How To Make Papaya Leaf Juice?

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As is evident from its name, papaya leaf juice is a juice extracted from the leaves of

papaya plant. We all are aware of the health benefits of eating papaya fruit, which is
also known as ‘papita‘ (Hindi). But recently papaya leaf extract has gained popularity
due to its medicinal properties and it can provide relief against some deadly diseases
like dengue and cancer.

With the rise in the incidence of dengue fever, there has been an increasing need for
a simple and inexpensive treatment and papaya leaf juice is the ultimate answer. Not
only has it proven to be effective in fighting the symptoms of dengue fever but also in
curing it. Apart from this, it also has anti-cancer properties as well as other health

How To Make Papaya Leaf Juice?

Since the papaya leaf juice is quite bitter in taste, it can be combined with other fruit
juices. You can prepare papaya leaf juice at home by following the given steps.

 Take several medium sized papaya leaves which are washed and partly dried. Cut them and
place them in a sauce pan with around 2 litres of water.
 Boil the water and leaves, and simmer without a lid until the water is reduced to half.
 Now strain the liquid and store it in glass containers. It can be refrigerated and stored for 3 to
4 days. But fresh juice is always preferable.
 The juice should be discarded if it becomes cloudy.
 Alternatively, the juice can be squeezed by crushing the papaya leaves after removing the
stems and other fibrous parts.
Health Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice
As stated earlier, papaya leaf juice has proven to be effective in curing dengue fever.
It offers a host of other health benefits. Some of the health benefits of papaya leaf
juice are as follows.

1. Dengue is a deadly disease caused by dengue virus transmitted by the Aedes

mosquito. This disease can be fatal at times and is characterized by symptoms such
as high fever with headache, severe muscle pain, joint pain, red rashes on the body
that can cause itching and a drastic drop in platelets count. So far no specific
medicine has been formulated for this disease. Painkillers like Aspirin and Ibuprofen
have their own side effects. Papaya leaf juice is a traditional method of curing
dengue fever without posing any side effects. Scientific research and several case
studies have indicated that papaya leaf juice contains the enzymes chymopapin and
papain that boost platelets, also known as thrombocytes and also relieve symptoms.
Pharmaceutical companies are already using papaya leaf extract preparations in the
form of capsules and liquid formulas. The doctors recommend taking 20 to 25 ml of
this juice twice a day for a week for quick results.

2. Papaya leaf has been found to possess anti- malarial properties as well. Thus,
papaya leaf juice is often used in some parts of the world as a prophylactic for
preventing malaria in certain endemic regions.

3. The greatest anti-cancer properties of papaya are concentrated in its leaf extract.
According to a research conducted by the journal of Ethno pharmacology, papaya
leaf juice contains certain enzymes that have dramatic cancer fighting properties
against a wide range of tumours such as cervix cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer,
lung cancer and pancreatic cancer without any toxic effects on the body. As a result,
papaya leaf extract is often recommended as part of chemotherapy in some parts of
the world. By regulating the T-cells, papaya leaf extract increases the immune
system’s response to cancer.
4. Papaya leaves contain important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E,
calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and water. Pleaf juice
has an important enzyme called papain that aids in digestion by breaking down the
proteins naturally.

5. Papaya leaf juice contains over 50 active ingredients including the karpain
compounds that inhibit microorganisms such as fungi, worms, parasites, bacteria as
well as many forms of cancer cells. It is often used in herbal medicines to remove
intestinal worms as it contains tannins that protect the intestine from re-infection from
tanning proteins in the lining of the intestinal wall. This way the worms cannot attach
themselves. Thus, they are effective in suppressing the cause of typhoid fever.

6. Another amazing benefit of papaya leaf juice is its ability to fight viral infection
such as the common cold virus. It is a natural way of regenerating white blood cells
and platelets. Papaya leaves contain over 50 ingredients including the vitamins A, C
and E that support the immune system.

7. Fresh papaya leaves boiled with sliced pieces of orange aid in burning fat as
papaya leaf juice is a perfect reducing agent.

Skin Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice

Papaya fruit is great for your skin and is incorporated in several face packs and skin
care products to give you a healthy and glowing skin. Apart from the fruit, papaya
leaf juice is beneficial for the skin in the following ways.

8. Papaya leaf juice has a higher content of vitamins A and C in comparison to the
fruit, which promote skin health.

9. Papaya leaf juice acts as a skin cleansing agent. This can be attributed to the
presence of karpain compounds that inhibit microorganisms and other toxins, thus
giving you a clear skin and providing protection against skin problems like pimples,
freckles and blemishes.

10. Juice of papaya leaves is effective in treating eczema. You can apply it on your
affected areas after scrubbing.

11. Fresh papaya leaf juice helps in healing open wounds and sores.

12. The milky juice extracted from the tip of papaya leaves can soften the hardened
skin or the corn/wart on the feet.

Hair Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice

Due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, papaya leaf extract is
often used in a number of hair care formulations like shampoos and conditioners to
promote hair growth, strengthen the hair shaft and ward off problems like balding,
thinning, dandruff etc. Papaya leaf juice has the following benefits for hair.

13. Papaya leaf juice is often used by health care stores or salons for hair treatment.
When used as a conditioner along with other ingredients like coconut milk and
honey, it adds shine to dull, lifeless hair and softens coarse and unruly hair.

14. Papaya leaf extract is particularly used as an ingredient in anti-dandruff

shampoos meant to control flakes and prevent dandruff. Due to the presence of
karpain compounds, it is effective in removing dirt and oil, as well as chemical build
up from hair without any side effects.



1. Every part of the papaya plant can be used for multiple health benefits
2. Like papaya, the leaf is also rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapin
3. Papaya leaf juice increases the platelet count
Grown in the tropical regions, papaya is possibly one of the most loved fruits in the world. The
yellowish orange fleshy fruit containing lots of seeds is replete with umpteen benefits. According to
the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing House, papaya is “known to have antibacterial properties
and promotes good digestion and almost every part of the plant can be used." Yes, every part! While
the fruit is said to be rich in contents of vitamin E, C and beta-carotine making it loaded with
antioxidant properties, the seeds are rich in fatty acids and papaya oil, have a sharp peppery flavour,
and can be used in place of your spices.

Papaya leaf juice, on the other hand, is also fast gaining importance in a world of nutrition for packing
incredible health and skin benefits. Like the fruit, the leaf is rich in enzymes like papain and
chymopapain, which aid digestion, prevents bloating and other digestive disorders. Apart from
digestion, the strong alkaloid compounds like karpain works effectively against fighting dandruff and
balding. Papaya leaves also contain high amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B and minerals like
calcium, magnesium, sodium magnesium and iron.

Here is a round up of some benefits you can reap of papaya leaf juice -

1. Treats Dengue fever

A common remedy that is advised by all to dengue patients is papaya leaf juice. Dengue is caused by
infected Aedes mosquitoes, who transmit the disease into our blood. Dengue fever severely brings
down the blood platelet count, and the extracts from papaya leaf are known to help increase the
Bangalore-based nutritionist, Dr. Sheela Krishna swamy says, "Studies have proved that papaya leaf
juice contributes significantly in the production of platelets and increase the platelet count."

2. Anti-Malarial Properties

Papaya leaves have strong anti-malarial properties. A compound found in papaya leaf is acetogenin,
which can help prevent dangerous disease like malaria and dengue.

3. Good for Liver

Just as papaya, papaya leaf juice also acts as a potent cleansing agent for the liver, thereby healing
many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis.

4. Supports Digestion

The book Healing Food mentions how “papaya contains enzymes papain and chymonpapain. Both
have been shown to aid digestion, prevent constipation and clean the colon. Papain is also helpful in
healing and preventing stomach ulcers.”
Papaya leaves are also rich in protease and amylase. These enzymes help break down proteins,
carbs and minerals aiding digestion. Its high anti-inflammatory properties also reduce the
inflammation of stomachand colon. The juice can also heal peptic ulcers by killing bacteria H.Pylori
owing to its antimicrobial properties.

5. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Papaya leaf juice can work wonders for diabetics as well, as it regulates the production of insulin,
which in turn checks blood sugar levels. Its strong antioxidant nature also helps to bring down the
consequent complications of diabetes like kidney damage and fatty liver.

6. Helps Treat Skin Problems

Papaya leaf juice has a rich content of vitamin C and A, which boost skin health and lend you a
healthier and radiant skin. Papaya leaf juice suppresses the activity of free radicals. The presence of
karpain compounds checks the growth of excess micro-organisms, and cleanses your skin of the
toxins, providing protection against skin problems like pimples, freckles and acne.

7. Promotes Hair Growth

The extract of papaya leaf is said to promote hair growth, prevent balding and thinning of hair. It is an
important ingredient used in anti-dandruff shampoos because of the karpain compound. This alkaloid
component is effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp. It can also serve as a natural
conditioner and bring back the lost sheen to your hair.

8. Reduces Cancer Risks

Extracts from papaya leaf boasts of great anti-cancer properties majorly because of its compound
acetogenin. According to the study carried by the journal of Ethnopharmacology, the enzymes in
papaya leaf can fight liver cancer, lung cancer,pancreatic cancer and breast cancer. The anti-
inflammatory properties of papaya leaf could also be helpful in reducing inflammation and
chemotherapy side effects.

If the bitterness of the leaves bother you, you can also mix the juice with other juices like that of
coconut. So don’t hold yourself back from gaining these benefits and grab some now.
Whether you’re looking for a healthy vegetable, leaf or herb to add to your
existing juice recipes or something entirely new to try, you may want to
include papaya leaf juice. Since few people actually eat papaya leaves,
juicing it is a great way to take advantage of its tremendous health benefits.

Based on research studies, it was found that the phytonutrient compounds

in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune
enhancing impact in the bloodstream. Papain, alkaloids and phenolic
compounds are responsible for their positive biological effects.

The enzymes papain and chymopapain are the two biologically active
components of papaya. They aid in digesting proteins and are widely used
for treating indigestion, bloating, and other digestive disorders. In addition,
the alkaloid compounds, carpaine, pseudocarpaine and dehydrocarpaine
demonstrate chemo-preventive effects.

Pure isolated alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives are used as basic
medicinal agents because of their antispasmodic, analgesic, and bacterial
properties. The phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid,
quercetin and kaempferol exhibit potent antioxidant effect. Papaya leaves
are also high in minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron
and manganese.

Papaya leaves are known to contain very high amounts of vitamins A, C, E,

K, the B vitamins and especially high in B17 (laetrile, which is used for the
treatment of cancer).

In tropical countries, dengue fever is very common. Dengue is caused by

viruses that are being transmitted by infected Aedes mosquitoes.

Some of the symptoms of dengue fever are: Very high

fever, nausea, headache, and dangerously low blood platelet count. If left
untreated, it could lead to death.

Two of my friends were admitted to the hospital for dengue fever and we
helped out by making for them, fresh papaya leaf juice. Each of them took
a tablespoon of the juice twice a day, morning and evening.

After taking the juice for 2-3 days, we were happy to note that their blood
platelet count had increased rapidly and they were soon discharged. One
of them had reported her count at a dangerously low level of only 8 (normal
count is 150 and above). One week after she was discharged, her platelet
count shot up to above 300!


There are dozens of reasons that you may want to try papaya leaf juice,
and here is just a short list of the amazing things it can do.

 Blood platelet production: Maintaining a high number of blood platelets is

extremely important after a serious illness, especially with diseases like
dengue that cause blood platelets to drop to dangerously low levels.
The Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine found that papaya leaf
juice significantly increases blood platelet production.
4. Supports the liver: Due to the very potent cleansing effect of papaya
leaf juice for the liver, it is the basis of healing for many chronic
diseases, especially of the liver, such as jaundice, liver cirrhosis and
liver cancer.
1. Prevents diseases: Papaya leaf juice contains acetogenin that
may be used to prevent many dangerous diseases, including malaria,
dengue, and cancer. This supports the immune system and naturally
fights viral and bacterial invaders in the body.
1. Boosts energy levels: Papaya leaf juice does such a good job of
cleansing and healing that drinking it daily can help improve your
energy levels and help you get started on the day more quickly. It
could possibly be helpful for improving chronic fatigue.
1. Supports your digestive systems: Papaya leaves contain papain,
chymopapain, protease and amylase enzymes that are helpful in
properly breaking down proteins, carbs and helping with digestion.
Individuals with digestive disorders may find this juice healing and
help regulate the digestive system. This very potent antimicrobial
juice reduces inflammation of the stomach lining and heals peptic
ulcers by killing harmful bacteria such as the H.Pylori bacteria. This
healing process may also reduce colon inflammation from
inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
1. Minimizes inflammation: Inflammation is a common side effect of
illnesses and allergies. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya
leaf juice is helpful for reducing inflammation, and possibly also
reduce chemotherapy side effects.
1. Protects cardiovascular health: The powerful antioxidants in papaya
leaf boosts the immune system, greatly improves blood circulation,
dilates vessels and protects heart health from stroke and diseases.
1. Naturally lowers blood sugar levels: Papaya leaf juice improves
insulin sensitivity that helps regulate blood sugar levels. The high
antioxidants content is helpful to decrease the secondary
complications of diabetes such as fatty liver, kidney damage and
greatly reduces oxidative stress.


There are several ways to consume papaya leaf juice.

1. Juice It

If you have a juicer, you can simply put the (cleaned) leaves through your
juicer to extract the juice. Amasticating juicer does the job best. Juice and
store away a small bottle of the juice in the fridge to be consumed within 4-
5 days.

If you don’t have a juicer, a blender will do but you will have to do a little
more work. Crush about 10 leaves and put into your blender with a cup of
pure drinking water. Blend the leaves and strain out the juice using a
cheese or muslin cloth.

Caution: Papaya leaf juice is horribly bitter and extremely potent. Start with
only one tablespoon a day and work up to a maximum of two tablespoons a
day, if taking for therapeutic purpose. Drink it neat. DO NOT drink water (or
other fluids) immediately after, to allow the concentrated juice to work its

2. Make a Tea Infusion

Use about 3-5 medium-to-large leaves to about two litres of water (about
two quarts). Boil the leaves in the water till it’s reduced to about half
the quantity. Leave it to cool, discard the leaves and consume in small
doses as needed. The tea may be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days,
but drink it as fresh as possible to benefit from its nutrients.

3. Consume the Leaf Extract

Papaya leaf extracts are available as capsules, tea leaves and tincture. Be
sure to choose non-GMO and organic extracts as papaya is mostly GMO in
the U.S. Here’s a good place to buy quality papaya leaf extract.

Nature has given you all the nutrients, herbs, leaves, and produce you
need to enjoy a long, healthy life. Work papaya leaf juice into your juicing
routine to help you get all of its unique healing properties and enjoy a
higher quality of life.

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