Tender Details OF Notice Inviting Tender: Nit No.: Mdi/Gurugram/Project/Pgpm//2017
Tender Details OF Notice Inviting Tender: Nit No.: Mdi/Gurugram/Project/Pgpm//2017
Tender Details OF Notice Inviting Tender: Nit No.: Mdi/Gurugram/Project/Pgpm//2017
Name of Work Construction of Hostel Block (B+G+9) at
Management Development Institute at Sukhrali,
Gurugram, Haryana including Internal Building
Electrification, HVAC, Lifts, Sanitary and Plumbing
works for Capacity of 338 Students, along with
External Development I.e. Sewerage, Drainage,
Water Supply, Green Area and Roads for
Management Development Institute at Sukhrali,
Gurugram, Haryana (HR).
Management Accreditations
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurugram – 122001
Tel: 124-4560000, Fax: 124-4560456
Civil Contractors for Construction of Hostel Block
Management Development Institute (MDI), one of the premier Business
Schools in India, invites tenders from eligible and reputed ‘A’ Class civil
contractors in a two bid system for the following work:-
Construction of Hostel Block (B+G+9) and related external /
internal development for MDI Gurugram (Haryana)
1. The Tender documents can be purchased from Arch-En Design, B-1/37, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi-16 between the time of 1100 hrs. to 1600 hrs. every day, except on
Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from Monday, 31st July 2017 to
Thursday, 17th August 2017, on payment of a sum of Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees Five
Thousand Only) in cash (non-refundable).
B. Name of Work Tender for Civil, Sanitary, Electrical, Fire Fighting
System, HVAC System, Lifts, External Sewerage-
Drainage-Water Supply, UGT & Pump Room, Roads,
Green Area, Lifts & Signage’s for Hostel Block in MDI
Campus at Sukhrali, Gurugram.
C. Cost of Tender Rs. 5,000/-
D. Earnest Money Rs. 25,00,000/-
E. Period of 24 months from the date of commencement
F. Pre Bid Conference Pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, 23rd
August 2017 at 1200 hrs. in A-9, Conference room of
Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram,
3. Tenders, which should be placed in sealed covers with name of the work written on
the envelope will be addressed to The Registrar and Secretary and to be submitted
in the tender box placed in the Estate Office of Management Development Institute
(MDI), Gurugram upto 1500 hrs. on Thursday, 31st August 2017.
3.1 Date of Opening of Technical Bids: 1130 hrs. on Tuesday, 05th September 2017
3.2 Date of Opening of shortlisted Financial Bids: 1130 hrs. on Tuesday, 12th
September 2017
4. Two Tenders have been invited- one without escalation and other with escalation.
Therefore, no escalation will be paid during the completion of the work.
5. It is a two bid system wherein technical and financial bids will be submitted in
separate sealed envelopes. Each tender is to be in a sealed cover super scribed
"Tender for the work of “Construction of Hostel Block (B+G+9) at Management
Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram, Haryana” and addressed to the Registrar
and Secretary/ Authorized Representative, Management Development Institute,
Sukhrali, Mehrauli Road, Gurugram.
6. Pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 at 1200 hrs. in
A-9, Conference room of Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram,
7. Intending Bidder is eligible to submit the bid provided he/ she has definite proof from
the appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority
of having satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude specified below: -
7.2 Joint-venture or Consortia of firms / companies shall not be allowed and the bidders
should meet the above criteria themselves.
7.3 BIDDER should have their head/ branch office in Delhi or Delhi NCR. Proof of office
address should be submitted by the BIDDER along with the bid.
7.4 The Bidder must be Class ‘A’ Contractor and must be registered with CPWD/
Govt. institutes like IITs/ IIMs/ MDI.
7.5 The value of executed works shall be brought to the current level by enhancing the
actual value of work done at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of
completion to last date of receipt of Tender.
8. The intending Bidder must read the terms and conditions of NIT carefully. The bidder
should only submit the bid if he/ she considers himself/ herself eligible and is in
possession of all the documents required.
9. All the applications received, will be evaluated on the basis of information and
documents provided by the BIDDER. The details of the evaluation criteria are as
mentioned on Page No. 14 to 15 of NIT.
9.1 The technical bid shall be opened first on Tuesday, 05th September 2017 at 1130
9.2 The BIDDER amongst the top five scorers in the technical bid as per Clause 21 on
Page No. 14 to 15 of NIT as per evaluation criteria shall only be eligible for opening
of financial bid.
9.3 Financial bid of only top five technically selected BIDDERs shall be opened on
Tuesday, 12th September 2017 at 1130 hrs.
9.4 The Management Development Institute do not bind themselves to accept the lowest
or any tender and reserve to themselves the right of accepting the whole or any part
of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the work/portion of the work
awarded to him at the rates quoted by him in the tender and without any reservations.
10. The BIDDER shall be required to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) separately.
EMD, amounting to Rs. 25,00,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Five Lacs Only) in the form of
Demand Draft drawn in favor of Management Development Institute Payable at
Gurugram / New Delhi. EMD will be returned to unsuccessful bidders, whereas for
the winning bid, it will be treated as a part of the Security Deposit.
11. The bidders are advised to check the details from MDI Website www.mdi.ac.in.
regularly for addendums/ corrigendum and no claim of BIDDER shall be entertained
whatsoever, due to non-receipt of information about the tender of this work.
12. Forms for giving details and Letter of transmittal are given from Page No. 27 to 39 of
the NIT.
13. The application should be typewritten. The BIDDER should sign and stamp each
page of the application.
14. References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying
suitability, technical know-how or capability of the BIDDER should be signed by an
officer not below the rank of Senior General Manager/Executive Engineer or
15. The BIDDER may furnish any additional information which is necessary to establish
their capabilities to successfully complete the works. The BIDDERs are however,
advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained
after submission of documents unless it is called for by the Management
Development Institute.
16. Any information furnished by the BIDDERs found to be incorrect either immediately
or at a later date, would render him liable to be debarred from tendering/taking up of
work in Management Development Institute.
17. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify
the MDI in writing or by e-mail. MDI will respond in writing or by e-mail to any request
for clarification, which is received before the pre-bid meeting. The prebid meeting
response (including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source) will
be emailed to all Bidders who have purchased the tender document.
18. MDI reserves the right to modify the eligibility criteria, to decide on cutoff date of
implementation, to accept or reject any application, to annul the Tendering process,
to reject all applications or accept new applications at any time, without assigning
any reason or incurring any liability to the BIDDERs.
19. Even though a BIDDER may satisfy the above requirements, he/ she would be liable
to disqualification if he/ she has:
19.1 Record of poor performance such as abandoning work, not properly completing
the contract, delay in completion of works, or financial failures/weakness etc.
20. The desired BIDDER should apply on the prescribed documents as per the Tender
document along with documentary evidence for the following:
a. Audited Balance Sheet for the last four years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-
16 & for 2016-2017 (CA Certified).
b. Completion Certificates from Clients/Owners.
c. Plant & machinery holding.
d. Manpower details.
e. Details of Pending Arbitration and litigation etc.
f. Valid Electrical License.
g. EPF Registration no. along with copy of challans for the month of March
h. PAN.
i. Valid GST Empanelment Registration with valid certificate.
j. Bank Solvency Certificate minimum 8.00 Crores value.
k. Certificate of Incorporation in India.
21. The acceptance of a tender, will rest with the Management Development Institute
who do not bind themselves to accept the lowest tender, and reserve to themselves
the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received, without the assignment of
any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions or clauses are not
fulfilled or tenders which propose any modifications and/or alterations or stipulate
conditions contrary to the conditions and clauses laid down in these tender
documents or are incomplete in any respect whatsoever are liable to be summarily
rejected. MDI has the right to split the entire work between two or more contractors
or accepted in part or not in entirely if considered expedient by the MDI.
Signature of the
Registrar and Secretary
Management Development Institute
15. Period of Retention 18 Months from date of completion and issue of
completion certificate by MDI
16. Release of 2.5% on completion of work against submitted valid
Retention Security Performance guarantee (PG). (The PG will be
Deposit released after defective liability period.)
2.5% after defective liability period
17. Period of 18 (Eighteen) Months from date of issuing completion
Maintenance/Defect certificate by MDI.
Liability Period
18. Time of Completion 24 months from the date of commencement
19. Liquidation 1% of Contract Value per week of delay, subject to a
Damages maximum of 10% of Contract Value.
20. Final Bill Contractor to submit the final bill within 30 days of
issue of completion certificate by MDI
Architect to certify in next 30 days subject to
providing all details and satisfaction of Architect &
Employer to release payment after certification by
21. Electricity & Water To be arranged by contractor
22. Extra or Deviation Derived from Tender rates of similar Items of Work
Items. after satisfactory completion of works
If not possible, derived as cost of materials + cost of
labour + 15% towards BIDDER Overheads and
23. Material Advance 70% of material advance will be paid for cement & steel
only after receipt of material at site.
24. Freight, Insurance, To be included in the bid price
Loading &
25. Taxes and Duties All Government taxes and duties to be included in the
bid price.
26. Payment Terms For civil works-as per BOQ item rate/part rate
recommended by the Engineer in Charge against
progress of work.
For HVAC, FF, Electrical – as given in the Special
conditions of the Contract in each package.