Mill Behaviour of Rubber On Two Roll Mill With Temperature: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, 88, No. 4, 2015, Pp. 130-135
Mill Behaviour of Rubber On Two Roll Mill With Temperature: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, 88, No. 4, 2015, Pp. 130-135
Mill Behaviour of Rubber On Two Roll Mill With Temperature: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, 88, No. 4, 2015, Pp. 130-135
Selected from International Polymer Science and Technology, 42, No. 7, 2015, reference NG 15/04/130; transl. serial no. 17321
Translated by K. Halpin
INTRODUCTION [2] that open rolls, which were then the dominant form
of rubber milling machinery, increased their output two-
Open rolls, invented by Chaffee in 1833 and since
fold when the milling length of the rolls and speed of
improved, remain in use today. However, few reports are
rotation were doubled, and gave an account of open
to be found on the thermal behaviour of rubber on open
rolls using various modes of heat transfer in which steam
rolls, which has been looked at purely in the context of
or coolant was passed either to raise the temperature or
rubber milling and mixing operations. This review outlines
prevent rubber scorch due to self-heating during milling.
what has hitherto been reported on rubber behaviour in
milling on open rolls in relation to temperature. Drilled rolls reviewed are the Cowen-Bragg cooling
roll, which has eight linear channels in the axial direction
(i.e. lengthwise) close to the roll surface; the Bragg
HEAT TRANSFER CHANNELS IN OPEN ROLLS cooling roll, which is provided with a helical channel
close to the roll surface; and the Bragg built-up roll, an
Open rolls are of two kinds. The bored roll has a hollow improved form of these rolls. Bored rolls reviewed are
interior as in Figure 1 and transfers heat via a thick wall. the Brewster cooling roll, whose internal wall is provided
The drilled roll has heat transfer channels extending close with ribs between which eight perforated heat-transfer
to the roll surface as in Figure 1 and presents a relatively tubes are mounted; an improved form of this; and the
uniform surface temperature [1]. A century ago, a year Norris cooling roll, provided with channels formed by
before Banbury’s invention of the Banbury internal mixer subdividing the hollow cylinder with six lengthwise
in 1916, Pearson noted in the book “Rubber Machinery” partitions.
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Using oil as a Newtonian fluid, Banks et al. [5] and the roll temperature and gap and other operations are
Myers et al. [6,7] made detailed observations of flow in appropriately adjusted, the compounding chemicals will
the nip of a roll coater and divided flow into four regions: consolidate into small lumps instead of being completely
a bank region exhibiting secondary flow, a shear region distributed through the rubber. No explanation is offered
at the nip, a cavitation region due to pressure drop for a, b, c, d, e and f in the diagram. However, Macbeth
beyond the nip, and a filamentation region where the [13] presented the same drawing for the rubber mixing
two rolls part. Chung [8] measured the pressure change process in 1935, and although the rubber temperature
at the nip (gap 70-780 µm) in a stainless steel two-roll is not given, a-f are explained as follows:
coating mill (diameter 16.4 cm, roll length 20 cm) in the a) A zone in which the rubber mass (the bank) promptly
mixing of polymerised linseed oil, a Newtonian fluid. The begins to move, drawn towards the nip.
lower speed roll was immobilised, pressure sensors were
attached from the interior close to the roll surface at the b) A zone into which the back roll draws the added
nip, and the pressure change in the nip was measured compounding agents along with the rubber in zone a.
as the higher speed roll was rotated. The pressure was
found to shift from positive to negative across the nip,
consistent with theory.
Toh et al. [9] made a video recording of the motion
of the rotor, rubber and voids in a two-dimensional
model mixer and presented the results in Figure 3a.
A void-free sickle-shaped zone filled with rubber is
formed ahead of the rotor, while a void lies behind
the rotor. Rubber in sheet form emerges into the void
zone beyond the clearance between the rotor tip and
inner wall of the vessel. Figures 3b and c are enlarged
views of the clearance: the rubber on the rotor tip side Figure 3a. Behaviour of rubber and void in rotors (e) and (f)
is promptly peeled away on the trailing edge of the
clearance, developing surface undulations, and this
peeling invariably seems to occur ahead of peeling from
the internal wall of the vessel, behaviour also observed
in the actual video pictures.
Gondoh [10] attached a pressure sensor to the vessel
wall of a miniature mixer and measured the internal
wall pressure of the tank during mixing; a back pressure
was reported to develop directly after the rotor tip had
Figure 3bc. (b) Magnified view of clearance zone in rotor (e)
passed the sensor, resembling the change in pressure (c) Magnified view of clearance zone in rotor (f)
across the scraper blade in Figure 3d [11].
Figure 3e is an enlarged view of the nip section in
Figure 2. It is supposed that in open rolls back pressure
develops when the back roll separates from the band
rubber on the front roll directly beyond the nip, and just
like the above rubber peeled on the rotor tip side, the
band rubber surface peeling from the back roll undergoes
undulating shrinkage.
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5, 15, 25 and 40 min at a roll guide spacing of 36 cm A further milling experiment was carried out with
and gap at the nip of 1.4 mm. To measure the Mooney natural rubber using 8 inch and 10 inch rolls of different
viscosity, 100 g was collected after each milling time, roll dimensions and speeds in which the bank temperature
and to maintain the time taken to pass between the and number of passes (milling time) were controlled,
rolls the same as the initial time, the guide spacing was affording the results in Figure 9a and b. Despite variation
narrowed 4 cm at a time. The temperature of the bank of the 10 inch and 8 inch roll sets and various other
was measured by thermistor. conditions, the curves for the two sets agree within the
The results in Figure 7a and b show that, with the rolls range of error in measurement at both 85°C and 65°C. It
rotating at the same speed, the bank rubber temperature is concluded that, regardless of difference in roll diameter
decreased with milling time from 92°C (5 min) to 82°C
(40 min) while the Mooney viscosity decreased greatly
from 63.5 (5 min) to 32 (40 min); at the high friction ratio
of 1:1.6, however, while the bank temperature again
decreased from 98°C (5 min) to 94°C (40 min) and the
Mooney viscosity decreased from 66.0 (5 min) to 40.0
(40 min), the decreases were much smaller than at equal
roll speed. Referring to Figure 8, in a similar experiment
with the rolls cooled to hold the bank rubber temperature
at 85±2°C, the Mooney viscosity ratio decreased from
59.0 (5 min) to 33.5 (40 min) at 1:1 and from 62.0
(5 min) to 32.0 (40 min) at 1:1.6, showing agreement
regardless of friction ratio within a range of variation
attributable primarily to experimental error. Given that
bank rotation and the size of the rotating bank were
essentially kept constant in the experiments, it is evident
that the behaviour of the rotating bank is important.
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