Psilorhynchoides Arunachalensis

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Qualitative algal analysis from the fish-gut: Tested in the rice fish cropping

Article  in  International journal of Environmental Science and Technology · December 2006

DOI: 10.1007/BF03325911 · Source: DOAJ


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Mamta Awasthi D N Das

National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur Rajiv Gandhi University


Rajiv Singh
Rajiv Gandhi University


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K. Nebeshwar 1, Kenjum Bagra 1 and D.N. Das 2

Centre of Biodiversity, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Email: 2 (corresponding author)
plus web supplement of 1 page

ABSTRACT described here as Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov.

Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis, new species is described from the
Brahmaputra basin in Arunachal Pradesh of Northeastern India.
It belongs to the Psilorhynchus homaloptera and P. pseudecheneis
group, for which genus Psilorhynchoides was erected by Yazdani The descriptions are based on formalin preserved specimens.
et al. (1990) because of their morphological and osteological Counts and measurements follow Kottelat (2001) and
distinctiveness from Psilorhynchus. The new species is measurements were taken from point to point with digital
differentiated by the following characters: eight or nine simple calipers to 0.1mm. The number of specimens exhibiting a
pectoral fin rays; more number of vertebrae 43-45 and an
given count is indicated in parentheses. Fin rays and numbers
intermediate number of lateral line scales 42-44 between the
valid species P. homaloptera and P. pseudecheneis (38-41 and 48-50 of scales were counted under a zoom stereoscopic microscope.
respectively). For osteological study, specimens were dissected and stained
with alizarin following Hollister (1934). Vertebral count
KEYWORDS includes the first four vertebrae of weberian apparatus.
Arunachal Pradesh, freshwater fish, new description,
Abdominal vertebrae were counted from the first four vertebrae
Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov.
of the weberian apparatus to the last vertebra bearing pleural
ABBREVIATIONS rib and predorsal vertebrae, from the first four vertebrae of
RGUMF - Rajiv Gandhi University Museum of Fishes; the weberian apparatus to the vertebra immediately anterior
MUMF - Manipur University Museum of Fishes; SL - Standard to the first dorsal-fin pterygiophore. Caudal vertebrae were
Length counted from the vertebra immediately posterior to anal fin
Representatives of Psilorhynchidae are easily
distinguished from other families of the order Cypriniformes
by their depressed or more-or-less spindled-shaped body with
(Image 1w; Figs. 2, 3b, 4b & 5b)
flattened ventral surface anteriorly; more number of pectoral
fin rays; greatly reduced air bladder and enlarged paired fins
Material examined
that have been modified to form an adhesive apparatus for
Holotype: Male, 24.viii.2005, West Kameng district,
burrowing purposes. Northeastern India comprised of several
Dirang river at Dirang (Brahmaputra river system), Arunachal
hill streams with varied drainage patterns offers a good habitat
Pradesh, India, 92.0mm SL, coll. Kenjum Bagra (RGUMF-
for the study of psilorhynchoid fishes. Psilorhynchus inhabits
pebbly beds of small rapid-running streams at the base of
Paratypes: (19 specimens, all from Brahmaputra drainage,
hills, pools in the course of torrential streams and pools with
Arunachal Pradesh, India). 3 females, 24.viii.2005, West
muddy bed (Hora & Mukerji, 1935; Rainboth, 1983).
Kameng district, Dirang river at Dirang (Brahmaputra river
Psilorhynchoides also dwells in similar habitat. Yazdani et al.
system), Arunachal Pradesh, India, 104.0-106.0mm SL, coll.
(1990) erected the genus Psilorhynchoides which includes small-
Kenjum Bagra (RGUMF-0002); 4 males, 3.iii.2005, Dikrong
sized hill stream fishes whose body are depressed anteriorly
river at Doimukh, 65.7-77.2mm SL, coll. Gejom Lollen
and compressed posteriorly, back evenly arched without
(RGUMF-0003); 5 males, 7.ii.2005, Siang river at Pasighat,
prominent elevation, ventral profile flat, snout spatulate, eyes
East Siang district, 62.5-85.0mm SL, 2 females, Siang river at
small, situated dorsally on anterior half of head, mouth ventral
Pasighat, East Siang district, 65.3-70.0mm SL, coll. Karsen
and opening slightly arched, scales large, absent in ventral
Nyori (RGUMF-0004); 2 exs., 31.x.2005, Sireng river at
region of head and chest, simple pectoral-fin rays more than 7,
Rottung, East Siang district, 60.0-76.0mm SL, 1 female, Sireng
lateral line more than 42, latero-posterior border of
river at Rottung, East Siang district, 72mm SL, coll. Kenjum
basipterygium with two lateral foramina, supraethmoid bearing
Bagra (RGUMF-0005).
large fossa, swim bladder enclosed in a bony capsule formed
by dorsal rib, and urohyal bone thick, anterior tip developed
in fork. They recognized two species, P. homaloptera (Hora &
After the name of the state from where it is collected,
Mukerji) and P. pseudocheneis (Menon & Dutta).
Arunachal Pradesh.
Collections from Lohit, Siren, Kalpangi, Dikrong and
Dirang rivers of Arunachal Pradesh (Brahmaputra drainage) W
See Image 1 in the web supplement at
included specimens of Psilorhynchoides which do not fit under
Manuscript 1634; © ZOO; Date of publication 21 February 2007
any of the described species of the genus. The species is Received 02 September 2006; Revised received 04 December 2006;
Finally accepted 25 January 2007
2632 March 2007 | ISSN 0973-2535 (Print edition); 0973-2551 (Online edition)
A new Psilorhynchoides species from Arunachal Pradesh K. Nebeshwar et al.

Figure 1. Collection sites and rivers of Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. in Arunachal Pradesh, India

Diagnosis posterior half of the head. Interorbital space flat and much
Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. can easily be wider than the orbit. Gill openings moderate, extending from
differentiated from P. homaloptera in having more numbers of post temporal region to a little beyond the pectoral fin base on
simple pectoral fin rays (8-9 vs. 7-8), branched caudal fin rays ventral side. Nostrils fairly large with a conspicuous rounded
(9+8 or 9+9 vs. 8+7), total vertebrae (43-45 vs. 41-42); its membranous flap between anterior and posterior openings; its
narrower eye (3.9-5.3 vs. 5.5-5.8 % SL), head (14.0-15.6 vs.
15.7-16.9 % SL), mouth gap (5.2-6.7 vs. 6.6-7.2 % SL), body at
anal-fin origin (5.8-7.2 vs. 7.3-7.9 % SL); shorter upper lip
(6.4-7.5 vs. 7.5-8.1 % SL), snout (8.9-10.4 vs. 10.6-10.8 in %
SL). It is also distinguished from P. pseudecheneis in having less
number of lateral line scales (42-44 vs. 48-50), lateral
transverse scales (3½-4½ / 2½-3 vs. 5½ / 3½); more numbers TrP
of predorsal scales (14-15 vs. 8-9); absence of transverse folds BCap
of skin on abdomen vs. presence. AntC

Morphometric data are in Table 1. Dorsal profile rising
gently from tip of snout to origin of dorsal fin, then sloping
very gently a little beyond to the point vertically from anal fin
insertion, then running straight to the end of caudal fin.
Ventral profile horizontal to vent, then very gently sloping
dorsally to end of caudal peduncle. Caudal peduncle short,
shallow and compressed laterally. Anus located far forward to
anal fin, between ventral fins at ¾ its length.
Head moderately broad, depressed, obtusely pointed viewed
from above and covered with thick hard skin with fine tubercles. Figure 2. Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. Air
Snout spatulate, hard with sparsely arranged fine tubercles. bladder: showing anterior chamber enclosed in bony
Eyes small, rounded, dorso-lateral with free margin and not capsule & posterior chamber greatly reduced.
visible from ventral surface; its situation almost entirely in the FC - First centrum; TrP - Transverse process; BCap - Bony
capsule; AntC - Anterior chamber; PostC - Posterior Chamber

March 2007 Zoos' Print Journal 22(3): 2632-2636 2633

A new Psilorhynchoides species from Arunachal Pradesh K. Nebeshwar et al.



a b

Figure 3. Dorsal view of right pelvic girdle: showing f basel

plate process in a. Psilorhynchoides homaloptera; HS
b. Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. HSP
BaPP - Basel plate process

Figure 5. Last third vertebra: showing simple or divided

Vo PreE
neural and haemal spine in
Vo a. Psilorhynchoides homaloptera, b. Psilorhynchoides
arunachalensis sp. nov.
PreE NS - Neural spine; NSP - Neural spine process; HS - Haemal
spine; HPS - Haemal spine process

rounded margin externally up to 7th or 8th simple ray and then
Fo straight margin up to 5th branched ray, and remaining rounded;
fin with viii, 8(4), viii, 9(5), viii, 10(1), ix, 8(5), ix, 9(5) rays;
the ventral side of the first 8 or 9 fin rays excluding proximal
a b 1/4 to1/5 length with soft membranous flat surface forming
Figure 4. Dorsal view of ethmoid: showing the lateral as a whole an adhesive apparatus of the fin rays; considerably
margin and supraethmoid fossa in longer than the head and separated from the pelvic fin by its
a. Psilorhynchoides homalopotera, b. Psilorhynchoides own 1/3 length. Pelvic fin moderately enlarged, placed
arunachalensis sp. nov. horizontally with oblique base and extending considerably
Vo - Vormer; PreE - Prethmoid; E - Ethmoid; Fo - Fossa
beyond the anal opening with first branched ray more longer
forming a slight concave margin and remaining straight; fin
situation much nearer to anterior margins of the eyes than to with ii, 7(20) rays. As in pectoral, the ventral surface of the
the tip of the snout. Branchiostegal rays 4(4). Pharyngeal first three fin rays excluding proximal 1/3 to 1/4 length with
teeth in one row with 5(4) teeth; its tip hooked. Gill rakers and a soft membranous flat surface forming as a whole an adhesive
barbels absent apparatus.
Mouth inferior, transverse and slightly arched. The upper Scales cycloid, fairly large, thin and more or less regularly
lip hard, narrow and partly covered with rostral fold. The arranged on the body. Lateral line with 42(8), 43(8), and 44(4)
lower lip thick, fleshy and free from the lower jaw; with a perforated scales along the mid-lateral line upto the caudal
shallow and narrow groove posteriorly to distinguish from its base and 3-4 scales on the caudal fin. Predorsal scales 13(1),
posterior superficial thick fleshy part. Upper and lower jaws 14(5), 15(8), 16(2), 17(3), 18(1), arranged irregularly along
provided with sharp rasping horny edges with a weakly the mid-dorsum. Transverse scale rows: 3½-4½ /1 / 2½-3½;
developed knob on upper jaw and its counterpart, a notch on 3(6), 4(14) rows between the dorsal-fin insertion and lateral
lower jaw. A fairly deep, distinct lateral horizontal furrow line and 2(15), 3(5) rows between the lateral line and ventral-
which marks off the mouth parts and the thick rostral fold, fin insertion. Caudal peduncular scale rows: 8(4), 9(7), 10(9);
passing on either side from the post-labial groove extending 3-5 rows above and three rows below lateral line. Scales along
anteriorly to the sides of the snout. The skin behind the lower the pre-pelvic fin region larger and regularly arranged on
lip smooth. each side with 7(3), 8(11), 9(6) scales. Scales between the anus
Dorsal-fin origin a little anterior to mid-length of the body to anal fin regularly arranged, wider and its posterior margin
and vertically a little behind the pelvic-fin origin; without slightly constricted with 12(2), 13(10), 14(7), 15(1) scales.
spine, bearing ii, 7½ (20) rays with last simple and first Undersurface of the body from chest to anus smooth and devoid
branched rays longer and forming a dorsoposterior margin of scales.
slightly concave and then straight. Anal fin with short base, Osteological features: Total vertebrae 43(2), 44(1), 45(1);
its extension b length of caudal peduncle; ii, 5½ (20) rays; its abdominal 19(3), 20(1); predorsal 13(4); caudal 14(4).
last simple and first branched rays longer, forming a The air bladder greatly reduced with two chambers. The
ventroposterior margin slightly concave and then almost posterior chamber very much smaller than the anterior one.
straight. Caudal fin lunate with the lower lobe slightly longer, The transverse vertebral processes of the 2nd and 4th vertebrae
with 9+8(19), 9+9(1) branched rays; procurrent rays slightly modified into a bony capsule medially enclosing the anterior
anterior to fin base, 7(3) dorsal and 5(3) ventral. Pectoral fin chamber leaving some part on ventral surface (Fig. 2). The
greatly enlarged at base, horizontally placed and with broadly extension of these processes on the lateral side forming a dorso-

2634 March 2007 Zoos' Print Journal 22(3): 2632-2636

A new Psilorhynchoides species from Arunachal Pradesh K. Nebeshwar et al.

Table 1. Comparative morphometric measurements between Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. and
Psilorhynchoides homaloptera in % of SL.

Character P. arunachalensis sp. nov. P. homaloptera (4 specimens)

(10 specimens including holotype) MUMF 4066-4067 & 2 uncatalogued specimens
Range Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD

Standard length 65.7-106.0 - - 76.7-104.0 - -

Body depth 14.1-18.9 15.9 1.53 15.8-16.9 16.4 0.55
Head length at nape 17.0-20.5 18.8 1.18 18.3-20.4 17.9 1.86
Head height at nape 9.8-12.0 10.8 0.83 9.3-10.0 9.7 0.35
Head width at opercle 14.0-15.6 15.0 0.68 15.7-16.9 16.3 0.60
Snout length 8.9-10.4 9.8 0.61 10.6-10.8 10.7 0.12
Eye diameter 3.9-5.3 4.8 0.57 5.5-5.8 5.6 0.15
Interorbital space 7.2-8.1 7.7 0.30 7.6-8.4 8.0 0.40
Gape width 5.2-6.7 5.8 0.47 6.6-7.2 6.9 0.32
Upper lip length 6.4-7.5 6.8 0.34 7.5-8.1 7.7 0.32
Rostral fold width 6.7-8.3 7.2 0.46 7.2-7.8 7.5 0.31
Rostral fold length 3.2-4.3 3.7 0.37 3.8-4.0 3.9 0.10
Body width at anal 5.8-7.2 6.6 0.49 7.6-7.9 7.7 0.10
Caudal peduncle length 12.0-15.9 13.5 1.36 12.8-13.8 13.4 0.53
Caudal peduncle height 5.6-7.8 6.4 0.68 7.3-7.9 7.6 0.31
Dorsal-fin height 18.4-23.7 21.4 2.16 20.8-22.3 21.8 0.83
Pectoral-fin length 23.9-26.4 24.9 1.00 23.5-24.5 23.8 0.58
Ventral-fin length 19.4-20.8 20.4 0.80 18.9-20.7 19.6 0.96
Anal-fin height 13.8-16.4 15.0 0.88 15.1-15.3 15.2 0.12
Pre-anal length 79.0-83.9 81.6 1.69 78.7-80.5 79.4 0.95
Pre-anus length 56.0-62.6 58.6 2.26 58.7-60.9 59.7 1.11
Pre-ventral length 45.3-49.8 47.3 1.59 47.8-48.9 48.3 0.56
Predorsal length 48.9-55.5 51.1 2..10 48.4-50.3 49.3 0.95

ventrally flattened chamber with lateral mouth and two distinct including the secondary branched rays with a row of prominent
spinous processes on each side of ventral surface. tubercles. Likewise, in pelvic fin also, proximal 1/3 to1/4
The basipterygium of the pelvic girdle shield like; its length of the first three fin rays and whole length of the
length more than breath, broadest at the region of the first remaining fin rays including the secondary distal branched
pelvic-fin ray insertion. On this region, a prominent foramen rays with a row of prominent tubercles. On dorsal surface, the
for connecting the basipterigium with the 7th vertebral rib. whole length of the entire fin rays of pectoral and pelvic fin
The basal plate of the basipterigium with a prominent with a row of tubercles. A flap of skin formed by the folding
elongated process posterolaterally (Fig. 2). The 7th pleural rib of skin on the bases of first eight pelvic fin rays with a pad of
which supports the pelvic girdle thicker and broader than the tubercles. The whole length of all the fin rays of dorsal, anal
remaining ribs. and caudal fin with a row of fine tubercles on each side.
Dorsal surface of ethmoid bone flat, more or less straight Undersurfaces of the chins sparsely studded with minute
lateral margin and not having supraethmoid fossa (Fig. 3). tubercles. Such prominent tuberculation is not observed in all
The median frontal suture deviates from left to right in S shaped the male specimens. In female specimens, no tubercles on fin
manner. rays and tuberculation on the scale surfaces and margins are
The pharyngeal bones triangular in shape with five teeth very less. A row of tubercles on posterior margin of rostral
in one row; the teeth set close together, almost of uniform length fold and anterior margin of posterior superficial part of lower
and thickness, hooked at the tip. Last three vertebrae support lip with a row of 6-8 prominent tubercles with minute papillae
the caudal fin rays. The second last neural spine simple or behind.
divided distally. The last third haemal and neural spine simple Colour: In preservative, the fish has laterally a series of 6-
with weakly developed specialized neural process proximally 12 dark blotches, posterior most extending onto the caudal fin.
(Fig. 4). The numbers of blotches increase and become more distinct
Tuberculation: Tuberculation is more on male specimens. with size. In specimen having 12 blotches, the anterior most
In a specimen of 62.5mm SL has prominent tuberculation, i.e., blotch is midway between the pectoral and pelvic-fin base. In
irregularly arranged 5 or 6 transverse rows of prominent specimens having six blotches, the first blotch is below the
tubercles including a distinct postriormost marginal row on middle of dorsal-fin base. The blotches gradually decrease in
rostral fold. The scales about four or five rows above pectoral size and are less conspicuous posteriorly. These blotches appear
fin base, orbital region, operculum and dorsal surface of head more less continuous as a dusky stripe. This stripe is more
are densely tuberculated. Middle surfaces of the remaining distinct in juvenile. In large specimens, anterior region of the
scales with sparsely scattered tubercles. Tuberculation on scales stripe diminishes. In adult specimens, 10-11 blotches over a
gradually less on posterior side. All the exposed posterior narrow mid-dorsal stripe runs from nape to caudal base. The
margins of scales with a row of tubercles. On ventral side of ground colour of body on dorso-lateral region from is grayish
pectoral fin, proximal 1/4 to 1/5 length of the first seven or to yellowish-brown and white or yellowish-white ventrally.
eight rays and the whole length of the remaining fin rays Head dark dorsally and white ventrally. Caudal fin with a

March 2007 Zoos' Print Journal 22(3): 2632-2636 2635

A new Psilorhynchoides species from Arunachal Pradesh K. Nebeshwar et al.

proximal spot and dusky outer rays on both dorsal and ventral examination of osteology of other Psilorhynchus may be
lobes. The whole dorsal surface of pectoral and ventral fin necessary to clearly differentiate the two groups.
dark grayish to yellowish-brown and ventral surface white to The species under description has no fossa on the
light brown. supraethmoid region and two foramens on basipterygium,
Sexual dimorphism: Males with tuberculation on all fin although Yazdani et al. (1990) mentioned the presence of the
rays; more tuberculation on head region, exposed surfaces and fossa and two foramens as generic characters. However, the
margins of scales; relatively narrower body (14.1-17.9 vs. 16.0- new species is distinct from Psilorhynchus as it has other
18.9% SL) and longer caudal peduncle (13.0-15.9 vs. 12.0- characters, i.e., bony capsule of the swim bladder, ossified shield
13.5% SL). like basipterygium with a lateral foramen, lateral line more
than 40, more than seven simple pectoral fin rays. Thus the
DISCUSSION species is presently kept under genus Psilorhynchoides.
Psilorhynchoides arunachalensis sp. nov. differs from P.
homaloptera in having more numbers of simple pectoral fin COMPARATIVE MATERIAL
rays, caudal fin rays and total vertebrae; narrower eye and Psilorhynchoides homaloptera: 2 e xs., 2.x.2000, Iyei river at Noney,
mouth gape; shorter upper lip and snout (Table 1). It also Tamenglong district, Manipur (Brahmaputra basin), 76.7-77.3mm SL,
coll. K. Nebeshwar (MUMF 4076-4077); 2 exs., March 2005, Umtrao
differs in having an entire and simple neural and haemal spine
river, Byrnihat, Norbong, Ribhoi district, Assam (Brahmaputra basin),
on last third vertebra. In P. homaloptera, neural and haemal 81.2-83.5 mm SL, coll. I. Dhanabir (Uncataloged specimen)
spine with a process along the whole length; proximal ¾ length
of the processes with serrated margins anteriorly and divided REFERENCES
distally about ¼ and ¾ of their lengths respectively from their Hollister, G. (1934). Clearing and dying fishes for bone study. Zoologica
respective spines. The new species also differs from P. 12: 89-101
pseudecheneis in having less numbers of lateral line scales (42- Hora, S.L. & D.D. Mukerji (1935). Fish of the Naga hills, Assam.
44 vs. 48-50), lateral transverse scales (3½-4½ / 2½-3 vs. 5½ / Records of the Indian Museum 37: 381-404.
Kottelat, M. (2001). Fishes of Laos. Wildlife Heritage Trust, Cambodia,
3½); more numbers of predorsal scales (14-15 vs. 8-9) and in
the absence of transverse folds of skin in abdomen. Rainboth, W.J. (1983). Psilorhynchus gracilis, a new cyprinid fish from
Rainboth (1983), while describing Psilorhynchus gracilis from the Gangetic lowlands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences
Bangladesh, recognized P. balitora, P. sucatio, P. pseudecheneis and 43(6): 67-76.
P. homaloptera under the same genus. Vishwanath & Vishwanath, W. & W. Manojkumar (1995). Fishes of the cyprinoid
genus Psilorhynchus McClelland from Manipur, India with description of
Manojkumar (1995), while describing P. microphthalmus, also
a new species. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 42(3/4): 249-253.
put P. balitora and P. homaloptera under the same genus. They Yazdani G.M., D.F. Singh & M.B. Rao (1990). Psilorhychoides, a new
were probably not aware of the work of Yazdani et al. (1990), genus for the cyprinid fish, Psilorhynchus homaloptera Hora & Mukerji and
who distinguished Psilorhynchoides from Psilorhynchus by the P. pseudecheneis Menon & Dutta, with a definition of the subfamily
absence of scales on chest (vs. presence), more than seven simple Psilorhyninae (Cyprinidae). Matsya 15&16: 1-7.
pectoral fin rays (vs. 4-6), lateral line scales more than 40 (vs.
32-33), anterior foramen broad (vs. long and slender), swim ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
bladder enclosed in a bony capsule (vs. free). They also The authors are grateful to University Grant Commission (UGC) for
financial assistance and to National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources
mentioned several differences in the osteology of Psilorhynchus
(NBFGR) for providing some specimens.
balitora and Psilorhynchoides homaloptera but finally adopted the
differences as generic differentiating characters. Thus detailed

2636 March 2007 Zoos' Print Journal 22(3): 2632-2636

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