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Equal and Reducing Tees

MSS SP-75 ANSI B16.9 (in mm)

* Wellgrow’s standard.
Outside Diameter Outside Diameter
Nominal Center to End Nominal Center to End
At Bevel D At Bevel D
Pipe Size Pipe Size
Run Outlet (1) Run Outlet (1)
(NPS) Run Outlet (NPS) Run Outlet
1/2 x 1/2 21.3 21.3 25.4 25.4 4 x 4 114.3 114.3 104.6 104.6
1/2 x 3/8 17.1 25.4 4 x 3-1/2 101.6 101.6
1/2 x 1/4 13.7 25.4 4 x 3 88.9 98.6
3/4 x 3/4 26.7 26.7 28.4 28.4 4 x 2-1/2 73.0 95.2
3/4 x 1/2 21.3 28.4 4 x 2 60.3 88.9
3/4 x 3/8 17.1 28.4 4 x 1-1/2 48.3 85.9
1 x 1 33.4 33.4 38.1 38.1 4 x 1-1/4 42.2
1 x 3/4 26.7 38.1 4 x 1* 33.5
1 x 1/2 21.3 38.1 5 x 5 141.3 141.3 124.0 124.0
1-1/4 x 1-1/4 42.2 42.2 47.8 47.8 5 x 4 114.3 117.3
1-1/4 x 1 33.4 47.8 5 x 3-1/2 101.6 114.3
1-1/4 x 3/4 26.7 47.8 5 x 3 88.9 111.3
1-1/4 x 1/2 21.3 47.8 5 x 2-1/2 73.0 108.0
1-1/2 x 1-1/2 48.3 48.3 57.2 57.2 5 x 2 60.3 104.6
1-1/2 x 1-1/4 42.2 57.2 5 x 1-1/2* 48.3
1-1/2 x 1 33.4 57.2 6 x 6 168.3 168.3 142.7 142.7
1-1/2 x 3/4 26.7 57.2 6 x 5 141.3 136.7
1-1/2 x 1/2 21.3 57.2 6 x 4 114.3 130.0
2 x 2 60.3 60.3 63.5 63.5 6 x 3-1/2 101.6 127.0
2 x 1-1/2 48.3 60.5 6 x 3 88.9 124.0
2 x 1-1/4 42.2 57.2 6 x 2-1/2 73.0 120.6
2 x 1 33.4 50.8 6 x 2* 60.3
2 x 3/4 26.7 44.4 8 x 8 219.1 219.1 177.8 177.8
2 x 1/2* 21.3 8 x 6 168.3 168.1
2-1/2 x 2-1/2 73.0 73.0 76.2 76.2 8 x 5 141.3 162.1
2-1/2 x 2 60.3 69.8 8 x 4 114.3 155.4
2-1/2 x 1-1/2 48.3 66.5 8 x 3-1/2 101.6 152.4
2-1/2 x 1-1/4 42.2 63.5 8 x 3* 88.9
2-1/2 x 1 33.4 57.2 10 x 10 273.1 273.1 215.9 215.9
3 x 3 88.9 88.9 85.9 85.9 10 x 8 219.1 203.2
3 x 2-1/2 73.0 82.6 10 x 6 168.3 193.5
3 x 2 60.3 76.2 10 x 5 141.3 190.5
3 x 1-1/2 48.3 73.2 10 x 4 114.3 184.2
3 x 1-1/4 42.2 69.8 12 x 12 323.9 323.9 254.0 254.0
3 x 1* 33.4 12 x 10 273.1 241.3
3-1/2 x 3-1/2 101.6 101.6 95.2 95.2 12 x 8 219.1 228.6
3-1/2 x 3 88.9 91.9 12 x 6 168.3 218.9
3-1/2 x 2-1/2 73.0 88.9 12 x 5 141.3 215.9
3-1/2 x 2 60.3 82.6
3-1/2 x 1-1/2 48.3 79.2

(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.

Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail:

Equal and Reducing Tees

MSS SP-75 ANSI B16.9 (in mm)

* Wellgrow’s standard.
Outside Diameter Outside Diameter
Nominal Center to End Nominal Center to End
At Bevel D At Bevel D
Pipe Size Pipe Size
Run Outlet (1) Run Outlet (1)
(NPS) Run Outlet (NPS) Run Outlet
14 x 14 355.6 355.6 279.4 279.4 26 x 22 558.8 469.9
14 x 12 323.9 269.7 26 x 20 508.0 457.2
14 x 10 273.1 257.0 26 x 18 457.2 444.5
14 x 8 219.1 247.6 26 x 16 406.4 431.8
14 x 6 168.3 238.3 26 x 14 355.6 431.8
16 x 16 406.4 406.4 304.8 304.8 26 x 12 323.1 422.1
16 x 14 355.6 304.8 28 x 28 711.2 711.2 520.7 520.7
16 x 12 323.9 295.1 28 x 26 660.4 520.7
16 x 10 273.1 282.4 28 x 24 609.6 508.0
16 x 8 219.1 373.0 28 x 22 558.8 495.3
16 x 6 168.3 263.7 28 x 20 508.0 482.6
18 x 18 457.2 457.2 342.9 342.9 28 x 18 457.2 469.9
18 x 16 406.4 330.2 28 x 16 406.4 457.2
18 x 14 355.6 330.2 28 x 14 355.6 457.2
18 x 12 323.9 320.5 28 x 12 323.1 447.5
18 x 10 273.1 307.8 30 x 30 762.0 762.0 558.8 558.8
18 x 8 219.1 298.4 30 x 28 711.2 546.1
20 x 20 508.0 508.0 381.0 381.0 30 x 26 660.4 546.1
20 x 18 457.2 369.3 30 x 24 609.6 533.4
20 x 16 406.4 355.6 30 x 22 558.8 520.7
20 x 14 355.6 355.6 30 x 20 508.0 508.0
20 x 12 323.9 345.9 30 x 18 457.2 495.3
20 x 10 273.1 333.2 30 x 16 406.4 482.6
20 x 8 219.1 323.8 30 x 14 355.6 482.6
22 x 22 558.8 558.8 419.1 419.1 30 x 12 323.9 472.6
22 x 20 508.0 406.4 30 x 10 273.1 460.2
22 x 18 457.2 393.7 32 x 32 812.8 812.8 596.9 596.9
22 x 16 406.4 381.0 32 x 30 762.0 584.2
22 x 14 355.6 381.0 32 x 28 711.2 571.5
22 x 12 323.9 371.3 32 x 26 660.4 571.5
22 x 10 273.1 358.6 32 x 24 609.6 558.8
24 x 24 609.6 609.6 431.8 431.8 32 x 22 558.8 546.1
24 x 22 558.8 431.8 32 x 20 508.0 533.4
24 x 20 508.0 431.8 32 x 18 457.2 520.7
24 x 18 457.2 419.1 32 x 16 406.4 508.0
24 x 16 406.4 406.4 32 x 14 355.6 508.0
24 x 14 355.6 406.4 34 x 34 863.6 863.6 635.0 635.0
24 x 12 323.9 396.7 34 x 32 812.8 622.3
24 x 10 273.1 384.0 34 x 30 762.0 609.6
26 x 26 660.4 660.4 495.3 495.3 34 x 28 711.2 596.9
26 x 24 609.6 482.6 34 x 26 660.4 596.9

(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.

Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail:

Equal and Reducing Tees

MSS SP-75 ANSI B16.9 (in mm)

* Wellgrow’s standard.
Outside Diameter Outside Diameter
Nominal Center to End Nominal Center to End
At Bevel D At Bevel D
Pipe Size Pipe Size
Run Outlet (1) Run Outlet (1)
(NPS) Run Outlet (NPS) Run Outlet
34 x 24 609.6 584.2 42 x 38 965.2 711.2
34 x 22 558.8 571.5 42 x 36 914.4 711.2
34 x 20 508.0 558.8 42 x 34 863.6 711.2
34 x 18 457.2 546.1 42 x 32 812.8 711.2
34 x 16 406.4 533.4 42 x 30 762.0 711.2
36 x 36 914.4 914.4 673.1 673.1 42 x 28 1066.8 711.2 762.0 698.5
36 x 34 863.6 660.4 42 x 26 660.4 698.5
36 x 32 812.8 647.7 42 x 24 609.6 660.4
36 x 30 762.0 635.0 42 x 22 558.8 660.4
36 x 28 711.2 622.3 42 x 20 508.0 660.4
36 x 26 660.4 622.3 42 x 18 457.2 647.7
36 x 24 609.6 609.6 42 x 16 406.4 635.0
36 x 22 558.8 596.9 44 x 44 1117.6 1117.6 812.8 762.0
36 x 20 508.0 584.2 44 x 42 1066.8 762.0
36 x 18 457.2 571.5 44 x 40 1016.0 749.3
36 x 16 406.4 558.8 44 x 38 965.2 736.6
38 x 38 965.2 965.2 711.2 711.2 44 x 36 914.4 723.9
38 x 36 914.4 711.2 44 x 34 863.6 723.9
38 x 34 863.6 698.5 44 x 32 812.8 711.2
38 x 32 812.8 685.8 44 x 30 762.0 711.2
38 x 30 762.0 673.1 44 x 28 711.2 698.5
38 x 28 711.2 647.7 44 x 26 660.4 698.5
38 x 26 660.4 647.7 44 x 24 609.6 698.5
38 x 24 609.6 635.0 44 x 22 558.8 685.8
38 x 22 558.8 622.3 44 x 20 508.0 685.8
38 x 20 508.0 609.6 46 x 46 1168.4 1168.4 850.9 800.1
38 x 18 457.2 596.9 46 x 44 1117.6 800.1
40 x 40 1016.0 1016.0 749.3 749.3 46 x 42 1066.8 787.4
40 x 38 965.2 749.3 46 x 40 1016.0 774.7
40 x 36 914.4 736.6 46 x 38 965.2 762.0
40 x 34 863.6 723.9 46 x 36 914.4 762.0
40 x 32 812.8 711.2 46 x 34 863.6 749.3
40 x 30 762.0 698.5 46 x 32 812.8 749.3
40 x 28 711.2 673.1 46 x 30 762.0 736.6
40 x 26 660.4 673.1 46 x 28 711.2 736.6
40 x 24 609.6 660.4 46 x 26 660.4 736.6
40 x 22 558.8 647.7 46 x 24 609.6 723.9
40 x 20 508.0 635.0 46 x 20* 508.0 723.9
40 x 18 457.2 622.3 48 x 48 1219.2 1219.2 889.0 838.2
42 x 42 1066.8 1066.8 762.0 711.2 48 x 46 1168.4 838.2
42 x 40 1016.0 711.2 48 x 44 1117.6 838.2

(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.

Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail:

Equal and Reducing Tees

MSS SP-75 ANSI B16.9 (in mm)

* Wellgrow’s standard.
Outside Diameter Outside Diameter
Nominal Center to End Nominal Center to End
At Bevel D At Bevel D
Pipe Size Pipe Size
Run Outlet (1) Run Outlet (1)
(NPS) Run Outlet (NPS) Run Outlet
48 x 42 1066.8 812.8 60 x 40* 1016.0 863.6
48 x 40 1016.0 812.8 60 x 28* 711.2 863.6
48 x 38 965.2 812.8 60 x 20* 508.0 863.6
48 x 36 914.4 787.4 64 x 64* 1626.0 1626.0 1194.0 1092.0
48 x 34 863.6 787.4 64 x 60* 1524.0 1067.0
48 x 32 1219.2 812.8 889.0 787.4 64 x 56* 1422.0 1016.0
48 x 44 1117.6 838.2 64 x 52* 1321.0 965.0
48 x 42 1066.8 812.8 64 x 48* 1219.0 914
48 x 40 1016.0 812.8 66 x 66* 1676.4 1676.4 1219.2 1066.8
48 x 38 965.2 812.8 68 x 68* 1727.0 1727.0 1270.0 1168.0
48 x 36 914.4 787.4 68 x 64* 1626.0 1143.0
48 x 34 863.6 787.4 68 x 60* 1524.0 1118.0
48 x 32 812.8 787.4 68 x 56* 1422.0 1067.0
48 x 30 762.0 762.0 68 x 52* 1321.0 1016.0
48 x 28 711.2 762.0 68 x 48* 1219.0 965.0
48 x 26 660.4 762.0 72 x 72* 1829.0 1829.0 1320.0 1245.0
48 x 24 609.6 736.6 72 x 68* 1727.0 1219.0
48 x 22 558.8 736.6 72 x 64* 1626.0 1194.0
52 x 52* 1320.8 1320.8 965.2 914.4 72 x 60* 1524.0 1168.0
52 x 48* 1219.2 863.6 72 x 56* 1829.0 1422.0 1320.0 1118.0
52 x 44* 1117.6 812.8 72 x 52* 1321.0 1067.0
52 x 40* 1016.0 762.0 72 x 48* 1219.0 1016.0
54 x 54* 1371.6 1371.6 1003.3 952.5 76 x 76* 1930.0 1930.0 1422.0 1320.0
54 x 52* 1320.8 914.4 76 x 72* 1829.0 1295.0
54 x 48* 1219.2 863.6 76 x 68* 1727.0 1270.0
54 x 44* 1117.6 863.6 76 x 64* 1626.0 1245.0
54 x 40* 1016.0 812.8 76 x 60* 1524.0 1219.0
54 x 28* 711.2 787.4 76 x 56* 1422.0 1168.0
54 x 20* 508.0 787.4 76 x 52* 1321.0 1118.0
56 x 56* 1422.4 1422.4 1041.4 965.2 76 x 48* 1219.0 1067.0
56 x 52* 1320.8 914.4 80 x 80* 2032.0 2032.0 1499.0 1397.0
56 x 48* 1219.2 863.6 80 x 76* 1930.0 1372.0
56 x 44* 1117.6 812.8 80 x 72* 1829.0 1346.0
56 x 40* 1016.0 812.8 80 x 68* 1727.0 1321.0
56 x 28* 711.2 812.8 80 x 64* 1626.0 1295.0
56 x 20* 508.0 812.8 80 x 60* 1524.0 1270.0
60 x 60* 1524.0 1524.0 1117.6 1016.0 80 x 56* 1422.0 1219.0
60 x 56* 1422.4 965.2 80 x 52* 1321.0 1168.0
60 x 52* 1320.8 914.4 80 x 48* 1219.0 1118.0
60 x 48* 1219.2 863.6

(1) Outlet dimension “M” for run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory.

Tel: 886-4-23112576 Fax: 886-4-23112578 E-mail:

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