Course Title: Course Code: Credit Units: 02 Course Objectives
Course Title: Course Code: Credit Units: 02 Course Objectives
Course Title: Course Code: Credit Units: 02 Course Objectives
Credit Units: 02
Course Objectives: Course on Cross Examination aims to give an insight into the procedure of Cross examination and help the learners to enhance the skills of
cross examination of a witness. It will enable the learners to understand the framework and background of cross examination of a witness. Expert Opinion includes the use
of scientific techniques during criminal and civil investigations. The course is designed to teach the relevance and necessity of expert opinion in any case.
Pre-requisites: The student must have studied Evidence and Criminal laws thoroughly.
Student Learning Outcomes: After the successful completion of course curriculum, a student should be able to.
- Set plans, goals and scope for conducting examination and cross examination.
- Develop expertise on asking leading questions based on transcripts, prior statements and testimonies of witness.
- Know the art of cross examining a police officer, medical expert, handwriting expert and a hostile witness.
- Interpret the provisions of Indian Evidence Act related to cross examination and expert opinion.
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: The Plan of Cross Examination
Introduction and scope, the Art of the Plan, Cross Examination based on transcripts, cross examination of a Police Officer, Cross 50
examination of a witness under Evidence Act.
- Pedagogy for Course Delivery: Students will do extensive field work and self work
- Case studies are preferred to understand different issues with regard to the respective provisions.
Weightage (%)
Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment: NA