Q3 English Week 2 Lesson 20 Day 3 PDF
Q3 English Week 2 Lesson 20 Day 3 PDF
Q3 English Week 2 Lesson 20 Day 3 PDF
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. A Text A Day and Comprehension Check up
a. Reading of the text with au and aw diphthongs
Read each sentence and answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Laura saw Paul on the lawn.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation/Introduction
Present the following sentences on the board.
1. The Philippine flag is made up of three colors.
2. There are three major islands in our country.
3. The Philippine flag is one of the most beautifully designed flags in the world.
4. Ms. Almira Santos thinks that Filipinos are all very patriotic people.
5. Fr. Cruz believes that the Philippines is a peaceful country.
2. Modeling/ Teaching
What do you notice with the first two sentences?
Does it tell something that is already proven and accepted by everyone?
What do you notice with the third, fourth and fifth sentences?
Does it show judgment, feeling or attitude about someone or something?
What word/s in the sentence gives a clue that it is a thought or judgment?
A sentence states a fact if it can truly happen and it can be proven.
A sentence states an opinion if it can happen only in the mind of a person and it cannot be
proven to be true. The words “I think, I believe, in my opinion, etc. signals an opinion
Guide the pupils to make this generalization at the end of Modeling/ Teaching and before
the Guided Practice. Give more examples of fact and opinion statements.
3. Guided Practice:
Refer your pupils to Activity 212.
Write F in the star before each number if the sentence is a fact and O if it is an opinion.
Write your answer in your notebook.
Draw a happy face if the sentence is a fact and a sad face if it is an opinion.
1. Two and three are five. _____
2. The girl is pretty. ______
3. The moon is seen at nighttime. _____
4. The bag looks big. _____
5. I think it will rain today. ______
Read and understand the following sentences. Let the pupils explain to the class how a
sentence becomes a Fact or an Opinion.
Write a sentence that tells a fact and another sentence that tells an opinion.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
Group the class into 4. Let each group do the task assigned to them.
Group 4: : Make a sentence that state an Opinion out of the picture in Activity B.
Construct/Make five (5) simple sentences that state a fact and another 5 that states an