CS Ge-Pes Bsba

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Republic of the Philippines


Sofronio Española Campus

Approval Sheet

Course Title: People and the Earth’s Ecosystem

Course Code/ Number: GE-ELECT: PES
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

Revision Effectivity Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
000 January 2024 In compliance to CMO. 17, series of 2017 Keziah B. Millones

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Name and Signature of Faculty Member Name and Signature of Program Head
Date: Date:

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Name and Signature of Chairman on Instruction Name and Signature of Campus Director
Date: Date:
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

COURSE SYLLABUS IN ED 07, 2nd Semester, S.Y. 2023- 2024

PSU Vision An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable

PSU Mission Palawan State University is committed to upgrade people’s quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent instruction,
research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

PSU Shared Values E – Excellence in service; Q – Quality assurance; U- Unity in diversity; A- Advocacy for sustainable development; L – Leadership by
example; I – Innovation; T – Transparency; Y – Youth empowerment

Institutional Outcomes The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.
College Goals and  Assume supervisory and/or managerial responsibilities within their organization.
Program Objectives  Pursue graduate studies in business and management.
 Manage a business.
Course Title People and the Earth’s Ecosystem

Course Code/ Number GE-ELECT: PES

Course Description This course emphasizes that life on Earth as we know it is an integrated and interdependent whole; its future is endangered by the impact
of human development on natural resources; its survival for future generations will depend on concerted action to conserve and manage
the environment as a self-sustaining resource base.

Credit Units 3 units

Course Prerequisites None

Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

Link to Program
Outcomes* Course Outcomes a b c d e
Demonstrate the interrelationships among components of the P D D P D
a. Articulate and discuss natural world and explains environmental problems, their causes,
the latest developments in associated risks, and propose preventive measures and
the specific field of alternative solutions.
practice. Propose preventive measures and alternative solutions to I D D P D
environmental problems and interpret data population to
b. Effectively population using appropriate statistical tools.
communicate in English Identify the environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural factors I D D P D
and Filipino, both orally that affect Human Reproduction.
and writing. Evaluate and critique the science, culture and ethics of I D D P D
information technology, its influence on modern living and human
c. Work effectively and relationships and its use for personal, professional, and social
collaboratively with a advancement.
substantial degree of Legend (for program outcomes):
independence in multi-
disciplinary and multi- I- Introduced concepts/principles P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision.
cultural teams.

d. Act in recognition of
professional, social and
ethical responsibility.

e. Preserve and promote

“Filipino Historical and
Cultural Heritage”.

Based on CMO No. 17, series

of 2017
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

Course Outcomes At the end of the course the students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the interrelationships among components of the natural world and explain environmental problems, their causes,
associated risks, and propose preventive measures and alternative solutions.
2. Propose preventive measures and alternative solutions to environmental problems and interpret data population to population using
appropriate statistical tools.
3. Identify the environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural factors that affect Human Reproduction.
4. Evaluate and critique the science, culture and ethics of information technology, its influence on modern living and human relationships
and its use for personal, professional, and social advancement.
Course Format FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING: Review of the Lesson, Presentation of Objectives, Lesson proper, Assessment

Course Learning Course Content/ Subject Teaching and Learning Resource Textbooks/
Time Frame Assessment Tasks
Outcomes Outcomes Matter/ Topic Activities Materials References

Week 1-4 CO2 1. Define what UNIT 1: The Human Lecture: Discuss the Group Activity: Rubrics a. Jemuel B.
(12 Hours) CO3 the population is. Population population and its Divide the class Lagarto, A Course
CO4  Chapter 1 – characteristics and also into 5 groups. Ask PowerPoint Module in People
2. Enumerate Population explain to the class how each group to Presentation and the Earth’s
the different Characteristics to calculate the birth rate, choose a certain Ecosystem,
characteristics of  Chapter 2 - Birth, mortality rate, and natality region or country Module Aurora State
population. Death, and Changes rate of a population. and identify its College of
 Chapter 3 – Human population Technology
3. Calculate the Growth in the characteristics. module-1-of-
birth rate, Philippines people-and-the-
mortality rate Quiz: Give earths-
and natality rate situational ecosystem.pdf
of a population. problems where
the students need
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

to compute the
birth rate, mortality
rate and natality
rate of a
Week 5-9 CO1 1. Define UNIT 2: Ecosystems: Lecture: Discuss the Quiz: Essay Rubrics b. Jemuel B.
(13 Hours) CO4 ecosystem. What are they and how meaning of ecosystem, its Lagarto, A Course
they work? characteristics, and its Module Module in People
2. Identify the  Chapter 1 – What is components. and the Earth’s
characteristics of Ecology? Ecosystem,
life.  Chapter 2 – what Aurora State
Keeps us and other College of
3. Identify and organisms alive? Technology
discussed the  Chapter 3 – What are module-2-of-
major the major components people-and-
components of of an ecosystem? earths-
the ecosystem. ecosystem.pdf

Week 9
(2 Hours)

Week 10 -13 CO1 1.Discuss the  Chapter 4 – What Lecture: Discuss the Graphic Video clips b. Jemuel B.
(12 Hours) CO4 transformation of happens to energy in transformation of energy organizer: Let the Lagarto, A Course
energy in the an ecosystem? in the ecosystem. students PPT Module in People
ecosystem.  Chapter 5 – What summarize each Presentation and the Earth’s
happens to matter in nutrient cycle by Ecosystem,
2.Explain the an ecosystem? using their own Rubric Aurora State
various nutrient Short video clips: Let choice of graphic Module College of
cycles in the the students watch the organizer. Technology
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

ecosystem. video clips about the module-2-of-

various nutrient cycles in people-and-
the ecosystem. earths-
Provide questions after
watching the video for
discussion the key
concepts of each cycle
Week 14-18 CO1 1.Discuss the UNIT 3: Environment Video clips: Show a Reflective Essay: Video clips c. Jemuel B.
(13Hours) CO2 different Problems, their Causes short video clip discussing Ask the students to Lagarto, A Course
CO4 environmental and Sustainability the different reflect on what they PPT Presentation Module in People
issues in Asian  Chapter 1 – environmental issues in can do to address and the Earth’s
countries. Environmental Issues, Asian countries. Present the different Rubrics Ecosystem,
Climate Changes, and questions after playing environmental Aurora State
2.Enumerate the Energy security in the video clips. issues. Module College of
different Developing Asia Technology
environmental  Chapter 2 – Lecture: Discuss the Graphic module-3-of-
dimensions that Environmental Laws in different environmental organizer: Create people-and-
threaten energy the Philippines dimensions that threaten a matrix showing earths-
security. energy security. the differences of ecosystem.pdf
the different Asian
3.Compare the Group Activity: Divide countries in terms
different Asian the class into 5 groups of the level on their
countries in and ask them to research emission of
terms of the data about the different greenhouse gases.
level on their Asian countries in terms Present also their
emission of of the level on their analysis on the
greenhouse emission of greenhouse matrix.
gases. gases.
Week 18
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

(2 Hours)

Note: Final exam will be replaced by

a. Jemuel B. Lagarto, A Course Module in People and the Earth’s Ecosystem, Aurora State College of Technology
b. Jemuel B. Lagarto, A Course Module in People and the Earth’s Ecosystem, Aurora State College of Technology module-2-of-people-
Course References and-earths-ecosystem.pdf
c. Jemuel B. Lagarto, A Course Module in People and the Earth’s Ecosystem, Aurora State College of Technology module-3-of-people-

Additional Materials Laptop, projector, Wi-Fi, speaker

Course Requirements Grading System*:
Quizzes 20%
Performance Tasks 10 %
Class Participation 5%
Attendance 5%
Assignment 5%
Project 5%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Exam 30%

*Zero-based Grade Computation

Course Policies  A student who is 15 minutes late will be marked as absent.
 A student is not allowed to make attendance for another student.
 Absences will be excused if there is an excuse letter signed by the guardian/parent and the campus director. This can be presented
before or after the absences.


 Late submission of assignments, outputs, and any other requirements will have a 5% deduction.
 Make-up quizzes will be given to those students with excused letters only.
Republic of the Philippines
Sofronio Española Campus

 Group chat will be the mode of communication. Personal messages will not be entertained unless the message is confidential.
 Please observe consultation hours/ school hours beyond messages will not be entertained. Avoid using bad words towards others.
Cursing is strictly prohibited.
 Always show respect towards others.


 Always cite your sources properly.
 Copy-paste output will not be accepted. Any form of academic cheating will be punished accordingly.

 Using the phone is not allowed during class hours, however, important calls can be answered outside.
 Reporters who need a projector will be responsible for the preparation and return.


 Light make-up is recommended.
 Be clean and presentable.
 Corporate attire will be worn during reporting and demo-teaching.

Supplementary Material/s CMO No. 17, S.2017

Consultation Period 1-4:00 TTH

Document Setup/ Format:

1. Font: Arial
2. Font size: 11 pts
3. Document size: long (8.5 x 13 inches)
4. Orientation: Landscape

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