Determining Optimum Point of Robusta Coffee Bean Roasting Process For Taste Consistency

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Pelita Perkebunan 34 (1) 2018,

Determining —65of Robusta coffee bean roasting process for

optimum ISSN:
taste0215-0212 / e-ISSN: 2406-9574

Determining Optimum Point of Robusta Coffee Bean

Roasting Process for Taste Consistency
Andi Dharmawan1*), Firstyoryza Cahyo1), and Sukrisno Widyotomo1)
Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia, Jalan PB Sudirman No 90, Jember, Indonesia
Corresponding author:
Received: 6 November 2017 / Accepted: 21 January 2018


Roasting is an important coffee bean processing that affect quality and

flavor consistency. Roasting parameters are summarized in the roasting profile
which describe density, water content, pH, yield, taste, time and temperature as
well as roasting technique of the beans. Roasting profile which is important for
roaster master varies according to coffee bean types, such as Arabica and Robusta
collected from specific area. Therefore, this paper studied the process of roasting
Robusta coffee beans collected from Sumber Asin, Malang with normal roast
technique using roaster machine in order to get taste consistency with determining
optimum point from these parameters. During roasting process, temperature
changes were recorded every two minutes for 20 minutes after temperature reached
180OC. Density, moisture content, yield, pH, and flavor were assessed after roasting.
The normal roasting technique required optimum roasting time of 9-10 minutes
at 180 ± 5O C, density value of 0.49 ± 0.04 gram/ml, water content of 3.5 ± 1.3%,
losses 9.7 ± 1.9%, pH 5.3 ± 0.2, with chocolaty, spicy, and thick body flavors.
There was strong correlation between Robusta roasting profile with all parameters
measured. The optimal Robusta roasting time could be determined from intersec-
tion line between temperature and density in the roasting profile. Robusta optimum
roasting time is about 10 minutes. The roaster master could use optimum roasting
time in accordance to roasting quality.

Keywords: Roasting profile, Robusta, probat, flavor, optimum roasting time

INTRODUCTION Each roasting technique has its own specifi-

cation and objective. Slow roast is roasting
Roasting is one of important factors in technique in which 50% heat declines right
coffee processing because it related with after turning point to decrease roasting time.
coffee flavor and aroma development. Studies It results in nutty, marshmallow, sweet and
have successfully identified 800 volatile a little bit acidic tone but thin coffee. Although
compounds and out of that, 40 are major time-consuming, this technique can be use
compounds in developing coffee aroma to get coffee bean with higher sweet tone.
(Fabbri et al., 2011). Pyrolysis and maillard
Normal roast is roasting technique in
are two processes taking place while roasting
which heat is used constantly; in other
due to degradation of reducing sugar, amino
words, there is not any addition or reduction
acids and chlorogenic acids (Wang, 2012).
of heat in roasting drum. It results in coffee
Zollman (2012) classified roasting tech- with well-balanced flavor, acidity and body.
nique into slow, normal, and fast roasting. Fast roast is roasting technique where heat

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition 59

Dharmawan et al.

is increased to maximum level right after the flavor. The objective of the study is to identify
turning point accelerating roasting process. optimum point in Robusta coffee bean obtained
It results in flat, herbal-like, low body, astringent from Sumber Asin, Malang, roasting process
(bitter), and medicinal coffee. As the result to get consistent flavor with normal roast
of this technique, surface of coffee beans technique using probat roaster.
seems burnt (Illey & Viani, 2008).
Successful roasting produces coffee MATERIALS AND METHODS
beans with optimum and consistent flavor
(Illey & Viani, 2008). Roasting is tricky and The material used in the study was
therefore, requires specific sets of skills to Robusta coffee bean harvested from Sumber
determine roasting profile of roaster and Asin Experimental Station, Malang, in 2017.
suitable roasting technique (Sutarsi et al., The coffee bean specification matched SNI
2016). To facilitate roaster master, an analysis 2907-2008 (SNI, 2008) on coffee bean. Coffee
is conducted to describe normal roast profile bean was classified based on its type and
into a graphic explaining correlation between roasting method. After that, the coffee bean
different parameters of roasted coffee beans was put in the oven under the temperature
such as temperature, time, density, water of 160OC for 16 hours to identify its prelimi-
level, pH, yield, and flavor (Yusianto et al., nary water content. Three hundred grams
2007). Having studied this graphic, roaster of the sample was sieved with 6 mm mesh
master is able to decide characteristics or to identify coffee bean size and density. The
profile of the roasted coffee bean well and following procedure was to classify physical
in consistent manner. quality of the coffee bean based on defective
coffee bean value (Table 1). Roaster used
One type of roaster that is able to identify in the study was cylindrical type roaster
coffee bean profile is one made of stainless Probat Series BR72 (1996) of which capacity
steel and layer of copper that is more long- was150 g/batch and had 2 furnaces of which
lasting. Roaster may have single drum or heat source was LPG. The setting of the study
twin drum of which capacity is between 150 g was in Coffee Flavor Testing Laboratory,
and 50 kg per batch and uses LPG as source Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Center
of heat. The drum spins between 50 and in Jember, where coffee flavor profilles were
60 rpm (rotation per minute) to make sure tested by 3 trained panelists. It lasted since
they get roasted coffee bean with similar July until September 2017.
quality. The machine works by heating coffee
The coffee beans were roasted using
bean when temperature of cylinder is 180OC.
normal roast technique under minimum
It has tempering (cooling) rack and vacuum
temperature of 180OC (Nugroho et al., 2009).
to prevent roasted coffee bean from getting
Every two minutes until 20 minutes, coffee
additional heat (Pramita, 2009). bean density, water content, pH, and flavor
Nugroho et al. (2009) explained that roasting based on the SCAA were observed (in SCAA,
temperature and time affect physical and 2015). Three replications were applied for
mechanical characteristics of Robusta coffee every observation. The data were analyzed
while Franca et al. (2009) state that color using descriptive quantitative technique.
and weight loss depends upon roasting level. Statistical analysis using Statistical Package for
Therefore, an analysis to evaluate roasting Social Sciences 16.00 was run for the analysis
process by analyzing characteristics of Robusta result. Spearman’s correlation analysis was
roasted coffee bean is needed to get consistent carried out to explain the correlationship

60 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition

Determining optimum point of Robusta coffee bean roasting process for taste consistency

between variables. The results of the analyses to coffee bean evaporation. Evaporated water
were formulated into scatter line representing filled the entire drum reducing its tempera-
characteristics and profiles of Robusta roasted ture. This process is called charge tempera-
coffee beans. ture (De Wit 2009). Based on the observation,
Table 1. General information regarding the Robusta it took one minute and thirty seconds before
coffee sample temperature of the roasting drum decreased
Specification Informa tion from 180 OC to 135 OC (equilibrium). The
Process method Dry process water content was 10.2 ± 0.2% or decreasing
Moisture content 12.00 ± 0.05%
2% compared to one prior to roasting.
Physical quality I (first grade)
Bean dencity 0.74±0.01 g/mL
The drum (roaster) temperature gradually
Bean size Medium
Note: The sample was analyzed based on SNI 2907:2008. increased causing maillard or non-enzymatic
browning producing complex compound
with heavy molecule weight making green
coffee bean brown or even black if the process
Prior to roasting, a roaster master should lasts longer. During the process, amino acid
sort coffee beans (green bean) using SNI 2907- functioned as catalyst reacted with reducing
2008 as the reference. The standard discussed sugar compound affecting coffee bean thickness
physical quality of coffee beans such as (body) and flavor (Nugroho et al., 2009).
identifying roasting method, maximum water The process lasted for 6 minutes before the
content in coffee bean is 12.5%, and quality I first crack due to reaction between resulting
(defective coffee bean value should be lower CO2 and evaporated water (Wiranata, 2016).
than 11). The study used robusta coffee bean This produced roasted coffee bean with
harvested in 2017. Table 1 described specifi- nutty flavor and light brown (cinnamon)
cation of the robusta coffee bean used in color or agtron 68, which indicated that
the study. roasting time would finish between 1 and
2 minutes. Based on the observation, the
Identifying coffee bean specification will first crack occurred after 8 minutes when
guarantee that coffee bean has similar quality temperature was between 170 and 180 OC.
prior to testing and analysis. Quality I refers After the first crack, roaster temperature
to a category in which maximum defective would keep increasing to 260 OC after 20
coffee bean value is 11. Defective coffee minutes (Figure 1).
beans are ones that is black, has hole or
Density of the samples obtained between
breaks. Coffee bean size is observed using
2 minutes until minute 20 were analyzed.
6 mm mesh. Large coffee bean will not go
Density is a parameter used to identify to which
through the mesh while small coffee bean
degree a material is dense; it is represented
by weight of a material per volume (Yusianto
When normal roast was taking place, et al. 2005). It is important to measure coffee
heat from roasting drum moved to the coffee bean density to make sure there is no defect in
bean (conduction and convection). Once the coffee bean (Wiranata, 2016). Wet coffee bean
coffee bean temperature reached 27 O C is categorized as defective one. Coffee bean
(room temperature), the bean was placed softened due to different roasting tempera-
into a drum of which temperature was ture. Higher roasting temperature resulted
180 OC; at some point, both temperatures in lower density. Based on the observation,
would reach certain point causing the drum there was different level of coffee bean
temperature to decrease. It happened due (sample) density prior to and after roasting.

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition 61

Dharmawan et al.

The sample density tended to decrease. Prior The intercept in Figure 1 showed roasting
to roasting, sample density was 0.74 g/mL time was 10 minutes. Nugroho et al., (2009)
and after being roasted for 20 minutes, it argued that 10 minutes was the optimum
declined to 0.18 g/mL, because water evapo- roasting time to produce medium roasted
rates as the temperature increase. Develop- coffee bean. In other words, the intercept
ment bean after the first crack occurred is in line with previous study. As an addition,
because compounds broke down due to the intercept also showed other roasting
excessive amount of heat making coffee bean profiles such as density of 0.49±0.04 g/mL,
expanding (Sutarsi et al., 2016). Figure 1 water content of 3.5±1.3%, weight loss of
described these process in a more detail 9.7±1.9%, and pH of 5.3±0.2.
manner. Spearman’s correlation analysis showed
To get qualified and consistent roasted that there was strong correlation between
coffee bean, roaster should have specific roasting temperature and density (99% level of
roasting skills and knowledge on roasting confidence). There was also strong correlation
profile. The Robusta coffee bean in the study between water content and yield while pH
had spicy, chocolaty flavor and thick body had strong correlation at 95% confidencial
based on SCAA’s standardized roasting test. level (Table 2).

300 0.80

Temperature, O C

Density, g/mL


150 0.40


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Temperature Density

Figure 1. Development of roasting temperature and coffee bean density during roasting process and the
intercept of both

Table 2. Spearman’s corelation analysis result

Spearman’s Correlations (N=11)
Parameter Tempera tu re Moisture content Weight loss Density pH
* * * * **
Coef. 0,888 -1,000 1,000 -1,000 0,636
Sig. 2 tailed 0,000 0,035
* Significant level 99%.
** Significant leve 95%.

62 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition

Determining optimum point of Robusta coffee bean roasting process for taste consistency

It is found that a parameter has strong some amount of water. Moisture content was
relationship when correlation coefficient value decreasing continuously due to high heating;
is between 0.8 and 1 (Wiranata, 2016). Positive Between minute 18 and 20 when tempera-
marking (+) showed direct proportion while ture was 260OC, carbon and oil compounds
negative marking (-) showed inverse started evaporating making coffee bean surface
proportion. Figure 1 show equilibrium at shiny (Boot, 2005).
certain scale which was the major character Figure 3 described pH or acidity that
in form of optimum roasting time. Based will influence coffee flavor. Roasting causes
on the analysis, optimum roasting time was acid compounds to break increasing pH as
between 9 and 10 minutes, temperature was hydrogen increased (Zollman, 2012). Based
180OC, and density was between 0.45 and on the analysis, normal roasting would result
0.50 g/mL as shown in Figure 3. in different acidity level; the lowest pH was
As an addition, the analysis showed 5.17 after 10 minutes (Figure 3). The SCAA
similar phenomenon on the relationship (2015)’s standard stated that 7.75 is the
between moisture content and weight loss. highest or best average pH for coffee bean.
Equilibrium point (Figure 1) would show water Therefore, graph describing correlation
content of roasted coffee bean by drawing between different variables will provide
imaginary line to line describing moisture explanation on roasting characteristics and
content. Water content is one of the factors profiles. Intercept between the graphs in the
affecting yield because water is evaporated study represents optimum condition for
along with volatile gas compound (Edvan normal roast using probat. Optimum roasting,
et al., 2016). Based on the analysis, moisture according to Sutarsi et al. (2016), is determined
content at the equilibrium of both graphics by physical and chemical characteristics of
was 3.5-4.0% and weight loss was 10-11%. coffee bean such as water content and color
It happened because the coffee bean contained at several different temperatures.

14.00 60.00

12.00 50.00

Water content, %

Loss, %


2.00 10.00

0.00 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (minutes)

Notes: Moisture content Loss

Figure 2. Intercept between moisture content and weight loss during coffee roasting

PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition 63

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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (minutes)

Figure 3. Change of acidity level value in each sample


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3.5±1.3%, weight loss is 9.7±1.9%, and pH Pengaruh Jenis dan Lama Penyangraian
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of processing temperature on coffee
The researchers would like to thank Bayu roasting degree assessment. Journal
Setyo Abdurrizal and Nofrian Prihandoko, of Food Engineering, 92, 345–352.
technicians in Coffee Flavor Testing Labo- Illey, A & R Viani. (2008). Revolution of Roaster.
ratory and more importantly, to Director Elsevier Academic Press. 2nd ed. Vol. 2.
of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research London, UK.
Institute that provides facilities and funding SNI (2008). Standard Nasional Biji Kopi. Badan
for the study. Sertifikasi Nasional, Jakarta.

64 PELITA PERKEBUNAN, Volume 34, Number 1, April 2018 Edition

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