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Republic of the Philippines

University Research Office


YEAR: 2018-2020

I. General Project Information

R and D Proposal Title: The Effect of the Integration of Indigenous Peoples'(IP) Values in Language and Potential Output(s):
Literature Classes of Senior High School Students(Phase )
Published and copyrighted values- based book in language and
Study 1. Cultural Values of Senior High School Students: Assessment and Evaluation literature for Senior High School students
Study 2. The Morphological Functions of Bukidnon Folktales: Insights on Bukidnon Cultural Values
Study 3. Integrating Cultural Values in Senior High School Instructional Materials: Design and Development Strategies An Anthology of Bukidnon folk narratives
Study 4. Evaluation and Improvisation of Values-based Language and Literature Instructional Materials of Senior High School
Students Publication of the research output
Study 5. Values-Based Language and literature Instructional materials Usage and Level of Awareness of Cultural values of Senior
High School Students
(eg. Publication, Policy, Product, IP Application, Technology, etc.)
College/University: College of Arts and Sciences- Central Mindanao University
publication Policy
University Thrust: Education and Teacher Capability Enhancement
/ /
IP Product
Regional/National Thrust/Priority: Education and Teacher Capability Enhancement/ Cultural diversity, gender and other social issues
Technology Others, please specify:
Problem/Need Addressed: K to 12 Curriculum Instructional Material Development
Category: Proposed Budget:
(Specify per Project/Study)

NON- AFNR Social sciences, education, arts and humanities /

Economics and business management

Health and food sciences

Others, please specify:
Physical and engineering sciences

II. Research Team Composition

Research P/P/S Leader
Name: Estrella Y. Dacillo Rank/Position: Associate Professor II
Gender: Female Address: Zone 2, Barangay 10, Malaybalay City
Department & College/Unit: Department of Languages and Literature/ College of Arts and Sciences Phone No.: 09754889287
Degree and Expertise: PhD Language Studies/Instructional Systems Design Email: dacilloestrella@gmail.com
On-going P/P/S:
Funding Agency: CMU
Research Team Members (Include Collaborators)
(Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) College/Unit/HEI/Agency Expertise Duration of Engagement Term of Reference (TOR)
Arambala Mayflor P DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Study leader 1/Collaborator Study 5
Bonifacio Rene M DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 1 & 5
Zaman Diana Jane Mari R DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 1 & 5
Dionaldo Shara Rose O DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Study leader 2/Collaborator Study 4
Dayondon Virma Faith T DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 2 & Study 4
Saavedra Tyrone Dean L DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 2 & Study 4
Zarate, Marlene Marlene S DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 2 & Study 4
Dacillo Estrella Y. DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Study Leader 3
Domagsang Fernando D DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 3 & Study 2
Labajo Mark Daryl S DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 3 & Study 2
Sususco Amita B DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Study Leader 4/ Collaborator Study 3
Bayron Agapito Jr. M DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 4 & Study 3
Jungao Emily T DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 4 & Study 3
Guimbao Elisa L DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Study Leader 5/ Collaborator Study 1
Canarecio Danna Karyl R DLL, CAS, CMU Languages & Literature October 2018- October 2020 Collaborator Study 5 & Study 1
The project seeks to determine the effect of the integration of values in language and literature classes of Senior High School students. To achieve this goal, this study aims to:
1) gather folktales from the tribal elders/storytellers and chanters of the seven tribes of Bukidnon; 2) determine the cultural values reflected in the folktales; 3) assess the level of
values awareness of senior high school students; 4)design and evaluate a values-based language and literature book based on the results of the needs assessment on the level of
value awareness of senior high school students; 5) Use the values-based language and literature book to the experimental group; 6) Conduct post assessment of level of values
awareness. Widest dissemination and inculcation of cultural values of the seven tribes of Bukidnon among the senior high school students is an outcome of the study. The values-based
language and literature book for senior high school students would contain folk narratives. Illustrations and supplemental digital animations which would make the material colorful and
interesting to students. This book integrates language and literature lessons. This book will eventually increase the level of values awareness of the senior high school students. An
anthology of Bukidnon folk narratives will also be published and copyrighted along with the value-based book.
CMU Is highly equipped with the state of the arts facilities and equipment which would cater to the academic needs of the students including the 18 of sections of Senior High
School program taught by the faculty of the College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences who are highly competent Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Field Specialist.
Research proponents are researchers, have received awards and have made instructional materials. The values we live by affect our relationship with other people and the environment
and so is a major influence on our sustainable future. They are generally long-term standards or principles that are used to judge whether something is good or bad, right or wrong
The DO 41, s 2003 on Values education in the Basic Education Curriculum requires values education teachers to help the other subject area teachers integrate values development in
the subject area they teach. Values which are integrated in the language and literature book could be a way of conceptualising education that places the search for meaning and
purpose at the heart of the educational process. Increasing the level of values awareness of the senior high school students could be a great contribution to the goals of the nation to
sustain peace and solidarity among diverse citizenry.


This qualitative-ethnographic research and development study will employ interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGDs), participant observation and reflective journaling in gathering folk
narratives of the seven tribes in Bukidnon which include the Tigwahanon, Umayamnon, Bukldnon, Talaandig, Higaunon, Matigsalug and Manobo. A prior and informed consent from the key
informants and National Commission for Indigenous People (NCIP) in Bukidnon, Region X will be secured prior to the conduct of the project. Using snowball sampling, 30 key informants, chanters,
storytellers, elders of the seven tribes in Bukidnon will be interviewed. Strauss and Corbin's (1994) Grounded Theory will be the basis for the comparative method involving open, axial and selective
coding used in the study. This will be utilized in determining the cultural values reflected in the folk narratives.
Specific activities in the conduct of the study will be as follows:
1. Securing NCIP certificate of Compliance
2. Consultation with the Tribal Councils
3. Signing of MOA
4. Gathering of folk narratives
5. Identification of cultural values
6. Needs assessment (level of awareness of the students’ Cultural values)
7. Designing and construction of values-based book m language and literature
8. Preliminary evaluations of values-based book in language and literature
9. Pilot testing implementation of values-based book in language and literature
10. Evaluation of values-based book in language and literature
11. Revision of values-based book in language and literature
12. Report writing and publication of research output
13. Publication and securing of copyright for values-based book in language and literature
Logical Framework

Objectives Activities Methodology Outputs Means of Verification Assumptions
verifiable indicator
1) Gather folktales from Specific activities in the conduct of the study will This qualitative- The expected outputs Variable indicators for Means of verification include the Name Procurement of NCIP
the tribal be as follows. ethnographic research of the projects are the the outputs include the of Publisher and ISSN of the Certificate of Compliance;
elders/storytellers and 1. Securing NCIP certificate of Compliance and development study published and following: 350 publication where their search output Attendance Sheets and
chanters of the seven 2.Consultation with the Tribal Councils will employ interview, copyrighted values- values-based books in will be published, Name of Publisher Certificates of Resource
tribes of Bukidnon, 3. Signing of MOA Focus Group Discussion based book in language languages and literature, and ISBN of values- based book in Persons and Participants
2) determine the cultural 4.Gathering of folk narratives (FGDs),participant and literature for 350 language and literature and the during the conduct of the
values reflected in the 5.Identification of cultural values observation and Senior High School Senior High School anthology of Bukidnon folk narratives, study and the dissemination
folktales, 6. Needs assessment( level of awareness of the reflective journal, students and an students to pilot test the and Certificate of attendance and and triangulation of
3)assess the level of students' Cultural values) gathering folk narratives anthology of Bukidnon use of the values-based participation for the paper presentation research outputs and book
values awareness of 7. Designing and construction of values-based of the seven tribes in folk narratives as well book, a first volume of the research outputs. evaluation results from
senior high school book in languages and literature Bukidnon which Include as the publication of anthology of Bukidnon subject matter experts.
students; 8. Preliminary evaluations of the values-based the Tigwahanon, the research output. folk narratives, and 1
4)design and evaluate a book in languages and literature Umayamnon, publication for the
values-based language 9.Pilot testing/Implementation of values-based Bukidnon, Talaandig, research output.
and literature book based book in languages and literature Higaunon, Matilgsalug
on the level results of the 1O Evaluation of values-based book in and Manobo. A prior and
needs assessment on the languages informed consent from
level of value awareness and literature the key informants and
of senior 11 Revision of values-based book in languages National Commission for
High school students, and literature Indigenous People
5) Use the values-based 12.Report writing and publication of research (NCIP) in Bukidnon,
language and literature outputs Region X will be secured
book to the experimental 13 Publication and copyright of values-based prior to the conduct of
group, book in language and literature the project using
6)Conduct post snowball sampling, 30
assessment of level of key informants, and
values awareness chanters. Storytellers,
elders from each of the
seven tribes in Bukidnon
will be interviewed
Strauss and Corbin's
(1994) Grounded Theory
will be the basis for the
comparative method
involving open axial and
selective coding used in
the study. This will be
utilized in determining
the cultural values
reflected In the folk
V. Financial Plan
Year 1
Line Item Budget (Attach detailed budget) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Personnel Services 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00
Maintenance and other Operation Expenses (MOOE) 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
Supplies & Materials 15,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 7,500.00
Paper presentation/Publication
IP Licensing (If Applicable)
Total funding for Year 1 404,500.00
Year 2
Line Item Budget Quarter
Line Item Budget (Attach detailed budget) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Personnel Services 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00
Maintenance and other Operation Expenses (MOOE) 20,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00
Supplies & Materials 7500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00
Paper presentation/Publication 25,000.00
IP Licensing (If Applicable)
Total funding for Year 2 309,500.00

Verified Complete:
P/P/S Leader ____________________________________________
Noted: Date
_______________________________________ DR. ANGELA GRACE TOLEDO BRUNO
Signature Action Taken: For revision ________________
Director for Research
For proposal evaluation
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