Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology Bihta, Patna: Power Quality Analysis

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Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology

Bihta, Patna
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge, Patna (Bihar)

A Minor Project Report



In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

With specialization in

Submitted by
ALOK KUMAR(164011)

Submitted to
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
NSIT Bihta, Patna
Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology
Bihta, Patna
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge, Patna (Bihar)


This is to certify that the minor project report entitled “POWER

QUALITY ANALYSIS” being submitted by following student of
final year in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of the degree of Bachelor of Technology with specialization in
Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Submitted by
ALOK KUMAR(164011)

Mr. Ajit Kumar Singh Dr. Jyotirmayee Dalei

Asst. Professor H.O.D.
Electrical & Electronics Department Electrical & Electronics Department
NSIT, Bihta, Patna NSIT, Bihta, Patna


I express my gratitude to Sr. SSE ELECTRICAL WCR JABALPUR Division

who allotted coaching depot in Jabalpur railway station as training centre. My
special thanks goes to Mr. P. KUNDU ( Sr. Section Engineer AC Coaching
depot Jabalpur ) for his invaluable support and guidance and for providing the
training schedule of four weeks containing three different tasks that are
conducted at the Jabalpur railway station coaching depot, water filtration system
and 33/11 kv substations.

I am highly obliged to Y.K. Vimal (DSE Electrical (GEN.) WCR

JABALPUR) for approving my request of training .

I humbly thank each and every personnel who explained me the

various tasks being carried out at the coaching depot and other training places
which really boost my practical knowledge and encouraged me to learn more.

The extensive use of solid-state power electronics technology in industrial, commercial and
residential equipment causes degradation of quality of electric power with the deterioration of
the supply voltage. The disturbances results in degradation of the efficiency, decaying the life
span of the equipment, increase in the losses, electromagnetic interference, the malfunctions of
equipment and other harmful fallout. Generally, the power quality is the measurement of an
ideal power supply. More over the power quality is the continuity and characteristics of the
supply voltage in terms of frequency, magnitude and symmetry. The mitigation of power
quality (PQ) disturbances requires detection of the source and causes of disturbances. The
DEEP LEARNING is a suitable method for forecasting of further occurrence of disturbance.
However proper and quick detection and localization of the disturbances plays a crucial role in
the power quality environment. Hence, in this project, a fast detection technique has been
proposed along with the Deep Learning method. During the course of the research, it is found
that suitable programs for mathematical equations are required for the characterization of the
disturbances for smooth mitigation of the distortions. These classification techniques are fast
and able to analyze large number of disturbances. In this thesis, large numbers of signals are
synthesized both in noisy and noise free environment. In the real time environment, these
techniques have been performed satisfactorily. This leads to increase in the overall efficiency
of the combination of the detection and classification . The overall findings of the thesis could
be useful for the industrial and domestic applications. Since the detection methods are simple
and faster, they could be useful for power industry and other applications such as medical
science etc. Similarly, the classification can be used for application such as stock exchange,
medical science etc.

Chapter 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Power Quality Disturbances
1.2 Types Of PQD
1.3 Causes
1.4 Objective



The continuous growth in the application of the microprocessor-based control and the power
electronic devices and the adjustable-speed motor drives increases emphasis on the quality of
power as these are more sensitive to power quality variations than the traditional equipments.
Moreover, the power quality (PQ) is like an umbrella which covers various disturbances of
the voltage and the current such as the voltage sag, the swell, the harmonics and the
oscillatory transients which cause mal-function of the sophisticated equipments. In other
words the “power quality” is a nonstop dynamic variation both in time and space. The
concern over quality of power has been increasing rapidly as the present life requires a
continuous supply of electrical energy. Similarly, the continuous increase of load demand
both in the public sectors as well as the industries has made the PQ a serious issue. The
presence of disturbances in the loads is responsible for the deviation of the voltage and the
current from the ideal waveform. This declines the performance and the lifespan of
equipments and also creates instability in the system. Hence, the healthy power system
operation requires continues supervision, proper monitoring and the optimum control in terms
of power quality improvement. Moreover, the quality of electricity has become an important
issue for both the utilities and the end users. The increased use of non-linear loads has made
the PQ a pressing issue for the power system engineers unlike some years ago when the loads
were linear. Hence, the issue of PQ has become more and more important with each passing
day. The proper assessment of the active power, the apparent power and the reactive power is
a significant issue in many applications such as the industry, the project, public sector etc.
Hence, the improvement of PQ requires proper detection and localization of sources and the
cause of disturbances. However, it is aimed at improving PQ with a fast detection and
classification technology.

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