Talaverayguerrero 2000
Talaverayguerrero 2000
Talaverayguerrero 2000
Geochemistry and isotopic composition of the Guerrero Terrane (western Mexico): implications for the tectono-magmatic evolution of southwestern North America during the Late Mesozoic
O.T. Mendoza*, M.G. Suastegui
Escuela Regional de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autonoma de Guerrero, AP 197, Taxco Guerrero, Mexico
Abstract The composite Guerrero Terrane of western Mexico records much of the magmatic evolution of southwestern North America during Late Mesozoic time. The Guerrero includes three distinctive subterranes characterized by unique stratigraphic records, structural evolutions, and geochemical and isotopic features that strongly suggest they evolved independently. The eastern Teloloapan Subterrane represents an evolved intra-oceanic island arc of Hauterivian to Cenomanian age, which includes a high-K calc-alkaline magmatic suite. The central ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane represents a primitive island arc-marginal basin system of Albian to Cenomanian age, consisting of an oceanic suite and a tholeiitic arc suite. The western ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane comprises three components that represent an evolved island arc-marginal basin-subduction complex system of Late Jurassic (?) Early Cretaceous age built on a previously deformed basement. The Zihuatanejo Sequence includes a thick high-K calc-alkaline magmatic suite. The Las Ollas Complex consists of tectonic slices containing exotic blocks of arc afnity affected by high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism included in a sheared matrix. The Huetamo Sequence consists mainly of volcanic-arc derived sedimentary rocks, including large pebbles of tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic lavas. These sequences are unconformably underlain by the Arteaga Complex, which represents the subvolcanic basement. On the basis of available geology, geochemistry, geochronology, and isotopic data, we suggest that Late Mesozoic volcanism along the western margin of southern North America developed in broadly contemporaneous but different intra-oceanic island arcs that constitute a complex fossil arctrench system similar to the present-day western Pacic island arc system. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Guerrero Terrane; Albian to Cenomanian age; Las Ollas Complex
1. Introduction The Late Mesozoic arc assemblages constituting the Guerrero Terrane make up most of the western margin of Mexico (Campa et al., 1981; Campa and Coney, 1983). The Guerrero Terrane represents one of the largest and most complete exposures of volcanic products of Late Mesozoic plate convergence along the western margin of southern North America. Despite the large number of studies on the volcanic sequences of the Guerrero Terrane completed in the late 1970s through the 1990s, the origin and evolution of these volcanic rocks are still a matter of debate and their exact tectonic framework remains uncertain. Some authors (e.g. Campa and Ramrez, 1979; Ortiz et al., 1991; Centeno et al., 1993a; Tardy et al., 1994) have suggested that these volcanic rocks originated in a single but complex intraoceanic island arc along the Pacic margin. Others (e.g.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 152-7-207-41; fax: 152-7-207-41. E-mail address: oscar@silver.net.mx (O.T. Mendoza).
Campa and Coney, 1983; Ramrez et al., 1991; Talavera et al., 1993) argued that these sequences represent vestiges of offshore intra-oceanic arcs separated by oceanic basins and constituting a complex arc system similar to that of the present-day western Pacic. Most authors agree, however, that accretion of arc assemblages to the western margin of North America occurred during the Late Cretaceous or Early Tertiary. In this paper, we summarize the results of a systematic study carried out in the southern half of the Guerrero Terrane. This study included large-scale mapping and stratigraphy together with petrography and geochemical analyses (major, trace, and rare earth elements). We use these data together with the stratigraphic, structural, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic data published previously to discuss the tectono-magmatic afnity of sequences constituting the Guerrero Terrane. Data presented here help to more precisely dene the tectonic evolution of southwestern North America during Late Mesozoic times.
0895-9811/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.. All rights reserved. PII: S 0895-981 1(00)00026-2
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
2. Geological setting The Guerrero Terrane makes up most of western Mexico (Campa et al., 1981; Campa and Coney, 1983), extending from Sinaloa in the north to Zihuatanejo in the south, and includes parts of Zacatecas and Guanajuato in central Mexico (Fig. 1). Its northeastern limits are Laramide low-angle faults structurally juxtaposing it against the Sierra Madre and Mixteco Terranes. The Guerrero Terrane is divided by the TransMexican Volcanic Belt into two major segments. In the northern segment, the Guerrero Terrane sequences are obscured largely by the mid-Tertiary volcanic deposits of the Sierra Madre Occidental; Mesozoic arc assemblages appear as discontinuous, commonly isolated outcrops along the Pacic coast and in the Guanajuato and Zacatecas regions. By contrast, in the southern segment Guerrero Terrane sequences crop out nearly continuously and, in most cases, the relationships among sequences may be determined. For this southern segment, Campa et al. (1981), Campa and Coney (1983), Ramrez et al. (1991) and Talavera et al. (1993) have suggested that the Guerrero Terrane is a
composite, consisting of at least three distinct subterranes that form NS trending parallel belts limited by regional tectonic discontinuities: 1. The eastern Teloloapan Subterrane (Hauterivian to Early Cenomanian in age), which is characterized by arc volcanics and related sedimentary rocks whose petrological, geochemical, and isotopic features have been presented by Talavera et al. (1995). 2. The central ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane (Albian Cenomanian), whose geological and geochemical features are treated here. 3. The western ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane, which includes pre-Cretaceous rocks (Arteaga Sequence), Early Cretaceous (?) arc volcanics and volcaniclastics (Zihuata nejo Sequence), Early Cretaceous melanges (Las Ollas Complex), and Late Jurassic to Cretaceous volcanogenic sedimentary rocks (Huetamo Sequence). With the exception of pre-Cretaceous rocks of the Arteaga Sequence, which have been studied by Centeno et al. (1993a), the geological and geochemical features of the Late JurassicEarly Cretaceous rocks are treated here.
Fig. 1. Simplied geological sketch map of western Mexico showing the distribution of Guerrero Terrane arc sequences (modied from Campa et al., 1981).
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
3. Sampling and analytical techniques Multiple traverses in each studied subterrane were carried out in the eld. The detailed descriptions of the stratigraphic, structural, and lithological characteristics of each traverse were accompanied by extensive sampling based on the megascopic characteristics of igneous rocks i.e. rock type, phenocryst content, structure, and color variations. More than 300 samples were studied petrographically, 36 of which were selected for microprobe analyses and 31 for whole rock determinations; 26 aditional samples were taken from the literature, including 16 samples from the Teloloapan Subterrane by Talavera et al. (1995). Mineral compositions were measured in automated CAMEBAX microprobes at the BRGM-Universite d'Or leans common laboratory and at ENSEEG, Universite Joseph Fourier-Grenoble, using albite (Na), K-feldspar (K), corundum (Al), wollastonite (Si), forsterite (Fe), apatite (Ca), chromite (Cr), rutile (Ti), rodonite (Mn), bunsenite (Ni), and MgO (Mg) as standards. We used a constant beam current at 10 na, 15 kV accelerating potential, and spot size 13 mm. Count times were generally 610 s, except for Cr for which longer, 20 s, count times were required. Mineral analyses are available on request. Whole rock analyses were performed using ICP and ICP MS techniques at the n de Recherches Petrographiques et Geochimiques de Nancy (France; see Tables 1ah). Analytical errors are as follows: 0.10.3% for major elements 0.5 ppm for trace elements and REE lower than 10 ppm, and 5% for REE higher than 10 ppm. Because of their low concentrations, Ce analyses performed by ICP in tholeiitic rocks were overestimated, as demonstrated by Lapierre et al. (1992). Selected Sr and Nd isotopic data from the Guerrero Terrane sequences were taken from the literature. For data selection, we considered papers indicating geographic location and description of analysed samples as well as detailed information on the analytical procedures and uncertainities. Data sources are indicated in Tables 1ah. Initial ratios of 1 Nd and 1 Sr of all series were recalculated at T 110 Ma using the following constant values: ( 147Sm/ 144Nd)CHUR 0.1967, ( 143Nd/ 144Nd)CHUR 146 Nd/ 144Nd 0.7219 and 0.512638 relative to 87 86 87 86 ( Rb/ Sr)UR 0.0816; ( Sr/ Sr)UR 0.7045 (Faure, 1986).
4. Teloloapan Subterrane The Teloloapan Subterrane forms a ca. 100 km wide and 300 km long, NS trending belt that is thrust over the western margin of the Mixteco Terrane in a Laramide low-angle thrust fault (Campa et al., 1976). A simplied geologic map of the TeloloapanArcelia region of the Teloloapan Subterrane is presented in Fig. 2. In this region, the Teloloapan Subterrane consists of a .3000-m thick succes-
sion of basic to intermediate, pillowed or massive lavas, pillow breccias, and hyaloclastites that are interbedded in the lower part with Early Cretaceous radiolarian siliceous sediments and in the upper part with volcanic conglomerate, debris ow deposits, and discontinuous strata of reefal limestone containing Aptian fauna (Fig. 3). This succession is capped by approximately 1500 m of Albian to the Early Cenomanian greywacke and tuffaceous shale, reefal and bioclastic limestones, and ysch-like sandstone and shale deposits (Campa and Ramrez, 1979; Guerrero et al., 1990, 1993). The Teloloapan Subterrane was severely affected by two major stages of deformation, both of Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary (Laramide) age (Campa et al., 1976; Campa and Ramrez, 1979; Salinas et al., 1992, 1993). Tectonic structures include a penetrative axial-plane schistosity (S1) that supports an EW trending mineral stretching lineation (L1) and curviplanar and sheath folds (P1) parallel to L1, both produced by a ductile simple shear deformation (D1). Based on kinematic analysis, Salinas et al. (1993) deduced a top-to-the-east shear sense for this deformation stage. Superimposed structures produced by a subsequent ductile deformation (D2) include open folds (P2) and a subhorizontal crenulation cleavage (S2). However, kinematic structures of D2 indicate a westward vergence (Salinas, 1994; Salinas et al., 2000). A detailed study of the mineral chemistry, petrography, geochemistry, and isotopic characteristics of Teloloapan lavas has been completed by Talavera et al. (1995). Teloloapan volcanics include basalts (85%), andesites (10%), and dacites-rhyolites (5%). All lavas contain metamorphic assemblages characteristic of the zeolite through prehnite pumpellyite to greenschist facies produced by seaoor-type metamorphism (Talavera, 1993, 2000a). Texturally, basalts are aphyric to highly porphyritic, whereas andesites and rhyolites are systematically porphyritic. Basalts contain olivine, clinopyroxene (Ca37 47 Fe6 25 Mg37 48), orthopyroxene, amphibole (pargasite to ferroan pargasite), and albitized plagioclase. Andesites contain clinopyroxene (Ca41 45 Fe7 18 Mg40 50), orthopyroxene, amphibole (pargasite, ferroan pargasite, ferroan pargasitic hornblende, edenitic hornblende, edenite), and intermediate plagioclase (An37 45). Rhyolites include albitized plagioclase, K-feldspar, and uncommon amphibole and quartz phenocrysts. As a whole, basic to intermediate lavas show little geochemical variation. Lavas are characterized by low to moderate concentrations of Fe2O3, MgO, Cr, and V, and relatively high contents of Y, Zr and Nb, heavy rare earth elements (HREE), and to a lesser extent TiO2 (Tables 1a and b). Contents of CaO, Na2O, K2O, Rb, Ba, and Sr are variable and reect mobility during the seaoor metamorphism (Talavera et al., 1995). Multi-element patterns (Fig. 4) show that Teloloapan lavas are enriched in low-eld strength elements (LFSE), in spite of the variations recorded in these elements, and in LREE. All patterns show an important negative
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
Table 1a Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences Teloloapan Subterrane Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity a Ref b SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I) T-200 Bas IACc 1 48.42 1.26 17.67 8.35 0.13 5.62 6.85 3.52 2.79 0.56 4.37 99.26 1713.0 38.0 25.0 570.0 177.0 5.0 181.0 25.8 20.0 73.0 103.0 30.68 63.54 30.44 6.57 1.90 5.47 4.27 2.33 2.06 0.29 40 4.0 10.08 T-206 Bas IACc 1 47.87 1.25 17.48 8.55 0.13 6.24 8.85 1.98 1.81 0.56 5.12 99.57 746.0 29.0 26.0 665.0 233.0 5.0 179.0 24.9 14.0 95.0 104.0 28.00 60.67 27.97 6.13 1.73 5.28 4.13 2.29 1.94 0.25 42 4.2 9.76 (1)3.5 (1)2.3 T-220 Bas IACc 1 49.09 1.20 17.64 8.39 0.15 4.82 6.50 5.22 1.20 0.53 5.78 99.80 355.0 16.0 27.0 294.0 194.0 6.0 177.0 23.6 12.0 80.0 99.0 26.62 53.30 28.27 6.17 1.68 4.90 4.09 2.31 1.92 0.23 36 4.2 9.37 T-242 Bas Olcpx IACc 1 47.70 1.41 17.23 10.69 0.12 5.47 8.08 2.63 1.81 0.51 4.07 99.43 423.0 30.0 29.0 664.0 36.0 5.0 310.0 36.3 30.0 128.0 26.80 58.59 33.37 7.74 2.06 6.45 5.91 3.24 2.84 0.36 34 3.5 6.38 Tx-30 Bas Olcpx IACc 1 49.12 1.29 15.61 10.80 0.13 6.61 7.95 4.25 0.32 0.43 3.57 99.80 144.0 9.0 30.0 408.0 159.0 313.0 33.3 171.0 113.0 22.00 50.45 27.20 6.24 1.65 5.65 5.26 2.93 2.67 0.35 38 3.4 5.57 Tx-61 Bas opxcpx IACc 1 46.47 1.18 16.46 7.93 0.10 4.99 11.86 3.12 0.76 0.40 7.20 99.82 173.0 12.0 25.0 327.0 189.0 11.0 206.0 31.3 55.0 141.0 21.51 47.97 25.59 6.03 1.54 5.35 4.94 2.74 2.39 0.29 39 4.5 6.09 Tx-54 Bas opxcpx IACc 1 46.79 1.23 18.16 9.05 0.10 5.72 8.88 3.08 1.47 0.44 5.27 99.92 404.0 27.0 30.0 713.0 159.0 7.0 237.0 34.3 7.0 46.0 151.0 23.99 52.16 27.23 6.39 1.67 5.66 5.32 2.97 2.70 0.35 39 4.4 6.01 T-250A Bas opxcpx IACc 1 49.79 1.16 16.32 9.21 0.08 5.50 10.17 2.42 0.44 0.38 4.58 99.14 103.0 9.0 33.0 414.0 194.0 213.0 29.8 56.0 143.0 20.53 46.61 24.32 5.94 1.51 5.42 4.85 2.70 2.38 0.29 37 4.8 5.84 (1)2.9 (2)6.0 Tx-57 Bas opxcpx IACc 1 51.20 1.12 15.53 8.69 0.08 5.47 9.74 2.63 0.40 0.35 4.48 99.43 96.0 8.0 28.0 428.0 205.0 7.0 206.0 29.1 8.0 58.0 135.0 19.78 42.11 22.95 5.52 1.45 4.94 4.53 2.46 2.32 0.31 39 4.6 5.77
a Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. b Ref. 1 Talavera et al., 1995.
anomaly in Nb, Zr, and Ti typical of subduction-related suites. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns (Fig. 5) are very homogeneous and are characterized by a moderate to strong enrichment in LREE ((La/ Yb)N 3.6 to 10.0)) relative to HREE typical, in orogenic suites, of mature intra-oceanic medium- to high-K calc-alkaline suites (Gill, 1981; Talavera et al., 1995).
5. ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane The ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane forms a ca. 40 km wide and 250 km long, NS trending belt west of the Teloloapan Subterrane over which it is thrust along a regional Laramide low-angle fault. A simplied geologic map of the southern half of the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane is presented in Fig. 6. In this region, the subterrane consists of
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324 Table 1b Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences Teloloapan Subterrane (continued) Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity a Ref b SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I)
Tx-69 Bas opxcpx IACc 6 51.64 c 1.10 15.53 7.99 0.16 6.24 9.35 2.16 2.45 0.26 2.80 99.68 346.0 102.0 33.0 712.0 226.0 8.0 261.0 23.0 7.0 62.0 112.0
Tx-65 Bas amph IACc 1 49.09 1.03 16.58 9.61 0.12 6.71 6.05 3.08 3.11 0.34 4.00 99.47 595.0 84.0 31.0 394.0 118.0 5.0 253.0 26.3 5.0 41.0 113.0 20.81 45.39 23.70 5.48 1.57 4.77 4.14 2.28 2.09 0.27 41 4.3 6.73
T-268 Bas amph IACc 1 47.42 1.18 18.45 9.13 0.10 4.87 10.42 1.87 1.22 0.46 5.04 99.89 392.0 28.0 32.0 874.0 104.0 226.0 28.7 48.0 105.0 19.15 43.32 22.47 5.52 1.76 5.10 4.61 2.57 2.26 0.29 35 3.7 5.73
Tx-70 Bas amph IACc 1 52.70 1.11 16.57 8.33 0.12 4.80 8.33 2.24 2.16 0.36 3.28 99.64 512.0 50.0 28.0 684.0 120.0 8.0 238.0 27.5 44.0 127.0 20.58 46.92 23.33 5.25 1.42 4.95 4.35 2.39 2.21 0.28 37 4.6 6.30 (1)1.6 (2)2.8
T-260 Bas amph IACc 6 48.37 c 0.88 16.92 9.38 0.14 7.34 7.66 3.17 1.87 0.34 3.57 99.64 701.0 43.0 33.0 264.0 301.0 5.0 257.0 19.3 5.0 110.0 57.0
T-254 Bas amph IACc 6 50.72 c 0.88 17.82 9.28 0.13 5.41 5.84 4.69 1.12 0.40 3.41 99.70 433.0 31.0 24.0 4.0 173.0 5.0 262.0 21.4 5.0 61.0 56.0
Tx-33 And amph IACc 1 56.47 0.80 16.71 7.69 0.08 3.66 3.58 7.44 0.55 0.34 2.46 99.55 154.0 16.0 30.0 290.0 217.0 7.0 157.0 23.7 18.0 82.0 147.0 27.45 49.37 22.45 4.74 1.23 3.96 3.69 2.13 2.06 0.25 32 6.2 9.01 (1)4.6 (2)0.3
Tx-36 And amph IACc 1 57.65 0.81 17.03 6.75 0.08 1.75 5.98 3.00 3.16 0.34 2.68 99.00 358.0 108.0 29.0 620.0 9.0 9.0 122.0 23.8 14.0 6.0 174.0 28.70 54.28 24.90 5.20 1.45 4.31 3.81 2.29 2.10 0.26 21 7.3 9.24 (1)3.5 (2)14.3
M-14A Rhyol Pg-Q IACc 1 70.03 0.12 12.30 2.53 0.01 1.20 9.98 0.40 0.01 0.04 3.24 99.86 35.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 7.0 11.0 5.0 30.1 5.0 13.0 176.0 16.86 38.72 21.16 5.27 0.87 4.89 4.88 3.17 3.25 0.56 32 5.8 3.08
M-12 Rhyol Pg-Q IACc 1 73.96 0.26 12.53 0.55 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.08 11.05 0.06 1.08 99.71 1015.0 342.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 22.0 22.5 5.0 5.0 223.0 19.13 36.69 17.97 4.21 0.75 3.69 3.47 2.66 2.42 0.43 15 9.9 3.92
18.01 c 38.37 22.49 5.64 1.55 5.21 4.22 2.21 2.25 0.39 44 4.9 4.41
12.82 c 25.49 15.92 3.94 1.42 3.76 3.13 1.73 1.81 0.31 44 3.0 3.64
15.05 c 30.61 19.28 5.01 1.39 4.56 3.69 2.77 2.04 0.36 37 2.6 3.88
Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. b Ref. 1 Talavera et al., 1995; 6 this study. c ICP-AES analysis.
a basal, essentially volcanic unit and an upper sedimentary cover (Fig. 7). Although the stratigraphic thickness has not been measured accurately, it is certainly greater than 2000 m. The basal volcanic unit is composed of pillow lavas, pillow breccias, and hyaloclastites. Uncommon massive lava ows have been observed only in the Palmar Chico area. Intra-pillow material consists of ne-grained hyaloclastite, pelagic-like limestone, green chert, and less
commonly black shale. Volcanics are everywhere intruded by numerous subparallel and narrow (3060 cm wide) dikes. Intercalations of volcaniclastics, radiolarian-rich siliceous sediments, and/or black shales are common only at the top of the volcanic unit. The volcanic unit is capped by a monotonous succession of interlayered radiolarian-rich siliceous sediments and black shales. Some small bodies of moderate to completely serpentinized gabbros and
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
Table 1c Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane Arcelia Sequence Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity a Ref b SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I)
ATN-69 Bas BABB 6 55.09 c 0.91 14.08 8.25 0.08 4.60 8.36 3.62 0.01 0.17 4.65 99.62 6.5 d 1.5 32.5 42.5 41.5 0.5 243.0 19.8 1.6 38.2 63.1 4.85 d 13.08 10.06 3.03 0.99 3.22 3.67 1.94 2.20 0.34 36 3.2 1.56
ATN-72 Bas BABB 6 48.65 c 1.03 15.11 8.33 0.17 5.64 9.07 6.83 0.14 0.19 4.75 98.91 9.3 d 0.8 30.9 74.2 171.0 0.4 211.0 21.7 2.1 78.7 65.2 3.52 d 10.26 8.93 2.77 0.98 2.93 2.78 2.22 2.23 0.35 40 3.0 1.12
CPIA Bas BABB 2 44.89 1.56 14.83 9.38 0.12 5.66 12.98 3.70 0.07 0.26 6.37 99.82 8.0 5.0 142.0 347.0 221.0 32.0 143.0 93.0 4.51 17.18 11.48 3.77 1.43 4.39 4.79 2.71 2.57 0.39 38 2.9 1.24
Tx-107 Bas BABB 2 54.17 1.10 14.50 10.63 0.15 5.37 5.34 4.80 0.01 0.14 3.67 99.88 4.0 4.0 70.0 54.0 293.0 25.0 28.0 65.0 2.44 8.42 8.04 3.14 0.96 3.49 4.20 2.75 2.56 0.45 34 2.6 0.67
VB-12 Bas Ti-cpx OIB 6 44.01 c 1.86 15.48 8.51 0.13 5.75 13.11 3.69 0.05 0.34 5.78 98.71 24.8 d 1.6 41.2 269.0 292.0 0.8 210.0 32.1 9.6 163.0 176.0 11.39 d 27.83 18.31 4.86 1.66 5.01 5.66 3.39 3.28 0.51 40 5.5 2.46
VB-15 Bas Ti-cpx OIB 6 47.54 c 1.79 14.30 8.76 0.12 4.60 10.30 4.58 0.55 0.34 5.58 98.66 119.0 d 12.3 29.5 193.0 233.0 0.8 209.0 33.2 9.3 95.7 170.0 10.80 d 27.34 17.47 4.96 1.63 4.79 5.61 3.18 3.20 0.52 34 5.1 2.39
VB-27 Bas Ti-cpx OIB 6 45.95 c 1.96 15.78 10.25 0.14 6.95 10.11 2.63 0.51 0.30 3.74 98.32 45.5 d 5.6 34.5 352.0 218.0 0.5 260.0 32.7 9.2 108.0 163.0 9.59 d 25.49 17.32 5.10 1.74 5.05 5.73 3.12 3.24 0.48 40 5.0 2.10
Tx-104 Bas Ti-cpx OIB 3 47.82 1.97 18.50 8.39 0.05 3.08 6.69 4.48 2.41 0.65 5.73 99.77 129.0 42.7 391.0 135.0 216.0 43.1 39.8 46.0 167.0 19.84 38.05 22.92 6.06 1.79 6.08 5.81 3.42 3.03 0.53 27 3.9 4.63 (1)6.9 (2)8.9
ATN-68 Dike Ol-cpx IAT 6 48.40 c 0.64 11.69 12.05 0.19 8.71 11.03 1.91 1.61 0.39 2.74 99.36 171.0 d 15.3 58.8 304.0 338.0 1.0 279.0 14.6 0.9 65.8 37.1 5.83 d 13.48 8.96 2.77 0.94 2.58 2.53 1.46 1.45 0.23 42 2.5 2.82
Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. b Ref. 2 Ortiz and Lapierre, 1991; 3 Tardy et al., 1994; 6 this study. c ICP-AES analysis. d ICP-MS analysis.
ultramates are structurally associated with pillow lavas and sedimentary rocks. Radiometric dating and paleontologic determinations have constrained the age of the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane. Radiometric dating performed by several investigators using 40Ar/ 39Ar (Delgado et al., 1990) and KAr
(Ortiz and Lapierre, 1991; Elas-Herrera, 1993) techniques on volcanics, dikes and gabbros range from 93.4 to 105 Ma (AlbianCenomanian). These ages are in good agreement with the Albian to early Cenomanian ages obtained by Davila and Guerrero (1990) from radiolarian-rich siliceous sediments capping the volcanic succession near Arcelia.
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324 Table 1d Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane Arcelia Sequence Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity a Ref b SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu #Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I)
Palmar Chico Sequence Tx-105B Dike Olcpx IAT 2 49.34 0.72 11.91 10.53 0.17 9.03 11.08 2.32 0.79 0.32 3.55 99.76 53.0 9.0 373.0 572.0 279.0 17.0 89.0 41.0 5.98 26.47 10.56 3.06 0.93 3.35 2.83 1.66 1.51 0.28 46 2.4 2.81 Tx-92 Bas cpx IAT 3 51.30 0.44 13.26 8.92 0.14 9.13 8.38 2.34 0.92 0.20 3.70 98.77 203.0 15.8 299.0 429.0 241.0 13.6 6.3 93.0 28.0 3.48 13.93 5.61 1.94 0.52 2.11 1.92 1.25 1.13 0.16 51 2.1 2.20 (1)5.4 (2)12.1 Tx-89 Bas cpx IAT 2 51.39 0.48 14.03 9.28 0.15 8.19 8.23 3.70 0.43 0.20 3.35 99.63 77.0 9.0 366.0 304.0 220.0 13.0 20.0 70.0 4.0 4.21 11.47 7.72 2.42 0.67 2.75 2.24 1.23 1.31 0.19 47 0.3 2.27 Tx-96 Bas cpx IAT 2 48.57 0.55 18.03 9.89 0.14 4.94 8.53 3.47 0.64 0.17 4.80 99.73 84.0 12.0 391.0 44.0 321.0 13.0 4.0 36.0 35.0 4.24 10.10 8.12 2.29 0.78 2.52 2.21 1.55 1.36 0.23 33 2.7 2.21 Tx-109 Bas cpx IAT 4 49.20 0.68 11.69 11.91 0.19 8.44 10.03 3.24 1.27 0.34 2.78 99.77 199.0 16.0 245.0 267.0 288.0 14.0 4.0 64.0 41.0 4.77 12.24 9.22 2.90 0.92 3.27 2.58 1.44 1.33 0.25 41 2.9 2.54 (1)9.7 Tx-87 Bas cpx IAT 2 50.42 0.50 16.76 8.51 0.13 5.83 6.32 4.82 0.71 0.27 4.13 99.57 126.0 9.0 296.0 83.0 289.0 15.0 37.0 33.0 4.50 12.87 7.04 2.34 0.68 2.17 2.32 1.63 1.36 0.19 41 2.2 2.34
Tx-105A Dike Olcpx IAT 2 45.28 0.79 13.46 9.80 0.14 10.51 12.41 1.46 0.65 0.26 4.97 99.73 35.0 14.0
3.12 23.61 7.18 2.27 0.70 3.00 2.57 1.50 1.37 0.16 52 2.4 1.61 (1)8.0 (2)9.7
Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. b Ref. 2 Ortiz and Lapierre, 1991; 3 Tardy et al., 1994; 4 Freydier et al., 1993.
Several workers (e.g. Campa et al., 1974; De Cserna et al., 1978; Campa and Ramrez, 1979; de Cserna and Fries, 1981; Salinas, 1994) have demonstrated that deformations in the ArceliaPalmar Chico sequences contain the same structural elements as those recorded in the Teloloapan Sequence i.e. east-vergent isoclinal folds, NS trending regional thrust faults, sub-horizontal schistosity, EW stretching lineation, among others; thus,
it is believed that both the Teloloapan and Arcelia Palmar Chico Subterranes were subjected to the same structural regimen. The magmatic succession is largely dominated by pillow basalts (SiO2 , 57%) intruded by sub-parallel dikes of doleritic basalt and microgabbro. Volcanics and dikes contain metamorphic assemblages characteristic of the prehnitepumpellyite facies produced by hydrothermal
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Table 1e Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane a Zihuatanejo Sequence Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity b Ref c SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I) Mx-201 And Amph IACc 6 55.78 d 0.52 17.28 5.66 0.08 4.51 4.91 5.44 1.06 0.13 4.38 99.75 3.8 d 16.0 21.0 370.0 29.0 , 5.0 114.0 11.8 , 5.0 27.0 64.0 4.32 d 11.30 6.75 1.92 0.67 2.23 1.88 1.15 1.24 0.25 44 5.4 2.47 (1)8.1 (2)2.6 Mx-199 And Amph IACc 6 58.27 d 0.60 17.98 5.76 0.06 3.45 2.95 6.14 1.60 0.15 2.76 99.72 708.0 d 23.0 17.0 388.0 126.0 , 5.0 122.0 13.3 , 5.0 60.0 58.0 6.17 d 13.21 8.78 2.58 0.80 2.65 2.20 1.20 1.16 0.22 37 4.4 3.77 (1)8.3 (2)8.7 Mx-203 And Amph IACc 6 61.62 d 0.54 16.95 5.16 0.06 1.20 6.58 4.66 1.12 0.16 1.71 99.76 353.0 d 20.0 9.0 426.0 50.0 , 5.0 146.0 13.7 , 5.0 31.0 76.0 8.50 d 16.00 9.54 2.52 0.79 2.43 2.19 1.07 1.11 0.20 19 5.6 5.42 Z-17 Dac Pg-Q IACc 6 67.34 d 0.64 15.31 4.15 0.07 0.39 3.34 4.65 2.66 0.26 0.91 99.72 424.0 d 44.0 5.0 468.0 8.0 , 5.0 50.0 19.5 6.0 8.0 252.0 22.26 d 41.73 19.43 4.39 1.49 3.87 3.25 1.75 1.82 0.31 9 13.0 8.66 Z-14 Dac Pg-Q IACc 6 67.67 d 0.59 15.17 3.84 0.04 0.76 2.29 5.33 2.66 0.24 1.14 99.73 498.0 d 46.0 5.0 325.0 7.0 , 5.0 33.0 17.9 , 5.0 5.0 231.0 24.02 d 44.57 18.87 4.02 0.91 3.71 2.95 1.80 1.73 0.30 17 12.9 9.83
a Isotopic data for Zihuatanejo and Las Ollas rocks are from Freydier et al., 1993. b Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. c Ref. 6 this study. d ICP-AES analysis.
ocean oor metamorphism (Talavera, 1993). Metamorphic phases include prehnite, pumpellyite, epidote, chlorite, celadonite, albite, quartz, and calcite, which generally ll amygdules and veins or replace primary minerals and
groundmass. In all cases, magmatic textures and structures are well preserved. Texturally, volcanics are essentially aphyric, with welldeveloped spilitic (variolitic, sub-variolitic, plumbose) or porphyritic (1540 vol%). Doleritic to subdoleritic textures are well developed in the inner parts of some zoned pillows lavas and in most basaltic to microgabbroic dikes. Magmatic phases in spilitic rocks are limited to quenched, completely albitized plagioclase, FeTi oxides, and devitried glass. Some rocks show uncommon bi-pyramidal olivine-like ghosts. Phenocrysts in porphyritic basalts include completely transformed olivine (to chloritesmectite ^ epidote ^ pumpellyite), often containing small inclusions of dark brown Cr-rich spinel (Magn14 27 Herc1 10 Chro58 76), clinopyroxene (En40 52 Fs4 20 Wo40 47), completely altered plagioclase (to albite ^ pumpellyite ^ prehnite ^ epidote ^ chlorite), and cubic FeTi oxides (Magn67 97 Herc1 17 Chro0 18). Doleritic pillow lavas contain albitized plagioclase, some showing fork-like terminations and brown Ti-rich clinopyroxene and FeTi oxides. Basaltic to microgabboic dikes exhibit completely transformed olivine (to chlorite ^ epidote), clinopyroxene (En40 51 Fs5 18 Wo40 48), and albitized plagioclase. Unlike the Teloloapan lavas, volcanics in the Arcelia Palmar Chico Subterrane are geochemically heterogeneous, even though analyzed samples are restricted to basaltic compositions (44.01% , SiO2 , 55.09%). On the basis of major and trace element concentrations, three main magmatic suites can be recognized, herein referred to as Suites A, B, and C. Suite A corresponds to spilitic pillow basalts, Suite B corresponds to Ti-rich clinopyroxene-bearing doleritic pillow basalts, and Suite C corresponds to porphyritic basalts and dikes. Distribution of samples representing each suite is shown in Fig. 6. As a whole, rocks are characterized by low to moderate contents of Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Ni. MgO contents are low in the pillow lavas of Suites A and B but considerably higher in the rocks of Suite C (Tables 1c and d). Despite this, the Mg number considered as a differentiation index is low to moderate in all samples (27 , (Mg , 52), suggesting somewhat extensive differentiation. TiO2 content systematically decreases from pillow basalts containing Ti-rich clinopyroxene (1.79% , TiO2 , 1.97%), through spilitic pillow basalts (0.91% , TiO2 , 1.56%), to porphyritic basalts and dikes (0.44% , TiO2 , 0.79%). Similar variations are recorded in other elements such as Y, Zr, and REE (Tables 1c and d). Finally, CaO, Na2O, K2O content and that of the related incompatible elements, Rb, Ba and Sr, shows a large to extremely large variation considering restricted variations in SiO2. With the exception of variations observed in some LILE, which could be related, at least in part, to hydrothermal sea-oor metamorphism, variations observed in most elements certainly reect variations in mineralogy, magmatic differentiation processes, and/or magmatic afnity.
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324 Table 1f Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ZihuatanejoHuetamo suberrane a Las Ollas Complex Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity b Ref c SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I)
a b
M-40 Bas cpx IAT 5 52.71 d 0.69 16.53 9.16 0.16 5.94 7.91 5.19 0.06 0.20 1.18 99.73 277.0 d 5.0 19.0 258.0 250.0 , 5.0 242.0 19.5 , 5.0 46.0 57.0 2.00 d 5.41 5.05 2.02 0.80 2.80 2.97 2.00 1.85 0.31 39 2.9 0.77 (1)7.9 (2)1.7
M-26 Amph IAT 5 50.72 d 0.78 15.38 7.79 0.08 8.53 12.78 2.58 0.01 0.14 1.04 99.82 50.0 d 5.0 30.0 145.0 308.0 , 5.0 201.0 17.4 , 5.0 104.0 33.0 2.17 d 4.90 4.91 1.77 0.78 2.39 2.74 1.57 1.68 0.26 52 1.9 0.91
M-29 Gabbro cpxamph IAT 5 45.90 d 0.91 15.33 9.49 0.17 11.35 11.55 1.92 0.17 0.17 2.82 99.78 81.0 d 9.0 32.0 206.0 200.0 , 5.0 231.0 20.5 , 5.0 73.0 52.0 3.06 d 8.30 6.61 2.20 0.91 2.80 3.13 1.86 1.92 0.33 54 2.5 1.10
M-39 Gabbro cpxamph IAT 5 48.65 d 0.39 13.43 9.85 0.24 10.75 10.16 2.58 2.06 0.14 1.44 99.69 284.0 d 33.0 36.0 191.0 535.0 , 5.0 182.0 8.5 , 5.0 163.0 31.0 1.91 d 5.76 5.03 1.76 0.64 2.19 1.50 1.24 0.91 0.18 52 3.7 1.49
Mx-211 Gabbro cpx IAT 5 51.71 d 0.25 15.82 6.98 0.12 9.00 10.08 4.00 0.16 0.05 1.64 99.81 46.0 d 7.0 34.0 227.0 401.0 5.0 189.0 7.8 , 5.0 105.0 5.0 0.59 d 2.17 1.72 1.03 0.35 1.38 1.33 0.85 0.83 0.18 56 0.6 0.50 (1)8.0 (2)3.0
Mx-206 Gabbro amph IAT 5 45.64 d 0.13 20.25 6.90 0.11 7.34 16.85 1.03 0.32 0.10 1.15 99.82 45.0 d 11.0 40.0 91.0 323.0 10.0 67.0 4.2 , 5.0 149.0 14.0 2.44 d 5.32 2.67 0.68 0.23 0.56 0.66 0.42 0.44 0.07 52 3.3 3.92
Isotopic data for Zihuatanejo and Las Ollas rocks are from Freydier et al., 1993. Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. c Ref. 5 Talavera, 2000b. d ICP-AES analysis.
Multi-element patterns for rocks of all suites in the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane are represented in Fig. 8. Suite A pillow basalts are characterized by relatively at patterns with important variations in the mobile elements (K, Rb, Sr, Ba). Similar patterns have been reported for hydrothermally altered oceanic
basalts (N-MORB) and back-arc basin basalts (BABB). The signicant negative anomalies in Nb, Zr, and Ti observed in most samples strongly suggest the inuence of subduction-related uid in magma genesis, a characteristic commonly observed in back-arc basin settings (Ikeda and Yuasa, 1989). Suite B pillow basalts (Fig. 8) are
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
Table 1g Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane a Huetamo Sequence Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity b Ref c SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I) H-201 Bas IAT 6 50.98 d 0.52 13.66 9.69 0.10 4.17 2.99 3.77 0.64 0.17 13.17 99.86 67.0 d 16.0 31.0 124.0 20.0 , 5.0 320.0 13.1 , 5.0 18.0 22.0 2.05 d 6.36 4.15 1.48 0.38 1.89 1.88 1.43 1.27 0.20 30 1.7 1.14 (1)7.1 (1)5.1 H-202 Bas IAT 6 50.53 d 0.54 14.26 8.80 0.13 2.97 5.83 4.60 0.66 0.17 11.37 99.86 185.0 d 16.0 26.0 188.0 19.0 , 5.0 324.0 20.0 , 5.0 13.0 23.0 2.54 d 9.55 4.75 1.59 0.57 2.10 2.73 1.91 1.78 0.31 25 1.2 1.01 H-203 Bas IAT 6 51.53 d 0.58 14.98 9.26 0.08 2.24 4.72 5.58 0.78 0.19 10.27 100.21 137.0 d 18.0 31.0 249.0 19.0 , 5.0 346.0 13.0 , 5.0 15.0 24.0 2.19 d 10.05 4.34 1.39 0.44 1.88 1.89 1.41 1.27 0.22 20 1.9 1.22 H-216 Bas Olcpx IAT 6 49.09 d 0.60 17.03 11.91 0.15 5.33 6.30 4.62 0.93 0.20 3.57 99.73 426.0 d 15.0 38.0 419.0 54.0 , 5.0 337.0 12.1 , 5.0 32.0 24.0 4.34 d 9.52 7.32 2.34 0.73 2.42 2.19 1.16 1.26 0.20 31 2.0 2.44 H-218 Bas Olcpx IAT 6 5.13 d 12.97 9.42 2.70 0.84 2.99 3.23 1.78 2.04 0.38 1.78
ocean island basalt (OIB). Finally, Suite C rocks (Fig. 8) are characterized by an important enrichment in LFSE relative to HFSE and by pronounced negative anomalies in Nb, Zr, and Ti typical of subduction-related magmatic suites (IAB). ArceliaPalmar Chico volcanics and dikes also have quite variable REE abundances (La 10.1682.67; Yb 6.6019.29 times chondrite). Globally, Suite A basalts have the lowest REE abundances (LaN 10.16 20.21; YbN 12.9415.12), whereas Suite B basalts have the mayahighest (LaN 39.9682.67; YbN 17.82 19.29). Suite C volcanics and dikes show intermediate abundances (LaN 13.0024.92; YbN 6.608.88). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns (Fig. 9) show that rocks of Suite A are characterized by slightly LREE depleted through at to slightly LREE enriched patterns relative to HREE ((La/Yb)N 0.671.56)). This REE variation is typical of tholeiitic N-MORB and BABB. Suite B REE patterns show overall high concentrations and a moderate enrichment in LREE ((La/Yb)N 2.104.63) relative to HREE, typical of transitional to moderately alkaline ocean island basalts (Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981). Finally, REE patterns of Suite C are slightly to moderately enriched in LREE relative to HREE ((La/ Yb)N 1.612.82), typical in orogenic suites of tholeiitic intra-oceanic island arc suites (Gill, 1981). 6. ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane This subterrane crops out in the middle part of the Guerrero Terrane in the Huetamo region and along the Pacic coast from Zihuatanejo to Puerto Vallarta (Fig. 1). The relationships between this subterrane and the ArceliaPalmar Chico assemblage are obscured by mid-Tertiary red bed deposits that overlie the contact zone. The Zihuatanejo Huetamo Subterrane comprises four distinctive lithological assemblages (Ramrez et al., 1991; Centeno et al., 1993a; Talavera et al., 1993): (i) the Zihuatanejo volcano-sedimentary sequence; (ii) the Las Ollas Complex; (iii) the Huetamo sedimentary sequence; and (iv) the Arteaga Complex. Only the rst three assemblages are described here. 6.1. Zihuatanejo Sequence The Zihuatanejo Sequence crops out along the Pacic coast from Zihuatanejo to Colima (Fig. 10). In many localities, this sequence is intruded by mid-Tertiary acidic to gabbroic plutons; in some cases Mesozoic rocks appear as isolated roof pendants. In the Arteaga region, the Zihuatanejo Sequence rests unconformably on the Arteaga Complex, whereas near Zihuatanejo it tectonically overlies the Las Ollas Complex. Along its eastern border, the Zihuatanejo Sequence is unconformably overlain by mid-Tertiary ignimbritic deposits, which obscure its relationships with the Huetamo Sequence. The Zihuatanejo Sequence consists of a succession of more than 2000 m of arc volcanics and related sedimentary
a Isotopic data for Zihuatanejo and Las Ollas rocks are from Freydier et al., 1993. b Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. c Ref. 6 this study. d ICP-AES analysis.
characterized by an important enrichment in LFSE, and in some HFSE, and the absence of negative anomalies in Nb, Zr, and Ti. The presence of Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the important enrichment in LFSE are characteristics typical of
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324 Table 1h Major, trace, and rare earth element chemistry and isotopic measures of rocks of the Guerrero Terrane sequences ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane a Huetamo Sequence Sample Rock type Phenocrysts Afnity b Ref c SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 O P2O5 LOI Total Ba Rb Co Sr Cr Th V Y Nb Ni Zr La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu (Mg ZrY (La/Yb)N eNd(I) eSr(I)
a b
Mx-184 And cpx IACc 6 59.7 d 0.81 14.71 7.63 0.12 2.20 3.72 4.94 3.08 0.35 2.28 99.54 1564.0 d 41.0 24.0 363.0 5.0 , 5.0 284.0 20.9 , 5.0 11.0 75.0 10.93 d 22.82 15.97 4.29 1.16 4.06 3.63 1.88 2.06 0.31 22 3.6 3.75
H-184 And cpx IACc 6 62.21 d 0.77 13.21 8.33 0.14 2.77 3.25 3.91 2.42 0.32 2.34 99.55 1416.0 d 37.0 20.0 529.0 10.0 , 5.0 254.0 19.6 , 5.0 14.0 70.0 10.27 d 23.87 14.76 4.01 1.15 3.62 3.38 1.79 1.97 0.36 25 3.6 3.69
Mx-175 And Amph IACc 6 61.42 d 0.55 17.10 5.94 0.08 1.01 4.51 5.41 1.18 0.20 2.26 99.66 584.0 d 19.0 12.0 535.0 20.0 , 5.0 177.0 17.6 , 5.0 9.0 75.0 11.28 d 21.28 12.71 3.26 1.00 3.05 2.85 1.50 1.68 0.24 15 4.3 4.75
Mx-174 Dac Amph IACc 6 63.32 d 0.51 16.31 5.51 0.04 0.93 2.82 7.74 0.64 0.17 1.71 99.70 289.0 d 11.0 7.0 494.0 79.0 , 5.0 167.0 12.0 , 5.0 16.0 71.0 8.03 d 18.46 11.01 2.90 0.80 2.80 2.32 1.40 1.46 0.23 14 5.9 3.90
H-257 And Pg IASh 6 60.03 d 1.26 16.75 3.52 0.08 0.69 3.62 6.25 3.24 0.22 3.93 99.59 14.6 d 60.0 151.0 257.0 107.0 41.9 19.0 8.0 158.0 53.14 d 108.60 43.12 11.48 3.00 8.79 9.12 4.05 3.48 0.59 16 3.8 10.82
H-259 Dac Pg IASh 6 68.50 d 0.65 13.55 3.12 0.08 0.44 2.56 3.20 4.08 0.19 3.23 99.60 17.9 d 101.0 156.0 40.0 31.0 20.8 10.0 167.0 34.22 d 65.48 24.49 6.09 1.10 4.52 4.17 1.98 1.87 0.31 14 8.0 12.96
Isotopic data for Zihuatanejo and Las Ollas rocks are from Freydier et al., 1993. Afnity: IACc island arc calc-alkaline; BABB back-arc basin basalt; OIB ocean island basalt; IAT island arc tholeiite; IASh island arc shoshonite. c Ref. 6 this study. d ICP-AES analysis.
rocks of Early Cretaceous (Albian) age (Campa and Ramrez, 1979). Older, Neocomian ages have been reported in the Colima region (Oviedo, 1981, cited in Grajales and Lopez, 1984). The base of the sequence is represented by at least 1500 m of andesitic to dacitic lava ows that are interbedded in the lower levels with nely laminated volcani-
clastic turbidites and, toward the top, with abundant acidic ignimbrites and fall-out deposits. The volcanic succession is covered by approximately 500 m of reefal limestones containing abundant Albian fauna and red beds containing dinosaur footprints (Fig. 11). The Zihuatanejo Sequence is essentially undeformed and shows only a very constant westward dip.
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Fig. 2. Geological map of the Teloloapan and ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterranes (after Ramrez et al., 1991).
Volcanic rocks form a differentiated magmatic suite characterized by the predominance of andesitic (57% , SiO2 , 63%) and dacitic (63% , SiO2 , 68%) products. Abundant basaltic lava ows have been identied by Tardy et al. (1994) in the Tecoman area in Colima. Volcanics contain secondary assemblages of greenschist to amphibolite facies produced by thermal metamorphism related to the mid-Tertiary intrusions. Andesites and dacites are moderately to highly porphyritic (1540 vol%). Phenocrysts in both andesites and dacites include plagioclase (An50 56), FeTi oxides (Magn99), and rare completely transformed amphibole (to green amphibole 1 titanite ^ oxides). As a whole, volcanics show important geochemical variations. Analyzed lavas are characterized by low to moderate contents in Al2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2 (Table 1e). Fe2O3, V, and to a lesser extent TiO2 contents decrease from andesites to dacites a characteristic commonly observed in calc-alkaline suites (Miyashiro, 1974; Miyashiro and Shido, 1975). MgO, Cr, and Ni contents are low to very low, with #Mg in the range 944 typical of differentiated to very differentiated melts. The Zr and Y contents are low in andesites and high in dacites. However, they fall in the range reported
for subduction-related tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmatic suites (Whitford et al., 1979; Pert et al., 1980; Gill, 1981). CaO, Na2O, K2O, Rb, Ba, and Sr contents show evidence of mobility during metasomatic alteration. Multi-element patterns for the Zihuatanejo lavas are presented in Fig. 14. The marked negative anomaly in Zr and Ti in most samples indicates an orogenic setting for Zihuatanejo lavas. Both andesites and dacites are highly enriched in the LFSE and depleted in HFSE relative to N-MORB. Similar patterns have been reported in medium- to high-K calc-alkaline suites from many evolved intra-oceanic island arcs. Zihuatanejo rocks also feature high-REE concentrations (LaN 18.0100.1, YbN 6.810.7 times chondrite). As a whole, andesites show the lowest concentrations whereas dacites have the highest. All samples are enriched in LREE relative to HREE, with (La/Yb)N values ranging from 2.47 to 9.83 typical of medium- to high-K calc-alkaline suites (Fig. 15). 6.2. Las Ollas Complex The Las Ollas Complex has been recognized in the Las
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Fig. 3. Generalized lithostratigraphic column of the Teloloapan Subterrane showing paleontologically and/or radiometrically dated horizons (after Guerrero et al., 1990).
Ollas, Puerto Vicente Guerrero, and Camalotito regions along the Pacic coast near Zihuatanejo (Fig. 10). A study of the structure, metamorphism, and geochemistry of the Las Ollas Complex is presented by Talavera (2000b). The complex is formed of a pile of fault-bounded slices contain ing tectonic melanges of probable Early Cretaceous age and composed of exotic blocks of limestone, quartzite, chert, tuff, pillow basalt, amphibolite, gabbro, and partly to wholly serpentinized ultramates enveloped in a sheared matrix of ysch and serpentine. The blocks preserve blueschist (blue amphibole ^ lawsonite ^ tremolite ^ Mgchlorite ^ albite) metamorphic assemblages within numerous cross-cutting shear bands produced during plate convergence. Blocks within the Las Ollas Complex include gabbro, basalt, ultramate, volcaniclastics, amphibolite, and dolerite. Gabbros range from cumulate, layered gabbro to subdoleritic, massive gabbro. They consist essentially of subhedral to euhedral amphibole, clinopyroxene, magnetite (Mag97 100 Chrom0 3), acicular ilmenite (Ilm50 93
Hem0 14), and plagioclase. Basalts are poorly to highly porphyritic (1030 vol%) with phenocrysts of uralitized clinopyroxene, plagioclase, cubic magnetite (Mag97 100 Chrom0 3), and ilmenite (Ilm93 96 Hem3 6). Ultramates are generally highly serpentinized; protholiths cannot be inferred in most cases. Amphibolite is an uncommon lithology within the complex and has been recorded only in the Las Ollas area. It is medium- to coarse-grained and shows a well-dened foliated fabric. Amphibolite is composed essentially of green to brown amphibole, plagioclase, and oxides. Geochemically, blocks are uniformly basic (45.6% , SiO2 , 52.7%), although there is signicant variation in most major and trace element abundances. Gabbros show the greatest element variation, probably reecting a variably cumulate character, whereas analyzed volcanic and volcanic-related metamorphic rocks have similar compositions. Clinopyroxene-bearing gabbro shows the highest concentrations in MgO, Cr, and Ni,
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Fig. 4. Multi-elemental patterns for the recognized petrographic types in the Teloloapan lavas. Basalts and andesites were normalized using the N-MORB values of Sun and McDonough (1989). Rhyolites were normalized using the ORG values of Pearce et al. (1984).
whereas basalt and amphibolite show higher concentrations of TiO2 and V. The Mg numbers (5254) are moderate and rather constant (except for the basalt, which has the lowest value (39)), indicating that samples represent crystallization
of somewhat evolved magmatic melts (Table 1f). TiO2 and Zr contents are also variable, but rather low and within the range recorded for subduction-related magmatic suites (Shervais, 1982; Pearce, 1983). Alkali and related elements
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Fig. 5. Chondrite-normalized rare earth patterns for the Teloloapan lavas. Normalizing values are from Evensen et al. (1978).
show an extremely large variation, which may reect metasomatic addition or leaching during metamorphism. Multi-element patterns for blocks of the Las Ollas Complex are shown in Fig. 14. As noted previously, volcanic and volcanic-related metamorphic rocks show only minor variation, whereas gabbros display a rather large range of lithophile element compositions. Cumulate gabbros show, broadly, the lowest HFSE concentrations, whereas doleritic gabbros,
amphibolites, and basalts contain the highest concentrations. This suggests that cumulate gabbros represent crystallization of less differentiated magmas relative to doleritic gabbros, amphibolites, and basalts. Desspite this, all samples are characterized by a signicant enrichment in most LFSE relative to N-MORB and resemble those patterns reported for presentday immature island-arc tholeiitic suites (Pearce, 1983; Sun and McDonough, 1989).
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Fig. 6. Simplied structural map of the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane (compiled from Salinas, 1994).
Absolute REE abundances are highly variable and are also related to rock type. Cumulate gabbros have the lowest absolute abundances (LaN 2.410.2, YbN 2.64.9), which is consistent with crystallization from less differentiated melts, whereas doleritic gabbros, amphibolites, and basalts have the highest REE abundances (LaN 7.912.5;
YbN 5.411.3). REE patterns of cumulate gabbros are contrastingly different (Fig. 15). Gabbro Mx-211 is depleted highly in LREE relative to HREE ((La/Yb)N 0.50), a characteristic commonly linked to the presence of cumulus clinopyroxene. Conversely, gabbro Mx-206 is enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE ((La/Yb)N 3.92) typical
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Fig. 7. Generalized lithostratigraphic columns of the marginal basin and arc assemblages of the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane showing paleontologically and/or radiometrically dated levels.
of amphibole- and plagioclase-rich cumulates. Subdoleritic gabbros also show different patterns, although less accentuated. Gabbro M-39 is characterized by depletion in both LREE and HREE relative to MREE ((La/Yb)N 1.49) whereas gabbro M-29 shows a rather at pattern ((La/ Yb)N 1.10). The basalt and amphibolite show comparable patterns characterized by an important depletion in LREE relative to HREE ((La/Yb)N 0.770.91) typical of tholeiitic suites. 6.3. Huetamo Sequence The Huetamo Sequence crops out in the Huetamo-San Lucas region west of the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane (Fig. 12). Its relationships with the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane to the east and with the Zihuatanejo Sequence are obscured by mid-Tertiary red beds and ignimbritic
deposits. This sequence consists of an approximately 4500-m thick succession of essentially sedimentary rocks of Late Jurassic (Tithonian) to Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) age. A detailed description of the stratigraphy as well as paleontologic determinations may be found in Pantoja (1959) and Campa and Ramrez (1979). The base of the lithostratigraphic succession is not exposed. However, some workers (e.g. Campa and Ramrez, 1979; Centeno et al., 1993b) have suggested that the sedimentary pile rests unconformably on a metamorphosed basement represented by the Pinzan Morado metamorphites that crop out southwest of Huetamo (Fig. 12), which may be correlated with the Arteaga Complex (Centeno et al., 1993b). The lowest known stratigraphic levels within the sedimentary cover of the Huetamo Sequence consist of Tithonian volcaniclastic apron deposits, siliceous sediments, and rare pillow basalt units. The medial part is composed of a monotonous
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Fig. 8. Multi-elemental patterns for the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane: (A) Arcelia spilitic basalts; (B) Ti-rich clinopyroxene-bearing basalts; (C) dikes; (D) Palmar Chico porphyritic basalts. Normalizing values are those of the N-MORB from Sun and McDonough (1989).
succession of Neocomian coarse- to medium-grained volcaniclastic turbidites. The top is characterized by Aptian to Early Cenomanian reefal limestones and red beds. Thick conglomerate layers containing abundant lava blocks are common throughout the entire sedimentary succession (Fig. 13). Because scarce lava ows are present only at the base of the Huetamo Sequence, a systematic study of the petrographic and geochemical characteristics of volcanic blocks within conglomeratic levels of the entire succession was carried out in order to constrain the origin and temporal evolution of the volcanic source region. As a whole, a systematic temporal variation of mineralogic, petrographic, and geochemic characteristics is evident from the base to the top. Basaltic rocks are restricted to the lower, Late Jurassic units, whereas clinopyroxene 1 amphibole-bearing andesites are common in the middle, Neocomian part. Plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites form conglomeratic units in the upper, AptianCenomanian stratigraphic levels. Basalts are preserved either as pillow lavas or as blocks in conglomerates in the lowermost part of the strati-
graphic pile. Pillow basalts are essentially aphyric, with rare microphenocrysts of plagioclase and opaque minerals supported by a groundmass of plagioclase microlites and oxidized glass. Conversely, basalt blocks are highly porphyritic (1530 vol%), with phenocrysts of completely transformed olivine (to chloritesmectite), clinopyroxene (En41 47 Fs13 21 Wo34 44), albitized plagioclase, and FeTi oxides (Magn91 97 Herc2 8 Chro0.2 0.4). Clinopyroxene- and amphibole-bearing andesites and dacites are porphyritic (1540 vol%) with phenocryst of plagioclase (An47 72), clinopyroxene (En41 48 Fs6 18 Wo35 48), pargasite to edenite amphibole, and oxides (Magn79 99 Herc1 14 Chro0 15). Plagioclase-rich, ferromagnesianpoor andesites and dacites have porphyritic (1540 vol%) textures with phenocrysts of plagioclase and FeTi oxides. Plagioclase is largely altered to laumontite and Fe-pumpellyite, and its magmatic composition has been obliterated almost completely by secondary processes. Lava ows and blocks form a basaltandesitedacite magmatic suite. The rocks are characterized by variable
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Fig. 9. Chondrite-normalized rare earth patterns for the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane: (A) Arcelia spilitic basalts; (B) Ti-rich clinopyroxene-bearing basalts; (C) dikes; (D) Palmar Chico porphyritic basalts. Normalizing values are from Evensen et al. (1978).
but low Al2O3, Fe2O3, and MgO (Tables 1g and h). Mg numbers are systematically low, ranging from 12 to 31, indicating that volcanics derive from highly differentiated melts. Zr contents vary systematically from basalts (2224 ppm) through cpxamph andesites and dacites (7075 ppm) to plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites (158167 ppm), whereas Y contents vary from 13 to 20 ppm in basalts, 1121 ppm in cpxamph andesites and dacites, to 2042 ppm in plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites. LREE enrichments increase systematically from the base to the top. N-MORB-normalized lithophile patterns span a continum from slightly LFSE-enriched basalts through moderatelyenriched LFSE cpx-amph andesites and dacites to highly
LFSE-enriched plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites (Fig. 14). All samples show a pronounced negative anomaly in Zr and Ti, indicating that pillow lavas and blocks came from an island-arc source. These patterns are comparable to those reported for tholeiitic and medium- to high-K calcalkaline intra-oceanic suites, such as those from the New Britain arc (Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981; White and Pachett, 1984; Woodhead and Johnson, 1993) or the Mariana arc (Meijer and Reagan, 1981; Lin et al., 1989). REE concentrations also vary systematically from basalts (LaN 8.521.4, YbN 7.412.0 times chondrite) throughout cpxamph andesites and dacites (LaN 32.547.0, YbN 8.612.1 times chondrite) to plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites (LaN 142.6221.5,
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Fig. 10. Simplied geological map of the Zihuatanejo region showing distribution of the Zihuatanejo arc volcanics and Las Ollas Complex (after Vidal, 1984).
YbN 11.020.5 times chondrite). Basalt shows either at to slightly LREE-enriched ((La/Yb)N 1.012.44) chondrite-normalized patterns, typical of tholeiitic basalts in orogenic suites (Fig. 15). Cpxamph andesites and dacites show a signicant enrichment in LREE relative to HREE with (La/Yb)N ranging from 3.69 to 4.75, typical of medim-K calc-alkaline suites (Fig. 15; Gill, 1981). Finally, plagioclase-rich andesites and dacites show the highest LREE enrichment with (La/Yb)N ranging from 10.82 to 12.96, characteristic of high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic suites (Fig. 15; Gill, 1981). 7. Isotopic composition Available Sr and Nd isotopic data from the Guerrero Terrane sequences are shown in Fig. 16. Fields of typical primitive and evolved intra-oceanic island arc, together with the MORB and OIB elds, are also shown for comparison and further discussion. The range of measured Nd isotopic composition of ve high-K calc-alkaline lavas from the Teloloapan Subterrane is relatively small: 1 Nd 11.6 to 14.6. They are much lower than those of MORB but lie within the range observed in IAB and OIB. As a group, 1 Nd values are relatively low compared to those of entirely intra-oceanic calc-alkaline series (e.g. Aleutian arc (McCulloch and Pert, 1981; Morris and Hart, 1983; Kay et al., 1986)), which typically
have high 1 Nd ratios (16 to as high as 110). Such values are, however, common in some medium- to high-K calcalkaline rocks of evolved island arcs where magma has incorporated subducted sediment (e.g. Indonesian arc (Whitford et al., 1979; Stolz et al., 1990)); 1 Sr ranges from 214.3 to 12.3, falling within the mantle array. Isotopic data from the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane are scarce; those for the N-MORB-like volcanics are unavailable and those for only one OIB lava and three tholeiitic arc rocks have been published. The OIB lava has moderate 1 Nd (16.9) and falls in the range typical of alkalic ocean island suites (e.g. Hawaii; Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981). Despite the widespread hydrothermal alteration, its 1 Sr is relatively low (28.9), falling well within the mantle array. Two tholeiitic arc volcanics and a tholeiitic arc dike have variable 1 Nd values ranging from 15.4 to 19.7, typical of immature tholeiitic island-arc suites (Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981; White and Pachett, 1984; Woodhead and Johnson, 1993). The 1 Sr, although relatively low (1 Sr 12.1 to 29.5), possibly shows evidence of a seawater isotopic contribution. Two high-K calc-alkaline lavas from the Zihuatanejo Sequence display relatively high 1 Nd (18.1 and 18.3), which are in the range typical of intra-oceanic arc suites. 1 Sr values vary moderately (1 Sr 28.7 and 22.6) and plot to the right of the mantle array. One basaltic and one gabbro block within the Las Ollas Complex show similarly high 1 Nd (17.9 and 18.0) values, suggesting intra-oceanic arc
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Fig. 11. Schematic lithostratigraphic columns of the Zihuatanejo volcano-sedimentary sequence and the Las Ollas Complex (ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane) showing paleontologically and/or radiometrically dated stratigraphic levels.
afnities and that the blocks were derived from a mantle source similar to that of the Zihuatanejo lavas. 1 Sr values are moderate (1 Sr 23.0 and 21.7), and also plot to the right of the mantle array. Finally, available isotopic data for one tholeiitic arc pillow basalt from the lowest stratigraphic levels in the Huetamo Sequence show moderate 1 Nd (17.1) and indicate an island arc afnity. This value is close to that reported by Centeno et al. (1993a) from a tholeiitic tuff within the same sequence. 1 Sr is high (1 Sr 15.1), plotting to the right of the mantle array. Thus, samples from the Zihuatanejo Sequence, Las Ollas Complex, and Huetamo Sequence share high 1 Nd ratios and moderate 1 Sr ratios, dening a line similar to that recorded in arcs that have incorporated crustal material during magma evolution (Fig. 16).
8. Summary, discussion and conclusions The studied portion of the Guerrero Terrane of western Mexico consists of three NS trending subterranes whose geological, geochemical, and isotopic features are presented here. The Teloloapan Subterrane, at the eastern limit of the Guerrero Terrane, is characterized by a penetratively polydeformed and hydrothermally altered arc succession consisting of more than 3000 m of a high-K calc-alkaline basaltandesitedaciterhyolite magmatic suite of Early Cretaceous age (Hauterivian to Aptian) that is covered by tuffaceous shales, reefal and clastic limestones, and yschlike sandstones and shales of Albian to Cenomanian age. Petrological, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics are
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Fig. 12. Detailed geological map of the Huetamo region (after Campa and Ramrez, 1979).
similar to those recorded in some present-day evolved intraoceanic island arcs such as the Sunda arc (Whitford and Jesek, 1979; Whitford et al., 1981; Stolz et al., 1990) and the Lesser Antilles arc (Brown et al., 1977; Hawkesworth and Powell, 1980). The ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane west of the Teloloapan includes: magmatic Suite A, which is represented by spilitic pillow-basalts showing petrological and geochemical characteristics typical of BABB suites; magmatic Suite B, which is represented by Ti-rich clinopyroxene-bearing pillow-basalts showing petrological and geochemical characteristics typical of transitional to moderately alkaline OIB; and magmatic Suite C, which is represented by porphyritic pillow-basalts and dikes showing tholeiitic AIB afnities. Field distribution of representative samples of each suite indicates that Suites A and B are associated and concentrate along the eastern part of the subterrane, and pillow-basalts of Suite C are restricted to the western part of the subterrane in the Palmar ChicoPalmar Grande area, whereas dikes of Suite C are distributed everywhere (see
Fig. 6). All suites are capped by pelagic shale and radiolarian-rich siliceous sediments and are penetratively affected by the same structural episodes. Suites A and B are intruded by dikes of Suite C, and the rocks of all suites show comparable secondary assemblages suggesting that they were subject to the same hydrothermal event. Furthermore, radiometric and paleontological evidence indicates that all three suites evolved contemporaneously. Therefore, the ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterrane represents an immature intra-oceanic island arc (Palmar Chico), whose characteristics are similar to the present-day New Britain arc (Basaltic Volcanism Study Project, 1981; Woodhead and Johnson, 1993) or the Aleutian arc (McCulloch and Pert, 1981), and which is associated with a back-arc basin (Arcelia) with characteristics comparable to those found in many arc-related marginal basins such as the Mariana back-arc basin (Ikeda and Yuasa, 1989) or the North and South Fiji basins (Colley and Hindle, 1984; Gill et al., 1984). Finally, the westernmost ZihuatanejoHuetamo
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Fig. 13. Lithostratigraphic column of the Huetamo Sequence (ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane) showing dated strata (after Pantoja, 1959).
Subterrane along the Pacic coast consists of three sequences: 1. The undeformed Zihuatanejo Sequence, of Early Cretaceous age, includes more than 2000 m of volcanic arc products including lavas and pyroclastic
deposits representing part of an arc massif. Volcanics form a differentiated medium- to high-K andesitedacite-rhyolite magmatic suite interbedded with or capped by reefal limestone and red beds. 2. The Las Ollas Complex, of probable Early Cretaceous age, consists of tectonic slices containing
O.T. Mendoza, M.G. Suastegui / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13 (2000) 297324
Fig. 14. Multi-elemental patterns for the ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane: (A) Zihuatanejo volcanics; (B) Las Ollas blocks; (C,D,E) Huetamo lava ows and pebbles. Normalizing values are the N-MORB from Sun and McDonough (1989).
tholeiitic arc-derived blocks preserving high-pressure/ low-temperature metamorphism included in a pervasively sheared matrix of ysch and serpentinite representing part of a subduction complex.
3. The undeformed Huetamo Sequence, of Late Jurassic (?) to Late Cretaceous age, consists of more than 4500 m of mainly sedimentary rocks including large pebbles of tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic
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Fig. 15. Chondrite-normalized rare earth patterns for the ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane: (A) Zihuatanejo volcanics; (B) Las Ollas blocks; (C,D,E) Huetamo lava ows and pebbles. Normalizing values are from Evensen et al. (1978).
lavas representing accumulation in a basin located in a back-arc position and spatially associated with the Zihuatanejo arc massif. These arc-related sequences unconformably overlie
the highly deformed and moderately metamorphosed Arteaga Complex, which represents the basement on which the arc was constructed (Centeno et al., 1993a,b; Talavera et al., 1993). The dataset indicates that sequences within major
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Fig. 16. Isotopic scheme showing available 1 Nd and 1 Sr ratios for rocks of the Guerrero Terrane arc-related sequences. Typical elds of MORB, OIB, and primitive and mature island arcs are shown for comparison.
tectonic boundaries are stratigraphically, structurally, geochemically, and isotopically homogeneous and distinct from any other sequence and that they certainly evolved independently. Contrasting features include the following. 1. The subvolcanic basement has been recognized only in the ZihuatanejoHuetamo Subterrane; there is no evidence for basement in the Teloloapan and Arcelia Palmar Chico Subterranes. 2. With the exceptions of the Arteaga Complex, which preserves evidence of strong deformation prior to Cretaceous arc building, and the Las Ollas Complex, which was deformed during subduction-related processes, the ZihuatanejoHuetamo arc sequences are not pervasively deformed, whereas the Teloloapan and ArceliaPalmar Chico Subterranes are subhorizontally sheared and isoclinally folded and thrust. 3. Arc suites are systematically separated by marginal basins. The Teloloapan calc-alkaline suite and the Palmar Chico tholeiitic suite are separated by the Arcelia backarc basin, which contains BABB and OIB assemblages. The Palmar Chico tholeiitic suite is separated from the Zihuatanejo calc-alkaline suite by the Huetamo marginal basin. 4. Although the Teloloapan and Zihuatanejo both contain calc-alkaline lavas, they differ chemically and isotopically, in particular in light-REE, HFSE, and initial Nd isotopic ratios. Similarly, tholeiitic volcanics in the Palmar Chico and Huetamo Sequences and the Las Ollas Complex differ signicantly in REE, LFSE, and HFSE as well as being of different ages. Nd isotopic ratios are, however, similar. According to DePaolo (1979) and Gill (1981), these dissimilarities would indicate signicant differences in magma genesis such as the nature of mantle sources and degree of partial melting. Although the available data prevent precise paleogeo-
graphic reconstruction of sequences within the Guerrero Terrane, the data strongly suggest that during the Late Mesozoic the western margin of southern North America was characterized by the development of a complex system of intra-oceanic arcs similar to the present-day west Pacic system, and these accreted to nuclear Mexico during Late Cretaceous, Laramide times. Acknowledgements The authors want to thank J. Ramrez, P. Coney, and B. Nelson for their careful reviews and contributions to this manuscript. This research was supported by the SEP-CONACYT grant. References
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