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1 You and me ▪▪ the verb be ▪▪ contractions of be ▪▪ countries and READING Learning

▪▪ possessive ▪▪ sentence stress nationalities ▪▪ a blog about a ▪▪ asking for and giving
1A Meeting and greeting p4 adjectives ▪▪ numbers summer spent in personal information
1B My summer blog p6 ▪▪ ‘s for possession 1 – 1,000 London ▪▪ asking for clarification
▪▪ personal objects ▪▪ approaching a text
1C Is that a man bag? p8
▪▪ simple statements PERSONAL BEST

1D Where's my wallet? p10

with be ▪▪ a conversation in a
lost property office

2 Work and play ▪▪ present simple: ▪▪ -s and -es endings ▪▪ jobs and job Learning
positive and ▪▪ auxiliary verbs verbs ▪▪ a video looking at work ▪▪ opening and closing
2A What I do p12 negative do/does in ▪▪ activities (1) an informal email
and free-time activities
2B Weekdays, weekends p14 ▪▪ present simple: questions ▪▪ connectors: and, but
▪▪ listening for names,
questions and or
2C Find a flatmate p16 places, days and times
▪▪ introduction to the
2D A new city p18 PERSONAL BEST
sound /ə/ ▪▪ an email to a friend

1 and 2 REVIEW and PRACTICE p20

3 People in my life ▪▪ adverbs and ▪▪ sentence stress ▪▪ family READING Learning

expressions of ▪▪ -ing forms ▪▪ activities (2) ▪▪ a website about local ▪▪ making arrangements
3A Time together p22 frequency clubs and groups you ▪▪ accepting or declining
3B A new group p24 ▪▪ love, like, hate, can join
an invitation
enjoy, don’t mind ▪▪ scanning a text
3C Opposites attract p26 + noun/-ing form ▪▪ also and too PERSONAL BEST

3D A night out p28 ▪▪ making arrangements

with a friend to do an

4 Home and away ▪▪ prepositions of ▪▪ sentence stress ▪▪ daily routine Learning

time ▪▪ linking verbs ▪▪ a video about the ▪▪ describing a photo
4A 24 hours in the dark p30 ▪▪ present consonants ▪▪ the weather and
weather in different ▪▪ using personal
4B Weather around the continuous and vowels the seasons parts of the world pronouns
world p32 ▪▪ listening for the main PERSONAL BEST

4C A long weekend p34 idea

▪▪ an email describing
▪▪ sentence stress
4D A holiday with friends p36 a holiday

3 and 4 REVIEW and PRACTICE p38

5 What are you wearing? ▪▪ present simple ▪▪ dates ▪▪ clothes READING Learning
and present ▪▪ can and can’t ▪▪ ordinal numbers ▪▪ an article about ▪▪ shopping for clothes
5A Party time p40 continuous ▪▪ hobbies uniforms and if we like ▪▪ offering help
5B Don’t tell me what to ▪▪ can and can’t wearing them
wear p42 ▪▪ identifying facts and PERSONAL BEST

opinions ▪▪ a conversation in a
5C Do the things you love p44
▪▪ adjectives clothes shop
5D Can I try it on? p46

6 Homes and cities ▪▪ there is/there are, ▪▪ there’s/there are ▪▪ rooms and Learning
some/any ▪▪ sentence stress furniture ▪▪ a video about unusual ▪▪ topic sentences
6A A small space p48 ▪▪ prepositions of ▪▪ common
homes ▪▪ describing places
6B Amazing homes p50 place adjectives ▪▪ identifying key points PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ modifiers ▪▪ places in a city
6C The Big Apple p52 ▪▪ contractions
▪▪ a description of your
6D Beautiful places p54 town or city

5 and 6 REVIEW and PRACTICE p56

2 Language App, unit-by-unit grammar and vocabulary games



7 Food and drink ▪▪ countable and ▪▪ some/any ▪▪ food and drink READING Learning
uncountable ▪▪ weak form of ▪▪ containers and ▪▪ an article about what ▪▪ in a restaurant
7A Food to your door p58 nouns + some/any portions people eat for lunch ▪▪ asking politely for
7B Stopping for lunch p60 ▪▪ quantifiers: around the world
(how) much/many, ▪▪ skimming a text
7C Are you hungry? p62 a lot of, ▪▪ pronouns and PERSONAL BEST

7D Out for dinner p64 a few, a little possessive adjectives ▪▪ ordering food in a

8 In the past ▪▪ past simple of be, ▪▪ was and were ▪▪ inventions Learning
there was/there ▪▪ -ed endings ▪▪ life stages ▪▪ a video about our ▪▪ planning and making
8A Technology through were ▪▪ irregular verbs notes
favourite inventions
the ages p66 ▪▪ past simple:
and inspirations ▪▪ sequencers
8B Life stories p68 irregular verbs ▪▪ listening for numbers, PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ past simple: regular
8C Life in the 1980s p70 dates and prices
verbs and past time ▪▪ a story about an
▪▪ phrases
8D What happened to you? p72 expressions experience you had

7 and 8 REVIEW and PRACTICE p74

9 Education, education! ▪▪ past simple: ▪▪ intonation in ▪▪ school READING Learning

questions questions subjects and ▪▪ an article about ▪▪ making suggestions
9A School days p76 ▪▪ verb patterns: verb ▪▪ ‘d like and like education different education ▪▪ sounding sympathetic
9B Lifelong learning p78 + to + infinitive ▪▪ resolutions experiences
▪▪ understanding words PERSONAL BEST
9C Change your life p80
that you don’t know ▪▪ describing and
9D What's the problem? p82 ▪▪ because and so responding to problems

10 People ▪▪ comparative ▪▪ -er endings ▪▪ adjectives Learning

adjectives ▪▪ superlative to describe ▪▪ a video about ▪▪ writing a description of
10A First dates p84 ▪▪ superlative adjectives places a person
changing our
10B You look so different! p86 adjectives ▪▪ describing
appearance ▪▪ clauses with when
appearance ▪▪ listening for detailed
10C The yearbook p88 PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ personality
information (1)
10D Someone that I admire p90 adjectives ▪▪ a description of
▪▪ weak forms
someone you admire

9 and 10 REVIEW and PRACTICE p92

11 On the move ▪▪ have to/don’t ▪▪ have to/has to ▪▪ travel and READING Learning
have to ▪▪ sentence stress transport ▪▪ an article about the ▪▪ arriving at a hotel
11A Getting to work p94 ▪▪ be going to, future ▪▪ holiday unusual way Jordan ▪▪ checking information
11B Looking for Elizabeth time expressions activities Axani found a travel
Gallagher p96 partner PERSONAL BEST

▪▪ reading for detail ▪▪ a conversation at

11C Road trip p98
▪▪ adverbs of probability a hotel reception
11D At a hotel p100

12 Enjoy yourself! ▪▪ present perfect ▪▪ sentence stress ▪▪ entertainment Learning

with ever and ▪▪ vowels ▪▪ opinion ▪▪ a video about books ▪▪ writing and replying to
12A Going out p102 never adjectives an invitation
that have become
12B The book was better! p104 ▪▪ present perfect
films ▪▪ articles: a/an, the or
12C A famous voice p106 and past simple ▪▪ listening for detailed no article
12D Would you like to come? p108 information (2) PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ linking consonants
▪▪ an invitation to a party
and vowels and a reply

11 and 12 REVIEW and PRACTICE p110

Grammar practice p112  Vocabulary practice p136  Communication practice p158  Irregular verbs p176

Language App, unit-by-unit grammar and vocabulary games 3

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