Road Estimate Format
Road Estimate Format
Road Estimate Format
;kstuk dk izkDdyu fdl inkf/kdkjh ds vkns'k ls fd;k x;k dPph xyh ;kstukUrxZr okMZ lHkk esa p;fur iFk dk
9 gSA(i=kkad@fnukad ds lkFk& okMZ ik’kZn ds vuq”kalk ds vkyksd esa LFky
fujh{k.k mijkUr mPpkf/kdkfj;ksa ds funsZ”kkuqlkjA
duh; vfHk;ark }kjk izkDdyu rS;kj djus dh frfFk%&
RCD 3.13 Earth work in Excavation in foundation
6 Including dewatering. All complete job. 23.80 M³ 282.35 Err:511
Disposal of earth work(lead upto 3 km)
16.66 M³ 198.50 Err:511
JE AE Executive Engineer,
Patliputra Division, Patliputra Division, Patliputra Division,
Detail Estimate for construction of Under Ground Drain & PCC Road
Work:- okMZ la0& Constrution of Under Ground Drain and PCC Road From rajapur kishto complex to pradhip singh house to
girish singh house in ward no 22
Sl. No.12 Road & Drain length : 24.84 m Road Width: 1.22 m
Sl. No. SOR CODE Item of works No. Length in Width in Height/
Depth Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs)
(m) (m) in (m) (cum/sqm)
(A) Road
Dismantling of existing structures
like culverts, bridges, retaining walls
and other structure comprising of
masonry, cement concrete, wood
work, steel work, including T&P and
scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material,
1 RCD (2.4 ) disposal of unserviceable material
and stacking the serviceable
material with all lifts and lead 1000
JE AE Executive Engineer,
Patliputra Division, Patliputra Division, Patliputra Division,
Material Statement
Cement Course Stone Bricks Emulsi
Sl.No. Item of Work Quantity (MT) Sand Chips (Nos.) Local Sand Bitumen Filler on
Local Sand
1 Filling 3.79 - - - - 4.547664
(A) As prescribed in
Tender document duly
pledged in Favour of
Executive Engineer,
8 Earnes patliputra Division
t Patna Nagar Nigam,
Money Patna
Rs 2900.00 Security
9 Registration No.
11 VAT NO.
13 Character Certificate
14 Affidavit
Executive Engineer,
Patliputra Div, Patna Nagar Nigam, Patna
Note:- Evaluation will be done as per the information provided in the document attached with tender. Bidder may disqualified, if documents
are not attached properly.