Zebra Fish Danio Rerio

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Natural History of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in India

Article  in  Zebrafish · March 2013

DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2012.0803 · Source: PubMed

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5 authors, including:

Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam M. Raja

Central University of Kerala Periyar University


Richard Mayden
Saint Louis University


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Volume 10, Number 1, 2013 Original Articles
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2012.0803

Natural History of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) in India

Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam,1 Manickam Raja,1 Chinnian Vijayakumar,2

Punniyam Malaiammal,1 and Richard L. Mayden3


The Zebrafish, Danio rerio, is a well-known vertebrate model species widely used in research associated with
biomedical areas and comparative and evolutionary biology. Interestingly, despite the importance of this spe-
cies, little is known about the natural history, habitats, and native distribution. In our study of the species, we
collected individuals from twenty-one wild populations from within the species’ natural distribution, ranging
from streams/rivers of the Western Ghats of Peninsular India to those of the Western and North-Eastern
Himalayas. Habitat types are identified from various geographic locations. Danio rerio is largely confined to and
most frequently associated with habitats of low flow and with a sandy substrate in secondary and tertiary
channels connected with the main channel of a stream/river, or habitats adjacent to wetlands and paddy fields.
These connections can be natural channels or man-made irrigation canals, beels, or culture ponds. Among the 21
populations, individuals from two populations (one from Orissa and another from Arunachal Pradesh) were
much larger in size (total length) when compared to other populations. The general habitats of Danio rerio vary
from small to large mountainous and lowland streams/rivers, wetlands, and paddy fields.

Introduction rivers, secondary channels, oxbow lakes, and ponds, and ir-
rigation canals connected to paddy fields from the Indian
states of Kerala, Karnataka, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Megha-
D anio rerio, a vertebrate model species, commonly
referred to as Zebrafish or zebra danio, has gained great
importance in the fields of developmental genetics, functional
laya, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh.

Taxonomy and Phylogeography

genomics, aquatic toxicology, neuroscience, and many other
areas of biomedical research. More recently this species and Danio rerio was originally described by Hamilton in 18227
data from the ZFIN web resources (http://zfin.org/) have from the Kosi River, Bengal. Day (1878)8 also recorded this
been used as a critical linkage to evolutionary morphological species from Bengal to the Coromandal coast. Menon (1963)9
studies and systematics via linking morphological divergence documented the distribution of the species from the Brah-
in wild-types (varied species in the wild) with mutant maputra, Gandak, Rapti, Karnal, Kali, Ramganga, Ganges,
phenotypes of the Zebrafish where the genetic mutations of Yamuna, and Indus river drainages. Hora10,11 recorded
specific genes1 are known. These varied types of investiga- its distribution from Nadhave and Kalauma rivers in
tions are, in many cases, used with direct application to evo- Kumaon Himalayas and also from Rajmahal. Chauhan and
lution and human health.2,3 Over the past 15–20 years, this Ramakrishna (1954)12 reported the species from the Balangi
experimental animal has been used worldwide.4 Though district, Orissa and Tilak (1968)13 reported this species from
growth of research related to organismal biology and parti- Sikkim. Recently, two distributional records14 have been ob-
cularly this model species has been immense, its natural served in the Western Ghats, one from the Thunga River in
geographical distribution, the physical habitats where it lives, Karnataka and another from the Kabini River, Wynaad dis-
diet, and reproductive patterns in the wild habitats are largely trict of Kerala. These populations were used in a study of
unknown. Only meager information is available on its general population genomics.15 Thus, based on a broad literature re-
natural history except for two publications.5,6 One of these view, our current understanding of the distribution of this
involves habitats of the species from Bangladesh and the other globally important species, Danio rerio, in the wild, includes
includes observations from a few states in India. Herein, we rivers, small streams, channels, and paddy fields16–18 from
address the habitat types of Danio rerio in various streams/ Myanmar, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

Sri Paramakalyani Centre for Environmental Sciences, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Zoology, St. Andrews College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Department of Biology, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri.


ing electronic flow meter (propeller type). We used seines,

rectangular hand nets, cast nets, and gill nets based on the
habitat conditions. Local fisherman was also engaged for
fishing in larger bodies. The habitats of Danio rerio could be well
easily identified and quantified throughout the country.
Morphometric measurements were taken with digital
calipers to a precision of 0.1 mm. Counts, measurements,
and color pattern terminology are according to Fang.24 The
following abbreviations are used herein: SL = standard
length and HL = head length. Body measurements are ex-
pressed as percentage of standard length (%SL) and head
measurements as percentage of head length (%HL). Gut
contents were taken from two individuals where the relative
biovolumes of algae, detritus, higher plant matter, and ani-
mal matter were determined.25 Gut content analysis was
carried out for all the Danio rerio populations throughout its
range of present study.

Feeding habits
Gut contents of Danio rerio in all populations showed al-
lochthonous materials, mostly red ants, in the Western Ghat
FIG. 1. Localities in India where Danio rerio species were streams and also the habitats where there was much over-
collected. hanging vegetation such as in Budapalang River, Simla vil-
lage, Orissa; Mathumathi River, Sonauli, Uttar Pradesh; Rani
village, Siang, Arunachal Pradesh; Thore, Siang, Arunachal
Danio is reported to be paraphyletic with respect to Esomus, Pradesh. In the rest of the habitats, the gut contents were of
Chela, and Inlecypris.19 In this study, one clade consisted of terrestrial arthropods and to a lesser extent aquatic insects.
Danio rerio, D. dangila, D. nigrofasciatus, D. albolineatus, and
D. kerni, while the other clade with the resurrected genus Habitat types
name Devario included D. devario and D. regina. However, a
recent study20 revealed that the genus Danio is a monophyletic Thirunelli, Wynaad, Kerala. This area is a second order,
group and D. rerio is sister to D. kyathi and that comparisons of low-gradient and forested stream inside the Wynaad Wildlife
Danio species with species of Devario and/or Esomus/Micro- Sanctuary (Table 1 and Fig. 4a). Danio rerio was found below
rasbora have often been simply misleading. overhanging vegetation over a substrate type of pebbles and
We collected wild populations (Fig. 1) across a range of sand. Both banks were stable despite the stream being a low
geographical locations with various elevational ranges from gradient one; the left bank (looking upstream) was covered
the states of Kerala and Karnataka of Western Ghat mountain by understory vegetation with dense riparian cover. Devario
ranges and one of the hotspots of biodiversity, and from north aequipinnatus was found in high velocity habitats. Danio rerio
and northeastern states of Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Meghalaya, was confined to shallow habitat areas (water depth range 10–
Assam and Arunachal Pradesh of India (Figs. 2 and 3). 35 cm) of the stream with low flow, ranging 9–9.7 cm/s. Other
Habitats of the wild populations were studied randomly as species recorded from this location included: Esomus danricus,
a part of the detailed inventory in rivers of India and on- Chela fasciatus, Devario aequipinnatus, Barilius gatensis, Rasbora
going icthyological surveys of various ecoregions of the daniconius, Salmophasia boopis, Puntius conchonius, P. carnati-
country. cus, P. bimaculatus, P. fasciatus, Garra mullya, Aplocheilus line-
atus, and Xenentodon cancila.

Thunga River at Sringeri, Karnataka. The river stretch in
Habitat inventory/observations in streams and rivers are this area where we found Danio rerio was in the Thunga River
based on channel gradient, stream depth, stream width, at Sringeri, Karnataka. The habitat in this area where Danio
riparian cover, and bank stability are the microhabitat fea- rerio was collected was mostly a stream run (Table 1 and
tures.21,22 Stream habitat features were estimated in a 100 m Fig. 4b). Species was also found in secondary channels where
thalweg length (the longitudinal path following the fastest the substrate type was mostly cobble and sand. The river
cross sectional water velocities) and included pools, riffles, meandered to the left bank (looking upstream) during the
cascades, alcoves, and backwaters.21,22 Riparian cover was sampling period (dry season of the year) with a flow range of
measured using a spherical densiometer, and riparian vegeta- 6.3–6.8 cm/s and the water depth range is 10–32 cm. The
tion was estimated with a clinometer and was determined by waterway is a relatively larger river (width 98 m) with stable
averaging three repeated measurements. Instream fish cover banks with good riparian vegetation. In some areas, undercut
was boulder edge, canopy (overstory, midstory, understory), banks and overhanging vegetation were noted. Other species
root, and undercut banks.23 Water velocity was measured us- recorded from this area were: Esomus danricus, Chela fasciatus,

FIG. 2. Danio rerio in the wild. (a) Tirunelli–Wynaad–Kerala; (b) Thunga River at Sringeri; (c) Achakanni Falls–Hosanagara–
Karnataka; (d) Kattinahole–Thalaneri village–Karnataka; (e) Jhijur stream–Kodabahal village–Orissa; (f) Kularjor stream–
Naikanpali village–Orissa; (g) Marudi River–Kalapadia–Orissa; (h) Budapalang River–Simla village–Orissa; (i) Mathumathi
River–Sonauli–Utter Pradesh; (j) Mehdoompur fish farm–Meerut–Utter Pradesh.

Devario aequipinnatus, Barilius gatensis, Rasbora daniconius, Water in this stream was clear and suitable for snorkeling.
Salmophasia boopis, Puntius conchonius, P. carnaticus, P. bima- While walking along the edges of a pool, Danio rerio was com-
culatus, P. fasciatus, Hypselobarbus jerdoni, Osteochilichthys monly found along the sandy areas of alcoves and backwater
nashi, Tor khudree, Psilorhynchus tenura, Garra mullya, Aplo- habitats. Other species collected in the study area included
cheilus lineatus, and Xenentodon cancila. Devario aequipinnatus, Rasbora daniconius, Puntius conchonius,
P. sarana, Acanthocobitis botia, and Xenentodon cancila.
Achakanni stream and falls, Hosanagara, Karnataka. In
this area Danio rerio was located below a small waterfall of the Kattinahole stream, Thalaneri village, Karnataka. This
Achakanni falls which is located in a 2 km diversion from waterway is a third-order stream with thick canopy cover
Hosanagara village along the Thirthahalli main road. This (Table 1 and Fig. 4d, e). Banks were stable and the substrates
water way is a tributary of Sharawati River in the mountain were cobbles and sand. Danio rerio was confined to a secondary
ranges of the Western Ghats, South India (Table 1 and Fig. 4c). channel formed by a sand dune and the exact microhabitat was
The stream was clear and had dense forest canopy. The sub- below the overhanging vegetation of the secondary channel.
strate type was bedrock and boulders, and a small proportion of Instream vegetation providing canopy was common in the
sand. Danio rerio habitats were backwater areas created by secondary channel. Leaf litter was 40%–50% in the main chan-
bedrock and the alcoves created by large boulders. The species nel, and 20%–30% along the side channel in a 100 m reach. Danio
occurred in a large pool largely surrounded by bedrock with a rerio was collected from the above habitats with a flow range of
flow range of 5.2–5.8 cm/s and water depth range of 0.1–1.1 m. 5.5–6.2 cm/s and the water depth range of 30–45 cm. Farming

FIG. 3. Danio rerio in the wild. (k) Mawlymkhang–Umsingh Highway–Meghalaya; (l) 2 km away from Umsingh Highway–
Meghalaya; (m) 5 km away from Umsingh Highway–Meghalaya; (n) Sansori stream–Subanshri River–Assam; (o) Dhalpur
stream–Bipuria town—Assam; (p) Beel near Brahmaputra–Jamuguri village–Assam; (q) Ghagor stream–Ghagor-Assam; (r)
Dikrong River at Khola camp–Arunachal Pradesh; (s) Rani village–Siang-Arunachal Pradesh; (t) Thore—Siang–Arunachal
Pradesh; (u) Hapoli village–Sora River–Arunachal Pradesh.

activities were common beyond the riparian zone. Other species D. devario, Salmophasia bacaila, Osteobrama cotio peninsularis,
in the study area included Devario aequipinnatus, Rasbora dani- Puntius ticto, P. conchonius, Cirrihinus reba, Tor mosal mahana-
conius, Puntius conchonius, P. sarana, Salmophasia boopis, Hypse- dicus, Parambasis ranga, Acanthocobitis botia, Lepidocephalichthys
lobarbus kolus, Acanthocobitis botia, Xenentodon cancila, Aplocheilus guntea, Mystus cavasius, Macrognathus aral, Mastacembelus ar-
lineatus, Anabas testudineus, and Chanda nama. matus, Ompok bimaculatus, Glossogobius giuris, Gudusia chapra,
Nandus nandus, Channa stewartii, and Xenentodon cancila.
Jhijur stream, Kodabahal village, Orissa. Danio rerio was
found in the main channel of this fourth-order waterway Kularjor stream, Naikanpali village, Orissa. Kularjor is a
(Table 1 and Fig. 4f, g). Substrate types were mostly sandy; lowland, third-order stream with cobbles and sand as the
water flow was low. The population occurred below over- dominant types of substrates (Table 1 and Fig. 4h). Major
hanging vegetation. Both banks were stable with midstory cover for the fish was midstory canopy and Eichhornia cras-
and overstory vegetation. An additional population was sipes was the major weed along banks. Bathing, and washing
found along the secondary channel of the main stream with a of clothes and utensils, and washing of buffaloes and cows
flow range of 6.1–6.8 cm/s and water depth of 15–35 cm; the from the nearby village were the common activities in the
substratum was sandy. The floodplain in this area is vast and stream. Danio rerio was found in the areas with low gradient
the river meanders along the left bank (looking upstream). and with riffle habitats characterized by a cobble substrate
Other species in the study area included Devario aequipinnatus, with a flow range of 6.2–6.5 cm/s. Danio rerio population also

Table 1. Food and Habitat Features of Danio rerio in Streams/Rivers, India

GPS Elevation Temp. Nature Substrate Gut contents Date

No Name coordinates (m) C pH of water types (In percenta) and time

1 Thirunelli– N 1154¢399† 328 26.3 6.7 Clear water, Pebbles, A = 10; 06.27.2009,
Wynaad– E7559¢ 396† bottom gravels D = 15 2 PM
Kerala visible and sand HPM = 15;
AM = 60
2 Thunga River N 13 55¢213† 680 25.9 7.1 Clear water, Pebbles, A = 20; 03.26.2012,
at Sringeri– E 7526¢426† bottom gravels D = 18 3 PM
Karnataka visible and sand HPM = 22;
AM = 40
3 Achakanni falls– N 13 48¢488† 615 16.5 7.9 Clear water, Bedrock, A = 22; 05.01.2011,
Hosanagara– E 7510¢348† bottom boulders, D = 20 2.40 PM
Karnataka visible pebbles, HPM = 25;
sand AM = 33
4 Kattinahole– N 13 39¢557† 599 17.2 7.1 Dirty water, Boulders, A = 30; 05.01.2011,
Thalaneri E 7512¢514† bottom pebble, D = 15 11.20 PM
village– visible gravel, HPM = 15;
Karnataka sand AM = 40
5 Jhijur stream– N 22 16¢538† 418 27.2 6.6 Clear water, Gravel, A = 15; 05.30.2011,
Kadobahal E 8333¢467† bottom pebbles D = 15 11.20 AM
village–Orissa visible and sand HPM = 30;
AM = 40
6 Kularjor stream– N 21 55¢204† 432 26.9 6.4 Clear water, Pebble A = 20; 05.30.2011,
Naikanpali E 8354¢695† bottom and sand D = 15 1.40 PM
village–Orissa visible HPM = 15;
AM = 50
7 Marudi River– N 22 05¢124† 245 26.5 7.2 Turbid water, Silt A = 20; 08.19.2010,
Kalapadia– E 8638¢268† bottom not D = 10 12.10 PM
Orissa visible HPM = 30;
AM = 40
8 Budapalang N 22 07¢534† 238 25.4 9.8 Turbid water, Sand A = 26; 08.19.2010,
River–Simla E 8638¢268† bottom not D = 14 5.15 PM
village–Orissa visible HPM = 22;
AM = 38
9 Mathumathi N 2746¢324† 268 28.4 6.4 Bottom visible, Silt A = 15; 05.06.2010,
River–Sonauli– E 8312¢310† clear water D = 10 11.45 AM
Uttar Pradesh HPM = 22;
AM = 53
10 Mehdoompur N 29 05¢184† 656 24.3 7.5 Bottom visible, Silt A = 26; 05.25.2010,
fish farm, E 7801¢511† clear water D = 14 12.30 PM
Marana HPM = 22;
Meerut– AM = 38
Uttar Pradesh
11 Mawlymkhang– N 25 38¢634† 647 19.5 6.3 Clear water, Sand A = 14; 12.30.2010
Umsingh E 9153¢186† bottom and silt D = 16 12.20 PM
highway– visible HPM = 32;
Meghalaya AM = 38
12 2 Km away from N 25 41¢935† 675 19.4 6.9 Clear water, Sand A = 18; 12.30.2010,
Umsingh E 9154¢144† bottom and silt D = 24 10 AM
highway– visible HPM = 16;
Meghalaya AM = 42
13 5 Km away from N 25 43¢880† 710 19.6 7.3 Clear water, Sand A = 25; 12.30.2010,
Umsingh E 9153¢423† bottom and silt D = 15 10 PM
highway– visible HPM = 22;
Meghalaya AM = 38
14 Sansori stream– N 26 51¢204† 236 22.4 7 Clear water, Sand A = 15; 11.13.2010,
Subanshri E 9348¢843† bottom and silt D = 20 10 AM
River– visible HPM = 30;
Subanshri AM = 35
15 Dhalpur stream– N 27 24¢357† 214 21.3 7.2 Clear water, Sand, A = 18; 11.14.2010,
Bipuria town– E 9411¢425† bottom pebbles D = 24 1 PM
Subanshri visible and HPM = 18;
(Dk)–Assam gravels AM = 40


Table 1. (Continued)
GPS Elevation Temp. Nature Substrate Gut contents Date
No Name coordinates (m) C pH of water types (In percenta) and time

16 Beel near N 27 00¢273† 274 22.1 7.3 Muddy water Silt A = 25; 11.12.2010,
Brahmaputra E 9400¢538† algae D = 10 4 PM
River, Jamuguri formed, HPM = 30;
village– bottom not AM = 35
Dhalpur– visible
17 Ghagor stream– N 27 27¢311† 342 20.4 7.1 Clear water, Sand A = 18; 11.14.2010,
Ghagor– E 9432¢454† bottom and silt D = 16 11.35 AM
Subanshri visible HPM = 28;
(Dk)–Assam AM = 38
18 Dikrong River N 27 97¢222† 218 18.5 6.3 Clear water, Bedrock, A = 15; 11.10.2010,
at Khola camp– E 9345¢311† bottom boulders, D = 15 5.30 PM
Arunachal visible pebbles HPM = 25;
Pradesh and sand AM = 45
19 Rani village– N 27 56¢439† 396 21 7.3 Clear water, Sand A = 26; 11.14.2010,
Siang (Dk) E 9519.5¢546† bottom D = 14 2.10 PM
Arunachal visible HPM = 22;
Pradesh AM = 38
20 Thore–Siang (Dk) N 27 58.2¢218† 341 20.3 6.5 Clear water, Silt, sand A = 18; 11.14.2010,
Arunachal E 9524¢722† bottom and D = 14 5 PM
Pradesh visible pebbles HPM = 30;
AM = 38
21 Sora River– N 27 33¢914† 1576 12.3 6.2 Clear water, Silt and A = 24; 06.19.2011,
Hapoli village– E9350¢971† bottom sand D = 16 8 AM
Siro–Arunachal visible HPM = 25;
Pradesh AM = 35
A = Algae; D = detritus; HPM = Higher plant materials; AM = Animal matter.

occurred below a midstory vegetation with little undercut to Budapalang River, Simla village, Orissa. The Budapa-
the bank. However, riparian vegetation was disturbed due to lang River is a lowland, second-order stream surrounded by
recent rain and the depth was in the range of 0.1–0.8 m. paddy fields beyond the riparian zone. Stream banks were
Otherwise banks are relatively stable with replacement of big stable; as a typical lowland stream it had dense understory,
boulders along the bathing ghat. Other species in the study midstory and overstory tree canopy (Table 1 and Fig. 5j).
area included Devario aequipinnatus, D. devario, Puntius ticto, P. Danio rerio was found in the low gradient riffle area followed
conchonius, Salmophasia bacaila, Osteobrama cotio peninsularis, by a pool. Substrates are mostly silt and fine silt and 10% of the
Parambasis ranga, Cirrihinus reba, Acanthocobitis botia, Lepido- thalweg length included small boulders. Danio rerio was
cephalichthys guntea, Mystus cavasius, Channa stewartii, Glosso- confined to riffle areas where the flow was 9.8–10.2 cm/s. In
gobius giuris, and Xenentodon cancila. pool areas, water was turbid. Other species collected in the
study area included Devario devario, Devario aequipinnatus,
Marudi River, Kalapadia, Orissa. The Marudi River is a Puntius conchonius, and Channa stewartii.
second-order lowland stream with a gradient less than 1% (Table
1 and Fig. 5i). The stream is highly degraded with little midstory Mathumathi River, Sonauli, Uttar Pradesh. The Mathu-
vegetation and the banks were highly unstable, a condition re- mathi River is a lowland third-order stream with unstable
sulting from its secondary confinement. Two habitats were banks (Table 1 and Fig. 5k, l). The left bank (looking upstream)
identified in a 100 m length where Danio rerio occurred, a shallow is more or less stable with sparse overstory vegetation. Be-
pool and in the inflow and outflow areas of the shallow pool. yond the riparian zone, there are plantations. In a 100 m
Substrate type was mostly silt and clay. Leaf litter input through thalweg length, the predominant habitat type was a run with
leaves falling into the habitats originating from understory low flow and alcoves (side pools). The active floodplain was
grasses and other riparian vegetation, contributed to 10%–20% sparsely vegetated and most of the sands had been removed.
leaf litter to the system. There was little flow in the pool other A secondary channel was formed by a sand dune on the left
than the areas of inflow and outflow, with a range of 7.2–7.8 cm/ bank (looking upstream). Danio rerio was identified to occur in
s. Water depth was from 0.1–0.5 m in the pool area. In the out- three habitats in this stream. One was a side pool on the right
flow and inflow areas, water depth ranged from 0.1–0.3 m. As it bank and the second was a secondary channel (5 m length)
is a low gradient stream, a small degree of meandering occurred with little flow to the main channel. The third was a shallow
that resulted in secondary channel confinement. Other species in pool formed by the sand dune. Substrate type was uniformly
the study area included Puntius conchonius, Acanthocobitis botia, sand and silt, typical of a slow run habitat. Water flow ranged
Glossogobius giuris, and Xenentodon cancila. from 7.0–7.5 cm/s. The pool with 8 m length, 8 m width, and

FIG. 4. Study sites of streams/rivers where Danio rerio was collected. (a) Tirunelli–Wynaad–Kerala; (b) Thunga River at
Sringeri; (c) Achakanni falls–Hosanagara–Karnataka; (d) Kattinahole–Thalaneri village–Karnataka; (e) Kattinahole–Thala-
neria village–Karnataka; (f) Jhijur stream–Kodabahal village–Orissa; (g) Jhijur stream–Kodabahal village–Orissa; (h) Kularjor
stream–Naikanpali village–Orissa.

0.3 m depth was identified in the secondary channel. Other Mawlymkhang, Umsingh Highway, Meghalaya. This is a
species occurring in all the habitats in the study area included lowland first-order stream surrounded by midstory and un-
Puntius sophore, Puntius conchonius, Barilius bendelisis, Devario derstory vegetation (Table 1 and Fig. 5n). Banks were relatively
devario, Aspidoparia jaya, Salmophasia bacaila, Acanthocobitis stable and the water velocity was uniform, exhibiting a water
botia, Botia almorae, Lepidocephalichthys guntea, Schistura sp., sheath representing a typical run habitat. Here, the mean
Colisa fasciatus, and Xenentodon cancila. stream width ranged from 0.6–1.2 m. Substrate types were fine
sand and clay. Danio rerio occurred along the shadowed area of
Mehdoompur fish farm, Marana, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. the stream with little undercut bank habitat. The study site is
Preference of this population of Danio rerio in this area was the located in between the plains below the hills where paddy
flowing water habitat (Table 1 and Fig. 5m). We collected fields were used for cultivation. Water velocity was 4–4.5 cm/s.
Danio rerio from a private fish farm receiving water from the Other species occurring in all the habitats in the study area
adjacent irrigation canal system of Yamuna River. The oc- included Devario aequipinnatus, Lepidocephalichthys guntea,
currence of Danio rerio was noted only from inflow and out- Macrognathus aral, Channa stewartii, and Xenentodon cancila.
flow regions of the fish pond that is used to culture carps such
as Gibelion catla and Labeo rohita. Inflow and outflow regions Two km from Umsingh Highway, Meghalaya. This
were characterized by sand and silt substrates and the flow waterway is a lowland stream with little or no tree canopy on
ranged from of 11–11.8 cm/s. Danio rerio was absent in the the left bank (looking upstream). (Table 1 and Fig. 5o) Right
nearby canal system where we found only two species, Pun- bank (looking upstream) was characterized by understory
tius conchonius and Colisa fasciatus. vegetation. Beyond the riparian zone, agriculture activities

FIG. 5. Study sites of streams/rivers where Danio rerio was collected. (i) Marudi River–Kalapadia–Orissa; (j) Budapalang
River–Simla village–Orissa; (k) Mathumathi River–Sonauli–Uttar Pradesh; (l) Mathumathi River–Sonauli–Uttar Pradesh; (m)
Mehdoompur fish farm–Uttar Pradesh; (n) Mawlymkhang–Umsingh Highway–Meghalaya; (o) 2 km away from Umsingh
Highway–Meghalaya; (p) 5 km away from Umsingh Highway–Meghalaya.

were common and the major crop was rice/paddy. Bank ero- study area included Devario aequipinnatus, Lepidocephalichthys
sion was mainly due to the loss of vegetation on both stream guntea, and Channa stewartii.
banks. On the right side the channel was modified to a sec-
ondary confinement. Stream width was only 3.6 m and sub- Sansori stream, Subanshri River, Assam. This waterway
strate type was mostly fine sand and gravel. Almost all of the is a larger river system, and a major tributary of Brahmaputra
habitats in this stream reach can be designated as slow to fast River basin. Width of the river was more than 2 km (Table 1
runs (flow range 3.5–4.8 cm/s). Danio rerio was found below and Fig. 6q). Danio rerio was located in an oxbow pond with
the undercut banks on the left side with vegetation cover. Other little water exchange with a secondary channel. The second-
species occurring in all the habitats in the study area included ary channel was formed due to sand dunes by the meandering
Devario aequipinnatus, Lepidocephalichthys guntea, Channa stew- processes. Substrates were almost exclusively sand and silt
artii, Macrognathus aral, and Xenentodon cancila. and flow ranged from 5.1–5.5 cm/s. The oxbow pond was
small and 3 m in length and 2.81 m wide, with a single outlet
Five km from Umsingh Highway, Meghalaya. This water- with a width of 40 cm. In the main channel we collected Ras-
way is a typical first-order stream with unstable banks (Table bora rasbora, Barilius bendelisis, Devario devario, Puntius chola, P.
1 and Fig. 5p). Water flow was in the range of 3.8–4.6 cm/s conchonius, Raimas bola, Labeo boga, L. pangusia, Garra nasuta,
and the depth range was 10–15 cm. Substrate was bedrock, Botia dario, Gagata cenia, Mastacembelus armatus, and Chanda
boulders, and fine sand with disturbed riparian vegetation. nama.
From the road, the stream is not visible because of the vege-
tation all along the small pool with the major substrate being Dhalpur stream, Bipuria town, Assam. The Dhalpur
bedrock. Other species occurring in all the habitats in the stream is a clear-water third-order stream with stable banks

FIG. 6. Study sites of streams/rivers where Danio rerio was collected. (q) Sansori stream–Subanashri River–Assam; (r)
Dhalpur stream–Bipuria town–Assam; (s) Beel near Brahmaputra–Jamuguri village–Assam; (t) Ghagor stream–Ghagor–
Assam; (u) Dikrong River at Khola camp–Arunachal Pradesh; (v) Rani village–Siang–Arunachal Pradesh; (w) Thore–Siang–
Arunachal Pradesh; (x) Hapoli village–Sora River–Arunachal Pradesh.

and mostly midstory canopy cover (Table 1 and Fig. 6r). used for culture of native fishes drifted during flooding. Danio
Substrate types were small boulders and cobbles, along with rerio was confined to the inflow areas where the pond receives
gravel and sand. Danio rerio was found in a shallow pool with water, and juveniles were confined to areas with grasses.
little flow (10–13 cm/s). Habitats are mostly run and glide and Other species occurring in all the habitats in the study area
the mean depth of the 100 m reach was 0.7 m; the width ran- included Chela khujairokensis, Devario devario, Puntius chola, P.
ged from 1.8 m to 5.2 m. Washing of clothes and bathing by stoliczkanus, Chagunius chagunio, Lepidocephalichthys annan-
the local people is common. Other species occurring in all the dalei, Nandus nandus, Xenentodon cancila, and Tetraodon cut-
habitats in the study area included Devario devario, Barilius cutia.
bendelisis, Puntius chola, P. stoliczkanus, Salmophasia bacaila,
Cirrhinus reba, Psilorhynchus balitora, Garra nasuta, Acanthoco- Ghagor stream, Ghagor, Assam. The Ghagor stream is a
bitis botia, Lepidocephalichthys irrorata, L. guntea, Mystus vitta- low gradient, alluvial river with a high meandering process
tus, Mastacembelus alboguttatus, Ompak bimaculatus, Xenentodon (Table 1 and Fig. 6t). Water was clear and the habitat was
cancila, and Channa punctatus. mostly run with smooth substrate type of sand and silt.
Floodplains were vast with little vegetation cover. Danio rerio
Beel near Brahmaputra, Jamuguri village, Dhalpur, As- population was found in shallow secondary channels formed
sam. At this location, Danio rerio was found in a beel (wet- with the sand dune in the middle of the river channel, along
land) in a kitchen pond used for aquaculture (Table 1 and Fig. the secondary channel where there was overhanging vegeta-
6s). Throughout the lowland of the Brahmaputra River basin tion and undercut bank. The undercutting of the bank was
in Assam, isolated ponds were connected by the floodwaters common due to erosion and the banks are almost unstable.
during the wet seasons and receiving water become stagnant Algal mats were noted in areas exposed to sunlight. Another
along the floodplain for 5–6 months. These oxbow ponds are population was found in a shallow pool created by the

undercut bank where the water velocity was from 7.0 to fered these habitats and few were located near the confluence
7.9 cm/s. Water depth in this area ranged from 0.1 to 0.6 m zone. Substrate included cobble and sand. It is a shallow (depth
along the 100 m reach. Other species occurring in all the 1–15 cm) and narrow (30–70 m width) stream with relatively
habitats in the study area included Rasbora rasbora, Devario stable banks and good vegetation cover. Other species occur-
devario, D. aequipinnatus, Barilius bendelisis, B. vagra, Puntius ring in all the habitats in the study area included Rasbora rasbora,
sophore, P. conchonius Psilorhynchus balitora, Glyptothorax sp., Devario devario, Barilius bendelisis, B. vagra, Puntius conchonius,
Lepidocephalichthys guntea, and Acanthocobitis botia. Psilorhynchus balitora, Garra lissorhynchus, Acanthocobitis botia,
Lepidocephalichthys guntea, and Xenentodon cancila.
Dikrong River at Khola camp, Arunachal Pradesh. The
Dikrong River is a tributary of Brahmaputra River drainage in Sora River, Hapoli village, Arunachal Pradesh. At this
Arunachal Pradesh. Collection of cobbles and small boulders location Danio rerio was found in a small ditch with grasses
is a major activity in this stream and is a big threat to the entire and semi-aquatic vegetation (Table 1 and Fig. 6x). This was
stretch of this river (Table 1 and Fig. 6u). Banks were stable the only habitat where Danio rerio was observed; other habi-
and had good riparian vegetation. Water was clear. Danio rerio tats studied were without direct contact with the adjacent
population was found in a side channel created inside a stream, though subterranean seepage was also possible. Danio
stream for vehicle movement carrying loads of boulders. rerio was absent from the main stream, though other species
Immediately after the bank, or in some places along the such as Devario aequipinnatus, Esomus danricus, Puntius con-
floodplain, there were crusher units for breaking of river chonius, and Garra lissorhynchus were recorded. Terrace cul-
stones. Boulders were removed also from the secondary tivation of rice fields was located around the main stream.
channel and hence the dominant substrates were sand and Among all the populations throughout its range of distribu-
silt. There was little flow in the areas where the secondary tion from Peninsular India to north and northeast, this pop-
channel was connected to the main stream and the water ulation showed with deeper body (Table 2A and B). Other
velocity here ranged of 11.8 to 12.9 cm/s. Depth of the habitat species occurring in all the habitats in the study area included
was 0.2–0.6 m. In the main channel we collected Rasbora ras- Esomus danricus, Puntius ticto, and P. conchonius.
bora, Barilius bendelisis, B. vagra, Cirrhinus mrigala, Puntius
chola, Poropuntius marginatus, Neolissochilus hexastichus, Labeo
gonius, Cyprinus carpio, Garra annandelei, G. lissorhynchus,
Psilorhynchus balitora, Acanthocobitis botia, Botia rostrata, Lepi- Alcoves and backwaters are habitats of Danio rerio in streams
docephalichthys guntea, Schistura arunachalensis, and Mystus of the Western Ghat mountain ranges (four populations). In
vittatus. Wynaad, while occurring in the lowland streams, the species
preferred secondary channels with little flow. In a relatively
Rani village, Siang, Arunachal Pradesh. This waterway larger river in Western Ghats (Thunga River), it was found in
is a third-order stream with thick vegetation along the right two separate types of habitats: in shallow flowing secondary
bank (looking upstream) and the left bank is mostly midstory channels, where it co-occurred with juveniles of Hypselobarbus
cover (Table 1 and Fig. 6v). Banks are more or less stable and jerdoni and Barilius gatensis, or isolated pools in the secondary
Danio rerio was found along the right bank area where the channels where it co-occurred with Aplocheilus lineatus. Danio
substrate was sand. Flow rate was in the range of 13.0– rerio was completely absent from the main channel; species in
13.9 cm/s. Most of the populations were confined to areas the main channel included Devario aequipinnatus, Barilius
below overhanging vegetation and were absent in the mid- gatensis, and Osteochilichthys nashi. Larval habitats of Danio rerio
channel area in deeper pools. Danio rerio also occurred in a were identified in streams/rivers of peninsular India as back-
backwater pool with roots forming habitats, as well as in un- water areas or alcoves over a sandy substrate in areas with
dercut banks. Washing of clothes and bathing by the local vil- limited flow but in contact with the main habitats (run or riffle).
lage people were common in this region. In the upstream In Orissa, Danio rerio occurred only in highly disturbed habitats
habitat areas there were slow riffles with pebbles and sand from resulting from the removal of riparian vegetation and over-
where we collected a good number of Psilorhynchus sp. In these hanging canopy, important factors altering freshwater ecosys-
habitats Psilorhynchus were easily picked up by hand before tems and fish faunas as this practice can lead to the complete
using fishing nets. Other species occurring in all the habitats in drying of streams in some lowland areas.
the study area included Amblypharyngodon mola, Devario devario, As noted previously,5 in our study we also observed hab-
Barilius vagra, B. bendelisis, Raimas bola, Puntius conchonius, P. itat degradation and loss in Meghalaya due to rapid de-
chola, Acanthocobitis botia, Mystus vittatus, Gagata cenia, Pseu- struction and conversion of paddy fields for human
dochensis sulcatus, Eutropichthys vacha, and Xenentodon cancila. settlements and for small industrial establishments. This dis-
turbance included the removal of the riparian zone and any
Thore, Siang, Arunachal Pradesh. This waterway is a overhanging vegetation for streams along the highway be-
third-order stream with a mostly cobble substrate. Stream tween Shillong and Guwahati. In these areas, Danio rerio
width ranged from 5–8 m. Water was clear with 100% visi- populations were absent and the only species noted in these
bility (Table 1 and Fig. 6w) and water flow ranged from stagnant waters was Aplochelius panchax. This provides clear
5.3–5.8 cm/s. Snorkeling was done in this stream, and evidence that in lowland streams of this area Danio rerio pre-
Psilorhynchus was the abundant fish species found by under- fers habitats with overhanging vegetation, flowing water
water observation. Danio rerio habitats were identified near the (even if minimal), or both habitat conditions.
confluence of this stream with a first-order stream (with fish The patterns of occurrence of Danio rerio in the state of
cover). Specific habitats of Danio rerio were below overhanging Arunachal Pradesh, India, is notably different in that the
vegetation with 80%–90% cover. Most of the populations pre- species exhibits a wide range of habitat tolerances. The species
Table 2A. Morphometric Measurements of Danio rerio (Characters 2–5 Expressed as % SL and Characters 6–10 Expressed as % HL; N = Number of Specimens)

Thirunelli– Thunga Achakanni Kattina Jhijur Kularjor Budapalang Mathumathi Mehdoompur– Mawlym
Wynaad– River– falls– hole– stream– stream– Marudi River– River–Uttar Uttar khang–
Kerala Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Orissa Orissa River–Orissa Orissa Pradesh Pradesh Meghalaya

Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range
(n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10)

1 Total length 22.1–24.1 21.3–24.5 27.1–29.8 20.0–22.7 22.6–28.2 25.4–27.9 30.1–34.2 20.0–21.5 17.8–22.6 24.6–26.0 17.8–22.6
2 Standard length 20.6–22.6 18.4–22.3 23.3–25.5 14.8–17.2 16.9–21.5 18.9–21.9 26.7–29.0 15.3–16.3 13.6–17.9 18.7–20.4 13.6–17.9
% of SL
3 Body depth 22.6–25.2 21.8–24.3 23.8–26.1 23.0–28.0 22.5–24.6 22.1–24.8 22.4–26.0 22.6–25.0 24.9–27.3 23.0–25.2 24.9–27.3
4 Caudal peduncle 9.6–11.9 9.8–10.3 11.0–12.1 10.7–12.6 9.8–10.9 10.2–11.1 9.8–10.9 9.3–10.7 10.6–11.9 9.7–11.7 10.6–11.9

5 Head length 25.8–27.6 24.3–26.4 24.8–27.2 25.7–28.3 25.9–29.0 25.2–28.1 26.2–27.5 24.1–26.9 25.2–29.0 26.1–26.7 25.2–29.0
% of HL
6 Orbit width 25.3–27.2 23.1–26.4 26.6–29.8 34.4–36.3 26.4–29.2 26.7–32.2 28.4–33.2 30.9–38.8 34.7–38.9 33.1–37.7 34.7–38.9
7 Max. head width 39.9–41.2 36.5–39.8 44.6–50.2 50.9–53.3 40.9–48.6 46.1–52.6 43.6–48.0 47.2–56.3 45.1–54.1 50.8–54.3 45.1–54.1
8 Max. head depth 50.6–51.7 49.6–50.4 62.8–71.3 66.5–70.1 51.7–59.6 54.4–62.8 55.3–58.8 61.8–70.4 60.3–69.6 62.1–64.9 60.3–69.6
9 Maxillary barbel 40.9–43.9 40.1–42.2 62.5–72.3 30.5–40.8 42.9–51.9 42.6–65.2 44.9–62.9 33.4–46.2 31.1–39.5 50.1–60.0 31.1–39.5
10 Rostral barbel 20.1–22.6 20.3–22.1 24.0–32.5 9.8–12.5 19.6–26.9 10.6–20.0 17.9–23.1 18.2–23.7 9.6–12.4 12.1–16.1 10.2–12.8
11 No. of I stripe 4 4 4–5 4 4–5 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 No. of P stripe 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4–5 5 4–5
13 No. of A stripe 3 3 3 2–3 3 3 3 2 2–3 2–3 2–3
Table 2B. Morphometric Measurements of Danio rerio (Characters 2–5 Expressed as % SL and Characters 6–10 Expressed as % HL; N = Number of Specimens)

2 Km away 5 Km away Sora River–

from from Dikrong Rani Thore– Hapoli
Umsingh Umsingh Sansori Dhalpur Beel near Ghagor River village– Siang (Dk) village–
highway– highway– stream– stream– Brahmaputra stream– Arunachal Arunachal Arunachal Arunachal
Meghalaya Meghalaya Assam Assam River, Assam Assam Pradesh Pradesh Pradesh Pradesh

Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range
(n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10) (n = 10)

1 Total length 22.3–26.1 22.9–26.3 26.1–36.2 20.3–24.7 28.9–32.1 27.4–29.5 25.5–28.5 25.0–27.4 27.2–29.7 32.5–36.8
2 Standard length 17.1–19.8 17.2–20.4 19.8–28.0 15.7–18.7 22.5–25.6 22.8–25.0 18.6–22.7 18.4–21.1 21.8–28.2 26.8–31.4
% SL
3 Body depth 24.1–25.7 22.0–27.2 23.6–25.9 23.8–26.1 23.3–24.4 23.8–26.1 22.9–26.7 22.4–26.3 22.5–28.6 21.8–25.7

4 Caudal peduncle 9.9–11.3 9.5–11.4 10.5–12.1 10.8–11.3 10.3–11.2 11.0–12.1 9.5–11.9 10.1–11.7 11.0–12.2 9.8–11.3
5 Head length 26.8–29.0 24.7–27.8 25.8–27.0 25.7–27.0 22.5–25.6 24.3–25.8 25.0–29.1 27.2–28.5 26.3–28.5 23.5–27.6
% HL
6 Orbit width 28.0–34.0 27.1–35.3 27.3–35.8 34.5–38.3 27.9–32.5 24.9–29.8 28.0–32.5 26.0–31.8 23.6–31.1 26.8–28.7
7 Max. head width 47.0–50.7 47.1–52.5 48.8–53.9 47.5–53.4 47.5–49.9 47.7–54.2 37.1–47.1 45.6–50.3 44.8–50.8 46.7–53.4
8 Max. head depth 56.5–64.7 60.1–67.3 64.4–70.7 61.3–67.9 57.3–62.6 60.6–68.4 54.0–58.5 55.8–59.9 68.4–76.8 58.2–62.4
9 Maxillary barbel 42.0–50.2 48.2–58.4 45.4–58.4 30.9–55.5 64.9–75.1 62.0–88.0 61.9–70.1 44.9–49.3 44.0–52.9 45.9–48.7
10 Rostral barbel 10.8–24.3 18.8–27.7 14.5–21.4 7.7–16.8 27.0–31.4 32.6–41.8 25.0–28.1 21.9–24.1 11.6–13.8 22.6–31.8
11 No. of I stripe 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 No. of P stripe 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
13 No. of A stripe 3 2–3 2–3 2–3 3 3 3 3 3–4 3

was observed as occurring in several streams and habitats ment29–33 and the tropical fish assemblages are more structured
ranged from stagnant pools (beel in local language) to sec- and are well segregated in their food usage.25 With the great
ondary channels with low flow and shallow areas. In lowland diversity of fishes in the streams of India, the diversity is likely
streams and in large alluvial rivers, such as the Dikrong River, correlated with or associated with habitat segregation and
the primary habitats of Danio rerio included shallow and within this it is based on feeding microhabitats related to their
flowing secondary channels and, in some places, even tertiary behaviors and anatomical adaptations (mouth morphologies).
channels with shallow low flow areas. In this situation and with respect to notably important species
Danio rerio populations from beels and household fish Danio rerio, surface feeding species include those of Danio, De-
ponds in the Brahmaputra River drainage face a major threat vario, Barilius, Aspidoparia, Rasbora, Salmophasia, Esomus, and
by villagers that are attempting to eliminate the so-called Chela where in at the macrohabitat level there is consistent
weedy species such as Rasbora, Esomus, Puntius, and Para- overlap for habitats. We hypothesize though that, within this
mbassis and replace these species with introduced culture macrohabitat, these species also maintain consistent micro-
carps (Gibelion catla, Labeo rohita, Cyprinus carpio). However, habitats that are necessary for their continued existence and
in these habitat types Danio rerio populations are confined to coexistence. Segregation of Danio rerio is observed in micro-
the inlet and outlet areas of culture ponds where there is an habitat usage in all the habitats studied and also found no
exchange of water. Earlier reports from Bangladesh4 and from aggressive behavior of all populations with co-existing species
Indian states5 stated that Danio rerio, when occurring in low- when there is a overlap in using the habitats while moving
land streams/rivers or in irrigation canals, tends to confine from one microhabitat to other (personal observation).
itself to habitats connecting with paddy fields. This pattern is
consistent with our observations based on this survey; how- Disclosure Statement
ever, Danio rerio also occurs in paddy fields that are connected
to a lowland stream or irrigation canal where it confines itself No competing financial interests exist.
to the areas where water overflows into the channel/stream.
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