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JV Launch Blueprint

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JVZOO Launch Blueprint

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................3

THE PRODUCT LAUNCH BUSINESS .................................................................................................................... 5

TYPES OF PRODUCTS SOLD IN THE IM SPACE ............................................................................................... 6

THE AFFILIATE NETWORK .................................................................................................................................... 7

YOUR AFFILIATES .................................................................................................................................................... 8

THE FUNNEL .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

MY STRATEGY – THE MASTER PLAN ................................................................................................................ 11

STEP 1: FIND A PRODUCT THAT DID EXCEPTIONALLY WELL .................................................................... 13

STEP 2: PUT TOGETHER A SIMILAR PRODUCT .............................................................................................. 15

STEP 3: THE SALES COPY, VSL SCRIPT AND UPSELL COPY ........................................................................ 17

STEP 4: SUBMIT YOUR PRODUCT TO JVZOO/WARRIOR PLUS ................................................................. 19


THE TIMING OF YOUR LAUNCH ......................................................................................................................... 27

FACEBOOK GROUPS THAT CAN GIVE YOU MORE AFFILIATE EXPOSURE. ........................................... 28

ONE SIMPLE STRATEGY THAT’S GONNA DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS ........................................................ 30

PARTNERING WITH THE SHARKS ..................................................................................................................... 32

PROMOTE OTHER PEOPLES LAUNCHES TO BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. .................................................... 36

SYSTEMIZING YOUR DIGITAL PUBLISHING BUSINESS ............................................................................... 37

CONCLUTION - ONLY A WILL TAKE ACTION AND ONLY FEW WILL SUCCEED. .................................... 38

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

My name is Rikzy Jezuli, and I want to thank you for investing on this report.
What follows is a completely uncensored story of how I made over $3500 in sales in JVZoo
in 7 Days by launching a membership product,
Without having to beg super affiliates to promote for me
Without creating the product my self
Without having to write the sales copy or the VSL script
Before we begin I also want let you know that I went ahead launched this exact same
product in Warriorplus, and it did almost $3000 in 7 days. That’s pretty amazing because I
only had to do two things to generate this kind of sales.
Submit my launch in WarriorPlus
Submit my launch in Muncheye (which is a launch calender)

And above two steps only took me about 1 – 2 hours. I am telling you this because I want
you to realize how easy it is to make money if you do things the right way.
I started online roughly about 1 and a half years ago, so I took me this long to figure out a
strategy that works and strategy that can be put to work over and over again. And that Is
what I am doing right now, I have already reinvested most of the money I made from the
above two launches create two software products that I will be launching in the coming
month. This time I hope to do over 10K in sales.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

But you know, 1.5 years online is not a long time and I am not really a pro yet, I would like to
consider myself to be in the intermediate level, or in a process of transformation from
newbie to pro.
So I can still relate to you if you are a newbie or struggling to make money online and by the
time you finish reading this guide/report you will be fully equipped to start the
transformation to the pro level.
That’s my guarantee; I will show you what I did exactly to generate all the sales I talked
about earlier in the simplest, easiest way possible so you can replicate it in the shortest
possible time 
Next I will give you a quick introduction about the “Product Launch Business”, what it is and
how it works and its potential. So if you are new to this all what I am talking about will start
to make sense to you.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The product launch Business

A product Launch is basically a debut of a product into the market. The product launch
signifies the point at which consumers first have access to a new product.
What we are talking about here in this guide is launching digital Products specifically In the
internet marketing Niche.
Or in other words launching products that help Internet Marketers, people like you and me,
to make more money online.
A Product launch in the IM niche usually lasts for 7 days, but doesn’t mean it will stop selling
after the seventh day, what it means is that there will be an extra discount or a bonus when
you purchase that product within that seven day launch period.
You will usually see a product will start selling like crazy during the launch and will start to
seize once the launch is over. This happens because affiliates will promote the product to
their list like crazy during the launch and once it’s over they will start promoting other

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Types Of Products Sold In the IM Space

There are usually 3 types of products that are sold in the IM product Launches,
1. Training Courses also known as Info Products
2. Softwares and Wordpress Plugins
3. Private Label Products – (Info products that you can rebrand and sell as your own)

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The Affiliate Network

An affiliate network basically is a payment processor that also helps to track sales and send
instant commissions to affiliates and helps you manage your customer refunds.
JVZoo And WarriorPlus are two most popular affiliate networks, they have hundreds of
thousands of affiliates waiting to promote your launch so I really recommend launching
your products in these networks.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Your Affiliates
Your affiliates are also product launchers. For example, the top affiliates who promoted my
launch are all product launchers.
Product Launchers have their own product and own customer email lists. So if they find a
launch that matches their customer interest they jump in and promote the launch hence
become affiliates.
So most successful affiliates in the IM niche are also the most successful affiliates.
So now you have have good idea about product launching business lets talk about strategy.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The Funnel
A funnel is simply a series of products that a customer is offered or “pitched” soon after he
buys the front end product. Below is what a info product funnel looks like

Front End Product OTO1 or Upsell 1 OTO3 or Upsell 3

This is a very This is a product This usually is a
irresistible offer, a that compliments or product that will
no brainer for the Buys FE enhances the results Buys OTO1 help the customer to
customer. of the front end get faster result,
product. usually a done-for-
Price Is Usually
you material.
Between $7 - $37 Usually Priced
between $47 - $67 Usually Priced
between $97 - $147
Doesn’t Buy OTO1

Buys OTO3
OTO4 or Upsell 4
This usually is a
If the customer
coaching offer,
doesn’t purchase the
where the product
upsell he is offered a
creator will take you
different product for
by hand and show
a reduced price than
you everything.
the upsell.
Usually Priced
between $197 -

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The above is just an example to introduced you to the concept of funnels.

Having a funnel is very important, and big affiliates pay attention to the funnel, if you don’t
have a funnel then they might not promote your offer. To be honest this one of the big
mistakes I made in my product launch, I had only one upsell and a downsell. I could have
made more money if I had a deeper funnel with more upsells.
The above is a typical info product funnel, but this can be different for a software product.
You should have a funnel similar to the product you are replicating or even a better one.
To see how other product creators are structuring their funnel just google for the product’s
jv page, (example: product name + JV page)
Or use the following search term: “product name” muncheye.com
Next, I will be talking about my strategy, the exact 5 steps I took to launch my product. This
will be very brief explanation of the each five steps. Rest of guide it allocted to explain each
step in great detail. Read on…

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

My Strategy – The Master Plan

In this section I will tell what I did to launch my product very briefly and in the coming pages
I will talk about all this in detail. My whole strategy is based on something I picked up from
Tony Robbins,

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has

achieved the results you want and copy what they do
and you'll achieve the same results”

STEP 1: Find A Product That Did Exceptionally Well In The JVZOO

Marketplace That Can Be Recreated Easily
First Off I found a product that did exceptionally will in the JVZoo marketplace, it was this
product >>thebonusvault.net and below is the stats for this product,

This product had over thousand sales in the entire funnel and EPC was pretty good, and
product is collection of internet Marketing eBooks that can be given away as bonuses
during affiliate promtions.
So this can be easily recreated, all I had to do is sign up for a site like Idplr.com and get
private labeled ebooks on IM niche and do the exact same thing.

STEP 2: Put Together A Similar Product

Then I put together a similar product, it was called 997Bonuses, where I offered over 997
PLR ebooks that can be rebranded and can be given as bonuses during affiliate promotions
or given away to collect leads by my customers.
Here is the sales page of my product >>> 997bonuses.com

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 3: Take Sales Copy, VSL Script And Upsell Copy of the original
offer, Slightly Alter It To Match Your offer
Copied the sales page design and copy and vsl of the original product and altered it to match
my offer.
If you look at the sales pages carefully you will find a lot of similarities.
Compare both sales pages below:
Original offer: >> thebonusvault.net
My Offer: >> 997bonuses.com
Note: if you don’t know how to design sales pages, video sales letters and voiceovers like the ones
you found in the above urls, don’t worry, even I didn’t know but I figured it out. It’s easy and I will
show you how I did it later. Don’t quit just yet, you have made the first step to launch your product
by reading this guide up to this point, so let’s finish it . Give Up the idea of going after the next
shiny object.

STEP 4: Submit Your Product To JVZoo/Warrior Plus

Submitted the product to JVZOO this was the easiest part, JVZoo has a lot of step by step
video tutorials showing you how to submit a product to their network and its pretty much

STEP 5: Submit Your Product To Muncheye.com For Affiliate Exposure

Submitted my product to Muncheye and bought a 2 day banner ad for affiliate exposure
This played a crucial part in my product launch because by adding my product to muncheye
I could put my product in front of thousands of potential affiliates, and by buying a banner
add placement for 2 days prior to the launch helped a lot. So I recommend you do the same
when you launch your product. When you follow these 5 steps,
• You can be assured that you are investing in something that has proved to work even
without the hassle of product research, having to write copy or do everything from
• You will not be lost and frustrated which is usual when it comes to product creation
because you will always know what to do next by looking at the original product.

That’s it. These are five steps I followed to make and overall $7000 in 14 days as newbie
product launcher. In the coming chapter I will explain in detail these 5 steps. Read on…

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 1: Find A Product That Did Exceptionally Well

A product that did well in the past is more likely do well if you can create the same
conditions. The condition we are talking about here is:
• The Sales page
• The Upsell pages – Example: 997bonuses.com is my FE product sales page, and
997bonuses.com/17-video-courses/ is the upsell page, also known as OTO (one
time offer)
• The Video Sales letter
• The JV Page
This doesn’t mean you should copy and paste the sales page, and the designs, this is
unethical. Instead you should alter it so you won’t be using the exact same thing. Russel
Brunson calls it “funnel hacking”
I also looked at multiple similar offers and sales pages for inspiration, so I didn’t just rely on
one similar product, instead I found multiple similar products.

Things To Consider When Finding A Similar Product

First thing you consider when findning successful launches you can replicate is, you should
find a product that you can easily recreate.
You should pay attention to the stats when you are finding the similar products, basically a
good product launch has a good EPC (Earnings per Click), Low refund Rate and a good sales
volume (over 500 sales minimum)
So where do you find these stats,
That’s easy, go to Jvzoo.com and go to the find products section here,
In WarriorPlus, go here>> https://warriorplus.com/wsopro/affiliate/get-offers.php
You can type in the name of the product you want to reproduce, or browse using categories,
and can get the following stats,

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Pay attention to the EPC, an EPC of 1.5 to 2 means it’s a good product to replicate but also
pay attention to no. of copies sold and refund rates.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 2: Put Together A Similar Product

Now that you have a product you would like to replicate, the next thing you have to do is
putting together a similar product.
The product you are trying to replicate can belong to one of the following categories,
1) A Training Product
2) A Software Product or a wordpress plugin
3) A PLR Product
If its training product then you have to create the product yourself, so this is something I
don’t do. Because it hard to create an info product without the right expertise. But go for it
if you know a method or a strategy that can help your customers make money.
So I only recommend you to go with wordpress plugins or PLR products, because these can
be easily crated without needing a big budget and they have a good market.
For my product launch I used Private Labeled products from IDPlr.com. So if you are
launching a PLR product they have a library of over 13K product you can easily rebrand and
sell as your own.
On the other hand, if you are interested in launching Wordpress plugins then I
recommend you to follow Torsten Mueller’s Plugin Black Ops Course
(https://pluginprofitblackops.com/) as it covers all the things you need to know about
rebranding a plugin.
Also note that you are legally allowed to improve, rebrand and sell free plugins from
wordpress.org because all of them come under GPL. (General Public License)
If you are interested in whitelabeling cloud softwares and selling as your own, you can use
the following secret to trick to find tons of cloud softwares that comes with white label
license. Simply copy and paste the following search term in the Google search box.
Site:jvzoo.com “whitelabel ”
The point is, almost all software launches in Jvzoo has a whitelabel license offer as an upsell,
which means you can rebrand that exact same software and sell as your own. And guess
what, you can even use the same sales copy and VSL script.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

But also keep in mind that launching a software product gets a bit more technical so you
have to do more research on this or find a good developer from upwork to help you out.
On the other hand launching software can be extremely rewarding, affiliates are more
willing to promote softwares than training courses. And the conversion rates are also high
for softwares compared to training courses.
Infact, softwares are the top selling products on jvzoo marketplace.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 3: The Sales Copy, VSL Script and Upsell Copy

As pointed out before you can take the sales copy of the original product and alter it to fit
your offer. It can be hard to find the funnel structure and pages using the Jvzoo marketplace
search bar, so the best way to find out is by visiting the JV page of the offer.

Creating All the Necessary Pages

To have a successful launch you need to create the following pages:
1) Front End Sales Page With VSL
2) The Upsell pages
3) The JV page – I will be talking about the JV page In great detail in the following pages
as this is the single most important page you will ever create.
For this purpose you need a good page builder, I recommend using a wordpress plugin
called Thrive Architect. Thrive architect is a drag and drop page builder that helps you
create some awesome landing pages.
Thrive Architect: https://thrivethemes.com/architect/
This is what I used to create all the above pages in my offer. When creating the sales page I
browsed a few dozen sales pages of other similar offers and picked the one I liked the most
and closely followed the design and structure of that landing page.
Thrive Architect comes with all the tutorials you need to master landing page creations
within hours. The 997bonuses.com landing page is the 3rd landing page I ever created, so as
you can see you don’t need to be a pro or hire an expensive designer.
Thrive Architect Alternatives>> Optimizepress: https://www.optimizepress.com
In addition to the above pages you may also need to have membership system to secure
your product. Whether it is a training product, PLR product or even Software product, you
still need a membership system.
There are many membership plugins you can use for this purpose, but for a cheaper and less
technical option I recommend FastMember and you guessed it, this is the membership
plugin I used to create 997bonuses and secure all the downloads.
Once you become a customer they provide you step by step video tutorials on how to set
up your product so that you can automatically deliver login info for your customer every
time a purchase is made!

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Get fast member here: https://fastmember.com/

This is the easiest to create. As I have suggested earlier in the guide you can copy the VSL
script of the offer you are trying to replicate and alter it to match your offer, you don’t have
to be a copywriter to do this. The next step is finding a voice artist to do the voice over.
The best place to find a voice artist is fiverr, yes I know, fiverr gigs are crappy and you get
what you paid for. But not this one, the voiceover gigs are one of the best services you can
still get from fiverr.
So go to fiverr and do a quick search for “voiceover” or “American/british/autralian male
voice” and you will find dozens of good ones to choose from for as cheap as $5 for 150
After you have your voice over, the next thing is creating the VSL, the 997bonnses.com
VSL was created using camtasia, this is actually a slide show vsl, if you are interested in
creating a text animated VSL using powerpoint you may have to checkout,
https://www.udemy.com/powerpoint-kinetic-typography/ this is not really necessary, this
is just FYI.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 4: Submit Your Product To JVZoo/Warrior Plus

This is the next logical step, after you have created all of the products and pages as we
talked about in the previous pages it is time to submit your product to your affiliate
I don’t want to go into detail how to do it as both these network has a lot of instructional
videos on how to do it. Below are some links you will find useful.
How to submit your products on JVZoo: click here
How to submit your product on Warrior Plus: click here
How to set up a funnel (Jvzoo): click here
More support articles (jvzoo): click here

The first time you submit your launch it might not get approval instantly and they would ask
you to make certain changes to your sales pages and ask for product access or access to
your membership product.
This is a normal procedure so please be patient with this, and you might even have to
exchange emails with the support back and forth several time. It took me about 72 hours to
get all issues resolved and get my product approved. But don’t worry these networks are
not like clickbank so there is no big approval guidelines to follow, its just a matter of time.

Your Affiliates or JVs

Something I haven’t spoken about in this guide thus far, and yet it’s the single determining
factor of the success of your launch is your affiliates or AKA JVs (Joint Venture Partners).
Affiliate traffic is the only traffic source of a typical IM launch and affiliate traffic is more
valuable than any other form of traffic due to following reasons:
1) The Traffic Is Preframed and Warm – traffic is highly relevant to your offer
2) Most Of your affiliates are also product creators so the traffic you are receiving is
from their list of buyers, which means the traffic is already proven to convert.
3) Zero Cost – there is no extra cost for you or for your affiliate, you are getting all the
traffic from email list of your affiliates which means your affiliates “own” the traffic.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The Commission Model Of JVZoo And WarriorPlus

You pay only when your affiliate make a sale, and usually 50% of the sales goes to your
affiliate and 50% is your profit. This basically how the affiliate model works in the above
two networks. But still there is still something you have to pay attention to:

Instant Commissions Vs Delayed Commissions

As a vendor of a product you have the rights to approve or deny any affiliate who requests
to promote your offers. In addition to that, as product creator you also get to choose
between instant and delayed commissions for each and every affiliate who requests to
promote your launch.
If you allow instant commissions to your affiliate, as the name suggests, the commission for
the sale will be deposited instantly to the paypal account of the affiliate. And if you choose
delayed commissions, the affiliate will get his commission only after 30 to 45 days.
So what would you choose to your affiliates?
After analyzing a dozens of successful launches, I only recommend you to allow instant
commissions to affiliates with over 100 sales. Yes, JVZOO and Warrior plus both tell you
how many sales your affiliate has made when you get an affiliate request. And only allow
delayed commissions for affiliates who have below 100 total sales. This is to prevent frauds.
Click here for more info on this.
If you know the affiliate personally approve them for instant commissions regardless how
many affiliate sales they have made.
Jvzoo support article on Commission payout options: click here

The JV Page
The JV page is the page you dedicate for affiliate to educate them about the launch, and
provide them promotional materials like banners and email swipes. A jv page usually has a
the following URL structure: youroffername.com/jv, so when you create your JV page I
recommend you to have this URL structure because it will be easier for your affiliates to
find it.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

A good JV page has these 7 elements,

A Video Explaining your product
This is the video that basically pitches your product to the affiliates and ask them
promote your product. You can use the method I have discussed for creating your
vsl to create this video too. That’s exactly how I did it. Make sure to mention that you
will reciprocate, which basically means that you will promote the product launch of
the affiliate who promotes your launch.
An Optin Field for affiliates to optin and get notified about your launch
Create a separate list for JVs in your autorespoder and integrate it to your JV page
to collect their leads and inform them about the launch. Some Affiliates will forget
your launch so this is one of reminding them.
Email Swipes – Pre written promotoitonal emails for your produt
You can simply copy and alter the email swipes from the JV page of the product you
are trying to replicate.
Information about the affiliate contest – if you have any
If you have a JV contest you should put the contest places and prizes and rules for
the contest inside the jv page for affiliates to see. I will discuss more about affiliate
contests in detail later in the guide.
A demo video of your prouct in action – if it’s a software product.
This is a must if your product is a software, just a quick over the shoulder demo of
your product in action.
The Funnel
You must provide the funnel structure in your JV page, this is a must, because as I
have already said big affiliates pay attention to the funnel, if you don’t have one in
place they might not promote your offer.
Your contact details and your pic
Provide Picture of you and you skype id, facebook profile and your email address for
JVs to contact you for any reason.
Here is my JV page: 997bonuses.com/jv

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Affiliate Contests
Affiliate contests are a great way to boost affiliate participation. Actually I ran an affiliate
contest for my launch as well and it worked out pretty well. Here is my leaderboard:
Now don’t get alarmed, you don’t have to pay any money upfront, you pay the cash prizes
only when your affiliates achieve a certain target sales.
Now there are two ways to set targets for your affiliates to win the cash prizes:
1) Make Affiliates Achieve A Minimum Sales Amount To Be Eligible For Cash Prizes
Image below is a typical example:

As you can see according to the above example you pay your affiliate only when he
hits at least the minimum front end sales (not the sales from the entire funnel). If he
fails you don’t have to pay anything. This is safest and the most newbie friendly way
to run an affiliate contest. So I recommend you choose this model for your launch.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Note: The contests are not regulated by the Affiliate Network; they only help you
set up the contest in their dashboard for everyone to see. So you have to personally
reach out to your affiliates and pay their prizes.

2) Make Affiliates Make In Comissions an amount equivalent to the cash prize.

This is the most popular type of affiliate contest. Here you are basically asking your
affiliate to make in commission an amount equal to the cash prize and if he fails to
make that amount you pay him a pro-rated amount as his cash prize.
For example, say you have set an affiliate contest where the cash prize for first place
is $500, but your top affiliate only makes $350 in commission. In this case you only
pay him $350.
If you are running this type of a contest make sure to mention the following in the
affiliate contest page in your Affiliate Network and in your JV page.
* Contest Terms : You must make an amount in commissions equal or more than the prize
money to win the prize. In case you earn lower commissions, the prize money will be
reduced pro rata.
How to setup affiliate contest on JVZOO: click here
How to set up affiliate contest in WarriorPlus: click here

Should You Run an Affiliate Contest

Yes, I recommend you do so, and remember there are no risks involved in this because you
don’t pay any money upfront, you pay only when affiliate makes sales. And set minimums
to your contests as this will add more safety when you are starting out.
In addition to that there are some benefits in running an affiliate contest;
1) Affiliates love to appear in the leaderboard.
Affiliates like to appear in many leaderboards as possible as this give them a good
reputation in the IM launch space.
2) This help them focus and gives a reason to put more effort into promoting your
There are many launches taking place at same time, so why should they promote
yours. So setting up an affiliate contest gives your launch an equal importance in the
mind of the affiliate.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

3) And competition is always good if you are not the one competing 
Below is a skype conversation I have had with one of my affiliates during my launch.
They compete for the top spot, which means more sales to you.

Retargeting To Your Affiliates On Facebook:

Its highly recommended to install a facebook pixel on your JV page, and retarget everyone
who visit your JV page throughout the launch period. This way you can constantly remind
your affiliates about your launch.
Make sure to select “Optimize For Impression” when setting up your ad as this will help
reach as many people as possible and its very cheap.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

STEP 5: Submit Your Product to Muncheye.com For

Affiliate Exposure
This is the secret sauce!

As we discussed ealier, your affiliates are the single most important factor that determines
your success. And muncheye.com is the place you are going to get most of your affiliates
Muncheye, if you don’t know already, is a launch calendar. Every IM launch (atleast most of
them) appears in the in this launch calendar. This is because almost all product vendors
know the benefits of submitting their launch in this launch calendar.
So go ahead, create an account and submit your launch to muncheye, and once it published
I highly recommend you purchase a banner ad for atleast a 2 days. This is going to give you
a huge boost in affiliate exposure.
In average muncheye gets about 1000 page views per day, so for two days you have a lot of
affiliates noticing your ad.
And remember you are not launching a crappy product as most newbies do; you are
launching a product that’s already proven to convert. Your JV page, funnel and sales pages
should look very professional if you created them as we discussed in this guide, so without
a doubt there will be many affiliates who will want to promote your launch.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Take Action Now

Now you already know what you need to know to set up a successful product launch. So it’s
time to take action. But before signing off, I would like to discuss with you some bonus tips
which are very crucial to a successful launch. In the following pages I will be discussing the
topics below:
The Timing of your launch – an important factor that’s going to make or break your
Facebook groups that can give you more affiliate exposure.
One simple strategy that’s gonna double your profits
Partnering with the Sharks – A Strategy that’s going to help you sell over 1000+
copies of your products.
Reciprocate to build relationships.
Systemizing your digital publishing business – the day you become a true

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The Timing of your launch

A launch lasts for 7 days, you make most of your sales during this time frame. So its highly
important that you plan your launch date. Here are some factors you should consider,
There should be a big enough gap between the day you submit your launch to muncheye
(after your product is approved on jvzoo). So submit your launch atleast 10 days before
your launch and buy banner ad slots 2 days prior to the launch. (the number of banner ad
slots you buy is determined by your budget if you have bigger budget buy upto 5 slots prior
to the launch)
So for example if your launch is happening on the 11th of January, submit your launch on the
1st and buy banner ad for 9th and 10th.
Note: the 10 period is the minimum gap, big product launchers usually submit their
launches months before the launch date. I actualy submitted my launch about two weeks
before the launch.

Also note that don’t schedule you launch to take place during the same day multiple other
“big launches” are taking pace. This is because most affiliates will be busy promoting these
big launches and your launch will go un-noticed. So what are “big launches”? this will be
explained later in the guide.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Facebook groups that can give you more affiliate

Below is a list facebook groups that you can advertise your launch. Each group has 1000s
of members who are actually product creators and affiliates in IM launch space, so when
you post in these groups your post is viewed by 100s of potential affiliates. But don’t spam,
or post multiple times, each group has different set of rules, so pay attention to it before
you post. These are a private group, which means you have to request to join these groups.
So start now,
The Launch Space https://www.facebook.com/groups/launchspace/

IM Elite JV Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/IMEliteJV/

JV Focus https://www.facebook.com/groups/jvfocus/

Jvzoo MarketPlace Affiliate & Product Creator Hangout https://www.facebook.com/groups/63729161970208


JVZoo, W+, CB, Muncheye and other Make Money https://www.facebook.com/groups/17934119976434

Online seeker 80/

JV Launches, WSOs, JVZoo, Affiliates https://www.facebook.com/groups/15531551649144


Jvzoo Affiliates https://www.facebook.com/groups/10480542452771


JVZOO W+ LIVE Launch Updates https://www.facebook.com/groups/jvzoowarriorplusliv


JVZoo Affiliate and Seller https://www.facebook.com/groups/45258673149879


JV + Giveaways + AdSwaps + Make Money Online + Solo https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartlistbuilding/

Ads + WSO + IM

IM Product Launching https://www.facebook.com/groups/14793455456415


MunchEye - Internet Marketing Launch Calendar & JV https://www.facebook.com/groups/muncheye

Affiliate Group

JV Broker Team - Round Table Joint Venture Brokers, https://www.facebook.com/groups/13725415968324

Partners & Affiliates 2/

Product Launch - Joint Venture - JVzoo ClickBank https://www.facebook.com/groups/49974897018016

WarriorForum 8/

JVZoo Launch Partners https://www.facebook.com/groups/jvlaunchpartners/

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

And here is a facebook group you can use to network and ask questions from some of the
top and most experienced product launchers in the field. Please don’t pitch your launch
here, you may get banned instantly. Go here:

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

One simple strategy that’s gonna double your

When you launch your product on one affiliate network doesn’t mean you can’t or you
shouldn’t launch the exact same product in other affiliate networks as well.
Even the big players in the IM launch space don’t even consider lunching their products on
other affiliate network once they launch in one network. Fact is there are affiliates who only
prefer promoting in one affiliate network.
Say you only launch your product on JVZoo, then you are definitely losing out affiliates who
may have promoted your offer when you launch on WarriorPlus.

Here is proof of my point,

This is the sales I made when I launched my product on JVZoo,

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

And here is the sales I made when I launched the exact same product on WarriorPlus,

As you can see, I just doubled my sales just by launching it in two affiliate networks, and
what’s more interesting is that I had totally different set of affiliates promoting my
launches. So this proves my point, you are missing out potential sales by confining yourself
to just one affiliate network.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Partnering with the Sharks

In IM Launch space it is common to see two or more vendors partnering with each other in
product launches, this is also referred to as “JV Partnerships”
So why are they forming partnerships and splitting their profits?
That’s because by partnering with each other they can reach more affiliates. For examples
say a product laucher has close relationships with 10 super affiliates and another product
launcher has relationships with another 10 super affiliates. So if these to partner with each
other they can potentially get 20 super affiliates to promote their launch, this in turn will
hype up their launch and as result there will be more affiliates joining their launch.
This is something you should consider to do in the long run because this can sky rocket your
sales and reputation and give you a good start.
And I myself is considering forming partnerships with a big player in my 3rd or 4th product
launch. So, yes if you have a little history of launching products its will be easier to form
But there still remains a question. Why would they partner with a newbie who has no
affiliate connections?
There can be various reasons for this, but following points are the once I found most
They Don’t have to go through the hassle of creating the product, creating a product
from scratch Is always a frustration, so having fully completed proven quality
product is always very attractive to them.
It easy money with less wok: all they have to do its contact their affiliates and tell
them about the launch.

So How Can You Partner With a Big Affiliate (A Shark) as a Newbie

Product Launcher?
The only way to do that is having an awesome product created in the first place and having
built all the pages you can reach out to big product launchers who are most likely to partner
with you. Typically someone who has a history of forming partnerships and someone who
usually launch products similar to what you have created i.e, software, plugin, PLR, or

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

The product you have created should be of high quality, when you follow the strategies we
discussed earlier this won’t be an issue.
There still remains two questions;
1) How do you know if someone is a big product launcher
2) How do you know if they have a history of forming partner ships?

How do you know if someone is a big product launcher

Its as easy as going to muncheye.com

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Always that appears in blue is a big product launcher. This is the way muncheye let you
know that the person is a big product launcher and has been involved in multiple big
Nobody can pay to muncheye.com to make him appear as big product launcher, this title is
given only to those who deserve it.
Another way to find out is to search their name on the jvzoo market place. By doing so you
will get all the products that was launched under the name of the product creator and how
much copies were sold during the launch.

How do you know if they have a history of forming partner ships?

Again you can use muncheye for this purpose. Go to muncheye.com and dig the profile of
the product creator you are trying to partner with.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Whenever you see “et al” after the name of the product creator it means there are also
“others” who are involved in the launch of the product.
FYI: “et al” is an abbreviation of the Latin et alii, meaning “and others.” “She was accompanied by
the vice president, the secretary of state, et al.” 
I would like to end this topic by quoting a skype chat session I had with a fellow product
launcher who was able to make $250K in sales in his first launch ever! Read on…

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Promote Other Peoples Launches to build

Yes, I remember what I wrote in the sales copy, “you don’t have to beg affiliates to promote
your launch” or “build relationships”. And yes that’s true, you can achieve the same results
I achieved or even better if you follow the strategies I discussed earlier.
But building relationships is crucial if you are to do big launches, when I say big launches I
mean “BIG” launches, launches which do $50K to $100k+ in sales within a week. This is
something you should focus on in the long run, not right now.
So how do you build relationships with some big affiliates? The best way to this is by
promoting their launches. When you promote the launches of other product creators and
appear in their leaderboards they will be more receptive to you and they will even
You may not have a big email list right now so
it is hard to make big impact in their sales. So as I said before this strategy is should be
applied in the long when your buyers list starts to grow. When you launch more products,
your buyers email list will grow and you will be able to make more sales as an affiliate to
other product creators and thereby building relationships.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

Systemizing your digital publishing business – the

day you become a true entrepreneur.
There are obvious disadvantages when it comes doing everything by yourself. It is often
hard or even impossible to scale a business this way. You must learn to outsource and
automate your business, and only focus on what you do best.
Same is true when comes to this IM product launch business. You should create a system
for yourself that will take all the frustrations off your shoulders and spread it among a team
of people. So that you can take the role of the boss while your freelancers/employees focus
on the things that they are best at.
So when your business grows to a level where you can allocate some big budgets, you
should hire freelancers to complete the task involved in in launching your products such as:
Writing Copy for your sales pages.
Designing sales pages , upsell pages and JV pages
Creating voice overs for VSLs
Creating VSL
Inviting affiliates to promote your launch
For retargeting etc
So then you can focus on growing your business. When you have a system in place you just
have to do your research and come up with product ideas and put it into writing and the rest
will be taken care of.

JVZOO Launch Blueprint

CONCLUTION - Only A Will Take Action And Only Few

Will Succeed.
Unfortunately most of the people in the MMO industry has SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome).
They buy a training material and don’t even complete it and the next week they start going
after NBT (Next Big Thing) and the cycle continues.
But since you have read this far there I don’t believe you are affected by the SOS, and I hope
you will go ahead and take action, after all you now know all what you need to know to get
your first product up and running.
But I guarantee you; it will not be a smooth ride. There is going to be some mood swings,
there will be a time where you will feel very optimistic and there will also be times where
you will feel like giving up. This is a very natural thing, and all successful players in this field
has gone through this.
The difference however is that they persisted. So don’t give up when things don’t go your
way, if you can just hold on to the strategies we discussed in this guide you will be successful
without a doubt.
I am pretty sure you will really enjoy this transformation to become a product creator, from
being sold to start selling. I wish you all the best.

To Your Launch Success!

Rikzy Jezuli


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