The Gut-Level Teacher Reflection
The Gut-Level Teacher Reflection
The Gut-Level Teacher Reflection
These five questions can help you listen to your gut and uncover problem areas in your teaching. Under each question, space is
provided for you to take notes on things that give you positive feelings (+), negative feelings (—), and mixed or unclear feelings (?).
1. Look around your classroom (or picture it in your mind). What parts of the room make you feel tense, anxious, or exhausted? What
parts make you feel calm, happy or proud?
+ - ?
I’m happy with the students’ pictures on I don’t really like with the teacher’s table I still don’t understand to the management,
the corner wall magazine. It shows their which was put in the corner. It’s dark, a bit why the broken class’s door was left
smiles and it brings positive energy for me. humid and many mosquitos there unfixed.
I’m proud to have several medallions on I’m annoyed the students for smelling
the wall and goblets on the table as the something due to sweaty.
motivations to achieve prestigious events
2. Open up your plan book and just start browsing, paying attention to how you're feeling as your eyes meet certain events. What
days and weeks give you a lift when you see them, a feeling of pride or satisfaction? Which ones make you feel disappointed,
irritated or embarrassed?
+ - ?
On Tuesday, 4th September 2018. It was
my turn to taught passive sentence
particularly present-past passive sentences.
I wrote a few points as the guidelines. Then
I applied the TGT Method, to my surprise
they were really active and the teaching
process was just as I expected.
Priorities and Action Plan: For each of the five areas above identify one or two priorities for change. They may be positives into
which you want to put more energy, negatives you want to correct, or ambiguities that need more investigation. Then, jot down a
concrete plan to address each priority.
Area Priorities Action Plan
Classroom The classroom needs more realia, The teacher should began collect, publish
students’ products to be displayed and the most recent of the students’ final
solid team work building. project such as poster, banner, flag,
advertisement, invitation card etc.
Planning Planning to have a city trip at the end of After school hours, this planning should
this semester to visit the nearest tourist be discussed to the students till the
destination area, it is at ‘Kota Tua budget, accommodation, food and
Batavia’. transportation are clearly planned in
Students Rudi, Rahmat, Tina, Yadi, Jane, Hanna The remedial of speaking practice test will
and Susan need to conduct remedial on be about asking and giving invitation.
speaking skill soon.
Co-Workers Mrs. Austin is the right person for the The collaborative approach is going to be
students’ learning group strategy. She has applied in the following next topic of
joined various workshops and seminar on learning. It is about Recount Genre.
collaborative learning.
Professional Practice The newest curriculum of K-13 demands Talk to the headmaster to set a workshop
the teachers to have more information, trained by professional and academician
practical and assistance-ship for its experts for the training of K-13 based on
application in the classroom. Therefore, English Language.
professional practice on K-13 is highly