Spanish Grammar & Expression - II
Spanish Grammar & Expression - II
Spanish Grammar & Expression - II
Course Objectives:
To enable students acquire working knowledge of the language; to provide them with vocabulary, grammar, expressions used in email, pamphlet, brochure and
other similar documents and also a brief introduction to past tense.
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Message and mail 25
Revision of earlier modules Leaving a message (Imperatives) Writing a note with instructions Writing/ Telling/
Instructing a recipe… Email- Informal Email- Formal
Introduction to Indefinido Indefinido- Regular verbs Indefinido- Irregular and Radical changing verbs Indefinido-
Reflexive verbs Pretérito Perfecto vs. Pretérito Indefinido
Module III : Telephonic Conversations 25
Use of prepositions (por, para, a, de, en, desde…hasta) Connectors Various telephonic expressions Telephonic
conversations- Informal Telephonic conversations- Informal Making plans on telephone Describing events on telephone
Making Pamphlets Making Travel Brochures. Writing Newspaper headlines Writing notes/ advertisements Writing
small articles
100 - 100
Weightage (%) 10 10 15 5
Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment: Nil
Español, En Directo I A