Year Bid, % Ask, % IRS Z (0, Year) Libor FRW
Year Bid, % Ask, % IRS Z (0, Year) Libor FRW
Year Bid, % Ask, % IRS Z (0, Year) Libor FRW
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
IRS LIBOR FRW Polynomial (FRW)
Bootstrapping the zero (and the frw) curve---This
worksheets computes the IRS rates as the midquote
of bid and ask IRS rates, linearly interpolates the
semi-annual rates from annual IRS rates, and
bootstraps the LIBOR and FRW curves.
11 12
Notional: € 1,000,000
Maturity: 5
rIRS 2.76%
Time Fixed rate Fixed leg Z(0,year) D Fixed leg Floating rate Floating leg D Floating leg
0.5 2.76% € 13,800 0.9920 € 13,689 1.62% € 8,075 € 8,010
1 2.76% € 13,800 0.9832 € 13,568 1.79% € 8,929 € 8,779
1.5 2.76% € 13,800 0.9737 € 13,437 1.96% € 9,787 € 9,530
2 2.76% € 13,800 0.9634 € 13,295 2.13% € 10,651 € 10,261
2.5 2.76% € 13,800 0.9503 € 13,114 2.77% € 13,827 € 13,140
3 2.76% € 13,800 0.9356 € 12,912 3.13% € 15,647 € 14,640
3.5 2.76% € 13,800 0.9204 € 12,701 3.31% € 16,575 € 15,255
4 2.76% € 13,800 0.9040 € 12,475 3.63% € 18,174 € 16,429
4.5 2.76% € 13,800 0.8877 € 12,250 3.67% € 18,352 € 16,291
5 2.76% € 13,800 0.8705 € 12,014 3.93% € 19,665 € 17,120
€ 129,455 € 129,455
V swap: € 0.00
€ 20,000
€ 15,000
€ 10,000
€ 5,000
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
-€ 5,000
-€ 10,000
Fixed leg Floating leg Net payments
IRS pricing (portfolio of bonds)---The worksheet
computes the value of a 5-year payer IRS (based on
previous par and zero rates) as a portfolio of a short
Net payments
coupon bond and a long floater.
-€ 5,725
-€ 4,871
-€ 4,013
-€ 3,149
€ 27
€ 1,847
€ 2,775
€ 4,374
€ 4,552
€ 5,865
Notional: € 1,000,000
IRS pricing (po
Maturity: 5
computes the
rIRS 2.760%
previous par a
Time Fixed rate Floating rate Z(0,year) V FRAs Z weights (Zw) Frw x Zw
0.5 2.76% 1.62% 0.9920 -€ 5,679 0.1057471251 0.001707816
1 2.76% 1.79% 0.9832 -€ 4,789 0.1048112866 0.001871677
1.5 2.76% 1.96% 0.9737 -€ 3,907 0.1037954252 0.002031723
2 2.76% 2.13% 0.9634 -€ 3,034 0.1027015651 0.00218772
2.5 2.76% 2.77% 0.9503 € 26 0.1013008406 0.002801449
3 2.76% 3.13% 0.9356 € 1,729 0.099740163 0.003121355
3.5 2.76% 3.31% 0.9204 € 2,554 0.0981139405 0.003252445
4 2.76% 3.63% 0.9040 € 3,954 0.0963626139 0.003502653
4.5 2.76% 3.67% 0.8877 € 4,041 0.0946260068 0.003473214
5 2.76% 3.93% 0.8705 € 5,106 0.0928010331 0.003649947
9.3808 €0 1.0000 2.76% <-- IRS rate
V swap: € 0.00
€ 6,000
€ 4,000
€ 2,000
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
-€ 2,000
-€ 4,000
-€ 6,000
-€ 8,000
IRS pricing (portfolio of FRAs)---The worksheet
computes the value of a 5-year payer IRS (based on
previous par and zero rates) as a portfolio of payer
EURUSD: 1.3025
r€(0,5): 2.76%
r$(0,5): 3.88%
Principal €: € 1,000,000
Principal $: $1,302,500
V Swap: € 0.0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fixed leg € D Fixed leg € Fixed leg $ D Fixed leg $
€ 13,800.0 € 13,689.5 -$25,268.5 -$25,044.4
CCS pricing (portfolio of bonds)---The wor
€ 13,800.0 € 13,568.3 -$25,268.5 -$24,777.8
computes the value of a 5-year fixed-for-fix
€ 13,800.0 € 13,436.8 -$25,268.5 -$24,462.5
(based on previous par and zero rates in €,
zero, and frw curve in $) as a portfolio of a
€ 13,800.0 € 13,295.2 -$25,268.5 -$24,117.2
coupon bond in € and a short coupon bond
€ 13,800.0 € 13,113.9 -$25,268.5 -$23,687.4
€ 13,800.0 € 12,911.8 -$25,268.5 -$23,119.4
€ 13,800.0 € 12,701.3 -$25,268.5 -$22,567.3
€ 13,800.0 € 12,474.6 -$25,268.5 -$21,883.1
€ 13,800.0 € 12,249.8 -$25,268.5 -$21,312.8
€ 1,013,800.0 € 882,558.9 -$1,327,768.5 -$1,091,528.2
€ 1,000,000.0 -$1,302,500.0
-€ 1,000,000.0
of bonds)---The worksheet
f a 5-year fixed-for-fixed CCS
ar and zero rates in €, and a par,
$) as a portfolio of a long
a short coupon bond in $.
Year IRS € Z(0, year) € LIBOR € IRS $ Z(0, year) $ LIBOR $
0.5 1.62% 0.9920 1.615% 1.79% 0.9911 1.790%
1 1.70% 0.9832 1.700% 1.97% 0.9806 1.971%
1.5 1.79% 0.9737 1.786% 2.17% 0.9681 2.173%
2 1.87% 0.9634 1.872% 2.34% 0.9544 2.345%
2.5 2.05% 0.9503 2.050% 2.59% 0.9374 2.601%
3 2.22% 0.9356 2.230% 2.96% 0.9149 2.985%
3.5 2.37% 0.9204 2.384% 3.22% 0.8931 3.256%
4 2.52% 0.9040 2.540% 3.57% 0.8660 3.629%
4.5 2.64% 0.8877 2.666% 3.75% 0.8435 3.819%
5 2.76% 0.8705 2.792% 3.88% 0.8221 3.957%
5 2.76% 0.8705 2.792% 3.88% 0.8221 3.957%
EURUSD: 1.3025
r€(0,5): 2.76%
r$(0,5): 3.88%
Principal €: € 1,000,000
Principal $: $1,302,500
V Swap: € 0.0
FRW EURUSD Fixed leg € Fixed leg $ Implicit X V FX FRW
1.3036 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 5,538.5
CCS pricing (portfolio of FX forwa
1.3060 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 5,454.9
worksheet computes the value of
1.3100 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 5,344.4
fixed CCS (based on previous par
and a par, zero, and frw curve in $
1.3148 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 5,220.9
forwards (buying € forward = selli
1.3204 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 5,072.3
1.3320 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 4,838.2
1.3423 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 4,624.8
1.3596 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 4,326.2
1.3708 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 4,113.2
1.3793 € 13,800.0 -$25,268.5 1.8311 -€ 3,934.8
1.3793 € 1,000,000.0 -$1,302,500.0 1.3025 € 48,468.2
€ 0.0
portfolio of FX forwards)---The
mputes the value of a 5-year fixed-for-
sed on previous par and zero rates in €,
o, and frw curve in $) as a portfolio of FX
ying € forward = selling $ forward).