Amato 2017
Amato 2017
Amato 2017
Jeffrey M. Amato1,†, Greg H. Mack1, Tara N. Jonell1,§, William R. Seager1, and Garland R. Upchurch2
Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA
Department of Biology, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas 78666, USA
ABSTRACT are similar to those of other Laramide arc relevant to understanding the timing, and poten-
magmatic centers in southern New Mexico, tial causes, of tectonism (e.g., Jones et al., 2011).
The Laramide orogeny is a classic yet con- which have a limited range of ages from 75 Laramide tectonism in southern New Mexico
troversial mountain-building event that re- to 70 Ma, including the Hidalgo Formation resulted in northeast shortening, but the sparse
sulted, in the southwest United States, in up- in the Little Hatchet Mountains, the Silver outcrops in the region have been interpreted in
lifts, sedimentation, and magmatism that can City–Pinos Altos region, and the Copper Flat a wide variety of tectonic models (see review in
be used to constrain the onset of this event porphyry system. These new and previously Seager, 2004). Seager (1983, 2004) and Seager
in the region and expand our knowledge of published dates indicate that during the on- and Mack (1986) provided evidence against thin-
Late Cretaceous to Paleogene tectonism. The set of Laramide deformation in southwestern skinned tectonic models (e.g., Drewes, 1978,
McRae Formation marks the onset of depo- and south-central New Mexico, the angle of 1982; Woodward and Duchene, 1981) and in
sition in the Laramide Love Ranch Basin, subduction of the Farallon plate may have favor of basement-cored block uplifts and inter-
which was located to the northeast of the been steep enough to allow partial melting vening basins created during shortening (Seager,
west-northwest–trending coeval Rio Grande of an asthenospheric wedge, resulting in arc 1983; Seager and Mack, 1986). In southwestern
uplift in south-central New Mexico, but its magmatism far inboard of the trench. New Mexico, these structures were likely con-
age is not well constrained. A previously pub- trolled by reactivation of normal faults formed
lished late Maastrichtian age for the McRae INTRODUCTION during a previous episode of rifting in the Late
Formation was based on the presence of di- Jurassic–Early Cretaceous that created the Bis-
nosaur bones in the upper of two members of The Laramide orogeny resulted from low- bee Basin and correlative rifts of the Chihuahua
the formation. We obtained new U-Pb dates angle subduction of the Farallon plate beneath the trough (e.g., Lawton, 2000). However, in other
from one dacite clast and three ash-fall tuffs western margin of North America from ca. 80 to areas, such as the study area, there is no evidence
from the lower Jose Creek Member and from 40 Ma (Snyder et al., 1976; Dickinson and Sny- of extensional structures associated with the Bis-
one ash-fall tuff from the lower part of the der, 1978; Jones et al., 2011) and therefore cov- bee rift (Mack, 1987; Lawton, 2004).
overlying Hall Lake Member of the McRae ers the Campanian Stage of the Late Cretaceous Igneous rocks associated with the early phase
Formation. The clast yielded a date of 75.0 ± through the mid-Eocene (Walker et al., 2013). A of Laramide arc magmatism in New Mexico
1.1 Ma, whereas the ages of the tuffs, in as- series of discontinuous, basement-cored uplifts include intermediate volcanic rocks, mainly
cending stratigraphic order, are 74.9 ± 0.7 Ma, and complementary terrestrial basins developed andesites, shallow intrusive rocks such as
74.7 ± 0.6 Ma, 75.2 ± 1.3 Ma, and 73.2 ± within a previously subsiding, retroarc foreland quartz latite porphyry dikes, and intermediate
0.7 Ma. These dates indicate that the onset basin. The central part of the orogenic terrane intrusions such as quartz monzonite and grano-
of Laramide deposition in the Love Ranch was largely amagmatic (e.g., Coney and Reyn- diorite (e.g., McDowell, 1971; Lawton et al.,
Basin must have occurred earlier, in late olds, 1977; Dickinson and Snyder, 1978), but 1993; McLemore et al., 2000). Several of these
Campanian time, similar to deposition in the arc magmatism occurred sporadically in south- are associated with ore mineralization (e.g.,
Laramide Ringbone Basin in southwestern western Montana (Schmidt and O’Neill, 1982; McLemore et al., 1999; Mizer et al., 2015) in a
New Mexico. In addition, U-Pb zircon dates Schmidt and Garihan, 1983), as well as in south- porphyry copper belt that includes parts of Ari-
of 75.7 ± 1.3 Ma and 75.0 ± 2.8 Ma were ob- eastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, west zona, New Mexico, and Sonora, Mexico (e.g., Ti-
tained on the Twin Peaks stock and on a da- Texas, and northern Mexico (e.g., Lipman and tley, 1982; Lipman and Sawyer, 1985). The ages
cite sill, respectively, in the Burro Mountains Sawyer, 1985; Marvin et al., 1978; Keith, 1986; of the New Mexican rocks in this belt of early
of southwestern New Mexico. These dates Gilmer et al., 2003; McMillan, 2004; Seager, Laramide magmatism range from 75 to 70 Ma,
2004; González-León et al., 2011). These igne- in the Campanian–Maastrichtian Stages of the
ous rocks provide important information con- Late Cretaceous (Table DR11). However, all of
cerning the timing of the magmatism during the
Laramide orogeny (e.g., McMillan, 2004), and 1
GSA Data Repository item 2017146, a table of ages
Present address: Department of Geology and
they constrain the age of interbedded sedimen- used to create Figure 7 and X-ray fluorescence data, is
Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton tary rocks deposited within the Laramide basins available at datarepository/
Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA. (e.g., Clinkscales and Lawton, 2015), which are 2017 or by request to
GSA Bulletin; Month/Month 2017; v. 129; no. X/X; p. 000–000; doi: 10.1130/B31629.1; 7 figures; 3 tables; Data Repository item 2017146.
the previously published dates from volcanic Laramide (latest Cretaceous–Eocene) deforma- In this study, we present U-Pb zircon dates
and plutonic rocks are either K/Ar or 40Ar/39Ar tion in south-central New Mexico (Seager et al., from four previously undated ash-fall tuffs
dates that may be inaccurate because of slow 1997). It consists of the Jose Creek Member and and one dacite clast from the McRae Forma-
cooling, in the case of plutonic rocks, or unde- Hall Lake Member (Figs. 1 and 2). The Jose tion. The new dates more closely constrain
tectable Ar loss or excess argon, in the case of Creek Member constitutes the oldest basin fill the age of onset of Laramide deformation
K/Ar dates. An example of the inaccuracy of the in the Laramide Love Ranch Basin, and it has in the region than the existing fossil record.
early 1970s K/Ar dates comes from the Hanover- an excellent record of fossil leaves and petrified In addition, U-Pb zircon ages were obtained
Fierro stock, where previous K/Ar dates on wood (Upchurch and Mack, 1998; Bogner et al., from two other Laramide-age igneous rocks:
hornblende of 72–69 Ma (McDowell, 1971) 2007; Estrada-Ruiz et al., 2012a, 2012b). Prior a dacite sill and an intermediate stock from
have been superseded by several U-Pb zircon to this study, the age of the McRae Formation the Burro Mountains of southwestern New
dates that are all 61–58 Ma (Mizer et al., 2015). was only loosely constrained as Maastrichtian Mexico (Fig. 1). Our dates are placed in the
Late Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the by the presence of two dinosaur fossils in the context of previously published K/Ar and
southwest United States are not typically rich upper part of the formation (Gillette et al., 1986; 40
Ar/39Ar dates from Laramide plutonic and
in age-diagnostic fossils (e.g., Dickinson et al., Lucas et al., 1998) and by conifer macrofossils volcanic rocks in southwestern New Mexico
1989), but volcanic rocks within the section from the lower part of the formation that are and southeastern Arizona, with the goal of
can be used to date and help correlate strata. similar to those in the Maastrichtian Vermejo better defining the timing of Laramide mag-
The Upper Cretaceous McRae Formation in Formation of northern New Mexico (Upchurch matic events and sedimentation in the Amer-
south-central New Mexico marks the onset of and Mack, 1998). ican Southwest.
Fra Cristobal
Mts New N
lo Mts
Mts Copperas sample site
Peak Sag
San A
Si pre-Miocene
Ra lver TorC bedrock
ng Cit
e y ndres 33° N
Twin Quaternary
Cookes Mts
20 miles
32 km
Las Organ
Deming Robledo Mts
Victorio Mts Cruces
Pyramid Mts Mts
Ce West 32° N
Little da
Hatchet rM Potrillo
ts Tres Mts 106° W
Mts Hermanas East Potrillo
Sierra Rica
Mts Mts
108° W 107° W
109° W
Figure 1. Index map of the major mountain ranges in the southern Rio Grande rift and Basin and Range Province of southwestern New
Mexico, showing the location of the sample sites in this study. Also shown is the location of the Copper Flat porphyry system. TorC—
Truth or Consequences (town).
Fra Cristobal
lo Mts
Pu Lov
e R Ku
Tv ch outline of Rio
Pu Ba Grande rift fault
San A
Tv A blocks
subcrop; basin fill above,
Tlr 33° N
rocks below unconformity
R ange
oil well; thickness of basin
900 900 fill (Tlr?/TKm?) above;
lo Ku Ku rocks on basin floor below
stru Laramide paleocanyon and
ctur Tlr
Rio al b Exxon-Prisor #1 paleoflow arrow
Gr enc Pu
h Laramide upright fold
Pl U
pl Laramide overturned fold
Potrillo Basin
Rio Grande Uplift Love Ranch Basin
South Tlr structural bench
B Laramide basin fill, undifferentiated
Tlr A
Figure 2. (A) Map and (B) cross section of the Laramide Rio Grande uplift and complementary Love Ranch and
Potrillo Basins, south-central New Mexico. The Rio Grande uplift is superimposed on the modern uplifts of the
southern Rio Grande rift, in order to show the location of the primary structural, stratigraphic, and sedimentologic
data used in the reconstruction. Figure is adapted from Seager et al. (1986, 1997) and Seager and Mack (2003).
Geographic abbreviations: CS—Cutter Sag; TorC—Truth or Consequences; CF—Copper Flat; SD—San Diego
Mountain; DA—Doña Ana Mountains; SdlU—Sierra de las Uvas. Map unit abbreviations: Tv—Tertiary volcanic
rocks; TKm—Tertiary–Cretaceous McRae Formation; Tlr—Tertiary Love Ranch Formation; Ku—Upper Creta-
ceous strata; K—Cretaceous strata; Pu—Upper Paleozoic strata; Pl—Lower Paleozoic strata; PC—Precambrian
basement; Pz—Paleozoic; R—Robledo Mountains.
LARAMIDE RIO GRANDE UPLIFT AND propagation fold above a thrust fault (Seager et Turonian to Lower Campanian, although the
ASSOCIATED BASINS al., 1997). Evidence that the Rio Grande uplift age of the uppermost part is unconstrained (Sea-
existed west of the modern Caballo Mountains ger and Mack, 2003; Hook et al., 2012). In the
The Laramide Rio Grande uplift and com- includes a west-trending thrust fault in the northeastern Caballo Mountains, the Jose Creek
plementary Love Ranch and Potrillo Basins Salado Mountains and deep level of erosion be- Member locally overlies gently folded Crevasse
in south-central New Mexico were primarily neath late-Laramide volcanic rocks in the Sal- Canyon Formation, with an angular uncon-
reconstructed from outcrops in late Paleogene ado Mountains and Black Range (Fig. 2; Seager formity between the two units (Seager, 1995).
and Neogene normal-fault–bounded uplifts of and Mayer, 1988). These constraints indicate that this deformation
the southern Rio Grande rift (Fig. 2; Seager, The southern part of the Rio Grande uplift was occurred during a post–early Campanian and
1983, Seager, 2004; Seager and Mayer, 1988; underlain by Paleozoic sedimentary rocks that pre–late Campanian Laramide deformational
Seager et al., 1986, 1997). Outcrop data include were gently tilted to the south-southwest. This event (Seager et al., 1997).
thrust and reverse faults, open and overturned interpretation is based on subcrop relationships In its southernmost exposures in the northern
folds, and subcrop relationships, thickness and in the modern Robledo Mountains, Doña Ana Caballo Mountains, the Jose Creek Member
grain size distributions, paleocurrents, and prov- Mountains, and Organ Mountains (Fig. 2), in consists of cobble and boulder conglomerate
enance of Laramide basin-fill strata. The recon- which Laramide basin-fill strata or late-Laramide and granular, pebbly sandstone deposited on
struction was aided by a seismic reflection pro- volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks unconformably alluvial fans, although structural complications
file (Keller et al., 1986) and two oil exploration overlie progressively younger Paleozoic sedi- preclude determination of the total thickness
wells (Fig. 2). mentary rocks to the southwest (Seager et al., of these strata. To the north, in the Cutter Sag,
1997). In the Robledo Mountains, at least three the Jose Creek Member consists of fluvial strata
Structure of the Rio Grande Uplift paleocanyons infilled with Laramide conglom- that increase in thickness northward from 90 m
erates have been mapped (Seager et al., 2008). to 170 m over a distance of ~10 km (Fig. 2).
The Rio Grande uplift was a west-northwest– The Doña Ana Mountains also have a broad The gravel-sized fraction within the Jose Creek
trending, Precambrian basement–cored moun- anticline and a northeast-vergent thrust fault de- Member is composed entirely of andesitic and
tain range that developed within the previously veloped in Permian rocks that are interpreted to dacitic rocks. Cross-bed paleocurrent data sug-
subsiding Western Interior Basin. Details of be Laramide in age (Seager et al., 2008). Farther gest predominantly north-northeastward paleo-
the structures in the uplift and their kinematic south, the Potrillo Basin is constrained only by flow, as well as periodic flow to the southeast
history have been given in Seager et al. (1997) the presence of thick (2100 m) basin-fill strata in (Seager et al., 1997). Fluvial strata of the Jose
and Seager and Mack (2003) and are summa- the “Grimm et al.” well described by Thompson Creek Member have a diverse leaf flora (Up-
rized here. (1982), who thought these rocks were Laramide church and Mack, 1998) and an abundance of
The structurally highest part of the Rio in age. The southern boundary of the Potrillo Ba- petrified wood, including at least 50 petrified
Grande uplift trended west-northwest and was sin is placed in the vicinity of the modern East stumps in growth position (Estrada-Ruiz et al.,
bounded on the north by southwest-dipping Potrillo Mountains, where a thrust fault inter- 2012a, 2012b).
thrust faults exposed in the southern San An- preted to be Laramide in age is exposed (Seager At least 11 ash-fall tuffs are interbedded with
dres Mountains and at San Diego Mountain and Mack, 1994). fluvial strata in the middle and upper parts of the
and imaged in the Exxon seismic profile (Fig. The overwhelming abundance of andesitic Jose Creek Member (Fig. 4; Seager and Mack,
2; Seager et al., 1971; Seager, 1981; Keller et and dacitic clasts in older Laramide conglom- 2003). Ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 m thick, the fine-
al., 1986). At San Diego Mountain and in the erates led Seager et al. (1997) to infer that a grained tuffs generally are tan to yellow on the
southern San Andres Mountains, Proterozoic Late Cretaceous volcanic field covered much weathered surface and display closely spaced
crystalline basement was thrust over Paleozoic of the future area of the Rio Grande uplift and vertical joints. Most of the tuffs are either inter-
sedimentary rocks (Seager et al., 1971; Seager, constituted the primary source of sediment dur- nally structureless or have horizontal laminae
1981), whereas the southern San Andres Moun- ing the early history of the Love Ranch Basin. and centimeter-scale graded bedding, both of
tains also record a north-vergent, overturned The largest remnant of this volcanic field is the which are consistent with deposition from sus-
footwall syncline that produced a progressive Copper Flat porphyry system in the modern pension. Some tuffs were locally reworked by
unconformity in Laramide conglomerates (Sea- Animas Hills (Figs. 1 and 2; Seager et al., 1982; running water, as indicated by the presence of
ger, 1981). Approximately 2.5 km of Paleozoic McLemore et al., 1999). The Cretaceous geo- ripple cross-laminae. Petrographically, the tuffs
and Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and an graphic extent of the andesitic volcanic field is consist of clay with scattered silt- and sand-
unknown thickness of Proterozoic metamorphic unknown, although it did not extend as far east sized grains of quartz, biotite, and feldspar. A
and granitic rocks were eroded off of the crest as the modern southern San Andres Mountains, few beds have relict cuspate and platy glass
of the Rio Grande uplift before it was ultimately where Laramide conglomerates lack volcanic shards recrystallized to chert, as well as bipy-
onlapped by a thin veneer of Laramide basin-fill clasts (Seager, 1981). ramidal and embayed quartz grains. The strati-
strata or by late Laramide andesitic volcanic and graphically lowest tuff (Knob tuff), the highest
volcaniclastic rocks. Laramide Stratigraphy tuff (upper JC tuff), and the tuff with the most
Projecting northward from the central part abundant leaf fossils (Dori’s tuff) were dated in
of the uplift, there was a structurally lower McRae Formation this study (Fig. 4).
bench, which, in the Caballo Mountains, is The McRae Formation is divided into the The Hall Lake Member of the McRae Forma-
characterized by broad folds and a thrust fault lower Jose Creek and upper Hall Lake mem- tion is distinguished from the underlying Jose
in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Fig. 2). The bers (Fig. 3; Kelley and Silver, 1952; Bushnell, Creek Member by the purple color of its fluvial
eastern margin of the structural bench displays 1955). The Jose Creek Member unconformably conglomerates, sandstones, and shales, although
a northwest-trending, northeast-vergent, over- overlies fluvial strata of the Crevasse Canyon a few red and green shales also are present. Like
turned anticline that may constitute a fault- Formation, which in the study area ranges from the Jose Creek Member, the Hall Lake Member
is most widely exposed in the Cutter Sag, but granite clasts are present in pebble lags of flu- a fine matrix of chert and clay. The pink tuff is
a few outcrops are present in the northeastern vial channels stratigraphically higher in the Hall the only tuff that has been identified in the Hall
Caballo Mountains. With few exceptions, the Lake Member. Lake Member and is the stratigraphically high-
gravel-sized clasts in the Hall Lake Member are Ten to fifteen meters above the base of the est tuff dated in this study (Fig. 4). The maxi-
exclusively andesitic and dacitic in composi- Hall Lake Member in the Cutter Sag, there is mum thickness of the Hall Lake Member is
tion. The most notable exception is a 5-m-thick, an ash-fall tuff referred to as the “pink tuff.” unknown because it is cut by numerous normal
cobble conglomerate at or a few meters above From 1 to 2 m thick, the pink tuff is internally faults, and there are no marker beds above the
the base of the Hall Lake Member that consists structureless, but it locally displays burrows and pink tuff that would allow correlation between
primarily of Proterozoic metaquartzite and red root traces in the upper part. Petrographic analy- individual fault-bounded outcrops. However,
granite clasts, but also contains andesitic and sis shows relict cuspate and platy glass shards Seager and Mack (2003) estimated that the Hall
dacitic clasts (Fig. 4). Rarely, metaquartzite and and rare biotite, quartz, and feldspar crystals in Lake is at least 235 m thick between two widely
spaced faults.
Prior to this study, the most age-diagnostic
bimodal rhyolite and fossils from the McRae Formation were a jaw
Oligocene fragment of Tyrannosaurus rex and horn and
basalt/basaltic andesite
33.7 frill fragments of Torosaurus from separate sites
volcanism 36.5-26 Ma
in the Hall Lake Member (Lozinsky et al., 1984;
Wolberg et al., 1986; Gillette et al., 1986; Lu-
Eocene Palm Park, Orejon, cas et al., 1998). Although both fossils indicate
Rubio Peak a late Maastrichtian age, the stratigraphic posi-
andesitic rocks 46-40 Ma tions of the fossils within the Hall Lake Mem-
ber are uncertain, because of faulting in the case
Laramide Orogeny
of the T. rex fossil and isolation by Quaternary
56.0 sediment for the Torosaurus fossils (Lozinsky,
Love Ranch 1986; Mack and Seager, 1993). For the under-
lying Jose Creek Member, conifer macrofossils
Paleocene pollen have been used to suggest a late Maastrichtian
age, although early Maastrichtian or late Cam-
66.0 ? ? ? panian ages could not be ruled out (Upchurch
T-rex, Torosaurus
Hall and Mack, 1998). Whether or not the Hall Lake
Section 2 tion unconformably overlie Paleozoic rocks
and consist of clasts similar in composition
110 to those in the middle and upper parts of the
pink tuff
73.2 ± 0.7
tion, in the west-central Caballo Mountains, a
south paleovalley floored by Precambrian basement
Section 1 100 Hall
contains ~500 m of Love Ranch strata (Seager
et al., 1986). At San Diego Mountain, within
Lake the structurally highest part of the uplift, a thin
Mbr (~5 m) veneer of Love Ranch conglomerate
90 unconformably overlies Proterozoic basement,
upper JC tuff
65 whereas along the southwestern dip slope of
75.2 ± 1.3 66.0 the Rio Grande uplift, in the Robledo Moun-
tains, Doña Ana Mountains, and Organ Moun-
80 Maastrichtian tains, conglomerates of Love Ranch up to 60 m
thick are exclusively composed of Paleozoic
72.1 72.5 range sedimentary clasts, and they unconformably
of overlie Paleozoic rocks (Seager et al., 1986).
70 75 McRae In the Robledo Mountains, at least three paleo-
76.1 ages
Campanian canyons cut in Permian rocks were infilled by
Love Ranch conglomerates, for which imbrica-
tion paleocurrent data indicate southward pa-
60 leoflow toward the Potrillo Basin (Seager et al.,
Jose Creek Mbr
83.6 1986). In outcrop, the age of the Love Ranch
85 Formation is constrained by its unconformable
Dori’s tuff 74.6 ± 0.6 (?) lower contact with the Hall Lake Member
50 of the McRae Formation and by its conform-
able upper contact with volcanic and volca-
andesite and niclastic rocks of the Palm Park Formation,
dacite-clast Orejon Andesite, and Rubio Peak Formation.
40 cobble-boulder In the “Grimm et al.” well, Upper Paleocene to
Lower Eocene palynomorphs were recovered
granite-clast from the lower 250 m of reddish strata, which
knob tuff 74.9 ± 0.7 conglomerate were correlated by Thompson (1982) to the
30 pebbly Love Ranch Formation.
Palm Park Formation, Orejon Andesite, and
mudstone Rubio Peak Formation
20 ash-fall tuff Throughout the study area, the Love Ranch
in situ petrified stump Formation is conformably overlain by and
locally interfingers with intermediate vol-
10 canic and volcaniclastic rocks up to 600 m
thick called the Orejon Andesite in the Organ
northern Caballo Mountains Mountains, the Rubio Peak Formation in the
dacite clast Black Range and areas to the west, and the
75.0 ± 1.1 Palm Park Formation elsewhere in the study
Crevasse Canyon Fm area (Fig. 3). These Laramide-age rocks are
considered to be arc-related based on their
Figure 4. Measured sections of the Jose Creek Member and lower Hall occurrence and chemistry (McMillan et al.,
Lake Member of the McRae Formation in the northern Caballo Moun- 2000; McMillan, 2004), and they postdate
tains and Cutter Sag, south-central New Mexico. U-Pb dates (ages in Ma) Laramide deformation, although they do on-
are shown for three ash-fall tuffs (Knob tuff, Dori’s tuff, upper JC tuff) lap relict topography of the Rio Grande uplift
and one dacite clast from the Jose Creek Member (Mbr) and for one ash- (Seager et al., 1997). The 40Ar/39Ar dates for
fall tuff (pink tuff) from the Hall Lake Member. The range of ages deter- these units range from 46.3 to 40.2 Ma (Mc-
mined in this study from the McRae Formation fall entirely within the Millan, 2004; Rioux et al., 2016), whereas
late Campanian, using the 2013 International Chronostratigraphic Chart K/Ar dates from biotite are as young as 38 Ma
(Cohen et al., 2013). (Clemons, 1979).
EARLY LARAMIDE MAGMATISM yer (1985) noted that no ash-flow tuff outflow Accuracy on major-element concentrations was
sheets related to this eruptive center have been within 1.1% of established values.
The low-angle subducting Farallon slab re- described. It is the easternmost magmatic cen-
sulted in limited magmatism throughout the ter known during the early part of the Laramide GEOCHRONOLOGY RESULTS
Cordillera during the Laramide orogeny, but orogeny in the southwest United States, and it
in the southern Cordillera, relatively abundant is coeval with some of the rocks dated as part Volcanic Rocks from McRae Formation
magmatism occurred. McMillan (2004) com- of this study.
piled geochronologic data from igneous rocks in We dated four ash-fall tuffs and one volcanic
southern New Mexico and suggested that there METHODS clast from the McRae Formation (Fig. 4). The
were three periods of Laramide magmatism in clast was from a cobble and boulder conglom-
New Mexico. The first was from 80 to 64 Ma, U-Pb zircon geochronology was carried erate at the base of Jose Creek Member in the
the second period was lower volume and oc- out using three methods: laser ablation– northern Caballo Mountains. Three of the tuff
curred from 64 to 48 Ma, after which the young- inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrom- samples were from the middle and upper parts
est phase of late Laramide magmatism lasted etry (LA-ICP-MS) at the Arizona LaserChron of the Jose Creek Member, whereas the other
from 48 to 37 Ma and resulted in widespread Laboratory at the University of Arizona; sen- tuff was from the lower part of the Hall Lake
intermediate volcanism across a vast area of sitive high-resolution ion microprobe–reverse Member (Fig. 4). All were dated with LA-ICP-
southern New Mexico (McMillan, 2004). Our geometry (SHRIMP-RG) at the Stanford–U.S. MS, and the data are given in Table 1.
assessment of these phases suggests that there Geological Survey facility; and laser-ablation The volcanic clast (sample 15Kmj-C1) is an
are actually gaps between them, rather than con- split-stream (LASS) dual ICP-MS at the Uni- equant rounded clast, ~25 cm in diameter. It is
tinuous magmatism over the 80–37 Ma period. versity of Santa Barbara using the techniques purple-gray and is inferred to have been derived
This study focuses on the earliest Laramide described by Kylander-Clark et al. (2013). from a dacite lava flow, based on its texture
magmatic episode in the Late Cretaceous and its Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircons and composition (SiO2 = 65.3 wt%; Table DR2
associated sedimentary rocks. were obtained using a scanning electron micro- [see footnote 1]). It is a crystal-rich porphyry
There are several exposures of known early scope, and these were used to choose analytical consisting of a groundmass of plagioclase mi-
Laramide igneous rocks in southern New spots. For all data sets, we filtered out analy- crolites and phenocrysts of plagioclase, altered
Mexico that could have been source regions ses that had a greater than 5% uncertainty. hornblende, and altered pyroxene. Twenty of the
for the tuffs described in this paper. The major- For SHRIMP-RG dating of igneous rocks, we 34 zircons from this sample yielded a weighted
ity of the previously published dates are either used a primary beam that excavated an area of mean 206Pb/238U age of 75.0 ± 1.1 Ma (mean
K/Ar or 40Ar/39Ar dates (those analyses pub- ~25–30 µm across to a depth of ~1 µm. The square of weighted deviates [MSWD] = 0.3;
lished before 1977 have been recalculated with analytical routine followed Williams (1998) Fig. 5A; Table 1). The other 14 were inherited
the modern decay constant of Steiger and Jäger, and Wang et al. (2014). Isoplot (Ludwig, 2008) grains that ranged in age from 1662 to 1435 Ma.
1977). These have been divided into four main and SQUID 2 (Ludwig, 2005) programs were The lowest tuff (14Kmj-L, knob tuff) is a re-
localities (Fig. 1; details and references in Table used for reduction and plotting of U-Pb data. worked ash-fall tuff that is pale-orange/tan in
DR1 [see footnote 1]), which, described from Isotopic compositions were calibrated by rep- color (Fig. 4). It is very fine grained and likely a
southwest to northeast, include: (1) the Little licate analyses of zircon standard R33, which mix of volcanic and sedimentary material. Zir-
Hatchet Mountains region, where basalt and has an age of 419 Ma (Black et al., 2004). The cons have aspect ratios from 2 to 4, and most
andesite of the Hidalgo Formation yield dates 206
Pb/238U ages were corrected for common Pb have concentric, oscillatory zonation. A few of
from 71.4 Ma to 70.5 Ma, and the underlying using the excess 207Pb method (Ireland and Wil- the 50 mounted grains have cores that are dis-
Skunk Ranch and Ringbone Formations have liams, 2003). Common Pb compositions were tinct in shape or zonation from the rims. We
ash-fall tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones with estimated from Stacey and Kramers (1975). dated 17 zircons (Fig. 5B; Table 1): Two were
U-Pb zircon dates from 73.4 Ma to 70.4 Ma; We used the SHRIMP-RG to date one sample ca. 1460 Ma, one was 164 Ma, and the remain-
(2) the Lordsburg–Burro Mountains region, from the Burro Mountains. For LA-ICP-MS, ing 15 grains yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U
where monzonite has a K/Ar hornblende age the beam diameter was either 20 µm or 35 µm. age of 74.9 ± 0.7 Ma (MSWD = 0.77).
of 72.5 Ma, and two disturbed 40Ar/39Ar dates Errors on spot ages of individual zircons grains The next highest sample in the stratigraphy,
on groundmass and plagioclase from andesite are reported in the text and tables at 1σ, and 12HL-3 (Dori’s tuff), is a grayish-tan, ash-fall
yielded minimum ages of 66.3 Ma and 67.9 Ma; we report weighted mean ages in the text and tuff with a clay-rich and locally recrystallized
(3) the Silver City–Pinos Altos region, consist- figures at the 2σ level. We do not report the cherty groundmass. It has crystals of quartz and
ing of monzonite, quartz monzonite, and grano- 207
Pb/206Pb ages unless the 206Pb/238U age was plagioclase up to 1 mm in diameter, as well as
diorite with ages from 75.9 Ma to 68.9 Ma; older than 500 Ma. minor lithic fragments. Flattened, weathered
and (4) the Copper Flat region, where andesite, Geochemical analyses were performed us- clasts that are black in thin section may represent
latite, monzonite, and quartz monzonite have ing a Rigaku ZSX Primus II X-ray fluorescence altered pumice. The whole-rock composition is
Ar/39Ar dates ranging from 75.4 Ma to 70.2 Ma. (XRF) spectrometer (major and trace elements) 73% SiO2 (Table DR2 [see footnote 1]). Zircons
The Copper Flat porphyry system (Figs. 1 and at New Mexico State University. Samples were were not imaged. Of the 11 grains analyzed
2) is a circular exposure of andesite and andesite crushed with a tungsten carbide shatterbox. We (Fig. 5C; Table 1), all but one were Campan-
laharic breccia (Jochems et al., 2014) intruded used a combined Li metaborate and Li petrabo- ian in age, yielding a weighted mean 206Pb/238U
by quartz monzonite (Dunn, 1982), and it is as- rate flux mixed with rock powder to create glass age of 74.7 ± 0.6 Ma (MSWD = 1.3). The other
sociated with significant copper porphyry de- beads for major-element analysis, and pressed grain was Mesoproterozoic at 1448 ± 21 Ma.
posits (Dunn, 1982; McLemore et al., 1999). pellets from powder for trace elements. Refer- The next higher dated tuff in the stratigra-
It has been interpreted as a small caldera (Lip- ence materials (BHVO and AGV) were mea- phy is sample14Kmj-U (upper JC tuff), which
man and Sawyer, 1985), and Lipman and Saw- sured before and after all unknown analyses. is a beige, very fine-grained rock with a likely
12HLPT-1 “Pink Tuff”: Analyzed at University of Arizona LaserChron Lab on 24 October 2012
4 597 93,082 1.8 21.3304 4.6 0.0725 4.7 0.0112 0.8 0.18 71.9 0.6 71.1 3.2 71.9 1.1
10 574 4937 1.4 20.5653 6.7 0.0752 6.7 0.0112 0.6 0.09 71.9 0.5 73.6 4.8 71.9 1.1
6 726 1,3841 1.4 21.2753 7.2 0.0737 7.8 0.0114 3.2 0.40 72.9 2.3 72.2 5.5 72.9 2.3
2 261 10,480 1.4 22.1985 12.0 0.0708 12.6 0.0114 3.8 0.31 73.1 2.8 69.5 8.4 73.1 2.8
20 445 32,418 2.4 20.1418 8.0 0.0782 8.3 0.0114 2.4 0.28 73.3 1.7 76.5 6.1 73.3 1.7
7 296 12,833 2.0 20.0599 11.1 0.0788 11.3 0.0115 2.0 0.17 73.5 1.4 77.0 8.4 73.5 1.1
17 323 16,440 2.5 22.6040 11.2 0.0701 11.7 0.0115 3.3 0.28 73.6 2.4 68.7 7.8 73.6 2.4
16 347 18,494 1.4 19.8199 9.7 0.0800 10.4 0.0115 3.9 0.37 73.7 2.8 78.1 7.8 73.7 2.8
23 321 13,310 1.4 21.2070 7.8 0.0749 8.2 0.0115 2.3 0.28 73.8 1.7 73.3 5.8 73.8 1.7
9 169 12,295 1.8 24.6151 23.2 0.0646 23.5 0.0115 3.6 0.15 73.9 2.6 63.6 14.5 73.9 2.6
5 963 39,779 1.5 21.0654 3.5 0.0755 4.2 0.0115 2.3 0.55 74.0 1.7 73.9 3.0 74.0 1.7
24 902 13,239 1.9 18.0930 16.1 0.0881 16.1 0.0116 1.3 0.08 74.1 0.9 85.7 13.3 74.1 0.9
13 529 41,583 2.4 20.8766 4.8 0.0765 5.2 0.0116 1.9 0.37 74.2 1.4 74.8 3.7 74.2 1.1
18 313 18,622 1.6 22.6296 12.2 0.0706 12.3 0.0116 1.5 0.12 74.2 1.1 69.2 8.2 74.2 1.1
15 107 4960 1.4 23.3265 28.6 0.0686 29.0 0.0116 4.6 0.16 74.4 3.4 67.4 18.9 74.4 3.4
2 1040 48,179 2.9 20.8176 2.9 0.0774 3.1 0.0117 1.2 0.38 74.9 0.9 75.7 2.3 74.9 1.1
21 460 5382 1.5 21.1091 8.7 0.0765 8.8 0.0117 1.5 0.17 75.1 1.1 74.8 6.4 75.1 1.1
26 444 15,972 2.3 22.0928 5.1 0.0740 5.6 0.0119 2.4 0.43 76.0 1.8 72.5 3.9 76.0 1.8
14 116 5186 1.7 21.1454 36.1 0.0773 36.5 0.0119 4.9 0.14 76.0 3.7 75.6 26.6 76.0 3.7
19 250 13,366 1.4 21.8647 11.0 0.0749 11.9 0.0119 4.5 0.38 76.1 3.4 73.3 8.4 76.1 3.4
8 939 51,638 1.5 20.6796 3.8 0.0811 4.4 0.0122 2.2 0.49 77.9 1.7 79.2 3.4 77.9 1.7
1 250 18,267 1.1 19.5583 8.6 0.1860 9.1 0.0264 2.9 0.32 167.8 4.9 173.2 14.4 167.8 4.9
25 491 735,287 7.9 9.6808 0.1 4.2716 1.4 0.2999 1.4 1.00 1691 21 1688 12 1684 2 1684 2
14KMJ-U: Analyzed at University of California Santa Barbara LASS lab on 22 September 2014
13 115 5569 1.2 20.6452 10.3 0.0743 11.2 0.0111 4.4 0.40 71.4 3.1 72.8 7.8 71.4 3.1
8 92 3400 1.5 24.6672 23.2 0.0651 23.4 0.0117 3.6 0.15 74.7 2.7 64.1 14.6 74.7 2.7
21 59 4296 1.4 27.8119 60.8 0.0579 61.6 0.0117 10.0 0.16 74.8 7.4 57.1 34.2 74.8 7.4
5 1279 37,997 2.5 20.6785 1.4 0.0782 2.0 0.0117 1.5 0.71 75.1 1.1 76.4 1.5 75.1 1.1
1 68 9036 1.2 23.0515 31.1 0.0701 31.6 0.0117 5.5 0.17 75.2 4.1 68.8 21.1 75.2 4.1
6 345 30,407 0.7 20.6603 6.2 0.0785 6.4 0.0118 1.7 0.26 75.4 1.3 76.7 4.8 75.4 1.3
2 62 2693 1.2 33.8024 48.8 0.0480 49.1 0.0118 5.3 0.11 75.4 4.0 47.6 22.8 75.4 4.0
12 426 14,977 4.0 21.2209 6.1 0.0765 6.7 0.0118 2.8 0.42 75.5 2.1 74.9 4.9 75.5 2.1
7 85 5574 0.9 26.3371 19.5 0.0625 20.5 0.0119 6.5 0.32 76.5 4.9 61.5 12.3 76.5 4.9
20 77 2270 1.4 25.0319 37.8 0.0659 38.4 0.0120 7.1 0.18 76.6 5.4 64.8 24.1 76.6 5.4
11 77 5397 1.3 20.6964 48.5 0.0798 49.1 0.0120 7.6 0.16 76.8 5.8 78.0 36.9 76.8 5.8
9 70 4417 1.6 21.1976 35.0 0.0782 36.1 0.0120 8.8 0.24 77.1 6.7 76.5 26.6 77.1 6.7
17 56 3661 1.3 22.7200 38.0 0.0731 38.9 0.0120 8.4 0.22 77.2 6.4 71.6 26.9 77.2 6.4
19 103 301 1.4 17.4356 29.9 0.0997 30.6 0.0126 6.7 0.22 80.8 5.4 96.5 28.2 80.8 5.4
4 701 601,244 9.6 10.9529 0.1 3.1017 1.3 0.2464 1.3 1.00 1420 17 1433 10 1453 2 1453 2
18 294 310,770 1.7 10.8464 0.2 3.2461 1.6 0.2554 1.6 0.99 1466 21 1468 12 1471 4 1471 4
16 279 430,990 14.1 10.5311 0.3 3.4085 2.1 0.2603 2.1 0.99 1492 28 1506 17 1527 6 1527 6
23 408 421,132 2.5 10.0687 0.4 3.8504 2.3 0.2812 2.2 0.99 1597 32 1603 18 1611 7 1611 7
14 140 215,032 2.0 9.9514 0.4 4.1366 2.6 0.2986 2.5 0.99 1684 38 1662 21 1633 8 1633 8
22 112 58,909 1.4 9.8339 0.4 4.0644 2.7 0.2899 2.6 0.99 1641 38 1647 22 1655 8 1655 8
15 165 37,358 1.4 9.8281 0.5 4.0478 1.5 0.2885 1.4 0.94 1634 20 1644 12 1656 9 1656 9
14KMJ-L: Analyzed at University of California Santa Barbara LASS lab on 22 September 2014
6 136 2928 5.3 18.7372 31.5 0.0828 32.1 0.0113 5.8 0.18 72.1 4.1 80.8 24.9 72.1 4.1
13 132 10,285 2.9 21.0833 16.5 0.0744 17.0 0.0114 4.2 0.25 72.9 3.0 72.9 11.9 72.9 3.0
3 110 12,118 1.8 21.5470 16.9 0.0737 17.3 0.0115 3.8 0.22 73.8 2.8 72.2 12.1 73.8 2.8
4 335 25,979 4.1 21.2218 9.4 0.0751 9.5 0.0116 1.2 0.13 74.1 0.9 73.5 6.7 74.1 0.9
14 966 86,607 1.8 20.6189 2.6 0.0777 2.8 0.0116 1.0 0.35 74.5 0.7 76.0 2.0 74.5 0.7
9 358 10,851 1.2 21.2357 6.6 0.0756 6.8 0.0116 1.4 0.21 74.6 1.1 74.0 4.8 74.6 1.1
8 125 5376 0.9 22.1540 17.5 0.0725 18.0 0.0116 4.3 0.24 74.6 3.2 71.0 12.3 74.6 3.2
12 444 13,763 1.1 20.5868 2.7 0.0781 3.0 0.0117 1.3 0.43 74.7 0.9 76.4 2.2 74.7 0.9
19 372 10,910 1.2 21.3230 4.5 0.0755 4.9 0.0117 1.9 0.38 74.8 1.4 73.9 3.5 74.8 1.4
1 1170 58,342 1.9 20.9329 2.3 0.0777 2.5 0.0118 1.1 0.43 75.6 0.8 76.0 1.8 75.6 0.8
2 126 3811 1.3 26.2576 24.4 0.0622 25.0 0.0118 5.4 0.22 75.9 4.1 61.3 14.8 75.9 4.1
16 207 8318 1.3 21.1662 9.4 0.0773 9.7 0.0119 2.5 0.26 76.0 1.9 75.6 7.1 76.0 1.9
20 417 60,236 1.3 20.8046 10.0 0.0786 10.3 0.0119 2.2 0.22 76.0 1.7 76.8 7.6 76.0 1.7
17 146 11,573 1.5 21.2057 16.2 0.0776 16.6 0.0119 3.6 0.22 76.5 2.7 75.9 12.1 76.5 2.7
15 295 16,187 4.0 20.9713 9.4 0.0828 9.8 0.0126 2.8 0.29 80.7 2.2 80.8 7.6 80.7 2.2
7 451 66,040 0.7 20.5074 3.3 0.1731 3.4 0.0257 0.9 0.25 164 1 162 5 163.9 1.4
5 1133 649,839 3.9 10.9222 0.1 3.0468 1.0 0.2414 1.0 0.99 1394 12 1419 8 1458 2 1458 2
11 326 438,594 2.2 10.8873 0.3 3.0886 1.1 0.2439 1.1 0.96 1407 13 1430 8 1464 6 1464 6
mixture of ash and sedimentary detritus, includ- complex (e.g., Hedlund, 1980; Amato et al., which are highly altered. Of the 19 crystals ana-
ing abundant quartz. It has small leaf fragments 2008, 2011; Jonell, 2012; Machin et al., 2012). lyzed, three were Proterozoic xenocrysts. Six-
along bedding planes. Zircons have aspect ratios Sample 11BV-24 is from the northwestern teen crystals yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U
from 2 to 3 and have concentric oscillatory zo- Redrock NE (Bullard Peak) quadrangle (Hed- age of 75.0 ± 2.8 Ma (MSWD = 0.08; Fig. 5G;
nation with a small number of grains having dis- lund, 1980) along Blackhawk Canyon. It was Table 1). The xenocrysts have 207Pb/206Pb ages
tinct cores. Of the 21 zircons analyzed (Fig. 5D; sampled from unit “Kmp,” which is the Twin ranging from 1461 to 1443 Ma. Inherited cores
Table 1), seven were Proterozoic and ranged Peaks monzonite porphyry named by Hewitt were identified in the CL images of several zir-
from 1453 to 1656 Ma. One of these ages was (1959). It is 3 km by 2 km and intrudes grano- cons from this sample. A summary of all of the
from an inherited core. The other 14 grains diorite with ages of ca. 1460 Ma (Amato et U-Pb geochronology, along with sample locali-
yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 75.2 ± al., 2011). A hornblende K/Ar date of 72.5 ± ties, is given in Table 3.
1.3 Ma (MSWD = 0.23). 4.7 Ma from Kmp was reported by Hedlund
The final sample (12HLPT-1, pink tuff) is (1980). The extremely fine-grained matrix indi- DISCUSSION
from the overlying Hall Lake Member. The cates that the rock is hypabyssal, and it has a
groundmass consists of abundant orange devitri- dacite composition with 65% SiO2 (Table DR2 Comparison of the Age of Onset of
fied glass shards with curved walls. Phenocrysts [see footnote 1]). The sample is light gray, with Deposition in the Love Ranch Basin with
are <0.5 mm in diameter and consist of domi- abundant phenocrysts that include mostly pla- Other Laramide Basins in New Mexico
nantly angular quartz grains with minor plagio- gioclase and acicular hornblende. The dated
clase. Minor pumice is present. The whole-rock sample was collected from near the eastern mar- The onset of deformation in the Laramide
composition is 77% SiO2 (Table DR2 [see foot- gin of the stock. Five zircon crystals were ana- Province of the Western Interior of the United
note 1]). Zircons have aspect ratios that range lyzed by SHRIMP (all other samples from this States generally is constrained by the age of
from 2 to 5. Most have concentric oscillatory study were analyzed using LA-ICP-MS), and the oldest syntectonic basin-fill sediment, as
zonation, and some have inherited cores. We a 206Pb/238U age of 75.5 ± 1.3 Ma was obtained determined by guide fossils, dated volcanic
dated 23 zircons with LA-ICP-MS (Fig. 5E; (Fig. 5F; Table 2). One zircon, likely xenocrys- rocks interbedded with the basin-fill strata,
Table 1): One yielded a Proterozoic age of 1684 tic, yielded an age of 1462 ± 6 Ma. Numerous and reversal magnetostratigraphy. Eleven
Ma; another was 168 Ma; and the other 22 were inherited cores were identified in CL images of Laramide basins have been identified in New
Campanian with a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age zircons from this sample. Mexico, including the Love Ranch Basin (Fig.
of 73.2 ± 0.7 Ma (MSWD = 1.7). Sample 11BV-35 was collected from a pre- 6; Lucas and Ingersoll, 1981; Seager, 1983,
viously mapped dacite sill of presumed Paleo- 2004; Smith et al., 1985; Cather, 2004). The
Burro Mountains Igneous Rocks gene age in the southwestern Cliff quadrangle geochronologic data presented in this study
(Finnell, 1987), located ~4 km north of the Twin allow a more precise comparison of the onset
We dated two samples from the Burro Moun- Peaks stock. The rock is a light-gray dacite with of Laramide sedimentation in the Love Ranch
tains (Fig. 1), an area that consists of several 65% SiO2 and is compositionally similar to Basin with the other basins in New Mexico,
fault-block uplifts of Proterozoic igneous and sample 11BV-24 but with less Na2O (Table DR2 and they can be used to test a previous model
metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous sedimentary [see footnote 1]). It has phenocrysts of horn- regarding the temporal and spatial variations
and igneous rocks, and a Paleogene caldera blende, plagioclase, and minor biotite, all of in the onset of Laramide deformation in the
0.064 15Kmj-C1 Clast 75.0 ± 1.1 Ma 14Kmj-l “Knob Tuff” 74.9 ± 0.7 Ma
207Pb /206Pb
207Pb /206Pb
0.052 0.07
82 78 74 70 0.05
0.044 88 84 80 76 72 68 64
76 80 84 88 92 96 70 80 90 100
238U/206Pb 238U/206Pb
12HL-3 “Dori’s Tuff” 74.6 ± 0.6 Ma 14Kmj-u “Upper JC tuff” 75.2 ± 1.3 Ma
0.054 0.11
207Pb /206Pb
207Pb /206Pb
0.048 0.07
78 76 74 72 70
0.044 100 90 80 70 60
C 0.03
81 83 85 87 89 91 60 70 80 90 100 110
238U/206Pb 238U/206Pb
0.10 12HLPT-1 “Pink Tuff” 73.2 ± 0.7 Ma 11BV-24 Burro Dacite 75.5 ± 1.3 Ma
207Pb /206Pb
207Pb /206Pb
0.08 0.052
0.05 88 84 80 76 70 66
72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92
238U/206Pb 238U/206Pb
11BV-35 Burro Dacite 75.0 ± 2.8 Ma
207Pb /206Pb
Figure 5. U-Pb Tera-Wasserburg concordia dia-
0.2 grams for all dated samples. Age ellipses are 1σ,
and reported mean weighted ages are 2σ.
40 60 80 100 120 140
southwestern United States (Clinkscales and Ringbone Formation suggest a late Campan- basin fill, the Cowboy Springs Formation, has
Lawton, 2015). ian to early Maastrichtian age (Lucas,1990). ash-fall tuffs similar in thickness and composi-
Prior to this study, it was assumed that sedi- More recently, U-Pb-zircon dates have been tion to those in the Ringbone Formation (Zeller
mentation in the Love Ranch Basin began in obtained from ash-fall tuffs in the Ringbone and Alper, 1965). This led Seager (2004) to sug-
Maastrichtian time, based on the presence of and Skunk Ranch Formations. The older tuff, gest that the onset of deposition in the Little Hat
Upper Maastrichtian (ca. 68–66 Ma) dinosaur located ~540 m above the base of the basin-fill Top Basin was contemporaneous with that in the
fossils in the upper member (Hall Lake) of the section, yielded an age of 73.0 ± 1.0 Ma (late Ringbone Basin.
McRae Formation. As stated earlier, however, Campanian), whereas the younger tuff, located The existence of the Laramide Klondike Ba-
the stratigraphic positions of the dinosaur fossils ~1870 m above the base of the section, is 70.0 ± sin in southwestern New Mexico is based on
within the Hall Lake Member are uncertain, and 1.0 Ma (early Maastrichtian; Jennings et al., cuttings from three wells, as well as exposures
no guide fossils have been found in the underly- 2013; Clinkscales and Lawton, 2015). Because of the Lobo Formation in the Victorio Moun-
ing Jose Creek Member. The four ash-fall tuffs the older dated tuff is located ~540 m above the tains (Lawton and Clemons, 1992). Although
dated in this study indicate that the middle and base of the Ringbone Formation, the age of the no fossils or dates are available, the cuttings
upper parts of the Jose Creek Member and at base of the formation is older. An estimate for contain andesitic clasts similar to the andesitic
least the lower 15 m of the overlying Hall Lake the age of the base of the Ringbone Formation volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Hidalgo
Member are 75–73 Ma in age (late Campanian; can be estimated by calculating the uncom- Formation in the northern Little Hatchet Moun-
Fig. 4). Although there are no tuffs in the lower pacted sediment accumulation rate between tains. Prior to the study of Lawton and Clemons
30 m of the Jose Creek Member, its base may be the dated tuffs in the Ringbone and Skunk (1992), a single zircon fission-track date of 55 Ma
the same age but not older than the clast dated in Ranch Formations and applying that value to was available from the Hidalgo Formation
this study at 75.0 ± 1.1 Ma. When the 2σ error is the amount of time it took to deposit the lower (Marvin et al., 1978). More recently, hornblende
included, a maximum possible age for the base 540 m of the Ringbone Formation. When the 40
Ar/39Ar analyses from the Hidalgo Formation
of the Jose Creek Member is 76.1 Ma. 2σ error is included, this calculation results in yielded ages of 70.69 ± 0.44 Ma, 70.53 ± 0.48 Ma,
The most accurately dated basin-fill strata an estimated range of the age of the base of the and 71.44 ± 0.38 Ma (Lawton et al., 1993;
south of the Love Ranch Basin were depos- Ringbone Formation from 76.0 Ma to 72.4 Ma. Young et al., 2000). Because of its low closure
ited in the Ringbone Basin, which was located The higher value is similar to the age of the base temperature and susceptibility to resetting, the
to the northeast of the Hidalgo uplift (Fig. 6; of the McRae Formation in the Love Ranch fission-track age likely does not date the age of
Seager, 2004). Exposed in the Little Hatchet Basin, raising the possibility that the onset of deposition. Therefore, the oldest basin fill in the
Mountains, the Laramide basin fill of the Ring- Laramide deposition in the Ringbone and Love Klondike Basin need only be younger than the
bone Basin is ~2050 m thick and is divided into Ranch Basins was contemporaneous. youngest 40Ar/39Ar dates for the Hidalgo Forma-
the older Ringbone and younger Skunk Ranch The basin-fill section of the Little Hat Top Ba- tion (ca. 70 Ma) and could be late Maastrichtian
Formations (Clinkscales and Lawton, 2015). sin, located southwest of the Hidalgo uplift, has in age. The Lobo Formation had two detrital
Several dinosaur fossils from the middle of the not been dated. However, the lower part of the zircons with U-Pb zircon dates of 66 Ma, and
e Cristo
San Juan Basin Raton uplift and to the northeast by the Rio Grande
early Paleocene
San Luis
(<66 Ma) Basin uplift (Fig. 6). The basin fill of the Potrillo Ba-
or sin includes outcrops of the Lobo Formation in
Rito Basin
Sangre d
early to late Campanian
(~80-75 Ma) the northern Florida Mountains and southern
late Maastrichtian
(~68-66 Ma) Cookes Range (Mack and Clemons, 1988), as
well as the previously described outcrops of the
Zun early to late Campanian
i (~80-75 Ma)
Love Ranch Formation along the southwestern
dip slope of the Rio Grande uplift and Laramide
strata in the “Grimm et al.” exploration well
on located ~23 km southwest of Las Cruces (Fig.
and nch
Top Hat Hidalgo Ringbone Klondike Burro Silver Potrillo Grande Ranch
(Ma) Basin Uplift Basin Basin Uplift City Basin Uplift Basin Sandstone (Lucas and Ingersoll, 1981; Smith et
al., 1985). The Ojo Alamo Sandstone is Maas-
66 trichtian–Paleocene as indicated by palynology,
had begun in the Lewis Shale before deposi- The remaining four Laramide basins located Mexico (Love Ranch Basin) in the Maastrich-
tion of the Huerfanito bentonite bed, which is north of the Love Ranch Basin are Eocene in tian. This idea must now be amended based on
388 m above the base of the Lewis Shale and age, based exclusively on terrestrial vertebrate the new dates presented in this study, which
has an 40Ar/39Ar age of 75.76 ± 0.34 Ma (Fas- fossils. The oldest of the late Laramide basins is show that sedimentation in both the Ringbone
sett and Steiner, 1997). If the model of Cather the Galisteo–El Rito Basin. In the Galisteo part and Love Ranch Basins began in the late Cam-
(2004) is correct, onset of Laramide subsidence of the basin, the lower of two formations that panian. This widens the area of late Campanian
in the San Juan Basin may have coincided with comprise the Laramide basin fill (Diamond Trail onset of Laramide sedimentation of Clinkscales
or was as much as ~5 m.y. earlier than that in the Formation) contains a single fossil fragment of and Lawton (2015).
Laramide Love Ranch Basin. an early Eocene horse, Hyracotherium sp. (Lu- Extension of the geographic and temporal
Two contrasting models also exist for the cas et al., 1997). Because the Hyracotherium trend farther northward in New Mexico is com-
onset of Laramide deposition in the Raton Ba- fossil is in the upper part of the Diamond Trail plicated because of conflicting interpretations
sin. Baltz (1965), Lucas and Ingersoll (1981), Formation, the base of the formation may be for the time of onset of Laramide subsidence in
Smith et al. (1985), and Flores (1987) corre- Paleocene in age (Lucas et al., 1997). Features the San Juan and Raton Basins. In the model of
lated the onset of Laramide sedimentation in consistent with an early Eocene or older age for Cather (2004), Laramide subsidence in both the
the Raton Basin with deposition of the Raton the base of the Laramide basin fill are middle San Juan and Raton Basins may have been con-
Formation. Up to 640 m thick, the Raton For- and late Eocene vertebrate fossils from the temporaneous with or as much as ~5 m.y. older
mation consists of a basal bed of quartz-pebble overlying Galisteo Formation (Lucas, 1980; Lu- than in the Ringbone and Love Ranch Basins.
conglomerate and granular sandstone that is cas and Williamson, 1993). No age-diagnostic This would either broaden the region of late
overlain by beds of fluvial sandstone, shale, fossils have been discovered in the El Rito Campanian deformation or reverse the trend to
and coal (Flores and Pillmore, 1987; Flores, Formation in the northern part of the Galisteo– early Campanian deformation in northern New
1987). The age of the base of the Raton Forma- El Rito Basin. Mexico. In contrast, the more traditional view
tion is not well constrained, but it is probably Separated by the Laramide Sierra uplift, the (Lucas and Ingersoll, 1981; Smith et al., 1985)
late Maastrichtian, because the Cretaceous- basin fill in both the Baca and Carthage–La suggests that the onset of Laramide sedimenta-
Paleogene boundary claystone has been identi- Joya Basins is assigned to the Baca Formation tion in northern New Mexico postdated that in
fied ~81 m above the base of the Raton For- (Cather, 2004). Middle Eocene vertebrate fossils southern New Mexico (late Maastrichtian in the
mation (Pillmore et al., 1984; Shoemaker et al., are present near the base of the Baca Formation Raton Basin and early Paleocene in the San Juan
1987; Orth et al., 1987), whereas the Campa- in both the Baca and Carthage–La Joya Basins Basin), supporting the idea of northeastward
nian-Maastrichtian boundary is in the upper (Lucas, 1990; Lucas and Williamson, 1993). progression in the onset of Laramide tectonism
part of the marine Pierre Shale, ~200 m below Similarly, vertebrate fossils from the lower part and sedimentation across northern Mexico,
the base of the Raton Formation (Flores et al., of the Cub Mountain Formation in the Sierra southeastern Arizona, and New Mexico.
1985; Flores, 1987). In addition, Upper Maas- Blanca Basin suggest an age near the early- Laramide sedimentation continued into early
trichtian palynomorphs are known from below middle Eocene boundary (Lucas et al., 1989). or middle Eocene time in the Love Ranch, San
the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary claystone Although Koning and Roberts (2014) proposed Juan, and Raton Basins, during the final stage
(Nichols and Sweet, 1993). This model sug- raising the base of the Cub Mountain Formation of thrust displacement and deep erosion of their
gests that the onset of deposition in the Love by 30–60 m, this would not affect the biostrati- complementary source terrains (Seager et al.,
Ranch Basin occurred several million years be- graphic age of the Cub Mountain Formation. 1997; Cather, 2004). Early Cenozoic basin-fill
fore that in the Raton Basin, although the exact It remains unclear whether the Sierra Blanca sediment is not present in the Ringbone Basin,
time difference cannot be determined. Basin was yoked to an adjacent uplift or rep- although the possibility exists that it was re-
An alternative model for the onset of resents downstream accumulation of sediment moved by erosion prior to eruption of early Oli-
Laramide subsidence and sedimentation in the from one of the other Laramide basins (Cather, gocene volcanic rocks (Clinkscales and Lawton,
Raton Basin was offered by Cather (2004), 2004; Koning and Roberts, 2014). The onset of 2015). The early and middle Eocene was also a
based on a threefold increase in sediment accu- Laramide sedimentation in the late-Laramide time of creation of new Laramide uplifts and ba-
mulation rate for the marine Pierre Shale above Galisteo–El Rito, Baca, Carthage–La Joya, and sins in central and northern New Mexico (Baca,
the Apache Creek Sandstone Member, com- Sierra Blanca Basins postdates initial deposition Carthage–La Joya, Galisteo–El Rito, Sierra
pared to sedimentation rates in the underlying in the Love Ranch Basin by ~20–28 m.y. Blanca basins) and, perhaps, in southwestern
foreland-basin section. Cather (2004) further New Mexico (Klondike Basin). The newly cre-
suggested that arcuate isopach trends in marine Regional Trends in the Onset of ated Eocene basins show that the strain became
sandstones of the Lower Maastrichtian Trini- Laramide Sedimentation more closely distributed in Eocene time com-
dad Sandstone, which overlies the upper Pierre pared to earlier in the history of the Laramide
Shale, may reflect a point source of sediment The new U-Pb zircon dates from the McRae orogeny in New Mexico.
to the west in the Laramide San Luis uplift. Formation allow the onset of Laramide deposi-
Although the biostratigraphic age of the Pierre tion in the Love Ranch Basin to be more accu- Regional Patterns of Late Cretaceous
Shale is poorly constrained, Cather (2004) sug- rately placed within a regional spatial and tem- Magmatism in New Mexico
gested that differential subsidence in the Raton poral context (Fig. 6). Clinkscales and Lawton
Basin began in the middle part of the Campan- (2015) argued that the onset of Laramide tecto- A previous compilation of the ages of
ian, between ca. 80 and 75 Ma. If so, onset of nism and sedimentation progressively migrated Laramide igneous rocks in New Mexico (Mc-
Laramide subsidence and sedimentation in the northeastward from southeastern Arizona and Millan, 2004) used all of the published data
Raton Basin was contemporaneous with or up to northeastern Sonora in the early Campanian to (and some unpublished data) to suggest that
~5 m.y. older than onset of Laramide sedimenta- southwestern New Mexico (Ringbone Basin) in there were three episodes of Laramide mag-
tion in the Love Ranch Basin. the late Campanian, and to south-central New matism: 80–64 Ma, 64–48 Ma, and 48–37 Ma.
The published dates from the oldest proposed based on (1) the difficulty of determining the partial resetting of the 75 Ma igneous rocks by
episode (80–64 Ma) included many K-Ar dates accuracy of K-Ar dates; (2) the likelihood younger thermal events. Thus, the most reliable
from material that is susceptible to argon loss of argon loss resulting from younger heating previously published data, along with our new
and partial resetting, which are harder to detect events; and (3) the nature of the dated material, dates, suggest that there was a relatively short-
than with the 40Ar/39Ar method (Fig. 7). We sug- with less-retentive material (e.g., plagioclase, lived episode of early Laramide-age magmatism
gest that the scattered K-Ar dates in the oldest groundmass, mica) being more likely to have in New Mexico beginning at 75 Ma and end-
group that are younger than ca. 70 Ma likely experienced thermal resetting. ing by 70 Ma (Fig. 7). Maastrichtian–Paleocene
represent reset ages, and that the oldest cluster The younger cluster around 72.5–70 Ma might Laramide magmatism does exist in the south-
around 76–74 Ma is the most reliable. This is be a younger event, or it could also represent western United Sates, particularly in the Arizona
porphyry copper belt (e.g., Titley, 1993; Vikre et
al., 2014), but rocks of this age in southwest-
80 ern New Mexico do not appear to be common,
Copper Flat
McRae Fm.
Hatchet Mtns. given that argon dates in this range have likely
Pinos Altos
Twin Peaks
been affected by younger thermal events.
Peloncillo Mtns. pegmatite
Palm Park/ Paleocene Period of ing of an asthenospheric wedge and resultant arc
Rubio Peak Magmatism interest
8 Intermediate for this study magmatism. Although Laramide deformation
Volcanic Rocks
continued through the remainder of the Creta-
Ma reported from the Tarahumara Formation in ca. 75 to 70 Ma, which includes previously taceous and Paleogene of western North America: Zit-
Mexico >200 km to the southwest (González- dated igneous rocks from the Hidalgo Forma- taliana, v. A47, p. 133–147.
Bushnell, H.P., 1955, Stratigraphy of the McRae Formation:
León et al., 2011) and even farther inboard tion in the Little Hatchet Mountains, from the Compass, v. 33, p. 9–17.
of the trench. A second episode of Laramide Silver City–Pinos Altos region, and from the Cather, S.M., 1990, Stress and volcanism in the northern
magmatism associated with copper porphyry Copper Flat porphyry system (Fig. 7). This pe- Mogollon-Datil volcanic field, New Mexico: Effects
of the post-Laramide tectonic transition: Geological
deposits in Arizona lasted until 58 Ma. By the riod of magmatism coincided with the onset of Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 1447–1458,
time arc magmatism in New Mexico resumed Laramide deformation in southern New Mex- doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1990)102<1447:SAVITN>2
between 46 and 40 Ma, Laramide deformation ico, and it indicates that the angle of subduction Cather, S.M., 2004, Laramide orogeny in central and north-
had ceased in southern New Mexico, and much of the Farallon plate was steep enough to allow ern New Mexico and southern Colorado, in Mack,
of the previous topographic relief was reduced the existence and partial melting of an astheno- G.H., and Giles, K.A., eds., The Geology of New
Mexico, A Geologic History: New Mexico Geological
by erosion. spheric wedge beneath southern New Mexico. Society Special Publication 11, p. 203–248.
The U-Pb zircon ages from ash-fall tuffs in Laramide deformation in southern New Mexico Chapin, C.E., McIntosh, W.C., and Chamberlain, R.M.,
the McRae Formation indicate volcanism in the continued into the early Paleogene, but it had 2004, The late Eocene–Oligocene peak of Cenozoic
volcanism in southwestern New Mexico, in Mack,
region from 74.9 to 73.2 Ma. These dates over- ceased prior to the final episode of Laramide G.H., and Giles, K.A., eds., The Geology of New
lap with our U-Pb zircon ages of ca. 75 Ma from magmatism in the region from ca. 46 to 40 Ma. Mexico: A Geologic History: New Mexico Geological
Society Special Publication 11, p. 271–294.
two intrusive rocks dated from the Burro Moun- Clemons, R.E., 1979, Geology of Good Sight Mountains,
tains, both in the vicinity of the Twin Peaks Luna County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of
stock, and a monzonite porphyry in the western Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 169, 32 p.
We are grateful to owner Ted Turner for giving us Clinkscales, C.A., and Lawton, T.F., 2015, Timing of Late
Bullard Peak quadrangle (Hewitt, 1959; Sharp, permission to access the Armendaris Ranch for sam- Cretaceous shortening and basin development, Lit-
1991). This unit was noted by Hewitt (1959) to pling of the McRae Formation. Maureen Wilks shared tle Hatchet Mountains, southwestern New Mexico,
be similar to rocks in the Black Hawk mining the geochronology database of the New Mexico Bu- USA—Implications for regional Laramide tecton-
reau of Geology and Mineral Resources. George Geh- ics: Basin Research, v. 27, p. 453–472, doi:10.1111/
district (Gillerman and Whitebread, 1956). In rels and the staff at the Arizona LaserChron Center bre.12083.
addition, a quartz diorite in the Bullard Peak helped acquire zircon data, and the laboratory was Cohen, K.M., Finney, S.C., Gibbard, P.L., and Fan, J.-X.,
supported by National Science Foundation grant EAR- 2013, The ICS International Chronostratigraphic
quadrangle dated at ca. 71 Ma (Amato and Chart: Episodes, v. 36, p. 199–204.
Boullion, 2008) may be a dike from the same in- 1338583. Brad Hacker and Andrew Kylander-Clark at Coney, P.J., and Reynolds, S.J., 1977, Cordille-
the University of California–Santa Barbara graciously ran Benioff zones: Nature, v. 270, p. 403–406,
trusive event that formed the larger Twin Peaks provided one of the zircon U-Pb ages. Matt Coble and doi:10.1038/270403a0.
pluton. However, correlating the McRae ash-fall Eric Gottlieb both facilitated sensitive high-resolution De los Santos, M.G., Lawton, T.F., Copeland, P., Licht, A.,
tuffs to a specific eruptive center will require de- ion microprobe data collection at the Stanford–U.S. and Hall, S., 2016, Magnetostratigraphy, age and depo-
tailed trace-element and isotopic comparisons. Geological Survey facility and provided useful in- sitional environment of the Lobo Formation, southwest
sights into the data interpretation. Sam Bothern at New Mexico: Implications for the Laramide orogeny
New Mexico State University helped acquire X-ray in the southern Rocky Mountains: Basin Research,
CONCLUSIONS fluorescence data. Discussions with Tim Lawton, Em-
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