Ophthalmic Quiz

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Nursing Ophthalmic Exam ONE- MCQ

1. Regarding to visual acuity recording or test. Which of following is not correct:

A. It is record the acuteness of central vision for distance and near or
reading vision.
B. Distance vision id tested at 6 meters.
C. Distance vision is tested at 3 meters.
D. The eyes are tested and recorded separately.
2. Which of the following is correct related to eyes dressing:
A. Ask patient to look down and gently you elevate the lid a way and
cleaning it from inside outward.
B. Ask patient to look up and everting the lower lid and cleaning from
inside outwards.
C. Use one swab only for each lids.
D. Cleaning the eyes from outside inwards.
3. Pads are usually applied to patient with corneal abrasions. All of the following
are consider as disadvantages of eye pads except:
A. Increase corneal healing rate.
B. They are flammable.
C. Uncomfortable.
D. Good medium for bacterial infection.
E. B and C.
4. Which of the following is not true:
A. Tonometery measures the extra ocular pressure.
B. Keratometery measures the greater and lesser curvatures of the cornea.
C. Biometery measures the axial the length of the eye.
D. Perimeter assesses the degree of peripheral and central visual loss.
5. The aqueous fluid is:
A. Produce by ciliary process.
B. It is follow the posterior chamber through iris into anterior chamber.
C. It is nourishes the lens.
D. It is nourishes the cornea.
6. The six cranial nerve supply which of the following ocular muscle:
A. Orbicularis muscle.
B. Superior oblique muscle.
C. Lateral rectus muscle.
D. Media rectus muscle.

7. The part in each orbit that define as composed of the zygomatic interiorly and
sphenoid posteriorly is:
A. Floor.
B. Roof.
C. Medial wall.
D. Lateral wall.
8. Regarding to orbital cellulitis. Which of the following is not correct:
A. It is more common in children.
B. It is usually bilateral.
C. It is ophthalmic emergency and need admission to hospital if necessary.
D. It is an acute purulent inflammation of the cellular tissue of orbit.
9. Ectropion is:
A. It is the turning outward of the eyelids and usually the upper lid.
B. It is the turning inward of the eyelids and usually the upper lid.
C. It is the turning outward of the eyelids and usually the lower lid.
D. It is the turning inward of the eyelids and usually the lower lid.
10. Which of the following is correct regarding to congenital ptosis:
A. It caused by mechanical failure.
B. It is usually unilateral.
C. It caused by failure of development of the levator muscle.
D. A and B.
11. Trichiasis is a condition which the lashes grow inward and rub on the cornea.
A. True.
B. False.
12. Which of the following is not malignant eye lids tumors:
A. Melanoma.
B. Squamous cell carcinoma.
C. Granulomas.
D. Basal cell carcinoma.
13. The lacrimal system process in ordering is:
1. Puncta.
2. Lacrimal sac.
3. Nasolacrmial duct.
4. Canaliculi.
A. 1, 2, 4, and then 3.
B. 4, 2, 1, and then 3.
C. 2, 1, 4, and then 3.
D. 4, 1, 2. And then 3.
14. The tear film is a mixture of secretion from the accessory tear. What is called
the gland that secret the aqueous middle layer of tear?
A. Goblet cell and Krause gland.
B. Meibomian gland.
C. Krause and wolfring gland.
D. All of the above are correct.

15. Which of the following is not correct related to tears:
A. Blinking assist the tears flow.
B. Water is the most tears composition.
C. Normal tear PH is 6.1 – 8.6.
D. It provides optically smooth surface to the cornea.
16. Which of following is not true related to nursing care post
A. Clean the eye and suture line.
B. Remove sutures within 7 days.
C. Instruct the patient to blow his nose vigorously to keep the tube
D. Remove the tubing in 3-6 months.
17. Epiphora is a watering of the eye. All of the following are consider as causes
of it except:
A. Acute dacryocytitis.
B. Chronic dacryocytitis.
C. Tubercluosis.
D. Ectropion.
18. Breaks in the tear film are seen when stained with:
A. Rose Bengal 1% drops.
B. G. Fluorescein.
C. Artificial tears. Drops.
D. All of above.
19. Regarding to layers of the conjunctiva. Which of following is not contain
goblet cells:
A. Tenos's layer.
B. Epithelial layer.
C. Stromal layer.
D. None of above.
20. Which of the following is not considering as a function of conjunctiva?
A. Protection.
B. Provide mucin for tear film.
C. Allows easy movement of the eyeball.
D. Provide nourishment.
21. Which of following is a sign of allergic conjunctivitis:
A. Watering eye.
B. Nasal signs of hay fever.
C. Sever chemosis.
D. Irritation of eye.

22. The conjunctivitis that occurring in baby less than 28 days by ophthalmia
neonatorum called:
A. Viral Conjunctivitis.
B. Bacterial Conjunctivitis.
C. Allergic conjunctivitis.
D. Fungal conjunctivitis.
23. The pterygium can define as:
A. It is white deposits found in the conjunctiva.
B. It is a triangular shaped nodule in the conjunctiva.
C. It is yellow triangular nodule found in the conjunctiva.
D. It is cysts can found at conjunctiva.
24. Which of following is not correct regarding to cornea:
A. It is transparent structure.
B. It is vascular and high sensitive.
C. It is convex.
D. It supplies with blood via anterior cilliary artery.
25. There are five layers of the cornea. The only one on them that regenerates
itself after trauma is:
A. Stroma layer.
B. Endothelium layer.
C. Epithelium layer.
D. Bowman's layer.
26. Which of following is not correct related to sclera:
A. It means hard.
B. It composed of dense, white, and non- uniform collagen fibers.
C. It is extends from the cornea to optic nerve.
D. It has a refraction light function.
27. Which of following can cause of photophobia:
A. Pain fibers being present in the course.
B. Irritation of the corneal nerve ending.
C. Lesion obstruction light rays entering.
D. Watering eye.
28. Which of following is false related to scleritis:
A. Rare condition and affecting women more than men.
B. Associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
C. Associated with Uveitis.
D. The eye will be red, if it is posterior.
29. Herpes simplex virus causes an ulcer on the cornea and it called dendritic
ulcer. Which f following is not correct as nursing actions:
A. Acyclovir cream can be applied to affect skin areas.
B. Steroid drops can be given at least one week.
C. Take swab culture for herpes simplex.
D. Instruct the patient to use antiviral agent such as Oc. Acyclovir.

30. All of following is correct regarding to episcleritis except:
A. Often cause is unknown.
B. It is inflammation of the episclera.
C. Associate with ulcerative colitis.
D. For treatment do not give steroid drops.

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