2264-Article Text-5024-4-10-20151024
2264-Article Text-5024-4-10-20151024
2264-Article Text-5024-4-10-20151024
International Journal of Biomedical Research
ISSN: 0976-9633 (Online); 2455-0566 (Print)
Journal DOI: 10.7439/ijbr
CODEN: IJBRFA Original Research Article
*Correspondence Info:
Dr. Debashish Paul
Lt Col (Graded Specialist), Army Medical Corps
Department of Anaesthesiology,
INHS Kalyani, Visakhapatnam-53005, India
E-mail: drdpaulamc@rediffmail.com
Background: Though laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimal invasive surgery but inadequate pain
management interferes with early discharge of patient. Administration of opioid for pain relief is a concern
because of its side effects. To avoid this problem, we planned our study to find out the best alternative of opioid
in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Methods: 68 patients were enrolled for this study in a stipulated time of 1 year in a tertiary level hospital. A
questionnaire was responded by patients and a chart was maintained for pain score in visual analogue scale
(VAS) and for side effects. We used paracetamol and diclofenac as post operative analgesic in two different
groups and data was recorded in Excel panel and was analyzed by standard statistical test by software
MINITAB 1513 with a significant p- value of <0.05.
Results: We have found the significant outcome (p-values are 0.0005 at 0 hrs, 0.003 at 2 hrs, 0.001 at 6 hrs,
0.0005 at 12 hrs) in VAS pain score in between the two groups at different intervals. Patients who were
administered paracetamol had shown better outcome with less requirement of rescue analgesia and side effects.
Conclusion: Administration of intravenous paracetamol in the intra operative period 30 minutes prior to the
completion of surgery followed by administration of 1g paracetamol every 8 hourly in the post-operative period
gives better quality of analgesia.
Keywords: Analgesia, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Visual analogue scale of pain (VAS).
1. Introduction
Adequate analgesia is of utmost importance diclofenac for post operative analgesia, using an
for early ambulation and discharge reducing days of opioid as rescue analgesic only when needed would
hospital stay. Laparoscopic surgery is the most reduce the amount of opioid used and ensure a
popular trend in recent days. Patients are motivated to comfortable post operative recovery period.
undergo laparoscopic surgery if given a choice Paracetamol and diclofenac are the two non opioid
between open or laparoscopic abdominal procedures. drugs that are being used in post operative care where
At the same time, concern for post-operative pain uses of opioid are contraindicated [4]. Paracetamol is
remains the same. Till last decade, opioid remains the one of the more ubiquitous drugs in hospital and
preferred choice for severe pain; however, the community settings. Although widely used, its
adverse effect of these class of drug demerits the use actions are still not fully elucidated. With the relative
of opioid [1,2]. Opioids, such as morphine, may be recent availability of an intravenous solution, its use
associated, with respiratory depression, excessive is revitalized, especially in the peri-operative setting.
sedation, biliary spasm, depression of gastrointestinal Diclofenac is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory
motility, post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) drug (NSAID) taken or applied to
and confusion, particularly in older patients [3]. The reduce inflammation and as an analgesic reducing
use of intravenous paracetamol or intravenous
IJBR (2015) 6 (07) www.ssjournals.com
Debashish Paul et al / Efficacy of iv paracetamol and iv diclofenac as post-operative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy 483
pain in certain conditions. It may be supplied as op analgesic instruction with naming the drug as „A‟
either the sodium or potassium salt [5]. or „B‟. He was not involved in the process of
This study was thus conducted to collecting the data of that patient. The second
compare the effects of paracetamol and diclofenac as anesthesiologist recorded the study parameters at
a post operative analgesic in laparoscopic different intervals in the post operative period
cholecystectomy. Main aim was to assess the without knowledge of the type of the drug
postoperative visual analogue pain scores (VAS) and administered. Patient as well as the Nursing Staff in
total analgesic requirement in the first 24 hours and the post-operative ward was blinded about the type of
also to study the total requirement of additional drug administered. Nursing Staff was not involved in
analgesic despite administration of either administering the drug. She used to inform the
Paracetamol or Diclofenac in postoperative period. anaesthesiologist administering the drug whenever
We also collected data to study the side effects of patient complained of pain.
Paracetamol and Diclofenac in these patients. It 2.6 Description of drugs used in the two groups
provided scope for an alternative regime for post Group A: Inj Paracetamol @ 15mg /kg (maximum
operative analgesia in laparoscopic surgeries. 1g in 100 mL infusion) over 15-20 minutes, 30
minutes prior to the end of surgery as the first dose of
2. Materials and Methods analgesic and subsequent doses at 8 hourly interval
The present study was conducted in a after shifting the case to the ward.
tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of twelve Group B: Inj Diclofenac @ 2 mg/kg (max 75 mg) in
months from October 2012 to September 2013, with 100 mL of Normal Saline 30 minutes prior to the end
prior permission from the institutional ethical of surgery as the first dose of analgesic and
committee. subsequent doses at 12 hourly intervals after shifting
2.1 Selection of Patient the patient to the ward.
Initially 68 patients undergoing laparoscopic Prior to the day of surgery, all patients
cholecystectomy were selected for the study. 04 underwent pre-anaesthesia check up with routine and
patients were excluded as surgery time was less than subjective investigations as per requirement.
30 min and another 04 patients were excluded from Patients were connected to standard
the study as procedure was converted to laparotomy. monitors and were premedicated with inj midazolam
30 patients were included in each group to achieve 1 mg IV, Inj fentanyl 2mcg/kg IV and inj
the power of the study of β-error > 80%. Written dexamethasone 4 mg IV. Induction was done with Inj
informed consent was taken from all the patients. thiopentone 5 mg/kg followed by intubation with Inj
2.2 Patient Inclusion Criteria vecuronium 0.1mg/Kg. Maintenance of anaesthesia
Age 18-64 years was done by O2+N2O (1:2) + isoflurane(0.6% -1%).
ASA I and II Patients were put on mechanical ventilation and end
Patient‟s undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy tidal CO2 was maintained between 35-40 mm of Hg.
(with incision to closure time > 30 Mins) Inj ondansetron 4 mg intravenously was administered
2.3 Patient Exclusion Criteria to all patients, 30 minutes before the end of surgery.
Pediatric age group Extubation was done after reversing the effect of
ASA III and IV muscle relaxant with Inj neostigmine @ 50µg/Kg and
Patients with known allergy to drugs to be used Inj glycopyrrolate 20 µg/Kg.
2.7 Intra-operative
Renal dysfunction
Following surgical incision, time was noted
Patients unable to comprehend VAS Score
(Time-0) and parameters pulse rate(PR), systolic
Bleeding disorders/patient on anticoagulation
blood pressure(SBP), diastolic blood pressure(DBP),
Liver Dysfunction
Mean Arterial pressure(MAP) and oxygen
2.4 Grouping and Randomization
saturation(SpO2) were recorded at an interval of every
60 patients were randomized into 2 groups
2 minutes (min) from Time-0 for the initial 60 min
irrespective of age, gender and proposed type of
and thereafter at an interval of every 5 min till the
surgery. Randomization was done by drawing one
end of surgery. The ECG was constantly monitored
out of the two labeled cards (A and B) from a sealed
in the display screen and only the significant changes
opaque envelope.
(if any) from the base line was recorded under the
2.5 Double Blinding
heading of intraoperative complication. All the
Two anesthesiologists were involved in the
patients were given the “test drug” 30 minutes before
study; the first anesthesiologist administered the drug
the completion of surgery. Duration of surgery and
in the intra and post-op period. He advised the post
type of surgical procedure done was recorded.
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Debashish Paul et al / Efficacy of iv paracetamol and iv diclofenac as post-operative analgesia in laparoscopic cholecystectomy 484
Mild pain was considered when VAS Score Figure 1: Comnparison of pulse rate At Different
is between 1 and 3; Moderate pain when VAS Score Interval
is between 4 and 6 and severe pain was recorded 82 GROUP -A
when VAS Score is > 7. 81 GROUP-B
First dose of post–operative rescue analgesic 80
was given on the basis of VAS score between7-10 or 79
on demand made by the patient (whichever was
earlier) and repeated if required. Rescue analgesia
was decided as Inj morphine with a dose of
0.05mg/Kg - 0.15mg/kg(max) IM whenever required. 76
Any complication / complain (if any) like nausea and 75
vomiting, pruritus, sedation, RR <10 per minute or 0 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr
any other abnormal findings were recorded.
While comparing the SBP, DBP and MAP
3. Results in both the groups, we have observed that there is no
For statistical analysis, we have used the significant variation in both the groups in different
software MINITAB 1513 with p- value of <0.05 was intervals except the mean values for DBP at 12hr of
taken as a reference of significance. post-operative period where it was found that DBP is
While analyzing the demographic higher in the diclofenac group (Figure 2, 3 & Table-
variables, we have found that there are no statistically 2). The difference in mean values is statistically
significant variations for age, sex, weight, ASA significant. The mean DBP is 76.53(±9.13) in
classification, there are 19(63.33%) females in Group Group-A whereas it is 81.63(±8.58) in Group –B
A and 21(70%) females in Group-B (Table-1). (P-Value = 0.03).
Table 2: Comparisons for the MAP operatively whereas from 6 hr interval onwards,
Time Interval Group-A Group-B p-value mean pain score was higher in the diclofenac group.
Mean MAP Mean MAP We observed that at 4 hr interval, difference
(±SD) (±SD)
0 hr 93.5±(11.6) 95.9±(10.0) 0.388 in VAS Score is insignificant. Following that there is
2 hr 91.83±(8.08) 93.27±(8.93) 0.517 gradual increase in VAS Score in the diclofenac
4 hr 92.4±(10.0) 93.23±(6.37) 0.697 group. The mean VAS Score at 24 hr interval is
6hr 93.72±(9.47) 94.70±(7.25) 0.658
1.97(±.1.40) in Group-A and it is 2.33(±1.92) in
12 hr 94.5±(11.9) 95.73±(7.54) 0.639
24 hr 96.2±(10.1) 96.60±(8.33) 0.866 Group -B. There is higher VAS Score in Group-B
compared to Group-A but difference is statistically
Figure 2: Comnparison of SBP At Different insignificant (P-Value =0.401). Insignificant
Interval difference in VAS Score at this time interval can be
132 explained by the fact that patients with higher VAS
130 Score in group-B were administered rescue analgesia
by this time (Table-3).
126 Table-3: Comparisons for the vas score
Time Interval Group-A Group-B p-value
122 Score Score
(±SD) (±SD)
0 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr 0 hr 1.53±(1.01) 0.60±(0.77) 0.0005
2 hr 1.67±(0.67) 1.03±(0.89) 0.003
4 hr 2.40±(0.855) 2.63±(1.79) 0.522
Figure 3: Comnparison of DBP At Different
6hr 1.40±(0.894) 3.07±(2.33) 0.001
Interval 12 hr 1.13±(1.31) 2.77±(2.01) 0.0005
84 24 hr 1.97±(1.40) 2.33±(1.92) 0.401
We used Two-sample Z-Test to compare the
requirement of rescue analgesia. In Group-A, there
78 was only 03 patient for whom morphine was
76 administered and 27 patients (90.0%) did not require
74 rescue analgesia. In Group-B, 8 patients required
administration of morphine and 22 patients (73.9%)
were not given rescue analgesia. This difference is
0 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr
statistically significant (p-value=0.011).
We observed that in Group-A ,there is not a
In our study, significant difference in the single case of post-operative complication whereas in
respiratory rate was observed in between the groups. Group-B, total no. of patients not requiring
Respiratory rate is in increasing trend in both the management for post-operative complications mainly
groups. Apart from the baseline values, respiratory vomiting is 4 (13.33%).
rate was significantly higher in the diclofenac group
throughout the post-operative period (Figure 4). 4. Discussion
Figure 4: Comnparison of RR At Different Time Pain in the post operative period is an
Interval emotional and mental trauma with unpleasant sensory
15 experience. It is precipitated by surgery and is often
associated with autonomic, endocrine-metabolic,
physiological and behavioral response [6].
14 Inadequate pain management leads to delayed
mobilization and longer duration of stay in the
hospital. Pain after laparoscopic surgery has three
13 different components: incisional pain (somatic pain),
12.5 visceral pain (deep intra-abdominal pain) and
shoulder pain (referred to visceral pain). Pain if
0 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr
inadequately relieved can result in various
complications like atelectasis/ pneumonitis/
In this study, high VAS Score was found in hypoxemia, deep vein thrombosis, delayed recovery
the paracetamol group in the initial 2 hrs post- of bowel function, myocardial ischemia and
infarction, urinary retention and residual group. They observed the patients for initial 30 min
psychological trauma [7]. Therefore it is important to and 60 min in the post-operative period [10].
provide adequate analgesia to the patient in the post Remy et al in their study „state of the art of
operative period[8]. paracetamol in acute pain therapy‟ showed that 2 g of
While comparing the pulse rate, we found intravenous paracetamol provides better pain relief
that there is no statistically significant variation in than 1 g IV administration, with seemingly no
both the groups. In 2013 Goel et al. in their difference in side effect profiles[11].
comparative study for pre- emptive analgesia with iv In our study, we observed that in
paracetamol and iv diclofenac sodium in patients paracetamol group, there were only 03patients for
undergoing various surgical procedures found that whom morphine was administered and 27 patients
pulse rate was almost equal to base line value in both (90.0%) did not require rescue analgesia in
the groups .It was less in diclofenac group which is diclofenac group, 8patients required administration of
similar to our finding. But in their study they have morphine and 22 patients (73.9%) were without
found significant variation in mean changes between rescue analgesia. This difference was found
the groups whereas in our study, both the groups are statistically significant. Similar finding was
comparable [9]. In our study, DBP at 12hr of post- postulated by the study by Goel et al in their
operative period was found that DBP is higher in the comparative study for pre- emptive analgesia with IV
diclofenac group (statistically significant).The paracetamol and IV diclofenac sodium in patients
predominant action of diclofenac is to inhibit the undergoing various surgical procedures. Observations
enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX), which mediates the are mentioned in Health Technology Assessment
conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins and 2010 that while comparing paracetamol and NSAID
thromboxanes. The significant increase in DBP in that the adjustment of the 24-hour morphine
diclofenac group might be explained by this effect of consumption model. The treatment effect estimates of
diclofenac. Post operative shallow and rapid NSAIDs and paracetamol became closer .The
breathing is a feature of inadequate pain relief. The adjusted analysis did show a greater reduction in
difference in respiratory rate amongst the groups is morphine consumption with paracetamol[12].
clinically insignificant. The increased respiratory rate In a prospective double blind, randomized
in the diclofenac group might be explained by lesser placebo controlled study conducted on 40 patients
pain relief in the diclofenac group. undergoing lumbar laminectomy and discectomy, it
In this study, significant high VAS Score was demonstrated that IV Paracetamol decreased
was found in the paracetamol group in the initial 2 visual analog scale scores and incidence of vomiting
hrs post-operatively where as from 6 hr interval and patient satisfaction [13].
onwards; mean pain score was higher in the Paracetamol rapidly crosses the blood
diclofenac group. Though the VAS score was higher brain barrier, reaches a high concentration in the
in the paracetamol group in the initial hours, it was cerebrospinal fluid and has an anti-nociceptive effect
within the values for mild pain. There was no mediated by CNS [14]. This central effect has been
requirement of rescue analgesia. regarded primarily as an indirect and reciprocal
In 2013, Goel et al in their comparative influence through cyclooxygenase enzyme inhibition
study for pre-emptive analgesia with IV paracetamol and probably through serotoninergic system as well.
and IV diclofenac sodium in patients undergoing Besides this central effect, it is accepted that
various surgical procedures found that mean pain paracetamol has a peripheral anti-inflammatory effect
score is higher in the diclofenac group for the initial although this effect is limited [15].
period followed by insignificant difference in pain In our study, we have found that patients in
score for 4 hrs. the diclofenac group had more incidences of
In our study, we observed that at 4 hr complications like nausea and vomiting .We have
interval, difference in VAS Score is insignificant in found that in paracetamol group, there is not a single
both the groups. Following that there is gradual case of post-operative complication whereas in
increase in VAS Score in the diclofenac group diclofenac group, total number of patients requiring
leading to more requirement of rescue analgesia. management for post-operative complications is 04
Durak et al in their study „Postoperative (13.33%). Again if we see the data for patients
pain therapy after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: requiring rescue analgesia, more number of patients
paracetamol versus diclofenac‟ found that Numeric was in the diclofenac group. So the complications
rating scale (NRS) for pain scores was significantly such as nausea, vomiting can be attributed to use of
higher in paracetamol group than the diclofenac opiates.
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