2013 H Nani
2013 H Nani
2013 H Nani
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Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh. — * Corresponding author;
Accepted 01.xi.2013.
Published online at www.senckenberg.de/vertebrate-zoology on 18.xii.2013.
The Meghna deltaic region in Noakhali, Bangladesh is endowed with favourable diverse freshwater ecosystems for varieties of fishes.
Here a new species, Heteropneustes nani sp. nov. is described after detailed morphological examination and careful comparisons with
other congeners. The new species H. nani differs from other congeners in having shortest standard length, greater head length than body
depth, terminal mouth with equal jaws, separated pectoral spine from rays and bears antrorse serrae along entire inner and outer edges,
and united anal and caudal fin.
Key words
Stinging catfish, Heteropneustes, new species, Heteropneustidae, Bangladesh.
Heteropneustes spp., the stinging catfishes of family He caudal fins, which is a distinct character of H. microps,
teropneustidae, are distributed in freshwater habitats of may arise in wild populations (~2%) of Heteropneustes
Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, due to an injury. This observation proved to be redun
Thailand and Vietnam (Berra, 2007). The species can be dant by Arunachalam et al. (1999), who described the
distinguished by their elongated and compressed bodies, occurrence and morphology of H. microps from Western
small mouth with fleshy lips, short dorsal fin, pectoral Ghats, India. However, H. fossilis (Synonyms: Silurus
fin with serrated spine and ribbon-like longer anal fin. fossilis Bloch, 1794; Silurus singio Hamilton-Buchanan,
Four nominal species of Heteropneustes are described 1822; Saccobranchus singio Cuvier & Valenciennes,
(Ferreris, 2007) namely Heteropneustes fossilis Bloch 1831; Saccobranchus fossilis Müller & Henle, 1837;
(1794) from Tamil Nadu of India, H. microps Günther Günther, 1864; Day, 1878) and H. microps (Synonyms:
(1864) from Dambuwa of Sri Lanka, H. kemratensis Saccobranchus microps Günther, 1864; Day, 1878) are
Fowler (1937) from the Chao Praya River of Thailand, the two widely recognized species, the former is better
and H. longipectoralis Devi & Raghunathan (1999) known (Berra, 2007; Nelson, 2006).
from Western Ghats of India. Pethiyagoda & Bahir The stinging catfishes are often inhabited in ponds,
(1998) suggested H. microps as synonymous to H. fos ditches, canals, flooded rice fields, swamps, marshes,
silis, because the occurrence of fused conjoined anal and waterlogged areas and rivers of Bangladesh. The air-
breathing apparatus enables the fish to survive in low ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel
water depth, even in turbid and oxygen deficit condi University, Philadelphia, USA
tions. The fishes are commercially important due to BMHN The Natural History Museum, London
high market price and nutritional value, i.e. low fat (formerly the British Museum Natural
content, and source of high amount of iron and calci History)
um. However, to date, only H. fossilis is reported from UMMZ University of Michigan Museum of Zoology,
Bangladesh (Bhuiyan, 1964; Shafi & Quddus, 1982; USA
Rahman, 1989; Siddiqui et al., 2007; Galib et al., 2009; ZMB Museum für Naturkunde, Germany;
Samad et al., 2010; Hossain 2011) with an observation ZSI/SRS Zoological Survey of India, Southern
of high level of genetic variability within and between Regional Station, Chennai.
the populations (Nasren et al., 2009). In this study, dur
ing a fish biodiversity survey in 2011 – 2012, we ob
served that one species of Heteropneustes occurred in
the freshwater ecosystems of Noakhali clearly different
from its congeners and herein describe it as a new spe Heteropneustes nani sp. nov.
cies, H. nani.
Figs. 1 – 5, Table 1 – 2
(head width); ED (eye diameter); SNL (snout length); lis: ZSI/SRS F(Fish) 4935 (holotype), 150 mm SL; Thirumurthi
Dam, Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India, by M.B.
BD (body depth); AFL (anal fin length); DFL (dorsal Raghunathan, 11 February 1996. F 5044 (3 paratype), 146 – 154
fin length); PFL (pectoral fin length); PSL (pectoral mm SL; Thirumurthi Dam, Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats, Tamil
spine length); CFL (caudal fin length); BL1 (first barbel Nadu, India, by M.B. Raghunathan, 11 February 1996.
length); BL2 (second barbel length); BL3 (third barbel
length) and BL4 (fourth barbel length). The examined Diagnosis. Major differences between H. nani and the
specimens are preserved at the Museum of the Institute other congeners, H. fossilis, H. microps, H. kemratensis
of Marine Sciences and Fisheries (MMSF), University and H. longipectoralis are shown in Tab. 1. Adult H. nani
of Chittagong, Bangladesh. differs in having the smallest size with 98.08 mm SL (Vs.
Fig. 1. Catfish specimen collection sites from the greater Noakhali region of Bangladesh.
223.96 mm SL in H. fossilis, 152.40 mm SL in H. mi brown above and ventral side lighter; H. fossilis bears
crops, 210.00 mm SL in H. kemratensis and 150.00 mm two longitudinal yellowish stripes on each side: one is
in H. longipectoralis), in having a head length greater above the lateral line and another is below the lateral
than the depth of body (vs. head length 91.66% of body line). In case of H. kemratensis, the colour is light gray
depth having slopes toward the mouth in H. fossilis, under the head and, the belly shows two narrow and
head length equals body depth in H. microps, and this pale gray longitudinal bands parallel to either side of
measurement is 88.70% in H. kemratensis and 74.73% in the body, i.e. one above and one below the lateral line,
H. longipectoralis), and a small terminal mouth bearing fading out behind. On the contrary, H. longipectoralis
nearly equal jaws and fleshy lips (vs. extended backward characterize uniformly dark brown body without yel
mouth in H. fossilis, terminal mouth with well developed lowish lateral bands. H. nani also differs from other
lips in H. microps, lower barely extended mouth with Heteropneustes species by having pectoral spines which
equal jaws in H. kemratensis, and small terminal and are completely separated from rays with 9 – 10 antrorse
transverse mouth in H. longipectoralis). serrae along inner edge and 13 – 15 in outer edge (Vs.
Moreover, H. nani differs in having body colour attached to rays by membrane with 3 – 4 antrorse serrae
blackish with two indistinct lateral bands on flank, but along inner edge at anterior tip in H. fossilis, separated
the ventral surface lighter (vs. yellow or dark purplish- from rays and serrated along inner edge in H. microps,
M.S. Hossain et al.: Heteropneustes nani spec. nov. from Bangladesh
4 cm
Fig. 2. Heteropneustes congeners (A) H. nani Holotype: MMSF 2013C1, (B) H. fossilis, MMSF 2013D1 (C) H. fossilis, ZMB 3074,
(D) H. microps, BMNH 1859.5.31.9-11, (E) H. kemratensis, ANSP 67880.
separated from rays with 10 – 11 antrorse serrae along (Fig. 2). Head is depressed, head length (16.64 – 19.74
outer edge and 12 – 13 along inner edge in H. kemraten % with a mean 18.01 % of SL) is less than body depth
sis and very faintly serrated anteriorly and internally in (14.42 – 21.79 % with a mean 17.59 % of SL) and snout
H. longipectoralis). Moreover H. nani can be easily dis length ranges between 23.12 – 27.83 % of HL with a
tinguished by other congeners by having a united anal- mean 25.13% of HL. Small terminal mouth, length of
caudal fin (vs. separated by a distinct notch in H. fossilis, jaws is almost equal to fleshy lips, teeth in villiform
anal fin confluent with caudal without notch in H. mi bands on jaws. Eye small, eye diameter ranges between
crops, separated in H. kemratensis and anal fin not con 8.47 – 11.12 % of HL with a mean 9.26 % of HL and
fluent with caudal fin in H. longipectoralis). Regression about one-third of snout length. Barbel 4 pairs, 1 pair
lines of bivariate analysis (ANCOVA) against SL shown from the corners of the mouth, 2 pairs from the chin and
in Fig. 3 indicate that new species H. nani significantly extend to about the end of the pectoral fins, the short
differs from its widely distributed congener H. fossilis er 1 pair at the hinder nostrils. The first, second, third
in terms of the pectoral spine length, pectoral fin length, and fourth barbels length ranges between 20.59 – 27.77,
head length, head width, snout length and body depth 27.20 – 42.24, 30.21 – 39.23 and 22.42 – 34.48 % of SL
(P = 0.013, P = 0.003, P = 0.023, P = 0.024, P = 0.021 and respectively with a mean 23.41 %, 31.10 %, 32.98 %
P = 0.025 respectively). and 26.13 % of SL respectively. Dorsal fin ranges be
tween 11.82 – 14.87 % of SL with a mean 12.89 % of
Description. The morphometric data for adult H. nani SL and inserted above the ventral fin. First ray is sim
is shown in Tab. 2. Body of H. nani is short and sub- ple and others are branched. Dorsal fin margin is con
cylindrical up to the pelvic fin base, compressed behind vex and its tip exceeds anal fin base. Pectoral fin ranges
Tab. 2. Summary of qualitative diagnostic characters of H. nani and the congener H. fossilis.
between 10.43 – 12.58 % of SL with a mean 11.53 % aquaculture scientist Professor Dr Nani Gopal Das, in
of SL with a strong curved spine pointed at the tip that recognition of his continuous contribution to our re
is separated from the interconnected rays with 9 – 10 search.
antrorse serrae along inner edge and 13 – 15 in outer
edge (Fig. 4). Pectoral spine is curved and length ranges Distribution. H. nani was collected from the freshwater
between 7.35 – 9.27 % of SL with a mean 8.55 % of SL. ecosystem of Noakhali (Fig. 5) and is widely distributed
Pectoral fin margin is oblique, outer rays longer than in in ponds, ditches, canals, flooded rice fields, swamps,
ner. Ribbon-like anal fin ranges between 58.83 – 69.90 marshes, waterlogged areas and rivers.
% of SL with a mean 65.09 % of SL and extends up to
the caudal fin. Caudal fin is rounded and ranges between
17.51 – 22.60 % of SL with a mean 19.19 % of SL. Anal Biology and ecology. The air-breathing apparatus ena
and caudal fins are united. Ventral fin ranges between bles the fish to survive in low water depth, even in turbid
5.86 – 8.95 % of SL with a mean 7.43 % of SL with 6 – 7 and oxygen deficit conditions. During the winter season
branched rays and reaches near to the origin of the anal they can live in semi-liquid mud and even when the mud
fin. Ventral fin margin is convex. Vent is present in be dries up they take their bodies to the bottom of fissures
tween ventral and anal fin base. The faint lateral line and crevices formed by the cracking mud. During the
passes straight along the middle of the side. study period, the physicochemical parameters were re
corded as: water temperature 18 – 28 °C, pH 6.5 – 7.5,
Measurements (mm). Holotype (male), MMSF 2013A1: dissolved oxygen 4.5 – 5.0 mg/l, and water transparency
TL 122.50; SL 103.25; HL 19.86; HW 15.85; ED 1.76; 45 – 60 cm for a water body of 1.0 – 1.8 m deep. The
SNL 4.60; BD 17.25; AFL 68.21; DFL 12.21; PFL 11.40; stinging catfish can be transported to distant markets
PSL 9.18; CFL 19.25; BL1 22.04, BL2 28.09; BL3 32.16 and remain alive for several days in a little water. The
and BL4 24.11. Paratype (male): TL 116.24; SL 97.56; consumer desired the fish due to its good table qual
HL 17.41; HW 14.39; ED 1.61; SNL 4.40; BD 17.11; ity and nutritional value. In particular, the flesh of the
AFL 63.31; DFL 12.62; PFL 11.23; PSL 8.31; CFL fish is rich in iron and low fat, and a valuable source of
18.68; BL1 22.87, BL2 30.48; BL3 32.19 and BL4 25.54. protein for growing children, pregnant women and re
covering patients. H. nani is represented by 10 – 15% of
Colouration. Body is blackish dorsally and lighter col the total Heteropneustis catch in the study area. Higher
oured ventrally in live. One indistinct lateral band on catches recorded from hook, trap and fixed net during
flank. Dorsal and pectoral fin light orange, ventral fin November-February (dry winter) and lower catch in
with gray edging. Numerous fine grey spots on the abdo April-August (wet monsoon). Incidentally, this type
men. of fish is able to deliver a stinging protein (known as
poison) emanated from the venom glands around the
Etymology. We take great pleasure in naming the new pectoral spine (Satora et al., 2005). In humans, catfish
species as a patronym for the eminent fisheries and venoms, which are reported to be neurotoxic and hemo
M.S. Hossain et al.: Heteropneustes nani spec. nov. from Bangladesh
Fig. 3. Bivariate analysis of pectoral spine length, pectoral fin length, head length, head width, snout length and body
depth against SL for H. nani and H. fossilis.
1 cm
Fig. 4. Pectoral spine pointed at the tip and distinctively separated from the rays with antrorse serrae along entire outer and inner edges of
Heteropneustes nani.
mouth, attached pectoral spine to rays by membrane with equal jaws, very faintly serrated anteriorly and internal
3 – 4 antrorse serrae along inner edge at anterior tip and ly pectoral spine and anal fin not confluent with caudal
separated anal-caudal fin by a distinct notch. Günther fin. Fowler (1937) described H. kemratensis by having
(1864) and Arunachalam et al. (1999) described H. mi 210.00 mm SL, head length 88.70 % of the body depth,
crops by having 152.40 mm SL, head length equals transverse mouth, separated pectoral spines from rays
body depth, terminal mouth with well developed lips, with 10 – 11 antrorse serrae along outer edge and 12 – 13
separated pectoral spines from rays, serrated along inner along inner edge with separated anal-caudal fin.
edge and anal fin confluent with caudal without notch. Thus new species H. nani differs from other congers
Devi & Raghunathan (1999) described H. longipecto in having shortest standard length, greater head length
ralis by measuring 150.00 mm SL, head length 74.73% than body depth, terminal mouth with equal jaws and
of the body depth, lower barely extended mouth with fleshy lips, distinctively separated pectoral spine from
M.S. Hossain et al.: Heteropneustes nani spec. nov. from Bangladesh
rays and bears antrorse serrae along entire inner and out abdomen, head length greater than body depth, small ter
er edges, and united anal and caudal fin. Significantly dif minal mouth bearing nearly equal jaws and fleshy lips,
ferent regression lines of bivariate analysis (ANCOVA) pectoral spines completely separated from rays with
for the pectoral spine length, pectoral fin length, head 9 – 10 antrorse serrae along inner edge and 13 – 15 in out
length, head width, snout length and body depth against er edge, united anal-caudal fin. [Noakhali, Bangladesh] .
SL of H. nani and H. fossilis (Fig. 3) also indicate that ............................................................................. H. nani
newly described species is different from its widely dis
tributed geographical congeners. Moreover, H. nani is
also readily distinguishable from its congeners by the fin
formula of D 6 – 7, P I/6 – 7, V 6 – 7, A 66 – 69, C 10 – 12. Acknowledgements
In case of H. fossilis, it is D 6 – 7, P I/7, V 6, A 60 – 79,
C 19 (Day 1878); D I – II/5, P I/5 – 6, V I/6, A+C 72 – 74
for H. microps (Arunachalam et al., 1999); D I/5, P I/8, This study was supported by the University of Chittagong research
V I/5, A 75 – 84 for H. kemratensis (Fowler, 1937) and grant, ref no. 123/Acc-11-12 (B). The authors are thankful to i)
D 7, P I/8 – 9, V 6, A 66 – 73, C 18 for H. longipectoralis Mr. Peter Bartsch, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany for
(Devi & Raghunathan, 1999). providing the images and x-rays of 18th century specimens, ZMB
In summary, the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems 3074 and ZMB 33115; ii) Mr. Mark Henry Sabaj Pérez, Collection
of Noakhali, Bangladesh have been very poorly investi Manager of Fishes and Kyle Luckenbill, Photographer of the
gated and several areas remain untouched, indicating that Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia,
our understanding of the fish fauna of these areas is far USA for the ANSP 67880 image with meta information; iii) Mr.
from being complete. Therefore, a unified and compre James MacLaine of the Natural History Museum, London (for
hensive effort is needed to identify the species diversity merly the British Museum Natural History, BMHN) for speci
therein as well as disseminate the results in the form of men BMNH 1859.5.31.9-11 with meta information; and iv) the
fully illustrated taxonomic key and identification guide University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), USA for
for ease classification of freshwater fishes. providing access to online databases. Sincere gratitude is also ex
tended to local fishers, fish traders and residents for their support
and cooperation in the field.
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