Savapage Manual 1.2.0 RC A4

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SavaPage User Manual

Version 1.2.0-rc

Rijk Ravestein
SavaPage User Manual : Version 1.2.0-rc

SavaPage User Manual by Rijk Ravestein is licensed under a Peer Production, P2P Attribution-ConditionalNon-

SavaPage Open Print Portal Software by Datraverse B.V.2 is OSI Certified Open Source Software3 , licensed under
the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)4 version 3, or any later version, in compliance with
Third Party Software Licenses5. “OSI Certified” is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative6.

Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................... xix
1. About this Manual ........................................................................................................... xix
2. Expectations and Prerequisites ........................................................................................... xix
3. Conventions used in this Document .................................................................................... xix
3.1. Typographical Conventions .................................................................................... xix
3.2. Feature Preview ..................................................................................................... xx
3.3. Notes ................................................................................................................... xx
4. Notice ........................................................................................................................... xxi
5. Your Feedback ................................................................................................................ xxi
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. What is SavaPage? .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Open Source Software ........................................................................................... 1
1.1.2. Benefits ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3. Key Features ........................................................................................................ 2
1.2. System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1. Server ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2. Clients ................................................................................................................ 5
1.3. How does SavaPage work? ............................................................................................... 6
1.3.1. Key Concepts ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2. The SavaPage Work Flow ...................................................................................... 7
1.3.3. Architecture Overview ........................................................................................... 8
2. Server Installation .................................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Step 1 - System Requirements ......................................................................................... 10
2.2. Step 2 - Create System Account ....................................................................................... 10
2.3. Step 3 - Configure CUPS and Samba ................................................................................ 11
2.3.1. CUPS Remote Printer Browsing ............................................................................ 12
2.3.2. CUPS Job History ............................................................................................... 12
2.3.3. CUPS Job ID ..................................................................................................... 12
2.3.4. CUPS Job Privacy ............................................................................................... 13
2.3.5. CUPS Web Interface ............................................................................................ 13
2.3.6. CUPS systemd service ......................................................................................... 13
2.3.7. Test CUPS ......................................................................................................... 14
2.4. Step 4 - Optional System Settings .................................................................................... 14
2.4.1. Set Default Paper Size ......................................................................................... 14
2.5. Step 5 - Check Firewall Settings ...................................................................................... 15
2.6. Step 6 - Download and Install .......................................................................................... 15
2.7. Step 7 - Save Encryption Keys ........................................................................................ 15
2.8. Step 8 - Configure ......................................................................................................... 16
2.8.1. Step 1 - Login .................................................................................................... 16
2.8.2. Step 2 - Change Admin Password .......................................................................... 16
2.8.3. Step 3 - Set Locale .............................................................................................. 16
2.8.4. Step 4 - Set Currency Code .................................................................................. 16
2.8.5. Step 5 - Set User Source ...................................................................................... 17
2.8.6. Step 6 - User Synchronization ............................................................................... 17
2.8.7. Step 7 - Set Mail Options ..................................................................................... 17
2.8.8. Step 8 - Driverless Printing ................................................................................... 17
2.9. Step 8 - Share SavaPage Client Files ................................................................................ 18
2.10. Step 9 - Testing ........................................................................................................... 18
2.11. What's next? ................................................................................................................ 18
3. User Web App ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.1. Login ........................................................................................................................... 20
3.1.1. About ................................................................................................................ 21
3.1.2. Select Language .................................................................................................. 21
3.1.3. Single Web App Session ...................................................................................... 22
3.1.4. Card Self Association Dialog ................................................................................ 22

SavaPage User Manual

3.2. Login Alternatives ......................................................................................................... 23

3.3. SafePages ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.1. Document Expiration ........................................................................................... 26
3.3.2. Footer ................................................................................................................ 27
3.3.3. Document Details ................................................................................................ 29
3.3.4. Browser ............................................................................................................. 31
3.4. PDF ............................................................................................................................. 32
3.4.1. PDF Filters ........................................................................................................ 34
3.4.2. Document Scope ................................................................................................. 34
3.4.3. Description ......................................................................................................... 34
3.4.4. Security ............................................................................................................. 35
3.4.5. Passwords .......................................................................................................... 36
3.4.6. Letterhead .......................................................................................................... 36
3.4.7. Download .......................................................................................................... 37
3.4.8. Send .................................................................................................................. 37
3.5. Print ............................................................................................................................ 37
3.5.1. Printer Selection .................................................................................................. 38
3.5.2. Printer Settings ................................................................................................... 39
3.5.3. Selected Printer ................................................................................................... 43
3.5.4. Delegated Print ................................................................................................... 43
3.5.5. Print Job Settings ................................................................................................ 43
3.5.6. Direct Print Release ............................................................................................. 47
3.5.7. Full Print Scope and Jobs ..................................................................................... 47
3.5.8. Delegated Print Edit ............................................................................................ 48
3.5.9. Job Ticket Print .................................................................................................. 53
3.6. Letterheads ................................................................................................................... 57
3.7. Delete .......................................................................................................................... 59
3.8. Log ............................................................................................................................. 60
3.8.1. Documents ......................................................................................................... 60
3.8.2. Transactions ....................................................................................................... 61
3.9. Sort ............................................................................................................................. 64
3.10. User Details ................................................................................................................ 66
3.10.1. Internet Printer .................................................................................................. 66
3.10.2. Pagometers ....................................................................................................... 66
3.10.3. Financial .......................................................................................................... 67
3.10.4. Redeem Voucher ............................................................................................... 68
3.10.5. Transfer Credit .................................................................................................. 68
3.10.6. Transfer Money ................................................................................................. 69
3.10.7. Send Bitcoins .................................................................................................... 69
3.11. Upload ....................................................................................................................... 70
3.11.1. Upload Dialog ................................................................................................... 70
3.12. Upload Drop Zone ....................................................................................................... 71
3.13. GDPR Dialog .............................................................................................................. 72
4. Admin Web App ...................................................................................................................... 73
4.1. Login ........................................................................................................................... 73
4.2. Menu ........................................................................................................................... 73
4.3. Dashboard .................................................................................................................... 75
4.3.1. Status ................................................................................................................ 76
4.3.2. Services ............................................................................................................. 78
4.3.3. News ................................................................................................................. 78
4.3.4. Pagometers ......................................................................................................... 78
4.3.5. Environmental Impact .......................................................................................... 79
4.3.6. Financial Summary .............................................................................................. 79
4.3.7. Activity ............................................................................................................. 80
4.4. Users ........................................................................................................................... 80
4.4.1. User List ............................................................................................................ 80
4.4.2. Download Personal Data ...................................................................................... 82
4.4.3. Erased Users ...................................................................................................... 83

SavaPage User Manual

4.4.4. Edit User ........................................................................................................... 83

4.4.5. Create Internal User ............................................................................................. 87
4.4.6. Deleted Users ..................................................................................................... 88
4.4.7. Administrator Role .............................................................................................. 88
4.5. Groups ......................................................................................................................... 88
4.5.1. Built-in Groups ................................................................................................... 89
4.5.2. Group List ......................................................................................................... 89
4.5.3. Add & Remove Groups ........................................................................................ 90
4.5.4. Edit Group ......................................................................................................... 91
4.6. Accounts ...................................................................................................................... 94
4.6.1. Account List ....................................................................................................... 94
4.6.2. Edit Account ...................................................................................................... 96
4.7. Queues ......................................................................................................................... 97
4.7.1. Reserved Queues ................................................................................................. 97
4.7.2. Queue List ......................................................................................................... 97
4.7.3. Edit Queue ......................................................................................................... 99
4.8. Proxy Printers ............................................................................................................... 99
4.8.1. Proxy Printer List ................................................................................................ 99
4.8.2. Edit Proxy Printer .............................................................................................. 103
4.8.3. Printer Groups ................................................................................................... 108
4.8.4. Rename Proxy Printer ........................................................................................ 108
4.9. Devices ...................................................................................................................... 109
4.9.1. Network Card Reader ......................................................................................... 111
4.9.2. Proxy Print Authentication .................................................................................. 112
4.9.3. Terminal .......................................................................................................... 115
4.9.4. Custom User Login ............................................................................................ 117
4.10. Options ..................................................................................................................... 118
4.10.1. User Source .................................................................................................... 118
4.10.2. User Creation .................................................................................................. 122
4.10.3. User Authentication .......................................................................................... 124
4.10.4. Mail ............................................................................................................... 128
4.10.5. PaperCut Integration ......................................................................................... 129
4.10.6. Google Cloud Printer ........................................................................................ 130
4.10.7. Mail Print ....................................................................................................... 134
4.10.8. Web Print ....................................................................................................... 136
4.10.9. Internet Print ................................................................................................... 137
4.10.10. Proxy Print .................................................................................................... 138
4.10.11. Eco Print ...................................................................................................... 141
4.10.12. Financial ....................................................................................................... 142
4.10.13. Backups ........................................................................................................ 145
4.10.14. Advanced ...................................................................................................... 146
4.11. Documents ................................................................................................................ 156
4.12. Log .......................................................................................................................... 160
4.13. About ....................................................................................................................... 162
4.13.1. Version .......................................................................................................... 163
4.13.2. License ........................................................................................................... 163
4.13.3. Community ..................................................................................................... 163
4.13.4. Support .......................................................................................................... 165
4.13.5. Java ............................................................................................................... 165
4.13.6. Host System .................................................................................................... 165
4.13.7. Host Packages ................................................................................................. 165
4.14. Vouchers ................................................................................................................... 167
4.14.1. Voucher Actions .............................................................................................. 169
4.14.2. Create Vouchers .............................................................................................. 170
4.14.3. Voucher Usage ................................................................................................ 170
5. Job Tickets Web App .............................................................................................................. 172
5.1. Login ......................................................................................................................... 172
5.2. Open Tickets ............................................................................................................... 172

SavaPage User Manual

5.2.1. Select and Sort .................................................................................................. 173

5.2.2. Ticket List ........................................................................................................ 174
5.2.3. Job Ticket Bulk Actions ..................................................................................... 175
5.2.4. Job Ticket Edit .................................................................................................. 175
5.2.5. Job Ticket Print ................................................................................................. 176
5.2.6. Job Ticket Settle ................................................................................................ 178
5.3. Closed Tickets ............................................................................................................. 179
5.3.1. Job Ticket Refund ............................................................................................. 179
5.3.2. Job Ticket Reopen ............................................................................................. 180
5.4. Ticket Configuration Properties ...................................................................................... 181
6. Point-of-Sale Web App ............................................................................................................ 183
6.1. Login ......................................................................................................................... 183
6.2. Deposit ....................................................................................................................... 183
6.3. Receipts ...................................................................................................................... 185
7. Print Site Web App ................................................................................................................ 187
7.1. Configuration .............................................................................................................. 187
7.1.1. Users ............................................................................................................... 187
7.1.2. Financial .......................................................................................................... 187
7.1.3. Printing ............................................................................................................ 187
7.2. Login ......................................................................................................................... 188
8. PDF/PGP Verification ............................................................................................................. 189
8.1. PDF/PGP in a Nutshell ................................................................................................. 189
8.2. PDF/PGP Signature ...................................................................................................... 189
8.3. PDF/PGP Verification Web App ..................................................................................... 190
9. User Client ............................................................................................................................ 192
9.1. User Client Options ...................................................................................................... 193
9.2. User Client Deployment ................................................................................................ 193
9.2.1. Deployment on Windows .................................................................................... 194
9.2.2. Deployment on macOS ....................................................................................... 194
9.2.3. Deployment on GNU/Linux ................................................................................. 194
10. SavaPage Financial ............................................................................................................... 195
11. SavaPage on GNU/Linux ....................................................................................................... 196
11.1. The Installation Process ............................................................................................... 196
11.1.1. Manual extraction ............................................................................................ 196
11.1.2. The install process ........................................................................................... 196
11.2. Logs ......................................................................................................................... 198
11.3. Advanced Configuration .............................................................................................. 198
11.3.1. Alternative TCP/IP Settings ............................................................................... 198
11.3.2. Database Connection Settings ............................................................................. 200
11.3.3. CUPS Settings ................................................................................................. 202
11.3.4. Alternative File Locations ................................................................................. 202
11.3.5. Miscellaneous Settings ...................................................................................... 203
11.4. OpenPGP Settings ...................................................................................................... 203
11.5. Upgrading SavaPage ................................................................................................... 204
11.6. Removing SavaPage from a GNU/Linux server ............................................................... 204
12. SavaPage as Printer ............................................................................................................... 206
12.1. Printing with a Driver ................................................................................................. 206
12.1.1. SavaPage Printer Driver .................................................................................... 206
12.1.2. SavaPage Printer Installation .............................................................................. 206
12.2. Printing with AirPrint .................................................................................................. 209
12.2.1. Step 1: Enable IPv4 in Avahi ............................................................................. 210
12.2.2. Step 2: Create AirPrint Queue ............................................................................ 210
12.2.3. Step 3: Create Avahi Service File ....................................................................... 210
12.3. Printing from iOS ....................................................................................................... 211
12.3.1. Step 1: Install iOS Web Clip .............................................................................. 211
12.3.2. Step 2: Test .................................................................................................... 211
12.4. Printing from Android and Chrome OS .......................................................................... 213
12.4.1. SavaPage Google Cloud Ready Printer ................................................................ 213

SavaPage User Manual

12.5. Driverless Printing ...................................................................................................... 213

12.5.1. Driverless Printed PDF Processing ...................................................................... 213
12.6. IP Restricted Printing .................................................................................................. 214
12.6.1. CIDR Notation ................................................................................................ 214
12.6.2. CIDR Set ........................................................................................................ 215
12.7. Printing Encrypted PDF ............................................................................................... 215
12.8. Printer Availability ..................................................................................................... 215
13. Authenticated Printing ........................................................................................................... 216
13.1. Key Concepts ............................................................................................................ 216
13.1.1. User ............................................................................................................... 216
13.1.2. Person ............................................................................................................ 216
13.1.3. Abstract User .................................................................................................. 216
13.1.4. Domain User ................................................................................................... 216
13.1.5. Synchronized User ........................................................................................... 216
13.1.6. Synchronized Person ........................................................................................ 216
13.1.7. Internal Person ................................................................................................ 216
13.1.8. Authenticated User ........................................................................................... 216
13.1.9. Authenticated Abstract User ............................................................................... 217
13.1.10. Authenticated Person ...................................................................................... 217
13.1.11. Trusted SavaPage Queue ................................................................................. 217
13.1.12. Public SavaPage Queue ................................................................................... 217
13.1.13. IP Based Authentication .................................................................................. 217
13.1.14. Mail Print Authentication ................................................................................. 218
13.1.15. Local User .................................................................................................... 218
13.1.16. Local Abstract User ........................................................................................ 218
13.1.17. Local Person ................................................................................................. 218
13.1.18. User Alias ..................................................................................................... 218
13.2. Single Sign-On Domains ............................................................................................. 218
13.2.1. Authentication Loopholes .................................................................................. 219
13.2.2. Unauthenticated Users ...................................................................................... 220
13.3. Peer to Peer Networks ................................................................................................. 221
13.4. User Name Aliases ..................................................................................................... 222
14. Printing Impact ..................................................................................................................... 224
14.1. Financial Impact ......................................................................................................... 224
14.2. Environmental Impact ................................................................................................. 224
14.2.1. Printed Sheet Units .......................................................................................... 224
14.2.2. Trees ............................................................................................................. 225
14.2.3. Energy ........................................................................................................... 225
14.2.4. Carbon ........................................................................................................... 225
15. Security ............................................................................................................................... 226
15.1. User Authentication .................................................................................................... 226
15.1.1. Login Passwords .............................................................................................. 226
15.1.2. PIN Codes ...................................................................................................... 226
15.1.3. Authentication Tokens ...................................................................................... 226
15.1.4. One-time Authentication Tokens ......................................................................... 227
15.1.5. User Dialog .................................................................................................... 227
15.2. Access over Internet ................................................................................................... 227
15.3. Web Sessions ............................................................................................................ 227
15.3.1. Web Session Timeout ....................................................................................... 227
15.3.2. Web Session Cookies ....................................................................................... 228
15.4. SSL Passwords .......................................................................................................... 228
15.5. Secured JMX Connection ............................................................................................ 228
15.6. Encrypted Secrets ....................................................................................................... 229
15.7. Document Signature .................................................................................................... 229
15.8. User Client ................................................................................................................ 230
15.9. Server Commands ...................................................................................................... 230
15.10. Web Services ........................................................................................................... 230
15.11. Log Files ................................................................................................................. 230

SavaPage User Manual

15.12. Network Card Reader ................................................................................................ 230

15.13. Internal Services ....................................................................................................... 231
15.14. External Services ...................................................................................................... 231
15.14.1. Google Cloud Print Service .............................................................................. 231
15.15. Vouchers ................................................................................................................. 231
16. Privacy ................................................................................................................................ 233
16.1. Open Source .............................................................................................................. 233
16.2. General Data Protection Regulation ............................................................................... 233
16.2.1. Data Portability ............................................................................................... 233
16.2.2. Data Erasure ................................................................................................... 233
16.3. Secure Print Release ................................................................................................... 233
16.4. CUPS Privacy ............................................................................................................ 233
17. Internationalization ................................................................................................................ 234
17.1. Localization ............................................................................................................... 234
17.1.1. Notes for Translators ........................................................................................ 234
17.2. Internal Fonts ............................................................................................................ 234
17.2.1. Default Font .................................................................................................... 235
17.2.2. CJK Font ........................................................................................................ 235
17.2.3. Unifont ........................................................................................................... 235
18. Customization ...................................................................................................................... 236
18.1. Custom Web App ....................................................................................................... 236
18.1.1. Web App Look-and-feel .................................................................................... 236
18.2. Email Templates ........................................................................................................ 239
18.2.1. Email Template Syntax ..................................................................................... 240
18.2.2. Email Stationary Template ................................................................................. 241
18.2.3. Email Message Template ................................................................................... 241
18.2.4. Email Placeholders Objects ................................................................................ 242
18.2.5. Email Stationary Types ..................................................................................... 243
18.2.6. Email Message Types ....................................................................................... 243
18.2.7. Custom Template Locations ............................................................................... 244
19. Using an External Database .................................................................................................... 245
19.1. Supported Databases ................................................................................................... 245
19.2. Migrating to an External Database ................................................................................. 245
19.2.1. Step 1 - Stop SavaPage ..................................................................................... 245
19.2.2. Step 2 - Create a Backup .................................................................................. 246
19.2.3. Step 3 - Create new Database in External DBMS ................................................... 246
19.2.4. Step 4 - Change SavaPage Connection Parameters ................................................. 246
19.2.5. Step 5 - Restore Backup into new Database .......................................................... 246
19.2.6. Step 6 - Restart SavaPage ................................................................................. 246
20. Tuning ................................................................................................................................ 248
20.1. Linux Kernel Parameters ............................................................................................. 248
20.1.1. IP Ports .......................................................................................................... 248
20.1.2. TCP Buffer Sizes ............................................................................................. 249
20.1.3. Queue Sizes .................................................................................................... 249
20.1.4. Congestion Control .......................................................................................... 249
20.1.5. Setting Linux kernel parameters with sysctl .......................................................... 250
20.2. Linux User Limits ...................................................................................................... 250
20.2.1. SysVinit User Limits ........................................................................................ 250
20.2.2. Systemd User Limits ........................................................................................ 251
20.3. JVM Tuning .............................................................................................................. 252
20.3.1. JVM Memory Allocation ................................................................................... 252
20.3.2. JVM Garbage Collection ................................................................................... 252
20.3.3. JVM Temporary Files ....................................................................................... 253
20.4. Server Thread Pooling ................................................................................................. 253
20.5. Database Connection Pooling ....................................................................................... 253
21. SavaPage Community ............................................................................................................ 254
21.1. Visitor Period ............................................................................................................ 254
21.2. Registered Member ..................................................................................................... 254

SavaPage User Manual

21.3. Importing the Member Card ......................................................................................... 255

A. Proxy Print Scenarios ............................................................................................................. 256
A.1. Personal Print Scenarios ............................................................................................... 256
A.1.1. Personal Print - Non-Secure Scenarios .................................................................. 256
A.1.2. Personal Print - Secure Scenarios ......................................................................... 256
A.1.3. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario ....................................................................... 256
A.2. Delegated Print Scenarios ............................................................................................. 257
A.2.1. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios ........................................... 257
A.2.2. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario .................................................. 258
A.2.3. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario ..................................................................... 259
B. NFC Authentication ................................................................................................................ 261
B.1. Card Number Format ................................................................................................... 261
B.2. Local Card Reader ....................................................................................................... 261
B.3. Network Card Reader Service ........................................................................................ 262
C. Tools ................................................................................................................................... 263
C.1. Server Commands ........................................................................................................ 263
C.1.1. Common Options .............................................................................................. 264
C.1.2. addInternalUser ................................................................................................. 266
C.1.3. addUserGroup .................................................................................................. 267
C.1.4. changeBaseCurrency .......................................................................................... 267
C.1.5. deleteUser ........................................................................................................ 267
C.1.6. deleteUserGroup ............................................................................................... 268
C.1.7. deleteUserGroupAccount .................................................................................... 268
C.1.8. eraseUser ......................................................................................................... 268
C.1.9. getConfigProperty ............................................................................................. 269
C.1.10. listUsers ......................................................................................................... 269
C.1.11. listUserGroups ................................................................................................ 270
C.1.12. listUserGroupMembers ..................................................................................... 270
C.1.13. listUserGroupMemberships ............................................................................... 270
C.1.14. listUserSourceGroups ....................................................................................... 271
C.1.15. listUserSourceGroupMembers ............................................................................ 271
C.1.16. listUserSourceGroupNesting .............................................................................. 271
C.1.17. printerAccessControl ........................................................................................ 272
C.1.18. printerSnmp .................................................................................................... 272
C.1.19. setConfigProperty ............................................................................................ 272
C.1.20. setUserProperties ............................................................................................. 273
C.1.21. setUserGroupProperties .................................................................................... 274
C.1.22. syncUserGroup ............................................................................................... 275
C.1.23. syncUsersAndGroups ....................................................................................... 275
C.1.24. systemStatus ................................................................................................... 275
C.2. Web Services .............................................................................................................. 276
C.2.1. XML-RPC ....................................................................................................... 276
C.2.2. JSON-RPC ....................................................................................................... 276
C.3. Atom Feed Service ...................................................................................................... 279
C.4. Database Commands .................................................................................................... 280
C.4.1. db-check .......................................................................................................... 281
C.4.2. db-check-fix ..................................................................................................... 281
C.4.3. db-config-get .................................................................................................... 281
C.4.4. db-config-set .................................................................................................... 281
C.4.5. db-delete-logs ................................................................................................... 281
C.4.6. db-export and db-export-to ................................................................................. 281
C.4.7. db-import ......................................................................................................... 282
C.4.8. db-init ............................................................................................................. 282
C.5. Stopping and Starting the Server .................................................................................... 282
C.6. SSL Key Generation .................................................................................................... 283
C.6.1. Re-Create the Self-Signed Certificate .................................................................... 283
C.6.2. Importing an Existing SSL Certificate ................................................................... 283
C.6.3. Installing the Keystore ....................................................................................... 284

SavaPage User Manual

D. Capacity Planning .................................................................................................................. 286

D.1. Database Sizing and Growth ......................................................................................... 286
D.2. SafePages Sizing and Growth ........................................................................................ 287
D.3. Network Bandwidth Planning ........................................................................................ 287
E. URL Cheat Sheet ................................................................................................................... 288
F. File Locations ........................................................................................................................ 290
G. Printable File Types ............................................................................................................... 293
G.1. Standard File Types ..................................................................................................... 293
G.1.1. XPS to PDF Installation Instructions .................................................................... 294
G.2. Advanced File Types ................................................................................................... 294
G.3. PDF Font Substitution .................................................................................................. 295
H. Upgrading from a Previous Version .......................................................................................... 297
H.1. Upgrading the Server ................................................................................................... 297
H.2. Upgrading Client Printer Drivers .................................................................................... 297
H.3. Testing the Upgrade ..................................................................................................... 297
I. Migrating to a New Server ....................................................................................................... 298
I.1. Upgrade Old Server ...................................................................................................... 298
I.2. Install New Server ........................................................................................................ 298
I.3. Freeze Old Server ......................................................................................................... 298
I.4. Migrate Data to New Server ........................................................................................... 298
I.5. Rename Printers ........................................................................................................... 299
I.6. Update SavaPage Printers .............................................................................................. 299
J. Advanced LDAP Configuration ................................................................................................. 300
J.1. LDAP Server Default Configuration ................................................................................ 300
J.1.1. OpenLDAP ....................................................................................................... 301
J.1.2. Apple Open Directory ......................................................................................... 301
J.1.3. Novell eDirectory Defaults .................................................................................. 302
J.1.4. Microsoft Active Directory Defaults ...................................................................... 302
K. PPD Extensions ..................................................................................................................... 304
K.1. PPD to IPP Mappings .................................................................................................. 304
K.1.1. Mapping PPD to IPP ......................................................................................... 304
K.1.2. Mapping PPD to IPP Extensions ......................................................................... 306
K.1.3. Restricting Standard Options ............................................................................... 306
K.2. PPD Rules ................................................................................................................. 306
K.2.1. Generic PPD Rules ........................................................................................... 306
K.2.2. Custom PPD Rules ............................................................................................ 308
K.3. IPP Rules ................................................................................................................... 310
K.3.1. SPConstraint .................................................................................................... 310
K.4. Job Ticket Extensions .................................................................................................. 311
K.4.1. Job Ticket Media Options .................................................................................. 312
K.4.2. Job Ticket Sheet Options ................................................................................... 313
K.4.3. Job Ticket Copy Options .................................................................................... 314
K.4.4. Job Ticket Set Options ....................................................................................... 315
K.5. Tips and Tricks ........................................................................................................... 315
K.5.1. Fast Print A4 and Letter to Single Tray ................................................................ 316
K.6. proxy-print.log ............................................................................................................ 316
L. IPP Extensions ....................................................................................................................... 317
L.1. Internal IPP Extensions ................................................................................................. 317
L.1.1. Internal IPP - PPD Mapping Extensions ................................................................ 317
L.1.2. Internal IPP Job Ticket Extensions ....................................................................... 319
L.1.3. Internal IPP Marker ........................................................................................... 320
L.2. External IPP Extensions ................................................................................................ 321
L.3. IPP Localization .......................................................................................................... 321
M. SavaPage Plug-ins ................................................................................................................. 323
M.1. Web API Callback Plug-in ........................................................................................... 323
M.1.1. Payment Gateway Plug-in .................................................................................. 323
M.2. OAuth Client Plug-in ................................................................................................... 325
M.3. Notification Plug-in ..................................................................................................... 326

SavaPage User Manual

N. PaperCut Integration ............................................................................................................... 327

N.1. Delegated Print to PaperCut .......................................................................................... 327
N.1.1. PaperCut Configuration ...................................................................................... 327
N.1.2. PaperCut Delegated Print Processing .................................................................... 328
N.1.3. PaperCut Delegated Print Accounting ................................................................... 328
N.1.4. PaperCut Queries and Reports ............................................................................. 330
N.2. Personal Print to PaperCut ............................................................................................ 331
N.3. Advanced Print Configuration ........................................................................................ 331
N.3.1. PaperCut Print Log Monitoring ........................................................................... 331
N.4. PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface .......................................................................... 331
N.5. PaperCut Personal User Account .................................................................................... 332
N.6. Integration Pitfalls ....................................................................................................... 332
O. Job Scheduling ...................................................................................................................... 333
O.1. Cron Trigger Format .................................................................................................... 333
P. GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) .............................................................................. 334

List of Figures
1.1. SavaPage High-Level Architecture ............................................................................................. 9
2.1. CUPS Job Privacy ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1. Web App: Login Dialog ......................................................................................................... 20
3.2. Web App: Select Language Dialog ........................................................................................... 21
3.3. Same type Web App session detected ....................................................................................... 22
3.4. Web App type change detected ................................................................................................ 22
3.5. Web App: Login Dialog - Card Self Association ......................................................................... 23
3.6. Web App: Login Dialog - ID Number ....................................................................................... 23
3.7. Web App: Login Dialog - Local NFC Card ................................................................................ 24
3.8. Web App: Login Dialog - Network NFC Card ............................................................................ 24
3.9. User Web App: Main View ..................................................................................................... 24
3.10. User Web App: SafePages ..................................................................................................... 25
3.11. User Web App: SafePages - Aggregated .................................................................................. 26
3.12. User Web App: Footer Base .................................................................................................. 27
3.13. User Web App: Hold Print Jobs ............................................................................................. 28
3.14. User Web App: Hold Copy Job .............................................................................................. 29
3.15. User Web App: Hold Job Transactions .................................................................................... 29
3.16. User Web App: Document Details .......................................................................................... 29
3.17. User Web App: Landscape Job ............................................................................................... 30
3.18. User Web App: Rotated Pages ............................................................................................... 31
3.19. User Web App: SafePage Browser (8 pages) ............................................................................ 31
3.20. User Web App: SafePage Browser - Detailed View (4 of 8) ........................................................ 32
3.21. User Web App: PDF - Overview ............................................................................................ 33
3.22. User Web App: PDF - Document Scope .................................................................................. 34
3.23. User Web App: PDF - Description .......................................................................................... 34
3.24. User Web App: PDF - Security .............................................................................................. 35
3.25. User Web App: PDF - Passwords ........................................................................................... 36
3.26. User Web App: PDF - Letterhead ........................................................................................... 36
3.27. User Web App: PDF - Send .................................................................................................. 37
3.28. User Web App: Print - Select Printer ....................................................................................... 38
3.29. User Web App: Printer - Settings ........................................................................................... 39
3.30. User Web App: Printer - Settings - Finishings ........................................................................... 40
3.31. User Web App: Printer - Settings - Job Ticket .......................................................................... 40
3.32. User Web App: Print - Page Scaling (Fit) ................................................................................ 41
3.33. User Web App: Print - Page Scaling (None) ............................................................................. 41
3.34. User Web App: Print - Preview (4-up, landscape, staple, punch) ................................................... 42
3.35. User Web App: Printer Options - Custom Icons ........................................................................ 42
3.36. User Web App: Print - Selected Printer .................................................................................... 43
3.37. User Web App: Print - Job Settings ........................................................................................ 44
3.38. User Web App: Print - Delete Pages ....................................................................................... 45
3.39. User Web App: Print Archive Option ...................................................................................... 46
3.40. User Web App: Printer - Direct Print Release ........................................................................... 47
3.41. User Web App: Print Delegation Copies .................................................................................. 48
3.42. User Web App: Delegated Print - Group Invoicing .................................................................... 49
3.43. User Web App: Delegated Print - Group copies ......................................................................... 49
3.44. User Web App: Delegated Print - User Invoicing (Groups) .......................................................... 50
3.45. User Web App: Delegated Print - Personal Invoicing (Users) ....................................................... 50
3.46. User Web App: Delegated Print - Shared Account Invoicing (Groups) ........................................... 51
3.47. User Web App: Print - Delegated Print - Shared Account Invoicing (Extra) .................................... 52
3.48. User Web App: Print - Select Job Ticket Printer ........................................................................ 53
3.49. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Print ...................................................................... 54
3.50. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Labels ................................................................... 54
3.51. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Copy ..................................................................... 55
3.52. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings ............................................................................... 55
3.53. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket - Sent .................................................................................. 55

SavaPage User Manual

3.54. User Web App: Letterheads ................................................................................................... 57

3.55. User Web App: Letterhead - New ........................................................................................... 58
3.56. User Web App: Letterhead - Detail ......................................................................................... 59
3.57. User Web App: Delete SafePages ........................................................................................... 59
3.58. User Web App: Log - Documents ........................................................................................... 61
3.59. User Web App: Log - Document Transactions .......................................................................... 61
3.60. User Web App: Log - Transactions ......................................................................................... 62
3.61. User Web App: Log - Transactions ......................................................................................... 63
3.62. User Web App: Sort ............................................................................................................. 64
3.63. User Web App: User Details - Internet Printer Device URI .......................................................... 66
3.64. User Web App: User Details - pagometer ................................................................................. 67
3.65. User Web App: User Details - Environmental Impact ................................................................. 67
3.66. User Web App: User Details - Financial .................................................................................. 67
3.67. User Web App: Redeem Voucher ........................................................................................... 68
3.68. User Web App: Transfer Credit .............................................................................................. 68
3.69. User Web App: Transfer Money from Credit Card ..................................................................... 69
3.70. User Web App: Send Bitcoins ................................................................................................ 69
3.71. Web Print: Upload File ......................................................................................................... 70
3.72. Web Print: Drop Zone - Upload Dialog ................................................................................... 71
3.73. Web Print: Drop Zone - Main ................................................................................................ 71
3.74. User Web App - GDPR Dialog .............................................................................................. 72
4.1. Admin Web App: Login ......................................................................................................... 73
4.2. Admin Web App: Menu ......................................................................................................... 74
4.3. Admin Web App: Action Pop-up Menu ..................................................................................... 75
4.4. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Status ....................................................................................... 76
4.5. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Change System Mode .................................................................. 76
4.6. Admin Web App: Dashboard - OpenPGP .................................................................................. 77
4.7. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Technical Information .................................................................. 77
4.8. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Services .................................................................................... 78
4.9. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Pagometer ................................................................................. 78
4.10. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Pagometer Trend ....................................................................... 79
4.11. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Environmental Impact ................................................................ 79
4.12. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Financial Summary .................................................................... 79
4.13. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Activity ................................................................................... 80
4.14. Admin Web App: User - List ................................................................................................. 81
4.15. Admin Web App: User - Select and Sort .................................................................................. 82
4.16. Admin Web App: User Data Portability ................................................................................... 82
4.17. Admin Web App: Erased User ............................................................................................... 83
4.18. Admin Web App: Edit External User - Identity ......................................................................... 83
4.19. Admin Web App: Edit User - Roles ........................................................................................ 84
4.20. Admin Web App: Edit User - Email ........................................................................................ 85
4.21. Admin Web App: Edit User - Card ......................................................................................... 85
4.22. Admin Web App: Edit User - OpenPGP .................................................................................. 86
4.23. Admin Web App: Edit User - UUID ....................................................................................... 86
4.24. Admin Web App: Edit User - Financial ................................................................................... 86
4.25. Admin Web App: Internal User - Password Actions ................................................................... 87
4.26. Admin Web App: Internal User - Password Reset ...................................................................... 87
4.27. Admin Web App: Edit User - Delete ....................................................................................... 87
4.28. Admin Web App: User Group - List ....................................................................................... 89
4.29. Admin Web App: Group - Select and Sort ............................................................................... 90
4.30. Admin Web App: User Groups - Add & Remove ...................................................................... 90
4.31. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - Roles ............................................................................ 91
4.32. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - User Privileges ................................................................ 92
4.33. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - Admin Privileges ............................................................. 93
4.34. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - New User Settings ........................................................... 93
4.35. Admin Web App: Account - List ............................................................................................ 94
4.36. Admin Web App: Account - List - Sub Accounts ...................................................................... 95
4.37. Admin Web App: Account - List - Select and Sort ..................................................................... 95

SavaPage User Manual

4.38. Admin Web App: Account - Edit ........................................................................................... 96

4.39. Admin Web App: Queue - List .............................................................................................. 97
4.40. Admin Web App: Queue - Select and Sort ............................................................................... 98
4.41. Admin Web App: Queue - Edit .............................................................................................. 99
4.42. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - List Header ......................................................................... 100
4.43. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - List Items ........................................................................... 100
4.44. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Select and Sort .................................................................... 103
4.45. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Identity ...................................................................... 104
4.46. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit -Job Ticket Printer ......................................................... 104
4.47. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Media Source .............................................................. 106
4.48. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Job Sheet Media Sources ............................................... 107
4.49. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Source ................................................... 107
4.50. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Size (Simple) .......................................... 107
4.51. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Size (Advanced) ...................................... 108
4.52. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Rename .............................................................................. 109
4.53. Admin Web App: Device - List ............................................................................................ 110
4.54. Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort ............................................................................. 111
4.55. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Custom User Login ...................................... 112
4.56. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Proxy Print Authentication ............................. 113
4.57. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print ....................................................... 116
4.58. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print ....................................................... 116
4.59. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login ....................................................... 117
4.60. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login - Default .......................................... 118
4.61. Admin Web App: Options - User Source ................................................................................ 118
4.62. Admin Web App: Options - User Source - LDAP .................................................................... 119
4.63. Admin Web App: Options - User Source - LDAP .................................................................... 121
4.64. Admin Web App: Options - Internal Users ............................................................................. 121
4.65. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - Import .................................................................. 122
4.66. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - From Group .......................................................... 123
4.67. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - Synchronize .......................................................... 123
4.68. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - On Demand .......................................................... 124
4.69. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication ..................................................................... 125
4.70. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Login Methods .............................................. 126
4.71. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Username Login ............................................ 126
4.72. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - ID Number Login ........................................... 126
4.73. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Local NFC Card Login .................................... 127
4.74. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - YubiKey Login .............................................. 127
4.75. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Default Login ................................................ 128
4.76. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - SMTP .............................................................................. 128
4.77. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - Messages .......................................................................... 129
4.78. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - Test ................................................................................. 129
4.79. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Integration .................................................................... 130
4.80. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Server .......................................................................... 130
4.81. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Database ....................................................................... 130
4.82. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - Status ........................................................... 131
4.83. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - OAuth .......................................................... 132
4.84. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - Notifications .................................................. 134
4.85. Admin Web App: Options - Mail Print (IMAP) ....................................................................... 135
4.86. Admin Web App: Options - Mail Print (Attachments) ............................................................... 136
4.87. Admin Web App: Options - Web Print .................................................................................. 137
4.88. Admin Web App: Options - Internet Print .............................................................................. 137
4.89. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print General ..................................................................... 138
4.90. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print Modes ....................................................................... 139
4.91. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print Delegation ................................................................. 139
4.92. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Delegated Print Integration ............................................... 140
4.93. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Personal Print Integration ................................................. 141
4.94. Admin Web App: Options - Eco Print .................................................................................... 142
4.95. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Currency ..................................................................... 143

SavaPage User Manual

4.96. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - General ...................................................................... 143

4.97. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - POS ........................................................................... 144
4.98. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Vouchers .................................................................... 144
4.99. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Transfer funds ............................................................. 145
4.100. Admin Web App: Options - Backups ................................................................................... 145
4.101. Admin Web App: Options - Automatic Backups .................................................................... 146
4.102. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - User Client ............................................................... 147
4.103. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Reset Admin Password ............................................... 147
4.104. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - JMX Agent ............................................................... 148
4.105. Add JMX Connection with Java VisualVM ........................................................................... 148
4.106. Connecting to Remote Process with JConsole ........................................................................ 149
4.107. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Locale ..................................................................... 149
4.108. Admin Web App: Options - Default Paper Size ..................................................................... 150
4.109. Admin Web App: Options - Default Paper Size ..................................................................... 150
4.110. Admin Web App: Options - Converters ................................................................................ 150
4.111. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Proxy Printing ........................................................... 152
4.112. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Document Store ......................................................... 153
4.113. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Pagometers ............................................................... 154
4.114. Admin Web App: Configuration Editor - List ........................................................................ 155
4.115. Admin Web App: Configuration Property - Edit ..................................................................... 155
4.116. Admin Web App: Documents - List ..................................................................................... 156
4.117. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - All .............................................................. 158
4.118. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - In ................................................................ 158
4.119. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Out .............................................................. 159
4.120. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - PDF ............................................................. 159
4.121. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Print ............................................................ 160
4.122. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Ticket .......................................................... 160
4.123. Admin Web App: Log - List .............................................................................................. 161
4.124. Admin Web App: Log - Select and Sort ............................................................................... 161
4.125. Admin Web App: Log - Select Date .................................................................................... 162
4.126. Admin Web App: About .................................................................................................... 162
4.127. Admin Web App: About - Version ...................................................................................... 163
4.128. Admin Web App: About - License ...................................................................................... 163
4.129. Admin Web App: About - Community ................................................................................. 164
4.130. Admin Web App: About - Import Member Card .................................................................... 164
4.131. Admin Web App: About - Support ...................................................................................... 165
4.132. Admin Web App: About - Java ........................................................................................... 165
4.133. Admin Web App: About - Host Packages - 1/3 ...................................................................... 166
4.134. Admin Web App: About - PDF Standard Font Substitutes - 2/3 ................................................. 166
4.135. Admin Web App: About - Host Packages - 3/3 ...................................................................... 167
4.136. Admin Web App: Voucher List ........................................................................................... 168
4.137. Admin Web App: Vouchers - Select and Sort ........................................................................ 168
4.138. Admin Web App: Voucher Actions ..................................................................................... 169
4.139. Admin Web App: Create Vouchers ...................................................................................... 170
5.1. Job Ticket Web App: Login ................................................................................................... 172
5.2. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - Select and Sort .............................................................................. 173
5.3. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - Group .......................................................................................... 173
5.4. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - List ............................................................................................. 174
5.5. Job Tickets: Cancel All ......................................................................................................... 175
5.6. Job Tickets: Print All ............................................................................................................ 175
5.7. Job Tickets: Close All .......................................................................................................... 175
5.8. Job Tickets: Edit Ticket ........................................................................................................ 176
5.9. Job Tickets: Print Ticket ....................................................................................................... 177
5.10. Job Tickets: Print Pending ................................................................................................... 177
5.11. Job Tickets: Print Canceled .................................................................................................. 178
5.12. Job Tickets: Print Completed ................................................................................................ 178
5.13. Job Tickets: Settle Ticket ..................................................................................................... 179
5.14. Job Tickets: Closed Ticket List ............................................................................................. 179

SavaPage User Manual

5.15. Job Ticket: Refund ............................................................................................................. 179

5.16. Job Ticket: Refund Transactions ........................................................................................... 180
5.17. Job Ticket: Reopen Print Ticket ............................................................................................ 180
5.18. Job Ticket: Reopen Copy Ticket ........................................................................................... 181
5.19. Job Ticket: Reopened Print Ticket ......................................................................................... 181
5.20. Job Ticket: Reopened Ticket Printed ...................................................................................... 181
6.1. Point-of-Sale Web App: Login ............................................................................................... 183
6.2. Point-of-Sale: Deposit Start .................................................................................................... 184
6.3. Point-of-Sale: Deposit Completed ........................................................................................... 185
6.4. Point-of-Sale: Receipts .......................................................................................................... 185
7.1. Print Site Web App: Login .................................................................................................... 188
8.1. PDF/PGP Verify Link ........................................................................................................... 190
8.2. PDF/PGP Verification - Upload .............................................................................................. 190
8.3. PDF/PGP Verification - Good signature ................................................................................... 191
8.4. PDF/PGP Verification - Public key not found ........................................................................... 191
8.5. PDF/PGP Verification - Signature not found ............................................................................. 191
11.1. Rejected request in Firefox browser ....................................................................................... 199
12.1. SavaPage Printer on Ubuntu: Choose Driver ........................................................................... 207
12.2. SavaPage Printer on Ubuntu: Printer Properties ....................................................................... 207
12.3. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Add Printer ............................................................................... 207
12.4. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Select PPD ................................................................................ 208
12.5. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Print & Fax ............................................................................... 208
12.6. SavaPage Local Printer on Windows ..................................................................................... 208
12.7. SavaPage Shared Local Printer on Windows ........................................................................... 209
12.8. SavaPage Network Printer on Windows ................................................................................. 209
12.9. iPad App Sharing Options .................................................................................................... 212
12.10. SavaPage Printer Options on iPad ........................................................................................ 212
12.11. Select SavaPage Printer on iPad .......................................................................................... 212
13.1. SavaPage in a Single Sign-On Domain ................................................................................... 219
13.2. IP Based Authentication for Abstract User .............................................................................. 220
13.3. IP Based Authentication for Unauthenticated User ................................................................... 221
13.4. IP Based Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Network ..................................................................... 222
18.1. User Web App: Custom CSS - Sample #1 .............................................................................. 237
18.2. User Web App: Custom CSS - Sample #2 .............................................................................. 238
C.1. JSON-RPC : Basic Error ....................................................................................................... 277
C.2. JSON-RPC : systemStatus (request) ........................................................................................ 277
C.3. JSON-RPC : systemStatus (response) ...................................................................................... 278
C.4. JSON-RPC : authUserSource (request) .................................................................................... 278
C.5. JSON-RPC : authUserSource (response) .................................................................................. 279

List of Tables
1. Typographical conventions ........................................................................................................ xix
3.1. Page Scaling Configuration Properties ....................................................................................... 41
3.2. Basic IPP Printer Attributes ..................................................................................................... 42
3.3. Print Job Settings Configuration Properties ................................................................................. 46
3.4. Print Job Archive Configuration Properties ................................................................................. 47
3.5. Delegated Print Configuration Properties ................................................................................... 52
3.6. Job Ticket Print Configuration Properties ................................................................................... 55
3.7. Document Type Select: Configuration Property ........................................................................... 60
3.8. User Web App Environmental Impact Configuration Properties ..................................................... 67
3.9. Configuration Properties for Web Print Document Types .............................................................. 70
3.10. Configuration Properties for User Web App GDPR .................................................................... 72
4.1. Admin Web App Environmental Impact Configuration Properties ................................................... 79
4.2. User Roles ............................................................................................................................ 84
4.3. Primary Printer Icons ............................................................................................................ 101
4.4. Secondary Printer Icons ........................................................................................................ 102
4.5. Configuration Properties for Printer SNMP ............................................................................... 102
4.6. YubiKey Configuration Properties ........................................................................................... 127
4.7. LibreOffice Configuration Properties ....................................................................................... 151
4.8. Document Store Configuration Properties ................................................................................. 153
5.1. Job Ticket Print Configuration Properties ................................................................................. 181
8.1. PDF/PGP Signing Configuration Properties .............................................................................. 190
8.2. PDF/PGP Verification Web App Configuration Properties ........................................................... 190
9.1. User Client Access Configuration Properties ............................................................................. 192
9.2. User Client Options Configuration Properties ............................................................................ 193
11.1. Secured Application Areas ................................................................................................... 197
11.2. Server Properties: Alternative TCP/IP Ports ............................................................................ 199
11.3. Server Properties: ThreadPool Settings ................................................................................... 200
11.4. Server Properties: Session Settings ........................................................................................ 200
11.5. Database Connection Settings ............................................................................................... 200
11.6. CUPS Configuration Properties ............................................................................................. 202
11.7. Server Properties for Alternative File Locations ....................................................................... 203
11.8. Server Properties: Miscellaneous Settings ............................................................................... 203
11.9. OpenPGP Server Properties .................................................................................................. 203
11.10. OpenPGP Configuration Properties ...................................................................................... 204
12.1. Driverless Printed PDF Processing Configuration Properties ....................................................... 214
15.1. Web App Internet Access Configuration Properties .................................................................. 227
15.2. Default Web Session Timeout Values .................................................................................... 228
15.3. Web Session Timeout Configuration Properties ....................................................................... 228
18.1. Stock Image Identifiers ........................................................................................................ 240
18.2. Placeholder: Stationary ........................................................................................................ 242
18.3. Placeholder: Application ...................................................................................................... 242
18.4. Placeholder: Ticket ............................................................................................................. 243
18.5. Placeholder: User ............................................................................................................... 243
18.6. Email Stationary Types ....................................................................................................... 243
18.7. Placeholder Objects: JobTicketCanceled ................................................................................. 243
18.8. Placeholder Objects: JobTicketCompleted ............................................................................... 244
18.9. Configuration Properties for Custom Template Locations .......................................................... 244
A.1. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario ......................................................................................... 256
A.2. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios .............................................................. 257
A.3. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut Scenario ...................................................................... 258
A.4. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario ....................................................................................... 259
C.1. XML-RPC method: onetime-auth.createToken .......................................................................... 276
C.2. JSON-RPC Configuration Properties ....................................................................................... 276
C.3. Atom Feed Configuration Properties ....................................................................................... 279
D.1. Database size increase metrics per document flow. .................................................................... 286

SavaPage User Manual

E.1. SavaPage URL Cheat Sheet ................................................................................................... 288

F.1. SavaPage File Locations ....................................................................................................... 290
G.1. Standard Printable File Types ................................................................................................ 293
G.2. Advanced Printable File Types .............................................................................................. 294
J.1. LDAP Configuration Properties .............................................................................................. 300
J.2. OpenLDAP Default Settings ................................................................................................... 301
J.3. Apple Open Directory Default Settings .................................................................................... 301
J.4. Novell eDirectory Default Settings .......................................................................................... 302
J.5. Microsoft Active Directory Default Settings .............................................................................. 302
J.6. Microsoft Active Directory Custom Settings ............................................................................. 303
L.1. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-staple ................................................................. 317
L.2. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-punch ................................................................. 318
L.3. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-fold ................................................................... 318
L.4. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-booklet ............................................................... 319
L.5. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset ............................................................ 319
L.6. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-ext ..................................................................... 319
L.7. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-cover-type ......................................................................... 320
L.8. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-job-sheets ......................................................................... 320
L.9. Internal IPP Marker Attribute: .................................................... 321
M.1. Web API Callback Configuration Property .............................................................................. 323
M.2. Payment Gateway Configuration Property ............................................................................... 323
N.1. PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface Configuration Properties ................................................. 332
N.2. PaperCut Personal User Account Configuration Settings ............................................................. 332
O.1. Cron Trigger Format - simplified ........................................................................................... 333


1. About this Manual

The SavaPage User Manual covers the setup, management and configuration of SavaPage Open Print Portal.
Please take a few moments prior to installing the application to read the key sections of this manual. The latest
version of this manual in HTML, PDF and EPUB format are available from the SavaPage website1.

2. Expectations and Prerequisites

SavaPage is a network based application. Experience with basic network concepts, such as server administration
and network connectivity is expected. Prior to installing or evaluating SavaPage you should be familiar with the
concepts of:
• Basic GNU/Linux Systems Administration.
• Client/Server computing.
• Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).
• IP Printing (JetDirect/RAW)2 .
• Common Unix Printing System (CUPS).
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

3. Conventions used in this Document

3.1. Typographical Conventions
This is a list with examples of the typographical conventions used in this manual.

Convention Example

Executable program with op- Enter ls --reverse to get a directory listing in reverse order.

A character or string indicating Enter you name after the Username: prompt.
the start of an input field.

User input. John entered john as his login name.

A button. Press the Cancel button.

A text prompt. Enter your full name after the Name prompt.

Content that may or must be re- Please enter filename to save the content to.
placed by the user.

Filename. Please open the file in your favorite editor.

Directory. /opt/savapage

A question-and-answer set. Q: To be, or not to be?

A: That is the question.

JetDirect is the most common Socket API, and a de facto standard, introduced by Hewlett-Packard. It allows a TCP/IP connection via port
9100 to a printer attached to a Local Area Network similar to a connection to its serial or parallel port. Windows supports this protocol as
Standard TCP/IP port monitor for print server attached print devices.


Convention Example

Key on a keyboard Press F1 for help.

A combination of input actions. Press CTRL+C to abort the program.

A selection or series of selec- Select Print → Settings to open the dialog.

tions from a menu.

An inline code fragment. Text in this format is used to show code examples, the contents of files, and console output,
as well as the names of variables, commands, and other code excerpts in the text.

Code (listing). Line A Inline annotation on A

Line B Inline annotation on B
Line C

Comment for Line B.

Comment for Line C.

Link (external). A link to an URI is formatted like this: and

Or as an alternative: Visit our website3 or write an email4

Link (internal). See Chapter 2, Server Installation [10] of this manual.

Name of a variable. In Perl, @ARGV contains the command line parameters used when the script was run.

Inline text that is some literal When debug is activated more detailed logging is produced.

Table 1. Typographical conventions

3.2. Feature Preview

The icon above marks a section where a “feature preview” is discussed. This feature is operational yet imperma-
nent, and available for preview to provoke feedback based on real world use. This may lead to it becoming per-
manent in a future release.

3.3. Notes
You should pay special attention to notes set apart from the text with the following icons:

Important notes are marked like this.

Notes provide extra background information.

Tips provide useful advice to make your life easier.


Indicate situations where you have to be careful what you are doing.

Where extreme care has to be taken.

Additional notes to a Feature Preview.

4. Notice
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of this manual, we cannot be held respon-
sible for occasional inaccuracy or typographical errors. If you find an inaccuracy or error, please let us know.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people,
characters, and data mentioned in the examples are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real
individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted.

5. Your Feedback
This manual isn't “done”. In fact, this manual will probably never be completely “done”. The subject it covers is
expected to change and expand over time, and we consider this work a reflection of our ongoing conversation with
the SavaPage Community5. Publication of this manual highlights the openness of the product, and that you, as a
user, can play a pivotal role in helping to maintain and improve the product. If you see anything in this manual
that can be improved: spelling, examples, explanations, then you should tell us, and send us an email6. Also, if
you have ideas about improving the product in general, please let us know. All feedback will be rewarded with
a gracious response.


Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. What is SavaPage?

SavaPage is an Open Print Portal that uses Open Standards and Commodity Hardware for Secure Pull-Printing,
Pay-Per-Print, Delegated Print, Job Ticketing, Auditing and PDF Creation.

SavaPage is implemented as Print Server on GNU/Linux. Any workstation or device can print to SavaPage.

• Devices supporting Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) or IP Printing (JetDirect), like Windows, Mac and GNU/
Linux workstations, can print to SavaPage.
• macOS and iOS devices can use AirPrint® 1.
• Android and Chrome OS devices can use Google Cloud Print.
• Any device can use Web Print and Mail Print to print.

Printed pages are shown in the SavaPage Web Application. Print jobs are accumulated in a single personal preview,
where they can be manipulated and pruned, before storing or routing them as PDF document.

In the Web App, documents are routed to a “real” printer, optionally via intermediate Job Tickets, with Common
Printing Dialogs of server-side installed printers (proxy printers). This makes SavaPage the Central Print Portal
where documents to be printed are acquired and routed.

Pay-per-Print functions charge printing costs to individuals, groups, or shared accounts. With Delegated Print
authorized users can print on behalf of other users.

SavaPage Web App is optimized for desktop as well as mobile browsers. This opens up many useful scenario's.
For instance, a user can walk up to a printer and send a print job on the spot, by pushing a button on his smartphone.
With a special Web App, administrators on the go can easily monitor the system on their tablet.

SavaPage turns printing into a unified experience, abstracted from platform specifics. It is the logical stopover
where users are guided through sustainable print scenario's that help reduce overall printing costs.

1.1.1. Open Source Software

SavaPage is OSI Certified Open Source Software 2, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AG-
PL)3 as published by the Free Software Foundation4, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

1.1.2. Benefits
The key benefits of SavaPage are:
• Less administration. SavaPage is the one printer you need to print to any printer in your organization.
• Zero install. A generic PostScript driver and web browser is all you need to print from Windows, Mac and
GNU/Linux and preview the result.
• Multi-platform. Corporate printers are sandboxed in the Web App Preview and thus available on all mobile and
desktop platforms for pass-through (proxy) printing.
• Easy follow-me printing. Several hold-release scenarios, optionally with NFC cards, are supported. Users can
even use their own mobile device as print release terminal.
AirPrint is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative [].


• Mobile printing. Google Cloud Print, iOS AirPrint®, Web Print and Mail Print is supported out of the box.
• Think before you print. SavaPage Web App shows a print preview that makes you think twice. Do you really
need to print all these pages?
• Eco-friendly. Create environmental awareness by drawing end-user attention to the cost of printing, and save
precious paper, trees and money along the way.
• Reduction of printing costs. Remove unnecessary pages and graphics. Save as PDF, or route to a "real" printer
with n-up, gray-scale and duplex to reduce printing costs.
• No pre-printed paper needed. Eliminate the cost of pre-printed paper. Create virtual letterheads and apply them
to any print job.
• Advanced Print Services with Job Ticketing and Delegated Print.
• Open Source Software and Open Standards above Proprietary Software.
• Commodity Hardware above expensive Proprietary Devices.
• Peer-To-Peer Cooperation above Centralized Corporation. The SavaPage Community is there to help.

1.1.3. Key Features

The key features of SavaPage are:
• One SavaPage Printer Driver
• Generic PostScript Driver print from Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux.
• Secure Internet Print.
• Mobile Print
• Google Cloud Print from Android and Chrome OS.
• AirPrint® from iOS (iPad, iPhone).
• Driverless Printing
• Web Print and Mail Print to print from any device.
• Follow-me Printing
• Release Terminals
• NFC Authentication
• Web Apps for Desktops and Mobile Devices
• Easy authentication
• Username/Password, ID/PIN and NFC Card authentication.
• LDAP (Active Directory) Integration.
• Raspberry Pi Network Card Reader.
• User Web App
• Real-time print preview with Browse, Sort and Delete options.
• Server-side Proxy Printing (no local drivers needed).
• PDF Download or Email of accumulated print jobs.
• Multi-page Letterheads.
• Option to remove graphics from PDF and proxy print output.
• Innovative Eco Print to reduce ink and toner cost.
• Delegated Print for delegates to proxy print for other users and groups.
• Job Ticket Print for voluminous proxy print jobs.
• Admin Web App
• Comprehensive Web App to configure the SavaPage environment.
• Multi-language support.
• Customizable Web Interface.
• SSL Encryption.
• SavaPage Financial
• Pay-per-Print


• Vouchers
• Point-of-Sale Web App
• Online Payments (credit cards, bank accounts, Bitcoin).
• Tooling and Tuning
• Command-Line Interface to server methods.
• Web Services API.
• Third party Database support.
• Third Party Integration
• Microsoft Active Directory
• Single-Sign-On (Moodle, OAuth)
• Third Party Print Management Systems (PaperCut).
• Comprehensive Documentation
• User Manual in PDF, EPUB and HTML format.
• GDPR Compliant.

1.2. System Requirements

1.2.1. Server
SavaPage Open Print Portal can be installed on any modern GNU/Linux system that supports systemd service
manager like distributions based on Debian and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and openSUSE. Debian based
distributions that use SysV init scripts are also supported.

Throughout this manual GNU/Linux command and file examples are given for Debian based systems.
Commands and files might differ for other distributions, but not in function. For example, the Debian
apt-get command has a RHEL yum and openSUSE yast equivalent. It is trusted that system administra-
tors can translate the examples to their own environment. If applicable, functional differences between
distributions will be explained.

Installed host package versions are shown in the Admin Web App. Java
SavaPage is a Java program and needs JDK 8 or higher to be installed. Check the installation by executing both
the java and javac commands: they should echo usage information.

On Debian based systems you can install the JDK package with one of these commands 5:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jdk CUPS
SavaPage uses local CUPS printer queues for Proxy Printing. CUPS 1.4 or higher must be installed 6.

On Debian based systems you can install CUPS with these commands:

sudo apt-get install cups

sudo apt-get install cups-bsd

On Debian "Jessie" you need the Debian Backports repository [] to install OpenJDK 8.
CUPS 1.4 or higher provides the Job Template attribute “fit-to-page” that is used by SavaPage proxy printing to scale documents to fit the
size of selected media. See Also see Section K.1.1.6, “print-scaling” [305].


This package provides the parts of CUPS which are needed for using printer drivers.
This package provides the BSD commands for interacting with CUPS, like lpr.

SavaPage will automatically add any local CUPS printer as proxy printer. So, for proxy printing to work,
first add each proxy printer as CUPS printer.

Modern GNU/Linux distributions have everything prepared for using most printers. For USB printers it
is often enough to simply plug them in. For network printers you simply start the distribution's printer
setup tool out of the system administration menu or out of a system administration application, click on
a button for adding a new printer and then follow the screen instructions. If this does not work, usually
there is no suitable driver installed on your system. Verify in the OpenPrinting database7 whether your
printer is supposed to work and whether there is a driver or PPD file available. See the OpenPrinting
CUPS Quick Start8 for more details. Database
SavaPage is packaged with an internal database that offers you the opportunity to evaluate the product on a
small scale right away. However, when promoting SavaPage to a production environment with multiple users,
we strongly advise you to use PostgreSQL9 as external database server. See Chapter 19, Using an External Data-
base [245].

Using the internal database in situations with concurrent use will inevitably lead to locking, deadlock
and out-of-memory errors, which can make the system totally unresponsive. Poppler
SavaPage needs the PDF utilities based on Poppler to function properly.

Poppler10 is a PDF rendering library based on Xpdf PDF viewer. The command line utilities are used to get
information of PDF documents, convert them to other formats, or manipulate them. SavaPage uses pdftoppm to
convert PDF pages to images and pdftocairo to Repair PDF documents.

Check if the package is installed by entering the following command:

pdftoppm -v

On Debian based systems you can install the package with this command:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils QPDF
QPDF11 is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files. The
package is used to decrypt PDF from Web Print and Mail Print when Encrypted PDF for Proxy Printing is allowed.
See Section, “SafePages” [151].


Check if the package is installed by entering the following command:

qpdf --version

On Debian based systems you can install the package with this command:

sudo apt-get install qpdf ImageMagick
SavaPage needs the convert command of the ImageMagick software suite to manipulate images.

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, compose and convert bitmap images in a variety of formats (over
100) .

Check by entering the following command:

convert --version

On Debian based systems you can install the package with this command:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick Avahi
Avahi is needed if you want to print to SavaPage from iOS devices (iPad, iPod, iPhone). See Section 12.3, “Printing
from iOS” [211].

Avahi12 is a system which facilitates service discovery on a local network via the mDNS/DNS-SD 13 protocol
suite. Any modern GNU/Linux system has Avahi installed, but to be sure you can check by entering the following

avahi-browse --version

On Debian based systems you can install the package with this command:

apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-discover libnss-mdns Hardware
The SavaPage server process requires a minimum of 2 CPU cores, 2GB of RAM and 1 GB of free disk space.

Depending on the expected print quota you should reserve extra disk-space for each SavaPage user. See
Appendix D, Capacity Planning [286].

1.2.2. Clients
On desktop and mobile clients you need:
• An HTML5 compatible browser.

For printing to SavaPage on GNU/Linux and Mac clients you need:

• IPP printer support.
mDNS/DNS-SD enables you to plug your laptop or computer into a network and instantly be able to view other people who you can
chat with, find printers to print to or find files being shared. Compatible technology is found in Apple macOS (branded Bonjour [https://] and sometimes Zeroconf).


For printing to SavaPage from Windows you can choose between:

• A Local Printer on a Standard TCP/IP Port, when you want to share a SavaPage printer (e.g. on a Windows
Print Server).
• A Network Printer using Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).

To AirPrint to SavaPage on devices like iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch you need:
• iOS 4.2 or higher.

To AirPrint to SavaPage from macOS you need:

• macOS 10.7 Lion or higher.

The SavaPage WebApps use jQuery Mobile14 which offers broad support for the vast majority of all
modern desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms.

1.3. How does SavaPage work?

To explain how SavaPage works we first introduce the key concepts for the usage scenarios. After that we will
describe a typical work flow, and end with a high-level overview of the application's architecture.

1.3.1. Key Concepts

Each concept is described in an abstract definition with its SavaPage implementation. Print Server

A print server is a system responsible for hosting print queues and sharing printer resources to client workstations.
Client users submit print jobs to a print server rather then directly to the printer itself. A print server may be a
dedicated server. However, on many networks this server may also perform other tasks such as file serving.

SavaPage is a regular Print Server in the technical sense, but is special in the sense that it shares multiple print
queues of the one SavaPage virtual printer. The GNU/Linux host where SavaPage is deployed on may offer file
services on its own account. Print Queue

A print queue is first-in-first-out queue holding all jobs pending on a given printer.

SavaPage virtual queues redirect print jobs to the originating user's personal queue called SafePages. The Sava-
Page Web App is the viewport on these SafePages. User ID/Username

In a multi-user environment, users login to a network or computer using a username and password. Often these
are managed by services like Active Directory or LDAP. The username is known as the user's identity.

SavaPage uses this identity for authentication and auditing purposes.

User authentication is a topic of its own. Please see Chapter 13, Authenticated Printing [216] for more
elaboration on the User concept.

Introduction Client/Server Model

Client software is a small application that runs on each workstation and communicates with a central server. The
printing process on most networks works according to a client/server model with clients (workstations) submitting
jobs to a server.

SavaPage utilizes the client/server model with standard components on the workstation, i.e. an IPP or JetDirect
printing client and a Web browser. Application Server

An application server is a server program responsible for centrally processing “business logic” and providing
services to end-users.

SavaPage is an application server since it provides “business logic” for showing, editing and routing printed
documents. Information Provider

A provider is a software component or program responsible for providing information to an Application Server.

SavaPage uses an integrated IPP and JetDirect Server to capture Driver Print jobs from client workstations and
devices. It communicates with IMAP to capture Mail Print jobs and uses HTTP upload to capture Web Print
jobs. The generic information provider for capturing print jobs is called the “Print Provider”. Other important
providers are “User Directory Provider”, “Authentication Provider” and “CUPS Information Provider”. Web Application Interface

A Web Application, or Web App for short, is a software program that interacts with end-users via a web browser.
A Web App gives flexibility because it allows access from any location on the network and avoid the need for
installation of separate software.

SavaPage provides a web-based interface for end-users and system administrators. Since it is optimized for desk-
tops and mobile devices an even greater flexibility is achieved. SafePages

SafePages is the SavaPage term for the personal user space with accumulated jobs from SavaPage printer queues.
See Section, “Print Queue” [6]. Proxy Printer

Proxy Printer, or ProxyPrinter, is the SavaPage term for a printer that is available in the SavaPage Web App for
printing selected SafePages.

It is important to understand that using a Proxy Printer does not require its printer driver on the client
workstation. Proxy Printer queues are CUPS queues located on the GNU/Linux SavaPage host and are
not shared on the local network, hence not visible for client workstations. Proxy Printer queues can only
be selected and used in the SavaPage Web App sandbox for pass-through printing.

1.3.2. The SavaPage Work Flow

To illustrate what SavaPage is about and how it works we'll start with a simple use case.


Advanced user scenario's are described in Appendix A, Proxy Print Scenarios [256]. End-user perspective

1. John opens a web browser, clicks on the SavaPage bookmark and logs into SavaPage with his regular Active
Directory credentials.

2. John prints a document from his favourite editor to his SavaPage Network Printer.

3. John sees the printed pages appear as thumbnails in his web browser.

4. John browses through the thumbnails and zooms in on page 15 and 16 to see more detail.

5. Things look good, apart from two void pages at the end. So, John deletes these pages using the Delete dialog.

6. After selecting the company letterhead as standard background, John selects the Brand-X Multi-functional
Proxy Printer located down the hall, checks the settings (duplex and grayscale), and presses the Print button.

7. Since John also wants to save a PDF document of the result, he sets the PDF properties (title, author, subject,
keywords, encryption) and presses the Download button.

John could also have opened a web browser on his smartphone and do exactly the same things. Technical perspective

This is what happens behind the scenes.
1. When John prints to SavaPage from his editor, his workstation transfers the print job to the SavaPage Print
2. The SavaPage Print Provider handles the print job, analyzes the information and retrieves:
a. The identity of the user who printed the document.
b. The identity of the queue the job was printed to.
3. The Print Provider submits the information about the job to the Application Server to process the business logic.
4. The Application Server approves the print request, transfers the job to the user's SafePages, and signals John's
browser session that a new job has arrived.
5. The Web Application in John's browser picks up the signal, handles the information and displays the newly
printed pages.
6. The Web Application transfers each of John's editing actions (delete, letterhead) to the Application Server
where the state of the SafePages is saved.
7. When Johns selects the Brand-X Multi-functional Proxy Printer, the Web App asks the Application Server for
the printer options, so it can display the Printer Settings dialog for this specific printer.
8. When Johns presses the Print button, the print action plus the selected printer options are passed to the Appli-
cation Server. The server composes the print job (applying editing actions and selected letterhead) and sends
the result to the Proxy Printer, using the printer options John selected.
9. John's download request is fulfilled by the Application Server with a PDF document holding the edited
SafePages, including the letterhead, and the chosen PDF settings.

1.3.3. Architecture Overview

Figure 1.1, “SavaPage High-Level Architecture” [9] shows a high level view of the components and com-
munication involved.


Figure 1.1. SavaPage High-Level Architecture

• The SavaPage Print Server synchronizes users from the LDAP/NIS source to its own SQL Database.
• The Client Web Application on desktops, laptops and mobile devices communicates with the Application Server
using HTTP.
• Desktop and laptops users can be forced by their OS to login and be authenticated at the LDAP/NIS source.
• SavaPage Web App users on desktops, laptops and mobile devices are authenticated by the SavaPage Print
Server at the LDAP/NIS source.
• Desktop and laptop users print to SavaPage with the SavaPage printer driver using IPP or JetDirect protocol.
• macOS and iOS users can print to SavaPage with AirPrint®.
• Every user can use SMTP to Mail Print to SavaPage.
• SavaPage uses IMAP to monitor the Web Print Inbox.
• Every user can use HTTP to Web Print to SavaPage.
• Every user can print to the Google Cloud Ready SavaPage Printer.
• The Content Repository holds letterhead documents.
• A print command in the Web App to a Proxy Printer is executed by SavaPage with an IPP operation to local

Chapter 2. Server Installation

This chapter covers the initial installation and configuration of SavaPage in your network environment.
• If you are installing a new version over an existing installation please consult Appendix H, Upgrading from
a Previous Version [297].
• If this installation is part of a migration from an old server please consult Appendix I, Migrating to a New
Server [298] before going on.
Initial installation takes only a few minutes on a prepared server. This guide will walk you through installation
and configuration step-by-step. The process is summarized below:
1. System requirements check.
2. Downloading and installing SavaPage.
3. Completing the configuration.
4. Testing the software.

If you would like to know the technical details behind the SavaPage installer, take a look at Section 11.1,
“The Installation Process” [196].

By installing the program, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms of the GNU Affero General Public
License (AGPL). Please review Appendix P, GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) [334] before

2.1. Step 1 - System Requirements

Before proceeding with the installation you should take a few moments to verify system requirements. Is the
operating system version supported and are patches up-to-date? Take a few minutes to verify the system is current
and supported (see Section 1.2, “System Requirements” [3]).

The SavaPage installation program needs the commands which, strings, gunzip and perl. So, make sure the
binutils, debianutils (for Debian based systems), perl and gzip packages are installed.

2.2. Step 2 - Create System Account

SavaPage runs and installs under a system user account called savapage. This account is fixed, you cannot
choose another name. You are free though to pick a location for the application. However, GNU/Linux Filesystem
Hierarchy Standard (FHS) dictates that the application is installed in the /opt/savapage directory.

Create the system user account at the command prompt by entering:

sudo useradd -r savapage

The syntax for useradd may differ slightly on different versions of GNU/Linux. It may also be called adduser.

Next, create the install directory and set the ownership to the savapage account:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/savapage

Server Installation

... and set the ownership to the savapage account. For Debian and RHEL based systems:

sudo chown savapage:savapage /opt/savapage

... and for openSUSE:

sudo chown savapage:users /opt/savapage

For convenience, set the login shell and login directory:

sudo usermod -s /bin/bash savapage

sudo usermod -d /opt/savapage savapage

Some GNU/Linux distributions impose strict resource usage limits on user accounts (ulimit). The savapage
account is a dedicated account used for hosting the SavaPage application and hence should be granted sufficient
resource limits such as the ability to open many files. Please consult Section 20.2, “Linux User Limits” [250]
on how to change these limits.

2.3. Step 3 - Configure CUPS and Samba

Make sure to not publish shared printers in CUPS and Samba. Publishing shared printers creates a loophole by
which users can access a printer directly from their workstation and print outside the control of SavaPage.

For Samba, just edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and disable the [printers] share definition.

In CUPS, do not enable the “Publish shared printers connected to this system” option as offered in the Print Server
Settings dialog. When no such dialog is available you can make the adaption in the CUPS Administrator Web
interface (“Share printers connected to this system”), or manually in the cupsd.conf 1file.

Before editing cupsd.conf first stop CUPS by entering this command:

sudo service cups stop

When editing cupsd.conf change this content snippet, that publishes local printers and allows access from all
machine on the local network...

# Allow remote access

Port 631

# Share local printers on the local network.

Browsing On

<Location />
# Allow access to the server...
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL

... to this snippet that restricts CUPS access from localhost only ...

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.

Listen localhost:631

# Disable printer sharing.

Browsing Off

<Location />
Order allow,deny

On Debian, RHEL and openSUSE systems cupsd.conf is located in the /etc/cups/ directory.

Server Installation


... and leave all other content as it is.

Each individual proxy candidate CUPS printer must be shared locally so the savapage system account
can access it. Enabling the shared option can be done in a printer GUI dialog, in the CUPS Administrator
Web interface, or directly in the printers.conf 2 file by setting the Shared Yes option for a printer.

2.3.1. CUPS Remote Printer Browsing

To prevent remote printers that DNSSD broadcast themselves, to be discovered by CUPS and synchronized into
SavaPage, edit cups-browsed.conf 3file, and change it as follows:

BrowseRemoteProtocols none

2.3.2. CUPS Job History

An active SavaPage server captures print job statuses real-time, but when the server is restarted it needs CUPS job
history to catch up with the latest statuses. To avoid lost job statuses, CUPS must be told to “Preserve job history”.

You can set the Job History option in the Print Server Settings dialog (“Preserve job history but not files”, or op-
tionally “Preserve job history (allow reprinting)”), in the CUPS Administrator Web Interface (Advanced settings,
“Retain Metadata : Yes”, and optionally “Retain Documents : Yes”) , or manually by changing the cupsd.conf
file as follows:

MaxJobs 0
PreserveJobHistory Yes
PreserveJobFiles No

MaxJobs specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed. Set to 0 to allow an un-
limited number of jobs.
PreserveJobHistory specifies whether metadata is preserved after a job is printed. A value of Yes
will preserve history, a value of No will not. If a numeric value is specified, history is preserved for the
indicated number of seconds after printing. Set to Yes.
PreserveJobFiles specifies whether job files (documents) are preserved after printing. A value of Yes
will preserve files, a value of No will not. If a numeric value is specified, files are preserved for the indicated
number of seconds after printing. Set this option as you wish, but remember that (spool) files can get big.
If you run SavaPage on a host system with limited storage (for instance on a virtual machine) you better
set this value to No.

2.3.3. CUPS Job ID

This section gives you some background information about the ID that CUPS assigns to a print job. There is nothing
you need to configure for this, and you don't really need to consider this info at a first time SavaPage installation.
However, do read carefully when Migrating to a New Server, or if you plan to meddle with CUPS cache.

The CUPS Job ID is a global integer that is incremented and assigned to each new print job. In this way, a Job ID
refers to a single job within the CUPS cache. When a document is printed from SavaPage, its Job ID is persisted
in the SavaPage database and used to retrieve CUPS job status information, or to link incoming CUPS status
notifications to the printed document.

When you delete the content of the CUPS cache directory /var/cache/cups/, the Job ID offset is reset to
zero. If SavaPage depends on this CUPS instance, the cache will be out-of-sync with the CUPS Job ID range as
On Debian, RHEL and openSUSE systems printers.conf is located in the /etc/cups/ directory.
On Debian, RHEL and openSUSE systems cups-browsed.conf is located in the /etc/cups/ directory.

Server Installation

persisted in the SavaPage database. This will most likely result in newly issued job ID's that are already present
in the SavaPage database, and so introduce a non-unique relation between printed document and CUPS job ID.
Also, when SavaPage is moved to another server an out-of-sync is very likely.

How does SavaPage deal with the possibility of an out-of-sync situation?

1. For incoming CUPS notifications, the most recent document that matches the provided Job ID, and has not yet
reached final state (completed, cancelled, aborted), is updated with the provided status.
2. When retrieval of Job ID status information for a document with non-final state from CUPS fails, then print
status is set to “unknown” and time completed to system time.

2.3.4. CUPS Job Privacy

CUPS makes “job-name”, “job-originating-host-name” and “job-originating-user-name” private by default. This
means that personal data are anonymized in the CUPS Web interface, as shown below.

Figure 2.1. CUPS Job Privacy

You can restore the default by changing the JobPrivateValues directive in the cupsd.conf file as follows:

<Policy default>
JobPrivateValues default

2.3.5. CUPS Web Interface

If you want to use the CUPS Web Interface for administration from all machines on the local network you should
adapt cupsd.conf as follows:

# Allow remote access

Port 631

# Disable printer sharing.

Browsing Off

WebInterface Yes

<Location />
# Allow shared printing...
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL

<Location /admin>
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL

<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
Allow @LOCAL

2.3.6. CUPS systemd service

The scheduler for CUPS is called cupsd. When run from systemd some systems pass the -l parameter, so
cupsd is run on demand by socket and path activation. The advantage of this setup is that CUPS is activated
when needed, saving precious boot time and resources, and deactivated again after being idle for a while. This
lazy activation scenario is efficient for desktop systems that print occasionally and for which printing is not time

Server Installation

critical. However, dedicated print systems like SavaPage, that intensively use IPP to communicate with CUPS,
need CUPS to be full-time activated. Therefore the systemd cups.service unit must effectively start cupsd
with the -f parameter, so it runs steadily in the foreground.

Check the /lib/systemd/system/cups.service unit: ExecStart must start cupsd with the -f pa-
rameter. If not, edit the CUPS service unit with this command:

sudo systemctl edit cups

This launches a text editor for creating the file:


Add the following lines:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -f

Save the file and close the editor. Usually, after you edited a systemd unit file, for it to take effect, you need to run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

However, the systemctl edit command automatically did this for you. You can check the effect of the
override with this command:

systemctl cat cups.service | grep Exec

... it should show:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -l
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -f

You can check if /usr/sbin/cupsd -f is active with this command:

systemctl status cups.service

2.3.7. Test CUPS

When CUPS was stopped earlier you need to start CUPS again with this command:

sudo service cups start

Now you can test if the CUPS print queues to be used as Proxy Printer work as expected.

2.4. Step 4 - Optional System Settings

2.4.1. Set Default Paper Size
You can optionally set the default system paper size in the file /etc/papersize. This default is used by Sava-
Page, but can again be overridden in the Admin Web App. See Section, “Default Paper Size” [150].

The format of the /etc/papersize file is very simple: whitespace and anything starting with “#” is ignored,
and the name of the paper is the first string found; the case in the name of the paper is irrelevant. Commonly valid
paper size values are: a3, a4, a5, b5, letter, legal, executive, note and 11x17.

For example, use this command to set the default to a4:

sudo su -c 'echo a4 > /etc/papersize'

Server Installation

2.5. Step 5 - Check Firewall Settings

SavaPage uses TCP/IP port 8631 (for HTTP), port 8632 (for HTTPS/SSL) and port 9100 (for JetDirect/RAW
printing) by default.

You can change the TCP/IP port defaults in the /opt/savapage/server/
file after installation. See Section, “Alternative TCP/IP Ports” [198].

For Proxy Printer access the standard IPP port 631 of local CUPS is used.

For iOS printing (AirPrint) UDP port 5353 is used.

Depending on the Mail settings common SMTP ports are 25, 465 and 587.

Common IMAP ports used for Mail Print are 143 and 993.

The Secure JMX Connection uses port 8639.

SavaPage Google Cloud Printer uses XMPP port 5222 .

Many GNU/Linux distributions have strict default firewall policies, so take some time now to ensure that these
ports are open. Consult your distribution documentation for details on how to open firewall TCP and UDP ports.

2.6. Step 6 - Download and Install

SavaPage is supplied as a self-extracting and self-installing archive for 64-bit (x64 , x86_64, amd64) systems.
The installation must be performed as the newly created savapage user in the /opt/savapage directory.
Some parts of the installation need to be executed as root. When you choose to do so during the main install,
please have the root password or sudo password handy. You can also choose to execute the root tasks after
the main install. In that case you can simply sudo execute a post-install script. For more detail about the install
process please see Chapter 11, SavaPage on GNU/Linux [196].

Change to the newly created savapage user, download and execute the installer in /opt/savapage, and
follow the instructions.

sudo su savapage
cd /opt/savapage
rm ./savapage-setup-*-linux-*.bin
wget URL
sh ./savapage-setup-*-linux-*.bin

Remove old downloads, if any, first, to prevent that a new download gets .bin.1 suffix.
Use the URL from the SavaPage Wiki4 download section.
For example savapage-setup-1.2.0-rc-linux-x64.bin

The installation process will take between one and two minutes depending on the speed of the system. A system
restart is not required. When installing on a live production system, administrators are advised to choose a period
of low activity - for example, not during backup operations or other administration activities.

2.7. Step 7 - Save Encryption Keys

SavaPage creates the /opt/savapage/server/data/ file at first installa-
tion. The encryption keys held in this file are used to store Encrypted Secrets and Document Signatures in the

Server Installation

Make a backup of this file now, and store it at a secure place, so you can restore it when you need to migrate
to a new server.

The file is crucial for decrypting secret data in the database and verifying
the authenticity of document signatures. When you lose this file you won't be able to use any database
copy which was based on its encryption keys ever.

2.8. Step 8 - Configure

After installation, you will be prompted to open a web browser at https://savapage:8632/admin to
complete the configuration. The configuration steps are explained below.

2.8.1. Step 1 - Login

Login with username admin. This is the built-in administration account. Enter admin as password. This is the
standard password as set by the installer.

After login the Dashboard is shown where you will notice the system status “Setup is needed”. The next steps
guide you in configuring the system so that the status will change to “Ready to use”.

As long as system setup is needed login attempts at the User Web App are blocked with a message saying
“Application setup is required”.

2.8.2. Step 2 - Change Admin Password

As a first security measure change the master password for the built-in admin account. This account is indepen-
dent and not related to the operating system or domain. The password needs to meet minimum strength require-
ments, and must contain at least six characters. Select Options → Advanced → Reset internal admin password,
enter and confirm the new password and press the Apply button.

Make sure that this password is kept at a secure place since it is the key to your system.

More information about the admin password can be found in Section, “Internal Admin Pass-
word” [226].

2.8.3. Step 3 - Set Locale

Set the system's locale; ensure that these are correct before proceeding. Select Options → Advanced → Locale,
and enter the locale string. Some examples are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl, nl-NL, nl-BE. You can leave the
locale empty to accept the system default. The locale is applied to all system messages which are logged in the
system log or send by email. See Section 17.1, “Localization” [234].

2.8.4. Step 4 - Set Currency Code

Set the system's currency code; ensure that these are correct before proceeding. Select Options → Financial, and
enter the ISO 4217 Currency code. Some examples are: USD, EUR, GBP. The currency symbol is determined in
the context of the user or system locale. See Section 17.1, “Localization” [234].

Server Installation

2.8.5. Step 5 - Set User Source

SavaPage optionally imports user information from a Unix (PAM, NIS, etc.) or LDAP source.

Select Options → User Source.

Select Unix if the user accounts are setup and defined on the local system as standard Unix accounts or mapped
into the system from a central directory service such as LDAP via nsswitch.conf and PAM. Most large
established networks will use this option.

For administrators wishing to customize the PAM authentication method at the application level, Sava-
Page reports itself as “savapage”.

The LDAP option is appropriate for large networks with existing LDAP domains. This includes networks running
OpenLDAP, Apple Open Directory, Novell eDirectory and Microsoft Active Directory.

More information on LDAP is available in Section, “LDAP” [119].

After selecting the source, enter the necessary parameters (LDAP only) and press the Apply button.

2.8.6. Step 6 - User Synchronization

Skip this step if you did not set an external User Source in the previous step. Otherwise, select Options → User
Creation → Synchronization → Synchronize now to import users.

An option exists to import a subset of users from the source by selecting a group. This option is relevant
if only a subset of users will ever use SavaPage. Select Options → User Creation → Change Group to
select the group.

Test the import first by pushing the Test button. A simulated import will start, with each step echoed
below the button, so you can verify the effect of your action.

2.8.7. Step 7 - Set Mail Options

Select Options → Mail, enter the SMTP and Message options and press the Apply button. Data from the Messages
section is used for system generated mail messages.

You can send a test mail message to a recipient of your choice by pressing the Test button after you applied
the changes.

2.8.8. Step 8 - Driverless Printing

Mail Print and Web Print are disabled by default. You can enable and configure these options at Options → Mail
Print and Options → Web Print.

If you enabled one of the driverless printing options, decide which PDF converters you want to enable at Options
→ Advanced → Converters. Beware that you might need to install the converter software on the SavaPage host.

Server Installation

2.9. Step 8 - Share SavaPage Client Files

SavaPage client files are located in directory /opt/savapage/client. This includes the SavaPage Printer
Driver and JMX related files. It is useful to share this directory over the network so users can use, copy or install
the files they need on their workstation. Common sharing methods include:
• Samba - used to share files to Windows based workstations. GUI tools are available on GNU/Linux to help you
with sharing the client directory via Samba. However, some system administrators may be more comfortable
creating the share by hand-editing the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. The following configuration will share
the directory in read-only form:

path = /opt/savapage/client
comment = SavaPage Client
public = yes
only guest = yes
read only = yes

• NFS - a popular sharing method used for GNU/Linux and Unix based workstations.

The /opt/savapage/client directory is standard shared via the client/ URL. See Appendix E,
URL Cheat Sheet [288].

2.10. Step 9 - Testing

Now the installation is complete, it is time to do a basic test to check if the system is ready-to-use.
• Pick a workstation and login as a user that is part of the user source as configured in Section 2.8.5, “Step 5 -
Set User Source” [17].
• Install the SavaPage Printer Driver. See the instructions at Section 12.1, “Printing with a Driver” [206].
• Open a Web Browser and go to the User Web App at https://savapage:8632/
• Login to the Web App with the same credentials as used in the workstation login.
• Print a test document such as a web page or basic document to the SavaPage printer.
• Thumbnail images of the printed pages should appear in the Web App.

2.11. What's next?

Congratulations! At this point you have a ready-to-use SavaPage system. This concludes the Install Guide.

If you like, take some time to further explore the features of SavaPage in a more extensive free-format test drive.

Or, continue reading about the user interface details at Chapter 3, User Web App [20], Chapter 4, Admin Web
App [73], Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172] and Chapter 6, Point-of-Sale Web App [183].

At this point you can also proceed with the configuration of Google Cloud Print, AirPrint, Mail Print and Web Print.

Chapter 7, Print Site Web App [187] is a Feature Preview for setting up a location with self-service printers
and copy machines.

Chapter 8, PDF/PGP Verification [189] is a Feature Preview of an alternative PKI method to verify authenticity
and integrity of PDF documents.

Chapter 9, User Client [192] explains how to use a system tray notifier of SavaPage print events for desktops
and notebooks.

Chapter 10, SavaPage Financial [195] introduces the main pay-per-print concepts with references to more
detailed parts of the manual.

Server Installation

Chapter 11, SavaPage on GNU/Linux [196] offers an in-depth explanation of the GNU/Linux installation
process, the directory layout and tools involved.

Chapter 12, SavaPage as Printer [206] explains how for print from different platforms.

Chapter 13, Authenticated Printing [216] describes how SavaPage determines the digital identity of users in
different settings like Single Sign-On (SSO) Domains and Peer to Peer Networks.

Chapter 14, Printing Impact [224] explains the metrics used when giving users feedback about the costs and
environmental impact of their printing habits.

Chapter 15, Security [226] discussed security issues and precautions.

Chapter 16, Privacy [233] explains how digital freedom and privacy is secured in the SavaPage domain.

Chapter 17, Internationalization [234] explains how SavaPage is adapted to various languages and regions.

Chapter 18, Customization [236] explains how SavaPage can be customized to fit your corporate identity.

Chapter 19, Using an External Database [245] explains how to use an alternative external relational database.

Chapter 20, Tuning [248] discusses performance optimization and parameter tuning.

Chapter 21, SavaPage Community [254] describes the SavaPage Community and explains how to use the Mem-
ber Card.

Appendix A, Proxy Print Scenarios [256] summarizes several Proxy Print scenarios in a shorthand catalogue.

Appendix B, NFC Authentication [261] explains how SavaPage supports RFID as authentication method.

Appendix C, Tools [263] explains the command-line interface for calling server methods, manipulate the data-
base, stop and start the server, and for applying SSL certificates for secure HHTP connections.

Appendix D, Capacity Planning [286] discusses how SavaPage uses disk space and network resources.

Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288] offers a Quick Reference Card of the available Web Interface URLs.

Appendix F, File Locations [290] is an outline of locations and files in /opt/savapage/.

Appendix G, Printable File Types [293] gives a summary of the file formats supported by Driverless Printing.

Appendix H, Upgrading from a Previous Version [297] describes the procedure to install a new version.

Appendix I, Migrating to a New Server [298] describes the procedure to move your current SavaPage instal-
lation to a new server.

Appendix J, Advanced LDAP Configuration [300] gives an in depth explanation of the LDAP configuration

Appendix K, PPD Extensions [304] explains how to map vendor specific PPD keywords to IPP attributes.

Appendix L, IPP Extensions [317] gives a summary of IPP attributes and values as extensions to the IANA
registrated ones.

Appendix M, SavaPage Plug-ins [323] explains how to deploy software components that add specific features
to SavaPage.

Appendix N, PaperCut Integration [327] explains how functions not present in PaperCut can be implemented
with SavaPage as pre-processor and integrator.

Appendix O, Job Scheduling [333] describes SavaPage background job scheduling.

Appendix P, GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) [334] contains the full text of the AGPL.

Chapter 3. User Web App

The User Web App can be reached at https://savapage:8632/. For all URL options see Appendix E,
URL Cheat Sheet [288].

When using the User Web App concurrently with the User Client and Proxy Print Authentication you
are strongly advised to use an external database like PostgreSQL. See Chapter 19, Using an External
Database [245].

3.1. Login

Figure 3.1. Web App: Login Dialog

When a user opens the Web App the login dialog is skipped when an Authentication Token is present in
local storage of the browser. The login dialog is also skipped when the Web App is opened from a trusted
and authenticated User Client or with a One-Time Authentication Token.

For a description of the global user authentication defaults see Section 4.10.3, “User Authentica-
tion” [124].

• The language of the dialog defaults to the language setting of the browser.
• You can overrule the default language and country or preselect a user by using the URL parameters. See Ap-
pendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288]
• Version and copyright information is shown when you press the About button. See Section 3.1.1,
“About” [21].
• You can choose an alternative language by pressing the Language button. See Section 3.1.2, “Select Lan-
guage” [21].
• The top of the Login dialog can be customized: see Section, “Custom HTML” [238].

User Web App

• Login Alternatives appear at the bottom of the dialog.

Some invariants:
• Only Persons can login.
• Disabled users are not allowed to log in.
• The internal "admin" user is not allowed to log in as user.
• As long as system setup is needed user login attempts are blocked with a message saying “Application setup
is required”.
• When the system is in Maintenance Mode, access is restricted to users with Administrator role. Regular users
are shown a message explaining the situation at this Login dialog, or after login in the authorized session.

You can use an alias as User Name. See Section 13.4, “User Name Aliases” [222].

3.1.1. About
The About dialog shows version and copyright information. The top of the dialog can be customized: see Sec-
tion, “Custom HTML” [238].

The dialog contains a Printer Driver section with a download link for the CUPS SAVAPAGE.ppd file. This
section can be enabled or disabled by setting the configuration key webapp.about.driver-down-
load.enable to Y or N. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

3.1.2. Select Language

Figure 3.2. Web App: Select Language Dialog

• At the moment English, German and Dutch are fully supported. Press the language of your choice. This will
reload the login dialog in the newly selected language.
• Press Cancel to return to the login dialog.

User Web App

You can use the webapp.language.available configuration property to enter a comma separated
list of selectable ISO 639 language codes. For instance: de,en,fr,es,ru,nl. See Section,
“Config Editor” [154] on how to enter this value.

When the list is restricted to a single language, the Language button in is not shown in the Login dialog,
and the Web App Locale is set to the single available language.

3.1.3. Single Web App Session

A warning message is shown when a desktop 1 user tries to open the same Web App type a second time in the
same browser instance. In rare occasions, for instance, due to network connectivity issues, this statement might
be false. In that case a Login will bring you back on track.

Figure 3.3. Same type Web App session detected

When a user opens a second Web App session of another type this message is shown:

Figure 3.4. Web App type change detected

In both situations, either go back to the active Web App session or press Login to login to the intended Web App
type. This will invalidate any other SavaPage session in the same browser instance.

3.1.4. Card Self Association Dialog

When an unknown card is swiped, and Card Self Association is enabled, the user is presented this dialog to
associate the new card.

The Single Web App Session check is solely done for certain desktop browser sessions. Sessions on macOS and mobile devices are not

User Web App

Figure 3.5. Web App: Login Dialog - Card Self Association

There is a time limit to enter the Username and Password. The remaining seconds are shown and when count-
ed down to zero the dialog is automatically closed. The time limit (seconds) is contained in configuration key
webapp.card-assoc.dialog-max-secs. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to
change this value.

3.2. Login Alternatives

The appearance of the Login dialog on a device depends on the following settings:
• The globally activated Login Methods. See Section 4.10.3, “User Authentication” [124].
• The Terminal settings for the device. See Section 4.9.4, “Custom User Login” [117].
• The login URL parameter with the preferred login method. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].
• Active OAuth Client Plug-ins.
Terminal settings overrule global settings, and the URL parameter overrules the defined default. When available,
alternative login methods can be selected by tapping the method button at the bottom of the dialog. Some sample
Login dialogs are shown below.

Figure 3.6. Web App: Login Dialog - ID Number

User Web App

Figure 3.7. Web App: Login Dialog - Local NFC Card

Figure 3.8. Web App: Login Dialog - Network NFC Card

A special URL path is available to use OAuth as SSO for User Web App. This URL can be presented on
the site of an OAuth provider, to seamlessly link to SavaPage. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].

3.3. SafePages
This is the main view with the acquired SafePages since the last login. This view is also known as “inbox”.

Figure 3.9. User Web App: Main View

The top bar has the following buttons (from left to right):
• An action button that opens a pop-up menu. For now, the SavaPage logo with the GDPR and About button
is available. See Section 3.13, “GDPR Dialog” [72].
• The Community Member name, in our case "SavaPage Demo". Pressing it opens the About dialog with version
and copyright information.

User Web App

• A button with the inline pagometer Pie-Chart followed by the id of the logged in user. The blue color in the
chart represents the number of pages the user printed to SavaPage. The green color represents the number of
pages exported to PDF. The red color depicts the pages printed to Proxy Printers. The button opens a dialog
with User Details, including pagometer details.
• The Help button opens a custom URL in a new tab. The URL is set with configuration property "webap-" and enabled with "" Y (default) or N.
• The i button opens the About dialog.

The two-line center bar holds buttons for the main work-flow. When no SafePages are present, the SavaPage
logo is shown, and irrelevant buttons are disabled (these buttons are described at Figure 3.10, “User Web App:
SafePages” [25]).

By default, the center bar shows button text on mobile devices only: on desktops a hover text is shown. You can
change this behavior by setting configuration property webapp.user.main.nav-button-text with value
ON (button text is always shown), OFF (button text is never shown) or AUTO (button text is shown on mobile
devices only).

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change configuration properties.

Depending on User Privileges and User Roles some buttons might not be shown, replaced (relocated).

The Letterhead button brings you to a dialog where you can create, browse and select letterheads. See Sec-
tion 3.6, “Letterheads” [57].

Press the Log button to get a list of the See Section 3.8, “Log” [60].

The Logout button brings you back to the login screen.

Press the Refresh button when, due to whatever reason, the automatic detection of SavaPage changes fails.
This will update the view with the latest state.

Each print to SavaPage is logged as Document. SafePages that do not match a logged Document are
removed. This can happen when a database is restored, or when old documents are deleted after a Database
Backup, or Database Command.

Figure 3.10. User Web App: SafePages

This screen shows the result of a user who printed 3 pages to the SavaPage printer. The following actions on
thumbnails are defined:
• You can scroll through the thumbnails by dragging them horizontally.

User Web App

• A tap on the transparent area "<" or ">" in the top corner of the thumbnail view port scrolls the view a single
page to the left or right. A taphold brings the start or the end of the page range in view.
• A tap (click) opens up a detailed view of the page in the Page Browser: Figure 3.19, “User Web App: SafePage
Browser (8 pages)” [31].
• A tap on the page number underneath the thumbnail or a taphold on the thumbnail itself, opens the Document
Details dialog with rotate, delete and undo actions: Section 3.3.3, “Document Details” [29].
The following sections describe the actions for the newly enabled buttons:

Section 3.4, “PDF” [32].

When the user is a Job Ticket Creator and not a Print Job Creator, or Job Ticket Printers are the only
available printers, a Ticket button is shown instead of a Printer button. Section 3.5, “Print” [37].

Section 3.7, “Delete” [59].

Section 3.9, “Sort” [64].

Figure 3.11. User Web App: SafePages - Aggregated

This screen shows the result of a user printing 8 pages to the SavaPage printer, and illustrates thumbnail aggre-

• Note that only 6 thumbnails are displayed, and that the first thumbnail tells by its numbering that it is the first
of a (3) page aggregation.
• A tap on the first thumbnail will bring the (3) aggregated thumbnails in view. As a side-effect an aggregate will
appear at another location in the thumbnail sequence.
• Thumbnail aggregation is a protection against information (and resource) overload. Imagine what would happen
if you printed a 500 page document to the SavaPage printer and ended up with 500 thumbnails. Aggregation
gives you the high-level means to easily zoom in and out.
• As always, a tap on a single thumbnail will bring you to the Page Browser, where you can navigate to any page,
sequentially or directly. See Figure 3.19, “User Web App: SafePage Browser (8 pages)” [31].

3.3.1. Document Expiration

When the document expiration time signal is set and expiration for a document is due, every thumbnail of the
document is marked with a clock icon in a colored (orange) footer.

User Web App

When the document is auto-deleted after expiration a notification message us shown.

See Section, “SafePages” [151].

3.3.2. Footer
The footer is positioned at the bottom of the main user panel. The base items are depicted in the figure below.

Figure 3.12. User Web App: Footer Base

From left to right:

• A check-mark icon as indication that the Web App is connected to the SavaPage server. Other icons are shown
when the connection is being (re) established or lost. When the server is not down, this usually is a temporary
condition due to a network hiccup. Don't worry, SavaPage will automatically restore the connection when the
network permits.
• The account balance of the logged in user. When you press the button a dialog with User Details is shown,
including pagometer details. This button might not show depending on Financial User Privileges.
• A tap on the Upload button shows the Upload File dialog. This button may have moved to the center button
bar, depending on User Privileges.

Depending on User Privileges some buttons might changed, not shown or moved to the main button bar. Paper Size Indicator

When SafePages are present the unique paper sizes of the jobs are depicted in the footer. The text color indicates
if a paper size is supported by the selected printer or not. The examples below illustrate how this works.

A4 and A3 jobs are present: a printer is selected that supports both paper sizes.

A4 and A3 jobs are present: a printer is selected that supports solely the A4 paper size. The A3 page is cropped
to A4.

A4 and A3 jobs are present: a printer is selected that supports solely the A4 paper size. The A3 page is shrinked
to A4.

A4 and A3 jobs are present: a printer is selected that supports none of the paper sizes (or no printer is selected yet). Hold Print Jobs

A summary of Hold Print Mode jobs and Job Tickets as a result of Proxy Printing is shown in the footer. The
example below explains the layout.

User Web App

From left to right:

• The shortest remaining job release time.
• The total number of hold jobs.
• The total number of pages to be printed.
• The total cost charged for printing.

A tap on the summary show a dialog where all Hold Jobs are shown in detail. Each job has three button, from
left to right:
• Show invoicing information.
• Preview the PDF document to be printed.
• Cancel the job.
And for all jobs:
• Cancel all jobs.
• Extend the expiry time of Hold Print Mode jobs.

Figure 3.13. User Web App: Hold Print Jobs

User Web App

Figure 3.14. User Web App: Hold Copy Job

Figure 3.15. User Web App: Hold Job Transactions

More information can be found at:

• Section 3.5.5, “Print Job Settings” [43].
• Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53].

3.3.3. Document Details

A Tap on the page numbering below the image pops up the Document Details dialog.

Figure 3.16. User Web App: Document Details

User Web App

When document expiration is set the expiration time is shown. See Section, “SafePages” [151]. Delete and Undo

Press the Delete document button in this dialog to delete all pages of a SafePages document, or check and apply
Undo page delete to restore the full job in case document pages were deleted. See Section 3.9, “Sort” [64]. Rotation

When a user prints to a printer and selects landscape orientation, the print manager of the originating application
will translate and rotate the printed content to fit the dimensions of the hard copy target page.

When doing so, it makes assumptions about the (0,0) origin of the logical space on this page. The SavaPage printer
driver provides a hint to the print manager about the origin, so it can rotate and translate the pages in a way that
is compatible with the SavaPage printer.

Contrary to real printers, where hard copies can easily be rotated by hand, pages produced by the virtual SavaPage
printer need special attention, since landscape oriented prints will display rotated in portrait oriented images and
PDF pages. Probably this is not what you want, so you can ad-hoc rotate job pages in SavaPage to landscape
display orientation.

Figure 3.17. User Web App: Landscape Job

• This what you might see when you print a job in landscape orientation.
• Select the Rotate option and press the Apply button to rotate the page and all sibling pages belonging to the
same job.
• The result after rotation is shown in Figure 3.18, “User Web App: Rotated Pages” [31].

Although the Rotate dialog is triggered from a single SafePage, the rotation affects all SafePages within
the same print job.

User Web App

Figure 3.18. User Web App: Rotated Pages

• The SafePages after rotation.

When two WebApps are opened for the same user, the result of a page rotation performed in one Web
App will not automatically be shown in the other. The user should do a manual refresh to update the
SafePages preview.

3.3.4. Browser
A tap on a non-aggregated SafePage thumbnail image will show the page detail in the Browser.

Figure 3.19. User Web App: SafePage Browser (8 pages)

User Web App

• A tap on the page image zooms in, extending the image width to the available screen width. See Figure 3.20,
“User Web App: SafePage Browser - Detailed View (4 of 8)” [32].
• There are several ways to browse the pages:
• Swipe the page image to the left or right to view the next or previous page. A swipe-left on the last page brings
you back to the first page. Vice versa, a swipe-right on the first page brings the last page into view.
• The arrow-right and arrow-left buttons in the navigation bar below are an alternative for swiping to a next
or previous page.
• Use the slider control to directly jump to the page of your choice.
• The X button deletes the page in view.
• The leftmost Return button brings you back to the main SafePages screen: Section 3.3, “SafePages” [24].

Figure 3.20. User Web App: SafePage Browser - Detailed View (4 of 8)

• This screen shows a zoomed-in detailed page view. The image width is extended to the available screen width.
Use the standard page scrolling of your browser to scroll the image up and down.
• A tap on the page image zooms out again, adjusting the image height to the available screen height. See Fig-
ure 3.19, “User Web App: SafePage Browser (8 pages)” [31].

The detailed view automatically adjusts itself when the available screen width changes, either by tilting
your mobile device from portrait to landscape orientation (vice versa) or by resizing your desktop browser

3.4. PDF
A tap on the PDF button in the main SafePages view shows a dialog with PDF properties and export actions.
See Section 3.3, “SafePages” [24].

PDF properties are preserved when the dialog is closed or a PDF is generated, and are re-used when
needed in current or future sessions.

User Web App

Figure 3.21. User Web App: PDF - Overview

• This screen shows the full PDF dialog.

• The Author defaults to the name of the authenticated user at login, and can be edited.
• Details are discussed at:
• Section 3.4.1, “PDF Filters” [34]
• Section 3.4.2, “Document Scope” [34].
• Section 3.4.3, “Description” [34].
• Section 3.4.4, “Security” [35].
• Section 3.4.5, “Passwords” [36].
• Section 3.4.6, “Letterhead” [36].
• Section 3.4.7, “Download” [37].
• Section 3.4.8, “Send” [37].
• A selection of SafePages to incorporate into the PDF output can be entered as a range of Pages. For example:
1-4,6,8-10. The value can be a single page, a range of pages, or a collection of page numbers and ranges
separated by commas. The pages will always be exported in ascending order, regardless of the order of the
pages in the page-ranges option. The page range is automatically emptied after printing. Be aware that the page
ordinals are related to the Document Scope.
• Check one of the PDF Filters Eco Print , Remove graphics or Grayscale .
• You can activate a Description , Security and Passwords setting by toggling the corresponding button in the
so-called Apply section. A toggle button is disabled when no setting is specified.

SavaPage tries to translate URL formatted text like “” and “” to
PDF links. Implicit URLs in the source document, such as those contained in text like “click here”, are
not sent to the SavaPage printer, and therefore not preserved in the PDF document.

User Web App

3.4.1. PDF Filters

Activate either the Grayscale , Eco Print or Remove graphics filter option. The last option removes all graphic
images from the PDF. When choosing Eco Print the selected SafePages will be ad-hoc converted in the background.
While conversion is busy a message box will tell you to wait a while and retry later. Take about 3 seconds per page
waiting time into consideration. Automatic filtering may help to diminish waiting times: see Section,
“Eco Print Settings” [142].

At the moment a single filter can be selected. If needed filter chains will be supported in a future SavaPage

3.4.2. Document Scope

Figure 3.22. User Web App: PDF - Document Scope

• When pressing the Document button you get a selection pop-up with titles of acquired SavaPage print jobs.
Tap a job title to restrict the scope of the PDF output to that job. Select the top item All Documents to activate
full scope.
• When full scope is selected the Pages ordinals are related to the SafePages total. When a job is selected as scope,
the page ordinals are related to the page total of the job.
• Selecting a scope initializes the Title text with the job name, or clears it when you choose full scope. You can
edit the Title if you wish.
• If there is just a single acquired SavaPage print job, this job is shown as only option.

When a user rearranged or deleted any SafePages the scope is confined to full scope.

3.4.3. Description

Figure 3.23. User Web App: PDF - Description

• Press the Description button to expand the section.

• Enter the Subject and (space separated) Keywords of the PDF document.

When a Subject or Keywords are entered, the Description toggle in the Apply section will be enabled.
Use this toggle to apply (or deny) the Description to the generated PDF.

User Web App

3.4.4. Security
Press the Security button to expand the section.

Figure 3.24. User Web App: PDF - Security

When the OpenPGP Key Pair is present on the server, users who have the Privilege to Sign will see the Sign
option, When selected, an OpenPGP Signature is applied to the generated PDF.

When the Encryption option is selected the Actions allowed for the generated PDF are shown. Use the Allow
all or Allow none buttons to select the actions in one go. Or select each allowed action separately. This is a list
with the allowed actions, each with a short description:
• Printing: Printing the document.
• Degraded Printing: same as Printing, but with a lower quality.
• Page Extraction: Modifying the contents. For example, changing the contents of a page, or inserting or removing
a page.
• Commenting: Adding or modifying text annotations.
• Document Assembly: Inserting, removing, rotating and bookmarking pages. The content can't be changed, unless
Page Extraction is also selected.
• Content Copying: Copying or otherwise extracting text and graphics from the document, This also applies for
screen readers or other accessibility devices.
• Content Copying for Accessibility: Extracting text and graphics for use by accessibility devices.

SavaPage uses 128-bit PDF encryption.

When Sign or Encryption is selected, the Security toggle in the Apply section will be enabled. Use this toggle
to apply (or deny) the security settings to the generated PDF.

User Web App

3.4.5. Passwords

Figure 3.25. User Web App: PDF - Passwords

• The User password (also known as the open password) locks the PDF file for anyone who doesn't know the
• The Owner password (also known as the permissions password) is needed to read the PDF file in order to
change the permissions.
• The maximum password length is 32 characters.
• If you don't enter a user password, all users will be able to open the PDF document without being prompted for
a password. However, the security settings will remain in place.
• When both PDF user and owner password are entered they must be different.

When a User password is set or Security settings are active, and the Owner password is not set, SavaPage
will replace it by a random string.

Security settings without a User password aren't really secure, since the encryption key is derived from
the User password. When the User password is omitted, the content is encrypted as described in the public
PDF reference, so decryption is also known in this case (although illegal to practice).

When a User or Owner password is entered, the Passwords toggle in the Apply section will be enabled.
Use this toggle to apply (or deny) the passwords to the generated PDF.

3.4.6. Letterhead

Figure 3.26. User Web App: PDF - Letterhead

User Web App

• Press the button in the Letterhead section to get a selection pop-up with available Letterheads.
• Tap on a letterhead title to select it, or select the top item dash to deselect a letterhead.

Depending on User Privileges the Letterhead section might not be shown.

Letterheads are not subjected to PDF Filters but are applied to the filtered result.

3.4.7. Download
• Press the Download button to download the SafePages as PDF file, with the properties set in this dialog.
• Your browser will present a Save dialog so you can save the PDF file in the location of your choice.
• The default PDF file name will be identical to the Title you entered as PDF property.

Depending on User Privileges the Download button might not be shown.

3.4.8. Send
A tap on the Send button in the PDF dialog, shows this Send dialog. See Section 3.4, “PDF” [32].

Figure 3.27. User Web App: PDF - Send

• Enter the Email address of the recipient.

• The last used Email address is shown. Press the Default button to reset the address to the one that belongs to
the logged in user.
• Press the Send button to generate the PDF document and send it as attachment to the recipient.

Depending on User Privileges the Send button might not be shown.

3.5. Print
A tap on the Printer or Ticket button in the main SafePages view shows the Print dialog. See Section 3.3,
“SafePages” [24].

If just one printer is available, it is automatically selected, and its Printer Settings dialog is opened.

User Web App

The Print dialog enables users to set custom printer and job options. When a single copy with default
printer options is required, users can apply Fast Print Mode (when this mode is configured for a printer).

3.5.1. Printer Selection

When a printer was not yet selected a Select Printer dialog is displayed.

Figure 3.28. User Web App: Print - Select Printer

• A list with a maximum of 5 accessible printers is shown in alphabetic order. Access is according to User Roles
“Print Job Creator” and “Job Ticket Creator”.
• Printers marked with an icon are secured with Hold Print Mode Release. An icon means the printer is
secured with Direct Print Mode Release. Printers marked with a Fast label are (additionally) enabled for Fast
Print Mode Release.
• Job Ticket Printer instances are marked with an icon.
• Printers can be selected by entering part of the printer name or location. In the figure above the text “floor”
was entered, resulting in 3 hits.
• You select a printer from the list by tapping (clicking) it. This brings the Printer Settings dialog of the selected
printer into view.
• The Fast Print Closing Time button shows the expiration time of Fast Print Release. The time is reset when
the Print Dialog opens or the button is pushed. This button is shown when the user is granted access to at least
one proxy printer with Fast Print Release enabled.

When User Role permits access to Job Ticket Printers only, the dialog will show “Ticket” as title.

User Web App

3.5.2. Printer Settings

Figure 3.29. User Web App: Printer - Settings

Set one or more printing options by pushing the pick-list buttons. The options are initialized with the CUPS printer
defaults at the start of a user session. Changes made in this dialog are held during a user session, unless they are
cleared after a proxy print: see Table 3.3, “Print Job Settings Configuration Properties” [46].

Options are printer specific, and are automatically identified by SavaPage. See Section, “Printer Setting
Options” [42].

A preview of the Finished Page is shown at the top. A checkbox shows the orientation (Portrait, Landscape) of
the first page of the selected document or page range. See Section, “Print Preview” [41] for more

The Invoicing button is visible when Proxy Print Delegation is enabled and the user has Print Job Delegate role.
Pressing it opens the Print Delegation Dialog.

Pressing the Job button opens the Print Job Settings.

Options are validated with SPConstraint rules, when leaving the Printer Settings dialog with Invoicing
or Job button.

If options present in the CUPS PPD file are missing you can add them, as explained in Appendix K, PPD Exten-
sions [304]. In this way you can add finishing options:

User Web App

Figure 3.30. User Web App: Printer - Settings - Finishings

Or Job Ticket Options:

Figure 3.31. User Web App: Printer - Settings - Job Ticket

When all paper sizes of SafePages jobs are supported by the printer, each paper size is indicated in green at the
top of the dialog, and the Media Source defaults to Automatic . In this example A4 and A3 are supported. See
Section, “Media Sources” [105] on how media size is assigned to a printer's media sources.
• When a user selects Media Source Automatic , and the target printer supports automatic media source selection,
SavaPage will use IPP media-source attribute value auto when sending the job to the printer. In this
way, even when the job is redirected to a another (compatible) printer, the right media source will be selected
automatically, based on media size.

If you always want to force a print job to automatic media source selection, irrespective from the Media
Source choice, you can use a PPD Extension to map all media-source values to the same PPD auto
value. Page Scaling

When you choose a specific Media Source (holding a specific paper size) that does not match all paper sizes of
SafePages jobs, a Page Scaling option appears, with an extra page size indicator (with light orange background)
at the top of the dialog. Also, a mnemonic text is displayed at the bottom of the Print Preview, with the media size
of the chosen Media Source, optionally appended with the “fit” option (if Fit is selected).

User Web App

Figure 3.32. User Web App: Print - Page Scaling (Fit)

In this example, as the orange A3 indicator shows, the selection of the A4 media source does not fit available
A3 page sizes.

The default option Fit (indicated as solid green square) will scale the deviant pages according to the print-scaling
option “fit”.

Figure 3.33. User Web App: Print - Page Scaling (None)

The None option (indicated as solid white square) will scale the deviant pages according to the print-scaling
option “none”.

When printed media of document(s) do match the assigned media of the (implicitly) selected Media Source, the
Page Scaling choice is not shown, and option “None” is applied.

Scaling defaults can be overruled with the configuration items shown in the table below:

Configuration property Description Set to Y or N (default) to show/hide Page Scaling choice when

media sizes match assigned media of selected media source. Default Page Scaling value when media sizes match assigned
media of selected media source.. Values: NONE (default) or
FIT. Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide Page Scaling choice when

media sizes do not match assigned media of selected media
source. Default Page Scaling value when media sizes do not match as-
signed media of selected media source. Values: NONE or FIT

Table 3.1. Page Scaling Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items. Print Preview

Print Preview helps the user to envision the effect of Pages per side, Rotate by 180 degrees, Staple and Punch
on the Finished-Page.

User Web App

A checkbox at the top right shows the orientation (Portrait, Landscape) of the first page of the selected document
or page range. This is the right default in most cases, but the value can be toggled if the user knows for sure that
the first page has a different orientation. For example, because he selects a specific page range from SafePages
document(s) that have mixed page orientation. Whatever the choice is, SavaPage always checks if the assumption
was right. When the actual print orientation turns out different as the one selected in the preview, and orientation
dependent options, like staple and punch, were chosen, the user will be prompted to adapt the print settings and
try again.

Figure 3.34. User Web App: Print - Preview (4-up, landscape, staple, punch)

Print Preview can be enabled/disabled by setting webapp.number-up-preview.enable to Y (de-
fault) or N. Custom Text and Icons

Option text can be customized, and choices can be preceded by a 16x16 pixel icon. See Section L.3, “IPP Local-
ization” [321]. An example is shown below.

Figure 3.35. User Web App: Printer Options - Custom Icons Printer Setting Options

The options presented in the Printer Settings dialog are a collection from:
• Basic IPP Printer Attributes as shown in the table below.
• Internal IPP - PPD Mapping Extensions.
• Internal IPP Job Ticket Extensions.

Attribute Value source

media CUPS (a subset of common media sizes is used).

media-source CUPS or PPD Extension.

media-type PPD Extension.

number-up CUPS (values 1, 2, 4, 6, 9).

output-bin CUPS or PPD Extension.

print-color-mode CUPS or PPD Extension.

User Web App

Attribute Value source

printer-resolution CUPS.

print-scaling Section K.1.1.6, “print-scaling” [305]

sides CUPS or PPD Extension.

Table 3.2. Basic IPP Printer Attributes

User input is validated with SPConstraint rules.

3.5.3. Selected Printer

The selected Printer is shown at the top section of the dialog.

Figure 3.36. User Web App: Print - Selected Printer

• The selected printer is shown as button at the bottom of the Printer section. Settings of the selected printer can
be changed by pushing the button.
• The Page Size Indicator is shown at the top with symbols for the main printer options:
• : color printing.
• : black and white printing.
• : duplex printing.
• : two or more pages on one sheet.
• Another printer can be selected by reentering the search text (you can clear the quick search first my pushing
the “cross” button at the right). If just one printer is available no search option is offered.

3.5.4. Delegated Print

The Delegated Print Invoicing option is offered in the Printer Settings and Print Job Settings dialog when the
following conditions are met:
• Proxy Print Delegation is enabled.
• The User has Print Job Delegate role.

See Section 3.5.8, “Delegated Print Edit” [48].

3.5.5. Print Job Settings

Print job settings can be entered in the Job section.

User Web App

Figure 3.37. User Web App: Print - Job Settings

Select an Account to which the costs of the job is charged. The account can either be a Personal (default) or a
Shared Account the user has access to. See Section 4.6.2, “Edit Account” [96].
• Account selection is hidden when Copies , collected by Delegated Print Invoicing, is switched On. Availability
of this switch is dependent on configuration property webapp.user.proxy-print.delegate-copies-apply-switch.
• Account Personal may not be available due restricted Personal Print Privileges.
• When a Shared Account is selected the job will be handled as Delegated Print.

When Job Ticket Labels are enabled and activated for this printer, additional labels like Domain, Appli-
cation and Tag can be selected, just as in the Job Ticket Print dialog. Also see:
• Section, “Configuration Properties” [55]
• Section, “Proxy Printer Identity” [104].

Selecting a Document scope and Title for your print job is identical as in Section 3.4.2, “Document
Scope” [34].

The number of Copies can be entered via the slider control. The “maximum number of copies per job” is set as
Proxy Print Option. The number of copies is automatically reset to one (1) after printing.
• Copies selection is hidden when Delegated Print Invoicing, is switched On.
• When Delegated Print Invoicing is switched Off, and a Job Ticket Printer is selected, the number of Copies
is not restricted and can thus be entered as text.

A selection of SafePages to print can be entered as a range of Pages. For example: 1-4,6,8-10,15-. The
value can be a single page, a range of pages, or a collection of page numbers and ranges separated by commas.
The pages will always be printed in ascending order, regardless of the order of the pages in the page-ranges option.
The page range is automatically emptied after printing. Be aware that the page ordinals are related to the Scope.

User Web App

Selecting a Letterhead for your print job is identical as in Figure 3.26, “User Web App: PDF - Letter-
head” [36].
• Depending on User Privileges the Letterhead section might not be shown.

Check one of the PDF Filters Eco Print or Remove graphics .

• The Eco Print , including discount percentage, must be enabled in Section, “Eco Print Set-
tings” [142].
• See the Configuration Properties table below on how to disable the Remove graphics filter.

The Collate option is shown when you print multiple copies and describes how printed material will be organized.
For example, if you have a five page document and are printing multiple copies with collate enabled, SavaPage
prints pages 1,2,3,4 and 5 in that order and then repeats. However, if collate is disabled and you print three copies
of those same five pages, SavaPage prints pages in this order: 111, 222, 333, 444, and then 555. The icons in the
checkbox are a mnemonic of the output when the collate option is enabled or disabled.
• See Section K.1.1.7, “sheet-collate” [305] on how to specify the collate option as PPD Extension.

When the Print documents separately option is checked, each acquired document is printed as a separate job. In
this way finishings (like stapling) can be applied per printed document.

• This option is not shown when the acquired documents are edited (pages have been deleted or rearranged) , or
the Document scope is restricted to a single document .
• When this option is not checked, one (1) CUPS job is created. To separate documents on paper output, in case
print is in duplex, blank filler pages are inserted in between, so the first page of a next document is on the front
page of a new sheet. The same strategy is applied for single-sided n-up print jobs. However, for booklet printing
this strategy is not applied.

When the option Delete pages after printing is checked, input documents or pages are deleted after the printing
command is issued, and an extra option is displayed to select the deletion scope. The option is automatically reset
after printing.

Figure 3.38. User Web App: Print - Delete Pages

• All documents: all input documents are deleted.

• Selected documents: documents for which pages were printed are deleted.
• Selected pages: all pages selected for printing are deleted.
The “Delete pages after printing” option can be preset and disabled for editing in Section 4.10.10, “Proxy
Print” [138]. In that case a fixed text, denoting the action, is (optionally) displayed instead of the checkbox.

Press the Print & Close button to validate and print the job, and close the dialog.

When the job is valid, it is printed right away, unless it is a Job Ticket or when NFC Authentication is configured
for the printer. In the later case the user must authenticate with an NFC card swipe to release the print job.

When finishing options (staple, punch, booklet) are selected, and the orientation selected in the Print
Preview differs from one of the documents to be printed, a warning message is shown telling the user to

User Web App

adjust print settings and try again. The message contains information about the selected finishings, number
of deviating documents, and a tailored advise. If just one document is present (selected) for printing the
advise is: “Adjust your print settings and try again”. For multiple documents: “Clear the selection of
finishing options, or print the documents separately”.

In rare situations, when the host system is under heavy load, and connecting to CUPS fails, a warning
message is displayed saying “The print service is currently unavailable or too busy. Please try again

In the Hold Release scenario the job is held so it can be released by the user at a later time without using the User
Web App. In the Direct Print Release scenario described below the user is prompted to authenticate immediately.

Pending Job Tickets and Hold Print Jobs can be inspected and removed when needed: see Section, “Hold
Print Jobs” [27].

Job Tickets allow unrestricted printing, but printing to “regular” printers may be denied when the number
of job pages exceeds a maximum. See the Proxy Print Options.

The following configuration properties apply:

Configuration property Description

proxy-print.remove-graphics.enable Set to Y or N (default), to show/hide the Remove graphics option.

webapp.user.proxy-print.clear-printer If Y, the selected printer is cleared after each proxy print. If N (default), the
selected printer and options are preserved, and will be used for the next
print job.

webapp.user.proxy-print.clear-delegate If Y, Delegated Print data is cleared after each proxy print. If N (default),
this data is preserved, and will be used for the next print job.

webapp.user.proxy-print.separate The default Print documents separately option value, when All Docu-
ments are selected. If Y, a separate print job is created for each vanilla
inbox document. If N (default), one (1) print job is printed of the complete
vanilla inbox content.

webapp.user.proxy-print.separate.enable Enable the Print documents separately option. If Y, the option is enabled
(shown), if N (default) it is not.

Table 3.3. Print Job Settings Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items. Print Archive

An extra option is offered when the Document Store for Print Archive is enabled, and the user is privileged to
select the Archive . See Section, “User Privileges” [92].

Figure 3.39. User Web App: Print Archive Option

User Web App

When the user has Print Archive permission, but no permission to (de)select it, just a text is shown saying the
“Print will be archived”. When explaining text is configured to be hidden, as described in the table below, in this
case the printed document will silently be archived.

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide a prompt explaining the Archive


Table 3.4. Print Job Archive Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these properties. Print Journal

When Print Journal is enabled and applicable for Printer an User, the Print Job is silently journalled in the Doc-
ument Store.

3.5.6. Direct Print Release

When a print job is issued for a printer secured with Direct Print Release, a dialog is shown prompting the user
to swipe his card to release the print job.

Figure 3.40. User Web App: Printer - Direct Print Release

• The cost of the print job is shown in orange.

• A countdown of the remaining seconds for the card swipe is shown in the top right corner of the pop-up.
The time limit (seconds) is contained in configuration key See
Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

Since the card reader will be mounted near the printer this implements a secure pull-print scenario.

3.5.7. Full Print Scope and Jobs

When a user did not rearrange or delete any SafePages and full scope is selected without a range of Pages, each
input job is printed as a separate job when duplex printing is selected. As a result the first page of new input job
will always start on a new sheet. When the Title is left blank, the titles of the print jobs will correspond to the
titles of the input jobs. When a Title is specified it will be used for all print jobs.

When a user did rearrange or delete any SafePages the scope is confined to full scope and SafePages will always be
printed as a single job. When the Title is left blank the print job title will be generated according to the timestamp
format SavaPage-CCYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.

User Web App

3.5.8. Delegated Print Edit

This dialog is part of the Invoicing track, and is started from Printer Settings or Print Job Settings. It is used to
edit Delegated Print.

In a Delegated Print scenario the user prints as delegate on behalf of other users, known as delegators. The result
is a single job with multiple copies of a document. The total cost of the job is pro rata charged to the account
of each delegator.

The Copies section at the bottom of the dialog summarizes the selected delegators from the Invoicing section at
the top.

Figure 3.41. User Web App: Print Delegation Copies

• Selection type is marked with one of these icons:

• : User Group.
• : Individual User.
• : Shared Account.
• Each selection line shows the number of Members and Copies. The latter is the multiplication of members and
the number of copies entered in the Invoicing section.
• All User Group members are included, whatever their role.
• Individual Users of course have just one member and have Print Job Delegator role.
• Shared Account counts unspecified users. Just the number of copies is shown.
• The Account column shows where printing costs are charged to:
• : Group Account.
• : Personal Account of Group Members.
• : Shared Account.

The screenshots from the Invoicing section, presented in the sections below, explain how the lines in the Copies
section were created.

Remember that for items to appear on the various search list:

• Groups must have Print Job Delegator role enabled.
• Users must have Print Job Delegator role enabled.
• Accounts must be accessible by the Delegate as member of one of the User Groups set in Account Access
• When a Delegate has access to a single Shared Account only, the Account search list is not displayed, and
the single account is implicitly selected.
Availability of the option to enter multiple number of copies is dependent on configuration property proxy-

User Web App

Delegated Print can be integrated with PaperCut. See Section N.1, “Delegated Print to PaperCut” [327]. Group Invoicing

Select Group to invoice copies for Groups on Group Account.

Figure 3.42. User Web App: Delegated Print - Group Invoicing

Availability of this option is dependent on configuration property

• Enter a part of the group name in the Groups quick search field and the first chunk with matching groups will
show below. Paging buttons are shown when more chunks are available.
• The list shows the Group Name with the ID appended (when it is not already part of the Name).
• Group quick search is on both Name (sorted) and ID, unless configuration item webapp.user.proxy-print.del-
egator-group.hide-id is Y. In that case, ID is hidden and search is on Name only.
• Note the star button at the left of the quick search field, and at the right of each list entry. Press the star button
in a list entry to bookmark a group as “preferred”. Press the star button besides the quick search field to search
for “preferred” groups only. This feature is enabled when configuration item proxy-print.delegate.groups.pre-
ferred.enable is Y.
• Select one or more Groups from the list by tapping them (a green check mark sign will show at the front).
• Enter the number of Copies to be printed for each group member, or press the . . . button to enter the total
number of Group copies.
• Press the Add button to add the groups as delegator.
• The Group Account will be invoiced.
When configuration item is Y, the . . . button is visible. When pressed,
a pop-up shows where the number of copies for the selected group(s) can be entered. This feature can for instance
be used when a group of 20 need only 10 copies, because group members work in pairs.

Figure 3.43. User Web App: Delegated Print - Group copies

User Web App User Invoicing for Groups

Select User to invoice copies for Groups on User Account.

Figure 3.44. User Web App: Delegated Print - User Invoicing (Groups)

• Select one or more Groups from the list.

• See remarks about Group selection and display in previous section.
• Enter the number of Copies to be printed for each group member.
• Press the Add button to add the group members as delegator.
• The Personal Account of each individual group member will be invoiced. User Invoicing for Users

Select User to invoice copies for Individual Users on User Account.

Figure 3.45. User Web App: Delegated Print - Personal Invoicing (Users)

Availability of this option is dependent on configuration property proxy-print.delegate.account.user.enable.

• Select one of the Groups to narrow down the search scope. When no group is selected the All Users built-in
group is implied.
• See remarks about Group selection and display in previous section.
• Search and select one or more Users from the list.
• The list shows the User Name with the ID appended (when it is not already part of the Name).
• User quick search is on both User Name (sorted) and ID, unless configuration item webap-
p.user.proxy-print.delegator-user.hide-id is Y. In that case, User ID is hidden and search is on User Name
(sorted) only.

User Web App

• Users can automatically be (un)selected by using the “Select All” toggle at the right-hand side of the search
• Enter the number of Copies to be printed for the selected users, and press the Add button to add them as
• The Personal Account of the selected users will be invoiced.

The session user is added in the User List, even when this user does not have Print Delegator role. The
session user's Name and ID is highlighted with an orange color. Shared Invoicing for Groups

Select Shared to invoice copies for Groups on Shared Account.

Figure 3.46. User Web App: Delegated Print - Shared Account Invoicing (Groups)

Availability of the Shared button is dependent on configuration property proxy-print.delegate.account.shared.en-

able and on Shared Account Access Control. When the Delegate user does not have access to any shared account
by User Group membership, the button will not show.

Availability of the Groups option is dependent on

• Select one or more Groups from the list.
• See remarks about Group selection and display in previous section.
• Select a Shared Account.
• Shared Account selection is hided if just a single account is available.
• Note the star button at the left of the quick search field, and at the right of each list entry. Press the star
button in a list entry to bookmark a group as “preferred”. Press the star button besides the quick search field
to search for “preferred” accounts only. This feature is enabled when configuration item proxy-print.dele-
gate.accounts.preferred.enable is Y.
• Enter the number of Copies to be printed, and press the Add button.
• The Shared Account will be invoiced. Shared Invoicing for Extra Copies

Select Shared to invoice Extra copies on Shared Account.

Availability of the Shared button is explained in the previous section.

User Web App

Figure 3.47. User Web App: Print - Delegated Print - Shared Account Invoicing (Extra)

Availability of this option is dependent on configuration property proxy-print.delegate.account.shared.enable.

• Select a Shared Account.
• See remarks in previous section.
• Enter the number of Copies to be printed, and press the Add button.
• The Shared Account will be invoiced.
As this is the last Invoicing Selection of our example, the complete Delegated Print dialog is shown in the screen-

Once Users and Groups are selected as Delegate they are disabled in the quick search list so they can't
be selected a second time. Configuration Properties

The following Delegated Print configuration properties apply:

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable invoicing with Group


User Web App

Configuration property Description

proxy-print.delegate.account.shared.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable invoicing with

Shared Account. Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable invoicing with

Shared Account for Groups copies.

proxy-print.delegate.account.user.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable invoicing with User


proxy-print.delegate.multiple-member-copies.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable multiple copies for

Groups and Users. When disabled, the number of copies is 1. Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable option to assign (over-

rule) the number of copies for a group. When enabled, an ex-
tra . . . button is displayed in the Delegated Print Dialog, at
the right of the Add button, that leads to a pop-up where the
number of copies for the selected groups can be entered.

proxy-print.delegate.groups.preferred.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable option to bookmark

delegate groups as preferred. When enabled, an extra “star”
button is displayed at the left of the quick group search field,
and at the right of each list entry. When the star button in a list
entry is pressed, a group is bookmarked as “preferred”. When
the star button besides the quick search field is pressed, only
“preferred” groups are searched.

proxy-print.delegate.accounts.preferred.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable option to bookmark

shared accounts as preferred. When enabled, an extra “star”
button is displayed at the left of the quick account search field,
and at the right of each list entry. When the star button in a
list entry is pressed, an account is bookmarked as “preferred”.
When the star button besides the quick search field is pressed,
“only preferred” accounts are searched.

webapp.user.proxy-print.delegate-copies-apply-switch Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide an On/Off switch to ap-

ply Delegated Print Copies in the User Web App Print Dialog.
When N, Delegated Print print Invoicing is active when the
sum of collected delegator Copies is greater than zero.

webapp.user.proxy-print.delegator-user.hide-id Set to Y or N (default), to hide/show ID of User in Delegated

Print Dialog. When Y, just the User Name is displayed.

webapp.user.proxy-print.delegator-group.hide-id Set to Y or N (default), to hide/show ID of User Group in Dele-

gated Print Dialog. When Y, just the Group Name is displayed.

Table 3.5. Delegated Print Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

3.5.9. Job Ticket Print

When Job Ticket Printer instances are present, users with role Job Ticket Creator can select the marked printers.

Figure 3.48. User Web App: Print - Select Job Ticket Printer

By default, Job Tickets are of Type Print .

User Web App

Figure 3.49. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Print

All options for a regular print job apply.

The Tag item is a label for Job Tickets. Additional Domain and Application (use) labels can be configured, as
shown in screenshot below. See the next section on how to configure these items.

Figure 3.50. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Labels

The last selected Domain label is saved, and used as default in future user session.

When the Title of the Ticket is not specified, SavaPage will compose one, based on the Document title(s).
In this way extra identifying data will be available.

When a single document is selected the Title will default to the name of this document. When the Title is left
empty, SavaPage will compose one, based on the Document name(s). In this way identifying data will be available.

When configured as such, Job Tickets can also be used for Copy requests. All printer settings of a regular proxy
print apply, as well as some job options. However, SafePages are not needed, and no PDF document will be
attached to the ticket.

User Web App

Figure 3.51. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings - Copy

Users can enter a Time of delivery and Remarks. Valid delivery days are displayed at the right. Press the reset
icon on the left to reset the time to the default.

Figure 3.52. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket Settings

After the ticket is sent, the issued Ticket Number is displayed, and the user can view the Job Ticket on his Hold
Print Jobs list.

Figure 3.53. User Web App: Print - Job Ticket - Sent

In case of a Copy Job, the user will add a note with the Ticket Number to the hard copy original, before handing
it to the Job Ticket operator, who will use it for off-the-glass copying according to the specs in the job ticket.

A Job Ticket is printed on a central queue and is handled and released by users with role Print Job Operator in
a special Web App. See Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172]. When the Job Ticket is printed or canceled,
the user is optionally notified by email.

The following configuration properties apply: Configuration Properties

Configuration property Description


User Web App

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide the Time of delivery option. When date/
time is hided its value is set by the system to the date/time of the submit. Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide the time part of Time of delivery. This
option is valid when "" is Y. Default value of the date part of Time of delivery as days-of-week count after
ticket creation date (default = 1). Minimal value of the date part of Time of delivery as days-of-week count after
ticket creation (default = 1). CRON expression with valid delivery dates as days-of-week range (default:
MON-FRI). Default value of the time part of Time of delivery on delivery days as minutes
after midnight (default: 510). For instance: 8h30m = 8*60+30 = 510.

Copy Job

jobticket.copier.enable Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the creation of a Copy Job Ticket.

Email notification

jobticket.notify-email.completed.enable See Section 5.4, “Ticket Configuration Properties” [181].

jobticket.notify-email.canceled.enable See Section 5.4, “Ticket Configuration Properties” [181].

Domain labels A comma separated list of Job Ticket domains to be applied as job ticket num-
ber prefix. Each tag on the list is formatted as "DOM/word", where "DOM" is a
unique N-letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, and "word" is
a case-sensitive single word used in UI context. E.g. ""A/Domain.A,B/Do-

When "A" domain is applied, a generated ticket number looks like "A/EE1-
FA3E-6596". Set to Y or N (default) to enable

When enabled, Job Ticket domains can optionally also be used for regular print-
ers, i.e. printers that do not have Job Ticket Printer role. See Section,
“Proxy Printer Identity” [104]. Set to Y (default) or N, to make usage of a Job Ticket Domain compulsory or


Application labels

jobticket.uses A comma separated list of Job Ticket applications (uses) to be applied as job tick-
et number prefix. Each tag on the list is formatted as "USE/word", where "USE"
is a unique N-letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, and "word"
is a case-sensitive single word used in UI context. E.g. "E/Exam,T/Test".

When "E" use is applied in domain "A", a generated ticket number looks like

A use item can be restricted for use with one or more domains by appending
the domain mnemonics. E.g. "E/Exam/A/C" restricts the "E/Exam" use to
domains "A" and "C".

jobticket.uses.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable jobticket.tags.

When enabled, Job Ticket uses can optionally also be used for regular printers,
i.e. printers that do not have Job Ticket Printer role. See Section, “Proxy
Printer Identity” [104].

jobticket.uses.required Set to Y (default) or N, to make usage of a Job Ticket Use compulsory or optional.

Tag labels

User Web App

Configuration property Description

jobticket.tags A comma separated list of Job Ticket tags to be applied as job ticket number pre-
fix. Each tag on the list is formatted as "TAG/word", where "TAG" is a unique N-
letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, and "word" is a case-sen-
sitive single word used in UI context. E.g. "MATH/Maths,PHYS/Physic-

When "CHEM" tag is applied for use "E" in domain "A", a generated ticket number
looks like "A/E/CHEM/EE1-FA3E-6596".

A tag item can be restricted for use with one or more domains by appending
the domain mnemonics. E.g. "PHYS/Physics/A/C" restricts the "PHYS/
Physics" tag to domains "A" and "C".

jobticket.tags.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable jobticket.tags.

When enabled, Job Ticket tags can optionally also be used for regular printers,
i.e. printers that do not have Job Ticket Printer role. See Section, “Proxy
Printer Identity” [104].

jobticket.tags.required Set to Y (default) or N, to make usage of a Job Ticket Tag compulsory or optional.

Table 3.6. Job Ticket Print Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

3.6. Letterheads
A tap on the Letterhead button in the main SafePages view shows the Letterhead dialog. See Section 3.3,
“SafePages” [24].

Figure 3.54. User Web App: Letterheads

• Press the top button to get a pop-up list of letterheads. When a letterhead is selected from the list it can be
previewed and edited. The selected letterhead acts as default in the Print and PDF dialog: see Figure 3.26, “User
Web App: PDF - Letterhead” [36] and Figure 3.28, “User Web App: Print - Select Printer” [38].
• Press the Refresh button to rebuild the list if you suspect public letterheads were added or removed.
• Press the New button to create a new letterhead from the current SafePages. All the SafePages are used for the
letterhead. Figure 3.55, “User Web App: Letterhead - New” [58] is an example of a fresh created letterhead.

Depending on User Privileges buttons and sections for creating and editing letterheads might not be

If the SafePages contain DRM-restricted content the New button is not visible.

User Web App

Figure 3.55. User Web App: Letterhead - New

• If the letterhead document consists of one page, this page is applied to every page of the document. The letterhead
page is scaled and rotated as needed to fit the input page.
• If the letterhead document has more than one page, each page of the letterhead is applied to the corresponding
page of the output document. If the output document has more pages than the letterhead, then the final letterhead
page is repeated across these remaining pages of the output document.
• Letterheads can be applied as foreground or background.
• Users who are administrator can mark letterheads as public by ticking the "Public" checkbox. Public letterheads
are available for all users, but can be edited and deleted by administrators only.
• The title of a private letterhead can be edited. The title of a public letterhead can be edited by an administrator
• Tap on a letterhead thumbnail to get a detailed pop-up image. See Figure 3.56, “User Web App: Letterhead
- Detail” [59].
• Press the Apply button to commit changes or push the Delete button to remove the letterhead.

For a background letterhead to be effective, SafePages should be transparent. HTML pages printed from
browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox might pose a problem here. The white background on HTML
pages might act as a solid background.

User Web App

Figure 3.56. User Web App: Letterhead - Detail

• Press the x button in the upper right corner, or tap outside the pop-up, to close the pop-up image.

3.7. Delete
A tap on the Delete button in the main SafePages view shows the Delete dialog. See Section 3.3,
“SafePages” [24].

Figure 3.57. User Web App: Delete SafePages

• Select a range of SafePages to delete. Press the All button to select all pages. Or, push the Custom button
to enter a custom range of SafePages: the value can be a single page, a range of pages, or a collection of page
numbers and ranges separated by commas.
• Tap the Delete button to perform the delete action.

After SafePages are deleted any Fast Print will fail and all SafePages will be cleared as a result. Please
use a Hold Print instead.

User Web App

You can delete all SafePages of a SavaPage print job in the Document Details dialog, as described in
Section, “Delete and Undo” [30].

3.8. Log
A tap on the Log button in the main SafePages view shows the Document Log. See Section 3.3,
“SafePages” [24].

3.8.1. Documents
The Document Log shows all documents the user printed to SavaPage, and which were subsequently exported
or Proxy-Printed. For a detailed description of this screen see Section 4.11, “Documents” [156] in the Admin
Web App chapter.

Some Document Type selections are hided, depending on user role, privileges and resource (Queue, Printer)
• Type PDF is hided when user has no privileges to Send and Download SafePages.
• Type Ticket is hided when user is not a Job Ticket Creator.
• Type Print is hided when user is not a Print Job Creator, or has no access to a printer.

The following configuration property applies:

Configuration property Description A comma separated priority list of enum values ALL, IN, OUT,
PDF, PRINT, TICKET, that correspond to Document Type selec-
tion options. When this list is empty, ALL is assumed.

The default Type selection is the first value from the list that cor-
responds to a visible select option.

To comply to EU GDPR ("Right for a data subject to receive per-

sonal data concerning them"), IN and OUT types are always avail-
able, so full history can be queried regardless of current status.

Table 3.7. Document Type Select: Configuration Property

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

The Letterhead selection is hided when user has no Letterhead privileges. The Queue selection does not hold
disabled or inactive (reserved) queues (/gcp, /mailprint, /webprint). The Printer selection holds accessible Printers
only (Job Ticket "Printers" are not shown).

User Web App

Figure 3.58. User Web App: Log - Documents

Figure 3.59. User Web App: Log - Document Transactions

Press the transaction button in the document item to see invoicing details. Press the Transactions button in the
footer bar to view the Transaction List, and the GDPR button to view the GDPR Dialog.

Depending on User Privileges the Transactions button might not be present.

3.8.2. Transactions
The Transaction Log shows the financial transactions on the user's account.

User Web App

Figure 3.60. User Web App: Log - Transactions

Each entry in the list has the following lines.

• A header with the transaction type.
• The resulting account balance with the transaction amount.
• Extra information is added depending on the transaction type.
• A Manual Transaction denotes the Receipt Number in the header and has a Receipt button to download the
receipt as PDF.

Some samples of other entries...

User Web App

Bitcoin Payment entries show a hyperlink with a shortened transaction hash. The hyperlink opens the transac-
tion details in a new browser tab. The hyperlink URL is held in configuration property financial.bit-
coin.user-page.url-pattern.trx and can be changed with the Configuration Editor. The value must
contain the {0} placeholder for the transaction hash. Sample values are
index/{0} and{0} .

Push the Documents button in the footer bar to view the Document List, and the GDPR button to view the
GDPR Dialog.

Figure 3.61. User Web App: Log - Transactions

User Web App

Transactions can be filtered and sorted as follows:

• Comment containing text: selects transactions with comments containing a text snippet.
• Type: selects – (all) or a single one of the transaction types...
• Initial: Balance allocated when account was created.
• Adjustment: Manual adjustment by an administrator. See Section, “Financial” [86].
• Deposit: Adjustment of balance at a Point-of-Sale.
• External: Increment of balance by transferring funds from an external account. See Section 3.10.6, “Transfer
Money” [69].
• Transfer: Increment or decrement of balance by transferring credit to another user. See Section 3.10.5,
“Transfer Credit” [68].
• Voucher: Increment of balance by redeeming a voucher.
• Queue: A delegator transaction as part of a Delegated Print where the document and delegate info is retrieved
from an External Supplier and printed to a Proxy Printer managed by a Third Party Print Management System
(TPPMS). The transaction appears as Queue Usage item in the list. Print status and cost are retrieved from
the TPPMS. The cost will be 0.00 when the status is “Pending (external)”, “Expired” or “Canceled”. When
status is “Completed” the cost will be known. Currently External Supplier TPPMS PaperCut are supported.
• Printer: A transaction for proxy printing. When the Proxy Printer is solely managed by SavaPage the costs
are according to the specified Printer Costs. When the Proxy Printer is additionally managed by a Third Party
Print Management System status and cost are retrieved from that system and displayed just like the previously
discussed Queue Usage item.
• Select a creation Period by entering a From and To date. Tap the x button after a date to clear it. See this
example Data Selection Dialog.
• Transactions can be sorted Ascending or Descending by creation Date or Type .
• The list is refreshed, and the selection applied, after you push the Apply button.
• The Default button resets the selection items to their default values.
• The PDF and CSV buttons downloads the User List in their respective formats, using the selection item values.
• The minus icon collapses the Select and Sort section.

3.9. Sort
A tap on the Sort button in the main SafePages view switches to Sort mode. See Section 3.3, “SafePages” [24].

In sort mode pages can be rearranged and deleted.

Figure 3.62. User Web App: Sort

• This screen shows the result after some editing.

• One cut page is shown with a red border.
• Notice the mini scissor icon at the bottom of the screen, showing the page number of the cut page.
• One selected page is shown with an orange border.

User Web App

• The footer bar shows a scissor icon with a page number of the cut, and a pin icon with the page number of
the selected page.

These are the actions that can be performed on page images:

• A tap on a single page will (un)select it.
• A tap on an aggregated page will expand it. Aggregated pages are described at Figure 3.11, “User Web App:
SafePages - Aggregated” [26].

Here is a summary of the buttons and their function:

More actions : shows a pop-up with more actions (see below).

More actions pop-up : pop-up with more actions. Selected pages are transferred to the PDF and Print dialog.

Unselect all : unselects all selected pages. Selected pages that are in view are marked with a orange border. The
mini pin icon at the bottom of the screen shows all selected pages.

Cut : cuts the selected pages into the clipboard. Cut pages that are in view are marked with a red border. The mini
scissor icon at the bottom of the screen shows the cut page ranges in the clipboard.

Undo : reverts all cut actions and empties the clipboard.

Left Paste : pastes the cut pages before the first selected page.

Right Paste : pastes the cut pages after the first selected page.

Delete : deletes the selected pages.

Inbox : returns to the Main view.

By default a fixed button text is shown on mobile devices only: on desktops a hover text is shown. See
Section 3.3, “SafePages” [24] on how to change this behavior.

User Web App

After SafePages are sorted any Fast Print will fail and all SafePages will be cleared as a result. Please
use a Hold Print instead.

3.10. User Details

This dialog shows the Pagometers and Financial status of the user, and is shown after a tap on the User button
in the footer of the main panel.

Depending on User Privileges the Financial section might not be shown.

• For an Internal User a Password button is shown, when a password has been set (i.e. not erased): see Sec-
tion, “Password” [87]. A tap on the button will show the Password Reset Dialog.
• When users are allowed to change their PIN a PIN button is shown. A tap on the button will show a PIN Reset
Dialog. See Section 4.10.3, “User Authentication” [124].
• When an Internet Print protocol://authority is present the Internet Printer button is shown. A tap on
the button will show the Internet Printer Device URI.

3.10.1. Internet Printer

Users can copy/paste their private Internet Print Device URI from this dialog, and the SAVAPAGE.ppd file can
be downloaded.

Figure 3.63. User Web App: User Details - Internet Printer Device URI

3.10.2. Pagometers
This section shows the personal Pagometers of the user, and are analogous to the ones in the Admin Dashboard
as shown in Figure 4.9, “Admin Web App: Dashboard - Pagometer” [78] and Figure 4.11, “Admin Web App:
Dashboard - Environmental Impact” [79].

User Web App

Figure 3.64. User Web App: User Details - pagometer

Figure 3.65. User Web App: User Details - Environmental Impact

The Environmental Impact section can be hidden with configuration property in table below.

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide the Environmental Impact section.

Table 3.8. User Web App Environmental Impact Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

3.10.3. Financial
This section shows the financial status of the user account and ways to increment the account balance from an
external account.

Depending on User Privileges the section for account transactions might not be shown.

Figure 3.66. User Web App: User Details - Financial

User Web App

• Balance: the user's account balance.

• Credit limit: see Section, “Financial” [86].
• A push on the Voucher button opens the Redeem Voucher dialog. The visibility of this button is dependent
on an application setting.
• A push on the Transfer button opens the Transfer Credit dialog. The visibility of this button is dependent on
an application setting.

When a Generic and/or Bitcoin Payment Gateway Plug-in is enabled, an icon is shown for each active payment
method. Pushing (clicking) the payment method icon will pop-up the dialog to Transfer Money or to Transfer

3.10.4. Redeem Voucher

Figure 3.67. User Web App: Redeem Voucher

• Enter the voucher Number in the dialog box and press Redeem . Make sure to enter the number exactly as
listed on the voucher including any dashes (-).
• If you entered the number correctly, the value as shown on the voucher will be transferred to your account and
a new entry will list in your transaction log.

3.10.5. Transfer Credit

This dialog is used to transfer funds to another user.

Figure 3.68. User Web App: Transfer Credit

• Enter the Amount in currency units and cents. The available amount is shown in green at the top.
• Enter the To user id and an optional Comment.
• When you press the Transfer button the amount will be transferred from your account to the account of the
target user. New entries will list in your transaction log and the log of the target user.

User Web App

To configure this dialog see Section, “Transfer Funds” [145].

3.10.6. Transfer Money

This dialog is used to transfer money from an external account. The figure below shows a dialog in preparation for
a credit card transaction. Other payment methods are available as defined by the active Generic Payment Gateway
Plug-in. See for example Section M., “Mollie Payment Plug-in” [324].

Figure 3.69. User Web App: Transfer Money from Credit Card

• Enter the Amount in currency units and cents.

• Press the Start button to start the payment transaction.

3.10.7. Send Bitcoins

This dialog is used as a start to send Bitcoins to the account balance.

Note: the Bitcoin address in the screenshot is intentionally made invalid.

Figure 3.70. User Web App: Send Bitcoins

Start sending Bitcoins by performing one of the following actions:

• Press the Start button to automatically open a send transaction in the default Bitcoin wallet on your system.
• Open a send transaction manually in a Bitcoin wallet application on your computer or device (Android, iOS, ...)
and either scan the QR code or copy/paste the Bitcoin address (below the QR code).
... and enter the amount to send from your Bitcoin wallet.

User Web App

The BTC amount is converted to the system currency according to the exchange rate of the Bitcoin service
back-end of the Bitcoin Payment Plug-in.

3.11. Upload

3.11.1. Upload Dialog

This dialog implement the SavaPage Web Print function, and is shown after a tap on the Upload button in the
footer of the main panel.

Figure 3.71. Web Print: Upload File

• Font for plain text: change the font when you upload a plain text file (TXT) that contains characters not
supported by the Default font, like CJK. Use Unifont when the source text has a real broad Unicode coverage.
• Choose Files to be uploaded. Beware that the actual file selection button differs from browser to browser.
• Press the Upload button to start the upload.
• The status of the upload will be displayed below the selected file name.
• The Reset button clears the status messages and selected file.
• The “garbage bin” button shows the number of (uploaded) documents currently present in the SafePages inbox.
When you press this button, all documents will be deleted, and the button hided (until the inbox is filled again).
• After the upload, use the Back , Print or PDF buttons to navigate to the next step.

Document types can be restricted with the following configuration properties:

Configuration property Description Enable graphics files for Web Print: Y (default) | N

User Web App

Configuration property Description

web-print.file-ext.exclude A comma or space separated list of file extensions (without leading point), that are excluded
for Web Print. For example: rtf,html,ps,txt. When TXT file type is excluded, the
Font for plain text selection in Upload File dialog is removed.

Table 3.9. Configuration Properties for Web Print Document Types

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

For uploaded file types that do not have a page size defined (HTML, TXT) the default paper size is used.
For image files the graphic involved is a best fit on the default paper size.

3.12. Upload Drop Zone

The Upload Dialog and thumbnail area of the main view can act as Web Print Drop Zone. You can (multiple) select
files in any desktop application and drag & drop them into the zone, after which they are immediately uploaded.
When files are dragged into the zone, it lights up with a green border.

A drag & drop of an URL of a Web Page or Document has the same effect. In that case Web Page or Document
is server-side downloaded and rendered as PDF.

Figure 3.72. Web Print: Drop Zone - Upload Dialog

Figure 3.73. Web Print: Drop Zone - Main

The Drop Zone can be enabled at Section 4.10.8, “Web Print” [136].

For plain text files dropped in the Main Drop Zone, the selected font in the Upload Dialog is used.

User Web App

3.13. GDPR Dialog

This dialog is shown when the GDPR button is pressed from the SafePages top bar action menu, the Transaction
List or the Document List.

Figure 3.74. User Web App - GDPR Dialog

See Section 16.2.1, “Data Portability” [233] and Section 16.2.2, “Data Erasure” [233].

The following configuration properties apply:

Configuration property Description

webapp.user.gdpr.enable Enable the User Web App GDPR Dialog: Y (default) or N. Optional email address for GDPR Data Erasure requests.

Table 3.10. Configuration Properties for User Web App GDPR

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

Chapter 4. Admin Web App

The Admin Web App can be reached at https://savapage:8632/admin. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

4.1. Login

Figure 4.1. Admin Web App: Login

This login screen is a variant of the User Login screen described at Section 3.1, “Login” [20], with the following
• The internal admin user and Persons with admin rights are allowed to log in. See Section 4.4.4, “Edit
User” [83] how to assign admin rights to users.
• After a successful login Figure 4.2, “Admin Web App: Menu” [74] is shown.

Initially, just after installation, only the internal admin user can login. See Section 4.4.7, “Administrator
Role” [88].

4.2. Menu
After a successful login this main Admin screen is shown. If this is a first time login, a message will show, telling
you that SavaPage needs to be set up and is not ready to use yet. The message will prompt you to go to the Options
section and to check the settings. A long as setup is not completed this message will keep appearing after login.
When setup is completed, a similar message will appear when the password of the internal admin account still
has the default value.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.2. Admin Web App: Menu

A tap on a the Logout button brings you back to the Login screen. A tap on any other menu option brings a
detailed screen into view. Please see the sections below for a description of each menu option:
• Section 4.3, “Dashboard” [75].
• Section 4.4, “Users” [80].
• Section 4.5, “Groups” [88].
• Section 4.6, “Accounts” [94].
• Section 4.7, “Queues” [97].
• Section 4.8, “Proxy Printers” [99].
• Section 4.9, “Devices” [109].
• Section 4.10, “Options” [118].
• Section 4.11, “Documents” [156].
• Section 4.12, “Log” [160].
• Section 4.13, “About” [162].

These are the buttons in the footer and their function:

Navigate to the top of the page.

Admin Web App

Navigate to the top of the menu.

Navigate to the top of the detail panel.

Navigate to the bottom of the page.

Show pop-up menu with additional actions as shown in the figure below.

Figure 4.3. Admin Web App: Action Pop-up Menu

Please see the sections below for a description of menu options:

• Section 4.14, “Vouchers” [167].
• Section, “Config Editor” [154].

Due to Admin Privileges certain menu options might not be visible.

The User Manual and menu items open in a new browser tab.

At the leftmost of the footer is a button with the Community member name. When pushed it opens the About
dialog. A label with the logged-on user id closes the ranks.

4.3. Dashboard
After a tap on the Dashboard button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

The Dashboard section is automatically refreshed every 60 seconds.

Admin Web App

4.3.1. Status

Figure 4.4. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Status

The head section displays indicators about Community Membership status and application runtime:

• Community member: The name of the community member organization (empty when no Member Card was
• Membership :
• Cardholder : a community resident.
• Visitor : a visitor of the community.
• Exceeded : the number of users in the database exceeds the number of Member Card participants.
• Expired : the Member Card reached end-date.
• Visitor Expired : the visitor period expired.
• Visitor Edition : a permanent visitor with 5 users or less in the database.
• Invalid version : the Member Card is incompatible with this SavaPage version.
• Invalid : the Member Card is incompatible with this community.
• Participants : the number of community participants.
• Valid till : expiration date of Member Card.
• Days remaining : number of days till Member Card expires.
• Mode : the system mode. Press the button to change the mode to Maintenance or Production.

Figure 4.5. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Change System Mode

When system is in Maintenance Mode:

• Access to all Web Apps is restricted to users with Administrator role.

Admin Web App

• Regular users are shown a message explaining the situation, at the Login dialog or in the authorized session.
• Status
• Ready to use : SavaPage can be used without impediments.
• Setup is needed : There are one or more options that need to be set up. Access to the User Web App is denied
till setup is finished. in In the Admin Web App, editing of user details and adding internal users, user groups
and shared accounts will not be available.
• Not available : Database access is blocked because a batch job is in progress (database backup, user synchro-
nization, database cleanup). To prevent that user actions requiring database access will block, resulting in
long waits, access to the User Web App is temporarily denied. Users are informed after a login attempt or,
when already logged in, are warned when actions requiring database access are not permitted.
• Member Card Missing : Signals a missing Community Member Card.
• Uptime : the time the application has been working and available.
• Users : the number of users in the database. Deleted users are not part of the total: see Section 4.4.6, “Deleted
Users” [88].
• Client sessions : the number of active User Web App and User Client sessions.
• Recent errors : the number of errors that occurred in the Application Log during the last hour.
• Recent warnings : the number of warnings that occurred in the Application Log during the last hour.
• SSL valid till : when the SSL certificate expires within a year, its expiration date is shown . When expiration
is due within 30 days it is shown in orange.
OpenPGP information is shown when server keys are configured: see Section 11.4, “OpenPGP Settings” [203].
Press the information button at the right to see the KeyID and Fingerprint.

Figure 4.6. Admin Web App: Dashboard - OpenPGP

Technical information about the server process can be added to, or removed from, the Dashboard by setting the val-
ue of configuration key to Y or N. See Section,
“Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value. When added, the following extra information appears:

Figure 4.7. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Technical Information

• JVM memory : “Max” is the maximum memory the JVM will attempt to use. “Total” is the total memory in the
JVM (varies over time). “Free” is the free memory in the JVM (increases after a garbage collect).
• HTTP sessions : the number of non-expired User Web App Session id's and their client ip addresses. Due to
DHCP, the number of ip's may be greater than the number of id's.
• Open Files : The number of open file descriptors.
• Disk Space : Disk capacity and free space.
• Threads : An estimate of the number of active process threads.
• Connections : The number of active connections to internal services and the database.
• Proxy Print Queue : The number of pending Proxy Print jobs in memory cache and the database.
• Job Ticket Queue : Zero ("0") if queue is empty or Print and Copy Job totals just as in Job Tickets Web App.

Admin Web App

4.3.2. Services

Figure 4.8. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Services

This section lists the status of services.

• The Proxy Print indicator is read-only, and shows the CUPS connection status. When connectivity is broken,
the switch shows “Off”, with the reason displayed at the right.
• Core services like Google Cloud Print and Mail Print must be enabled to be on the list.
• Web Print and Internet Print services are a fixed part of the list.
• Plug-in services like Mollie and Payment Gateways are part of the list if they are enabled in
their property file.

With Dashboard Editor Privileges, you can turn a service On or Off by flipping the status switch. With Reader
Privileges service switching is disabled.

When the SavaPage server restarts enabled core services are turned On by default. The initial state of enabled plug-
in services is governed by the online setting in their property file. The on/off state of Internet Print translates
to the enabled/disabled state of the reserved /internet Queue.

4.3.3. News
The News section shows the currently installed versus the latest published SavaPage version. A push on the button
brings you to the Downloads and Release Notes Internet page 1.

4.3.4. Pagometers
The Pagometers2 counting the pages printed-out with Proxy Printers, printed-in from SavaPage Queues, and
exported as PDF are displayed in a Pie-Chart. Pagometers are explained at Section, “Pagome-
ters” [154].

Figure 4.9. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Pagometer

A Line-Graph shows the day pagometers for the three sources over the last 30 days.
The latest published SavaPage version number is cached on the server and retrieved from the Internet every 12 hours.
In analogy with the term Odometer, the term Pagometer is introduced as an instrument to count the number of processed pages.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.10. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Pagometer Trend

4.3.5. Environmental Impact

The Environmental Impact for the Proxy Printer pagometer are displayed in a separate section. The metrics and
units used are discussed at Section 14.2, “Environmental Impact” [224].

Figure 4.11. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Environmental Impact

The Environmental Impact section can be hidden with configuration property in table below.

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N, to show/hide the Environmental Impact section.

Table 4.1. Admin Web App Environmental Impact Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

4.3.6. Financial Summary

A Financial Summary of User Accounts and Bitcoin Wallet is displayed in a separate section.

Figure 4.12. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Financial Summary

Admin Web App

The User Accounts total and statistics like Min, Max and Avg are shown as Debit or Credit amount over Count
number of accounts.

When a Bitcoin Payment Gateway is enabled the Bitcoin Wallet balance (Debit) is shown in the system currency
and BTC. The Total number of Bitcoin Addresses in the wallet are split into addresses that received Payments,
and Open addresses waiting for payments. Note that other addresses, not created by our Bitcoin Payment Plug-
in, may be part of the wallet (in our example there is one such address).

The Bitcoin Wallet hyperlink opens the Web Wallet in a new browser tab.

The Accounts summary is updated as the dashboard is (auto) refreshed. However, the Bitcoin Wallet summary is
cached by SavaPage and lazy refreshed after a configurable time period (defaulting to 3600 seconds).3 The date/
time of the last refresh is shown in the Date column. Press the Refresh button to force a refresh of the cache.

4.3.7. Activity

Figure 4.13. Admin Web App: Dashboard - Activity

Relevant system events are real-time displayed in this section. A maximum of 20 event messages remain in view,
with the most recent one at the top.

System events are persisted in the rotating log file:


This file has a tab separated value (TSV) format for easy import and manipulation into spreadsheet programs. See
/opt/savapage/server/lib/ for more information.

4.4. Users

4.4.1. User List

After a tap on the Users button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Edit the webapp.admin.bitcoin.wallet.cache-expiry-secs configuration property with the Configuration Editor to set the
number of seconds after which the cached Bitcoin Wallet summary is refreshed.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.14. Admin Web App: User - List

• All non-deleted users are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be entered: see
Figure 4.15, “Admin Web App: User - Select and Sort” [82].
• Press the New button to create and edit a new Internal User.
• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• An entry is displayed for each user, with identifying data and some usage statistics. From top to bottom:
• The user's role or status (at the top right corner).
• An inline pagometer Pie-Chart followed by the user id. The blue color in the chart represents the number of
pages printed to SavaPage. The green color represents the number of pages exported to PDF. The red color
depicts the pages printed to Proxy Printers.
• The user id of an Internal User is shown with an orange color.
• The full name and email address.
• The period in which user activity was accumulated on the pagometer.
• The account balance and the pagometer including the number of jobs and bytes printed to any SavaPage
• The size of the user's SafePages home.
• Tap the Edit button to change or delete the user. See Section 4.4.4, “Edit User” [83].

Deleted Users cannot be edited.
• The Documents button brings you to the list of documents the user processed. See Figure 4.116, “Admin Web
App: Documents - List” [156]
• The Transactions button brings you to the list of financial transactions on the user's account. For a detailed
description of this list see Section 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61] in the User Web App chapter.
• The rightmost GDPR button opens a pop-up where personal user data can be downloaded. See Section 4.4.2,
“Download Personal Data” [82].

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

Admin Web App

The pagometers of all users can be reset at Options → Advanced → Reset Pagometers

Figure 4.15. Admin Web App: User - Select and Sort

• Users can be selected by Group and by entering a part (fragment) of their ID or Email. So entering "son" as
ID will select both "jason" and "sonja".
• Select the Type, Role and (Deleted) Status. The - button will select both.
• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on ID or Email.
• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.
• The PDF and CSV buttons downloads the User List in their respective formats, using the selection item values.
• The minus icon collapses the Select and Sort section.

4.4.2. Download Personal Data

This pop-up opens when the rightmost GDPR button is pressed in an entry from the User List.

Figure 4.16. Admin Web App: User Data Portability

Admin Web App

See Section 16.2.1, “Data Portability” [233].

4.4.3. Erased Users

Erased Users have their personal data cleared. Since their ID is empty, an “anonymous” placeholder with date/
time of erasure is used for display.

Figure 4.17. Admin Web App: Erased User

See Section 16.2.2, “Data Erasure” [233].

4.4.4. Edit User

This chapter describes the editable sections of the User entity.

Some data you edit, like the Name, Primary email, Card Number and ID Number might be overwrit-
ten by values from the user source during synchronization. See Section, “LDAP” [119] and
Section 4.10.2, “User Creation” [122].

Users can also be edited and deleted with the Server Command Tool. See Section C.1.20, “setUserProp-
erties” [273] and Section C.1.5, “deleteUser” [267]. Identity

Figure 4.18. Admin Web App: Edit External User - Identity

• The user's full Name can be edited. Remember this name can be overwritten for an external User as a result of
user synchronisation. See Section 4.10.2, “User Creation” [122].

Admin Web App

• Assign the Administrator role by ticking the checkbox.

• Users are regarded as Person by default. Un-tick the Person checkbox if this user represents a generic functional
account [219]. This will make the user Abstract.
• Tick the Disabled checkbox to deny the user access to the SavaPage application.

When a User becomes Abstract its SafePages are removed. User Roles

Figure 4.19. Admin Web App: Edit User - Roles

User Roles are needed to access certain application objects, as shown in the table below.

Role Access

Job Ticket Creator Job Ticket Printer

Job Ticket Operator Job Tickets Web App

Web Cashier Point-of-Sale Web App

Print Job Creator A Proxy Printer that is not a Job Ticket Printer.

Print Job Delegate Delegated Print and Users and Groups with role “Print Job Delegator”
for Delegated Print.

Print Job Delegator This is a passive role. Delegators can be accessed by users with role
“Print Job Delegate”.

Print Site Operator Print Site Web App

Table 4.2. User Roles

Each role is set with a checkbox that has three states:

• Checked : The role is enabled.
• Unchecked : The role is disabled.
• Unchecked and grayed out: The role is indeterminate.

If a User Role is needed to access an application function, SavaPage will check if this role is enabled for the
authenticated user.

When the role is indeterminate at the user level, Group Roles are checked of the groups the user belongs to. Added
Groups are checked first, then the Built-in Groups, with the “All Users” group as last.
• Access is granted if there is at least one group where the role is enabled.
• Access is denied when the role is indeterminate or disabled in all groups.

Admin Web App

• Print Job Creator role is special: an indeterminate state at “All User” top level is interpreted as granted.

The 3-tier group hierarchy (User Groups > Internal/External Users > All Users) is traversed bottom up,
to resolve the role of individual Users only. Group hierarchy is not used to resolve roles for User Groups:
roles defined at group level are fixed, and are not interpreted in the context of other groups, or individual
members. Email

Figure 4.20. Admin Web App: Edit User - Email

• The Primary email and Other emails addresses are editable and must each be unique: they can be associated
to just one User. Multiple emails must be separated by any of the characters space, comma, semicolon, or by
carriage return or line feed. Card and ID

Figure 4.21. Admin Web App: Edit User - Card

• The Card Number and ID Number are editable and must each be unique: they can be associated to just one
• The ID Number is used as authentication token for Internet Print.
• The Card Number must be entered in HEX/LSB format. See Section B.1, “Card Number Format” [261].
• The PIN must be digits only.
• The minimum length of ID Number is contained in configuration key
The minimum and maximum length of a PIN are contained in the configuration keys
min and A maximum value 0 (zero) indicates the maximum is unspecified. See
Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change these values.
• The YubiKey Public ID is used for YubiKey Authentication.
• Press the OK button to commit the changes and return to the User List.
• The Cancel button brings you back to the User List without changing anything.

Admin Web App OpenPGP
In this section the OpenPGP Public Key ID of the user can be entered. This key will be used to encrypt email
send to the user. The Search and Check buttons are shown when the OpenPGP key server URL is configured.
They open a tab to the key server, where public keys can be searched and checked (verified). See Section 11.4,
“OpenPGP Settings” [203].

Figure 4.22. Admin Web App: Edit User - OpenPGP UUID

Figure 4.23. Admin Web App: Edit User - UUID

The UUID4 is used as authentication token for Internet Print. It is automatically created when a user successfully
logs in for the first time. A new UUID can be created by pushing the Generate button. Financial
This section shows the personal User Account. Initialization of this account is based on Group Membership as
explained in the Edit Group section.

Figure 4.24. Admin Web App: Edit User - Financial

• A new value for the user's account Balance results in a financial transaction that corrects the previous account
balance. See Section 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61]. The user is notified by a pop-up message in his active User
Web App when his balance is adapted.
• Set the Credit limit with one of these buttons:
• None : user has no credit limit, and is not restricted.
A universally unique identifier (UUID) is an identifier standard used in software construction. See

Admin Web App

• Default : user has default credit limit. See Section, “General Financial Options” [143].
• Individual : when selected a custom credit limit can be entered. Password

Figure 4.25. Admin Web App: Internal User - Password Actions

For an Internal User Password actions are shown.

The Erase button is shown when a password is set. When pressed, it erases the password and makes itself dis-
appear again. Without an initial password, users cannot reset their password in the User Web App. This gives
administrators a means to disable login by user name/password, in favor of other authentication methods.

A tap on the Reset button shows the Password Reset Dialog. Use this dialog to initially set or change a password.

Figure 4.26. Admin Web App: Internal User - Password Reset User Delete

Figure 4.27. Admin Web App: Edit User - Delete

• Press the Delete button to delete the user and return to the User List. The next section describes the effect of
this action.
• The Cancel button bring you back to the User List without changing anything.

4.4.5. Create Internal User

A tap on the New ... button at the top of the User List gives this dialog to create a new Internal User. Apart from
the regular User data, the attributes ID and Password can be entered.

Admin Web App

• The prefix of ID is contained in the configuration key internal-users.username-prefix.

• The minimum length of the Password is contained in the configuration key internal-users.pass-
• See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change these configuration values.
• The Financial data are initialized with the New User Settings of the Built-in Internal Users Group. If these new
user settings are disabled the Balance is set to zero with an Individual Credit limit of zero.

Internal Users can also be added with the Server Command Tool. See Section C.1.2, “addInter-
nalUser” [266].

4.4.6. Deleted Users

Deleting a User makes sense if he is not part of the user source anymore and was not deleted as part of a bulk
delete during a manual synchronization. As long as job history or account transactions for a User are present 5,
SavaPage applies a logical delete. Any logical deleted User will be physically deleted from the database when
no related job history and account transactions are present anymore. This situation will automatically occur when
you enabled automatic backup in combination with the delete of old document and transaction logs.

If SavaPage synchronizes a new User from the user source, a new user instance will be created in the
database, despite the fact that a logical deleted User exists with the same identifying name, i.e. the logical
delete status of the "identical" user will remain as it is.

4.4.7. Administrator Role

SavaPage sets up a dedicated account called admin. This is the master administrator account, with access to all
application functions, whose password is assigned during configuration. In large organizations it is likely that
the administrator role needs to be granted to more than one person. One solution is to give all those persons the
master password; however a better approach is to assign the administrator role to the network user accounts of
these individual's. The advantages of this approach are:
• Administrators can access the Admin Web App with their own username and password.
• Since most administrative activity is logged in an audit trace, changes can easily be tracked back to an individual.

Access to certain parts of the Admin Web App can be set on User Group level with Admin Privileges.

Administrative users should login via https://savapage:8632/admin rather than
https://savapage:8632/ or https://savapage:8632/user so that they are directed to
the correct interface.

4.5. Groups
Groups are collections of users. You can Add and Remove groups as present in the external User Source or Internal
Group definition.
When a users does not print on his own, but is printed for via Delegated Print, no job history is present for that user, but (pending) transactions

Admin Web App

SavaPage caches group members for performance reasons. Therefore, when group membership changes
at the source, it may not be immediately known in SavaPage. The membership cache is updated automat-
ically according to the “Import new users overnight” option in the User Creation section, but can be also
be refreshed manually at any time by a push on a button in the same section.

4.5.1. Built-in Groups

There are three built-in groups:
• All Users : all users in the system.
• External Users : all users synchronized from the external User Source.
• Internal Users : all users created inside SavaPage. See Section, “Internal Users” [121].

4.5.2. Group List

After a tap on the Groups button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Figure 4.28. Admin Web App: User Group - List

Built-in groups are depicted in orange. Press the Add & Remove button to add additional groups.

Each item in the list shows the number of members and has buttons to jump to other dialogs. From left to right,
these buttons bring you to:
• The Edit Group dialog.
• The User List with the group preselected. Note: the button is not visible when number of group members is zero.
• The Account List with the Group Type and Name preselected. Note: the button is not visible when the (lazy
created) Group Account is not present yet.

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.29. Admin Web App: Group - Select and Sort

• Groups can be selected by entering a part (fragment) of their name.

• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on group name.
• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.
• Use the “minus” button to collapse the Select and Sort section.

4.5.3. Add & Remove Groups

Figure 4.30. Admin Web App: User Groups - Add & Remove

Select the groups to add and to remove and press the OK button to commit the selection.

Admin Web App

The group list is a mix from the ones present in the external User Source and the ones defined as Internal
Group. When adding a user group from Microsoft Active Directory, members from nested groups are

4.5.4. Edit Group

The Group Edit Dialog has several sections. Press the OK button at the bottom to commit all changes. Group Roles

Figure 4.31. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - Roles

In the Roles section you can set the user roles for group members. See Section, “User Roles” [84] for
an explanation of the roles and how role based user access works.

Admin Web App User Privileges

Figure 4.32. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - User Privileges

In the User Privileges section you can set group member access to User Web App domain objects. Privileges
are set by means three-state buttons. An unselected grayed out button means “indeterminate”, plain unselected
means “non-privileged” and selected means “privileged”. When a privilege on a domain object is selected a role
like Reader and Editor might be selected, as well as extra actions like Download , Send and Sign . The type
of Roles and Actions offered depend on the type of domain object. This is how choices work out:
• When SafePages is non-privileged, the PDF and Sort buttons are not displayed in the Main Page. When
selected, the Reader role will display the PDF but not the Sort button, and the Editor role will display both.
The Download and Send options display the respective buttons in the PDF dialog: the Sign option displays the
same option in the PDF Security section.
• When User Details is non-privileged the footer button for the User Details dialog is replaced with a simple
indicator holding the id of the authenticated user.
• When Personal Print is non-privileged, use of Personal Account for printing is not allowed. User can use Shared
Accounts though, when permitted by Access Control. When printing with Personal and Shared Account is not
permitted, role Print Job Creator is assumed, even when this role is explicitly selected.
• When Print Journal is privileged a Print Job will be silently journalled. When Print Archive is privileged, the
Print Job Archive option is active: when Select is privileged, the user is allowed to (de) select the archive,
when not, the Print Job will be silently archived. Beware, that these functions can be disabled for individual
printers: see Section 4.8.2, “Edit Proxy Printer” [103].
• When Financial is non-privileged, the account balance will not show in the footer, the Transactions button
will not show in the Log page, and Financial data will not show in the User Details dialog. When selected, the
Reader and Editor role will display all. However, only the Editor role is allowed account transactions in the
User Details dialog.
• When Letterhead is non-privileged, the Letterhead button is not displayed. When privileged the Reader and
Editor role allows user to choose a Letterhead in the PDF and Print dialog. The Editor role allows users to add
letterheads themselves. See Section 3.6, “Letterheads” [57].

Admin Web App

• The open spots left by buttons that are not displayed are taken by: the Upload button (moved from the footer),
a Browse button pointing to the Browser, and the Info button (moved from the footer), in that order. See Sec-
tion 3.3.2, “Footer” [27].
This is how a privilege is evaluated on runtime:
• To be compatible with existing installations the “indeterminate” state for top level group “All Users” is inter-
preted as fully “privileged”. Of course, privileges can also be set at "lower" group levels. When determining
privileges for a domain object, SavaPage looks at the lowest group first, and bubbles up to higher groups till a
“non-indeterminate” privilege for the domain object is found.
• A denial of access due to a privilege takes precedence over any other configuration property. Admin Privileges

In the Administrator Privileges section you can set group member access to Admin Web App domain objects.
The objects correspond to the choices in the main menu. Any user with Administrator Role is assigned privileges
by group membership.

Figure 4.33. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - Admin Privileges

Privileges are set and evaluated by means three-state buttons, just as User Privileges. For most domain objects
a Reader and Editor role can be selected. Access to domain objects will be shown or hidden according to the
privileges. New User Settings

Figure 4.34. Admin Web App: User Group - Edit - New User Settings

Admin Web App

When New User Settings are enabled they are automatically applied upon User Creation for members of this
group. Note that these settings do not affect existing user members. See the Financial section of the Edit User
dialog for a description of the Balance and Credit Limit fields.

When a user belongs to multiple groups, the New User Settings of these groups is applied as follows:
• The user is assigned an initial Balance that is the sum of the Initial Balances of all matching groups (with the
exception of the Built-in Groups).
• If any of the matching groups has Initial Credit Limit “None” the user is assigned this status.
• Since the New User Settings are applied in alphabetical group name order, the Initial Credit Limit “Default”
and “Individual” are assigned from the last group.
When a user does not belong to any group with New User Settings enabled, he is assigned the settings of the
“External Users” or “Internal Users” Built-in Group (depending on the type of User Source).

New User Settings are not shown for Built-in Group “All Users” because they are never used.

4.6. Accounts
This section is about Shared Accounts as explained in Chapter 10, SavaPage Financial [195]. The accounts are
utilized in Delegated Print and PaperCut print scenarios.

4.6.1. Account List

After a tap on the Accounts in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Figure 4.35. Admin Web App: Account - List

Admin Web App

Figure 4.36. Admin Web App: Account - List - Sub Accounts

• All accounts are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be entered: see Figure 4.37,
“Admin Web App: Account - List - Select and Sort” [95].
• The icon signifies a plain Shared Account and a Group Account.
• Press the New button to create and Edit a new Account.
• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• An entry is displayed for each Account, with the account type icon and name, the transaction period and the
balance amount.
• Parent \__ child accounts are depicted with a subscripted smaller font child name.
• Tap the Edit button to change or delete the account. See Section 4.6.2, “Edit Account” [96].
• The Transactions button brings you to the list of transactions. This list has an identical setup as the one for
User Account transactions: see Section 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61].

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

Figure 4.37. Admin Web App: Account - List - Select and Sort

• Accounts can be selected by entering the containing text (fragment) of their Name.
• Select the Type and Deleted Status. The - button will select both.
• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on Name.

Admin Web App

• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list. A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort to their
default values. The minus button collapses the section.

4.6.2. Edit Account

Group Accounts are ad-hoc created in the Delegated Print scenario, and have names identical to their User Group.
Editing of Groups Accounts is limited to Balance, Notes and the Delete option. Shared Accounts can be freely
created, and can fully be edited as explained below.

Figure 4.38. Admin Web App: Account - Edit

• The Name must be case insensitive unique for parents and for children within a parent. For instance, the fol-
lowing Parent\Child name combinations can coexist: A\C, B\C, C\C. Shared and Group Accounts have
different name spaces, so account name “A” can exist as Shared and Group Account. A "." (point) character
can not be part of an account name.
• Group Accounts cannot act as Parent Account. Therefore the Parent Account must be a Shared Account.
• An Account that acts as Parent Account for other accounts can have no Parent Account itself.
• In the Access control section names of User Groups can be entered, whose members can use this account
to charge (printing) costs on. See Section 3.5.5, “Print Job Settings” [43] and Section 3.5.8, “Delegated Print
Edit” [48].
• A new Balance value results in a financial transaction that corrects the previous account balance. See Sec-
tion 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61].
• Tick the Delete checkbox to delete the Account. This will be a logical delete as long as transactions are present.
Any logical deleted Account will be physically deleted from the database when no related transactions are

Admin Web App

present anymore. This situation will automatically occur when you enabled automatic backup in combination
with the delete of old account transactions. See Section 4.10.13, “Backups” [145].
• A delete of a parent account cascades to all of its child accounts. An un-delete does not.
• Press the OK button to commit the changes and return to the Account List.
• The Cancel button brings you back to the Account List without changing anything.

4.7. Queues
Queues are print-in channels for acquiring SafePages.

4.7.1. Reserved Queues

Dedicated queues are reserved and pre-installed for:
• The default IPP “/” queue.
• The Raw IP Printer Port (which defaults to 9100)
• Google Cloud Print
• AirPrint
• Mail Print
• Web Print

4.7.2. Queue List

After a tap on the Queues button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Figure 4.39. Admin Web App: Queue - List

• All non-deleted queues are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be entered: see
Figure 4.40, “Admin Web App: Queue - Select and Sort” [98].

Admin Web App

• Press the New button to create and edit a new queue.

• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• An entry is displayed for each queue, with identifying data and some usage statistics. From top to bottom:
• The queue's trust or status (at the top right corner).
• The URL Path of the queue. The path is relative to the /printers URL base.
• An inline Line-Graph showing the day pagometers of the printed pages over the last 30 days.
• The full IPPS URL variant of the queue.
• SavaPage takes the first IPv4 address of the first network interface on the server platform as URL host.
You can overrule this behavior by setting a fixed IPv4 address or DNS name in configuration item sys-
• Optionally, the allowed client IPv4 addresses as a CIDR Set.
• The period in which activity was accumulated on the pagometer.
• The pagometer of the queue including the number of jobs and bytes printed.
• Tap the Edit button to change or delete the queue. See Section 4.7.3, “Edit Queue” [99]
• The Log button brings you to the list of documents printed to the queue. See Figure 4.116, “Admin Web App:
Documents - List” [156]

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

The pagometers of all queues can be reset at Options → Advanced → Reset Pagometers

Figure 4.40. Admin Web App: Queue - Select and Sort

• Queues can be selected by entering the containing text (fragment) of their URL Path.
• Select the queue's Trust and (Deleted) Status. The - button will select both.

Admin Web App

• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on URL Path.

• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.

4.7.3. Edit Queue

Figure 4.41. Admin Web App: Queue - Edit

• The URL Path is editable. Renaming the URL path name will permanently overwrite the old name in all related
job history records with the new name.
• Enter IPv4 address ranges as a CIDR Set at IP addresses allowed to restrict access to the queue based on
requesting IP address. If the field is empty all requesting IP addresses are allowed to print to the queue.
• Tick the Trusted checkbox to make this a Trusted Queue. When this option is not selected the queue will be
a Public Queue.
• Tick the Disabled checkbox to disable access to the queue for all users.
• Tick the Delete checkbox to delete the Queue. This will be a logical delete as long as related job history is
present. Any logical deleted Queue will be physically deleted from the database when no related job history is
present anymore. This situation will automatically occur when you enabled automatic backup in combination
with the delete of old document logs. See Section 4.10.13, “Backups” [145].
• Press the OK button to commit the changes and return to the Queue List.
• The Cancel button brings you back to the Queue List without changing anything.

Some reserved queues like Google Cloud Print, Web Print and Mail Print can not be edited. Other reserved
queues like AirPrint and Internet Print are untrusted by nature, hence the field Trusted cannot be edited.

4.8. Proxy Printers

4.8.1. Proxy Printer List
After a tap on the Proxy Printers button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

SavaPage automatically detects CUPS printer queues, and uses their unique name to replicate corresponding Proxy
Printers in its database.

Admin Web App

When a printer queue is deleted in CUPS it is real-time detected by SavaPage, and as a result the corresponding
Proxy Printer is marked as not present. Proxy Printers which are not present are hidden in the User Web App,
so they cannot be used for printing.

When a printer queue is renamed in CUPS, two events occur in SavaPage. First, the new name is detected as a
new Proxy Printer, and second, the Proxy Printer with the old name is detected as a deleted CUPS queue. Proxy
Printers which are not present anymore can either be deleted or renamed.

SavaPage selects local CUPS printer queues by default. This is a sensible policy since local CUPS queues are
able to connect to locally attached printers (USB, LPT) or network enabled printers. However, in some odd cases
you might want to proxy print to a remote CUPS queue, i.e. a queue shared by another machine. In that case
you can set the value of the cups.ipp.remote-enabled config item to Y. See Section, “Config
Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

Figure 4.42. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - List Header

• The CUPS button is shown when the browser points to “localhost”, “”, a “.local” address, or to the
intranet IP address of the SavaPage server, and host port matches the configured SavaPage port. Click the button
to open the CUPS Administration web page in a new browser tab.
• Click the Synchronize button to synchronize all CUPS printer options to SavaPage. Since SavaPage does not
detect changed CUPS printer defaults, PPD driver and PPD Extension File content (yet), you need to perform
this action after you change any of these parameters.
• The Status button is shown when Printer SNMP is enabled. Push the button to refresh toner and printer state
information for all printers.

Figure 4.43. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - List Items

• All non-deleted Proxy Printers are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be
entered: see Figure 4.44, “Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Select and Sort” [103].

Admin Web App

• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• An entry is displayed for each Proxy Printer, with several identifying and usage data. Two sample items are
show above (not all data apply). Possible items are, from top to bottom:
• The Proxy Printer status (at the top right corner).
• The display name (alias) of the printer as shown to the user.
• An inline pagometer Pie-Chart followed by the CUPS printer name, URI and PPD driver name.
• The red color in the chart represents the number of pages printed. The orange color represents the number
of printed sheets.
• A double-click on the CUPS printer name downloads a text file with detailed printer properties, and is
used by SavaPage developers and administrators to debug PPD to IPP mapping issues. See Appendix K,
PPD Extensions [304] and Appendix L, IPP Extensions [317].
• A double-click on the PPD driver name downloads the CUPS PPD file.
• When Printer SNMP is enabled, the toner and status information. Click on the icon at the most right to refresh
this information.
• The Printer Groups this Proxy Printer is member of.
• An inline Line-Graph showing the day pagometers of the printed pages over the last 30 days.
• The period in which activity was accumulated on the pagometer.
• The pagometer of the Proxy Printer including the number of jobs, sheets and bytes printed.
• Tap the Edit button to edit the entry. Proxy Printers which are present in CUPS can be edited: see Figure 4.45,
“Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Identity” [104]. Proxy Printers which are not present in CUPS can
also be deleted or renamed: see Figure 4.52, “Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Rename” [109]
• The Log button brings you to the list of documents printed to the Proxy Printer. See Figure 4.116, “Admin
Web App: Documents - List” [156]
• The Home button is shown under the same condition as the CUPS button. Click to open the CUPS Adminis-
tration web page for the printer in a new browser tab.

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

The CUPS Administration web page must be accessible as explained in Section 2.3, “Step 3 - Configure
CUPS and Samba” [11]. When CUPS authentication is required you can log in with user name root or
with a user name that belongs to the admin group.

The pagometers of all Proxy Printers can be reset at Options → Advanced → Reset Pagometers

Each Proxy Printer in the list is marked with a primary icon:

A non-secure Proxy Printer which can be used by any device.

• See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].

A non-secure Proxy Printer which can not be used by any device.

• See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].

A secured Proxy Printer whose jobs needs to be authorized with a NFC Card swipe on a
Network Card Reader.
• See Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112].
• A referral to the Reader and the enabled release functions are shown in the list item.

Admin Web App

A Proxy Printer that can only be used from certain Terminals.

• See Section, “Custom Proxy Print” [116].

A Proxy Printer that can only be used from certain Terminals and whose jobs needs to be
authorized with a NFC Card swipe on a Network Card Reader on other Terminals.

A Job Ticket Printer.

• See Section, “Proxy Printer Identity” [104].

Table 4.3. Primary Printer Icons

When applicable, the following secondary icons are shown:

A PaperCut Managed Printer.

• See Appendix N, PaperCut Integration [327].

Print Archive enabled.

• See Section, “Print Archive” [102].

Print Journal enabled.

• See Section, “Print Journal” [103].

Table 4.4. Secondary Printer Icons Printer SNMP

SavaPage can use the SNMP protocol to query information about networked printers, like type/model, serial num-
ber, toner and operation status. SNMP is disabled by default. Use the configuration items below to enable and
set operational properties. When SNMP is enabled, printer data are read automatically at the daily maintenance
cycle at 55 minutes past midnight 6.

Configuration property Description

printer.snmp.enable Enable SNMP: Y or N (default) Number of minutes since last printer print after which a next print triggers a new SNMP
read of printer data (default 240). Number of retries after SNMP read failure (default 2). SNMP read timeout in milliseconds (default 1500).

printer.snmp.marker.percent.warn reserved for future use

printer.snmp.marker.percent.alert reserved for future use

Table 4.5. Configuration Properties for Printer SNMP

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

Use Server Command printerSnmp to SNMP query any printer available in the network. Print Archive

The Print Archive is the branch of the Document Store. It must explicitly
be enabled.
Overnight maintenance synchronization takes place according to the default Cron Trigger Expression "0 55 0 * * ?" contained in
configuration key schedule.daily-maintenance. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

Admin Web App Print Journal

The Print Journal is the branch of the Document Store. It must explicitly
be enabled. CUPS Printer Class

A CUPS Class is a group of printers. When printing to it, CUPS will redirect the job to one of the printer members.
Which printer would depend on user rights or which printer currently is available.

A CUPS Class appears as a regular Proxy Printer in the list: the number of member printers is enclosed in paren-
thesis, just after its CUPS name.

SavaPage requires that CUPS Class members all have the same PPD. Select and Sort

Figure 4.44. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Select and Sort

• Proxy Printers can be selected by entering the containing text (fragment) of their display name. So, entering
"Xe" will select both "Xerox AltaLink" and "Xerox D110".
• Select the (Deleted) Status. The - button will select both.
• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on display name.
• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.
• The minus button collapses the section.

4.8.2. Edit Proxy Printer

Admin Web App Proxy Printer Identity

Figure 4.45. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Identity

• The title bar shows the CUPS Printer Name.

• The Display name and Location are editable.
• Multiple Proxy Printer Groups can be entered separated by space, comma, colon or semicolon.
• Tick the Disabled checkbox to disable access to the Proxy Printer for all use.
• Tick the Internal use checkbox to mark the printer for internal use only. This will disable access to the Proxy
Printer from the User Web App, but the printer can still be used for internal print work flow scenarios.
• When the Print Archive and/or Journal function is enabled it can be Disabled for this printer. See Sec-
tion, “Document Store” [153].
• The PPD Extension File is optional and refers to a .ppde text file with extensions to the assigned PPD in
CUPS. This is the way to map vendor specific PPD options to IPP attributes. See Appendix K, PPD Exten-
sions [304].
• By ticking the Job Ticket Printer checkbox the printer will act as Job Ticket Printer and its display name will be
shown to users with role Job Ticket Creator for printer selection. An entry field is shown where you must enter
the Proxy Printer Group containing the printers the Job Ticket print job can be redirected to. See Section 4.8.3,
“Printer Groups” [108] and Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172].

Figure 4.46. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit -Job Ticket Printer

Admin Web App

This option can not be selected for PaperCut managed printers (a warning message is displayed).
• When the Job Ticket Printer option is not selected, you can still activate Job Ticket Labels , at least when
they are enabled as configuration property: see Section, “Configuration Properties” [55] (when tags are
disabled, the option is not shown). When this option is activated a user can select a Job Ticket Labels for this
regular proxy printer: see Section 3.5.5, “Print Job Settings” [43]. The selected labels are shown as CUPS job
ID prefix.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes and return to the Proxy Printer List.
• The Cancel button brings you back to the Proxy Printer List without changing anything.

When the content of the PPD Extension File is changed, you must Synchronize the Proxy Printers to take
those changes into effect.

See Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53] for an explanation of Job Tickets and how users can create them. Also
see Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172] and Section A.2.1, “Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket
Scenarios” [257]. Printer Costs

Printer costs are specified per media side and can be set for One-sided and Two-sided prints and differentiated
for B/W (Black and White) and Color printing.

When SavaPage calculates the cost of a Proxy Print job, the two-sided (duplex) page cost is only applied to pages
that are part of a sheet that is printed on both sides. So, for a document with an odd number of pages, the two-
sided cost is not applied to the last page. For example, when a 7 page document is printed as two-sided, the two-
sided cost is applied to the first 6 pages, and the one-sided cost to the last.

Costs are displayed, and can be entered, with a precision (number of decimals) as defined in Section,
“General Financial Options” [143].

Printer costs are irrelevant and ignored in the following cases:

• When this is a Job Ticket Printer and Job Ticket Media Costs are defined in the PPD Extension File.
• When a printer is selected from the Job Ticket Print dialog (Job Ticket cost is leading).
• When PaperCut cost is leading. This is the case for a PaperCut Managed Printer, and when all conditions below
are met:
• This is a Non-Secure Printer (Secure Printing must be enforced by PaperCut). See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy
Print” [138].
• PaperCut Integration is enabled.
• PaperCut Delegated Print Integration is enabled.
• A Print Job is not charged to a Personal Account, but to a Shared Account or via the Delegated Print -
PaperCut Scenario. Media Sources

In this section you can assign Media Size and Costs to Media Sources.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.47. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Media Source

• The header text “Cost per media side ...” is prefixed with the same printer marker icon(s) as shown in the Printer
• CUPS printer defaults are indicated in the header with an asterisk (*). In some odd cases the CUPS printer color
mode default “grayscale” is not correctly transferred as IPP attribute. You can easily correct this behavior by
setting the Use B/W as default option at the top of the Media Source section. Instead, you can also use a PPD
to IPP mapping to set the default for the IPP print-color-mode attribute: this correction is more basic,
and is immediately reflected in de default * indicator.
• When the Perform B/W conversion locally option is set, grayscale print jobs are converted to B/W before
sending them to a color capable proxy printer. This setting is needed when you observe that print jobs with color
content are printed in color, despite the Grayscale Color Mode setting in the Printer Settings dialog. Indeed,
some PPDs expect grayscale conversion is done client-side.
• This option is not available for a Job Ticket Printer .
• The *auto text below the Source header indicates that the printer supports automatic tray selection based on
media options.
• Each entry in the list has a checkbox with the IPP attribute keyword of the Media Source.
• Tick the checkbox to enable the media source, and enter a user-friendly name as will show up in the Media
Source picklist of the Printer Settings dialog.
• Select the Media Size that is present in the Media Source.
• Specify the costs. Notice that only those cost cells are enabled that are applicable for the printer.
• You can mark a media source as preferred by pressing the “Star” button at the left. A preferred source is taken
as default in situations where multiple media sources contain the same requested media size. For instance, in
Job Ticket Redirect Printer settings.

Depending on the PPD file used for the CUPS printer, some media sources might not be applicable. You
are advised to do some tests to make sure that media sizes are indeed applicable to the media sources
as you intended.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.48. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Job Sheet Media Sources

• When the printer is member of at least one Job Ticket Printer Group, and can therefore act as redirect printer,
a media-source select menu for Job Sheets is shown. Multiple media-sources with assigned media-size can
be selected.
• When this printer is selected as redirect printer, the first Jobs Sheets media-source that matches the requested
job-sheet media size will be selected as default.
• The select menu is shown even if org.savapage-job-sheets is not configured in any job ticket PPDE file.

Figure 4.49. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Source

• Costs for the manual media source can not be entered here, but must be specified as described in the next section. Manual Media Sizes

In this section you can specify the Proxy Printer media costs for the manual media source. You can either use a
Simple or Advanced definition.

Figure 4.50. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Size (Simple)

The Simple definition allows for a single cost per media side. This is appropriate for a non-duplex monochrome
Proxy Printer that can handle a single media size (Letter or A4) only.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.51. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Manual Media Size (Advanced)

Advanced mode is best suited for a duplex color Proxy Printer that can handle multiple media sizes.
• The list of supported media sizes is dependent on the Proxy Printer type.
• Use the check-box at a media size to enable its custom cost specification.
• Costs for unspecified (disabled) media sizes fall back to the Default specification.

4.8.3. Printer Groups

Printer Groups allow administrators to combine Proxy Printer instances so they can be addressed as group by a
single tag. A Proxy Printer can have one or more groups tags. See Section 4.8.2, “Edit Proxy Printer” [103].

Printer Groups are used to customize access to Proxy Printers. See:

• Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112]
• Section, “Custom Proxy Print” [116]
• Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138]
• Section, “Proxy Printer Identity” [104].
• Section, “Job Ticket Group” [173].

Printer Group tags are added to the database on first use. Tags without Proxy Printer members are removed
from the database at the start of the application and thereafter at a daily schedule.

4.8.4. Rename Proxy Printer

When a Proxy Printer is removed from the host system it is marked in the list as not present. When editing new
options appear, as is shown in the screenshot below.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.52. Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Rename

• See Figure 4.45, “Admin Web App: Proxy Printer - Edit - Identity” [104] for a description of the basic edit
• Tick the Delete when job history is cleaned button to logically delete the Proxy Printer. It will be physically
deleted from the database when no related job history is present anymore. This situation will automatically
occur when you enabled automatic backup in combination with the delete of old document logs. Deleting makes
sense if the queue is permanently removed from CUPS, and you don't want the Proxy Printer list in the Admin
Web App to be cluttered with out-of-date "not present" Proxy Printers.
• Press the OK button to commit the changes and return to the Proxy Printer List.
• You can change the associated CUPS printer by entering a New name. Renaming makes sense as a mirroring
action of renaming a CUPS queue. After renaming a printer in CUPS, the Proxy Printer associated with the
old CUPS name will be identified by SavaPage as "not present", and a new Proxy Printer for the new CUPS
queue will be created. At this point you can re-associate (rename) the old CUPS name of the Proxy Printer to
the new one. This will work as long as no job history is already accumulated on the Proxy Printer associated
with this new CUPS name. To overrule this constraint you can tick the Replace (delete) existing printer with
identical name checkbox, so an existing Proxy Printer associated with the same (new) CUPS name will be
deleted and replaced.
• Press the Rename button to commit the renaming action and return to the Proxy Printer List.
• Both Cancel buttons bring you back to the Proxy Printer List without changing anything.

If SavaPage detects a CUPS queue whose name is identical to a logical deleted Proxy Printer, the logical
delete mark will be removed and the Proxy Printer will be re-activated.

4.9. Devices
A Device is a hardware component with a dedicated function.

SavaPage defines devices of type Terminal and Network Card Reader. They are identified by IP address and, in
case of the reader, a port number. The combination of IP-address and Type must be unique.

Although most of the time an IP address will harbor one device type, this constraint does allow that
Terminal and Network Card Reader are combined on a single physical device.

• A Network Card Reader acts as User Authenticator, either at Login or Proxy Print time.
• A Terminal device runs customized SavaPage Web App Sessions overriding global User Authentication and
Proxy Print defaults.
After a tap on the Devices button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Admin Web App

Figure 4.53. Admin Web App: Device - List

All Devices are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be entered: see Figure 4.54,
“Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort” [111]. Press the New Terminal... or New Card Reader... button
to create a new Device.

Devices are marked with an icon and hold the following items:

A Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Login at a Terminal.

• The name of the Reader.
• A referral to the Terminal.
• The IP address, port, and location of the Reader.
• A time-stamp of the last connection attempt with the status connected (green) or disconnected (orange).

A Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Proxy Print Authentication.
• The name, IP address, port, and location of the Reader.
• A time-stamp of the last connection attempt with the status connected (green) or disconnected (orange).
• The Proxy Printer or Proxy Printer Group for which this reader acts as authenticator.
• The Print Mode of the proxy printer(s): Fast, Hold, Direct.

Admin Web App

A Terminal with custom settings.

• The name, IP address and location of the Terminal.
• The Proxy Print or Proxy Printer Group for which this Terminal is entitled to print to.

A Terminal with custom settings and a Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Login.
• The name of the Terminal.
• A referral to the Reader.
• The IP address and location of the Terminal.
• The Proxy Printer or Proxy Printer Group for which this Terminal is entitled to print to.

Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

Figure 4.54. Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort

• Devices can be selected by entering the containing text (fragment) of their display name. So, entering "CARD-"
will select both "CARD-READER-PAMPUS" and "CARD-READER-RPI".
• Select the Status. The - button will select both Enabled and Disabled devices.
• Select the Type. The - button will select both Reader and Terminal devices.
• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on device name.
• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.

4.9.1. Network Card Reader

A Network Card Reader device runs the SavaPage Network Card Reader Service .

Admin Web App Custom User Login

Figure 4.55. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Custom User Login

• A reader is associated to a Terminal in the Terminal dialog. See Section 4.9.4, “Custom User Login” [117].
The associated Terminal is shown here with icon and name.
• Tick Disabled to disable the Device definition.
• The format of the NFC Card Number must be specified. See Section B.1, “Card Number Format” [261].

A Network Card Reader can be used as NFC Card Login authenticator by just one Terminal.

4.9.2. Proxy Print Authentication

A Network Card Reader can act as print job authenticator for a single Proxy Printer or a Proxy Printer Group.

When the reader device is placed next to the printer device this setup implements Follow-me Printing7.


Admin Web App

Figure 4.56. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Proxy Print Authentication

Checking the Proxy Print Authentication option shows all the detail options. The Print Mode determines the
authentication scenario. Basically there are three modi: Fast, Hold and Direct. Fast Mode can be combined with
Hold and Direct Mode. See Section, “Combining Print Modes” [115].

Admin Web App

• Depending on the Print Mode, the name of a Single Printer and/or Printer Group Target must be entering.
Which targets are needed is explained in the Print Mode subsections below.
• The format of the NFC Card Number must be specified. See Section B.1, “Card Number Format” [261].

When using Proxy Print Authentication concurrently with the User Web App and User Client you are
strongly advised to use an external database like PostgreSQL. See Chapter 19, Using an External Data-
base [245]. Fast Print Mode

Fast Print Mode applies to a Single Printer and supports the following scenario:
1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 12, SavaPage as Printer [206].
2. User walks to the printer.
3. User swipes his NFC token along the reader.
4. As a result he gets one (1) printed copy of all SafePages jobs according to the default printer settings.
Expired SafePages jobs are skipped and cleared. The expiry period is set in Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].
A user can extend his fast job expiry in the User Web App. See Section 3.5.1, “Printer Selection” [38].

• A Fast Print clears all SafePages after printing.

• This scenario does not need any action in the User Web App. Therefore, it is the shortest way to proxy print
with SavaPage.

Fast Print Mode is meant for straightforward proxy printing without intervening editing. So, when a user
opens the Web App and performs a Delete or Sort on his SafePages he is supposed to Hold Print instead.
When a Fast Print is tried on edited content, nothing is printed and all SafePages will be cleared as a result.

When Fast Mode is combined with Hold or Direct Mode, and a Printer Group is specified, one of the
printers from the group must be specified as Single Printer.

For Fast Mode printers with a single tray holding A4 media, PPD Extensions can be used to configure an
extra virtual tray for Letter media. See Section K.5.1, “Fast Print A4 and Letter to Single Tray” [316]. Hold Print Mode

Hold Print Mode applies to a Single Printer or Printer Group and supports the following scenario:
1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 12, SavaPage as Printer [206].
2. User opens the User Web App en proxy prints to either the Single Printer or one of the printers from the Printer
3. As a result the proxy print job is held.
4. User walks to the chosen printer.
5. User swipes his NFC token along the reader.
6. As a result all hold jobs for the printer are printed.

Admin Web App

Expired hold jobs are skipped and cleared. The expiry period is set in Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138]. A
user can delete hold jobs or extend expiry in the User Web App. See Section, “Hold Print Jobs” [27]. Direct Print Mode

Direct Print Mode applies to a Single Printer or Printer Group and supports the following scenario:

1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 12, SavaPage as Printer [206].
2. User opens the User Web App in his mobile device.
3. User selects either the Single Printer or one of the printers from the Printer Group. See Section 3.5.1, “Printer
Selection” [38].
4. User selects printer and job settings.
5. User walks to the chosen printer.
6. User presses the Print button in the Web App.
7. As a result a dialog pops up prompting the user to swipe his NFC Card for authentication. See Section 3.5.6,
“Direct Print Release” [47]. User has a 10 second time limit to swipe his card. The time limit is set in Sec-
tion 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].
8. User swipes his NFC token along the reader.
9. As a result the job is printed. Combining Print Modes

Combining Fast and Hold Print Mode either in one proxy printer, or over different printers, needs special attention.
Namely, if a user creates a Hold Print Job and does not delete the origin SafePages, the same SafePages will
remain the target of a Fast Print, leading to duplicate prints. As this may be intended in rare cases, in the majority
of cases this will not be intended by the user. To protect the user from unintended duplicate printing the following
rules are applied:
• If Hold jobs exist for any printer, a Fast Print is only done when Proxy Printing is configured to “Always remove
SafePages after printing”. This way, because all SafePages are cleared after creating a Hold Job, we know for
sure that present SafePages are not part of any Hold Print Job. See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].
• As a consequence, when Proxy Printing is not configured to “Always remove SafePages after printing”, all
SafePages will be ad-hoc cleared after a Hold Print release. This will prevent that, after all Hold jobs are
released at Hold-only printers, and no Hold jobs exist for any printer, remaining SafePages will be Fast Printed

The Fast + Hold Print Mode supports the following scenario:

1. User creates a Hold Proxy Print Job.
• All SafePages are removed after printing.
2. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage.
3. User walks up to the Fast + Hold target printer of the Hold Print Job.
4. User swipes his NFC token along the reader.
5. As a result:
a. All Hold jobs for the printer are printed.
b. One (1) copy of all SafePages jobs is printed with the default printer settings.
When a user created Hold Print jobs for different printers, each supporting Fast + Hold Print Mode, obviously the
Fast Print occurs at the first printer visited.

4.9.3. Terminal
A Terminal runs customized SavaPage Web App Sessions on a specific device.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.57. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

• The Idle Seconds before auto logout is targeted at public Terminals and is meant to protect users who forget
to logout when done. Enter a number of seconds: the Web App will automatically logout after this period of
inactivity. Enter 0 (zero) when no auto logout is desirable. Custom Proxy Print

A Terminal can restrict printing to a single Proxy Printer or Proxy Printer Group. This is usually done for printers
that need to be secured according to global Proxy Print defaults for Non-Secure Proxy Print. When the Terminal
device is placed next to a (group of) printer(s), this setup implements Pull Printing8.

Figure 4.58. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

Check the Custom Proxy Print option and enter the name of a Single Printer or Printer Group Target.

A Proxy Printer assigned to a terminal, directly or by Printer Group membership, it can not be accessed
on other terminals.

Admin Web App

Assigning printers to a terminal does not automatically imply that these printers are available to all users.
Eventually, Printer Access Control, User Roles, User Group Roles and User Group Privileges, determines
whether or not a user sees a printer.

A Proxy Printer Group can have members that all point to the same printer device. By restricting access to
each member with Printer Access Control you can show a single printer with a tailored set-up to specific
User Groups.

4.9.4. Custom User Login

Check the Custom User Login option to override global User Authentication defaults just for this Terminal.

Figure 4.59. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login

Admin Web App

Figure 4.60. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login - Default

• The options in these section are identical to the ones in Section 4.10.3, “User Authentication” [124] with the
addition of the Network NFC Card option.
• Enter the name of the Network Card Reader below the Network NFC Card Reader label.

4.10. Options
A tap on the Options button in the main menu shows a panel options organized in sections. A tap on one of the
sections expands (or collapsed) the underlying detais. Please see the sections below for a detailed description:
• Section 4.10.1, “User Source” [118].
• Section 4.10.2, “User Creation” [122].
• Section 4.10.3, “User Authentication” [124]
• Section 4.10.4, “Mail” [128].
• Section 4.10.6, “Google Cloud Printer” [130].
• Section 4.10.7, “Mail Print” [134].
• Section 4.10.8, “Web Print” [136].
• Section 4.10.9, “Internet Print” [137].
• Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].
• Section 4.10.11, “Eco Print” [141].
• Section 4.10.12, “Financial” [142].
• Section 4.10.13, “Backups” [145].
• Section 4.10.14, “Advanced” [146].

Due to Admin Privileges the Option panel might be disabled and certain buttons not visible.

4.10.1. User Source

This section is about the configuration of external and internal user sources.

Figure 4.61. Admin Web App: Options - User Source

Admin Web App

• Tap the - button if you do not want to import users from an external source. Remember to enable the Internal
Users feature if you want to acquire any user into the system.
• Tap the Unix button if you want to import Unix user accounts defined on the SavaPage host.
• Tap the LDAP button to import users from an existing LDAP domain. This includes OpenLDAP, Apple Open
Directory, Novell eDirectory and Microsoft Active Directory. When this option is selected the LDAP connection
data are shown.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes. Unix
This option imports user accounts that are setup and defined on the local system as standard Unix accounts or
mapped into the system from a central directory service such as LDAP via nsswitch.conf and PAM. Most
large established Unix networks will support this option. LDAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directories usually store information about user and groups in an
organization. One of the most common uses of LDAP is to provide single sign-on on a network that comprises
multiple platforms and applications. When a network consists of Windows computers only, then an Active Di-
rectory domain can be used. But when there is a mix of Windows, Apple and GNU/Linux machines then LDAP
can provided the single source of user, group and authentication information. (It is worth noting that both Active
Directory and Novell eDirectory implement the LDAP protocol).

SavaPage can use an LDAP directory for user authentication and as a source of user and group information. LDAP
can either be enabled at installation time, or by changing the user source at this point. When enabling LDAP,
a number of configuration properties must be specified to allow the application to connect to the LDAP server.
Please ask your LDAP administrator what values to use for the various options.

Figure 4.62. Admin Web App: Options - User Source - LDAP

• The Server Type determines which LDAP fields are used to get user and group information. Select one of the
following server types that SavaPage supports out-of-the-box:

Admin Web App

• OpenLDAP : OpenLDAP.
• Apple : Apple Open Directory.
• Novell : Novell eDirectory.
• Windows : Microsoft Active Directory.
However, it is easy to support other server types by adjusting the fields SavaPage uses for LDAP searches. This
is discussed in Appendix J, Advanced LDAP Configuration [300]
• Enter the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server at the Host prompt.
• Enter the IP port of the LDAP server at the Port prompt. The value defaults to 389.
• Tick the Use SSL checkbox to use encrypted SSL connection to connect to the LDAP server. The LDAP server
requires SSL support to be enabled and should accept connections on the standard LDAPS port 636.
• Check if you want to Trust Self-signed certificate of the LDAP server.
• Enter the Base DN of the LDAP server at the Base DN prompt. This is the equivalent of the “suffix” config
setting of the OpenLDAP server. For example, if the domain hosted by the LDAP server is “” then
the Base DN might be: DC=domain,DC=com

The format of the Base DN can differ significantly depending on the configuration. Some older Novell eDirec-
tory installations may require a blank Base DN to operate. Some examples:


• The Admin DN is the DN of the user who has permission to connect to and query the LDAP server. This is
typically an administrative user, although it can be a user that only has read-only access to the LDAP server. An
example of the DN of the Administrator user on a Windows AD domain "", would be CN=Admin-
istrator,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com. The exact format of the DN depends on the LDAP server.
Some examples:
• Microsoft Active Directory (in organizational unit)


• Apple Open Directory


• OpenLDAP


• Microsoft Active Directory


• Novell eDirectory


• The Admin password is the password for the administrator specified in the Admin DN above.

Some LDAP servers are configured to allow “anonymous” LDAP query access. In these situations, the
Admin DN and Admin password may be left blank.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.63. Admin Web App: Options - User Source - LDAP

At the LDAP fields for alternative authentication section LDAP field names can be entered for the two alterna-
tive user authentication methods ID Number and Card Number, as described in Section 4.10.3, “User Authen-
tication” [124]. Field names are optional and can be left empty. The Card Format is relevant when the Card
Number is specified. See Section B.1, “Card Number Format” [261].

The ID and Card Number must each uniquely identify a user, so make sure that no two users have the
same number. This means that the numbers defined in LDAP should be unique. If SavaPage encounters
a non-unique ID or Card Number that user will not be updated. Internal Users

With the internal users feature you can directly manage users inside SavaPage. Enabling this feature removes the
obligation to define an external User Source to create and manage Users. Of course you can enable this feature
as an addition to an external source.

Figure 4.64. Admin Web App: Options - Internal Users

When Internal Users is selected an extra option appears where you can allow internal users to change their
password. See Section 3.10, “User Details” [66].

Use the Server Command Tool to batch import internal users. See Section C.1.2, “addInter-
nalUser” [266] Internal Groups

SavaPage has the ability to define internal user groups. Just like internal users these groups are internal to the
SavaPage system. Internal groups are created in addition to groups already provided by the external user source
and are useful in the following situations:

Admin Web App

• You have configured the system to import users from a source that does not support groups.
• You do not have permission to create new groups in the user source.
• You'd like to create small groups just for use within SavaPage and it's not appropriate to great a new group
in the user source.
Internal Groups are defined in a plain text file and composed of members who are either synchronized from the
external user source or who were created as internal user. A fully annotated template text file is present here:


... copy this file to ...


... and start defining your groups.

Internal Groups are fully emancipated to their external fellows and can be moved in and out of scope. See Sec-
tion 4.5.3, “Add & Remove Groups” [90].

Internal Groups should have a name distinctive to any groups defined in your external user source. If case
of a name clash, the internal group takes precedence.

4.10.2. User Creation

This section is about the creation and synchronization of external users. Internal Users are created in the User
Web App or with the Server Command Tool. See Section 4.4.5, “Create Internal User” [87] and Section C.1.2,
“addInternalUser” [266].

Figure 4.65. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - Import

The Import users from group section holds an option to import a subset of users from the source by selecting a
group. This option is relevant if you want to restrict access to SavaPage for a subset of external users.
• A tap on the Change group button shows a list of available groups as seen in Figure 4.66, “Admin Web App:
Options - User Creation - From Group” [123].
• Select a group from the list and press the Apply button to commit the change, or press the Cancel button to
roll it back.

Admin Web App

• Use the [All Users] button to cancel the group restriction.

Figure 4.66. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - From Group

In Active Directory, user group membership comes in two flavors. It can either explicitly be assigned,
or be implied by the user's Primary Group ID, i.e. the RID of the primary group the user is member of.
Because primary group membership is implicit, the Active Directory API will return an empty member
attribute for this group. When users are explicitly assigned as member to groups the API will return group
members as expected.

For example, because Active Directory sets the Primary Group ID of all users to the built-in “Domain
Users” group, the Active Directory API will not report any members for the “Domain Users” group.

This issue is discussed in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: https://support.mi-

Active Directory supports an advanced feature called “Nested Groups”. This allows a group to have other
groups as member. Since a sub-group can again have sub-group members, nesting can be several levels
deep. When importing users from a group, SavaPage traverses the nested group tree to collect all con-
taining users.

Figure 4.67. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - Synchronize

The Synchronization section holds options for the external user synchronization process.
• Tick the Update user details checkbox if you want to overwrite user details in the database with details from
the source.

An external User will overwrite an internal User with the same user id: as a result the User will become

Admin Web App

• Select Import new users overnight to automatically synchronize daily at 10 minutes past midnight9.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes.

Press the Synchronize now button to manually start a synchronization.

• Tick the Delete users that do not exist in the selected source checkbox to (logically) delete users in the database
that were removed from the source. Note that this checkbox is deselected again after each synchronization.
• Feedback messages from the synchronization process are real-time displayed in the Messages section. Press
the Clear button to remove them.
• Use the Test button to check the effect of the synchronization without updating the database. Messages are
shown with a "test" prefix.

Disabled Active Directory users will not be imported by default. If you want to change this behavior you
can set the value of configuration key ldap.disabled-users.allow to Y (or enter an empty value
to fall back to the default). See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

To delete all external users, select - as User Source and use Synchronize now with the Delete users

The SafePages of external users not present in the source are deleted.

Figure 4.68. Admin Web App: Options - User Creation - On Demand

On demand user creation specifies which events, apart from regular user synchronization, will ad-hoc create
new external users in the database.
• If the user associated with these events is not in the database, SavaPage will check if the user is part of the
User Source and thereby a sure Synchronized User candidate. If so, it will ad-hoc synchronize the user into
the database.
• Select At first login to ad-hoc create a user when he successfully passed the SavaPage Login for the first time.
• Select At first print to ad-hoc create a user when he prints to a SavaPage queue for the first time.
• Press the Apply button to commit the selection.

4.10.3. User Authentication

This sections describes the global defaults for User Authentication.
Overnight user synchronization takes place according to the default Cron Trigger Expression "0 10 0 * * ?" contained in configuration
key schedule.daily. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.69. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication

The Persistence section holds a options to persist authentication in Browser Local Storage . When enabled, a
successful login to the SavaPage Web App will store an authentication token in the “Local Storage”10 of the
browser. When the user closes the browser after a successful login and opens it again, login will be automatic,
without the need to authenticate again. Separate authentication tokens are held for the User and Admin Web App
context. See Section 15.1.3, “Authentication Tokens” [226].

The presence of an authentication token is essential for the iOS Web Clip to function, and is pure conve-
nience in other environments.

When Browser Local Storage is disabled, authentication persistence is implemented with Web Sessions.

The PIN section holds the defaults for PIN usage.

• When User can change their PIN is enabled users are granted the option to change their PIN. See Section 3.10,
“User Details” [66].

When Trust User Client is enabled User Web App authentication is automatic when:
• An authenticated User Client session is present at the same IP address.
• The User Web App is opened with an URL parameter identifying the user from the User Client session. See
Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].

The NFC Card section holds the defaults for card swipe logins using a Local Card Reader or Network Card Reader.
• With Require PIN enabled the user must also provide their associated PIN. This provides additional security
for swipe card logins.
• When the Self Association option is selected, users are allowed to swipe cards previously not used or registered.
When swiping such an unregistered card, SavaPage will ask the user if he wants to associate the new card to his
account. When the user agrees SavaPage will switch to User Name authentication. After successful authentica-
tion the new card will be registered, thereby replacing any previously associated card. This feature is available
for User Web App Login only. See Section 3.1.4, “Card Self Association Dialog” [22].
Local Storage is a W3C standard and stores data in the browser with no expiration date. The data will not be deleted when the browser is
closed, and will be available the next day, week, or year.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.70. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Login Methods

In the Login Methods section several login methods can be activated. When a method is activated a detailed
section is shown. Detailed sections are explained in:
• Section, “Username Login” [126]
• Section, “ID Number Login” [126]
• Section, “Local NFC Card Login” [127]
• Section, “YubiKey Login” [127]
• Section, “Default Login” [128]

The globally active Login Methods can be overridden for Access over Internet, and by defining Custom
User Login settings for a specific Terminal.

ID Numbers and NFC Card Numbers can be synchronized with an external source like LDAP, or imported
from file. Username Login

The Username login method allows a Person to use his regular username and password to login.

Figure 4.71. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Username Login

If the Show in Dialog option is selected, the Username login method is part of the Login dialog. When this option
is disabled this login can only be achieved by use of the login URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288]. ID Number Login

The ID Number login method allows a Person to use his identity number. Identity numbers are convenient
when usernames are too long or cumbersome to enter. For example, rather than entering a username like
“steven.brown-002”, it is more convenient to enter the employee or student ID Number “3624”.

Figure 4.72. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - ID Number Login

Admin Web App

If the Show in Dialog option is selected, the ID Number login method is part of the Login dialog. When this
option is disabled this login can only be achieved by use of the login URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL
Cheat Sheet [288].

When Mask input is set the ID Number will be masked when entered (like a password).

With Require PIN set the user must also provide their associated PIN. This provides additional security for ID
Number logins. Local NFC Card Login

The Local NFC Card login method allows a Person to login by swiping an NFC Card across a Local Card Reader.

Figure 4.73. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Local NFC Card Login

If the Show in Dialog option is selected, the Local NFC Card login method is part of the Login dialog. When
this option is disabled this login can only be achieved by use of the login URL parameter. See Appendix E,
URL Cheat Sheet [288].

The Format of the card number must be specified. See Section B.1, “Card Number Format” [261].

This setting applies to any Local Card Reader hooked up to any device. If a card reader is used that
produces a different format a Terminal definition with a Custom User Login needs to be created for the
device the reader is hooked up to. YubiKey Login

The YubiKey login method allows a Person to login with a YubiKey11 Token.

Figure 4.74. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - YubiKey Login

If the Show in Dialog option is selected, the YubiKey login method is part of the Login dialog. When this option
is disabled this login can only be achieved by use of the login URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

Get the YubiKey API credentials from yubico.com12, and enter them as configuration property.

Configuration property Description

auth-mode.yubikey.api.client-id The YubiKey API client ID.


Admin Web App

Configuration property Description

auth-mode.yubikey.api.secret-key The YubiKey API secret key.

Table 4.6. YubiKey Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items. Default Login

Figure 4.75. Admin Web App: Options - User Authentication - Default Login

Select the Login method that is displayed as default in the Login dialog.

4.10.4. Mail
This section holds the settings for outgoing mail.

Figure 4.76. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - SMTP

Enter the SMTP connection parameters:

• The host name or IP address of the Host.
• The IP port at Port. The standard SMTP ports are: 25 (insecure), 465 (SSL/TLS) and 587 (STARTTLS). The
value defaults to 465 (SSL/TLS).
• Select the connection security: - for an insecure connection, and STARTTLS13 or SSL/TLS14 for a secure
connection. TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are supported.
STARTTLS is a way to take an existing insecure connection, and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL/TLS.

Admin Web App

• Enter the User Name and Password if authentication is required.

Figure 4.77. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - Messages

The Messages section holds the sender and reply parameters used for email messages send by the system:
• Sender address : enter a valid email address representing the sender of the message.
• Sender name : the name default to SavaPage.
• Reply address : enter a valid email address the recipient can reply to.
• Reply to name : the name to reply to.
Press the Apply button to commit the changes.

Figure 4.78. Admin Web App: Options - Mail - Test

Check if all mail parameters are valid by sending a test email.

• Enter a valid email address to send a message To and press Test . Check the mailbox of the recipient to see
if the message arrived.

4.10.5. PaperCut Integration

PaperCut is a popular print and copy management software product developed by PaperCut Software15 based in
Melbourne, Australia. Some functions not present in PaperCut can be implemented with SavaPage as pre-processor
and integrator. See Appendix N, PaperCut Integration [327].

When PaperCut Integration is enabled, connectivity parameters for the PaperCut Server (XML-RPC API) and
PaperCut Database (JDBC) can be entered. Press the Apply button to commit the changes. Press the Test
button to test the PaperCut connectivity: a message confirming the connection status is displayed.
SSL and TLS both provide a way to encrypt the communication between a client and a server computer. TLS is the successor to SSL and
the terms SSL and TLS are used interchangeably.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.79. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Integration

Figure 4.80. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Server

Figure 4.81. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Database

4.10.6. Google Cloud Printer

Google Cloud Print16 ™ (GCP) is a Google service by which any Cloud Print aware application (web, desktop,
mobile), on any device connected to the cloud, can print to any remote printer connected to that cloud.

The service is agnostic about the abundant combinations of client devices and target printers, and clients do not
need to install device drivers to get things going. However, documents need to be fully transmitted to the Google
cloud first, before they can be printed.

GCP is part of Android and Chrome OS and is, apart from that, available on all mobile devices and desktops via
Google Cloud Print enabled Web Apps17.
A list of Web Apps that work with Google Cloud Print can be found at

Admin Web App

Several hardware vendors have already integrated their solution with Google Cloud Print services so their printers
can receive jobs from the Google cloud.

SavaPage closes the ranks with its own GCP integration so it truly qualifies as Google Cloud Ready Printer.

Google Cloud Print maps to the reserved Queue /gcp. Google Cloud Printer Registration

This section describes how to register the Google Gloud Printer just after you installed SavaPage.

During registration additional browser tabs and windows are opened. Therefore, it is more convenient to
use a desktop browser during registration.

Figure 4.82. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - Status

The top panel in this section shows the printer status with the following items:
• Enable. A check-box indicating whether the Cloud Printer is enabled or not.
• Printer. The name of the Cloud Printer.
• Owner. The Google User acting as owner of the printer.
• State. The state of the printer.
Initially the Printer name defaults to SavaPage, the Owner is unspecified and the State is Disabled.

Tap the name “SavaPage” to set the authenticated Google account.

A new browser tab opens with the Google Cloud Print home page for the authenticated Google User of the current
browser session.

Make sure you are authenticated with the Google account meant for the Owner of the SavaPage Cloud Printer.

When not authenticated Google invites you to Sign in to continue to Google Cloud Print. When already authenti-
cated, logout from an existing Google account different from the intended owner, and tap the SavaPage name again.

Although any Google account can be used as owner, we recommend to create a dedicated account to
administer the Google Cloud Printer. A personal account is not convenient since it may be deleted or
become out-of-date.

Admin Web App

Go back to the SavaPage Admin Web App and press the Enable check-box to enable Google Cloud Printing.

A panel is shown for entering the Google OAuth credentials and Printer name. The credentials are needed by
SavaPage to create and monitor the printer belonging to the owner. Although credentials from any Google account
other than the one from the printer owner could be used, it is advised to use one and the same account. This track
will assume this is the case.

Cloud Ready Printer manufacturers normally use their own OAuth credentials for all printer registrations.
For reasons of security and independence SavaPage let you use your own credentials.

Press the Apply button to save the Enable setting.

Tap the link called “Web Application Credentials” to get the OAuth credentials.

This opens a new browser tab with the Google Developers Console of the Google account acting as printer owner
(as authenticated in the previous step).

If this is a brand new account, follow Google's instructions to get started. When no API project is present, which
will be the case for a new account, follow Google's suggestion to create a project.

Google's web site is subject to change, so instructions below might not exactly fit the labels you encounter.
Just follow the logic and hook into the offered dialog.

At the newly created project:

• Select the APIs & auth → Credentials option from the (left hand side) menu.
• Select Create new Client ID in the OAuth section.
• Select Web application as Application type (the other entry fields are irrelevant).
• Press the Configure consent screen button.

Figure 4.83. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - OAuth

Now that the Client ID for web application is created, copy the Client ID and Client secret from the Google
console to the corresponding fields in the SavaPage panel.

Press the Register button.

Admin Web App

A Google Cloud Printer confirmation window will pop-up.

Press the Finish printer registration button in the pop-up.

Registration is now complete, and you can close the pop-up window.

Press the Refresh button in the SavaPage status panel.

Notice that the Printer name and Owner have changed according to your registration, and that a new Online
button has appeared. Press this button to make the printer available for printing (pressing the Offline button makes
the printer unavailable again).

This finishes the registration of the Google Cloud Ready Printer.

The Google Cloud Print Service parameters are stored in the file /opt/savapage/serv-
er/ Make a backup of this file now, and store it at a secure place, so you can re-
store it in case of a server crash or when you need to migrate to a new server. Edit Google Cloud Printer

The Cloud Printer can be edited and consulted in the Google Cloud Print page, which can simply be accessed
by tapping the Printer name in the Status panel. Several actions can be performed here like sharing, renaming or
deleting the printer.

After a Rename of the Cloud Printer, you need to press the Offline and Online button if you want to see the
new name in the Status panel.

A Delete of the printer will result in State “Not found” in the Status panel (press Refresh to update the panel if
it does not show). At this point you need to Register again if you want to use Google Cloud Print.

You can Share the printer by inviting other Google users to use it. Google Cloud Print User Registration

For a Person to use Google Cloud Print he must have a Google account. This account may be acquired privately,
or provided via the Google Apps environment already present in your organization.

The Owner of the Cloud Printer must share the printer by inviting Google users. See Section, “Edit Google
Cloud Printer” [133].

You may share the Cloud Printer with individual users by entering a list of Google email addresses. But
you may also share printers with a Google Group. For example, you could set up a dedicated Google
Group and share the printer to this group. A Google Group can be set up for users to self-register, but
you may chose need to moderate these registrations. Google provides mechanisms for users to request
membership to a Google Group and for a moderator to accept or reject those requests.

A SavaPage Administrator must associate the Google account with the right SavaPage User. This is done in the
User Edit dialog by making sure that the Google account is present as primary or secondary address. For example,
John Brown may be known by his primary email address “” while one of other email
addresses matches his Google account “”.

Note that the primary email address of external users is synchronized from the User Source, and can be overwritten.
So, take care of using the primary email for a Google account, unless you know for sure that the Google account
is part of the user source.

Admin Web App

User email addresses can also be edited with the Server Command Tool. See Section C.1.20, “setUser-
Properties” [273]. User Notifications

In case the associated Google account (email address) of a Google Print Job cannot be matched with a SavaPage
user the job is canceled. You can opt to send an email to the user explaining the situation with instructions how
to proceed.

Figure 4.84. Admin Web App: Options - Google Cloud Print - Notifications

4.10.7. Mail Print

Mail Print is an implementation of Driverless Printing which allows users to print documents by mailing them
to SavaPage. The email address from the sender is used to find the corresponding Person. See Section 13.1.14,
“Mail Print Authentication” [218].

Mail Print maps to the reserved Queue /mailprint.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.85. Admin Web App: Options - Mail Print (IMAP)

Check the Allow user to mail documents to enable the Mail Print function. Then enter the IMAP connection
• The host name or IP address of the Host.
• The IP port at Port. The standard IMAP ports are: 143 (insecure), 993 (SSL/TLS) and 143 (STARTTLS).
The value defaults to 993 (SSL/TLS).
• Select the connection security: - for an insecure connection, and STARTTLS or SSL/TLS for a secure con-
• Enter the User Name and Password for the required authentication.

The IMAP host must support the IDLE Command, which is a widely implemented standard extension to
the core IMAP protocol. See RFC217718.

Print jobs are read from the Inbox and moved to the Trash folder after processing. Enter the name of both folders:
• Inbox : the name of the Inbox folder.
• Trash : the name of the Trash folder.
• When Trash is a sub-folder, enter a point separated folder path. For instance, when Trash is a sub-folder
of Inbox, enter: Inbox.Trash


Admin Web App

Figure 4.86. Admin Web App: Options - Mail Print (Attachments)

Limit the print job size per email message by setting the Maximum attachment size (MB) and Maximum at-
tachments. Use integers as value. Leave empty to allow unlimited size.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes.
• Press the Test button to test the connection. A feedback message will be displayed with the result.
• Use the flip-switch to turn the Mail Print service On and Off . Note that after disabling the service it is auto-
matically turned Off .

Because Mail Print is an open channel SavaPage does not reply to unknown users. This is unlike Google
Cloud Print notifications, since incoming GCP jobs are from authorized users whose Gmail address is
not yet known in SavaPage.

For uploaded file types that do not have a page size defined (HTML, TXT) the default paper size is used.

The Report Font is used for plain text files (TXT).

See Section 12.5.1, “Driverless Printed PDF Processing” [213] on how mailed PDF documents are

4.10.8. Web Print

Web Print is an implementation of Driverless Printing which allows users to print documents to SavaPage by
simply uploading them from their User Web App. See Section 3.11, “Upload” [70].

Web Print maps to the default Queue /webprint.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.87. Admin Web App: Options - Web Print

Check the Allow user to upload documents to enable the Web Print function. Then enter the restriction parameters:
• Limit the print job size by setting the Maximum document size (MB). Use an integer as value. Leave empty
to allow unlimited size.
• Enter IPv4 address ranges as a CIDR Set at IP addresses allowed to restrict upload based on the requesting IP
address. If the field is empty all requesting IP addresses are allowed to upload.
• Enable Drag & Drop creates a Drop Zone in the User Web App main view. See Section 3.12, “Upload Drop
Zone” [71].

See Section 12.5.1, “Driverless Printed PDF Processing” [213] on how uploaded PDF documents are

4.10.9. Internet Print

Secure Driver Printing to SavaPage over public Internet is activated when port 443 of a public IP address is
forwarded to port 8632 of the private intranet IP address of the SavaPage server. To authenticate the requesting
user a special Printer URI format is used:


… where [host] is the public DNS name or IP address, and [number] and [uuid] are the ID Number and
UUID of the user. See Section, “Card and ID” [85], Section, “UUID” [86] and Appendix E,
URL Cheat Sheet [288].

Figure 4.88. Admin Web App: Options - Internet Print

Admin Web App

Enter the protocol://authority of the Internet Printer Device URI as shown to users and press the Apply
button to commit. When the value is left blank users won't be able to see their private Internet Printer Device URI.
See Section 3.10.1, “Internet Printer” [66].

Internet Print maps to the default Queue /internet. All print requests over public Internet will have
the same remote IP address. To exclusively accept prints from Internet you should set the “IP addresses
allowed” to this remote address. See Section 4.7.3, “Edit Queue” [99].

Beware that by enabling Internet Print the SavaPage Web Apps are also accessible over public Internet,
so take extra care to protect access to these Apps. See Section 15.2, “Access over Internet” [227].

4.10.10. Proxy Print

Figure 4.89. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print General

The Maximum number of copies per job restricts the number of copies a user can select in the Print Job Settings.
Enter a positive number.

The Maximum number of pages per job restricts the number of pages for proxy print jobs. A proxy print job
that exceeds this maximum will be denied. Leave empty to allow unrestricted printing.

To enforce that input documents or pages are deleted after a proxy print, enable Delete pages after printing, and
select one of the options below. Also see Section 3.5.5, “Print Job Settings” [43].
• All documents: all input documents are deleted.
• Selected documents: documents for which pages were printed are deleted.
• Selected pages: all pages selected for printing are deleted.
• Check the Show to user option to inform the user about the delete scope in the Print Dialog.

Check the Allow Non-Secure Proxy Print option if you want to allow users to print to any enabled Proxy Printer
from any device. You can optionally restrict non-secure printer access by entering a Proxy Printer Group.

Admin Web App

Non-Secure means that users are able to initiate print jobs from locations (desktop, mobile device) remote from
the actual printer. This implies that jobs will sit uncollected at the printer, at least for a while. In the mean time,
prints containing sensitive information may be read by unauthorized eyes. Or jobs may be forgotten at all, adding
up to paper and toner waste.

Any printer that falls beside the non-secure printer pool must be secured by Terminal or Network Card Reader
Devices that have a fixed position at the target printer . See Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112]
and Section, “Custom Proxy Print” [116].

Configuration item is deprecated and will be removed in a next
release. It defaults to N, but if set to Y a repair action is triggered just before a proxy print. The "font
embedding" side effect of this pdftocairo repair secures a correct rendering in those cases where font
embedding by CUPS/Ghostscript will not. Use default font embedding during Driverless Printed PDF
Processing instead.

Read all about Appendix A, Proxy Print Scenarios [256]. Proxy Print Modes

Figure 4.90. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print Modes

The expiration period for each Print Mode can be entered. See:
• Section, “Fast Print Mode” [114],
• Section, “Hold Print Mode” [114]
• Section, “Direct Print Mode” [115] Proxy Print Delegation

Figure 4.91. Admin Web App: Options - Proxy Print Delegation

Admin Web App

In this section you can Enable Delegated Print : see Section 3.5.4, “Delegated Print” [43] and Section A.2, “Del-
egated Print Scenarios” [257]. Proxy Print PaperCut Integration

Figure 4.92. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Delegated Print Integration

When Delegated Print is enabled, the Integrate Delegated Print with PaperCut option is shown. If this option is
selected, the Delegator Invoicing from PaperCut subsection is exposed where printing cost totals for delegators
from selected Accounts, within a certain time period, can be exported. The result is a CSV file with a line for each
delegator. Lines are ordered by user id and specify the cost total within the period and extra data like account and
number of transactions per job type, like duplex/simplex,color/grayscale, page format A4, A3, etc. See PaperCut
User Prints.

For each Delegator line in the CSV file, a "class" is specified, which is one of the user groups used as
selection context for the Delegator total (actually it is the alphanumeric MAX of all contexts involved
in the total). Therefore, "class" is only an indication and does not stand for unique group membership. If
you want to know what has been charged within a certain selection context, you can specify one or more
accounts (classes) as selection.


• Section N.1, “Delegated Print to PaperCut” [327]

• Section A.2.3, “Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario” [259]
• Section A.2.2, “Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario” [258]

Admin Web App

Figure 4.93. Admin Web App: Options - PaperCut Personal Print Integration

When Delegated Print is disabled, Integrate Personal Print with PaperCut comes into play. With this setting
enabled, Personal Print jobs are monitored in PaperCut.

• Section N.2, “Personal Print to PaperCut” [331]
• Section A.1.3, “Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario” [256]

4.10.11. Eco Print

Eco Print is a filter that converts PDF pages to images for eco-friendly proxy printing. The result, including ink
and toner savings, is comparable to Ecofont19. There is a difference though. While Ecofont uses True Type Font
technology at the start of the print chain (document editing), SavaPage Eco Print uses bitmap technology at the
end of the chain. Eco Print intelligently punches holes in all non-white areas of the PDF version of a document,
just before proxy printing, downloading or emailing it.

Since Eco Print processes bitmap patterns it is font agnostic and therefore can handle all font types. And, as an
extra, it punches graphics along the way. Contrary to Ecofont, which is a non-free Windows only solution, Eco
Print is a Libre solution that works for all client platforms since filtering is performed server side.

The downside of ad-hoc filtering is performance. Eco Print takes about 3 seconds per page (i5 processor,
300 DPI), but is done unobtrusive in the background and need only be done once per PDF document,
since the result is cached. Anyhow, Eco Print is not suitable for very large documents. Eco Print Examples

A few Eco Print examples are depicted below.

Plain Print:

Eco Print:

Eco Print magnified:


Admin Web App

Eco Print Graphics: Eco Print Settings

Figure 4.94. Admin Web App: Options - Eco Print

Check the Allow users to Eco Print to enable the Eco Print function. Then specify:
• A Proxy Printing Discount Percentage (integer) to be applied to proxy printing costs as specified for any
Proxy Printer. See Section 4.8.2, “Edit Proxy Printer” [103].
• The Maximum document size (pages) for automatic filtering. In this example the value of “1” means that
any document printed to SavaPage with 1 page is automatically filtered in the background. A value of “3” will
automatically filter incoming documents of 3 pages or less. A value of “0” disables this automatism.
• The Resolution DPI of the Eco Print page image.

4.10.12. Financial
This section holds the options for SavaPage Financial.

Admin Web App Currency Code

Figure 4.95. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Currency

The ISO 421720 currency code of the financial subsystem can be entered here during installation. When the ap-
plication status is “ready-to-use” the code can only be changed by using a Server Command. See Section C.1.4,
“changeBaseCurrency” [267]. General Financial Options

Figure 4.96. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - General

General options are:

• Default credit limit: this is the default value referenced in Section, “Financial” [86]. The value
must be zero or greater.
• Printer cost decimals: the number of decimals (max 6) used to specify and display printer costs. See Sec-
tion, “Media Sources” [105] and Section, “Manual Media Sizes” [107].
• Decimals used elsewhere: the number of decimals (max 6) used to specify financial amounts other than printer
costs (e.g. for displaying user account balance).

SavaPage stores financial amounts with a precision of 6 decimals.


Admin Web App Point-of-Sale

Figure 4.97. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - POS

These are the options for the Point-of-Sale:

• Payment methods: see Section 6.2, “Deposit” [183].
• Receipt header text: this typically contains a legal text placed in the Receipt header. Vouchers

Figure 4.98. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Vouchers

These are the options for the Voucher System:

• Header: the header text of the voucher card.
• Footer: the footer text of the voucher card.
• Font: the font used for the PDF Document with vouchers. See Section 17.2, “Internal Fonts” [234].
• You need to explicitly Allow users to redeem vouchers.

Admin Web App Transfer Funds

Figure 4.99. Admin Web App: Options - Financial - Transfer funds

These settings apply to Transfer Credit dialog in the User Web App. Check the options to Allow users to transfer
funds to other users and to Allow users to add comments to manual transfers.

The minimum and maximum amount to transfer are held in the configuration properties finan-
cial.user.transfers.amount-min and financial.user.transfers.amount-max. They can
be changed with the Configuration Editor.

4.10.13. Backups
The Backups section shows the backup location and time of the last backup.

Figure 4.100. Admin Web App: Options - Backups

• Press the Backup now button to launch the backup process in the background. The progress and result of the
process is not echoed real-time in this section, but can be monitored in the Real-time Activity section of the
Dashboard. Also see Section C.4.6, “db-export and db-export-to” [281].

Admin Web App

Figure 4.101. Admin Web App: Options - Automatic Backups

The Automatic Backups section holds options for creating weekly snapshots of the database.
• Tick the Enable automatic weekly backups checkbox to enable the process21.
• The number of days a backup should be kept, must be entered at Keep backups for.
• A purge of old log data, executed after the backup, can be activated by selecting the Delete older than check-
boxed for Application Logs, Document Logs and Transaction Logs. Please enter the number of days the logs
should be held.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes.
• Press the Database button to show a pop-up with the number of documents (received, printed, downloaded)
and transactions in the database.

4.10.14. Advanced User Client Authentication

The User Client uses the system account name of the user to identify itself to the SavaPage server. In a strict
Single Sign-On (SSO) environment, where a user is already logged in and authenticated as domain user, the system
account name can be trusted by default. In environments where non-domain systems are allowed, local accounts
are not authenticated by domain services, and therefore can not be trusted.

Default weekly backups take place at 20 minutes past midnight on Sunday morning, as in the Cron Trigger Expression "0 20 0 ? * 1"
contained in configuration key schedule.weekly. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.102. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - User Client

User Client uses the system account name as user identification (unless overridden by a command line option).

• When Trust system user is enabled the User Client will trust the system account name.
• When Trust system user is disabled the User Client will pop-up a login dialog to authenticate the user, unless
the following trust sources are available:
• When Trust User Web App is enabled and the user is already authenticated in a User Web App on the same
IP address, User Client will trust the Web App user as user identification.
• When an administrator uses the secret Admin passkey in the start-up script it will enforce trust of the offered
user identification. See Chapter 9, User Client [192].
• Press the Apply button to commit the change. Admin Password

The Reset internal admin password section is the place to change the master password for the built-in admin

Figure 4.103. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Reset Admin Password

• Enter the new password twice at New password and Confirm password.
• The password must contain the same minimum number of characters as defined for Internal Users. See Sec-
tion 4.4.5, “Create Internal User” [87].
• Press the Apply button to commit the change.

Keep the new password at a secure place, since it is the master key to your system. JMX Agent

SavaPage runs in a Java Virtual Machine, which has built-in instrumentation that enables client applications to
monitor and manage it with the help of Java Management Extensions (JMX). SavaPage configures the built-in

Admin Web App

JMX agent for remote monitoring, so it can be securely accessed by remote client management applications, such
as Java VisualVM or JConsole.

This section shows the JMX remote process connection string, and enables you to reset the admin connection

Figure 4.104. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - JMX Agent

Java VisualVM is the standard Java JMX client that was first bundled with the Java Development Kit (JDK) version
6, update 7. It can be found in JDK_HOME/bin, where JDK_HOME is the directory where the JDK is installed.

If JDK_HOME/bin is in your system path, you can start Java VisualVM by simply typing jvisualvm in a command
(shell) prompt. Otherwise, you have to type the full path to the executable file.

Since SavaPage enforces SSL for remote JMX communication, jvisualvm needs to be started with two special
parameters referring to the Java truststore, holding the trusted SSL certificate, and the truststore password.

The shared client directory /opt/savapage/client/jmx contains the JMX server certificate jmxre-
mote.crt, a ready to use jmxremote.ts truststore, and a sample GNU/Linux and Mac shell script jmxre- and Windows command file jmxremote.cmd to start jvisualvm with the right parameters.

The password of the provided jmxremote.ts truststore is: savapage. Of course you are free to
import jmxremote.crt into your own truststore and use it with your own password.

Figure 4.105. Add JMX Connection with Java VisualVM

Add a new JMX Connection and enter the IP address and port number of the Connection and as shown in the
JMX Agent section, in our case this would be

Enter the Username admin and the Password as set in the JMX Agent section above. Press the OK button to
save the connection and start it from the Java VisualVM Applications pane.

Admin Web App

Older JDK versions have JConsole as standard JMX client. If you want to use JConsole copy and edit the scripts
in /opt/savapage/client/jmx so jconsole is used instead of the default jvisualvm.

Figure 4.106. Connecting to Remote Process with JConsole

When starting JConsole it prompts you to enter the parameters for the New Connection. Select the Remote Process
option and enter the IP address and port number as shown in the JMX Agent section, in our case this would be

Enter the Username admin and the Password as set in the JMX Agent section above. Press the Connect button
to open the connection.

More information about the JMX configuration can be found in Section 15.5, “Secured JMX Connection” [228]. Locale
Enter the System Locale string at the Locale section.

Figure 4.107. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Locale

• The format of the locale conforms to IETF BCP 4722.

• Some examples are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl, nl-NL, nl-BE.
• You can leave the locale empty to accept the system default.
• The locale is applied to all system messages which are logged in the system log or send by email.
• Press the Apply button to commit the change.

This system locale is not used for the language and country default used in the Web App. The Web App
default is picked up from the locale settings of the Web browser, optionally overruled by the language
and country URL parameters. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].

Admin Web App Default Paper Size

The Default Paper Size is used as the paper size for the printed document of a Printable File Type which itself
does not have a document structure with a clearly defined page size. These types typically include HTML, TXT
and images offered via Web Print and Mail Print. Choose Letter or A4 , or accept the system default .

Figure 4.108. Admin Web App: Options - Default Paper Size

See Section 2.4.1, “Set Default Paper Size” [14] on how to set the system default. Report Font

The Report Font is used as default font for all PDF reports.

Figure 4.109. Admin Web App: Options - Default Paper Size

See Section 17.2, “Internal Fonts” [234]. Converters
Converters are used to convert files offered for printing via Web Print or Mail Print to PDF. This is the place to
enable the converters. For installation see:
• Section G.1.1, “XPS to PDF Installation Instructions” [294]
• Section G.2, “Advanced File Types” [294]

Figure 4.110. Admin Web App: Options - Converters

Admin Web App

When Enable multiple services is checked, the LibreOffice converter acts as multi-threaded load-balancing
service for easy upscaling of conversion throughput. The configuration properties that determine the behavior
of this service are summarized in the table below. The defaults will work fine in most situations. By adding
extra soffice.connection.ports you can enhance conversion throughput, as long as hardware resources

Tuning LibreOffice configuration values is an advanced task. Please consult your SavaPage Community
Representative about which values give the best performance in your situation. Then use the Configuration
Editor to change the defaults.

Configuration property Description

soffice.home The LibreOffice home location. When empty, a probe to likely candidates is performed
to retrieve the location. Default: empty.

soffice.profile.template-dir When empty, a temporary profile directory is created for each UNO connection process
with its own defaults settings. Otherwise, this configuration property must provide a
profile directory containing customized settings. This template directory will be copied
to the temporary profile. Default: empty.

soffice.connection.ports A comma/space separated list of TCP/IP ports to localhost LibreOffice (UNO) connec-
tion instances to be launched by SavaPage. Default: 2002,2003

soffice.connection.restart-task-count The number of executed tasks after which a UNO connection is restarted. When 0 (zero)
the connection is never restarted. Default: 200

soffice.task.queue-timeout-msec Wait time (milliseconds) for a UNO connection to become available for task execution.
Default: 10000

soffice.task.exec-timeout-msec Wait time (milliseconds) for a conversion task to complete. Default: 20000

soffice.respond.retry-msec Retry interval (milliseconds) for host process to respond. Default: 250

soffice.respond.timeout-msec Wait time (milliseconds) for host process to respond (after retries). Default: 30000

soffice.start.retry-msec Retry interval (milliseconds) for host process to start. Default: 1000

soffice.start.timeout-msec Wait time (milliseconds) for host process to start (after retries). Default: 120000

Table 4.7. LibreOffice Configuration Properties SafePages

This section contains advanced options regarding encrypted PDF and the expiration of SafePages input documents.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.111. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Proxy Printing

• When the Allow Encrypted PDF for Proxy Printing option is enabled, Encrypted PDF documents with Print-
ing as allowed action, are accepted as SafePages. However, SavaPage will protect the encryption of the original
document, i.e. its pages are not allowed to be exported (downloaded or send) as PDF, directly, or as part of a
composite document. When this option is disabled, all Encrypted PDF files are rejected. Encrypted PDF can
be offered by:
• SavaPage as Printer: see explanation in Section 12.7, “Printing Encrypted PDF” [215].
• Web Print or Mail Print: host package QPDF must be installed so PDF can be decrypted. If not installed,
Encrypted PDF is rejected despite allowing it with the option above.
• Configuration property print-in.pdf.encrypted.allow with value Y (default) or N is responsible for allowing
Encrypted PDF for Proxy Printing.
• When Delete documents at Web App logout is checked all print-in documents are deleted when the users
logs out.
• Document expiration time manages the input document life cycle. Any document older than the number of
entered minutes is considered expired and will be automatically deleted. For instance, a value of 1440 will
delete the SafePages document 24 hours after it was printed. The expiration time is shown in the Document
Details dialog. The user is notified by pop-up after an expired document is auto-deleted. User action is required
to close the pop-up. This way we are sure the user noticed the delete and his expectation is set right. When a
user logs out and logs in again after some time, expired documents will be auto-deleted to begin with, but the
user will not be notified of this event.
• Use the Expiration time signal value to signal the user when expiration is due. For instance, a value of 15 will
mark the document thumbnails with a clock icon in a colored (orange) footer, 15 minutes before expiration.
This will alert the user, so he can do some last minute actions on old documents.
• Press the Apply button to commit the changes.

Admin Web App Document Store

Figure 4.112. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Document Store

Document Store is a generic solution to store and retrieve different kind of documents. Namely, documents Printed
to SavaPage, Downloaded as PDF or printed to Proxy Printers. Each kind of document is persisted in a separate
storage branch, based on its source or destination.
• Documents are either stored for an extended or limited period of time. These two period types correspond with
two types of stores: Archive for long-term, and Journal for short-term storage.
• When in a use case, Archive and Journal are both applicable for the same branch, the Archive branch takes
precedence to store the document.
• Document Store is persisted on the host file system, as described in Appendix F, File Locations [290]:
path /opt/savapage/server/data/doc-archive and /opt/savapage/server/data/doc-
• Expired documents are deleted at a daily schedule. If you want to keep a branch beyond the time limit, make
sure to back-up the corresponding file path in time.
• Stored documents can be retrieved (downloaded) from the Document Log in all Web Apps.
• Currently Print Archive and Print Journal branches are supported for Proxy Print Jobs. When needed other
branches can be implemented.
• Consult Section, “Proxy Printer Identity” [104] on how to disable Print Archive and Print Journal
for individual printers.
• See Section, “User Privileges” [92] on how to enable storage access for User Groups.
• Section, “Print Archive” [46] shows how the Archive option is presented in the Print Job Settings
Use the following configuration properties:

Configuration property Description Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the Document Store. The minimum MB of free space needed. When free space falls below this value,
the store will be disabled till more space is available. Default: 5000.

Archive branch Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-archive/ branch. Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-archive/out/ branch. Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-archive/out/print/

branch. Number of days a Print Out Archive document is kept in store. Default: 30. reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use

Journal branch

Admin Web App

Configuration property Description Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-journal/ branch. Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-journal/out/ branch. Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the doc-journal/out/print/

branch. Number of days a Print Out Journal document is kept in store. Default: 2. reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use reserved for future use

Table 4.8. Document Store Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these properties. Pagometers
In analogy with the term Odometer, the term Pagometer is coined as an instrument to count the number of
processed pages of SavaPage input and output documents. Pagometers are used to display usage statistics and
Printing Impact from a global viewpoint as in the Dashboard, or in specialized views for User and Users, Queues
and Proxy Printers. The counters can be reset in the Reset Pagometers section.

Figure 4.113. Admin Web App: Options - Advanced - Pagometers

• Tick the checkboxes of the pagometers to reset.

• Press the Apply button to execute the action. Config Editor

Most of the SavaPage configuration properties can be edited in dedicated sections of the Admin Web App. How-
ever, many extra properties are present without an editing interface. Luckily a generic Configuration Editor is
available for editing individual configuration properties, so the defaults of "hided" properties can be changed when

If you use the Config Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems which can only be fixed by re-
installation of the application. Use the Config Editor at your own risk.

Admin Web App

Tap the Configuration Editor (advanced) button to start the editor. See Figure 4.114, “Admin Web App: Con-
figuration Editor - List” [155] for a detailed description.

Figure 4.114. Admin Web App: Configuration Editor - List

• All configuration properties are listed alphabetically by default with their name and value. Secret values are
encrypted and shown as ******** in the list, see Section 15.6, “Encrypted Secrets” [229].
• Push the Select and Sort button to expand (collapse) the section.
• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• Select items by entering the containing text (fragment) of their name. So, entering "ldap" will select "auth.l-
dap.port" and "".
• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on name.
• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort field to their default values.
• Tap the Edit button to edit the item. See Figure 4.115, “Admin Web App: Configuration Property - Ed-
it” [155].

Due to Admin Privileges the Edit button might not be visible.

Figure 4.115. Admin Web App: Configuration Property - Edit

• The value of the item is shown in the entry field and can be edited. Secret values are shown decrypted.

Admin Web App

• Press the OK button to commit the change and return to the list.
• The Cancel button brings you back to List without changing anything.

4.11. Documents
This panel is shown after:
• A tap on the Documents button in the Main Menu : all processed documents are shown.
• A tap on the Log button in the User List: all documents processed by the selected user are shown. The user's
name is shown in the header and the Select and Sort is within the scope of this user.
• A tap on the Log button in the Queues List: the Select and Sort is initialized with, and applied for the selected
• A tap on the Log button in the Proxy Printers List: the Select and Sort is initialized with, and applied for the
selected Proxy Printer.

Figure 4.116. Admin Web App: Documents - List

The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.

Admin Web App

Each document is displayed with data depending on its input source (SavaPage Print Queue) or output target (PDF
export, Proxy Printer print). From top to bottom:
• The creation date at the top right corner.
• Source or destination, shown in a color depending on its type.
• A SavaPage Queue, like "/printers/", is displayed in blue (when RAW printed to the default Queue the word
“Printer” is displayed, driverless printing shows “WebPrinter” or “MailPrinter”).
• A PDF is shown in green.
• A Proxy Printer, like “Ricoh Aficio MP C7500”, is displayed in red prefixed with an inline pagometer Pie-
Chart. The red color in the chart represents the number of pages in the job. The orange color represents the
number of printed sheets.
• User: the user id as creator of the document.
• The document name, with optionally (PDF export) the PDF author name, subject and keywords.
• In case of a Proxy Print Job, icons or indicate the presence of a Print Archive or Print Journal. Pressing
the “Eye” button at the bottom of the document entry will download the printed PDF. See Section,
“Document Store” [153].
• The number of pages and size (bytes). With optionally...
• The CUPS Job number (Proxy Printer only).
• The CUPS printing status: Pending, Held, Processing, Stopped, Canceled, Aborted, Completed (Proxy Printer
• The paper size, like "ISO-A4" (Queue and Proxy Printer only).
• "LH" indicator in case a letterhead was applied (Proxy Printer and PDF only).
• "Duplex" indicator (Proxy Printer only).
• "DRM" indicator when exported PDF was encrypted (PDF only), or printed document was an encrypted
PDF. (Queue only).
• "Denied" indicator when printed document was an encrypted PDF and such printing is not permitted (Queue
only). See Section 12.7, “Printing Encrypted PDF” [215].
• Owner ("O") and User ("U") password indicators (PDF only).
• Destination (PDF only). The client IP address (PDF Download) or the recipient email address (Send PDF)

Tap the Select and Sort button to expand the section, and select a document Type :
• Option - selects all document types: more...
• Option In selects documents printed to a SavaPage Queue: more...
• Option Out selects documents printed to a Proxy Printer or exported to PDF: more...
• Option PDF selects documents exported to PDF: more...
• Option Print selects documents printed to a Proxy Printer: more...

Depending on the selected Type, selection and sort options are shown or hided. However, there are common
selections for all document types as discussed at the screenshot below.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.117. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - All

• Select a Document Name by entering a name part (fragment).

• Select a creation Period by entering a From and To date. Tap the x button after a date to clear it. See this
example Data Selection Dialog.
• Documents can sorted Ascending or Descending by creation Date or Name .

Figure 4.118. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - In

As an extra to the common options, the In Type offers:

Admin Web App

• A selection on Queue.
• A Sort on Queue .

Figure 4.119. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Out

As an extra to the common options, the Out Type offers:

• A selection on Destination.
• A selection on Letterhead.

Figure 4.120. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - PDF

As an extra to the Out options, the PDF Type offers:

• A selection on Author.
• A selection on Subject.
• A selection on Keywords.

Admin Web App

• A selection on Encryption.
• A selection on User password.
• A selection on Owner password.

Figure 4.121. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Print

As an extra to the Out options, the Print Type offers:

• A selection on Printer.
• A selection on Job State.
• A selection on Layout.
• A Sort on Printer .

Figure 4.122. Admin Web App: Documents - Select and Sort - Ticket

The Ticket Type shows a slightly changed version of the Print Type options:
• A selection on Ticket is added (at the expense of the Printer selection). You can enter any part of a Ticket
• Selection on Layout is dropped.

4.12. Log
After a tap on the Log button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

The Log shows Info, Warning or Error messages for application events.

The size of the Log can be limited by purging old log data after an automatic database backup. See
Figure 4.101, “Admin Web App: Options - Automatic Backups” [146].

Admin Web App

Figure 4.123. Admin Web App: Log - List

• All events are listed by default, ordered by descending date.

• The list can be traversed by tapping one of the buttons at the pager at the top or bottom of the page.
• A different selection and sorting can be entered: see Figure 4.124, “Admin Web App: Log - Select and
Sort” [161].

Figure 4.124. Admin Web App: Log - Select and Sort

• Events can be selected by entering the Containing text (fragment) of the message.
• Select the event Level . The - button will select all levels.
• Select the time Period by pushing the From and To button. See date picker dialog is shown at Figure 4.125,
“Admin Web App: Log - Select Date” [162]. Tap the x button after the date to clear it.

Admin Web App

• The list can be sorted Ascending or Descending on Date or Level .

• Tap the Apply button to (re)display the list.
• A tap on the Default button resets the selection and sort fields to their default values.

Figure 4.125. Admin Web App: Log - Select Date

• User the + and - buttons to select the Month, Day and Year.
• Push the Accept button to apply the date.
• Push the Cancel button to ignore the date and return to the original setting.

4.13. About
After a tap on the About button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu” [73].

Figure 4.126. Admin Web App: About

A tap on one of the options expands (or collapsed) the underlying section. The sections are described in the
paragraphs below.

Admin Web App

4.13.1. Version
The Version Info identifies the application and database version. Please include this information when you contact

Figure 4.127. Admin Web App: About - Version

4.13.2. License
This section displays the license information with related links in green.

Figure 4.128. Admin Web App: About - License

4.13.3. Community
The Community section gives all the information about your Community Membership. See Figure 4.4, “Admin
Web App: Dashboard - Status” [76] for a summary of Membership Status values. See Chapter 21, SavaPage
Community [254] for an explanation about SavaPage Membership in general.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.129. Admin Web App: About - Community

Press the Import Member Card button to start the Import Dialog.

Figure 4.130. Admin Web App: About - Import Member Card

• Select the Member Card file to be uploaded. The actual file selection trigger differs from browser to browser.
The screenshot above is from the Chromium browser.
• Press the Import button to start the import.
• The progress of the import is displayed at the top of the dialog box.
• The Back button brings you back to the Community section.
• Just in case, the Clear button clears the messages and selected file.

Due to Admin Privileges the Import Member Card button might not be visible.

Admin Web App

4.13.4. Support
The Support section shows the addresses for online information and the Help Desk and offers download links
for the SAVAPAGE.ppd file.

Figure 4.131. Admin Web App: About - Support

4.13.5. Java
This section displays Java runtime information and file locations.

Figure 4.132. Admin Web App: About - Java

Press the Clear button to clear the i18n cache, so changes in custom i18n files immediately take effect.

4.13.6. Host System

This section displays host name and IP address, the name, version and architecture of the host operating system
and the GNU/Linux parameters described in Section 20.1, “Linux Kernel Parameters” [248] and Section 20.2,
“Linux User Limits” [250].

4.13.7. Host Packages

The Host Packages gives version information about the required and optional third-party software installed on
the SavaPage host.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.133. Admin Web App: About - Host Packages - 1/3

Figure 4.134. Admin Web App: About - PDF Standard Font Substitutes - 2/3

Admin Web App

Figure 4.135. Admin Web App: About - Host Packages - 3/3

More information can be found at:

• Section, “CUPS” [3]
• Section, “ImageMagick” [5]
• Section, “Poppler” [4]
• Section, “QPDF” [4]
• Section G.1.1, “XPS to PDF Installation Instructions” [294]
• Section G.2, “Advanced File Types” [294].

Before xptopdf and LibreOffice can be used they must be enabled. See Figure 4.110, “Admin Web App:
Options - Converters” [150].

4.14. Vouchers

Vouchers provide a straightforward and cost effective solution for users to upgrade their account balance. Vouchers
are common value tokens in many applications, like for instance pre-paid mobile phones. Unlike solutions that
use smart cards, micro-payments or vending machines, voucher systems require no hardware investment. While
manual processing is needed to generate, print, distribute and sell the voucher cards, redemption is fully end-user
driven and can be processed automatically.

A voucher system is fully integrated in SavaPage, and includes:

• A Web App dialog for administrators to Create Vouchers.
• A Web App dialog for end-users to Redeem Vouchers.
• A Voucher Security safety net for voucher tracking and fraud prevention.

Admin Web App

Figure 4.136. Admin Web App: Voucher List

The list shows the vouchers of a selected Batch-ID and the extra selections shown in the next figure.
• The list is refreshed, and the selection applied, after you push the Apply button.
• The Default button resets the selection items to their default values.

Figure 4.137. Admin Web App: Vouchers - Select and Sort

Admin Web App

Select vouchers by entering:

• Part of their Number.
• Their Valid or Expired status.
• Their Remaining or Used status.
• Part of the User ID that redeemed any voucher.
• The From and To date of their usage period.

4.14.1. Voucher Actions

Due to Admin Privileges this section might not be visible.

Figure 4.138. Admin Web App: Voucher Actions

• New : pops up the dialog to Create Vouchers.

• Delete expired : deletes vouchers whose expiry date is before the current date (today).
When a Batch-ID is selected extra buttons appear:
• Expire : Expires all remaining vouchers of the selected Batch-ID by setting the expiry date to today 00:00.
• Delete : Deletes all remaining vouchers of the selected Batch-ID.
• Vouchers : downloads a printable PDF document with remaining (non-redeemed) vouchers of the selected
Batch-ID according to the selected Layout.

Admin Web App

4.14.2. Create Vouchers

Figure 4.139. Admin Web App: Create Vouchers

Enter the data for the batch as follows:

• Batch-ID: a user defined ID that will be assigned to all vouchers in a batch. The ID is prefixed to each voucher
number to easily identify its source. A unique ID should be assigned to each batch.
• Number: the number of vouchers in the batch.
• Value: the monetary value of each voucher.
• Expiry Date: the date after which a voucher can no longer be used. This enforces that vouchers are valid for
a limited period of time.
• Layout: the page format of the PDF output with the number of voucher columns and rows. Some fixed variants
are offered.

Press the Vouchers button to create the batch. As a result:

• Each voucher in the batch is assigned a formatted random unique number, for example
B-1404-0021-0661-4775-7916, and is stored in the database.
• A printable PDF document is downloaded with all vouchers from the batch according to the selected Layout.

4.14.3. Voucher Usage

This is what end-users should know about vouchers.
• Purchase a voucher from an authorized person at an assigned location. Vouchers are unique for your organization
and cannot be used elsewhere.
• Use a web browser to open the SavaPage User Web App. After logging in, your current account balance is
shown at the footer bar.

Admin Web App

• Push the account balance button to pop-up the User Details dialog, and push the Redeem Voucher button in
the pop-up.
• Enter the voucher Number in the next dialog box and press Redeem . Make sure to enter the number exactly
as listed on the voucher including any dashes (-).
• If you entered the number correctly, the value as shown on the voucher will be transferred to your account and
a new entry will list in your transaction log.

Chapter 5. Job Tickets Web App

The Job Tickets Web App can be accessed by users with role Job Ticket Operator to dispatch job tickets. Job
Tickets are created by users with role Job Ticket Creator in the Print Dialog of the User Web App. Operators
optionally add or edit print options and select a suitable proxy printer to print the job.

The Web App can be reached at https://savapage:8632/jobtickets. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

5.1. Login

Figure 5.1. Job Ticket Web App: Login

This login screen is a variant of the User Login screen, with the following exception:
• The internal admin user and Persons with role Job Ticket Operator are allowed to log in. See Section,
“User Roles” [84] how to assign admin rights to users.
• After a successful login the Open Tickets are shown.

5.2. Open Tickets

Job Tickets Web App

5.2.1. Select and Sort

Figure 5.2. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - Select and Sort

A list of pending Job Tickets is shown that refreshes automatically every 60 seconds. The tiny progress bar at the
bottom of the Select and Sort section shows when the refresh is due.
• You can pause/resume the refresh by toggling the tiny button at the left of the progress bar.
• You can Quick Search Job Tickets for a single User ID. Leave empty to select all users.
• You can Quick Search for a single Ticket Number. When a User ID is selected, tickets of just this user are
shown. Leave empty to select all tickets.
• Tickets are sorted in the following way:
1. Ascending or Descending on Expiration time.
2. Ascending on Submit Date.
3. Ascending on Job Ticket Creator.
4. Ascending on “chunk-index”.
Tickets that have identical values for 1, 2 and 3, are part of a single chunk, and are displayed together, even if
this exceeds the Number limit of tickets shown. When a chunk contains more than one (1) ticket, the “chunk-
index” and “chunk-size” are displayed for each ticket in the chunk. For example, for a chunk-size of 3, tickets
in the chunk are marked as: “1 / 3”, “2 / 3” and “3 / 3” .
• The Number of tickets shown in the list is limited, and can be controlled with a slider. The slider range and
default can be set with configuration properties.
• At the bottom right, a small printer and copier icon is shown with the total number of pending print/copy tickets
and number of sheets to be printed. Job Ticket Group

Figure 5.3. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - Group

When one or more Job Ticket printers are member of a Proxy Printer Group, these groups can be used to select
tickets. When a Group is selected, just the tickets from printers that are member of this group are shown. If no
groups are defined in Job Ticket printers, the Group selection is not visible.

Job Tickets Web App

5.2.2. Ticket List

Figure 5.4. Job Tickets: Open Tickets - List

Each Job Ticket in the list shows a summary of options. Some are marked with outstanding colors.
• For instance, paper size (media) that differs from Default Paper Size (usually A4 or Letter) is marked with an
orange-brown color.

Below the details there are buttons for further actions. From left to right:
• Settings... shows a dialog with a summary of printer settings.
• Transactions... shows a dialog with financial transaction details.
• Edit... shows the Edit Dialog, so job options can be changed.
• Preview downloads the PDF document to be printed.
• Cancel... shows a dialog to confirm cancellation of the Ticket. A reason can be entered. After cancellation the
user is optionally notified by email or a Notification Plug-in: see Job Ticket Configuration Properties.
• Settle... shows the Settle Dialog, so the job can be charged, when not printed from the Print Dialog, but from
the PDF viewer, after Preview .
• Print... shows a Print Dialog with compatible printers to redirect the job to.

When pop-up dialogs are visible, automatic list refresh is paused.

Reopened Job Tickets are marked as such.

Job Tickets Web App

5.2.3. Job Ticket Bulk Actions

The scope of the Cancel All... , Print All... and Close All... is the visible list selection. This bulk action must
be confirmed in a pop-up.

Figure 5.5. Job Tickets: Cancel All

Figure 5.6. Job Tickets: Print All

Figure 5.7. Job Tickets: Close All

The Cancel All... and Close All... actions are enabled by default and can be disabled by setting a configuration

The Print All... action selects a random compatible printer from the Job Ticket Proxy Printer Group for each
Job Ticket.
• The selected printer must support automatic media source selection, since this option will be used for the print
job. In this way, media (implicitly) selected through the job ticket media-source, will be printed from the in-
tended tray.
• The Print All... action is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting a configuration property.

5.2.4. Job Ticket Edit

This dialog pops up after pressing the Edit... button in a Job Ticket List Item.

Job Tickets Web App

Figure 5.8. Job Tickets: Edit Ticket

Job Ticket Options can be changed (overruled) by the Job Ticket Operator. Costs are recalculated after Save .

The number of copies can not be edited when Print Delegation is applied for more than one account. So,
as long as a single account is involved the number of copies can be edited.

For Reopened Job Tickets all options are read-only, except for the number of copies.

5.2.5. Job Ticket Print

This dialog pops up after pressing the Print... button in a Job Ticket List Item.

Job Tickets Web App

Figure 5.9. Job Tickets: Print Ticket

Redirect printers are shown from the Job Ticket Proxy Printer Group, that are compatible with ticket options. See
Section, “Proxy Printer Identity” [104].

A selected printer shows the following settings, from top to bottom:

• media-type : this is the setting from the Ticket. It can be changed in the Edit Dialog.
• media-source: pick a source that is configured on the printer to hold the media-type.
• output-bin: pick a suitable output bin.
• org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset : select a finishing that shifts “Each Set” in the output-bin from the previous
one by a small amount (or chose “none”).

After pressing the Print button, constraints are validated. When settings are valid, the dialog closes, and the status
of the Ticket will be shown in the list as either Pending, Processing, or Completed.

Printer settings are saved in the Web Session, and used as default for next Job Ticket prints.
• The last jog-offset choice is used as default for all printers.
• The last media-source choice is used as default, if the requested media size is assigned to this me-
dia-source. If not, the first (preferred) media-source that is compatible with the requested media size
is used. See Section, “Media Sources” [105]. Job Ticket Print Pending

Figure 5.10. Job Tickets: Print Pending

Job Tickets Web App

When status is Pending, the job is waiting to be printed. By pressing Cancel , the job will be removed from the
print queue and the Ticket will show status Canceled in the list.

The top right corner of the job ticket entry displays the elapsed time since the Print command was issued. Job Ticket Print Processing

When the job is actually printing, status Pending changes to Processing. By pressing Cancel printing is stopped,
the job is removed from the print queue, and the Ticket will show status Canceled in the list. Job Ticket Print Canceled

Figure 5.11. Job Tickets: Print Canceled

The print job is canceled. By pressing Close , the Ticket is closed and removed from the list, and the user is
optionally notified by email or a Notification Plug-in. Retry to Print again, optionally to another printer. Job Ticket Print Completed

Figure 5.12. Job Tickets: Print Completed

By pressing Close , the Ticket is closed and removed from the list, and the user is optionally notified by email or
a Notification Plug-in: see Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53].

5.2.6. Job Ticket Settle

This dialog pops up after pressing the Settle... button in a Job Ticket List Item.

Job Tickets Web App

Figure 5.13. Job Tickets: Settle Ticket

After Settle , the ticket is effectuated without proxy printing. This implements the scenario where the Job Tick-
et Operator prints the attached PDF with an external program, and registers the printing occurrence (including
financial cost) in SavaPage. After settlement, the Ticket is automatically closed and removed from the list. And,
the user is optionally notified by email or a Notification Plug-in: see Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53].

Settle is the only option to charge a Copy Job Ticket.

5.3. Closed Tickets

The Closed Ticket List is identical to the Documents List with an implicit selection of Type Ticket. Here you can
query Job Tickets that were closed by the Job Ticket Operator, optionally by User ID of the Job Ticket Creator.

Figure 5.14. Job Tickets: Closed Ticket List

5.3.1. Job Ticket Refund

In case costs were incorrectly charged, they can be refunded by pressing the refund button.

Figure 5.15. Job Ticket: Refund

Job Tickets Web App

Refunds are shown in the document transaction details (see screenshot below), and in the transaction list of the
Personal, Group and Shared Accounts involved. See Section 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61] and Section 4.6.1, “Ac-
count List” [94].

Figure 5.16. Job Ticket: Refund Transactions

When both PaperCut Integration and Delegated Print with PaperCut are enabled, and the Job Ticket was
printed to a PaperCut managed printer, refund transactions will also be created in PaperCut. See Sec-
tion N.1.3, “PaperCut Delegated Print Accounting” [328].

5.3.2. Job Ticket Reopen

When webapp.jobtickets.reopen.enable is set to Y, a closed single account job ticket that is archived or journalled
in the Document Store can be reopened. This option is active in the Job Ticket Web App only.

• A reopened ticket has the same ticket number as the original with a + character appended.
• Just the number of copies (initialized to zero) of the reopened ticket can (must) be edited: other IPP options
are read-only.
• A Print or Settle of a reopened ticket is not archived or journalled.
• The calculation of the delivery date/time is according to* configuration properties.
• A refunded Ticket can't be reopened.
• The reopened ticket is tied to the Job Ticket Printer of the closed ticket. So, this printer must still be present.

The reopen option is offered with a + button in the document log item, as shown in the screenshot below.

Figure 5.17. Job Ticket: Reopen Print Ticket

When the + button is pushed, the ticket is reopened and the button disabled to prevent reopening a second copy.
Copy Jobs can be reopened as well, as shown below.

Job Tickets Web App

Figure 5.18. Job Ticket: Reopen Copy Ticket

The reopened ticket will show up in the Open Tickets list with zero copies, and thereby the Print and Settle options
will be disabled, as shown in screenshot below.

Figure 5.19. Job Ticket: Reopened Print Ticket

After the reopened ticket is printed and closed it appears in the Closed Tickets list marked as “Reopened”. Note
that this instance isn't archived or journalled, and therefore can't be reopened.

Figure 5.20. Job Ticket: Reopened Ticket Printed

5.4. Ticket Configuration Properties

Configuration property Description

jobticket.notify-email.content-type.html Set to Y or N (default), to send Job Ticket email notifications as "text/html" (Y)
or "text/plain (N).

jobticket.notify-email.completed.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable notification by email to owner of job

ticket when ticket is completed.

A standard email message is sent. Email content and layout can be customized
if needed. See Section 18.2, “Email Templates” [239] and Section,
“JobTicketCompleted Email” [244].

jobticket.notify-email.canceled.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable notification by email to owner of job

ticket when ticket is canceled.

A standard email message is sent. Email content and layout can be customized
if needed. See Section 18.2, “Email Templates” [239] and Section,
“JobTicketCanceled Email” [243].

webapp.jobtickets.list-size The Number of Job Tickets shown in the list. Default: 10.

Job Tickets Web App

Configuration property Description

webapp.jobtickets.list-size-min The minimum Number of Job Tickets that can be shown in the list. A value of
zero means all pending tickets are shown. Default: 5.

webapp.jobtickets.list-size-max The maximum Number of Job Tickets that can be shown in the list. Default: 50.

webapp.jobtickets.cancel-all.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable the Cancel All... bulk action.

webapp.jobtickets.print-all.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable the Print All... bulk action.

webapp.jobtickets.close-all.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable the Close All... bulk action.

webapp.jobtickets.reopen.enable Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable option to reopen a closed single account

job ticket that is archived or journalled is the Document Store. See Section 5.3.2,
“Job Ticket Reopen” [180].

Table 5.1. Job Ticket Print Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

Chapter 6. Point-of-Sale Web App

The Point-of-Sale (POS) is a Web App used to deposit funds to a user's printing account, usually after receiving
a cash or electronic payment. It can be accessed by users with role Web Cashier.

The POS Web App can be reached at https://savapage:8632/pos. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

6.1. Login

Figure 6.1. Point-of-Sale Web App: Login

This login screen is a variant of the User Login screen, with the following exception:
• The internal admin user and Persons with role Web Cashier are allowed to log in. See Section, “User
Roles” [84] how to assign admin rights to users.
• After a successful login the Deposit dialog is shown.

6.2. Deposit
The Deposit tab is the place to handle a user's deposit. The figure below shows the initial content when first used
or after the Clear button was pushed.

Point-of-Sale Web App

Figure 6.2. Point-of-Sale: Deposit Start

• User ID: a quick search entry field to select the User. See the figure below for a description.
• Amount: enter the integer and cents of the amount separately. The currency sign is taken from the Financial
• Payment method: select one of the payment methods as specified in the Financial settings. When no methods
are specified this field will not show.
• Comment: a short comment to denote the deposit.
• Receipt: select the email address if you want to send de receipt as PDF.

• User ID is a quick search entry field. By entering part of the user id, a pick-list of matching users is displayed
below. The list is refreshed real-time as characters are entered (or deleted).
• By selecting the user from the list the entry field is replaced by the selection. Also, the current account balance
of the user and his email is shown.

When all required field are entered the Deposit button will show.

Point-of-Sale Web App

Figure 6.3. Point-of-Sale: Deposit Completed

Push the Deposit to make the deposit. As a result:

• When user's email address was selected, the receipt will be emailed to the User.
• The form will be cleared, with the focus on the User ID quick search field.

6.3. Receipts
The Receipts tab is the place to query deposit history. The figure below shows a content sample.

Figure 6.4. Point-of-Sale: Receipts

Point-of-Sale Web App

• By entering a date/time offset in the prescribed yyyymmddhhmm format, a pick-list of matching receipts is
displayed, sorted in descending date/time order. The list is refreshed real-time as characters are entered (or
deleted). Note: the date/time defaults to the current yyyymmdd date (today).
• Each entry in the list has buttons to download the Receipt PDF or email it to the User (again).

Chapter 7. Print Site Web App

Print Site Web App is a Feature Preview that is partly operational and impermanent. The preview is
offered to provoke feedback based on real world use. Please tell us your experience.

A Print Site is a location where printers and copy machines are set up for self-service.

In the typical use case, SavaPage Print Portal is set up as public Internet service, where authorized users choose
a printer to print the documents that were collected with Internet Print, Web Print, Mail Print or Google Cloud
Print. To enforce Secure Printing, print jobs are held and must be released by the user after authentication at the
very printer.

For easy follow-me printing, and integrated copying of the glass, PaperCut Integration is enabled, and all costs
are charged to the personal PaperCut account of the user.

SavaPage Print Site is the single application users have to deal with. Any interaction with the PaperCut back-end
is handled behind the scenes.

The Print Site Web App is meant for users with role Print Site Operator to support users with self-service printing
and copying scenario's.

The Web App can be reached at https://savapage:8632/printsite. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

7.1. Configuration

7.1.1. Users
When SavaPage and PaperCut share a common User Source, user synchronization and authentication can be set-
up identically in both environments.

When a common User Source is absent, SavaPage Internal Users can be synchronized with and authenticated in
PaperCut via the PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface.

7.1.2. Financial
The PaperCut Personal User Account must activated as the leading account for personal financial transactions
and credit.

Users can recharge their account balance via Manual Payment at the counter, with a Voucher or Payment Gateway.

7.1.3. Printing
Personal Print to PaperCut must be activated. This makes PaperCut printing cost leading. See Section A.1.3,
“Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario” [256].

Print Site Web App

7.2. Login

Figure 7.1. Print Site Web App: Login

This login screen is a variant of the User Login screen, with the following exception:
• The internal admin user and Persons with role Print Site Operator are allowed to log in. See Section,
“User Roles” [84] how to assign admin rights to users.
• After a successful login Figure 4.2, “Admin Web App: Menu” [74] is shown.

Chapter 8. PDF/PGP Verification

PDF/PGP Verification originated and is prototyped in the SavaPage Community. It has no formal status
outside, but could become a more widely accepted Open Standard. This Feature Preview is offered to
provoke feedback on the verification method and reference implementation. Please share your experiences
and requirements.

8.1. PDF/PGP in a Nutshell

Many organizations who are bound to legal and regulatory requirements use PKI1 based services to verify authen-
ticity and integrity of PDF documents. X.5092 is the “de facto” standard for this security measure.

While some have a self-imposed X.509 policy, most organizations are not aware of security issues or are deterred
by PKI requirements, that include third-party Certificate Authorities (CAs), Time Stamping Authorities (TSAs),
and PDF signature-compliant PDF readers.

For those organizations PDF/PGP Verification is a simple OpenPGP3 based PKI alternative. It works as follows:
1. The PDF document is signed by including its detached OpenPGP signature as PDF comment.
2. The PDF is verified by stripping the comment OpenPGP signature, and using it to verify the remainder PDF.

Organizations can easily use their own Web Site to implement a PDF/PGP Verification Service. This is the use-
1. Published PDF documents are PDF/PGP signed and have a visible URL link to the Verification Service at the
top of the first page.
2. A User, who received the PDF through whatever channel, wants to verify its authenticity and integrity, and
clicks the link.
3. The Web App opens in the browser and invites the user to upload the PDF for verification.
4. The User trusts the Secure Connection and Website Identity (SSL certificate) and uploads the PDF.
5. The Web App uses the Public OpenPGP Key of the trusted signer to verify the uploaded PDF and communicates
the verdict to the User.

SavaPage implements a reference PDF/PGP Verification Service where PDF documents are signed and verified
with the server's OpenPGP Key Pair.

PDF/PGP Verification will surely not hold against stringent certificate-based legal and regulatory require-
ments. On the other hand, for many organizations it will lower the threshold to adopt a simple and pret-
ty-good security policy.

8.2. PDF/PGP Signature

PDF/PGP verification can be configured with the following properties:

PDF/PGP Verification

Configuration property Description

pdfpgp.verification.enable Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable PDF/PGP verification.

When enabled and the OpenPGP Key Pair is present on the server, users who have the
Privilege to Sign can apply an OpenPGP Signature when creating a PDF for Down-
load or Send. DNS host name of the Verification Service. When blank, the IPv4 address of the
SavaPage server is used

pdfpgp.verification.port Optional TCP/IP port of the Verification Service. Host and port are used to compose
the URL:


See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].

Table 8.1. PDF/PGP Signing Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to enter these properties.

A signed PDF file has the Verify . . . button and the SavaPage server's OpenPGP Fingerprint displayed at top of
the first page. When the button is pressed, the Verification Web App opens.

Figure 8.1. PDF/PGP Verify Link

Also, the signed PDF contains one or two Public Key file Attachments:
1. The OpenPGP Public Key file creator.asc of the SavaPage server.
2. If the User who created the PDF has a registered OpenPGP Public Key ID, the public key file author.asc
as retrieved from the configured Public Key Server (and persisted in the user's SafePages home).

8.3. PDF/PGP Verification Web App

The PDF/PGP Verification Web App can be configured with the following properties:

Configuration property Description

webapp.pdfpgp.enable Set to Y or N (default), to enable/disable the PDF/PGP Verification Web App.

webapp.pdfpgp.max-upload-file-mb The maximum MB size of the PDF that can be uploaded for verification. Default: 10

Table 8.2. PDF/PGP Verification Web App Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to enter these properties.

The Web App invites to choose a PDF for verification. Multiple files can be selected for upload.

Figure 8.2. PDF/PGP Verification - Upload

And shows success or failure when done.

PDF/PGP Verification

Figure 8.3. PDF/PGP Verification - Good signature

When the OpenPGP Public Key file author.asc is found as PDF attachment, its data is displayed as
Author identification. See Section 8.2, “PDF/PGP Signature” [189].

Figure 8.4. PDF/PGP Verification - Public key not found

Figure 8.5. PDF/PGP Verification - Signature not found

Chapter 9. User Client

The User Client is a Java application for desktops and notebooks that resides in the system tray.

According to the Oracle Java Documentation1:

"The system tray is a specialized area of the desktop where users can access currently running programs. This area
may be referred to differently on various operating systems. On Microsoft Windows, the system tray is referred
to as the Taskbar Status Area, while on the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) Desktop it is
referred to as the Notification Area. On K Desktop Environment (KDE) this area is referred to as the System Tray.
However, on each system the tray area is shared by all applications running on the desktop."

The SavaPage User Client is provided as a notifier of personal user events like:

• A successful print to SavaPage. See Chapter 12, SavaPage as Printer [206].

• A Proxy Printer started printing one of your jobs. See Section 4.8, “Proxy Printers” [99]

A notification message is typically displayed near the SavaPage tray icon in the form of a balloon (Windows) or
message box (GNU/Linux, macOS).

The User Web App opens for the authenticated user at a double-click on the tray icon, a click in the notification
message or selecting the Open Web App... item from the tray icon context menu. When the User Client is trusted
as authentication source no extra login is needed.

User Client authentication is explained in Section, “User Client Authentication” [146].

Client access can be restricted by IP address with these configuration properties:

Configuration property Description

cliapp.ip-addresses-allowed A CIDR Set of Client IP addresses that are allowed to use the User Client App (when
void, all client addresses are allowed).

cliapp.auth.ip-addresses-denied.enable Enable (Y) or Disable (N) User Client Authentication for clients that are denied for
their IP address.

Table 9.1. User Client Access Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to enter these properties.

When using the User Client concurrently with the User Web App and Proxy Print Authentication you
are strongly advised to use an external database like PostgreSQL. See Chapter 19, Using an External
Database [245].

Java applications with system tray icons do not work properly with GNOME Shell. This is a persistent
Java bug2 that is still not resolved. As a workaround, use the --anchor command line option for an
alternative display.

User Client

9.1. User Client Options

In order of precedence, User Client options can be set ...
1. On the Command-line.
2. As value in a file. An annotated template is available in the /opt/sava-
page/client/app/config/ directory.
3. As Configuration Property.

usage: savapage-client <options>

--anchor <ne|nw|se|sw> Show on desktop at anchor position instead of tray.
--notify-send switch is auto activated (Linux only).
-d,--debug Write debug messages to the log file.
-h,--help Display help text in GUI.
--help-tui Display help text in TUI.
--log-dir <dir> Log file directory. Default: $HOME
--notify-send Use 'notify-send' command to send desktop
notifications (Linux only).
-p,--print-dialog Show action dialog at print-in event.
--passkey <key> The admin passkey (optional).
--print-dialog-btn <arg> Button text on print-in action dialog for opening
User Web App (optional).
--print-url-query <arg> URL query for opening User Web App at print-in event
--properties <file> File with default command-line options (optional).
Default: $APP/config/
--server-host <arg> IP address or name of SavaPage server
--server-port <number> SSL port of SavaPage server (optional). Default:
--user <name> A different username than current user $USER
-x,--hide-exit Hide the "Exit" menuitem (optional). Default: false.

The passkey option can also be applied as environment variable SAVAPAGE_CLIAPP_AD-
MIN_PASSKEY. This is the preferred way to use in generic login scripts, since the command-line option
might be visible in system process viewers.

On Debian, the notify-send utility is part of the libnotify-bin package.

Configuration property Command-Line Option

cliapp.print-in.url-querycliapp.print-in.url-query --print-url-query

The query string to be appended to the base URL when opening the User Web
App in response to a print-in event. Do not prefix the value with a ? or &

cliapp.print-in.dialog.button-open --print-dialog-btn

Action button text on print-in action dialog for opening User Web App.

Table 9.2. User Client Options Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to enter these items.

9.2. User Client Deployment

Since the software is written in Java it can be deployed on any platform where Java SE 8 or higher is installed, like
Microsoft Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux. The User Client software is installed on the server in the /opt/
savapage/client/app directory.

User Client

Running the User Client directly from a network share can cause performance problems, resulting in an
unresponsive application. Therefore is it recommended to run the client from a local copy.

The User Client is resilient in the event that the connection with the server is (temporarily) lost. The
connection will be restored automatically after a short break. If the connection is lost for a longer period
of time, the user is notified with a pop-up message with the choice to try again or to close the application.

9.2.1. Deployment on Windows

The savapage-client.bat batch file that starts the application is available in the /opt/sava-
page/client/app directory on the server.

Make sure to enable Balloon Notification in Windows Group Policy to allow users to see notification

9.2.2. Deployment on macOS

The savapage-client shell script that starts the application is available in the /opt/savapage/client/
app directory on the server.

9.2.3. Deployment on GNU/Linux

The savapage-client shell script that starts the application is available in the /opt/savapage/client/
app directory on the server.

Chapter 10. SavaPage Financial

SavaPage Financial captures many aspects of user activity. Obviously, proxy printing is the main trigger for
financial accountability and monitoring, since it consumes tangible resources like paper, ink and toner. This chapter
introduces the main financial concepts with references to more detailed parts of the manual.

• Account are used to register financial status (balance) and history (transactions). SavaPage has three types of
• User Account : The personal account of an User, optionally restricted by a Credit Limit. See Section,
“Financial” [86].
• Shared Account : Shared accounts act as cost center to track printing expenses in a specific area. It does
not have a credit Limit: its balance is initialized to zero and is allowed to count down into the negative.
• Group Account : A shared account that is tied to a User Group by name.

Shared Accounts are discussed in Section 4.6, “Accounts” [94].

• Printing costs are configured per Proxy Printer. Pay-per-Print is active for each Proxy Printer that has costs
greater than zero.
• Section, “Media Sources” [105]
• Section, “Manual Media Sizes” [107]

• Printing costs are charged to Accounts.

• Users get feedback about printing costs and their personal account balance.
• Section 3.5.6, “Direct Print Release” [47]
• Section, “Hold Print Jobs” [27].
• Section 3.3.2, “Footer” [27]
• Section 3.10.3, “Financial” [67]

• Restricted users can upgrade their account balance with vouchers (pre-paid printing cards), by making a deposit
at a point-of-sale, or by transferring money from an external account.
• Section 4.14, “Vouchers” [167]
• Section 3.10.4, “Redeem Voucher” [68]
• Chapter 6, Point-of-Sale Web App [183]
• Section M.1.1, “Payment Gateway Plug-in” [323]

• All financial transactions can be inspected by administrators. Users can inspect their own transactions.
• Section 4.4.1, “User List” [80]
• Section 3.8.2, “Transactions” [61]

• Global financial options can be set by administrators.

• Section 4.10.12, “Financial” [142]

Chapter 11. SavaPage on GNU/Linux

This section is a supplement to the Install Guide (see Chapter 2, Server Installation [10]). It provides an in-depth
explanation of the GNU/Linux installation process, the directory layout and tools involved.

Information in this chapter is technical in nature. It is expected that readers have prior experience with:
• The Unix command line environment
• Unix file permissions

11.1. The Installation Process

SavaPage is supplied as a pre-compiled self-installing application. The installation process is designed to work
with all major GNU/Linux distributions. To be sure if your GNU/Linux distro is supported out of the box, please
check Section 1.2, “System Requirements” [3]. Due to the varied nature of some installations and administrator
preferences, often some manual configuration is required. This section describes the installation process in detail
as well as some additional options available to system administrators.

11.1.1. Manual extraction

SavaPage is supplied in a self-extracting, self-installing archive. The archive is simply a tar archive compressed
with gzip, and headed with a shell script to facilitate self-extracting. After extraction is complete, the installation
script named install is executed to begin the install process in the directory where the archive resides (usually
/opt/savapage). Some system administrators may like to inspect the contents of the archive, and possibly the
installation process itself prior to the actual install.

The self-extracting installer takes a number of command line arguments. The -e option will extract the archive
into the current working directory ready for inspection. With the -n switch the -i install will be non-interactive.
With this mode you implicitly agree with the AGPL license, and root tasks are collected in a MUST-RUN-AS-
ROOT script located in the install directory. This script must be run manually as root after the installation. Further
usage information is available via the -h switch.

SavaPage Install (c) 2010-2018, Datraverse B.V.

License: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>.

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Usage: savapage-setup-1.0.0-linux-x64.bin [-h|-i|-e|-l] [-n] [-v] [FILE]...

-h This help text.
-i Install after extracting the files (default).
-n Non-interactive install: execute MUST-RUN-AS-ROOT afterwards.
-e Extract all files or a FILE list and exit without installing.
-l List the contents of the archive and exit without extracting.
-v Verbose. Print the names of the files as they are extracted.

11.1.2. The install process

Even though the majority of the installation process is completed under the identity of the system user account
called savapage, most administrators would like to know what the install process does. The main steps are
outlined in the next paragraphs. Extraction
The first stage in the install process extracts the archive to /tmp or a location as defined by an environment
variable TMPDIR. The command-line programs tar and gunzip are used during this phase.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux Installation
After extraction is complete the install script is called. The current directory is passed as -d option argument, to
be used as install location. Also, the -n switch, used at the setup binary, is propagated to this script. The extracted
files are copied to the install location. Care is taken not to overwrite any existing data or configuration files if
this is an install-over-the-top upgrade.

SavaPage Install (c) 2010-2018, Datraverse B.V.

License: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>.

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Usage: install [OPTION]...

-d <dir> The target location, usually the /opt/savapage directory.
-h This help text.
-n Non-interactive install: execute MUST-RUN-AS-ROOT afterwards. Permissions
To ensure the default installation is secure by default, permissions are applied to key files. The following area of
the application are restricted to the savapage user only:

Area Description

/opt/savapage/server/ Contains server configuration properties. See Section 11.3, “Ad-

vanced Configuration” [198].

/opt/savapage/server/ Contains the hashed password of the reserved internal admin user.

/opt/savapage/server/ Contains Google Cloud Print configuration properties. See Sec-

tion 4.10.6, “Google Cloud Printer” [130].

/opt/savapage/server/jmxremote.password Contains the plain text password of the reserved JMX admin user.
See Section, “JMX Agent” [147].

/opt/savapage/server/jmxremote.ks The private keystore used by the JMX Agent.

/opt/savapage/server/data/ This directory contains application data including database files.

Some of this data may contain sensitive information.

/opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/ This directory contains the savapage-pam setuid-root binary.

Even though the binary is no use to an end-user or hacker, good se-
curity practice stipulates that we should only allow the savapage
user access to this directory.

Table 11.1. Secured Application Areas

Permissions can be checked and re-applied any time after the installation by running the script:

/opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-*/setperms Firewall
The SavaPage Application Server runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process and listens on ports 8631 and
8632 (SSL). These ports are used for Web App access, printing and other services. Ensure that any firewall or
local IP filtering software such as iptables is set to allow local network traffic access to this ports. Root Level Tasks

A small part of the install process needs to run as the root account. The tasks conducted as root include:
• Setting the /opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-*/savapage-pam binary as setuid-root. This bi-
nary is used for password verification.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

• Installing the /opt/savapage/providers/cups/linux-*/savapage-notifier binary as CUPS

event notifier. This binary is used to send CUPS printer and print job status events to the central SavaPage
server. See Section, “CUPS Notifier” [202].
• Setting up a systemd unit for GNU/Linux systems that use the systemd service manager. This is done by creating
a savapage.service file in the systemd unit library. Depending on the distribution the unit will either
be created in the /lib/systemd/system/ or /usr/lib/systemd/system/ directory. The unit is
started and enabled.
• Setting up a custom systemd unit for the CUPS scheduler cupsd.
• When the scheduler is run from systemd some systems pass the -l parameter so cupsd is run on demand
by socket and path activation. The advantage of this setup is that CUPS is activated when needed, saving
precious boot time and resources, and deactivated again after being idle for a while. This lazy activation
scenario is efficient for desktop systems that print occasionally and for which printing is not time critical.
• However, dedicated print systems like SavaPage, that intensively use IPP to communicate with CUPS, need
CUPS to be full-time activated. Therefore a custom systemd cups.service unit is installed in /etc/
systemd/system/ to override the default /lib/systemd/system/cups.service shipped with
the CUPS package. This custom unit starts cupsd with the -f parameter so it runs steadily in the foreground
(without dependencies for cups.socket and cups.path).
• Setting up SysV style start scripts for Debian based systems that use the SysV service manager. This is done
by placing symlinks in the:

and so on...

If the administrator decides not to run the root-level tasks during the install process, the tasks can be run again
post-install by executing the shell scripts:


and ...


Alternatively the administrator can view the script and make the required changes by hand.

11.2. Logs
The main application logging is available via the Application Log section of the Administrator Web App. Addi-
tional advanced level logging is maintained in standard text files located at:


Administrators may wish to consult these logs when attempting to diagnose or troubleshoot problems.

11.3. Advanced Configuration

The majority of SavaPage configuration is conducted in the Administrator Web App. Additional configuration
options can be set in the /opt/savapage/server/ configuration file, and with the
Config Editor.

11.3.1. Alternative TCP/IP Settings Alternative TCP/IP Ports

Alternative port are set in the /opt/savapage/server/ configuration file as shown
in the table below.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

Key Description

server.port Server http port. Default: 8631

server.ssl.port Server https port. Default: 8632

server.html.redirect.ssl Redirect HTML of non-SSL port to SSL: true or false (default). This only concerns
HTML, IPP traffic is not redirected.

server.print.port.raw The RAW Print Server port. Default: 9100

• Value 0: RAW printing is disabled.

Table 11.2. Server Properties: Alternative TCP/IP Ports

Since SavaPage is run by user savapage, you can't use ports below 1024, because these ports can only
be bound to by the superuser (root). If you want SavaPage Web Apps to be accessible through port 80
and 443 at all costs, you can use Apache1 or NGINX2 server to forward (or "reverse-proxy") requests
to SavaPage. Server ThreadPool Settings

A high reliability server process like SavaPage must reject excess requests immediately (fail fast) by using a
Request Queue with a bounded capacity.

When a request is rejected, the user browser will show a diagnostic message, for example that “The connection to
the server was reset while the page was loading” because “The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy”,
with the advise to “Try again in a few moments”.

Figure 11.1. Rejected request in Firefox browser

Request Queue capacity is calculated according to a tolerable “no-response” time.

For example, if the server is capable of handling 100 requests per second, and 30 seconds of patience is accepted
by users in the event of excessive high load, you can set the queue capacity to 30*100=3000.

If queue capacity is set too low, the server will reject requests too soon and won't be able to handle normal load
spikes. If set too high, a high load, that exceeds the processing power of the server application, will continue
to stack requests on the queue. And thus, even after the load stops, the application will appear to have stopped
responding to new requests as it still has lots of requests on the queue to handle.

Requests are FIFO processed by threads contained in a ThreadPool. The maximum number of threads needed, in
order to achieve the best performance, depends on host resources (RAM and CPU cores) assigned to the SavaPage
application. The maximum value will typically be between 50 and 500.

The keys to set thread pool and queue capacity in the /opt/savapage/server/
configuration file are shown in the table below.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

Key Description

server.threadpool.queue.capacity The capacity (maximum length) of the queue holding client requests to the server.
Requests are FIFO processed by threads in the pool. Default: 3000

server.threadpool.maxthreads Maximum number of threads in the pool. Default: 200

server.threadpool.minthreads Minimum number of threads in the pool. Default: 20

server.threadpool.idle-timeout-msec Maximum time a thread may be idle in milliseconds after it is terminated. De-
fault: 30000

Table 11.3. Server Properties: ThreadPool Settings

ThreadPool settings are part of application performance tuning. See Chapter 20, Tuning [248] in general and
Section 20.1, “Linux Kernel Parameters” [248] in particular.

The browser “connection reset” message can be easily provoked by setting very low threadpool values,


... and frantically pressing the F5 browser key. Server Session Settings

Server Web Sessions expire after a certain period of inactivity: see Section 15.3.1, “Web Session Time-
out” [227]. Expired sessions are removed by a cyclic scavenge process. The cycle interval can be set with this

Key Description

server.session.scavenge.interval-sec The interval (seconds) at which expired server sessions are scav-
enged. Default: 600

Table 11.4. Server Properties: Session Settings

11.3.2. Database Connection Settings

Database connections are both expensive to create and maintain over time. Therefore, they are an ideal resource
to pool. That is just what SavaPage does, with the help of JDBC Connection Pooling3.

The keys to set the Connection parameters in the /opt/savapage/server/ con-

figuration file are shown in the table below.

Key Description

database.connection.pool.max Maximum number of connections in the pool. Default: 200

Important: if you are using PostgreSQL as database back-end this

value must align with the maximum number of client connections
allowed by the database. See Section, “PostgreSQL Set-
tings” [201].

database.connection.pool.min Minimum number of connections in the pool. Default: 5

SavaPage uses Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Connection Pooling from c3p0 []: an easy-to-
use library for making traditional JDBC drivers “enterprise-ready”.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

Key Description

database.connection.idle-timeout-secs Maximum time a connection may be idle in seconds after it is

closed. Default: 600

database.connection.idle-timeout-test-secs Idle time in seconds before a connection is checked for timeout.

Default: 120

This value must be less than database.connection.i-

dle-timeout-secs. If not, connections closed by the database
will not be detected.

database.connection.statement-cache Number of prepared SQL statements that will be cached. Default:


Value 0 disables caching.

Table 11.5. Database Connection Settings

Database Connection Settings do not apply to the internal database. PostgreSQL Settings

PostgreSQL ships with a basic configuration tuned for wide compatibility rather than performance. Depending
on available host resources and Database Connection Settings as described in the section above, there is a good
chance the default parameters are very undersized.

Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server4 is an expert job, but there are two obvious parameters in postgresql.conf5
you need to consider:
1. max_connections must at least be equal to database.connection.pool.max plus the value of
superuser_reserved_connections. For example:

# When SavaPage: database.connection.pool.max = 200
# and in this file: superuser_reserved_connections = 3
# and SavaPage is the only process accessing the Database ...
max_connections = 203 # (change requires restart)

# Defaults to 3
#superuser_reserved_connections = 3

See PostgreSQL Connection Settings6.

2. The shared_buffers default of 128MB can be replaced by a higher value, depending on the total RAM
in your system. For example:

# System has 16GB RAM, we take a conservative 6.25% ...
#shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB
# (change requires restart)
shared_buffers = 1024MB

A higher value allocates more shared memory during inter-process communication (IPC) between the database
server and the requesting client, resulting in speedier data transfer. See PostgreSQL Memory7.

Important: restart the database after changing any of these settings.

On Debian based systems postgresql.conf is located in /etc/postgresql/[version]/main/

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

11.3.3. CUPS Settings CUPS Notifier
CUPS notifier is a custom SavaPage binary that pushes printer and print job status events from CUPS to SavaPage

Occasionally the notifier may fail to deliver job state notifications, as can be seen reported in /var/log/cups/
error_log. Since a failure can result in no job end states being observed, a heartbeat monitor pulls print status
from CUPS for active jobs that have not been notified since the previous beat of the heart. The heartbeat period
can be configured: see Section, “CUPS Configuration Properties” [202]. CUPS Job Status

CUPS Job Status is handled in the following way:
• Normally a print job that is stopped in CUPS, for instance because “job-completed-with-errors”, must be man-
ually controlled (reprint, cancel, move) by an operator. However, when SavaPage identifies a stopped job it
cancels it automatically.
• At system (application) start-up, job status is pulled from CUPS for every proxy printed document that has not
reached end-state.

See Section, “CUPS Configuration Properties” [202] on how to change the defaults. CUPS IPP connections

See Section, “CUPS Configuration Properties” [202] on how to change defaults for the number of IPP
connections to local CUPS and their IPP connect and read timeouts. CUPS Configuration Properties

Configuration property Description

cups.notifier.job-status-pull.heartbeat-msec Number of milliseconds since the last pushed print job status
notification by CUPS Notifier after which a job status update
is pulled from CUPS. Default: 30000

cups.job-state.cancel-if-stopped.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable automatic cancella-

tion of stopped CUPS Job Status.

system.startup.cups.sync-print-jobs.enable Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable CUPS Job Status syn-

chronization at system start-up.

cups.ipp.local-connect-timeout-msec IPP connect timeout in milliseconds on local CUPS. Default:


cups.ipp.local-socket-timeout-msec IPP read timeout in milliseconds on local CUPS. Default:


cups.ipp.max-connections Max number of IPP connections on CUPS. Default: 10.

cups.ipp.subscription.notify-lease-duration Duration of the notification subscription lease (minutes) for the

CUPS Notifier. Value of must be greater than one (1) hour,
since the renewal of the subscription is scheduled by SavaPage
every hour. Default: 4200.

Table 11.6. CUPS Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these properties.

11.3.4. Alternative File Locations

To separate files created at runtime from installation files you can set alternative locations for temporary files,
SafePages and public Letterheads in the /opt/savapage/server/ configuration

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

All alternative file locations must reside on the same disk partition8.

Key Description

app.dir.tmp Location of temporary files created by SavaPage. It is created when the application starts and removed
when stopped, so make sure it is exclusively used by the SavaPage application.

The location is not used by third-party Java components: they use to store their own
temporary files.

Default: subdirectory savapage of JVM system property See Section 20.3.3,
“JVM Temporary Files” [253].
• User savapage must have permission to create the location.

app.dir.safepages Location where the user's SafePages are stored.

Default: /opt/savapage/server/data/internal/safepages
• The location directory must be owned by user savapage and have permission 700.

app.dir.letterheads Location where the public Letterheads are stored.

Default: /opt/savapage/server/data/internal/letterheads
• The location directory must be owned by user savapage and have permission 700.

Table 11.7. Server Properties for Alternative File Locations

11.3.5. Miscellaneous Settings

These are the extra settings that can be configured in the /opt/savapage/server/
configuration file.

Key Description

start.cleanup-doclog Enable database cleanup at server start-up. See Section 4.10.13, “Backups” [145].

Values: true (default) or false

webapp.custom.i18n See Section, “Custom i18n” [239].

Values: true or false (default).

Table 11.8. Server Properties: Miscellaneous Settings

11.4. OpenPGP Settings

SavaPage can be configured to use OpenPGP9 for PGP/MIME email signing and encryption.

The first step is to set the Public and Secret Key of the SavaPage server instance in the /opt/savapage/serv-
er/ configuration file, as shown in the table below.

Key Description

pgp.publickey.file The path of the ASCII Armored public OpenPGP key.

Relative to: /opt/savapage/server/data/

pgp.secretkey.file The path of the ASCII Armored secret (private) OpenPGP key.

Relative to: /opt/savapage/server/data/

This constraint is needed because files are initially created in the temporary location and atomically moved to their destination. Atomic
moves do not work cross-partition.

SavaPage on GNU/Linux

Key Description

pgp.secretkey.passphrase The pass-phrase of the openpgp.secretkey.file

Table 11.9. OpenPGP Server Properties

OpenPGP server information is shown on the Admin Dashboard.

The Secret Key of the server is used to sign e-mail content. Content encryption is done with the recipient's public
key, when present. See Section, “OpenPGP” [86].

Next, PGP/MIME must be activated with the following configuration properties:

Configuration property Description

mail.pgp.mime.sign Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable PGP/MIME signing.

mail.pgp.mime.encrypt Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable PGP/MIME encryp-


pgp.pks.url Optional URL of an OpenPGP Public Key Server.

Table 11.10. OpenPGP Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these properties.

OpenPGP Server Properties are also used for the PDF/PGP Verification Feature Preview.

11.5. Upgrading SavaPage

Upgrading SavaPage is just an install of the new version “over-the-top” of the old version. It follows the same
procedure as a first time installation, as described in Section 11.1, “The Installation Process” [196].

The process keeps existing data and configuration files as they are.

Always check the Release Notes10 after upgrading, to see if additional actions are needed before you can
actually use the new version.

11.6. Removing SavaPage from a GNU/Linux server

SavaPage can be completely removed from a system with the following procedure:
• Remove all files from the /opt/savapage install directory.
• Remove the savapage system account.
• Remove the savapage binary from the CUPS notifier directory.
• For systemd installations:
• Remove the savapage.service file in the systemd unit library. Depending on the distribution the unit
will either be found in the /lib/systemd/system or /usr/lib/systemd/system directory.
• Remove the custom /etc/systemd/system/ file.
• For SysV style installations remove any matching start script:



SavaPage on GNU/Linux


Removing SavaPage can also be done by executing the uninstall program like this:

cd /opt/savapage
sudo uninstall

The installation will be reverted including the CUPS notifier installation and the server's systemd
or SysV service scripts.

As a final action the savapage system account and the /opt/savapage install directory should be
removed manually.

Chapter 12. SavaPage as Printer

12.1. Printing with a Driver

Any desktop system can print to SavaPage with a PostScript printer driver. The driver can either be generic, or a
mainstream one from a vendor as shipped with the OS, or a dedicated one provided by SavaPage. When printing
from public Internet a private Device URI must be used. See Section 3.10.1, “Internet Printer” [66].

Although the SavaPage driver is not required, beware that vendor-specific drivers might offer options that
are irrelevant, or not supported by the SavaPage Print Server.

12.1.1. SavaPage Printer Driver

The SavaPage Printer Driver comes as a PostScript Printer Description (PPD), as captured in the SAVAPAGE.ppd
file located in the shared client directory /opt/savapage/client. The driver is optimized for SavaPage
printing. Irrelevant options, like Duplex Printing are stripped, other options like Paper Size and Resolution, are
narrowed down to the most common choices. If you feel options are missing please let us know.

SAVAPAGE.ppd is a PostScript-only driver, and does not produce PDF. This is on purpose, since PDF
producing drivers print landscape orientated documents with 270 page rotation. As a result these docu-
ments will show as portrait orientated SafePages. 1

The driver file can be downloaded from the About section of the User Web App and Admin Web App.

12.1.2. SavaPage Printer Installation

The installation scripts below use the SavaPage printer driver. When you want to use a PostScript driver already
present in the OS, please use the proper selection dialogs.

The SavaPage JetDirect Server accepts PostScript print jobs only. So do not use the JetDirect protocol
unless you are absolutely sure that the print client uses PostScript as Print Job Format. Windows clients
can safely use JetDirect. On macOS and GNU/Linux systems IPP and IPPS are the obvious choices.

SavaPage acts as a Virtual PostScript Printer Device. This is separate from the decision on the OSDL Printing Summit in 2006 to switch the
GNU/Linux standard print job transfer format from PostScript to PDF. See

SavaPage as Printer GNU/Linux

Figure 12.1. SavaPage Printer on Ubuntu: Choose Driver

• When choosing a driver for the newly added printer in Ubuntu, make sure to opt for Provide PPD file, and to
select the SAVAPAGE.ppd file.
• Enter ipps://savapage:8632/printers at Device URI for the default queue, or ipps://
savapage:8632/printers/[queue] for any other specific queue. See Appendix E, URL Cheat
Sheet [288].

Figure 12.2. SavaPage Printer on Ubuntu: Printer Properties

• This is what the Printing Properties look like for a ready-to-print SavaPage printer in Ubuntu. macOS

Figure 12.3. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Add Printer

SavaPage as Printer

Add a new printer and enter data in the Add Printer dialog as follows:
• Click the IP printer button and select IPP for Protocol.
• At Address, enter the IP address or host name of the SavaPage Print Server including the port number.
• Enter printers at Queue for the default queue, or printers/[queue] for any other specific queue. See
Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].
• Enter the Name of the queue. SavaPage is the obvious choice here.
• Choose Other... in the Print Using selection box. This will immediately pop up a dialog where you can select
the SAVAPAGE.ppd as shown in Figure 12.4, “SavaPage Printer on macOS: Select PPD” [208].

Figure 12.4. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Select PPD

• This dialog selects the SAVAPAGE.ppd file from the local Documents directory.

Figure 12.5. SavaPage Printer on macOS: Print & Fax

• This is what a ready-to-print SavaPage printer in macOS looks like.

When clicking the Default printer button in the Add Printer dialog, any Bonjour enabled SavaPage printer
will show up, as configured in Section 12.3, “Printing from iOS” [211]. Windows
This section covers the installation for Windows (including x64).

Figure 12.6. SavaPage Local Printer on Windows

To add SavaPage as Local Printer, start the "Add Printer" dialog and choose add a new Local Printer.

SavaPage as Printer

1. Create a new printer port of type Standard TCP/IP Port, and click the Next button.
2. Choose device type TCP/IP Device and enter the hostname or IP address of the SavaPage server.
3. When asked for a printer driver, choose a PostScript printer driver from the list. Any type/model will do, as long
as it generated PostScript spool files. It makes sense to select just a simple type/model, without fancy options.
4. Assuming you named the printer “SavaPage”, you should now have a printer as shown in Figure 12.6, “Sava-
Page Local Printer on Windows” [208].
5. Print a test page to see if everything works as expected.

Figure 12.7. SavaPage Shared Local Printer on Windows

Install SavaPage as shared printer on a Windows Print Server. This makes the printer a member of Active
Directory. See Figure 12.7, “SavaPage Shared Local Printer on Windows” [209].

Queues created on Windows Print Server can easily be deployed on workstations using Windows Domain
Group Policy or using Logon Script. Please consult the Microsoft Windows server documentation for
more information.

Figure 12.8. SavaPage Network Printer on Windows

To add SavaPage as Network Printer, start the "Add Printer" dialog and choose add a new Network Printer.
1. Select "Connect to a printer on the Internet..."
2. Enter the URL for the SavaPage printer queue.
3. Choose a PostScript printer driver from the list. Any type/model will do, as long as it generated PostScript
spool files. It makes sense to select just a simple type/model, without fancy options.
4. Assuming you named the printer “SavaPage”, you should now have a printer as shown in Figure 12.8, “Sava-
Page Network Printer on Windows” [209].
5. Print a test page to see if everything works as expected.

12.2. Printing with AirPrint

Devices running macOS 10.7 and higher or iOS 4.2 and higher (like iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch) can use Air-
Print® to print to SavaPage.

AirPrint maps to the reserved Queue /airprint.

SavaPage as Printer

Avahi needs to be installed on your GNU/Linux host. See Section, “Avahi” [5].

To setup SavaPage AirPrint printing follow the steps described in the sections below.

12.2.1. Step 1: Enable IPv4 in Avahi

Since SavaPage uses IPv4 for IP Based Authentication IPv4 should be enabled in the avahi-daemon. This is
normally the case, but you can check by editing the Avahi configuration file:

sudo vi /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf

Make sure the use-ipv4 settings is as follows:


When you made changes to the configuration file, restart the daemon as follows:
sudo service avahi-daemon restart

12.2.2. Step 2: Create AirPrint Queue

Create a SavaPage Queue (see Section 4.7, “Queues” [97] ) with a comprehensible URL path mnemonic like
“airprint”. It is important not to check the Trusted option, since the queue should be untrusted to enforce IP
Based Authentication. This is needed because iOS printing is unauthenticated, i.e. all print jobs have “guest” as
originating user. IP Based Authentication finds the “real” user by matching the IP address of the print request with
the authenticated user in the SavaPage Web App Session on the same IP address.

12.2.3. Step 3: Create Avahi Service File

Copy the /opt/savapage/server/examples/linux/avahi/savapage.service file to your per-
sonal home directory.

savapage.service is an Avahi service file with annotations explaining how to adapt it to your own situation.
Follow the $Customize$ annotation to insert your settings. Probably, you can just accept the defaults.

Copy your tailored service file to Avahi, with this command (assuming the source file resides in your home di-

sudo cp ~/savapage.service /etc/avahi/services

Check if Avahi has published the SavaPage printer as intended by typing this command:

avahi-browse -a -t

Assuming your GNU/Linux host is called savapage and you named your Avahi print service SavaPage, you
should find entries in the output like this :

+ eth1 IPv4 SavaPage @ savapage Internet Printer local

The mDNS published SavaPage internet printer on host savapage for the IPv4 interface.

To check if the SavaPage DNS printer is can be found, use this command on a macOS or GNU/Linux workstation :

ippfind --remote

Assuming your GNU/Linux server host is called savapage in the Avahi service file, you should see this entry
as output:


SavaPage as Printer

Configuring Avahi to use ipps failed so far. Service file settings as below have no effect:


ippfind does not identify the service.

12.3. Printing from iOS

Make sure AirPrint is configured as described in Section 12.2, “Printing with AirPrint” [209]. Follow the steps
below to use AirPrint on iOS.

12.3.1. Step 1: Install iOS Web Clip

For your convenience https://savapage:8632/ios/install is available to add a SavaPage icon to
the iOS Home Screen automatically. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288]. A click on the icon opens the
SavaPage User Web App full-screen and will therefore be part of the multitasking bar.

This convenience comes with a penalty though, since Apple treats full-screen WebApps in a “special” way, i.e.
when they are selected from the multitasking bar and regain focus the Web App is reloaded.

Luckily, since SavaPage utilizes an authentication token, an automatic login is performed. However, the page
needs to be retrieved from the server again, giving some performance penalty.

Only one SavaPage Web Clip can be present on an iOS device. A new install overwrites the previous one.

When using the Payment Gateway Plug-in, the redirect URL as forwarded to and applied by the payment
provider does not show in the same User WebApp as where the payment started, but is shown on a new
tab in the default browser.

If you don't care about the full-screen User Web App, and want optimal performance, you can just add any Sava-
Page Web App to the Home Screen manually by surfing to the URL, then click the Share button and choose Add
to Home Screen . Clicking the home screen icon will not open the Web App full-screen, but as a tabbed instance
in the browser. Also, it will not be reloaded by definition as the browser regains focus.

12.3.2. Step 2: Test

As a start, first login to SavaPage on your iOS device. This is because IP Based Authentication is needed by the
SavaPage printer.

When printing while not logged in a dialog will pop up saying “You do not have permission to use this
printer”, with Cancel and Retry buttons.

In many iOS apps, tapping the action button displays options for sharing, as well as other actions such as printing or
copying. The options vary depending on the app you’re using. Figure 12.9, “iPad App Sharing Options” [212]
shows the sharing options from the Notes App.

SavaPage as Printer

Figure 12.9. iPad App Sharing Options

Tapping the Print icon will bring forward the Printer Options, as shown in Figure 12.10, “SavaPage Printer Options
on iPad” [212].

Figure 12.10. SavaPage Printer Options on iPad

If you are printing for the first time, or the previously selected printer is not available, or if you just want to change
printer, you will need to select the printer first by tapping the Printer button. In this example Figure 12.11, “Select
SavaPage Printer on iPad” [212] shows a list with just a single printer (who needs more :-)

Figure 12.11. Select SavaPage Printer on iPad

Now, after you selected SavaPage as printer and are sure you logged into SavaPage at the same device, tap the
Print button. As a result the printed output should appear in the SavaPage App.

SavaPage as Printer

You can check the Print Queue by double-tapping the Home button to show the recently used apps. Then
tap the Print Center. Note that the Print Center is only available while printing is in progress.

12.4. Printing from Android and Chrome OS

12.4.1. SavaPage Google Cloud Ready Printer
The Google Cloud Print2 (GCP) service provides seamless integration with the Google Android and Chrome OS
ecosystems. Print jobs can be triggered by a share action, and take a detour via the cloud to the remote printer.
GCP offers the same user experience as Printing from iOS.

SavaPage can be configured as Google Cloud Printer. See Section 4.10.6, “Google Cloud Printer” [130].

12.5. Driverless Printing

Driverless Printing is one of the gateways to authenticated printing from devices belonging to unauthenticated
anonymous users, where either native printing support is lacking or where user trust cannot be enforced. This
situation is typical for a BYOD3 context.

Mail Print and Web Print offer casual printing without a hassle, since users are familiar with either file uploading
or email and no printer driver needs to be installed.

Since rendering of the document content is not handled by a know-it-all printer driver, not all document types are
supported. See Appendix G, Printable File Types [293] for a list of supported types.

Mail Print uses (localhost) as the IP address of the requesting user.

12.5.1. Driverless Printed PDF Processing

PDF files received from Driverless Printing are validated, repaired and processed before admitted as SafePages.
These are the processing steps:
1. Uploaded PDF document is read to check validity.

If PDF is invalid, a repair is executed with pdftocairo. If repair fails, the document is rejected.

Although shown correctly as SafePages, PDF files might not have a completely valid PDF format.
When these invalid PDFs are proxy printed, CUPS filtering may deliver Page Description Language
(PDL) that incorrectly describes the PDF content. As a result, printed output will not be as expected.
Text can be omitted, and in some cases we observed only a single blank page was printed. To prevent
this situation, SavaPage tries to repair these files, which is a modest action with minor performance
impact. Disclaimer: repair is a best-effort attempt and is no guarantee for success.
2. If PDF is encrypted, it is decrypted.
3. PDF font syntax is verified. If font errors are encountered, the PDF document is rejected.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the policy of permitting employees to bring personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and
smart phones) to their workplace, and use those devices to access privileged company information and applications. The term is also used to
describe the same practice applied to students using personally owned devices in an educational setting.

SavaPage as Printer

This step must explicitly be enabled.
4. Non-embedded/non-standard PDF fonts are embedded with best-fit fonts available on the host system.

This is because font embedding performed by CUPS/Ghostscript might result in missing text as
described in Step 1.

You can enable/disable each step with the following configuration properties:

Configuration property Description Set to Y (default) or N to enable/disable repair of invalid PDF files. When

N, invalid PDF files are rejected.

print-in.pdf.encrypted.allow Set to Y (default) or N to enable/disable repair of invalid PDF files. When

N, invalid PDF files are rejected.

Important: this property also applies when Section 12.7, “Printing Encrypt-
ed PDF” [215] with a printer driver.

Also see Section, “SafePages” [151].

print-in.pdf.fonts.verify Set to N (default) or Y to disable/enable PDF font syntax validation. When

Y, PDF files are checked with pdffonts system command. When font syntax
errors or warnings are encountered the PDF is rejected.

print-in.pdf.fonts.embed Set to Y (default) or N to enable/disable embedding of non-embedded/non-

standard PDF fonts by executing pdftocairo command.

This is a replacement for the deprecated "" prop-

erty. See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].

Table 12.1. Driverless Printed PDF Processing Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set this property.

12.6. IP Restricted Printing

Beware that printer access may be restricted based on the requesting IP address. See:
• Figure 4.41, “Admin Web App: Queue - Edit” [99]
• Figure 4.87, “Admin Web App: Options - Web Print” [137]
CIDR Notation is used to specify the allowed IP address ranges.

12.6.1. CIDR Notation

Classless Inter-Domain Routing4 (CIDR) is developed in the 1990s as a standard scheme for routing network
traffic across the Internet.

CIDR notation is a syntax for specifying IP addresses and their associated prefix size, the latter being equivalent to
the number of leading 1 bits in the routing prefix mask. The notation starts with an IP address expressed according
to the standards of IPv4 or IPv6. It is followed by a separator character, the slash (/) character, and the prefix size
expressed as a decimal number.

Some examples:


SavaPage as Printer

• represents the given IPv4 address and its associated routing prefix, or
equivalently, its subnet mask This represents the host address range -
• CIDR represents the single IP address

A CIDR calculator can be found here5.

12.6.2. CIDR Set

For SavaPage use only we define a CIDR Set as a concatenation of single CIDR notations separated by any of
the characters space, comma, colon or semicolon.

12.7. Printing Encrypted PDF

When you print an encrypted PDF document from Adobe Reader to a PostScript printer like SavaPage, it creates
a PostScript file that contains a notice telling the recipient that it is not permitted to convert (re-distill) it to PDF
again. The ps2pdf6 program from the Ghostscript suite respects this notice, and throws an error saying “This
PostScript file was created from an encrypted PDF file. Re-distilling encrypted PDF is not permitted”. If, for
example, an encrypted PDF allows printing only, it should not be re-distilled to a plain PDF equivalent, where
all intended protection is removed.

SavaPage respects this policy. Moreover, on behalf of its users SavaPage would like its own encrypted PDF
documents to be respected in the same way.

However, when an encrypted document is allowed to be printed, SavaPage would like to be able to receive it as
printer, so it can be previewed and Proxy Printed. But, for that to happen we need to convert it to SafePages, i.e.
to PDF format. That's where we are facing the ps2pdf barrier.

To solve this issue SavaPage has an optional workaround that ignores the PostScript notice at the point where we
need the ps2pdf program to create the PDF, so SafePages can be displayed and Proxy Printed as intended.

The workaround is activated when Allow Encrypted PDF for Proxy Printing is enabled.

12.8. Printer Availability

When SavaPage is temporarily unavailable, for instance during database backup or user synchronization, all print-
ing requests are rejected.
• Driverless Print and Google Cloud Print services will communicate a message saying “The application is tem-
porarily unavailable, please try again later”.
• IPP Driver Print responds with HTTP status code 503 (service unavailable).
• JetDirect Driver Print requests are silently ignored.
• All rejected requests are logged as real-time activity in the Admin Web App Dashboard.
See Section 4.7, “Queues” [97].

ps2pdf is a work-alike for nearly all the functionality (but not the user interface) of Adobe's Acrobat™ Distiller™ product: it converts
PostScript files to Portable Document Format (PDF) files, and is implemented as a command script that invokes Ghostscript. See: http://

Chapter 13. Authenticated Printing

Authentication in a printing environment is the act of confirming the digital identity of the person who issued a
print job. Knowledge of this identity is crucial for SavaPage to securely offer its services to the right user. The
next sections discuss authenticated printing in:
• Single Sign-On (SSO) Domains
• Peer to Peer Networks
But first, let us introduce the key authentication concepts where our discussion is based upon.

13.1. Key Concepts

This section lists the main authentication concepts headed with a short term. Each term is defined with a concise
description, optionally followed with more details and a list of invariants.

13.1.1. User
An actor with a unique identity.

13.1.2. Person
A User who represents a real human being, as opposed to an abstract human role, software service or hardware
• Only Persons can login to SavaPage.
• Any User can print to a SavaPage Printer. However, SavaPage assigns a print job to a Person.

13.1.3. Abstract User

A User who is not a Person.

13.1.4. Domain User

A User defined in a SSO domain.

13.1.5. Synchronized User

A SavaPage User synchronized from a User Source.
• SavaPage assumes each Synchronized User is a Person, but Administrators can mark a user as Abstract.

13.1.6. Synchronized Person

A Synchronized User that is a Person.

13.1.7. Internal Person

A Person who is internally defined in SavaPage (opposed to a Synchronized Person).

13.1.8. Authenticated User

A User authenticated on a SSO domain by a workstation login.

Authenticated Printing

13.1.9. Authenticated Abstract User

An Abstract User authenticated on a SSO domain by a workstation login.
• Before Authenticated Abstract Users can print to a SavaPage Printer they need to login to the SavaPage Web
App on the same device from which they use the printer.

13.1.10. Authenticated Person

A Synchronized Person authenticated on a SSO domain by a workstation login.
• Authenticated Persons can print to SavaPage without being logged in to the Web App.

13.1.11. Trusted SavaPage Queue

A SavaPage Print Queue whose print jobs are trusted to originate from Authenticated Users.
• Each SavaPage Print Queue is trusted by default. However, administrators can mark SavaPage Print Queues
as untrusted.
• Every job of a Trusted SavaPage Queue is checked for the originating User. When this user is an Abstract User,
SavaPage uses IP Based Authentication to deduce the associated Person. When the Person cannot be deduced
the job is ignored.
• Note that the “trust” qualification is SavaPage internal use only, and not related to network domain trust in
any way.
• SavaPage Print Queues are IPP based and, from a network point of view, are publicly accessible by nature.
• In the Microsoft Active Directory world IPP Printers cannot be encapsulated as native domain resource and
subjected to native domain access control like JetDirect compatible devices. This is why SavaPage does not bet
on native domain trust alone, and accepts public network access as a given fact. But even in this case, SavaPage
Print Queues can still be internally trusted if access is limited to authorized users on a network level. Stated
the other way round: administrators need to prevent that users who connect to the network unauthenticated, e.g.
with their personal laptop, use Trusted SavaPage Queues. SavaPage adds a helping hand here with an option
to restrict print queue usage to a specific range of IP addresses. This makes it possible for instance to deny
trusted queue access for wireless users who get their IP addresses from a distinct DHCP server issuing leases
from a distinct IP range.

When non-domain users are allowed to print to Trusted SavaPage Printers an accidental match with a
Synchronized Person may lead to undesirable results.

13.1.12. Public SavaPage Queue

A SavaPage Print Queue where print jobs are not trusted to originate from Authenticated Users.
• Since each SavaPage Printer is trusted by default, this queue must be explicitly marked as untrusted in the
SavaPage Admin Web App.
• SavaPage handles every job from a Public SavaPage Printer as originating from an Abstract User.

13.1.13. IP Based Authentication

Deduction of the printing Person by matching the IPv4 address of the originating host of the print job with the
authenticated SavaPage Web App Session on the same host.
• This type of authentication is applied for jobs coming from a Public SavaPage Printer, or from a Trusted Sava-
Page Queue where the originating User is Abstract.
• When no authenticated Web App session is found the job is ignored.

Authenticated Printing

13.1.14. Mail Print Authentication

Deduction of the printing Person using the email address of the sender.
• This type of authentication is applied for print jobs coming in from Mail Print.
• When no unique matching Person is found, or when the Person is disabled, authentication fails. Consult Sec-
tion 4.4.4, “Edit User” [83] on how to mark a User as (enabled) Person.

13.1.15. Local User

A User defined on a local device.

13.1.16. Local Abstract User

An Abstract User defined on a local device.

13.1.17. Local Person

A Person defined on a local device.

13.1.18. User Alias

An alternative name for a User.
• A single User can have several aliases.
• An alias is applied at the following levels:
• User login to the User and Admin Web App via the Login dialog, or the XML Web Services API.
• Print jobs arriving in the SavaPage queues under the alias name.
For more information see Section 13.4, “User Name Aliases” [222].

13.2. Single Sign-On Domains

In a Single Sign-On (SSO) network user authentication is achieved in a login dialog where the User supplies his
credentials, usually by entering his user name and password1. SSO networks establish a web-of-trust between
users and domain services. System administrators like SSO domains, because they provide a single interface to
control access of Domain Users to servers and services.

Making SavaPage part of an SSO domain is the most sophisticated setup possible. In this way access to the Sava-
Page queues can be controlled on a domain defined user and group level, and by doing so we can create authen-
ticated queues.

Authenticated SavaPage IPP Print Queues can exclusively be achieved in a macOS or GNU/Linux SSO domain
using LDAP or NIS (Network Information Service) as authentication services2.

In Windows Domains authenticated SavaPage Print Queues can solely be enforced by installing local printers
connected to SavaPage by the JetDirect/RAW protocol. These RAW IP printers are typically installed on a Win-
dows Print Server. To exclusively grant access to the SavaPage printer by the print server, enter the server IPv4
address (as CIDR) as the allowed client IP address in the Default / Queue definition. See Figure 4.41, “Admin
Web App: Queue - Edit” [99].
Of course methods like a smartcard and biometric (fingerprint) authentication should be mentioned as alternative.
NIS (Network Information Service) protocol, also known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP) allows the information contained in the files /etc/
passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadow to be hosted on a central server. Administrators can enter, edit and delete the information on
the NIS server so that it is automatically available on all Unix nodes. Authentication services are usually delegated to a Kerberos server, which
thanks to tickets and authenticators eliminates the need to move passwords over an open and insecure network. NIS operates on "flat" domains
and is therefore unsuitable for large organizations which due to their nature may be organized hierarchically. In such cases, the use of the
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is the way to go.

Authenticated Printing

Figure 13.1. SavaPage in a Single Sign-On Domain

Trust is indeed essential to match the print job with the user's SafePages as previewed in his authenticated browser
session. But, as we shall see in the next section, even in trust relations there are some loopholes to consider, and
in networks where access is not fully guarded by SSO, unauthenticated users also need our special attention.

13.2.1. Authentication Loopholes

Although fully closed SSO domains provide unambiguous trust, there are common authentication loopholes that
needs to be addressed. These loopholes are generic in nature and not related to SavaPage.
1. A loophole is introduced when multiple users use the same account (user name) to authenticate to the network.
Because the login is based on the person's role we can not retrieve the unique user identity. If for example, both
John and Mary logged in with the generic student account, there is no way to find out if a SavaPage print
job from this session was issued by John or Mary. By default the print jobs of John or Mary will end up in the
SafePages of the one and only unknown student. In situations where printing content is private this might
pose a problem. In SavaPage this loophole can be solved by marking the generic user account as abstract. See
Section 13.1.13, “IP Based Authentication” [217].
2. A similar loophole is introduced when different users (sequentially) use the same machine, which was started
in auto-login mode. Because the login is based on the machine identity we can not retrieve the unique user
identity. In SavaPage this loophole is solved by the marking the auto-login user account as abstract . See
Section 13.1.13, “IP Based Authentication” [217].

Authenticated Printing

Figure 13.2. IP Based Authentication for Abstract User

13.2.2. Unauthenticated Users

In networks where access is not fully guarded by SSO, SavaPage queues introduce a security issue when they
are used by unauthenticated non-domain users. For example, consider a guest user who connects his personal
laptop to the network, and installs and prints to a SavaPage printer. In SavaPage this loophole can be solved
by marking the queue as untrusted, i.e. by creating a Public SavaPage Queue. See Section 13.1.13, “IP Based
Authentication” [217]. In addition the Internal Users feature can be used to offer out of domain Web App
authentication for guest users.

Authenticated Printing

Figure 13.3. IP Based Authentication for Unauthenticated User

13.3. Peer to Peer Networks

A peer-to-peer or workgroup environment differs fundamentally from the network domain model. In the domain
model, users authenticate with a unique (password protected) user name, as defined in a central server, while in
a workgroup user identity is validated against a Local User rather than a central authority. The workstations are
either set up to automatically login as a general "user", or user accounts are created locally as required.

Trust can be enforced by creating a Public SavaPage Queue. See Section 13.1.13, “IP Based Authentica-
tion” [217], and using the Internal Users feature for Web App authentication.

Authenticated Printing

Figure 13.4. IP Based Authentication in Peer-to-Peer Network

13.4. User Name Aliases

A User Alias is a way of mapping a user name in one format to a name in another. It is useful in the following
• Providing extra convenience for users to log into the system with a user name formatted in a different way. So
Georg Friedrich Händel can have a User Alias of “georg_handel”, “gf_handel”, and “gfhandel”.
• Used as a temporary tool to manage domain or user name format changes. For example, you may have changed
names from j.brown to john.brown. An alias can help forgetful users to log in with their old name.
Name aliases are applied at the following levels:
• User Login to the User and Admin Web App.
• Print jobs arriving under the alias name.
The aliases information is kept in the file,


and can be created based on the provided template file,


You can create your own custom alias file as follows:

• Go to the directory /opt/savapage/server/data/conf/
• Open your favorite text editor with the file username-aliases.txt.tmpl
• For example, add the following lines to the end:

j.brown : john.brown
jbrown : john.brown

• Save file as username-aliases.txt

The format of the alias file is:

Authenticated Printing

aliasname1: username1
aliasnameA: username2
aliasnameB: username2

where aliasname is mapped to username in the system database. A user may have multiple aliases. In this
example, username2 is known both as aliasnameA and aliasnameB. The separator between aliasname
and username can be “:”, “=“ or tab.

If an offered user name does not match an alias in the alias file, it is assumed it represents the user's real
name. If this user is new to the system he might be created automatically in SavaPage, according to the
user creation policy defined in the Options → User Creation → On demand user creation section of the
Admin Web App. So please take care that your alias list is valid and up-to-date.

Chapter 14. Printing Impact

One of the goals of SavaPage is to reduce hard-copy printing by facilitating the use of soft PDF copies instead.
Above that, if printing is needed after all, SavaPage offers easy n-up, gray-scale and duplex proxy-printing to
reduce printing even more. Giving feedback to users about the costs and environmental impact of their printing
habits is used to arouse awareness and achieve behavioral change.

14.1. Financial Impact

In any organization the costs of unrestricted access to office printers can be substantial. With SavaPage Financial
feedback about the costs from different perspectives (User, ProxyPrinter, Period) is within reach. Future releases
will indeed process log data, and present financial statistics from all possible angles.

14.2. Environmental Impact

Environmental issues like global warming, waste management, paper production and consumption are an area of
debate and interest to many. Highlighting the environmental impact of printing is one of the ways to influence
user behavior.

SavaPage uses the number of printed Sheet Units to calculate three impact metrics: trees and energy consumption,
and carbon production.

The default values SavaPage uses for environmental metrics can be the subject of debate. Of course you
are free to set the metric to any value that works for you. Please inform us about facts and findings you
feel confident about.

14.2.1. Printed Sheet Units

A Sheet Unit (SU) is the size equivalent of an A4 sheet. So,

A4 == 1.00 SU
A3 == 2.00 SU
A2 == 4.00 SU
A1 == 8.00 SU

and ...

A5 == 0.50 SU
A6 == 0.25 SU
A7 == 0.12 SU
A8 == 0.06 SU

Note that SU precision is 2 decimals. As environmental impact is concerned, A4 and US Letter sheets are handled
as equivalent, so ...

US Letter == 1.00 SU

SavaPage uses the media size chosen by the user to calculate the printed Sheet Units of a Proxy Printer print job.
Some print examples:
• 6 pages double-sided on A4 : 3 SU

Printing Impact

• 6 pages double-sided on A3 : 6 SU
• 6 pages 2-up on A4 : 3 SU
• 6 pages 2-up double-sided on A4 : 2 SU

SavaPage is not able to anticipate printer intelligence, for instance, when a printer uses different trays
(with different media sizes) for different page sizes within the job document.

14.2.2. Trees
This metric is the percentage of a tree used to produce the paper of the printed Sheet Units. The metric is adopted
from Conservatree.org1 and is as follows:
• A prototypical tree is 40 feet tall and 6-8 inches in diameter.
• One tree makes 16.67 reams of copy paper or 8,333.3 SU.

The metric 83333 is set as default for the configuration key: environment.sheets-per-tree

14.2.3. Energy
This metric is the energy used to produce the paper of the printed Sheet Units. The metric is adopted from Pap-
eronline.org2 and is as follows:
• Around 500 kWh of energy are required in Europe to make 200 kg of paper.
• So one A4 or Letter sheet of office paper costs 12.5Wh to manufacture 3.

The metric 12.5 is set as default for the configuration key: environment.watt-hours-per-sheet

14.2.4. Carbon
This metric is the amount of CO2 released for producing the paper of the printed Sheet Units. The metric is adopted
from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich4 and is as follows:
• One A4 or Letter sheet costs 5.1g of CO2 to production.

The metric 5.1 is set as default for the configuration key: environment.co2-grams-per-sheet

This metric takes into account the CO2 produced as a byproduct of paper production only. It does not take
into account the CO2 related to the production and operation of the printer and the ink or toner cartridges.
Defining broader system boundaries and tracking down all parameters involved requires a major effort,
and is beyond the scope of this manual. Of course you are free to set the parameter value for this metric
to any value that works for you.

A sheet of 5g requires (5/200.000) * 500 = 0.0125 kWh = 12.5 Wh.

Chapter 15. Security

This chapter discusses how SavaPage secures sensitive user and application data, and how it communicates with
external Information Providers.

15.1. User Authentication

This section discusses how user credentials are protected.

15.1.1. Login Passwords

This section is about the passwords and PIN codes entered in the Web App Login Dialog.

Users can use the HTTPS protocol for connecting to the Web App, so data is encrypted to and from the
server. User Domain Passwords

SavaPage does not store or cache user domain login passwords. These passwords are always checked real-time
at the source. Internal User Passwords

Passwords of Internal Users are stored as SHA1 hash in the database. Internal Admin Password

The SHA1 hashed password of the internal administrator admin is stored in a text file located at /opt/sava-
page/server/ Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

SavaPage installs with admin as initial password for user admin.

If you forgot the internal admin password, you can reset it by editing the admin.password property
in the /opt/savapage/server/ text file. Ignore the existing HASH value.
SavaPage will hash your password upon first use.

15.1.2. PIN Codes

User PIN codes are stored in the database as encrypted secret.

15.1.3. Authentication Tokens

When Authentication Persistence is enabled for Browser Local Storage, authentication tokens are stored in the
“Local Storage” of the browser. See Section 4.10.3, “User Authentication” [124].


Separate authentication tokens are held for the User, Admin, POS and Job Tickets Web App context and the same
token is used for different sessions (on different devices) of a single user. A explicit logout in the Web App destroys
the token. Authentication tokens are managed in memory on the SavaPage server. So, when the server restarts all
local tokens are implicitly invalidated.

15.1.4. One-time Authentication Tokens

A Trusted Third Party (TTP) can acquire a one-time token for Web App user authentication by calling an XML-
RPC method. The expiration time of the token should be as short as possible to minimize the risk that an acciden-
tally exposed token can be misused. See Section C.2.1.1, “onetime-auth.createToken” [276] for details.

15.1.5. User Dialog

When authentication fails a neutral "Authentication failed" message is communicated to the user to prevent “Ac-
count Enumeration” and “Guessable User Account”.

15.2. Access over Internet

Take extra care when SavaPage is accessible over public Internet, as a result of enabled Internet Print or explicit
WAN to LAN routing, since authentication falls back to global defaults for User Authentication. At least make
sure that access to the Admin Web App is solidly secured.

Internet access to each Web App can be restricted with configuration properties in the table below:

Configuration property Description

webapp.internet.enable Set to Y (default) or N to enable/disable Internet access for all

Web Apps.

webapp.internet.*.enable Set to Y (default) or N to enable/disable Internet access for a

specific Web App.
* = admin | jobtickets | pos | printsite | user

webapp.internet.*.auth-mode.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable webapp.inter-

net.*.auth-modes for a specific Web App.
* = admin | jobtickets | pos | printsite | user
Note: if webapp.internet.admin.auth-mode.enable = Y, then
user admin is not allowed to login to Admin WebApp via In-

webapp.internet.*.auth-modes A comma-separated list of authentication methods (name, id,

nfc-local, yubikey, oauth) for a specific Web App.
* = admin | jobtickets | pos | printsite | user The first in the list is the default method.

Table 15.1. Web App Internet Access Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

Exceptions to these generic restrictions can be configured by creating a Terminal Device for each trusted
client IP address and configure Custom User Login methods.

15.3. Web Sessions

15.3.1. Web Session Timeout
Web Sessions guard persistent authorized access to SavaPage. By default, all sessions expire after a certain period
of inactivity. Each interaction with the Web App that results in a call to the SavaPage Web Server resets the inac-
tivity timer. Explicitly logging out of any SavaPage Web App will immediately end the session. However, closing


the browser window or tab won't: the session will be marked for removal after expiration. The actual removal of
expired sessions is performed by a cyclic scavenge process. The cycle interval can be set in the

The default timeout periods for different login types are shown in the table below:

Login type Default value

Admin Web App 1440 minutes (24 hours)

User Web App 60 minutes (1 hour)

Table 15.2. Default Web Session Timeout Values

The timeout value (in minutes) can be changed using the configuration properties below. A value of 0 indicates
that the session will never time out: the downside is that these sessions are not scavenged ever. A positive value
will make sure that sessions are scavenged at some point in time.

Configuration property Description

web-login.admin.session-timeout-mins Inactivity timeout for the Admin Web App

web-login.user.session-timeout-mins Inactivity timeout for the User Web App

Table 15.3. Web Session Timeout Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] for information about changing configuration properties.

Changed inactivity timeout values take effect for new sessions.

When a session has expired in an open Web App, users are given a warning message, and must login again. When
Authentication Tokens are used, users will see the message, but will be able to continue without the need to login.

Note that some pages periodically refresh the page (or data on the page), such as the Dashboard. A session will
not time out if a browser is left on these pages, as it will be considered active.

15.3.2. Web Session Cookies

Session tracking cookies like JSESSIONID and BAYEUX_BROWSER are marked as HttpOnly. An HttpOnly
cookie cannot be accessed by client-side APIs, such as JavaScript, and may therefore help mitigate certain kinds
of cross-site scripting attacks.

15.4. SSL Passwords

During the install process, SavaPage generates a self-signed key and certificate issued for the host's machine
name. This key is used by default when the system is accessed via HTTPS on port 8632. The password of
the default-ssl-keystore is generated in /opt/savapage/server/data/default-ssl-key- Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

The passwords for the installed keystore created from an imported Existing SSL Certificate are set in the /opt/
savapage/server/ file. Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

15.5. Secured JMX Connection

During the install process, SavaPage generates a dedicated self-signed key and certificate for securing JMX con-
nections with SSL. The generated Java keystore is: /opt/savapage/server/jmxremote.ks with pass-
word savapage. Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

The JMX password for the admin user is held in /opt/savapage/server/jmxremote.password. Java
needs the password to be provided in plain text, so access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.


The initial password is a random string generated by the installation process. It needs to be changed in the Admin
Web App as described in Section, “JMX Agent” [147].

The default SavaPage JMX port is 8639. This can be changed by editing the file:


You need to restart SavaPage for this change to take effect.

15.6. Encrypted Secrets

Data in the database will not contain any explicit secret data. All secret data is stored encrypted with encryption
keys held in file /opt/savapage/server/data/ This file is generated by
SavaPage at initial installation and contains randomized encryption keys unique for this particular installation
instance. Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

Make a backup of immediately after installation and store it at a secure
place, so you can restore it in case of a server crash or when you need to migrate to a new server.

The file is crucial for decrypting secret data in the database and verifying
the authenticity of document signatures. So, when you restore a database backup on a different server,
be sure to also restore this file.

The following secret data is stored encrypted in the database:

• Passwords.
• PIN codes.
• Authentication tokens.
• API keys.

15.7. Document Signature

SavaPage generates a digital signature for every document printed-out or downloaded. Digital signatures are gen-
erated using a cryptographic technique called Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)1. The algorithm
takes various output job attributes such as job time, user name, document name and UUID, and combines them
with a secret key. The result is then passed through the MD5 digest algorithm. The resulting signature is unique
to the document instance 2. The applied secret key ensures the authenticity of the signature.

The algorithm used is:

• Digest = Hash(date time || user name || document name || document UUID)
• Signature = Hash(Digest || Key)
• Key is a random string generated by SavaPage at initial installation. It is stored as hmac.key property in the
/opt/savapage/server/data/ file, which is also used for Encrypted

The SHA1 digest algorithm is a stronger alternative, but MD5 is secure enough for our application and generates shorter signatures, which
are easier to enter as argument to find the matching document.


• Hash is the MD5 function.

• date time is formatted in ISO 8601 basic format from year to second (yyyyMMddTHHmmss). The time
is local time (not UTC). E.g. 20120906T151231.

The signature is stored in the database for future use.

15.8. User Client

The User Client is a notifier of personal user events: see Chapter 9, User Client [192]. The following security
measures apply:
• An SSL connection is used to communicate with the server.
• The server only accepts SSL connections.
• An API key is used as client identification.
• Access can be restricted by client IP addresses.

15.9. Server Commands

The Server Command tool provides a command-line interface to SavaPage Server methods. The following security
measures apply:
• Only users with read access to the /opt/savapage/server/ file have the right
to execute the command.
• An SSL connection is used to communicate with the server.
• An API key is used as client identification.
• SavaPage server accepts SSL connections from local host only. When remote access to SavaPage is proxied,
e.g. by Apache redirect, the remote address will be in all cases. Therefore, requests from local loop-
back address are not accepted. The request origin must be a "real" IP address identical to the one of
the SavaPage server.
• At the client, SSL host name verification is turned off. This allows a mismatch between the server host name
and the SSL certificate CN.

15.10. Web Services

Public XML-RPC and JSON-RPC services are protected by secure endpoints with API keys.

15.11. Log Files

Log files are located in /opt/savapage/server/logs. This directory can be accessed by user savapage
only. Although log files may contain sensitive user and application data, they never contain secrets like passwords
and access codes.

Log file rotation is fully customizable in /opt/savapage/server/lib/ See the

sibling file for more information. A server restart is required for changes
to take effect.

15.12. Network Card Reader

A setup where a public and unattended IP device communicates with a central server is inherently prone to security
breaches. Our Network Card Reader device is no exception to this rule.

Although SavaPage validates the reader's IP address, the reader could be replaced and mimicked. Also, since
communication is non-SSL, the Card Number (UID) of swiped NFC Cards could be hijacked. However, since
the only content transmitted is the Card Number, misuse will be limited to a Card Number being offered from


an unexpected origin at an unexpected time. Since offered Card Numbers are always processed in well defined
transient contexts with short time limits, the risk of unnoticed abuse can be considered minimal.

A security breach of a fundamentally different nature is the rare scenario where it is possible to manipulate the
UID of an NFC Card. A hacker could then use the hijacked card number to make a duplicate authentication token.

As an extra security measure two-step authentication can be implemented by requiring an additional PIN
(over an SSL connection) after the initial NFC Card authentication. See Section 4.10.3, “User Authenti-
cation” [124] and Section 4.9.4, “Custom User Login” [117]

15.13. Internal Services

SSL transport is used for Internal Services, like publishing notifications for Real-time Activity.

15.14. External Services

Communication with external services can optionally be secured with SSL/TLS. See Section,
“LDAP” [119], Section 4.10.4, “Mail” [128] and Section 4.10.7, “Mail Print” [134]

15.14.1. Google Cloud Print Service

The Google Cloud Print connectivity parameters are stored in the file /opt/savapage/server/gcp.prop-
erties, so it can easily be moved to another SavaPage implementation. Access to the file is restricted to the
savapage user.

Make a backup of immediately and store it at a secure place, so you can restore it
in case of a server crash or when you need to migrate to a new server.

An example file (with fictitious data) is shown below.

# SavaPage Google Cloud Ready Printer
# Keep the content of this file at a secure place.
#Tue Jan 07 11:34:58 CET 2014

• Values for the gcp.proxy and gcp.printer.uuid properties are generated by SavaPage upon first use.
• The and oauth.client.secret properties are entered by the user in the OAuth
• The gcp.refresh-token is retrieved by SavaPage after printer registration, and is needed to access to the
Google Cloud Printer.
• The is updated by SavaPage after first access of the printer.

15.15. Vouchers
The Voucher System is designed for optimal security. Vouchers are assigned a random 16-digit number which
makes a guess statistically near impossible. Above that, all unsuccessful (potentially fraudulent) voucher redemp-
tion attempts are detected and logged.


Like all security systems, the human factor is the most critical. Remember that vouchers represent cash, so take
special care to protect the vouchers from unauthorized use.
• Delete the generated PDF voucher document after the vouchers are printed. You can always regenerate the PDF
document when needed.
• Keep printed vouchers in a secure location.
• Put vouchers in envelopes to prevent exposure of voucher numbers.
• Check the Application Log regularly for unsuccessful (potentially fraudulent) voucher redemption attempts.
• Use the Voucher List to monitor successful voucher redemption.
• Delete or Expire a voucher batch immediately when vouchers are reported lost or stolen. See Section 4.14.1,
“Voucher Actions” [169].

Voucher numbers are not encrypted in the database, so be careful to store database backup files at a save

Chapter 16. Privacy
This chapter explains how digital freedom and privacy is secured in the SavaPage domain. The privacy domain
partially overlaps security (confidentiality), which include the protection of information. See Chapter 15, Securi-
ty [226].

16.1. Open Source

SavaPage is Open Source Software, and complies to Free Software as defined by the Free Software Foundation1.
The use of the AGPL Software License testifies of this compliance. Being free open source software, everyone
has the freedom to study how SavaPage works and monitor how digital privacy is enforced.

16.2. General Data Protection Regulation

Digital Privacy is a fundamental right in the primary law of the European Union, and the General Data Protection
Regulation2 (GDPR) is one of the main legal instruments. GDPR uses the following terminology (in short):
• Data Subject : a natural person, as in Section 13.1.2, “Person” [216].
• Personal Data : information related to a Data Subject. See Section 4.4.4, “Edit User” [83] and Section 3.8,
“Log” [60].
• Data Controller : an entity that controls the Personal Data, and determines the purpose and means of processing.
Members and Visitors of the SavaPage Community are Data Controllers.
• Data Processor : an organization that processes the Personal data on behalf of the Data Controller (e.g. in an
outsourcing situation).

16.2.1. Data Portability

Data Portability is the Data Subject’s right to obtain information related to the processing of his Personal Data
from the Data Controller. This allows the Data Subject to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one
IT environment to another.

SavaPage Data Portability is implemented as a download of personal data as CSV files in a ZIP container from
the User List in the Admin Web App or optionally from a GDPR Dialog in the User Web App.

16.2.2. Data Erasure

Data Erasure is the Data Subject’s “right to be forgotten”. This right enables a person to request the removal of
personal data when there is no compelling reason for its continued processing. The request can optionally be send
from the GDPR Dialog in the User Web App.

Data Erasure is performed with a Server Command. See Section C.1.8, “eraseUser” [268] and Section 4.4.3,
“Erased Users” [83].

16.3. Secure Print Release

SavaPage supports several scenario's where documents are not printed directly, but only after the user walks up to
the printer and authenticates himself. This enables the rightful owner to directly retrieve printed copies of private
or confidential documents. See Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112].

16.4. CUPS Privacy

CUPS makes “job-name” “job-originating-host-name” and “job-originating-user-name” private by default. This
means that personal data are anonymized in the CUPS Web interface. See Section 2.3.4, “CUPS Job Privacy” [13].

Chapter 17. Internationalization

Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can potentially be adapted to
various languages and regions without engineering changes.

Localization is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language by adding
locale-specific components and translating text.

SavaPage is internationalized software and can easily be localized to different languages, countries or regions.

17.1. Localization
The following localization rules apply:

• The Web App user interface localizes according to either the locale saved in the browser's local storage during
a previous visit1, or to the country/region code of the browser, or finally to the language chosen at Login.
• Reports generated from the Web App localize according to the language of the Web App, except for Vouchers
and Receipts at the Point-of-Sale and User Web App, which use the System Locale.
• The System Locale is applied to all system messages as broadcasted to the Admin Web App Dashboard, written
to the Application Log, or send by email.
• Text in log and audit files is fixed to the English language. So, when in need for support, these files can easily
be understood by SavaPage Support.
• Dates and numbers are formatted according to the localization context.
• The currency symbol of the localization context is used.
• When localized text is not found the fall-back language will be English. So, in case SavaPage is partially trans-
lated for a selected locale, the user experience will be fragmented, as part of the text will fall back to English.

SavaPage handles all localized text and user entered data as Unicode. The Web Browser, and therefore the Web
App, natively displays Unicode correctly. However, the correct display of Unicode in PDF reports, needs special
attention. Therefore, Internal Fonts are available to customize PDF generation.

17.1.1. Notes for Translators

Currently SavaPage is fully localized to English, German and Dutch. If you want to localize the software to
another region, the easiest way to get started is by using the Custom i18n feature with the *.xml files from the
savapage-i18n-en2 repository as a reference. In this way your translation is directly visible in the application.

Please tell us about your localization effort by sending an email3, so we can give you all the support

17.2. Internal Fonts

The Unicode range of the displayed text in PDF documents must be covered by the embedded font.
After login, the locale of the WebApp is saved in the browser's local storage, together with the Authentication Tokens.


Unfortunately, at present there is no native outline font that can display all Unicode characters. The one exception
is GNU Unifont, which does support the full 65,536 Unicode code point range. However, the glyphs originate
from a bitmap of 16 pixels high and either 8 or 16 pixels wide, which gives the font a coarser look.

SavaPage contains internal fonts covering specific Unicode Scripts4. These fonts can be selected to cus-
tomize PDF output to the content locale.

17.2.1. Default Font

The default font for PDF output is DejaVu Sans5, which supports a broad set of Unicode scripts:
• Latin (including European and African alphabets, IPA, ...)
• Greek (including polytonic)
• Cyrillic
• Armenian
• Georgian
• Hebrew
• Arabic
• N'ko
• Lao
• Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
• Ogham
• Tifinagh
• Lisu
Next to that, DejaVu also contains a lot of mathematical and other symbols, arrows, braille patterns, etc.

Coverage of the default font can be seen in DejaVuSans.pdf6.

17.2.2. CJK Font

Support for Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) is provided by the Droid Sans "fallback" font7.
This font contains over 43,000 glyphs and includes support for Simplified Chinese (GB2312), Traditional Chinese
(Big 5), Japanese (JIS 0208) and Korean (KSC 5601). The font uses the Simplified Chinese ideographs for shared
Unicode code points.

Coverage of the CJK font can be seen in DroidSansFallbackFull.pdf8.

17.2.3. Unifont
GNU Unifont9 is a Unicode font with a glyph for every visible Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane code point. The
Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane covers the first 65,536 (or 2^16) Unicode code points. GNU Unifont originates
from a bitmap font with glyphs of 16 pixels high and either 8 or 16 pixels wide. Therefore it has a coarser look
than native outline fonts.


Chapter 18. Customization

SavaPage can be customized to fit your corporate identity. Customization makes SavaPage an integral part of your
organization rather than an external tool.

Customization is an advanced topic. If you need help, please contact your SavaPage Community Repre-

18.1. Custom Web App

Web App customization is controlled in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/ file.
An annotated file is installed for your convenience.

Each key value in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/ file can be over-
ruled at runtime by specifying the key value in the Configuration Editor. When the configuration key
value is left empty customization falls back to the value in the properties file.

18.1.1. Web App Look-and-feel

The look-and-feel of Web Apps can be customized by theming and CSS tailoring. Web App Theming

SavaPage uses jQuery Mobile1 as user interface system to create responsive Web Apps that are accessible on all
smartphone, tablet and desktop devices. jQuery Mobile supports theming. Themes can be built online with the
ThemeRoller for Mobile2 tools and deployed in SavaPage by downloading the zipped theme file and extracting
the content of the /themes/ folder into the /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/themes directory.

The file contains entries to specify a separate CSS theme for each Web App, as shown in
the example below:


CSS theme file name for the Admin Web App.

CSS theme file name for the Job Tickets Web App.
CSS theme file name for the POS Web App.
CSS theme file name for the User Web App.

SavaPage uses swatch3 “a” for all pages and dialogs. Swatch “b” is used for page and dialog headers, and in some
cases for list dividers.

A swatch is one of several colour schemes that can be provided by a jQuery Mobile theme. Single-letter designations are used for swatches.
The default theme provides two swatches. The "a" swatch is a neutral, gray swatch, and the "b" swatch has a darker color scheme designed to
contrast with the "a" swatch. Swatch "b" is used to draw special attention to certain elements in a user interface styled with "a".


You can store a theme in a subdirectory of /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/themes and use its

relative path to reference a CSS theme file. Custom CSS

Advanced tailoring can be done with custom CSS files. They are rendered as last, so they have the final say about

The file contains entries to specify a custom CSS file for each Web App, as illustrated in
the example below:


Custom CSS file for the Admin Web App.

Custom CSS file for the Job Tickets Web App.
Custom CSS file for the POS Web App.
Custom CSS file for the User Web App.

Custom CSS files are stored in /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/. Subdirectories are allowed, and
you can use their relative path to reference the custom CSS file.

Any content placed in /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/, such as images, can be accessed in CSS

via a URL beginning with /custom/web/. For example if a file named logo.png is placed in /opt/sava-
page/server/custom/web/images it can be accessed via the URL /custom/web/images/lo-

Figure 18.1. User Web App: Custom CSS - Sample #1


Figure 18.2. User Web App: Custom CSS - Sample #2 Custom HTML

Extra tailoring can be done with HTML snippet files to be injected into the Web App. Injection points are defined
at the top of the Login and About Page for each Web App. Snippet files must be placed in the /opt/sava-
page/server/custom/html/ directory. The default snippet is for the English locale. You can create i18n
variants by appending the locale to the base file name. For example: user-login_de.html is the German
variant of user-login.html.

Snippet files are assigned in the file, as shown below. Snippets must refer to the default
English language variant. At runtime the locale variant (when applicable and available) is used.





snippet for Admin About Dialog.

snippet for Admin Login Page.
snippet for Job Tickets About Page.
snippet for Job Tickets Login Page.
snippet for POS About Dialog.
snippet for POS Login Page.
snippet for User About Dialog.
snippet for User Login Page.

You can store custom HTML files in a subdirectory of /opt/savapage/server/custom/html/ and use
its relative path to reference the HTML file.


Please use this template when creating snippets for Login pages. The CSS classes are needed to toggle
visibility of sub-parts in different Login modes.

<h3 class="sp-login-dialog">Header when in Login Mode</h3>

<h3 class="sp-login-dialog-assoc">Header when in Card Self Association Mode</h3>
<div class="sp-login-dialog">
<!-- Your custom HTML when in Login Mode -->
</div> Custom i18n

In rare cases an application manager might want to override i18n text of Web App pages, dictionaries or messages.

Overrides of packaged i18n *.xml files are placed in /opt/savapage/server/custom/i18n/. Each

override must be located in a subdirectory with a path identical to the original *.xml file. The content of the
override file can be restricted to just the overridden keys.

Overrides of packaged *.properties.xml files (Web App HTML parts) must have a *.xml name without
the ".properties." part. For all other *.xml files the name can remain the same.



Custom i18n must be activated in with:


Custom i18n is an advanced feature and should be implemented in consultation with SavaPage Tech

Added or changed custom i18n files have immediately effect when the i18n cache is cleared in the Admin
Web App About : Java section, or when SavaPage is restarted.

Custom i18n is a great way to get started with localizing SavaPage to your own region. See Section 17.1.1,
“Notes for Translators” [234]. Custom i18n for IPP

IPP attribute localization can be overridden with special i18n XML files. See Section L.3, “IPP Localiza-
tion” [321].

18.2. Email Templates

Email templates are a powerful instrument to customize layout and content of email messages. Templates are
defined as XML files, and are located in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/template/ directory by
default (alternative locations can be configured).


Default templates are present in the SavaPage i18n jars. Therefore, after a first-time installation the custom tem-
plate/ directory will be empty. However, when SavaPage finds a suitable i18n XML file in the custom direc-
tory, that belongs to an Email Message Type, it will use that template.

You can create i18n variants of template XML files by appending the locale to the base file name. For example:
template_de.html is the German variant of template.xml.

18.2.1. Email Template Syntax

The base syntax of an Email Template is described by example in the following XML file:

<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">

<!-- $obj.attr$ placeholders are replaced at runtime -->

<!-- TEXT -->

<entry key="text"><![CDATA[Text with $obj.attr$ placeholders.]]></entry>

<!-- HTML -->

<entry key="html"><![CDATA[<b>HTML</b><p>
with $obj.attr$ and other placeholders</p>]]>


DTD4 of XML persisted java.util.Properties file.

Placeholder object attributes are identified by a $ character at the beginning and the end. Valid objects are
defined for each Email Message Type. The global Application Object is valid for all types.
Content for plain text message body.
Content for html message body. Embedded Images

HTML content may contain Embedded (Inline) Images.

Images are first defined in separated template entries with keys that have “cid_” prefix. Those keys can then
be used as placeholders for cid scheme values. SavaPage email processor will embed the image file and replace
cid placeholders with a unique Content-ID for the Embedded (Inline) Image.

Custom image files are referred to by their relative path from the custom template/ directory. Internal stock
images can simply be referred to by their upper-case identifier, as shown in the table below.

Object.attribute Value

SAVAPAGE_ICON SavaPage Icon: 32 x 32 pixels, 705 bytes.

SAVAPAGE_LOGO SavaPage Logo with "SavaPage" text at the bottom: 148 x 174 pix-
els, 5.6 kB.

Table 18.1. Stock Image Identifiers

The XML snippet below shows how it works:

<entry key="cid_1">SAVAPAGE_ICON</entry>
<entry key="cid_2">images/mysite-logo.png</entry>

<entry key="html"><![CDATA[
<img src="cid:$cid_1$" alt="$$">



<a href="">
<img alt="" src="cid:$cid_2$"/>


cid_1 holds a stock image.

cid_2 holds the relative path to a custom image file.
Note that the URL of the image has scheme cid. SavaPage email processor will embed the image and replace
$cid_1$ with a unique Content-ID for the Embedded (Inline) Image with key cid_1.
The cid_2 image is handled just as its cid_1 sibling.

18.2.2. Email Stationary Template

An Email Stationary Template is used by an Email Message Template as container to embed its content in. A
stationary is typically used by many Email Messages Types, and thus gives a common look-and-feel to various
email output.

A Stationary Template contains the following placeholder objects:

• Stationary.
• Application.

And this is how it looks like:

<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">


<!-- TEXT -->

<entry key="text"><![CDATA[Plain text with $stationary.header$
$stationary.content$ and additional app placeholders]]></entry>

<!-- HTML -->

<entry key="html"><![CDATA[HTML with <b>$stationary.header$</b>
<p>$stationary.content$ and additional cid_ and app placeholders</p>]]>


$stationary.header$ is replaced by the header entry of the embedded template.

$stationary.content$ is replaced by the text entry of the embedded template.
$stationary.content$ is replaced by the html entry of the embedded template.

SavaPage uses its own stationary types. These types can be overwritten. See Section 18.2.5, “Email Sta-
tionary Types” [243].

18.2.3. Email Message Template

Email Message Templates are used by Email Message Types.

Template and Type are tied by name.

For example: the JobTicketCompleted message type will look for the nearest i18n version of a JobTicketCom-
pleted.xml template file. In this way, JobTicketCompleted_de.xml will be the perfect match when a
German email message is requested.

Email Message Template adds the entry key “subject” to the syntax. Optionally, entry keys “stationary”
and “header” can be used to link to an Email Stationary Template.


The syntax is described by example in the following XML file:

<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">

<!-- Email subject -->

<entry key="subject">Text with $obj.attr$ placeholders</entry>

<!-- Optional stationary -->

<entry key="stationary">EmailStationary</entry>
<entry key="header">Stationary header with placeholders</entry>

<!-- TEXT -->

<entry key="text"><![CDATA[Plain text with placeholders.]]></entry>

<!-- HTML -->

<entry key="html"><![CDATA[<p>HTML with placeholders.</p>]]></entry>


The subject text of the email.

The stationary value (just the template file basename, without the .xml suffix) refers to EmailSta-
tionary.xml, including i18n EmailStationary_*.xml variants. When a stationary is linked this
way, the header value is injected into the stationary.header placeholder of the target stationary,
and the text and html values are injected into the stationary.content placeholder of their coun-
terpart stationary entry.

18.2.4. Email Placeholders Objects

Placeholder Objects are used in Email Stationary, and in Email Message Templates tied to Email Messages Types. Stationary
Object uniquely used by Email Stationary Template.

Object.attribute Value

stationary.header The header entry of the embedded template.

stationary.content The text or html entry of the embedded template.

Table 18.2. Placeholder: Stationary Application
A global object with SavaPage application attributes. This object can be used in any Email Message Type context.

Object.attribute Value Application name: “SavaPage”

app.nameVersion Formatted name and version, like:

“SavaPage Major.Minor.Revision”

app.nameVersionBuild Formatted name, version and build, like:

“SavaPage Major.Minor.Revision (Build)”

app.slogan Short slogan describing the application:

“Open Print Portal”

Table 18.3. Placeholder: Application

Customization Ticket
A Print Job Ticket. See Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172].

Object.attribute Value

ticket.number Ticket number. Document name.

ticket.operator Name of the Job Ticket Operator.

ticket.returnMessage The return message to Job Ticket Creator (optional).

Table 18.4. Placeholder: Ticket User
A User as Person.

Object.attribute Value

user.fullName The full name of the user.

Table 18.5. Placeholder: User

18.2.5. Email Stationary Types

SavaPage uses its own Email Stationary Types. As the table below shows, currently there is just one type in use.
You can use this type in your own custom Email Message Template files. Or, you can override this type by creating
your own EmailStationary.xml i18n variants in the custom template/ directory.

Name Scope

EmailStationary All Email messages

Table 18.6. Email Stationary Types

18.2.6. Email Message Types

The sections below describe email message types that can be customized. The list is limited for now, but will grow
as more messages are refactored for this purpose.

The global Application Object is valid for each message type. JobTicketCanceled Email

Email sent when a Job Ticket is canceled. See Table 3.6, “Job Ticket Print Configuration Properties” [55].

The following placeholder objects apply:

Object Role

ticket Canceled Job Ticket.

user Job Ticket Creator.

Table 18.7. Placeholder Objects: JobTicketCanceled

Customization JobTicketCompleted Email

Email sent when a Job Ticket is completed successfully. See Table 3.6, “Job Ticket Print Configuration Proper-
ties” [55].

The following placeholder objects apply:

Object Role

ticket Completed Job Ticket.

user Job Ticket Creator.

Table 18.8. Placeholder Objects: JobTicketCompleted

18.2.7. Custom Template Locations

Custom templates are located in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/template/ directory. Sub-loca-
tions can be defined for different template groups. These sub-locations can then be activated for different appli-
cations, with the following configuration properties:

Configuration property Description

custom.template.home Home location of all template files, relative to the default location. For example: a value
of “group-1” will resolve to:


custom.template.home.mail Home location of Email template files, relative to the default location. For example: a value
of “group-1/mail” will resolve to:


Table 18.9. Configuration Properties for Custom Template Locations

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

Chapter 19. Using an External Database

By default SavaPage is packaged with Apache Derby1 as internal database. This gives you the opportunity to
evaluate SavaPage on a small scale right away. However, in a production environment with multiple users, we
strongly advise you to use PostgreSQL2 as external database server.

Using the internal database in situations with multiple users and thus concurrent use, will inevitably lead
to locking, deadlock and out-of-memory errors, which can make the system totally unresponsive.

Other situations can be extra reason to choose for an external database, like:
• Organizational policy dictates that all applications must be consolidated on a single database infrastructure.
• You want to take advantage of existing maintenance and backup procedures that are present on your current
database infrastructure.
• You want to use third party reporting tools to view and analyze the SavaPage database.
• You want optimal (tailored) performance, since SavaPage is intensively used by a very large user population.
So, for example, you want to deploy a dedicated database server as a scalable solution.

This chapter describes how to connect and migrate to an external database. For database tuning, see Section 11.3.2,
“Database Connection Settings” [200].

19.1. Supported Databases

SavaPage is able to use any database that has a JDBC driver available. However, we choose to support PostgreSQL
on GNU/Linux servers only. PostgreSQL is designed to be highly scalable, is optimized for concurrent use, and
handles datasets of any size efficiently. We have used it in large scale SavaPage implementations and see it behave
robust with thousands of users. Above that, PostgreSQL is free and open source software, and complies to open

19.2. Migrating to an External Database

The migration is a simple process and takes about 15-30 minutes. The sections below describe in more detail the
following high-level migration scenario steps:
1. Stop the server.
2. Create a backup of the current internal database.
3. Create and initialize a new external database.
4. Restore the backup into the new external database.
5. Restart the server.

19.2.1. Step 1 - Stop SavaPage

The application server must be stopped in order to make a backup of the current internal database. The command
to stop the server is described in Section C.5, “Stopping and Starting the Server” [282].

Using an External Database

19.2.2. Step 2 - Create a Backup

Run the command to backup the current (internal) as described in Section C.4.6, “db-export and db-ex-
port-to” [281]. The command echoes the name of the created backup file to stdout. Take a note of this be-
cause you will need this in a future step.

19.2.3. Step 3 - Create new Database in External DBMS

Creating a new database is specific to the external Database Management System and is off-topic for this manual.
It is assumed that the database administrator knows how to create a new database. However, the following generic
requirements must be honored:
• Create a dedicated database user with a strong password to be used by SavaPage to connect to the database.
• Create the new empty database with a Unicode or UTF8 character encoding to make sure that all possible
characters can be stored.
• Assign the dedicated user full access to the new database, i.e. grant permission to create and drop tables, and
to execute select, insert, update and delete statements in all tables.

19.2.4. Step 4 - Change SavaPage Connection Parameters

Open a terminal session on the SavaPage server as user savapage and edit the /opt/savapage/serv-
er/ file.
• Comment out the line database.type=Internal by adding a hash (#) character at the start of the line.
• Uncomment the database. connection parameter lines for the external database (in our case PostgreSQL).
• Set the database.url, which describes the location and connection details of the external database.

The PostgreSQL URL format is: jdbc:postgresql://[server]/[database]

The [server] parameter is the name of the server running the PostgreSQL database, and must be resolvable
from the SavaPage server. If the PostgreSQL instance is running on the same machine then localhost can be
used. The [database] parameter is the name of the PostgreSQL database you created in the previous step.
• Set the database.user and database.password used to connect to the database.

A connection example is shown below:

# Database Settings

# Using the internal database (default)


# PostgreSQL connection

19.2.5. Step 5 - Restore Backup into new Database

This step restores the backup file exported in the previous step, into the newly initialized database. Open a terminal
session on the SavaPage server as user savapage and run the command as described in Section C.4.7, “db-
import” [282].

19.2.6. Step 6 - Restart SavaPage

At this point the data have been migrated to the new database and the server can be restarted. See Section C.5,
“Stopping and Starting the Server” [282].

Using an External Database

Wait a couple of seconds before logging in to the Admin Web App to verify that the migration worked successfully.

Chapter 20. Tuning

20.1. Linux Kernel Parameters

GNU/Linux distributions are generally not configured to run more demanding server processes out-of-the-box.
So, running SavaPage with high load on a vanilla GNU/Linux OS can easily result in a degraded performance.

Performance bottlenecks are usually due to OS, TCP stack and network settings meant for desktop user sessions,
and not for server processes that are intensively used by many network clients. Fortunately, it is easy to unleash the
full potential of your GNU/Linux host with a few simple tweaks. The message is that SavaPage scales perfectly
if you apply the right kernel settings.

Relevant kernel parameters and settings are discussed in the next sections. The last section summarizes the sug-
gested settings and describes how to apply them. See Section 20.1.5, “Setting Linux kernel parameters with
sysctl” [250].

Kernel parameters with ipv4 in their names also apply to TCP over IPv6.

20.1.1. IP Ports
As many outgoing connections are concurrently established from SavaPage, we must make sure Linux does not
run low on ephemeral local ports1 and reuse sockets with state TIME_WAIT.

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535

net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

Broaden the ephemeral local port range.

Disable recycling of sockets with state TIME_WAIT.
Enable the reuse of sockets with state TIME_WAIT. This is particularly useful in environments where nu-
merous short connections are open and left in TIME_WAIT state, such as in SavaPage.

According to Vincent Bernat in Coping with the TCP TIME-WAIT state on busy Linux servers2:

“On the server side, do not enable net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle unless you are pretty sure you will
never have NAT devices in the mix. Enabling net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse is useless for incoming

“On the client side, enabling net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse is another almost-safe solution. Enabling
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle in addition to net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse is mostly useless.”
An established TCP/IP connection can be regarded as a 4-tuple (server IP, server port, client IP, client port). Three of the four are evident, i.e.
the client uses its own IP address to connect to the server's IP address and service port. However, the connection also needs a port number at
the client side. Unless the client program explicitly requests a port number, this port number is called an ephemeral port number. Ephemeral
ports are temporary issued by the IP stack of the client OS from a dedicated port range.


20.1.2. TCP Buffer Sizes

Linux does a good job of auto-tuning the TCP buffers, but the default maximum sizes are still very small. Here
are sample settings for 1Gb and 10Gb network.

# Settings for 1Gb network (16Mb buffer)

net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 16777216

# Settings for 10Gb network (32Mb buffer)

net.core.rmem_max = 33554432
net.core.wmem_max = 33554432
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 33554432
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 33554432

# Settings for 10Gb network (54Mb buffer)

net.core.rmem_max = 56623104
net.core.wmem_max = 56623104
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 56623104
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 56623104

Max size (bytes) of the TCP receive buffer as settable with setsockopt.
Max size (bytes) of the TCP send buffer as settable with setsockopt.
Auto-tuning limits (bytes) for TCP receive buffer: min, default, and max number of bytes.
Auto-tuning limits (bytes) for TCP send buffer: min, default, and max number of bytes.

20.1.3. Queue Sizes

While a socket is listening and busy, new connection requests will pile up. The kernel keeps pending connection
requests in a buffer. When the buffer is full new requests will fail. You can increase several buffer sizes.

net.core.somaxconn = 4096
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 16384
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

Max number of queued connections on a socket. The default of 128 is too low: we raise this value substan-
tially to support bursts of request.
Max number of packets, queued on the input side, when the interface receives packets faster than the kernel
can process them.
Max number half open SYN requests to keep in memory.
Enable SYN cookies3 to harden the TCP/IP stack against SYN floods.

20.1.4. Congestion Control

Congestion refers to a network state where a node or link carries so much data that it may deteriorate network
service quality, resulting in queuing delay, frame or data packet loss and the blocking of new connections.

In a congested network, response time slows with reduced network throughput. Congestion occurs when bandwidth
is insufficient and network data traffic exceeds capacity.

Linux supports pluggable congestion control (avoidance) algorithms. To get a list of congestion control algorithms
that are available in your kernel run the command:

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_available_congestion_control

If cubic and/or htcp are not listed then you will need to research the control algorithms for your kernel. If
available set the control to cubic:


net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = cubic

20.1.5. Setting Linux kernel parameters with sysctl

Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf like this:

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf

and add the following lines, that summarize the previously discussed kernel parameters, at the end of the file:

# SavaPage Settings for 1Gb network
net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 16777216
net.core.somaxconn = 4096
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 16384
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1

# Only if cubic is available

net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = cubic

You can apply the settings without rebooting the server with this command:

sudo sysctl -p

20.2. Linux User Limits

SavaPage server may run out of file descriptors as the system defaults are normally very low. A file descriptor
(FD) is a handle created by a process when a file is opened. Each process can use a limited number of FDs as
specified per user in an OS level user limit.

Beware that apart from “regular” files that are accessed by SavaPage from disk, each incoming request that uses
a TCP socket also consumes one file descriptor from the total available for the process.

20.2.1. SysVinit User Limits

On Debian based systems the number of process FDs for the savapage user can be increased as follows.

Edit the file Edit /etc/security/limits.conf like this:

sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf

and add the following lines at the end of the file:

savapage hard nofile 65536

savapage soft nofile 65536

Next, open /etc/pam.d/su like this:

sudo vi /etc/pam.d/su

and uncomment the following line:

session required

You also need to edit the /etc/pam.d/common-session and /etc/pam.d/common-session-non-

interactive files. Open the files like this:


sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-session
sudo vi /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive

and for each file add the following line to the end:

session required

Finally, check whether the settings are applied with this command:

sudo su - savapage -c "ulimit -n"

This should output the value 65536.

20.2.2. Systemd User Limits

Systemd ignores ulimit values as described in the previous section, and has its own equivalent that can be used
per service. The best way to set user limits for the savapage.service is by an override, that will have the
last say over any SavaPage default.

Check the /lib/systemd/system/savapage.service unit to see if the value of the LimitNOFILE

directive is to your liking. This directive corresponds to “ulimit -n” (open files) and defaults to 65536.

cat /lib/systemd/system/savapage.service | grep LimitNOFILE

If this directive is absent, or if you want to override the value, edit the service unit with this command:

sudo systemctl edit savapage

This launches a text editor for creating the file:


Add the following lines, using your own choice (e.g. 98304):


Save the file and close the editor. Usually, after you edited a systemd unit file, for it to take effect, you need to run:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

However, the systemctl edit command automatically did this for you. You can check the effect of the
override with this command:

systemctl cat savapage.service | grep LimitNOFILE

... the last line should show:


Restart SavaPage for the changes to take effect, and check if the override has effect with this command:

systemctl status savapage.service

Notice the Drop-In override.conf as shown below:

savapage.service - SavaPage Open Print Portal

Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/savapage.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/savapage.service.d
|- override.conf
Active: active (running) since ...


Check if the “open files” override value is shown correctly in the Host System section of the Admin Web
App, since this is the actual value that the SavaPage server process uses.

20.3. JVM Tuning

SavaPage runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) using the class libraries and other supporting files provided
in the JRE.

The SavaPage JVM settings work fine, and generally there is no customization needed. However, if needed the
JVM can be tuned by adding extra JVM arguments in the file:


Edit this file as savapage user and enter the extra JVM arguments as value of the CUSTOM_JVM_ARGS key.
The example below shows the JVM arguments as explained in the next sections.

# Note: enclose the value with quotes

CUSTOM_JVM_ARGS="-XX:DefaultMaxRAMFraction=2 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode"

The location of temporary files can be overwritten with the JAVA_IO_TMPDIR key. See Section 20.3.3, “JVM
Temporary Files” [253].

Before doing any JVM customizing please consult SavaPage Support to discuss your requirements and
which customization fits best.

20.3.1. JVM Memory Allocation

The JVM allocates a quarter of host system RAM to the SavaPage Server process by default. This ensures that
SavaPage does not consume too many resources and does not get in the way of other applications running on the
same system.

However, if the host system is dedicated to running SavaPage, you can safely allocate more memory to SavaPage.
With more allocated memory SavaPage will have a better performance, particularly with many users and large
printing throughput.

Add one of the following JVM parameters to allocate relative or absolute memory:


Allocate one third of host system RAM.

Allocate one half of host system RAM.
Allocate 864MB of host system RAM.

20.3.2. JVM Garbage Collection

Customizing Java Garbage Collection (GC) depends on the characteristics of the application involved. The JVM
provide proper defaults for SavaPage most of the time.

However, if you consider response time more important than overall throughput and garbage collection pauses
must be kept shorter than approximately one second, then select the concurrent collector with the -XX:+UseC-
oncMarkSweepGC option. Also, if only one or two processors are available, consider combining this collector
with the -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode option.


Please consult the Java SE HotSpot Oracle documentation4 for an introduction to these tuning options.

20.3.3. JVM Temporary Files

The Java system property determines where the JVM writes temporary files. The default
value typically points to the world readable /tmp directory. As a result, all Java components that are part of the
SavaPage application will write their temporary files to that directory. You can override the default in:


Edit this file as savapage user and specify the alternative temp directory at the JAVA_IO_TMPDIR variable.

# Overwrite of JVM system property ''

# User 'savapage' must have mode 700 access to this directory.

Use the JAVA_IO_TMPDIR setting with the utmost care. Make sure the directory is exclusively used by
the SavaPage applicartion, and is accessible by the savapage system user only. If these conditions are
not met, SavaPage will not start and might get corrupted.

Among all Java third-party components, SavaPage components take a special position because they write their
own temp files in a subdirectory of, called savapage. This subdirectory is created when
the application starts and removed when stopped. You can override this special location with the app.dir.tmp
property in the file. See Section 11.3.4, “Alternative File Locations” [202].

Make sure that the special temp directory used by SavaPage resides on the same disk partition as the
other file locations that are used to store SavaPage data on runtime. See:
• Section 11.3.4, “Alternative File Locations” [202].
• Appendix F, File Locations [290].

20.4. Server Thread Pooling

A high reliability server process like SavaPage must reject excess requests immediately (fail fast) by using a request
queue with a bounded capacity. Requests are FIFO processed by threads in a ThreadPool. The maximum number
of threads needed, in order to achieve the best performance, depends on host resources (RAM and CPU cores)
assigned to SavaPage. See Section, “Server ThreadPool Settings” [199] on how to configure the relevant

20.5. Database Connection Pooling

Database connections are both expensive to create and maintain over time. Therefore, they are an ideal resource
to pool. That is exactly what SavaPage does. See Section 11.3.2, “Database Connection Settings” [200] on how
to configure the relevant parameters.


Chapter 21. SavaPage Community

Organizations join the SavaPage Community as Resident by subscribing to the software. The subscription consists
of a one-time enrollment fee and a yearly amount. These fees are needed to financially compensate Community
Developers and Deployment Partners for their efforts and expenses when maintaining the software and supporting
member organizations. The amount is dependent on the size (number of Participants) of the organization. When
you join you get a Member Card, which actually is a digitally signed file that is emailed to you. This file is your
token as resident of the SavaPage Community and can be used to confirm your status in the SavaPage Software.
Residents have the right to request new features and are entitled to high-priority Technical Support.

An organization that uses the software and is not a Resident is called a Visitor. Visitors are allowed to explore the
application to decide if they want to subscribe to the software or not.

The community status is shown on the Admin Web App Dashboard and About sections.

21.1. Visitor Period

Without a Community Member Card, any user of the software is considered a Visitor. After 40 days visitors are
invited to contact SavaPage Support for a Member Card. Without a card SavaPage will continue to run as normal
and will be fully functional, but the missing card will be signaled as system status.

Implementations with 5 active users (or less) in the SavaPage database are welcomed as permanent visi-
tors, and the missing Member Card is not signalled as system status.

21.2. Registered Member

The Member Card supplied to you is the digital proof of your Community Member status and holds information

• The Name of the Member organization.

• The Number of Participants in the Member organization.
• The Application version of the actual release at the moment the Member Card was issued.
• The Expiration date (end date) of the subscription period.

After you import your Member Card file into SavaPage, your membership will be validated against your use of
the application. A new Member Card is suggested when one of the following conditions are met:

• The number of users in the SavaPage database exceed the number of participants . This happens when extra
external users were synchronized into the user database or extra internal users were added. You can extend the
subscription and receive a new Member Card with an increased number of participants, or reduce the number
of users in the database, by deleting internal users or deleting external users which are not present in the syn-
chronization source, or by importing from a just a single synchronization source group.
• The expiration date of the Member Card is reached. The resolving action is to extend your subscription.

Whatever your community status is, you'll always be able to use the software without restrictions. How-
ever, when deemed necessary, we will make an appeal to you to apply for the Member Card that covers
your runtime situation.

SavaPage Community

21.3. Importing the Member Card

The SavaPage Community Member Card is issued as a digitally signed file. Installing the file into the application
confirms your community status. To install the file supplied by your Community Partner:
1. Save the Member Card file to your hard disk. Your desktop is a handy location. Files are typically named
SavaPage-[orgname].membercard. The file can be loaded into the system as supplied.
2. Log into the SavaPage Admin Web App and navigate to the About page.
3. Scroll down to the Community Membership section and click the Import Member Card button.
4. Please see Figure 4.130, “Admin Web App: About - Import Member Card” [164] how to proceed in the
import dialog.
5. Verify that your Membership is correctly listed in the About page.
If you have a question about your Member Card or need assistance please email SavaPage Technical Support and
they will be more than happy to assist you.

The file supplied is simply a digitally signed and zipped text file containing your Membership information.
It's converted to ZIP format to minimize size. If you're interested in viewing the contents of the file,
rename the file to .zip and simply open it in any ZIP extraction utility.

Appendix A. Proxy Print Scenarios
This chapter summarizes several Proxy Print scenarios in a shorthand catalogue. Please follow the hyperlinks in
the summaries for more detail.

A.1. Personal Print Scenarios

A.1.1. Personal Print - Non-Secure Scenarios

See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138].

A.1.2. Personal Print - Secure Scenarios

See Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112].

A.1.2.1. Direct Print Scenario

See Section, “Direct Print Mode” [115].

A.1.2.2. Hold Print Scenario

See Section, “Hold Print Mode” [114].

A.1.2.3. Fast Print Scenario

See Section, “Fast Print Mode” [114].

A.1.3. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario

Personal Print to PaperCut

User Story “As a Print Job Creator, I can create a Personal Print, so that PaperCut printing costs are charged to my personal
account in SavaPage.”

“As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.”

“As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print.”

This User Story is identical to the Personal Print track as described in Section A.2.2, “Delegated Print - Job Ticket
- PaperCut - Scenario” [258], and is not discussed here.

Preconditions • PaperCut Integration is enabled.

• Delegated Print is disabled.
• Personal Print with PaperCut is enabled.
• Proxy Printer used for printing is managed by PaperCut.

Process 1. Print Job Creator creates Personal Print Job.

2. Print Job Creator prints job to PaperCut Managed printer.
3. Print-out document for Print Job Creator is created with status Pending (external)
• A Shadow SavaPage Personal Account Transaction is created and linked.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).
• Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.
4. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.
• Status is monitored for a maximum number of minutes, after which the Print-out document gets status Error.
See Section N.3.1, “PaperCut Print Log Monitoring” [331].

Proxy Print Scenarios

Personal Print to PaperCut

Scenario 1 Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator or Print Job Creator Released the job (in
PaperCut) , Or the job was printed directly, Then:

• Print-out document gets status Completed.

• PaperCut Printing Cost is used for the Shadow SavaPage Personal Account Transaction.
• The transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the PaperCut amount and status Completed.
• A Transaction Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.

Scenario 2 Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator or Print Job Creator Canceled the job (in
PaperCut or CUPS) or the job Expired (in PaperCut) , Then:
• Print-out document gets status Canceled.
• The Shadow Transaction continues to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount, but now has status
• A Transaction Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.

References • Section N.2, “Personal Print to PaperCut” [331].

Table A.1. Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario

A.2. Delegated Print Scenarios

The scenarios in this section elaborate situations where users act as Print Job Delegate for other users (Delegators)
or entities (Shared Accounts).

A Personal Job Ticket Print is handled as Delegated Print, where the Job Ticket Creator has role Delegate
and Delegator at the same time.

A.2.1. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios

Delegated Print

User Story “As a Delegate, I can print for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are charged to individual dele-
gators, delegator groups and shared accounts.”

“As a Print Job Creator, I can act as Delegate for another entity, so that costs are charged to a shared account.”

“As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.”

“As a Job Ticket Operator, I can release or cancel the Job Ticket.”

“As an Operator, I can cancel a pending Print Job in CUPS.”

Preconditions • Delegated Print is enabled.

• Delegated Print with PaperCut is disabled.
• Job is printed as Job Ticket, or in Non-secure or Authenticated (Hold or Direct) Print Mode.

Process 1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

2. Delegate prints the job.

Scenario 1 Non-secure Print

Given the Delegate printed to a non-secure Proxy Printer, Then:

• The job is send to the printer.

• Print-out document for Delegate is created with status Completed.
• SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.
• Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups, and shared accounts involved.

Proxy Print Scenarios

Delegated Print
• Printing costs are pro-rata divided over the Account Transactions.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount and status Completed.
• Transactions Summary with cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.

Scenario 2 Authenticated Print Release.

Given the Delegate printed to a Hold or Direct Mode Proxy Printer, And released the job by NFC Authentication,
• The Print-out document is created as in “Scenario 1”.

Scenario 3 Job Ticket Released.

Given the Delegate printed a Job Ticket, And the ticket is released by a Job Ticket Operator, Then:
• The Print-out document is created as in “Scenario 1”, using Job Ticket Cost as printing cost.

Scenario 4 Job Ticket Canceled.

Given the Delegate printed a Job Ticket, And the ticket is canceled by the Delegate or an Operator (in SavaPage
or CUPS), Then:
• The Job Ticket is just removed.

References • Section 3.5.4, “Delegated Print” [43].

• Section 4.9.2, “Proxy Print Authentication” [112].
• Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53].

Table A.2. Delegated Print - (Non) Secure & Job Ticket Scenarios

A.2.2. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario

Delegated Print via Job Ticket to PaperCut

User Story “As a Delegate, I can create a SavaPage Job Ticket for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are
charged to individual delegators, delegator groups and entities in PaperCut.”

“As a Job Ticket Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.”

“As a Job Ticket Operator, I can release or cancel the Job Ticket.”

“As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.”

Preconditions • PaperCut Integration is enabled.

• Delegated Print with PaperCut is enabled.

Charging costs to PaperCut entities is unconditional. Balance and overdraft preconditions are not checked for
restricted PaperCut accounts. This can result in an overdraft beyond what is allowed by PaperCut printing rules.

Process 1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

2. Delegate prints job as Job Ticket.
3. Job Ticket Operator releases the ticket to a PaperCut managed printer.
4. Print-out document for Delegate is created with status Pending (external)
• Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.
• Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups, and shared accounts involved.
• Transactions act as template for transactions created in PaperCut after the print is completed.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).
• Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.
5. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.
• Status is monitored for a maximum number of minutes, after which the Print-out document gets status Error,
and the ticket can be closed. See Section N.3.1, “PaperCut Print Log Monitoring” [331].

Scenario 1 Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Released the job (in PaperCut), Or the job
was printed directly, Then:

• Print-out document gets status Completed.

Proxy Print Scenarios

Delegated Print via Job Ticket to PaperCut

• SavaPage Job Ticket Cost is pro-rata divided over the Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount and status Completed.
• Transactions Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.
• PaperCut Account Transactions are created according to the Shadow Accounts template.

Scenario 2 Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Canceled the job (in PaperCut or CUPS)
or the job Expired (in PaperCut), Then:
• Print-out document gets status Canceled.
• Transactions continue to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount but have status Canceled.
• Transactions Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.

References • Section 3.5.4, “Delegated Print” [43].

• Section 3.5.9, “Job Ticket Print” [53].
• Section N.1, “Delegated Print to PaperCut” [327].

Table A.3. Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut Scenario

A.2.3. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario

Delegated Print to PaperCut

User Story “As a Delegate, I can print for other users (delegators) and entities, so that costs are charged to individual dele-
gators, delegator groups and entities in PaperCut.”

“As a Print Job Creator, I can act as Delegate for another entity, so that costs are charged to this entity in Pa-

“As a Print Job Creator, I can create a Personal Print, and act as Delegate and Delegator at the same time.”

“As an Operator, I can release or cancel a pending Print Job in PaperCut or CUPS.”

Preconditions • PaperCut Integration is enabled.

• Delegated Print with PaperCut is enabled.
• Proxy Printer used for printing is managed by PaperCut.
• Proxy Printer used for printing is non-secure.
• If Hold/Release printing is required it must be handled in PaperCut.

Process 1. Delegate creates Delegated Print Job.

2. Delegate prints job to PaperCut Managed printer.
3. Print-out document for Delegate is created with status Pending (external)
• Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions are created and linked.
• Transactions are for personal delegators, delegator groups and entities involved.
• Transactions act as template for transactions created in PaperCut after the print is completed.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount and status Pending (external).
• Transactions Summary without cost data is displayed with the Print-out document.
4. PaperCut print status is monitored till end state is reached.
• Status is monitored for a maximum number of minutes, after which the Print-out document gets status Error,
and the ticket can be closed. See Section N.3.1, “PaperCut Print Log Monitoring” [331].

Scenario 1 Print Completed.

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Released the job (in PaperCut) , Or the job
was printed directly, Then:

• Print-out document gets status Completed.

• PaperCut Printing Cost is pro-rata divided over the Shadow SavaPage Account Transactions.
• Transactions are displayed as Printer Usage with the pro-rata amount and status Completed.
• Transactions Summary with cost data is now displayed with the Print-out document.
• PaperCut Account Transactions are created according to the Shadow Accounts template.

Scenario 2 Print is Canceled or Timed out.

Proxy Print Scenarios

Delegated Print to PaperCut

Given the printer is a PaperCut Hold/Release queue And the Operator Canceled the job (in PaperCut or CUPS)
or the job Expired (in PaperCut) , Then:
• Print-out document gets status Canceled.
• Transactions continue to be displayed as Printer Usage with zero amount but have status Canceled.
• Transactions Summary without cost data continues to be displayed at the Print-in document.

References • Section 3.5.4, “Delegated Print” [43].

• Section N.1, “Delegated Print to PaperCut” [327].

Table A.4. Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario

Appendix B. NFC Authentication

SavaPage supports Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as authentication method.

RFID is the technology for uniquely identifying items using radio waves. A basic RFID system comprises a passive
tag1, a reader, and an antenna, where the reader sends an interrogating signal to the tag via the antenna, and the
tag responds with its Unique Identification (UID).

In this way RFID tags are commonly used as authentication token: the RFID reader connected to the authenticator
just passes the UID (Card Number) of the tag. Applications are abundant, ranging from tags embedded into retail
products to help stores keep tabs on inventory, to tags embedded into animals to keep track of life stock. RFID is
also applied in passports and credit cards, as well as identification badges that let employees access secure areas.

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a more recent, finely honed version of RFID with a much broader application.
While RFID is a one-way communication system only, with data flowing from tag to reader, NFC can also be set
up for two-way communication. However, NFC operates at a maximum range of about 4 inches (10 centimeters)
and uses High Frequency ( HF) RFID readers at 13.56 MHz.

Since SavaPage is targeted at the same HF RFID readers and tags, albeit in one-way communication, this manual
uses the more common terms NFC Card and NFC Reader for the tag and reader role. In some contexts the terms
Card and Card Reader will be used as shorthand.

SavaPage supports two Card Reader types.

• A Local Card Reader: a keyboard emulating device that “types” the UID (Card Number) each time a Card is
• A Network Card Reader: a software component, implemented on a dedicated device (like a Raspberry Pi®),
that interacts with an NFC Reader after a card swipe and sends the UID to the central SavaPage server.

B.1. Card Number Format

SavaPage stores the Card Number (UID) in lower case HEX format, with Least Significant Byte (LSB) first. So, at
the interfaces where the UID is captured, the output format and byte order must be specified as HEX or DECIMAL
and LSB or MSB (Least or Most Significant Byte) first. This information is used by SavaPage to convert the
captured Card Number to its internal HEX/LSB standard.

B.2. Local Card Reader

A Local Card Reader is an NFC Reader that functions as USB Keyboard Emulator. At each card swipe the reader
must react by “typing” the card's UID (Card Number) appended by a Carriage Return (CR). SavaPage makes use
of this function by capturing2 the keystrokes at Login time in the Web App.

The way a reader formats the UID can deviate from the SavaPage HEX/LSB standard. Therefore you need
to specify the format at the interfaces where the reader's UID is used. Most keyboard emulating readers
can be configured to a specific output format and byte order.
RFID tags are either Active or Passive. Active tags have their own power supply by which they can broadcast with a read range of up to 100
meters. Passive tags do not have their own power source. Instead, they are powered by the electromagnetic energy transmitted from the RFID
reader. Because the radio waves must be strong enough to power the tags, passive RFID tags have a read range from near contact to a few meters.
SavaPage uses a short time limit to capture the keystrokes from a Local Card Reader. The time limit (milliseconds) is contained in the
configuration key webapp.card-local.keystrokes-max-msecs. Do not change this value, except when requested by the SavaPage
support desk.

NFC Authentication

At the time of this writing StrongLink3 sells a reliable Plug and Play USB Keyboard Emulating Card
Reader (SL040A) for a competitive price. The reader supports UID reads for Mifare Mini, Mifare 1k,
Mifare 4k, Mifare Plus, Ultralight, DesFire and Mifare_ProX cards.

B.3. Network Card Reader Service

SavaPage ships with a Network Card Reader Service to be deployed on a Raspberry Pi®. The service is tested to
work with the popular ACS ACR122U4 reader. The installation instructions can be found in:


Other ACS USB readers mentioned in the README should work as well.

Any deployed service must be entered as SavaPage Device. See Section 4.9.1, “Network Card Reader” [111]. At
each card swipe the UID of the card is read and send to the central SavaPage server, where it is handled in context
of the device definition.

You can link sounds and scrips to various events. Sample files are provided for your own customization, for
example to communicate with PiGlow5, Pibrella6 or PiFace Control & Display7 add-on boards.


Appendix C. Tools

C.1. Server Commands

The savapage-cmd tool provides a command-line interface to SavaPage Server methods. It can directly be exe-
cuted on the command-line or be part of more elaborate shell scripts.

For security reasons only users with read access to the /opt/savapage/server/
file have the right to execute the command. So, the sure way to go is ...

sudo su - savapage
cd server/bin/linux-x64

... and to execute savapage-cmd from here, and ...

./savapage-cmd --help

... will echo all methods available:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Note: use METHOD --help for method details.

usage: [METHOD] [OPTION]...

--add-internal-user Creates a new or Updates an existing Internal

--add-user-group Adds a user group from the external user
source: synchronized external users belonging
to this group are added as member.
--change-base-currency Changes the base currency of the application.
--delete-user Logically deletes a User.
--delete-user-group Deletes a user group.
--delete-user-group-account Logically deletes a User Group Account.
--erase-user Erases a User, complying to GDPR Data Erasure
(Right to be Forgotten).
--get-config-property Gets configuration property value.
--list-users Lists the names of all the Users in the
system, sorted by user name, one per line.
--list-user-groups Lists the names of all the User Groups in the
system, sorted by name, one per line.
--list-user-group-members Lists the names of the user group members in
the system, sorted by user name, one per line.
--list-user-group-memberships Lists the names of the groups a user belongs
to, sorted by name, one per line.
--list-user-source-groups Lists the names of all the groups in the user
source, sorted by name, one per line.
--list-user-source-group-members Lists the names of the (nested) user group
members in the user source, sorted by user
name, one per line.
--list-user-source-group-nesting Lists a space indented hierarchy of nested
groups within a group. Nested groups are only
supported by Active Directory, all other user
sources return an empty list.
--printer-access-control Controls user groups to either allow or deny
access to a proxy printer.
--printer-snmp Reads SNMP info from a printer.
--set-config-property Sets configuration property value.
--set-user-properties Sets properties for an existing Internal or


External User.
--set-user-group-properties Sets properties of an Internal or External
User Group.
--sync-user-group Synchronizes a user group with the external
user source, updating group membership.
--sync-users-and-groups Starts user and group synchronization with
external user source.
--system-status Gets the system status enum value: READY,
-help,--help Displays this help text.
--help-all Displays help text of all methods.

The number of available methods will grow according to customer needs. Please contact support if you
need a method that is missing.

C.1.1. Common Options

C.1.1.1. Keep Switches

--keep-* option switches are used to not overwrite existing values.

For example, the --keep-card, --keep-pin and --keep-password switches make their corresponding
--card, --pin and --password options act as defaults in those cases where values have not yet been set.

Some examples:

# Overwrite any PIN set by user.

--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin "1234"

# Preserve any PIN set by user.

--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin "1234" --keep-pin

C.1.1.2. Remove Switches

--remove-* option switches are used to clear values. Since the absence of a command-line option (or an empty
value in batch mode CSV/TSV files) can not be interpreted as no value (null), the --remove switch comes
to help to explicitly nullify values.

This implies that blank values on the command-line and in batch mode input files are ignored. So, this command
has no effect ...

--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin ""

... use this command instead ...

--set-user-properties --username "guest-john" --remove-pin

When an option does not have a --remove-* switch, there is no way to clear the corresponding field. For
example, since --remove-full-name is not available, there is no way to clear the User field “full-name” from
the command-line (see Section C.1.20, “setUserProperties” [273]).

C.1.1.3. Locale Option

Some methods pass numeric values that are formatted according to the locale. In these cases the locale can be
specified with a separate option like this:

-locale <arg> The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.


Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,

nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default

The actual system default locale depends on your terminal session settings.

C.1.1.4. Batch Mode Options

Some methods have options for passing values in batch mode. Below are the standard batch mode parameters:

-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV

-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line
execution error.
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character
encoding [default: utf-8].

So instead of using these three commands ...

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username john --password rTf4g

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username dave --password 9j6Tw
./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username mick --password f75L2

... you can use this single batch command ...

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user -batch -input /home/rijk/add-internal-user.csv

.. where the file add-internal-user.csv looks like this:


Input files must have the extension .csv or .tsv as indication for a comma or tab separated file format.

The first line in the file must be the comma or tab separated list of parameters. The convention is that the parameter
names are identical to their command line counterpart, except for the -- prefix. The next lines simply contain the
comma or tab separated parameter values.

Option switches like applied in the command below ...

--set-user-properties --username "john" --pin 1234 --remove-card --full-name "John Brown"

--set-user-properties --username "carol" --pin 4713 --keep-pin --full-name "Carol Johnson"

... can be applied in a CSV file like this:

"john",1234,,"true","John Brown"
"carol",4713,"true",,"Carol Johnson"

By default, batch processing is interrupted after a batch line execution error. With the -continue switch
set, it will instead continue processing. After the batch finishes it will return error code 5 to distinguish
continuation from an immediate termination, which is reported with error return code 1.


In a CSV/TSV file any blank switch value is interpreted as not present (false), any non-blank value
as present (true).

C.1.2. addInternalUser
./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : addInternalUser
Version : 0.30

Creates a new or updates an existing Internal User.

usage: --add-internal-user [OPTION]...

--username <text(50)> [required] Unique user name.
--password <text(64)> [optional] Password.
--full-name <text(255)> [optional] Full user name.
--email <text(255)> [optional] Primary Email address.
--email-other <list> [optional] List of space separated other
(secondary) Email addresses.
--card <text(16)> [optional] NFC Card Number.
--card-format <HEX|DEC> [optional] NFC Card Number Format [default:
--card-first-byte <LSB|MSB> [optional] NFC Card Number First Byte [default:
--id <text(16)> [optional] ID Number.
--pin <text(16)> [optional] PIN for ID and Card.
--yubikey <text(12)> [optional] YubiKey Public ID.
--uuid <text(36)> [optional] The user's secret UUID.
--balance <decimal> [optional] The user's initial account balance.
This value is ignored when a balance is already
--balance-comment <text(255)> [optional] A comment to be associated with the
--balance transaction.
--credit-limit [optional] Assign default credit limit amount.
--credit-limit-amount <decimal> [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount.
--credit-limit-none [optional] no credit limit restriction (opposed
to --credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
--keep-card [optional] Keep existing Card Number, or use
--card value when not present.
--keep-id [optional] Keep existing ID Number, or use --id
value when not present.
--keep-email-other [optional] Keep existing other (secondary)
Email addresses, or use --email-other value
when not present.
--keep-password [optional] Keep existing Password, or use
--password value when not present.
--keep-pin [optional] Keep existing PIN, or use --pin
value when not present.
--keep-uuid [optional] Keep existing UUID, or use --uuid
value when not present.
-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line
execution error.
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character
encoding [default: utf-8].
-locale <arg> The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.
Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,


nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default


C.1.3. addUserGroup
./savapage-cmd --add-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : addUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Adds a user group from the external user source: synchronized external users
belonging to this group are added as member.

usage: --add-user-group [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.4. changeBaseCurrency
./savapage-cmd --change-base-currency --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : changeBaseCurrency
Version : 0.10

Changes the base currency of the application.

This action creates financial transactions to align each account to the new
currency: the current account balance is nullified by a debit transaction
and replaced with the new currency according to the exchange rate via a
credit transaction.

Individual credit limits are converted as well, default credit limits are not.

WARNING: Create a database back-up before executing this command!

usage: --change-base-currency [OPTION]...

--from <text(3)> [required] The current currency code (ISO 4217).
--to <text(3)> [required] The new currency code (ISO 4217).
--exchange-rate <decimal> [required] The exchange rate.
--test [optional] Dry run, changes are not committed.
-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.5. deleteUser
./savapage-cmd --delete-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : deleteUser
Version : 0.10


Logically deletes a User.

usage: --delete-user [OPTION]...

--username <text(50)> [required] Unique user name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line
execution error.
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
[default: utf-8].

C.1.6. deleteUserGroup
./savapage-cmd --delete-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : deleteUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Deletes a user group.

usage: --delete-user-group [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.7. deleteUserGroupAccount
./savapage-cmd --delete-user-group-account --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : deleteUserGroupAccount
Version : 0.10

Logically deletes a User Group Account.

usage: --delete-user-group-account [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.
-h,--help Displays this help text.

This method has the same effect as ticking the Delete checkbox in the Edit Account dialog.

C.1.8. eraseUser
./savapage-cmd --erase-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : eraseUser
Version : 0.10

Erases a User, complying to GDPR Data Erasure (Right to be Forgotten).


usage: --erase-user [OPTION]...

--username <text(50)> [required] Unique user name.
-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line execution
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
[default: utf-8].

This command clears the user's personal data in the active database, including all identifying content from the
transaction log, document log and personal account. Transaction and document log details are still held in the
database for reporting purposes, but without any user related data. The user is also logically deleted, when not
already done so: see Section C.1.5, “deleteUser” [267] and Section 4.10.2, “User Creation” [122].

When a database is restored, erased users might be restored as identifiable users again. Therefore, keep
Data Erasure requests in a separate administration, so that they can easily be retrieved and re-executed.

Erasing users without deleting them from their external user source has a temporary effect, since they will
be created again at the next synchronization.

Data Erasure does not include database backups and log files.

C.1.9. getConfigProperty
./savapage-cmd --get-config-property --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : getConfigProperty
Version : 0.10

Gets configuration property value.

This is an advanced command. Please contact SavaPage Support before use.

usage: --get-config-property [OPTION]...

--name <text(100)> [required] Property name.
-h,--help Displays this help text.

Values that are stored encrypted are returned decrypted. See Section 15.6, “Encrypted Secrets” [229].

Also see Section C.4.3, “db-config-get” [281] and Section C.1.19, “setConfigProperty” [272].

C.1.10. listUsers
./savapage-cmd --list-users --help


... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUsers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the Users in the system, sorted by user name, one per line.

usage: --list-users [OPTION]...

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.11. listUserGroups
./savapage-cmd --list-user-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserGroups
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the User Groups in the system, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-groups [OPTION]...

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.12. listUserGroupMembers
./savapage-cmd --list-user-group-members --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserGroupMembers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of the user group members in the system, sorted by user name,
one per line.

usage: --list-user-group-members [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.13. listUserGroupMemberships
./savapage-cmd --list-user-group-memberships --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserGroupMemberships
Version : 0.10


Lists the names of the groups a user belongs to, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-group-memberships [OPTION]...

--username <text(50)> [required] Unique user name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.14. listUserSourceGroups
./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserSourceGroups
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the groups in the user source, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-source-groups [OPTION]...

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.15. listUserSourceGroupMembers
./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-group-members --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserSourceGroupMembers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of the (nested) user group members in the user source,
sorted by user name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-source-group-members [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.

--nested [optional] Accumulate members from nested groups
(Active Directory only).
-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.16. listUserSourceGroupNesting
./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-group-nesting --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : listUserSourceGroupNesting
Version : 0.10

Lists a space indented hierarchy of nested groups within a group. Nested groups
are only supported by Active Directory, all other user sources return an empty list.

usage: --list-user-source-group-nesting [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.

-h,--help Displays this help text.


C.1.17. printerAccessControl
./savapage-cmd --printer-access-control --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : printerAccessControl
Version : 0.10

Controls user groups to either allow or deny access to a proxy printer.

usage: --printer-access-control [OPTION]...

--printername <text(255)> [required] CUPS name of the proxy printer.

--allow [optional] Allow access to --groupname (existing
denied user groups are removed).
--deny [optional] Deny access to --groupname (existing
allowed user groups are removed).
--remove [optional] Remove --groupname from the access list.
--groupname <text(255)> [optional] Name of the user group to --allow, --deny
or --remove access
--remove-all [optional] Remove all user groups from the access
--list [optional] Echoes the access list to stdout in CSV
-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.18. printerSnmp
./savapage-cmd --printer-snmp --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : printerSnmp
Version : 0.20

Reads SNMP info from a printer.

usage: --printer-snmp [OPTION]...

--printername <text(255)> [optional] CUPS printer name used to resolve host
name (required when --host is not set).
--host <text> [optional] Host name or IP address of the printer
(required when --printername is not set).
--port <number> [optional] SNMP port number (default 161).
--community <text> [optional] SNMP community (default "public").
--version <1|2c> [optional] SNMP version (default "1").
-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.19. setConfigProperty
./savapage-cmd --set-config-property --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : setConfigProperty
Version : 0.10


Sets configuration property value.

The property must be present in the database. Not all properties are available for update.
This is an advanced command. Please contact SavaPage Support before use.

usage: --set-config-property [OPTION]...

--name <text(100)> [required] Property name.
--value <text(1000)> [required] Property value.
-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line execution
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
[default: utf-8].

Some values will be stored encrypted. See Section 15.6, “Encrypted Secrets” [229].

Also see Section C.4.4, “db-config-set” [281] and Section C.1.9, “getConfigProperty” [269].

C.1.20. setUserProperties
./savapage-cmd --set-user-properties --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : setUserProperties
Version : 0.30

Sets properties for an existing Internal or External User.

usage: --set-user-properties [OPTION]...

--username <text(50)> [required] Unique user name.
--password <text(64)> [optional] Password (Internal User only).
--full-name <text(255)> [optional] Full user name.
--email <text(255)> [optional] Primary Email address.
--email-other <list> [optional] List of space separated other
(secondary) Email addresses.
--card <text(16)> [optional] NFC Card Number.
--card-format <HEX|DEC> [optional] NFC Card Number Format [default:
--card-first-byte <LSB|MSB> [optional] NFC Card Number First Byte [default:
--id <text(16)> [optional] ID Number.
--pin <text(16)> [optional] PIN for ID and Card.
--yubikey <text(12)> [optional] YubiKey Public ID.
--uuid <text(36)> [optional] The user's secret UUID.
--balance <decimal> [optional] The user's current account balance.
--balance-comment <text(255)> [optional] A comment to be associated with the
--balance transaction.
--credit-limit [optional] Assign default credit limit amount.
--credit-limit-amount <decimal> [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount.
--credit-limit-none [optional] No credit limit restriction (opposed
to --credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
--keep-card [optional] Keep existing Card Number, or use
--card value when not present.
--keep-id [optional] Keep existing ID Number, or use --id
value when not present.
--keep-email-other [optional] Keep existing other (secondary)
Email addresses, or use --email-other value
when not present.
--keep-password [optional] Keep existing Password, or use
--password value when not present (Internal


User only).
--keep-pin [optional] Keep existing PIN, or use --pin
value when not present.
--keep-uuid [optional] Keep existing UUID, or use --uuid
value when not present.
--remove-email [optional] Remove Primary Email address
(opposed to --email).
--remove-email-other [optional] Remove other (secondary) Email
addresses (opposed to --email-other).
--remove-card [optional] Remove NFC Card Number (opposed to
--remove-id [optional] Remove ID Number (opposed to --id).
--remove-password [optional] Remove Password (Internal User
--remove-pin [optional] Remove PIN (opposed to --pin).
--remove-yubikey [optional] Remove YubiKey Public ID (opposed to
--remove-uuid [optional] Remove UUID (opposed to --uuid).
-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch line
execution error.
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as
-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character
encoding [default: utf-8].
-locale <arg> The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.
Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,
nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default

C.1.21. setUserGroupProperties
./savapage-cmd --set-user-group-properties --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : setUserGroupProperties
Version : 0.11

Sets properties of an Internal or External User Group.

usage: --set-user-group-properties [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] Unique group name.
--balance <decimal> [optional] The user's initial account
--credit-limit [optional] Assign default credit limit
amount to new users.
--credit-limit-amount <decimal> [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount
to new users.
--credit-limit-none [optional] Assign no credit limit
restriction to new users (opposed to
--credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
--role-job-ticket-creator <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Job Ticket Creator role.
--role-job-ticket-operator <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Job Ticket Operator role.
--role-print-creator <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Print Creator role.
--role-print-delegate <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Print Delegate role.
--role-print-delegator <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Print Delegator role.
--role-web-cashier <Y|N|U> [optional] Assign Web Cashier role.
-h,--help Displays this help text.
-batch Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or
TSV input.
-continue Continues batch processing after a batch
line execution error.
-input <arg> Batch input file: optional with stdin as


-charset <arg> IANA Charset Name of batch input character

encoding [default: utf-8].
-locale <arg> The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric
values. Example values are: en, en-GB,
en-US, nl, nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system
default en-US].

C.1.22. syncUserGroup
./savapage-cmd --sync-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : syncUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Synchronizes a user group with the external user source, updating group membership.

usage: --sync-user-group [OPTION]...

--groupname <text(255)> [required] The name of the group to synchronize.

-h,--help Displays this help text.

C.1.23. syncUsersAndGroups
./savapage-cmd --sync-users-and-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : syncUsersAndGroups
Version : 0.10

Starts user and group synchronization with external user source.

This is equivalent to clicking "Synchronize now" in the Admin Web App.

Synchronization completes in the background.

usage: --sync-users-and-groups [OPTION]...

--delete-users [optional] Remove users that do not exist in external user
-h,--help Displays this help text.

See Section 4.10.2, “User Creation” [122].

C.1.24. systemStatus
./savapage-cmd ---system-status --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method : systemStatus
Version : 0.10

Gets the system status enum value: READY, SETUP, UNAVAILABLE, MAINTENANCE.

usage: --system-status [OPTION]...


-h,--help Displays this help text.

This command is identical to Section C.2.2.1, “systemStatus” [277].

C.2. Web Services

SavaPage uses both XML-RPC1 and JSON-RPC2 for its public Web Services. Both protocols are Open Standard,
lightweight and have support for all major programming and scripting languages.

Web Services will grow upon request. Please tell us if you need extra methods.

C.2.1. XML-RPC
The secure endpoint is: https://savapage:8632/xmlrpc/v1

C.2.1.1. onetime-auth.createToken
With this method a Trusted Third Party (TTP) acquires a one-time token for Web App user authentication.

The requesting User Name and returned Token must be offered to the Web App by hidden HTTP POST input
names auth_user and auth_token. The Web App decrypts the token and honours the authentication request
if the offered and encrypted Users match and the token is not expired.

Name Type Description

Parameters apikey string The TTP API key as set in the web-login.ttp.apikey configuration property.

username string The User Name to authenticate. See Section 3.1, “Login” [20].

User Alias mapping is applied.

Returns token string The one-time authentication token holding the encrypted User Name and token creation time.

The expiration criterion in milliseconds is set in the web-login.ttp.token.ex-

piry-msecs configuration property.

Table C.1. XML-RPC method: onetime-auth.createToken

TTP Web App Login authentication must be enabled by setting the web-login.ttp.enable con-
figuration property to Y.

The secure endpoint is: https://savapage:8632/jsonrpc/v1

The following configuration properties apply:

Configuration property Description

api.jsonrpc.secret-key The secret key to be passed as X-Auth-Key HTTP




Configuration property Description

api.jsonrpc.ext.ip-addresses-allowed A CIDR Set of allowed client IPv4 addresses. When

void access is denied for all clients.

Table C.2. JSON-RPC Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these items.

The sections below discuss the individual methods. All methods default to the same response layout in case of
an error.

Figure C.1. JSON-RPC : Basic Error

C.2.2.1. systemStatus

This method returns the system status as enum value. READY indicates the system is ready to use and users have
access to the Web App. All other values indicate that user access is denied, because: system SETUP is needed,
MAINTENANCE is in progress, or the system is temporarily UNAVAILABLE due to running batch jobs (database
backup, user synchronization, database cleanup).

Although the system can have multiple "deny status" at the same time, the single most important status
is returned, in the order SETUP, MAINTENANCE, UNAVAILABLE.

Figure C.2. JSON-RPC : systemStatus (request)


Figure C.3. JSON-RPC : systemStatus (response)

# sample request
curl --request POST --header "X-Auth-Key: 7961b5ec-bee4-11e7-8731-406186940c49" \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"reference","method":"systemStatus"}' \

# sample response
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : "reference",
"result" : {
"data" : {
"@type" : "enum",
"value" : "READY"

C.2.2.2. authUserSource

This method authenticates an external user against the configured User Source.

Figure C.4. JSON-RPC : authUserSource (request)


Figure C.5. JSON-RPC : authUserSource (response)

# sample request
curl --request POST --header "X-Auth-Key: 7961b5ec-bee4-11e7-8731-406186940c49" \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"reference","method":"authUserSource", \

# sample response
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : "reference",
"result" : {
"data" : {
"@type" : "boolean",
"value" : true
# sample error
"jsonrpc" : "2.0",
"id" : "reference",
"result" : false,
"error" : {
"code" : -32603,
"message" : "ldapserver:636 [No route to host (Host unreachable)]",
"data" : {
"@type" : "BASIC",
"reason" : "ldapserver:636"

C.3. Atom Feed Service

SavaPage publishes system information of the past day in Atom Syndication Format3. The info is meant for admin-
istrators and includes runtime status, statistics, errors and warnings. The feed is available at URL path feed/admin/
and protected by Basic HTTP Authentication. It can be enabled and configured with the properties shown below.

Configuration property Description

feed.atom.admin.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable or disable.

feed.atom.admin.username Basic HTTP Authentication User name.

feed.atom.admin.password Basic HTTP Authentication User password.



Configuration property Description

feed.atom.admin.schedule Feed creation schedule according to the default Cron Trigger Expression "0 0
3 ? * 3-7". The previous feed is overwritten: no history is held in SavaPage.

feed.atom.admin.uuid Universally unique identifier of the Atom Feed (generated by SavaPage).

Table C.3. Atom Feed Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change these items.

QuiteRSS4 is a open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader.

C.4. Database Commands

The savapage-db command-line tool provides functions for manipulating the database. The tool is located in
/opt/savapage/server/bin/[platform]/ and needs to be executed from a command prompt. The
syntax of the command is:

usage: [OPTION]
--db-check Checks database integrity. This is an advanced
option. Please contact SavaPage Support before
--db-check-fix Checks and fixes database integrity. NOTE: Only
perform as requested by SavaPage Support.
--db-config-get <NAME> Gets configuration property value. This is an
advanced option. Please contact SavaPage Support
before use.
--db-config-set <NAME=VALUE> Sets configuration property value. This is an
advanced option. Please contact SavaPage Support
before use.
--db-delete-logs <DAYS> Deletes application, account transaction and
document log data older than DAYS. A DAYS value of
zero (0) will remove all log data from the system.
--db-export Exports the database to the default backup
--db-export-to <FILE|DIR> Exports the database to the specified file or
--db-import <FILE> Imports the database from the specified file.
Deletes any existing data before loading the data.
--db-init Re-initializes the database even if it already
--db-run-script <FILE> Runs SQL statements from the specified script
file. NOTE: Only perform as requested by SavaPage
--db-run-sql <STATEMENT> Runs an SQL statement. NOTE: Only perform as
requested by SavaPage Support.
-h,--help Displays this help text.

The command must be run as the savapage user. An example:

sudo su - savapage
cd server/bin/linux-x64
./savapage-db --db-import /home/john/

savapage-db needs exclusive access to the database. It is important that any SavaPage services and processes
are stopped before executing a command. Failure to do so will result in a "database in use" error message. The
savapage-db command is a powerful low-level utility and its use on a production system should be carefully
considered. Details of the available commands are discussed below.


C.4.1. db-check
Checks database integrity. This is an advanced option. Please contact SavaPage Support before use.

C.4.2. db-check-fix
Checks and fixes database integrity.

Only perform as requested by SavaPage Support.

C.4.3. db-config-get
With this option the (decrypted) value of a Configuration Property can be retrieved. Also see Section C.1.9, “get-
ConfigProperty” [269].

C.4.4. db-config-set
With this option the value of a Configuration Property can be set (and encrypted). Also see Section C.1.19, “set-
ConfigProperty” [272].

C.4.5. db-delete-logs
This option delete old log data from the system. This command will permanently delete the following data.
• Document logs - Record all document history and statistics
• Transaction logs - Record all financial history and statistics
• Application logs - Record application status and error messages
The DAYS option determines what data will be deleted. If DAYS is 90, then all log data more than 90 days old
will be deleted. A value of zero (0) will remove all historical log data from the system. This is an example:

savapage-db --db-delete-logs 90

C.4.6. db-export and db-export-to

This option exports the data from the database. The application server must be stopped before performing the
export. See Section C.5, “Stopping and Starting the Server” [282].

If you want to perform an online backup without stopping the application server you can use the backup
function in the Admin Web App.

savapage-db --db-export
savapage-db --db-export-to /home/john
savapage-db --db-export-to /home/john/

The database export file is created in the /opt/savapage/server/data/backups directory and the
file is named savapage-export-[date-time].zip.
This option is used to override the default backup directory. The filename will still be named sava-
The full path and filename where the backup is saved is specified.


When executing the command the last line echoed to stdout is the canonical path of the database export

If the directory or filename parameters contain spaces, then the argument needs to be quoted.

C.4.7. db-import
This option imports the data (from a previous export) into the database. The application server must be stopped
to perform the import. This is an example:

savapage-db --db-import /home/john/

Progress and statistics of the import process are written to stdout.

Before import the database is initialized. Thereby existing data in the database are erased.

C.4.8. db-init
This option initializes a database, creating the required tables and initial data. The application server must be
stopped before you initialize the database. This is the command:

savapage-db --db-init

Be careful, existing data in the database are erased.

C.5. Stopping and Starting the Server

Normally there is no need to stop or start the server. This is only required when:
• Performing an off-line backup.
• Migrating the an external database.
• Upgrading the application.
The SavaPage application server may be stopped or started by executing these systemd commands:

sudo systemctl start savapage.service

sudo systemctl stop savapage.service
sudo systemctl restart savapage.service
systemctl status savapage.service

Starts the application server.

Stops the application server.
Stops and starts the application server in one go.
Echoes the run status of the application server.
When SavaPage is installed on a SysV system, use the appropriate service commands.


When you start the application server, wait approximately 10 seconds for the service to initialize before
accessing the Web App interface.

When the server is stopped, any SavaPage Web App loses connection and will be unloaded, and a browser
message like "This site can’t be reached" will be shown. The user must wait till the server is started again,
and press any Reload (Try Again) button to resume.

C.6. SSL Key Generation

During the install process, SavaPage generates a self-signed key and SHA-2 certificate issued for the host's ma-
chine name. This key is used by default when the system is accessed via HTTPS on port 8632.

The default SSL certificate provides good security, however there are two downsides to using a self-signed cer-
tificate, since users accessing the HTTPS site will encounter warnings from the browser.
1. When users access the HTTPS site using a fully-qualified domain name, the browser will issue a “Domain
mismatch warning”. To avoid this warning, re-create the self-signed certificate with the machine's fully quali-
fied domain name, see Section C.6.1, “Re-Create the Self-Signed Certificate” [283].
2. The browser will also warn the user that the certificate is not signed by a trusted authority. To overcome this
you must obtain a certificate signed by a trusted authority, see Section C.6.2, “Importing an Existing SSL
Certificate” [283].

C.6.1. Re-Create the Self-Signed Certificate

The tool create-ssl-keystore can be used to re-create the key/certificate (stored in a keystore file) for a different
hostname eliminating the browser domain mismatch warning. An example of the command's use:

cd /opt/savapage/server/bin
./create-ssl-keystore -f --default --system-name ""

More information is available via the --help command line option.

usage: [OPTION]...
--create <FILE> Creates a specific keystore file.
-d,--default Creates the default keystore file
-f,--force Force. Overwrite any existing keystore file.
-h,--help Displays this help text.
--system-name <NAME> The name of the computer/server used for the
SSL Certificate. If not set the current
computer name is used.

C.6.2. Importing an Existing SSL Certificate

If you have an existing SSL certificate you can import it into a Java keystore to be used by SavaPage. Reasons
for having an existing signed key include:
• You have obtained a dedicated SSL certificate for use with your SavaPage Application Server.
• Your organization's intranet as served by Internet Information Server (Windows), Apache (GNU/Linux) or
another web server uses a certificate that can be re-used for SavaPage.

Unless your intranet server and SavaPage run on the same server (i.e. on different ports), the server
name of your intranet server will be different from your SavaPage Application Server. E.g. the in-


tranet address might be while the SavaPage Application Server can
be reached at In this case the certificate can only be re-used if it is a
so-called wild-card certificate that allows arbitrary subdomains under the domain
name that it was issued for.
If the SSL certificate is held in a Windows environment you will have a certificate with an attached private key
in a so-called PCKS #12 file with *.p12 or .pfx extension5. Please convert this PCKS #12 file to a separate
PEM private key and PEM certificate.

If the certificate with key exist in the certificates store of Windows or IIS Server, you need to export it
as a .PFX file first.

On GNU/Linux you will typically already have separate PEM encoded6 key and certificate files. In this example,
they are called your_private_key.pem and your_certificate.pem respectively.

However, we are not quite done yet, since we should add the intermediate certificate(s) of the Certificate Authority
to the keystore as well. These certificates should be supplied by your CA or are available for download on the
CA's web site as a file ending with .pem or .crt. A single PEM file has to be made, containing your certificate
and all the intermediate certificates of your CA.

Use these commands to combine your certificate and the intermediates into one PEM file:

cat your_certificate.pem > savapage.pem

cat intermediate_cert_1.pem >> savapage.pem
cat intermediate_cert_2.pem >> savapage.pem

Use this command to combine the private key and the certificates into a single .p12 file:

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey your_private_key.pem -in savapage.pem -out savapage.p12

Enter pass phrase for your_private_key.pem: (Enter your private key password, if present)
Enter Export Password: (Make up a password)
Verifying - Enter Export Password: (Repeat the password you made up)

The keytool command used in this section is part of the OpenJDK package as installed on the host. Now, use this
command to create a new Java keystore and import the .p12 or .pfx file at hand:

keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore my-ssl-keystore.jks -srckeystore savapage.p12 \

-srcstoretype PKCS12

Enter destination keystore password: (Make up another password)

Enter source keystore password: (Enter password you made up with OpenSSL before)

At this point your keystore file is ready to use, so follow the instructions in Section C.6.3, “Installing the Key-
store” [284] to install it and start serving up your new SSL certificate.

C.6.3. Installing the Keystore

The previous section described how to create a keystore file from an existing SSL certificate. This section describes
how to install your keystore so that SavaPage can start serving up your new certificate.

To configure the SavaPage Application Server to use the new key/certificate:

PKCS #12 is one of the family of standards called Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), published by RSA Laboratories. It defines
a (binary) file format commonly used to store X.509 private keys with accompanying public key certificates, protected with a password-based
symmetric key, and is the successor to PFX from Microsoft.
PEM or Privacy Enhanced Mail is a Base64 encoded DER certificate. PEM certificates are frequently used for web servers as they can easily
be translated into readable data using a simple text editor. Generally when a PEM encoded file is opened in a text editor, it contains very
distinct headers and footers.


1. Copy your signed keystore onto the server running the SavaPage Application Server. The suggested location
is /opt/savapage/server/custom/my-ssl-keystore.jks
2. Open the file /opt/savapage/server/ with a text editor.
3. Locate the section titled SSL/HTTP Configuration.
4. Remove the # (hash) comment marker from all lines starting with "server.ssl".
5. Define the location of your keystore, keystore password and key password as chosen previously. The file should
look something like this:


6. Restart the SavaPage Application Server and verify all is working. If the server fails to start, error messages
will be recorded in logs located in the server's logs directory.

Appendix D. Capacity Planning

This section discusses capacity planning considerations so administrators can plan future infrastructure require-
ments and make decisions about how to deploy the application. SavaPage is designed to be self-maintaining, how-
ever it is important that the administrator understands the disk-space requirements and how this changes overtime.

D.1. Database Sizing and Growth

Special attention is needed to make sure there is enough disk space to hold a growing database. Database growth
is very dependent on the usage patterns and therefore can differ significantly from site to site.

Although, there is some overhead for data like Users, Proxy Printers and Queues, this data is static and does not
grow over-time. The majority of database growth is caused by logging the document flow.

So, the best prediction of database growth is based on the estimated number of documents printed to SavaPage
and Proxy Printers, and exported to PDF.

The table below provides an indication of growth per 10,000 jobs for SavaPage and Proxy Printing and PDF export.
Combining these numbers with your estimate of user activity result in a growth estimate.

Job type Increase per 10,000 jobs

SavaPage printing 15 MB

Proxy Printer printing 20 MB

SavaPage Financial 5 MB

PDF export 20 MB

Table D.1. Database size increase metrics per document flow.

To demonstrate how to estimate database growth we make a number of assumptions. Please adjust these assump-
tions to suit your organization. The assumptions are:
• 1 job for each job type per user per day
• 20 working days in a month
• Therefore, 20 jobs for each job type per user per month

Here is a sample database growth calculation based on a 500 user site:

1. Calculate the total number of jobs expected for the month (i.e. the total number of users multiplied by the
number of jobs). So in this example, SavaPage is handling 10,000 jobs for each job type a month.
2. Calculate the monthly growth rate by dividing the jobs per month by 10,000 and then multiplying by the data-
base growth rate:
• SavaPage printing : 10,000/10,000*15=15MB per Month
• Proxy Printer printing: 10,000/10,000*20=20MB per Month
• SavaPage Financial: 10,000/10,000*5=5MB per Month
• PDF export: 10,000/10,000*20=20MB per Month
Therefore in this situation the database will grow by approximately 15+20+5+20=60MB per month.
3. To estimate the growth per year, multiply the above by 12. Therefore in this situation, the database will grow
by 60*12=720MB per year.

Capacity Planning

You can limit database growth by purging old log data after an automatic database backup. In our example,
when you set the number of days document logs are held to 365, database increase will maximize to
720MB. See Figure 4.101, “Admin Web App: Options - Automatic Backups” [146]

D.2. SafePages Sizing and Growth

SafePages are transient. They serve as scratchpad to accumulate and edit SavaPage print jobs. After ProxyPrinting
and PDF exporting is done the user will normally clear the scratchpad for a new session. Of course this does not
hold for personal Letterheads. Take in consideration that SafePages (including Letterheads) from logically deleted
users are removed. This all makes the calculation of required disk space a simple linear function of the number of
active users times the average size of a user's SafePages home. Since an average 10-page print job takes about 1
MB to hold in store, making a reservation of 10 MB per user seems fair enough.

D.3. Network Bandwidth Planning

With modern switched Ethernet networks, bandwidth is rarely a factor when planning SavaPage deployments. The
bandwidth consumed by SavaPage is usually dwarfed by the print document data - e.g. the PostScript and PDF
spool data sent across the network. Bandwidth does however become a consideration when planning deployments
crossing physical site boundaries such as networks linked via a WAN.

SavaPage uses JSON based HTTP Requests for communication between browser-to-server (Ajax)1 and server-to-
browser (Comet)2. This protocol is very bandwidth efficient and designed to work well on low bandwidth and
high latency networks.

Ajax (an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a group of techniques to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax,
web applications send data to, and retrieve data from, a server asynchronously using an XMLHttpRequest object. Despite the name, the use
of XML is not needed, and JSON is often used instead. Also, requests do not need to be asynchronous.
Comet (or “Reverse Ajax”) is a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser,
without the browser explicitly requesting it.

Appendix E. URL Cheat Sheet

For Internet access restrictions see Section 15.2, “Access over Internet” [227].

Path Description / Parameters / Examples

/ User Web App


user/ User Web App

sp-login-local (exclude OAuth, use local login modes only)


Login with Username, ID Number, Local NFC Card or YubiKey:


oauth/[provider]/ User Web App login with OAuth [provider] and optional plug-in [id].

user/oauth/[provider] https://savapage:8632/oauth/google
user/oauth/[provider]/ https://savapage:8632/user/oauth/smartschool
[id] https://savapage:8632/user/oauth/smartschool/myschool

admin/ Admin Web App

jobtickets/ Job Tickets Web App

pos/ Point-of-Sale Web App

printsite/ Print Site Web App



printers/[queue] Printer Queue

URL Cheat Sheet

Path Description / Parameters / Examples

printers/ Default Printer Queue


IPP 1.1 scheme: supported by all major operating systems except Windows.
The SavaPage SSL certificate needs to be trusted by the client workstationa . See Sec-
tion C.6.3, “Installing the Keystore” [284].
IPP 1.0 scheme: supported by all major operating systems.
The SavaPage SSL certificate needs to be trusted by the client workstation. See Sec-
tion C.6.3, “Installing the Keystore” [284]

printers/internet/user/ The Printer Device URI path for Internet Print. Parameters are not query parameters but are part
[number]/uuid/[uuid] of the path.
• [number] : the User ID Number.
• [uuid] : the User UUID.

ipps:// \

ios/install/ iOS Web Clip Install


docs/manual/ User Manual

docs/licenses/ License Information

callback/ Web API Callback

callback/payment/[live| Web API Callback for Payment Gateway


client/ Download of shared Client Files. A link to a directory downloads the zipped content.

xmlrpc/ The secure only XML-RPC endpoint:


See Section C.2.1, “XML-RPC” [276].

ext/papercut/ Section N.4, “PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface” [331].

feed/admin/ Section C.3, “Atom Feed Service” [279].

verify/pdf/ Section 8.2, “PDF/PGP Signature” [189].

When the SSL certificate is not trusted a "client-error-not-possible" situation will occur when adding the printer.

Table E.1. SavaPage URL Cheat Sheet

Appendix F. File Locations

The table below summarizes the SavaPage file locations.

When overriding defaults, make sure the location for SavaPage temporary files resides on the same
disk partition as the locations used to store data on runtime. See:
• Section 11.3.4, “Alternative File Locations” [202].
• Section 20.3.3, “JVM Temporary Files” [253].

Path Description

/opt/savapage/ Install directory.

client/ Client applications.

app/ Chapter 9, User Client [192].

config/ Section 9.2, “User Client Deployment” [193]


jmx/ Section, “JMX Agent” [147].

linux/ .desktop templates.

providers/ Section, “Information Provider” [7]

cups/ Section, “CUPS Notifier” [202].

nfc/ Section B.3, “Network Card Reader Service” [262].

server/ Section, “Internal Admin Password” [226]

Section, “Google Cloud Printer Registration” [131]
Section, “JMX Agent” [147]
• jmxremote.*
Section 4.13.3, “Community” [163]
• savapage.membercard
Section 11.3, “Advanced Configuration” [198]

bin/ • Section C.1, “Server Commands” [263].

• Section C.4, “Database Commands” [280].

custom/ Section 20.3, “JVM Tuning” [252]

• app-server.conf

Section C.6, “SSL Key Generation” [283]

File Locations

Path Description
• my-ssl-keystore.jks

Section 18.1, “Custom Web App” [236]


cups/ Appendix K, PPD Extensions [304]

i18n/ Section L.3, “IPP Localization” [321]

template/ Section 18.2, “Email Templates” [239]

i18n/ Section, “Custom i18n” [239]

data/ Section 15.4, “SSL Passwords” [228]

• default-ssl-keystore.*
Section 15.6, “Encrypted Secrets” [229]

backups/ Section 4.10.13, “Backups” [145].

conf/ Section, “Internal Groups” [121]

• internal-groups.txt :
Section 13.1.18, “User Alias” [218]
• username-aliases.txt :

docs/ Accessible via URL: Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288]

doc-archive/ Print Archive

[CCYY]/ Printed PDF and Job Options (in JSON format) are stored in a unique identifying file path of
[MM]/ year, month, day, hour and UUID of the print job.

doc-journal/ Print Journal

[CCYY]/ Analogous to doc-archive.

email-outbox/ Outgoing email queue.


Derby/ Section, “Database” [4].

letterheads/ Section 3.6, “Letterheads” [57]

Also see Section 11.3.4, “Alternative File Locations” [202]

safepages/ Section 3.3, “SafePages” [24].

Also see Section 11.3.4, “Alternative File Locations” [202]

print-jobtickets/ Chapter 5, Job Tickets Web App [172].

examples/ Section 12.2, “Printing with AirPrint” [209]

File Locations

Path Description

papercut/ Section N.4, “PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface” [331]

ext/ Appendix M, SavaPage Plug-ins [323]

• savapage-ext-*.properties

lib/ Extension JAR files.

logs/ Extension log files.

lib/ Main WAR and JAR files.


logs/ Main log files.

Table F.1. SavaPage File Locations

Appendix G. Printable File Types

G.1. Standard File Types

SavaPage printer supports a number of common file types out of the box as summarized in Table G.1, “Standard
Printable File Types” [293].

Non-embedded fonts in original or produced PDF documents are subject to Font Substitution.

Extension Type

pdf Portable Document Format

• The PDF must not be password protected or have XFAa form content.
• For acceptance of encrypted PDF the Allow Encrypted PDF for Proxy Printing
option must explicitly be enabled.
• Non-embedded fonts are subject to PDF Font Substitution.

ps PostScript

DRM protected PostScript is rendered for ProxyPrinting only. See Section 12.7,
“Printing Encrypted PDF” [215].

xps XML Paper Specification

See Section G.1.1, “XPS to PDF Installation Instructions” [294].

html Hypertext Markup Language

CSS 2.1 is fully supported.

txt Text File

bmp Bitmap

gif Graphic Interchange Format

For Animated GIF each image is rendered separately.

jpg, jpeg, JPEG/JIFF Image


png Portable (Public) Network Graphic

svg Scalable Vector Graphics

The librsvg2-bin package is needed for this option. On Debian based systems
use this command to install:

sudo apt-get install librsvg2-bin

tiff, tif Tagged Image Format File

Multi-page tiff is supported.

XML Forms Architecture (XFA) is a proprietary format for forms introduced by Adobe in PDF 1.5 that is not compatible with ISO 32000's
AcroForms feature. Most PDF processors do not handle XFA content. The XFA specification is referenced from ISO 32000-1 / PDF 1.7 as
an external proprietary specification, and was entirely deprecated from PDF with ISO 32000-2 (PDF 2.0).

Table G.1. Standard Printable File Types

Printable File Types

The Default Paper Size, as shown in Figure 4.108, “Admin Web App: Options - Default Paper Size” [150],
is used as the paper size for the printed document of a Printable File Type which itself does not have
a document structure with a clearly defined page size. These types typically include HTML, TXT and

G.1.1. XPS to PDF Installation Instructions

XML Paper Specification (XPS) is an XML based electronic paper format originally developed by Microsoft to
serve as a PDF alternative. XPS files are usually created using "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" in a Windows

SavaPage uses the xpstopdf command from the libgxps1 package to convert XPS documents to PDF format. Check
if this package is installed by entering the command: xpstopdf --help

On Debian based systems you can install the package with the command:

sudo apt-get install libgxps-utils

Before XPS to PDF can be used it must be enabled. See Figure 4.110, “Admin Web App: Options -
Converters” [150].

G.2. Advanced File Types

SavaPage printer supports additional file types using the PDF converter of LibreOffice as summarized in Table G.2,
“Advanced Printable File Types” [294]. Check if LibreOffice is installed by entering the command:

libreoffice --version

LibreOffice can easily be installed with the standard installer of the GNU/Linux host. On Debian based systems
you can use the command line to install the packages needed. For example:

# The core package

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-core unoconv

# ... or on Debian jessie, to get the latest LibreOffice version

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-core unoconv -t jessie-backports

# To convert text, spreadsheet and presentation documents

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-writer libreoffice-calc libreoffice-impress

Extension Type

rtf Rich Text Format

doc Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003

xls Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003

ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003

docx Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML

xlsx Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML

pptx Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML

libgxps [] is a library for handling and rendering XPS documents.

Printable File Types

Extension Type

odt ODF Text Document

ods ODF Spreadsheet

odp ODF Presentation

sxw 1.0 Text Document

sxc 1.0 Spreadsheet

sxi 1.0 Presentation

Table G.2. Advanced Printable File Types

PDF conversion of Microsoft documents may not give correct results in all cases.

Before LibreOffice can be used it must be enabled. See Figure 4.110, “Admin Web App: Options - Con-
verters” [150].

G.3. PDF Font Substitution

The fontconfig2 package, installed on the GNU/Linux host, is used by the PDF printing renderer to get the
best matching installed font as substitute for non-embedded fonts in the PDF document.

The PDF "Standard 14 fonts"3 aka "Base 14 Fonts" are never embedded. Every PDF renderer is required to provide
these fonts, either directly or via appropriate substitutes. Current substitutes are shown in the Admin Web App,
About Host Packages section.

When a PDF document contains non-embedded fonts that are not from the Standard 14 fonts, the substitute fonts
selected by fontconfig may not be the same as the fonts used to create the PDF, and so rendering may not be
correct. Therefore, it is wise to install additional fonts, especially the much used Microsoft True Type Core Fonts
with Andale Mono, Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

# DejaVu provides an expanded version of the Vera font family aiming for
# quality and broader Unicode coverage while retaining the original Vera style.
sudo apt-get install fonts-dejavu

# Other fonts for more accurate matching, so non-embedded fonts

# don't fallback to DejaVu font.

# Microsoft True Type Core Fonts

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

# Free look-alike fonts of the Adobe PostScript fonts:

# Nimbus Roman, Nimbus Mono, Nimbus Sans, Century Schoolbook, Dingbats,
# Standard Symbols, URW Chancery, URW Palladio, URW Gothic, URW Bookman
sudo apt-get install gsfonts

# Cantarell sans serif font family designed for on-screen readability.

sudo apt-get install fonts-cantarell

# Width-compatible fonts for improved on-screen readability

# Arimo, Cousine and Tinos are metrically compatible with Arial,
# Courier New and Times New Roman, respectively.
sudo apt-get install fonts-croscore

The "Standard 14 Fonts” of PDF documents are described in the ISO Standard 32000-1:2008(E) Section

Printable File Types

# Caladea is metric-compatible with Cambria font.

sudo apt-get install fonts-crosextra-caladea

# Carlito is metric-compatible with Calibri font.

sudo apt-get install fonts-crosextra-carlito

# Extensive character set coverage including Western Europe, Eastern/Central Europe,

# Baltic, Cyrillic, Greek and Turkish support. The Droid Sans regular font also
# includes support for Arabic, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese,
# Korean and Thai.
sudo apt-get install fonts-droid-fallback

# Fonts with the same metrics as Times, Arial and Courier

sudo apt-get install fonts-liberation

# "Noto" is short for "No Tofu", describing the aim of covering

# all living Unicode scripts.
sudo apt-get install fonts-noto

# OpenSymbol TrueType font included in LibreOffice.

sudo apt-get install fonts-opensymbol

Appendix H. Upgrading from a Previous

This appendix describes the SavaPage standard upgrade procedure.

H.1. Upgrading the Server

SavaPage supports upgrades using a simple install-over-the-top procedure. We recommend reviewing all steps
prior to commencing the upgrade procedure.
1. Download the SavaPage installer for your platform. In accordance with best practice we recommend that you
archive your install programs just in case you need to reinstall in the future or roll back to a previous version.
2. Take some time to read the release notes for this version as they may highlight considerations during upgrades.
3. Schedule approximately 10 minutes downtime. It is suggested to choose a time of day with minimal network
activity. If there is a large volume of data in the system (for example if the system has been running for more
than a year, or there are several thousands of users) the upgrade may take longer. With very large installations
it may be appropriate to schedule an hour or more of downtime.
4. Take a point-in-time backup of the data by pressing the Backup Now located under Options → Backups. This
will ensure you have a copy of the important data.
5. As a precaution on very large systems, we recommend backing up the whole SavaPage install directory. Existing
overnight backups may have taken care of this task, however take a few moments to grab an up-to-date backup
now. For example, create a zip archive of the directory /opt/savapage
6. Run the installer downloaded in step 1 and install into the same location as the existing install, like /opt/sava-
7. After the install has completed allow a few minutes before accessing the system. The system may need to
perform a database upgrade and this will be performed in the background. If you try to access the application
while a database upgrade is in progress a message displaying the upgrade status will be displayed.

Do not shutdown the application while an upgrade is in progress. Wait for the upgrade to complete.

Sometimes a new SavaPage version performs changes on the database schema. In that case a
database backup is performed automatically before the upgrade. The backup file is located at /
opt/savapage/server/data/backups/. The file name is formatted as schema-[nn]-up-
grade-backup-[timestamp].zip, where [nn] is the database schema version before the up-

H.2. Upgrading Client Printer Drivers

Although upgrading locally installed SavaPage Printer Drivers is not strictly required, we strongly recommend
doing so. We strive to maintain backwards compatibility between versions, so in most cases these drivers will
continue to function, but to take advantage of new features they must be upgraded.

H.3. Testing the Upgrade

After the install is complete, log into the system and perform some tests to ensure all is working as expected.

Appendix I. Migrating to a New Server

Migrating to a new server is a major task. Administrators should block out at a minimum two hours, and should
select a time where downtime will be of minimum disruption to end-users.

This section describes how to migrate SavaPage to a new system so that all data is moved to the new system.
To ensure a smooth migration it is strongly recommended that the versions of SavaPage on both the old and new
servers are the same. The easiest way to achieve this is to upgrade the old server to the latest version, and then
install the latest version on the new server.

Please read the sections below in full before conducting your migration.

I.1. Upgrade Old Server

Upgrade the old server to the latest version:
1. Download the latest available version available from the SavaPage Website1
2. Install the upgrade by following the steps in Appendix H, Upgrading from a Previous Version [297].
3. After the upgrade is complete, check that everything is working as expected.

I.2. Install New Server

Install the latest version of SavaPage on the new server.
1. Make your CUPS printers on the new server identical as the ones on the old server, and test the CUPS queues
before installing SavaPage. Use exactly the same names for the CUPS queues. If you deviate you might need
to rename Proxy Printers after installation, as explained in Section I.5, “Rename Printers” [299].
2. Follow the instructions at Chapter 2, Server Installation [10]. Complete the configuration steps, including the
user import. Although importing the users is not strictly required, as this data will be overridden after data
migration, it does confirm that your new server has the correct network connectivity. Of course you are free
to synchronize with a smaller user group to proof the connectivity.
3. Compare the content of the /opt/savapage/server/ file from the old server
with the one on the new server, and change the file on the new server where needed.
4. Import your Member Card file into the new server. See Section 4.13.3, “Community” [163].

I.3. Freeze Old Server

Prevent creation of new Proxy Print jobs and bring all active CUPS jobs to end-state. For more information about
the reason for this action see Section 2.3.3, “CUPS Job ID” [12].
1. Put SavaPage into Maintenance Mode to block user access.
2. Wait for print jobs to complete. Cancel all jobs that can't complete. Check the Documents Log: no print job
should be active.

I.4. Migrate Data to New Server

The simplest way to migrate the data to the new server is to use the backup and restore process.
1. Backup the data from the old system using the Admin Web App, or see the instructions at Section C.4.6, “db-
export and db-export-to” [281] for the command-line variant.

Migrating to a New Server

2. Copy the backup zip file created in the backup step onto the new server.
3. Stop the SavaPage Server by running the stop script. See Section C.5, “Stopping and Starting the Serv-
er” [282].
4. Restore the data from the old system into SavaPage on the new server by following the Database Import
instructions. The import commands need to be run as the savapage user.
5. If present, migrate the Google Cloud Print Service parameters by copying the file at
location /opt/savapage/server/ from the old server to the same location on the new server. Make
sure this file is owned by savapage , and restrict access by executing:

sudo chown savapage:savapage

sudo chmod 600

6. Migrate the database Encryption Keys by copying the file at location /opt/
savapage/server/data/ from the old server to the same location on the new server. Overwrite the
existing file on the new server. Make sure this file is owned by savapage , and restrict access by executing:

sudo chown savapage:savapage

sudo chmod 600

7. If present, migrate the User Name Aliases and Internal Groups by copying the username-aliases.txt
and internal-groups.txt files at location /opt/savapage/server/data/conf/ from the old
server to the same location on the new server. If the alias file depends on users from a User Source on the
local Unix system, be sure that these users also exist on the new server.
8. If present, migrate any messages in the email outbox by copying the files at location /opt/sava-
page/server/data/email-outbox/ from the old server to the same location on the new server.
9. If present migrate the Document Store from the old server to the same location on the new server.
10. Migrate all customization files to the new server. See Chapter 18, Customization [236] and Appendix K,
PPD Extensions [304].
11. Start the SavaPage Server by running the start script. See Section C.5, “Stopping and Starting the Serv-
er” [282].
12. Check that all data has been migrated correctly and the system works as expected by comparing Users and
Documents data in the old and new Admin Web App.

I.5. Rename Printers

If you changed the CUPS printer names on the new server, you may want to rename the existing Proxy Printer
entries in SavaPage so that the printing history and settings are maintained. See Figure 4.52, “Admin Web App:
Proxy Printer - Rename” [109] for details about the rename action.

I.6. Update SavaPage Printers

If the server’s name and/or IP address has changed then it is necessary to update the connection details for SavaPage
Printers on user workstations. See Section 12.1.2, “SavaPage Printer Installation” [206] for details.

Appendix J. Advanced LDAP Configuration

SavaPage supports the following LDAP server types out-of-the-box:

• OpenLDAP
• Apple Open Directory
• Novell eDirectory
• Microsoft Active Directory
The basic configuration options for these types are discussed at Section, “LDAP” [119]. However, other
server/schema types can be supported by defining the fields to query and the LDAP searches to perform. These
options are configured by adjusting entries in the Config Editor of the Admin Web App. The following configu-
ration properties are available:

Configuration property Description

ldap.schema.user-name-field The LDAP field that contains the user's username.

ldap.schema.user-full-name-field The LDAP field that contains the user's full name.

ldap.schema.user-email-field The LDAP field that contains the user's email address.

ldap.schema.user-department-field The LDAP field that contains the user's department.

ldap.schema.user-office-field The LDAP field that contains the user's office location.

ldap.schema.user-name-search The LDAP search to retrieve the user. The {0} in the search is
replaces with * when listing all users, and [username] when
searching for a specific user.

If no search is defined the default is ([userName-


IMPORTANT: The search must include the {0} value. The LDAP field that contains the group's name. The LDAP field that contains the group's full name. The LDAP field that contains the group members. The LDAP search to retrieve the group. The {0} in the search is
replaced with * for all group searches.

If no search is defined, the default is ([groupMember-

Field]={0}), which means get all entries with at least one mem-

IMPORTANT: The search must include the {0} value.

ldap.schema.posix-groups If Y, then the group member field contains the user's username. If
N, then the group member field contains the user's DN.

Table J.1. LDAP Configuration Properties

J.1. LDAP Server Default Configuration

When a particular LDAP server type is selected (e.g. Novell eDirectory), SavaPage uses the following defaults
to query the LDAP server. These defaults can be used as a starting point for customizing the LDAP searches or
for supporting other server types.

Advanced LDAP Configuration

J.1.1. OpenLDAP
If the LDAP server is configured to support OpenLDAP based authentication then this schema type can be used.
The following defaults are used.

Configuration property Default value

ldap.schema.user-name-field uid

ldap.schema.user-full-name-field cn

ldap.schema.user-email-field mail

ldap.schema.user-department-field departmentNumber


This item is not set.

ldap.schema.user-name-search (uid={0}) cn displayName member (&(cn={0})(objectClass=groupOfNames))

ldap.schema.posix-groups N

Table J.2. OpenLDAP Default Settings

J.1.2. Apple Open Directory

If the LDAP server is configured to support Apple Open Directory based authentication then this schema type can
be used. The following defaults are used.

Configuration property Default value

ldap.schema.user-name-field uid

ldap.schema.user-full-name-field cn

ldap.schema.user-email-field mail

ldap.schema.user-department-field departmentNumber


This item is not set.

ldap.schema.user-name-search (uid={0}) cn displayName memberUid (memberUid={0})

ldap.schema.posix-groups Y

Table J.3. Apple Open Directory Default Settings

Advanced LDAP Configuration

J.1.3. Novell eDirectory Defaults

If the LDAP server is a Novell eDirectory then the following defaults are used1.

Configuration property Default value

ldap.schema.user-name-field cn

ldap.schema.user-full-name-field fullName

ldap.schema.user-email-field mail

ldap.schema.user-department-field OU

ldap.schema.user-office-field l

ldap.schema.user-name-search (&(cn={0})(objectClass=person)) cn fullName member (&(member={0})(objectClass=groupOfNames))

ldap.schema.posix-groups N

Table J.4. Novell eDirectory Default Settings

J.1.4. Microsoft Active Directory Defaults

If the LDAP server is a Microsoft Active Directory then the following defaults are used2.

Configuration property Default value

ldap.schema.user-name-field sAMAccountName

ldap.schema.user-full-name-field displayName

ldap.schema.user-email-field mail

ldap.schema.user-department-field department

ldap.schema.user-office-field physicalDeliveryOfficeName

ldap.schema.user-name-search (&(sAMAccountName={0})(objectCategory=per-
son) (objectClass=user)(sAMAccount-

The extra {1} in the search is replaced with an optional filter to

fetch enabled users only (see ldap.allow-disabled-users). sAMAccountName displayName member (&(sAMAccountName={0})(objectCatego-

ldap.schema.posix-groups N

Table J.5. Microsoft Active Directory Default Settings

The list of standard Novell eDirectory user fields can be found on NDK: Novell eDirectory Schema Reference [https://].
The list of standard Active Directory user fields can be found on the Microsoft Active Directory Schema [https://docs.mi-] web site .

Advanced LDAP Configuration

Configuration property Default value / Description

ldap.disabled-users.allow N

If Y, then disabled users are accepted in user name searches. If N,

they are ignored.

ldap.schema.dn-field distinguishedName

The LDAP field that contains the Distinguished Name (DN).

ldap.schema.user-name-group-search (&(memberOf={0})(objectCategory=person) (ob-


This is the LDAP search to retrieve the users from a group.

The {0} in the search is replaced with the DN of the user.

The {1} in the search is replaced with an optional filter to fetch

enabled users only (see ldap.allow-disabled-users).

IMPORTANT: The search must include the {0} and {1} value.

ldap.schema.nested-group-search (&(memberOf={0})(objectCategory=group))

This is the LDAP search to retrieve the nested groups from a group.

The {0} in the search is replaced with the DN of the group.

IMPORTANT: The search must include the {0} value.

Table J.6. Microsoft Active Directory Custom Settings

Active Directory field names must be in the Ldap-Display-Name format. For example, if you want to
use the Employee-Number field, then the field name entered should be employeeNumber as shown on the
Employee-Number attribute page

Appendix K. PPD Extensions
Vendor specific PPD option keywords are generally not mapped to IPP attributes by CUPS. That's why we do
not get IPP attributes for finishings (staple, punch, fold, booklet) or collating delivered, when we ask CUPS for
an IPP printer description. To bridge this gap we built our own mapping by means of a so-called PPD Extension
.ppde file. With this mapping we are able to identify printer capabilities based on IPP and feed CUPS the vendor
specific PPD options as IPP attributes when sending a print job. When printing, these IPP disguised PPD options
are neatly applied by CUPS in the context of the PPD driver, so the right PostScript / PCL snippets are injected
in the spool file.

PPD Extension files reside in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/cups/ directory. An annotated

type-model-version.ppde.template file is installed there for your convenience. The .ppde file can
be linked to a Proxy Printer. See Section 4.8.2, “Edit Proxy Printer” [103]. When linked, the mapped PPD options
will appear in the Printer Settings Dialog.

When the content of a PPD Extension File, assigned to any Proxy Printer, is changed, you must Synchro-
nize the Proxy Printers to take those changes into effect.

PPD Extensions is an advanced feature. Please consult your SavaPage Community Representative before

K.1. PPD to IPP Mappings

The PPDE file holds mappings of original PPD file options to their IPP attribute and values counterparts. Mapped
IPP attributes and values can either be IANA registered, or Internal SavaPage Extensions. This is the syntax:

*VENOption IppAttribute
*VENOption *VENOptionValue-1 IppValue-1
*VENOption *VENOptionValue-n IppValue-n

VENOption must be replaced by its PPD equivalent (the VEN prefix stands for vendor specific).
VENOption / VENOptionValue pairs, whose values must be copied from the vendor PPD.

IppValue is the IPP value equivalent. The optional asterix * prefix of VENOptionValue tells if the
value is the default. The IppValue must be unique in the VENOption set, while the VENOptionValue
can be used more than once. In this way different IPP values can be mapped to the same PPD value.

VENOption / VENOptionValue pairs are relevant for IPP attributes that have “keyword”,
“enum” or “boolean” syntax, because their values are confined to a predefined set. These pairs are
not needed for IPP attributes that have unconfined values, because of their “integer”, “name”, or
“text” syntax.

K.1.1. Mapping PPD to IPP

IANA IPP attributes available for mapping are presented in the sections below.

K.1.1.1. copies
*VENCopies copies

PPD Extensions

K.1.1.2. media-source
*VENMediaSource media-source
*VENMediaSource *VENAuto auto
*VENMediaSource VENTop top
*VENMediaSource VENMiddle middle
*VENMediaSource VENBottom bottom
*VENMediaSource VENBypassTray by-pass-tray
*VENMediaSource VENManual manual
*VENMediaSource VENTray1 tray-1
# tray-2 ... tray-10

K.1.1.3. media-type
*VENMediaType media-type
*VENMediaType *VENPaper paper
*VENMediaType VENTransparency transparency
*VENMediaType VENLabels labels
*VENMediaType VENLetterhead letterhead

K.1.1.4. output-bin
*VENOutputBin output-bin
*VENOutputBin *VENAuto auto
*VENOutputBin VENBottom bottom
*VENOutputBin VENCenter center
*VENOutputBin VENTop top
*VENOutputBin VENFaceDown face-down
*VENOutputBin VENFaceUp face-up
*VENOutputBin VENLargeCap large-capacity
*VENOutputBin VENLeft left
*VENOutputBin VENMiddle middle
*VENOutputBin VENRear rear
*VENOutputBin VENSide side
*VENOutputBin VENStacker1 stacker-1
# stacker-2 ... stacker-5
*VENOutputBin VENTray1 tray-1
# tray-2 ... tray-5

K.1.1.5. print-color-mode
*VENPrintColorMode print-color-mode
*VENPrintColorMode *VENMonochrome monochrome
*VENPrintColorMode VENColor color

K.1.1.6. print-scaling
Since CUPS does not map the IPP print-scaling attribute to vendor PPD values, SavaPage falls back to the
CUPS fit-to-page1 boolean attribute to scale documents by default. Value 1 (true) scales the document up
or down to fit the selected media. Value 0 (false) preserves the physical size of the printed document and crops
any content outside the selected media.

You can override this behavior with a custom vendor mapping, as shown below.

*VENPrintScaling print-scaling
*VENPrintScaling *VENFit fit
*VENPrintScaling VENNone none

See Section, “Page Scaling” [40].

K.1.1.7. sheet-collate
*VENCollate sheet-collate


PPD Extensions

*VENCollate *VENCollated collated

*VENCollate VENUncollated uncollated

When sheet-collate is not mapped, SavaPage generates a single PDF and applies a one-copy print. The PDF
is a concatenation of the requested number of copies with pages arranged in the right collate order.

K.1.1.8. sides
*VENSides sides
*VENSides VENOneSided one-sided
*VENSides *VENTwoSidedLongEdge two-sided-long-edge
*VENSides VENTwoSidedShortEdge two-sided-short-edge

K.1.2. Mapping PPD to IPP Extensions

PPD Options can be mapped to Internal IPP Extensions. For example:

*VENStapleOption org.savapage-finishings-staple
*VENStapleOption *VENNone 3
*VENStapleOption VENTopLeft 20
*VENStapleOption VENBottomLeft 21

VENStapleOption is mapped to org.savapage-finishings-staple.

VENNone value of VENStapleOption is mapped to IPP enum value 3 (none). The asterix * tells this
options is the default.
VENTopLeft value of VENStapleOption is mapped to IPP enum value 20 (staple-top-left).
VENBottomLeft value of VENStapleOption is mapped to IPP enum value 21 (staple-bottom-left).

K.1.3. Restricting Standard Options

Standard CUPS/IPP options, like number-up, are independent of PPD, and available for all printers types. The
values of these options can be restricted with PPDE syntax. Below are examples for options currently supported
by SavaPage.

K.1.3.1. number-up
For example, option number-up can be restricted to values 1 (default), 2 and 4 like this:

*number-up number-up
*number-up *1 1
*number-up 2 2
*number-up 4 4

K.2. PPD Rules

Sometimes, simple one-to-one PPD to IPP mappings do not suffice to get the right options to the PPD driver.
In that case PPD rules can be of help. PPD rules take independent IPP (or PDF document) options as input, and
return dependent PPD (or CUPS) options.

K.2.1. Generic PPD Rules

Generic PPD Rules add, assign or substitute PPD option values.

K.2.1.1. SPExtra
The SPExtra rule adds one or more PPD options to a print request, depending on one or more IPP options. The
rule is formatted like this:

*SPExtra/<attrib>/<value>: <mnemonic> \

PPD Extensions

<attrib>/[!]<value> ... \
*<option>/<value> ... \

The rule prefix, an IPP attribute/value pair as main independent variable, and identifying <mnemonic>.
Note: the ! prefix before the IPP value to negates it, is not applicable in this case: you need to specify an
exact IPP value to identify the rule.
Optionally one or more extra IPP attribute/value pairs as independent variables. An optional ! before a value
negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
One or more PPD option/value pairs as dependent variables. These option pairs are added to the print request,
when all independent variables are present.

As an example, some org.savapage-finishings-punch rules for “Canon iR-ADV 8285/8295 UFR II” are shown

*SPExtra/org.savapage-finishings-punch/3: punch-none \

*SPExtra/org.savapage-finishings-punch/74: punch-dual-left \

*SPExtra/org.savapage-finishings-punch/82: punch-quad-left \

The rule can also be used to replace existing options. For example: org.savapage-finishings-booklet rules, for
“Canon iR-ADV 8505 PS”. The snippet below adds extra options BindMode and Booklet, and replaces the
media, number-up, sides and fit-to-page options.

*SPExtra/org.savapage-finishings-booklet/toleft-totop: booklet-toleft-totop-a3 \
media/iso_a3_297x420mm \
*media/iso_a4_210x297mm \
*number-up/1 \
*sides/one-sided \
*BindMode/SaddleStitch \

*SPExtra/org.savapage-finishings-booklet/toleft-totop: booklet-toleft-totop-a4 \
media/iso_a4_210x297mm \
*media/iso_a5_148x210mm \
*fit-to-page/1 \
*number-up/1 \
*sides/one-sided \
*BindMode/SaddleStitch \

You can even replace a single IPP option value. For example, if you want to print “NA Letter” as A4 (relying
on default print-scaling) you can use this rule:

*SPExtra/media/na_letter_8.5x11in: letter-to-a4 \

K.2.1.2. SPSubst
This rule is meant to assign a native PPD value to an IPP attribute, and is formatted like this:

*SPSubst/<attrib>/<value>: <mnemonic> \
<attrib>/[!]<value> ... \
*<value> \

The rule prefix, an IPP attribute/value pair as main independent variable, and identifying <mnemonic>.
Optionally one or more extra IPP attribute/value pairs as independent variables. An optional ! before a value
negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
The PPD option value as dependent variable. This value is assigned as PPD option to the main IPP attribute,
when all independent variables are present.

PPD Extensions

As an example, some sheet-collate substitution rules for “Canon iR-ADV 8285/8295 UFR II” are shown below.
Also see Section L.1.1.1, “org.savapage-finishings-staple” [317]

*SPSubst/sheet-collate/collated: collate \
org.savapage-finishings-staple/3 \

*SPSubst/sheet-collate/uncollated: group \
org.savapage-finishings-staple/3 \

*SPSubst/sheet-collate/collated: staple-and-collate \
org.savapage-finishings-staple/!3 \

*SPSubst/sheet-collate/uncollated: staple-and-group \
org.savapage-finishings-staple/!3 \

K.2.2. Custom PPD Rules

Custom PPD Rules are restricted to specific situations.

K.2.2.1. LandscapeOrientation
Most PPD files contain an attribute called LandscapeOrientation, with value Plus90 (default) or Mi-
nus90, that describes how landscape oriented pages are rotated to fit the portrait mode "Finished Page" 2.

In Plus90 mode, landscape pages are -90 rotated to fit the "Finished Page", and the user must +90 rotate after
printing, to get it into tangible landscape view again. Minus90 is vice versa. The terms "Minus" and "Plus" are
a bit confusing. They do not refer to the rotate direction before printing, but refer to the "manual" user rotation
after printing, to get the "Finished Page" into landscape view again.

SavaPage creates IPP print jobs that are effectively printed according to Minus90. In this way, staple-top-
right makes sense for landscape viewed pages.

As the CUPS number-up option still behaves according to the original PPD LandscapeOrientation at-
tribute, SavaPage corrects with appropriate number-up-layout and orientation-requested options,
to get the overall Minus90 effect for number-up printed sheets that have landscape view.

Because SavaPage assumes that all target proxy printers behave according to the Plus90 default, any exception
must be entered in a PPDE like this:

*LandscapeOrientation: Minus90

When nevertheless number-up printed sheets do not turn out as expected, corrections can be made with

SavaPage does not correct with number-up-layout and orientation-requested options
when a org.savapage-finishings-booklet finishing is chosen, since MFP booklet finishers are supposed to
apply the correct orientation and layout.

K. SPRule/number-up
This is a fallback rule to make corrections, in the rare case that LandscapeOrientation, as discussed in
the previous section, does not work out as expected. Each rule is prefixed with *SPRule/number-up: and
formatted like this:
According to PWG5100.3: a Finished Page is "One side of a sheet in a Finished Document, i.e., one side of a sheet as perceived by a person
after any cutting, folding, and/or booklet making".

PPD Extensions

*SPRule/number-up: <mnemonic> \
pdf-orientation/<value> \
pdf-rotation/<value> \
pdf-content-rotation/<value> \
user-rotate/<value> \
number-up/<value> \
*orientation-requested/<value> \
*number-up-layout/<value> \

The rule prefix and identifying <mnemonic>.

The orientation <value> of the first PDF page to be printed: portrait, landscape .
The rotation <value> of the first PDF page to be printed: 0, 90, 180 , 270 .
The content rotation <value> of the first PDF page to be printed: 0, 90, 180 , 270 . When not specified,
value 0 is assumed.
The user rotation <value> on the PDF document to be printed: 0, 90. See Section, “Rotation” [30].
When not specified, value 0 is assumed.
The selected number-up <value> : 1, 2, 4, 6, 9.
As the previous independent variables describe the situation “as is”, this is the first dependent variable telling
CUPS the orientation-requested <value> : 4 (landscape), 5 (reverse landscape) , 6 (reverse por-
trait). Note: a value of - indicates that this CUPS attribute is not used.
The second dependent variable telling CUPS the number-up-layout <value> : btlr, btrl, lrbt,
lrtb, rlbt, rltb, tblr, tbrl. Note: a value of - indicates that this CUPS attribute is not used.
The third optional dependent variable is used for the Document Log only, telling that the resulting n-up
layout has logical landscape orientation. When not specified, portrait orientation is assumed.

As an example, some rules are shown below.

*SPRule/number-up: portrait-90-0-0-1 \
pdf-orientation/portrait pdf-rotation/90 user-rotate/0 number-up/1 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/-

*SPRule/number-up: portrait-90-0-0-2-270 \
pdf-orientation/portrait pdf-rotation/90 user-rotate/0 number-up/2 \
*orientation-requested/5 *number-up-layout/tbrl

*SPRule/number-up: portrait-90-0-0-4 \
pdf-orientation/portrait pdf-rotation/90 user-rotate/0 number-up/4 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/tbrl

*SPRule/number-up: portrait-90-0-0-6-270 \
pdf-orientation/portrait pdf-rotation/90 user-rotate/0 number-up/6 \
*orientation-requested/5 *number-up-layout/lrtb

*SPRule/number-up: portrait-90-0-0-9 \
pdf-orientation/portrait pdf-rotation/90 user-rotate/0 number-up/9 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/tbrl

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-0-0-0-2-270 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/0 user-rotate/0 number-up/2 \
*orientation-requested/5 *number-up-layout/tbrl

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-0-0-0-6-270 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/0 user-rotate/0 number-up/6 \
*orientation-requested/5 *number-up-layout/lrtb

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-270-270-0-6-270 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/270 pdf-content-rotation/270 \
user-rotate/0 number-up/6 \
*orientation-requested/5 *number-up-layout/tbrl

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-270-0-90-2 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/270 pdf-content-rotation/0 \
user-rotate/90 number-up/2 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/tbrl

PPD Extensions

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-270-0-90-4 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/270 pdf-content-rotation/0 \
user-rotate/90 number-up/4 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/tbrl *org.savapage-landscape

*SPRule/number-up: landscape-270-0-90-6 \
pdf-orientation/landscape pdf-rotation/270 pdf-content-rotation/0 \
user-rotate/90 number-up/6 \
*orientation-requested/- *number-up-layout/tbrl

K. Number-up semantics and limitations

• PDF input from Web Print can lead to unexpected number-up print results, when the semantic (perceived)
orientation of a page, does not match the actual orientation/rotation of the PDF page. For instance, a mismatch
occurs when a landscape oriented PDF page, has rotated portrait content. There is no way SavaPage can identify
this situation to make intelligent corrections.
• An SPRule/number-up is applied when its independent variables (orientation, rotation) match the first page
in the PDF document. When these variables differ for subsequent pages, the PPD has the final say on how
page rotation and n-up layout turns out. A PDF document with different page orientations may produce an
unexpected number-up result.

K.2.2.2. Booklet Imposition

Booklet imposition is assumed to be handled by the PPD. However, while some PPD's have an option for booklet
folding, they do not handle booklet imposition. Therefore, a special PPDE option is available to prepare booklet
page ordering, before sending PDF to CUPS. Add the following line to a .ppde file to enable pre-processing the
PDF to booklet page ordering:
*SPLocalBooklet: True

You can use this option in combination with IPP option org.savapage-finishings-booklet to offer duplex
printing in booklet page ordering, without the presence of a printer booklet finisher.

K.3. IPP Rules

IPP Rules specify relations between IPP attributes.

K.3.1. SPConstraint
An SPConstraint rule specifies values of two incompatible IPP attributes, for example two-sided printing on
transparency media. The rule is formatted like this:

*SPConstraint: <mnemonic> \
<attrib>/[!]<value> \

The rule prefix and identifying <mnemonic>.

The first IPP attribute/value pair. An optional ! before a value negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
The second IPP attribute/value pair, that is incompatible with the first.

Some examples:

*SPConstraint: transparency-two-sided \
media-type/transparency \

*SPConstraint: booklet-punch \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

PPD Extensions

SPConstraint is the IPP counterpart of the UIConstraints directive found in PPD files.

“CUPS does not enforce constraints when printing. Constraints must be managed and resolved by the user
interface, because there is usually no way to specify preferences or intentions for automatic resolution of
constraints by the driver or other filters.” From “CUPS: Common Unix Printing System” by Michael R.
Sweet, Sams Publishing, 2002 (page 337).

SPConstraint rules are used by SavaPage to validate user input when specifying a print job.

K.3.1.1. Internal SPConstraint Rules

SavaPage has predefined rule sets. When activated, they are applied globally, independent of any PPDE file.

K.3.1.2. Booklet SPConstraint Set

This set is for org.savapage-finishings-booklet and must be activated by setting configuration property ipp.ex-
t.constraint.booklet.enable to Y.
*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-number-up-1 \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-number-up-4 \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-number-up-6 \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-number-up-9 \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-one-sided \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

*SPConstraint: sp-booklet-rotate-180-on \
org.savapage-finishings-booklet/!none \

When Media Cost is specified for Proxy Printers or Job Tickets supporting booklet finishing, activat-
ing this set is crucial for calculating the right cost for booklet print jobs. See Section, “Printer
Costs” [105] and Section K.4.1, “Job Ticket Media Options” [312].

When this set is activated, user choices will be restricted to number-up/2 and side/!one-sided.
As this is correct for cost calculation, these options will probably not deliver the intended booklet. So,
make sure to review the required IPP options for the booklet job, and use SPExtra rules to customize
proxy printer instances where needed.

K.4. Job Ticket Extensions

Job Tickets are created with a dedicated Proxy Printer marked as Job Ticket Printer. As with any printer, a PPD
extension file can be linked to this virtual printer.

PPD Extensions

In the PPD Extension file, special extensions are available to define Job Ticket IPP options, including Cost Rules.
These IPP options are generic and abstracted from physical printers. When handling the ticket, the operator inter-
prets the option values, selects a suitable printer, assures the right media are present in the target tray, and redirects
the job to it.

Job Ticket IPP options can be defined for scope Media (single side of a page sheet), Sheet (single page sheet),
Copy (sheet collection of a printed copy) and Set (the complete set of copies). The syntax is as follows:

*SPJobTicket/<scope>: <attr> \
[*|+]<value> ...

The *SPJobTicket option with scope Media | Sheet | Copy | Set, and attribute name.
One or more option values. An * before a value marks it as default. A + prefix signifies an extended value,
that is available for Job Ticket Operators only, so they can ad-hoc assign this value when editing a job ticket.

The + prefix can also be assigned to regular option values. For example, if a Job Ticket Creator is
not allowed to select color mode, the following code snippet can be added to the PPD extension file:

# Virtual print color mode, with dummy PPD option and values.
*VPrintColorMode print-color-mode
*VPrintColorMode dummy monochrome
*VPrintColorMode dummy +color

Cost Rules are introduced for each option scope in the sections below.

IPP Options defined in the Job Ticket context are not mapped to their PPD counterparts. Therefore, their
chosen values will not be send with the print job.

K.4.1. Job Ticket Media Options

IPP attributes describing media characteristics, like media-color and media-type are supported. Each op-
tion is prefixed with *SPJobTicket/Media:

Some examples:

*SPJobTicket/Media: media-color *white int.colored

*SPJobTicket/Media: media-type *paper transparency labels ext.letterhead-1

Option to select white and colored. white is an IANA media-color and is the default. int.colored is
an internal IPP value extension, denoting a non-white color. Other values could be blue, red, green,
orange, etc.
Option to select media types: ext.letterhead-1 is an external IPP value extension.

Media Cost is charged per media side, and specified for a combination of IPP values for media attributes. Each
cost rule is prefixed with *SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: and formatted like this:

*SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: <cost> <mnemonic> \

<media*>/[!]<value> ... \
<attrib>/[!]<value> ... \

Decimal point <cost> and identifying <mnemonic>.

One or more IPP <media*>/<value> pairs. An optional ! before a value negates it, and selects all other
attribute values.
Optionally one or more IPP non-media <attrib>/<value> pairs.

PPD Extensions

The IPP <media*>/<value> pairs referred to in *SPJobTicket/Media/Cost must either be au-
tomatically picked up from the PPD, or be defined as PPD to IPP Mapping or *SPJobTicket/Media.

Some examples:

*SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: 0.0430 white-A4-080-S \

media-type/ext.paper-80 \
media-color/white \
media/iso_a4_210x297mm \

*SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: 0.0610 color-A4-120-S \

media-type/ext.paper-120 \
media-color/!white \
media/iso_a4_210x297mm \

*SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: 0.0390 white-A4-080-D \

media-type/ext.paper-80 \
media-color/white \
media/iso_a4_210x297mm \

*SPJobTicket/Media/Cost: 0.0790 letterhead-A4-S \

media-type/ext.letterhead-1 \
media/iso_a4_210x297mm \

Single-sided A4 print on 80 grams white paper: 0.0430 per side.

Single-sided A4 print on 120 grams colored paper: 0.0610 per side.
Double-sided A4 print on 80 grams white paper: 0.0390 per side.
Single-sided A4 print on letterhead: 0.0790 per side.

When *SPJobTicket/Media/Cost items are present, they acts as constraint. When a user sets print job
properties, a cost rule must be present that matches chosen media options. When no rule is found, a
warning message is displayed to the user.

The calculated cost of the first cost rule, that applies to the Job Ticket option values, is used as media cost.

K.4.2. Job Ticket Sheet Options

Job Ticket Sheet options specify finishing actions, performed on a single printed sheet. Each option is prefixed
with *SPJobTicket/Sheet:

For example:

*SPJobTicket/Sheet: org.savapage-finishings-ext *none laminate

org.savapage-finishings-ext option to select an extra finishing to be performed manually by Job Ticket op-

Sheet Cost is charged per media sheet, and specified for a combination of SPJobTicket/Sheet and other
(media*) attribute values. Each cost rule is prefixed with *SPJobTicket/Sheet/Cost: and formatted like

*SPJobTicket/Sheet/Cost: <cost> <mnemonic> \

<sheet>/[!]<value> ... \

PPD Extensions

<attr>/[!]<value> ... \

Decimal point <cost> and identifying <mnemonic>.

One or more IPP <sheet>/<value> pairs of type SPJobTicket/Sheet. An optional ! before a value
negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
Optionally one or more other IPP <attr>/<value> pairs.

For example:

*SPJobTicket/Sheet/Cost: 0.5000 laminate-A4 org.savapage-finishings-ext/laminate \

*SPJobTicket/Sheet/Cost: 0.7500 laminate-A3 org.savapage-finishings-ext/laminate \

The calculated cost of all sheet cost rules, that apply to the Job Ticket option values, are accumulated
as cost per sheet.

K.4.3. Job Ticket Copy Options

Job Ticket Copy options specify finishing actions, performed on a single printed copy. Each option is prefixed
with *SPJobTicket/Copy:

Some examples:

*SPJobTicket/Copy: org.savapage-cover-type *no-cover ext.printfront-1

*SPJobTicket/Copy: org.savapage-finishings-ext *none laminate bind adhesive ext.binder

org.savapage-cover-type option to select a cover type. ext.printfront-1 is an External IPP extension.

org.savapage-finishings-ext option to select an extra finishing to be performed manually by Job Ticket op-
erator. ext.binder is an External IPP extension.

Copy Cost is charged per job copy, and specified for a combination of SPJobTicket/Copy and other (media*)
attribute values. Each cost rule is prefixed with *SPJobTicket/Copy/Cost: and formatted like this:

*SPJobTicket/Copy/Cost: <cost> <mnemonic> \

<copy>/[!]<value> ... \
<attr>/[!]<value> ... \

Decimal point <cost> and identifying <mnemonic>.

One or more IPP <copy>/<value> pairs of type SPJobTicket/Copy. An optional ! before a value
negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
Optionally one or more other IPP <attr>/<value> pairs.

For example:

*SPJobTicket/Copy/Cost: 0.5000 folder-A4 org.savapage-finishings-ext/ext.folder \


The calculated cost of all copy cost rules, that apply to the Job Ticket option values, are accumulated
as cost per copy.

K.4.3.1. Using External IPP Extensions

Job Ticket Copy Options are not confined to regular IPP attributes and Internal IPP Extensions. By utilizing
External IPP Extensions, you can fully customize your Job Tickets Copy options and cost rules. For example:

PPD Extensions

*SPJobTicket/Copy: org.savapage.ext-myoption \
*none ext.choice-1 ext.choice-2

*SPJobTicket/Copy/Cost: 0.1000 myrule-1 \

org.savapage.ext-myoption/ext.choice-1 media/iso_a4_210x297mm

*SPJobTicket/Copy/Cost: 0.1500 myrule-2 \

org.savapage.ext-myoption/ext.choice-2 media/iso_a3_297x420mm

Definition of External IPP extension myoption with two custom choices. The default choice none is a
reserved internal value, indicating that the option is not selected.
Cost rule for ext.choice-1 and A4 media.
Cost rule for ext.choice-2 and A3 media.

K.4.4. Job Ticket Set Options

Job Ticket Set options specify actions performed on the complete set of copies3. Each option is prefixed with

For example:

*SPJobTicket/Set: org.savapage-job-sheets \
+none *job-sheet-start
*SPJobTicket/Set: org.savapage-job-sheets-media \
*iso_a4_210x297mm +iso_a3_297x420mm

org.savapage-job-sheets option to select a job-sheet.

org.savapage-job-sheets-media option to select the job-sheet media.

Set Cost is charged per job, and specified for a combination of SPJobTicket/Set and other (org.sava-
page-job-sheets-*) attribute values. Each cost rule is prefixed with *SPJobTicket/Set/Cost: and
formatted like this:

*SPJobTicket/Set/Cost: <cost> <mnemonic> \

<set>/[!]<value> ... \
<attr>/[!]<value> ... \

Decimal point <cost> and identifying <mnemonic>.

One or more IPP <set>/<value> pairs of type SPJobTicket/Set. An optional ! before a value
negates it, and selects all other attribute values.
Optionally one or more other IPP <org.savapage-job-sheets-*>/<value> pairs.

For example:

*SPJobTicket/Set/Cost: 0.05 banner-A4 org.savapage-job-sheets/!none \


The calculated cost of all cost rules, that apply to the Job Ticket option values, are accumulated as cost
per set.

K.5. Tips and Tricks

The Job Ticket Set includes all copies, and therefore differs from the Set as defined in RFC8011, where it is “a logical boundary between
the delivered Media Sheets of a printed Job. For example, in the case of a ten-page single Document with collated pages and a request for 50
copies, each of the 50 printed copies of the Document constitutes a Set. If the pages were uncollated, then 50 copies of each of the individual
pages within the Document would represent each Set.”

PPD Extensions

K.5.1. Fast Print A4 and Letter to Single Tray

For Fast Mode printers with a single tray holding A4 media, PPDE can be used to configure an extra (virtual) IPP
media-source entry for Letter, that maps to the same A4 tray. The two media sources will be visible in the Proxy
Printer Edit dialog, so A4 and Letter media size can be assigned to them, and both A4 and Letter jobs will be Fast
Print candidates. With an SPExtra rule the Letter media is substituted with A4. And, since fit-to-page print-
scaling is applied for Fast Mode printing by default, the Letter job will correctly scale to A4.

The .ppde of the Fast Mode printer looks like this:

# Two trays mapped to a single media-source holding A4 media.
# In SavaPage Admin Web App: assign A4 to tray-1 and US Letter to tray-2.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*VENInputSlot media-source
*VENInputSlot *Auto tray-1
*VENInputSlot Auto tray-2

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When job is US Letter, send as A4. The fit-to-page strategy
# for Fast Print will make Letter scale to A4.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*SPExtra/media/na_letter_8.5x11in: letter-to-a4 \

K.6. proxy-print.log
The IPP request and response details of every Proxy Print job send to CUPS is logged in the rotating log file:


This file is an indispensable resource for debugging PPDE related issues. See /opt/savapage/serv-
er/lib/ for more information.

Appendix L. IPP Extensions
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) attributes and values are registered by IANA. See the IANA site1 or the PWG
site2 for a full list.

SavaPage uses two types of extensions:

• Internal extensions, which are intrinsic to SavaPage.
• External extensions, as defined in implementation specific configuration files.

L.1. Internal IPP Extensions

Internal IPP Extension attributes are intrinsic to SavaPage. To distinguish them from IANA registrations, their
names have a org.savapage- prefix. Attribute value extensions with “type2 keyword” syntax are int. pre-

Attributes and values are summarized in the sections below. Attribute values are IANA registered, and the seman-
tics can be found in the Reference documents. Attribute value int. extensions are described separately.

L.1.1. Internal IPP - PPD Mapping Extensions

These Internal IPP extensions are used to map vendor specific PPD options to an independent common denomi-
nator. They are never send to CUPS as print job descriptors.

L.1.1.1. org.savapage-finishings-staple
Staple positions are specified with respect to portrait media orientation. See RFC38063.

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-staple 3 none 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 20 staple-top-left 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 21 staple-bottom-left 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 22 staple-top-right 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 23 staple-bottom-right 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 24 edge-stitch-left 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 25 edge-stitch-top 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 26 edge-stitch-right 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 27 edge-stitch-left-bottom 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 28 staple-dual-left 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 29 staple-dual-top 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 30 staple-dual-right 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 31 staple-dual-bottom 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-staple 32 staple-triple-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-staple 33 staple-triple-top 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-staple 34 staple-triple-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1


IPP Extensions

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-staple 35 staple-triple-bottom 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

Table L.1. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-staple

L.1.1.2. org.savapage-finishings-punch
Punch positions are specified with respect to portrait media orientation. See RFC38064.

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-punch 3 none 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-punch 70 punch-top-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 71 punch-bottom-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 72 punch-top-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 73 punch-bottom-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 74 punch-dual-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 75 punch-dual-top 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 76 punch-dual-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 77 punch-dual-bottom 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 78 punch-triple-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 79 punch-triple-top 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 80 punch-triple-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 81 punch-triple-bottom 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 82 punch-quad-left 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 83 punch-quad-top 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 84 punch-quad-right 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-punch 85 punch-quad-bottom 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

Table L.2. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-punch

L.1.1.3. org.savapage-finishings-fold

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-fold 3 none 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-fold 90 fold-accordion 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 91 fold-double-gate 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 92 fold-gate 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 93 fold-half 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 94 fold-half-z 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 95 fold-left-gate 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 96 fold-letter 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1


IPP Extensions

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-fold 97 fold-parallel 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 98 fold-poster 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 99 fold-right-gate 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-fold 100 fold-z 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

Table L.3. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-fold

L.1.1.4. org.savapage-finishings-booklet

Attribute Keyword Value Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-booklet none type2 keyword RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-booklet toleft-totop type2 keyword PWG5100.3

org.savapage-finishings-booklet toright-tobottom type2 keyword PWG5100.3

Table L.4. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-booklet

Also see Section K.2.2.2, “Booklet Imposition” [310]

For the right booklet cost calculation, make sure to activate the Booklet SPConstraint Set.

L.1.1.5. org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset
A finishing that shifts Each Set in the output-bin from the previous one by a small amount which is device depen-
dent (PWG5100.1).

Attribute Value Name Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset 3 none 1setOf type2 enum RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset 14 EachSet 1setOf type2 enum PWG5100.1

Table L.5. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-jog-offset

L.1.2. Internal IPP Job Ticket Extensions

These Internal IPP extensions are used in Job Ticketing Cost Rules. See Section K.4, “Job Ticket Exten-
sions” [311].

L.1.2.1. org.savapage-finishings-ext
This attribute represents a finishing action, on a set of pages (a copy), executed externally by an operator, on the
printed output.

Attribute Keyword Value Syntax Reference

org.savapage-finishings-ext none type2 keyword RFC8011

org.savapage-finishings-ext laminate type2 keyword PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-ext bind type2 keyword PWG5100.1

org.savapage-finishings-ext adhesive type2 keyword Candidate Standard PWG 5100.1-2014:

“sheets are bound using glue or adhesive.”

Table L.6. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-finishings-ext

IPP Extensions

L.1.2.2. org.savapage-cover-type

This attribute is intended for externally printed Job Tickets only.

The same PDF document must be printed twice with different page ranges:
1. The first page(s) are printed on a single cover page. The cost for this action is calculated according to the Job
Ticket Copy Cost Rules.
2. The rest of the pages are printed on selected media. The cost for this action is calculated according to the Job
Ticket Media Cost Rules.

Attribute Keyword Value Syntax Reference

org.savapage-cover-type no-cover type2 keyword PWG5100.3

org.savapage-cover-type int.printfront type2 keyword SavaPage Extension: a single-sided printed cover


org.savapage-cover-type int.printboth type2 keyword SavaPage Extension: a double-sided printed cover


Table L.7. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-cover-type

L.1.2.3. org.savapage-job-sheets
This attribute determines which Job start/end sheet(s), if any, must be printed with a Job. Contrary to the IPP job-
sheets definition, where sheets are part of the job, org.savapage-job-sheets are printed as a separate
job. In this way sheets can be printed from a different media-source with distinctive org.savapage-job-sheets-
media and media-color.

A job sheet is a single monochrome page with job detail information.

Attribute Keyword Value Syntax Reference

org.savapage-job-sheets none type2 keyword RFC8011

org.savapage-job-sheets job-start-sheet type2 keyword PWG5100.3: “A job sheet MUST be printed to indi-
cate the start of the job”.

org.savapage-job-sheets job-end-sheet type2 keyword PWG5100.3: “A job sheet MUST be printed to indi-
cate the end of the job”.

Table L.8. Internal IPP Attribute: org.savapage-job-sheets

L.1.2.4. org.savapage-job-sheets-media
The IPP media for org.savapage-job-sheets. Multiple keyword values are allowed, like iso_a4_210x297mm,
iso_a3_297x420mm, etc.

L.1.3. Internal IPP Marker

These Internal IPP extensions are used to add a special marker to a print job. They are never send to CUPS as such,
but translated by SavaPage to "real" IPP or CUPS options. IPP marker names have a

SavaPage creates IPP print jobs that are printed according to LandscapeOrientation Minus90. This is convenient
most of the time. For example, when a landscape oriented PDF is 4-up printed, and staple-top-right and

IPP Extensions

punch-dual-right are available as finishing. But, what if staple-top-left and punch-dual-left

are the only options available? In that case a 180 degrees rotation of the "Finished-Page" is needed. This is where
the boolean option comes in. This marker is added to each proxy
printer as option to make the printed result "Rotate by 180 degrees", and translated by SavaPage to the proper
CUPS orientation-requested and number-up-layout values.

Attribute Keyword Syntax Description

Value 0 boolean Do not rotate. 1 boolean Rotate by 180 degrees.

Table L.9. Internal IPP Marker Attribute:

Note can be used in SPConstraint rules.

L.2. External IPP Extensions

External IPP Extension attributes as defined in implementation specific configuration files. To distinguish them
from IANA registrations, their names have a org.savapage.ext- prefix.

External IPP attributes can be used as IPP Job Ticketing Extension only.

The syntax is as follows:

• External value extensions with “type2 keyword” syntax must be ext. prefixed.
• Value none is a reserved internal value, indicating that the attribute option is not selected.
• External attribute values can be added to an Internal IPP Job Ticket Extension.
• For example: to charge cost for a finishing to wrap a printed copy into a folder, a ext.folder value could
be added to org.savapage-finishings-ext.
External IPP Extensions open the way to full customization of Job Ticketing options. Any option with any num-
ber of choices can be configured in a PPDE file as *SPJobTicket/Copy finishing, and thereupon be used
in any cost rule. See Section K.4.3.1, “Using External IPP Extensions” [314] and Section L.3, “IPP Localiza-
tion” [321].

L.3. IPP Localization

User interface localization of regular IPP attributes and Internal IPP Extensions are part of SavaPage.

Localization of External IPP Extensions text, and optionally 16x16 pixel icons, must be supplied by XML files
in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/cups/i18n directory. The default ipp-i18n.xml file is re-
served for the English locale. Variants are created by appending the language locale to the base file name. For
example: ipp-i18n_de.xml is the German version.

An annotated ipp-i18n.xml.template file is available in the target directory.

See Section, “Custom Text and Icons” [42] for an example screenshot.

ipp-i18n*.xml files can also be used to override IPP localization that is part of SavaPage.

IPP Extensions

After creating or updating any of the ipp-i18n*.xml files you might need to restart the server to see
the effect.

Appendix M. SavaPage Plug-ins

A plug-in (aka “extension”) is a software component that adds a specific feature to SavaPage. Plug-ins have a
well-defined interface so partner developers can easily create isolated components that extend the application with
new features. Extension interfaces are defined in the savapage-ext1 project.

A plug-in is installed by copying its property file in /opt/savapage/server/ext and its jar files in the
/opt/savapage/server/ext/lib directory. For example, the Mollie Payment Plug-in is installed with
these two files:


Since property files contain sensitive data make sure they are protected by executing commands like:

sudo chown savapage:savapage

sudo chmod 600

M.1. Web API Callback Plug-in

The Web API Callback method is used by many third-party providers who offer their services via HTTP. SavaPage
supports this method with the /callback URL path. However, URL protocol and authority for the callback
needs to be configured. Configuration is done by using the Config Editor of the Admin Web App. The following
configuration property is available:

Configuration property Description

ext.webapi.callback.url-base The publicly accessible base URL, i.e. protocol://authority without the path, of
the Web API callback interface (no trailing slash).

When SavaPage is implemented as intranet application to be accessed with a local URL,

take care to configure proper port forwarding of the public base URL to the local SavaPage
server host name or IP address in your router or firewall.

Important: use https protocol, and make sure the SSL Certificate for public access is
valid, i.e. not self-signed. When the certificate is invalid, a third-party service provider
might not be able to deliver call-back messages.

Table M.1. Web API Callback Configuration Property

M.1.1. Payment Gateway Plug-in

The Payment Gateway Plug-in is based on the Web API Callback Plug-in and uses the /callback/payment
URL path. The following configuration property can be set by using the Config Editor of the Admin Web App.

Configuration property Description

ext.webapi.redirect.url-webapp-user The User Web App URL used by the Web API to redirect to after a remote Web App dialog
is finished.

SavaPage Plug-ins

Configuration property Description

Configuration is optional. SavaPage uses the local URL from which the remote excursion
started as default.

Table M.2. Payment Gateway Configuration Property

Payment Gateway events are persisted in the rotating log file:


This file has a tab separated value (TSV) format for easy import and manipulation into spreadsheet programs.

M.1.1.1. Generic Payment Plug-in

A Generic Payment Plug-in implements several payment methods behind a single Web API. Only one generic
plug-in can be active. See Section 3.10.3, “Financial” [67] and Section 3.10.6, “Transfer Money” [69].

M. Mollie Payment Plug-in

Mollie2 is a Dutch payment provider that offers a single Web API for the following payment methods:
• Creditcard
• PayPal
• Bitcoin
• paysafecard
• SOFORT Banking (Europe)
• SEPA bank transfers (Europe)
• Bancontact/Mister Cash (Belgium)
• Belfius Direct Net (Belgium)
• IDEAL (Netherlands).
Mollie supports EUR payments only.

See the of the savapage-ext-mollie3 project for more information.

The Mollie Payment Plug-in is shipped with the SavaPage install binary.

M. Generic Payment Pitfalls

Callback messages for generic payments return the identity of the user that started the payment in the Transfer
Money dialog. So, when a payment is acknowledged, we can easily add the amount paid to the user's balance. In
some very unlikely cases a user might not be found. For example, when a database export is restored or a user was
deleted, all in the short lifecycle of a payment transaction.

In the rare case a user is not found, a warning message containing the user and transaction identification are written
to the Application Log. With this information the user balance can be updated manually, after the user has been
added again, either in the Admin WebApp or with a Server Command.

M.1.1.2. Bitcoin Payment Plug-in

The Bitcoin Payment Plug-in supports native Bitcoin payments with the advantage of a low native Bitcoin trans-
action fee. Only one Bitcoin plug-in can be active. See Section 3.10.3, “Financial” [67] and Section 3.10.7, “Send
Bitcoins” [69].

SavaPage Plug-ins

As a privacy and security measure a new Bitcoin address is generated for each payment4. Generated addresses
are held in a Bitcoin wallet. The location and access credentials of the wallet are to be specified in the plug-in
property file.

When a Bitcoin payment method is active in an enabled Generic Payment Plug-in, it is deactivated in
favour of an enabled Bitcoin Payment Plug-in.

M. Payment Plug-in

With the plug-in users can send Bitcoin payments to a web-based wallet. See the of the savapage-ext-blockchain-info5 project for more information.

The Payment Plug-in is shipped with the SavaPage install binary.

M. Bitcoin Payment Pitfalls

Because of the anonymous nature of Bitcoin payments, a callback message with a payment confirmation only
contains the Bitcoin address and transaction hash as identification.

Fortunately, we can trace the identity of the user who made the payment, either by the one-time Bitcoin address,
that we generated and reserved for the user at the start of the Send Bitcoins dialog, or by the Bitcoin transaction
hash, that we linked to a user payment transaction at the callback of the first confirmed payment.

When a user can not be traced, the payment confirmation is ignored. This can happen when a database export is
restored and either the user, the reserved Bitcoin address or transaction hash is missing from the database. This
case becomes more unlikely as the number of confirmations after which the payment is trusted is set lower, causing
a shorter latency of a trusted payment confirmation.

When a payment confirmation arrives for a Bitcoin address for which a user payment transaction link is present
with a different transaction hash, it is ignored. This can happen when:
• A user, against advice, reused the generated Bitcoin address, as offered in the Send Bitcoins dialog, to make
an extra payment.
• A payment from the Bitcoin Wallet was executed which lead to a transaction with a positive satoshi remainder.

When a payment confirmation is ignored, a warning message with the Bitcoin address and transaction hash is
written to the Application Log. This information can be used to query the transaction history in the Bitcoin Wallet.
Since the Bitcoin address is tagged in the Wallet with the user id, any transaction with a received amount can be
used to trace the user. In case an extra user payment is identified, the user balance can be updated manually, either
in the Admin WebApp or with a Server Command.

M.2. OAuth Client Plug-in

With OAuth6 Client Plug-ins Login Alternatives can be activated. Currently the following providers are supported:
• Google7
• Microsoft Azure8
As Satoshi Nakamoto [], the elusive creator of Bitcoin, states in his Bitcoin whitepaper
[] : “... a new key pair should be used for each transaction to keep them from being linked to a
common owner”. Also see this article [] on address reuse.

SavaPage Plug-ins

• Smartschool9
See the of the savapage-ext-oauth10 project for more information.

A special URL path is available to use OAuth as SSO for User Web App. This URL can be presented on
the site of an OAuth provider, to seamlessly link to SavaPage. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet [288].

M.3. Notification Plug-in

Notification Plug-ins listen to application events, and processes them in a custom way. Currently Job Ticket Close
and Cancel events are supported, for the following clients platforms:
• Smartschool11
See the of the savapage-ext-notification12 project for more information.


Appendix N. PaperCut Integration

PaperCut is a popular print and copy management software product developed by PaperCut Software1 based in
Melbourne, Australia.

Some functions that are not present in PaperCut can be implemented with SavaPage as pre-processor and inte-

See Section 4.10.5, “PaperCut Integration” [129] on how to set the PaperCut Connectivity options.

N.1. Delegated Print to PaperCut

Delegated Print is integrated with PaperCut when the following conditions are met:
• PaperCut Integration is enabled: see Section 4.10.5, “PaperCut Integration” [129]
• Delegated Print and Delegated Print integration with PaperCut are enabled: see Section, “Proxy Print
Delegation” [139] and Section, “Proxy Print PaperCut Integration” [140].

The Proxy Printer must meet the following requirements:

• The Proxy Printer is managed by PaperCut.
• The Proxy Printer is configured as non-secure. See Section 4.10.10, “Proxy Print” [138]. If secure printing is
required it must be configured in PaperCut and not in SavaPage.

A Delegated Print job is denied when the delegate or any of the delegators does not exist in PaperCut.
This limitation can easily be solved when both systems synchronize from the same user source. See Sec-
tion 4.10.1, “User Source” [118].

Tips for further reading:

• Section A.2.3, “Delegated Print - PaperCut Scenario” [259].
• Section A.2.2, “Delegated Print - Job Ticket - PaperCut - Scenario” [258].

N.1.1. PaperCut Configuration

N.1.1.1. Step 1 - Create shared account
Create a shared parent account called SavaPage. This top-level account must be present, since several sub-
accounts will be lazy created by SavaPage.

In addition, any printer used for Delegated Print must be configured to charge to this account. See Section N.1.1.3,
“Step 3 - Configure Printers” [328].

The PaperCut shared account name is known by the SavaPage configuration key:



PaperCut Integration

The value defaults to SavaPage. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this

N.1.1.2. Step 2 - Enable Multiple Personal Accounts

Enable the PaperCut “Multiple Personal Accounts” option and add the personal account SavaPage. This account
must be present for it is used by SavaPage to charge printing costs to individual persons.

The PaperCut personal account name is known by the SavaPage configuration key:


The value defaults to SavaPage.

The account type for this account as determined by PaperCut in its own configuration key multi-per-
sonal-accounts.definitions (with values like USER-001, USER-002) can be set with this


When a value is specified it is used to filter personal account transactions in JDBC queries (CSV down-
loads) for the Delegated Print context.

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change these values.

N.1.1.3. Step 3 - Configure Printers

Take a moment to consider how you want the PaperCut printers that are used for SavaPage Delegated Print to act.
A likely scenario is that you want these printers to be virtual hold/release queues so users can enjoy follow-me
printing, and release print jobs at a series of physical printers. Or, may be you want these jobs to be released by
administrators only. Consult the PaperCut User Manual on how implement the desired scenario.

There is one crucial printer configuration property though that must be addressed. Make sure that Override user-
level settings is set, and activate Do not show account popups and allocate jobs to: a single shared account .
Use the Shared Account SavaPage (as created in Step 1) and select the Charge shared account option.

Now, when a Delegated Print job is successfully printed by PaperCut, the cost will be automatically charged to
the shared SavaPage account.

N.1.2. PaperCut Delegated Print Processing

SavaPage monitors the print job status in PaperCut and, when printing is successful, charges the costs, as reported
by PaperCut, to the proper PaperCut accounts, as explained in the section below.

In addition to PaperCut Account processing, account transactions are still added to SavaPage as explained
in Section 3.5.8, “Delegated Print Edit” [48]. However, the printing costs reported by PaperCut overrule
any costs defined in SavaPage for regular printing. For Job Tickets, SavaPage cost is leading.

N.1.3. PaperCut Delegated Print Accounting

SavaPage uses the PaperCut cost total of the Delegated Print job to add extra PaperCut account transactions. The
comment of each account transaction holds a combination of pipe-separated (|) job parameter fields, with the
following meaning:

PaperCut Integration

• delegate : the user (delegate) who printed the job on behalf of the target users (delegators).
• class : the “class” a target user belongs to. A value of “-” (minus) means the user does not belong to a class.
A class can be of type:
• shared : a SavaPage Shared Account.
• group : a SavaPage Group Account.
• copies : the number of document copies printed (a negative number for a Refund).
• pages : number of pages within the document.
• size : the page size of the document (A4, A3).
• duplex : D for duplex, S for simplex.
• color : C for color, G for grayscale.
• id : CUPS job ID, optionally preceded by Job Ticket Number or Tag.
• document : the document name.
• comment : any comment entered by the delegate.

As a rule SavaPage charges target users individually for print copies.

As an extra, solely for reporting purposes, dedicated PaperCut shared accounts are used to accumulate cost and
job information globally (the SavaPage\Jobs account) and per User Class.

No transaction appears in any PaperCut account when the cost of a print job is zero. For transactions to
appear you need to specify page cost at the PaperCut printer configuration.

N.1.3.1. PaperCut User Accounting

SavaPage proportionally splits the cost total of the printed Delegated Print job over individual users (delegators),
directly or indirectly by group membership. Costs are charged to their personal user account named SavaPage.
The comment format of the transaction is:

group | delegate | copies | pages | size | duplex | color | id | document

| comment

Copies for users not belonging to a group have dummy group “-” (minus).

N.1.3.2. PaperCut User Class Accounting

SavaPage proportionally splits the cost total of the printed Delegated Print job over “classes”. Class cost is pro-
portional to the sum of the print copies for users belonging to the class. This cost is charged to a shared child
account of the SavaPage parent account, with format:


The [class] placeholder stands for the class type and can have value group or shared. The [name] is
placeholder for the class name. The name of a shared child account is prefixed with the name of its parent,
separated by a dot character (as parent.child).

PaperCut shared child accounts are ad-hoc created by SavaPage on first use.

The comment format of the transaction is:

delegate | copies | pages | size | duplex | color | id | document | comment

N.1.3.3. PaperCut Job Accounting

As an extra, for each Delegated Print job, SavaPage adds a transaction to the shared child account “Jobs” of the
SavaPage parent account. The comment format of the transaction is:

PaperCut Integration

delegate | copies | pages | size | duplex | color | id | delegate@class-1 |

copies-1 | ... | delegate@class-n | copies-n | document | comment

The delegate@class | copies field group shows the printed copies per class and is repeated for each
class that was printed for. Copies for users not belonging to a class are accumulated in dummy class “-” (minus).

The PaperCut shared child account name is known by the SavaPage configuration key:

The value defaults to Jobs. See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to change this value.

N.1.4. PaperCut Queries and Reports

Use the on-line queries and run the reports in the PaperCut Admin Web App to answer questions about Delegated
Print jobs and transactions from the following perspectives.

N.1.4.1. User Prints

SavaPage documents printed for a user.

Users → User List → User Details → Transactions gives a quick on-line view of personal account transactions.
Sort and filter to find the SavaPage transactions.

Use Reports → Transaction Reports → Transaction logs to generate a SavaPage transaction report for a user or
user group over a period of time. The report shows the individual transaction details and the total amount charged.

PaperCut does not have a Transaction Report to accumulate transaction totals per user over a period of
time. Please use the Delegator Invoicing from PaperCut export function in SavaPage for that purpose.

N.1.4.2. Class Prints

SavaPage documents printed for a class.

Select Accounts → Shared Account List → Account Details → Transaction for a SavaPage class account to get a
quick on-line view of account transactions. Sort and filter to find transactions.

The Reports → Shared Account Reports section contains many reports that summarize printing activity charged
to shared accounts. Select the SavaPage class account to get a transaction summary report for a period of time.

N.1.4.3. Delegate Prints

SavaPage documents printed by a delegate.

Users → User List → User Details → Job Log gives a quick on-line view of the documents printed by a delegate
user. Sort and filter to find the print jobs charged to the shared SavaPage account.

N.1.4.4. Delegate Class Prints

SavaPage documents printed by a delegate for a class.

PaperCut Integration

Select Accounts → Shared Account List → Account Details → Transaction for the SavaPage Jobs account to get
a quick on-line view of account transactions. Since the comment contains formatted information about classes,
you can select transactions with the “Comment containing” filter.

Likewise you can use Reports → Transaction Reports → Transaction logs to generate a SavaPage\Jobs transaction
report for over a period of time. The report shows the individual transaction details and the total amount charged.

N.2. Personal Print to PaperCut

Personal Print is integrated with PaperCut when the following conditions are met:
• PaperCut Integration is enabled.
• Delegated Print is disabled.
• Personal Print integration with PaperCut is enabled.
• The Proxy Printer is managed by PaperCut.

The job can be printed Non-Secure or in Hold or Direct Print Mode.

A proxy printer can be configured as hold/release in both SavaPage and PaperCut with different expiration
times. In this way SavaPage can act as long-term gateway to short-term PaperCut follow-me printing.
This can be an efficient strategy, because SavaPage storage is lean (just the PDF document with print
job parameters), while PaperCut stores bulky spool files. Since SavaPage cost is used to communicate
PaperCut cost before print release, make sure SavaPage cost matches PaperCut cost.

See Section A.1.3, “Personal Print - PaperCut Scenario” [256].

N.3. Advanced Print Configuration

N.3.1. PaperCut Print Log Monitoring
PaperCut print job status is monitored for a maximum number of minutes, as set in configuration item proxy-
print.papercut.print-log.max-mins (default 7200). See Section, “Config Editor” [154]
on how to change this value.

Disable any setting in PaperCut that requires a user to run the PaperCut client software. For instance, for
pop-up authentication, shared account selection or print confirmation. Beware, that when a user prints
to a PaperCut managed printer from the SavaPage User Web App, and action is required in a PaperCut
popup dialog, the PaperCut Print Log Monitoring will never see the print job cancellation, when the user
does not respond within time.

N.4. PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface

With the absence of a common User Source, SavaPage can act as PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface. In this
way Internal Users can be synchronized to and authenticated in PaperCut.

The interface is implemented as HTTP Basic Auth service. This interface can easily be used in Python or Lin-
ux curl scripts. Sample scripts for use in PaperCut Custom Sync2 are available in /opt/savapage/serv-


PaperCut Integration

Configuration property Description

ext.papercut.user.sync.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable PaperCut Custom User Sync Integration.

ext.papercut.user.sync.username Basic HTTP Authentication User name.

ext.papercut.user.sync.password Basic HTTP Authentication User password.

ext.papercut.user.sync.ip-addresses-allowed The allowed client IPv4 addresses as a CIDR Set. When void, not a single client
is allowed.

Table N.1. PaperCut User Sync and Auth Interface Configuration Properties

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to set these properties.

N.5. PaperCut Personal User Account

The PaperCut Personal User Account can be made leading for personal financial transactions and credit checks.

Configuration property Value

financial.user.account.papercut.enable Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable PaperCut Personal Account as leading for

personal financial transactions and credit checks. Personal Account transactions are
created in PaperCut to increase/decrease balance. SavaPage transactions will still be
created as usual.

Table N.2. PaperCut Personal User Account Configuration Settings

See Section, “Config Editor” [154] on how to enter this property.

N.6. Integration Pitfalls

The state of the two systems involved in the print chain (SavaPage, PaperCut) is tightly coupled. Restoring an
earlier backup of either system can break the work-flow for pending jobs and lead to unwanted results. For instance:

• When a backup of SavaPage is restored, it will not handle jobs that were submitted to PaperCut after the backup
point. In these cases SavaPage will show a print job status that does not reflect the real situation. On the other
side, jobs that were already fully processed, might be re-processed by SavaPage, leading to extra charges on
the shared PaperCut accounts.
• When a backup of PaperCut is restored, SavaPage will not find PaperCut print status information for pending
jobs that were submitted to PaperCut after the backup point. In these cases SavaPage will show an error print
job status, when in real the job is completed or cancelled.
To avoid integration problems, review your backup and restore strategy carefully.

Make sure you create backups of both SavaPage and PaperCut at the same point in time. Also, be sure that at
the time of backup all pending print jobs are fully processed. When you need to restore, use backups of the same
snapshot time, first restore PaperCut and than SavaPage.

Appendix O. Job Scheduling
SavaPage background jobs are scheduled with Cron Trigger Format expressions:
• External User Synchronization
• Database Backup

O.1. Cron Trigger Format

Cron Trigger Format is similar to GNU/Linux cron scheduling expressions. An extensive tutorial can be found
here1, and a simplified introduction is presented in this section.

A Cron Trigger is an expression comprised of 6 mandatory fields separated by white space.

Field Name Range Special Remark

Seconds 0-59 , - * Not relevant in our case: can be zero.

Minutes 0-59 , - *

Hours 0-23 , - *

Day of month 1-31 , - * ?

Month 1-12 , - * Range is identical to JAN-DEC.

Day of week 1-7 , - * ? Range is identical to SUN-SAT.

Note: GNU/Linux cron uses range 0-6.

Table O.1. Cron Trigger Format - simplified

Special character values are:

• , : used to specify additional values. For example, “2,4,6” in the day-of-week field means the days Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday.
• - : used to specify ranges. For example, “2-6” in the day-of-week field means the days Monday to Friday.
• * : used to select all values within a field. For example: * in the Hours field means “every hour”.
• ? : used to select no specific value. This is useful when you need to specify something in one of the two fields
in which the character is allowed, but not the other. For example, if I want a trigger to fire on a particular day
of the week (say, Sunday), but don’t care what day of the month that happens to be, you would put 1 in the
day-of-week field, and ? in the day-of-month field.


Appendix P. GNU Affero General Public
License (AGPL)


Version 3, 19 November 2007

Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure
cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not

price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights
with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer
you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
and/or modify the software.

A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that

improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
source code to the public.

The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to

ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available
to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to
provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
code of the modified version.

An older license, called the Affero General Public License and

published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is
a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has
released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under
this license.

The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and

modification follow.


GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

0. Definitions.

"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of

works, such as semiconductor masks.

"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this

License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.

To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.

A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based

on the Program.

To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without

permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.

To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other

parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.

An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"

to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.

1. Source Code.

The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.

A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official

standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.

The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other

than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.

The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

subprograms and other parts of the work.

The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users

can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding

The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that

same work.

2. Basic Permissions.

All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.

You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.

Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under

the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.

3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.

No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological

measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such

When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.

4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.

You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.

You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.

5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.

You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to

produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is

released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".

c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this

License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.

d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display

Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.

A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent

works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.

6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.

You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:

a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product

(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.

b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product

(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.

c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the

written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.

d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated

place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.

e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.

A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded

from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.

A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any

tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.

"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,

procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.

If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).

The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a

requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.

Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,

in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.

7. Additional Terms.

"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this

License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.

When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you

add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the

terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or

b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or

author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or

c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or

requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or

d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or

authors of the material; or

e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some

trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or

f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that

material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.

All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further

restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.

If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.

Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the

form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.

8. Termination.

You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly

provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).

However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your

license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.

Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is

reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.

Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

material under section 10.

9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or

run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.

10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.

Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically

receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an

organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.

You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.

11. Patents.

A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this

License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".

A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims

owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.

Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free

patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.

In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express

agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.

If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,

and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner

consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.

If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or

arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.

A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within

the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.

Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting

any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.

12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.

If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or

otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.

13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the

Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
following paragraph.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have

permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version
3 of the GNU General Public License.

14. Revised Versions of this License.

The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions

GNU Affero General
Public License (AGPL)

will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the

Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.

If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future

versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.

Later license versions may give you additional or different

permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.

15. Disclaimer of Warranty.



16. Limitation of Liability.



17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.

If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided

above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.



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