-flare
 Red Parachute Signal Rocket
 Smoke Signal Orange
 Day & Night Signal
 Orange Hand-smoke
 White Hand-flare
Study following definitions :
 Light and smoke signal : used in emergency to mark position of man
overboard. And it is produced dense orange smoke

 Red Hand flare: use for safe operation and saves space when stowed in
life-rafts. A hand flare is a small stick which when activated, produces
an intense red smoke or light without an explosion.

 Rocket parachute signal : Designed to withstand exceptional

environmental exposure and to perform reliably even after immersion
in water It self-activates in the air at minimum height of 300m, and
produces intense red smoke.
Study following definitions :
 Smoke signal orange : It provides effective position marking during
rescue operations and can be used to indicate wind direction.

 Day & night signal : compact, handheld distress signal consisting of

a red flare at one end and an orange smoke in the other.

 Orange hand-smoke : hand- held signal produces a dense orange

smoke for daylight distress signaling and wind direction indication.

 White hand-flare : designed for use as a collision warning signal or

for illuminating small areas where an intense white light is required.
Study the following maritime safety signs:
Study the following maritime safety signs:
Look at the maritime signs and tell their meaning:
Look at the maritime signs and tell their meaning:

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