E-V Oting System U Sing Visual Cryptography & Secure Multi-Party Computation
E-V Oting System U Sing Visual Cryptography & Secure Multi-Party Computation
E-V Oting System U Sing Visual Cryptography & Secure Multi-Party Computation
P. Sanyasi Naidu1, Reena Kharat2, Ruchita Tekade2, Pallavi Mendhe2, Varsha Magade2
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM University,
Visakhapattanam, India
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering,
Pune, India
Abstract- The paper aims at creation of secure voting Naor's and Shamir's (2, 2) visual cryptography
system using visual cryptography and secure multi scheme. Biometrics deals with computerized
party computation. Visual Cryptography is the method methods of certifying the identity of a person based
of encrypting the visual data for authentication of the
on behavioral or physiological characteristics.
voter. Visual cryptography scheme whieh is used to
The most commonly used cryptographic
create 2 shares of fingerprint image. This system
prevents voters for voting whieh try to vote using fake
primitives in e-voting systems are interactive secret
voter identification card (VIC). This system is sharing techniques, zero knowledge proofs, blind
developed robustly to ensure that all eligible voters signature, and secure multi-party computation. Secret
having a voter identification card (VIC) is allowed to sharing is used in electronic voting in order to get the
cast their respective vote. One share is stored at voting protocol to be robust against authority's
administrator side and one share is stored in VIC, so no enforcement. The proposed system makes use of
one can access the full fingerprint image. For security secure multi-party computation properties for vote
of votes the principle of secure multi-party computation
tallying. It also provides secure computation since
is used. Secure multi-party computation allows multiple
shares are used for the computation. This system also
parties to participate in a computation. Security,
accuracy reliability and transparency are the major
uses secret sharing scheme for authenticating voter's
concern in these systems. The voters, who cast multiple registration.
votes during the voting process is ensured to be
prevented by biometrie identification of the votes could 11. LITERATURE SURVEY
be used for casting their vote and restrieting them to A. In [1], Visual Cryptography is a type of
cast again. The process of Electronie-voting system cryptographic scheme, which can decode concealed
could be deployed with four phases - the voter's images without any cryptographic computations. It
enrollment, voter's authentication, vote casting and
allows visual information to be encrypted in such a
recording, and vote counting and election result
way that the decryption can be performed by the
human visual system, without the aid of computers.
Keywords -Authentication, Visual Cryptography, Secure Visual cryptography scheme eliminates complex
Multi-party Computation. computation problem in decryption process, and the
secret images can be restored by stacking operation.
I. INTRODUCTION This property makes visual cryptography especially
E-Voting solutions usually aim at increasing useful for the low computation load requirement.
participation, and improving the outcomes elections
by addressing challenges related with traditional B. In [2], the online voting system with secure
voting systems. The e-voting system consists of authentication is described. This is a web based
registration, authentication, vote casting, vote voting system which allow voter to vote irrespective
counting and verification to counting or tallying after of location. Providing security to any data or
voting. Also, the rapid growth of authentication information is an important issue and it becomes
systems has varied the view of people toward the way sensitive for online voting system. The proposed
these systems deal with. Providing security to voting system provides secured authentication through the
system is an important issue in real life. This model Shamir's (2, 2) secret sharing scheme.
proposed helps in achieving the authenticity, non
traceability of security and vote cast with C. In [3], a method for iris recognition is proposes,
confidentiality also being enforced. This is handled which is capable of comparing two digital eye
in the proposed system by combining biometric with images. As protecting template in the database
securely is one of the challenges in any biometrie There are 4 modules of the project:
system. Here visual cryptography technique is
applied to iris authentication system. Proposed 1] Voter's Registration
system gives better quality of the encrypted and 2] Voter Authentication
decrypted image. For accessing any seeure resource 3] Vote casting and recording
by authenticated users this system can be used 4] Vote counting and result
especially for ATM (automatie Teller Machine) publication
banking. The enrolled eye image is required to be
processed so characteristic iris features can be 1. Voter's Registration
ex tracted using the hybrid transform (DCT+DHT), Each voter has to enroll to ex ercise voting
for this purpose algorithms are developed. rights. Everyone in the world has unique fingerprint.
Fingerprint scanners will be used to scan fingerprint
D. In [4], a reviewed of a large number of techniques of each voter. Secret sharing algorithm is used in
described for ex tracting minutiae from fingerprint voter enrollment and authentication module. It
images. The techniques are broadly classified on the consists of 2 parts: share construction and secret
basis of factor like techniques of binarization and reconstruction. Share construction algorithm will be
segmentation, binary or gray scale images used to construct two shares of finger print image.
recognition. Also, the paper proposed study of the One share will be stored in database and another
statistical theory of fingerprint minutiae. share will be stored in voter's ID card (VIC). Here
database & voter's ID card don't contain actual image
E. In [5], Secure Multi-party computation (SMC) of fingerprint. Unless and until both shares are
introduces which allows multiple parties to available, original fingerprint image cannot be
participate in a computation. Privacy preserving data reconstructed. Each voter will have voter's ID card
mining field in SMC preserves the privacy of (VIC) which contains voter's private information and
individual's data. This paper introduced innovative one share of his/her fingerprint. The algorithm for
protocol uses both actual and idyllic model which Share generation, distribution and result
provides more security, privacy and zero leakage reconstruction is ex plained.
Algorithm: The XOR algorithm is given below:
F. In [6], proposed seeure protocol for association
rule mining using vector dot product over vertically S=size (Input image)
distributed data among multiple parties which for i=1 to S
provide a secure, more efficient method requires less if (pix el ==1)
communication and computation cost. The if (randomNumber3999999==1)
cryptography-based techniques such as seeure multi Sharel= [1 0]
party computation (SMC) provide security for a Share2= [1 0]
computation where party does not know anything Else
ex cept its own input and the result. Also allow multi Sharel= [0 1]
party to do the computation jointly over inputs while Share2= [0 1]
keeping these inputs private. Computation does not else
required trusted third party. Similar technique is used if (randomNumber==1)
for vote recording and counting in our proposed Sharel= [1 0]
scheme. Share2= [0 1]
The main objective of voting is to allow Share2= [1 0]
voters to ex ercise their right to ex press their choices end
regarding specific issues, pieces of legislation, citizen end of Loop
initiatives, constitutional amendments, recalls and/or
to choose their govemment and political
representatives. In this system user has to enroll
his/her finger print for voter ID card. Finger print
scanner will create image for that finger print.
1 Enrollment 11 Authentication I (Rn*D). So, database of casted vote will look Iike as
Actual Finger : Fresh Finger given in table-1.
Print Print
Algorithm: The secure multi-party computation
algorithm is given below:
N: Number of Voters.
: 0, otherwise
Figure 2: Enrollment and Authentication Phase
Ri: Random numbers Of Ci with value denoted by Ri
2. Voter Authentication: = (Ril, Ri2 ... RiN) Generated for each voter.
In Authentication, voter has to provide VIC
D : a prime number which is greater than N
which contains share of finger print image. Card
reader will read share from VIC. Another share of 1. Generate prime number D greater than total
fingerprint is stored in the database. These two shares number of voters N.
are given to secret reconstruction algorithm and
fingerprint image is reconstructed. Fresh fingerprint 2. For each Voter (i = 1 to N) do
image is from the voter through fingerprint scanner.
a. Generates n random numbers
Fresh and reconstructed fingerprint image are
Ri2 ... Rin.
compared. If they match then voter is authentic as he
c1aimed. Otherwise voter is not authentic and he/she b. Compute vector Ei as Ei = [(Vii + Ril*D),
is not allowed to vote. (Vi2 + Ri2 * 0), ... , (ViN + RiN * D)].
Minutia Ex traction:
• c. Store Ei in database.
Given two sets of minutia, one set taken from the
3. Add encrypted voe from database for each
reconstructed image and the other from the live
candidate as follows:
thumb impression of the person to be authenticated,
the minutia match algorithm determines whether the YI = (VII + RII*D) + (V21 + R21*D) + .....
two minutia sets are the same or not. + (Vnl + Rnl*D)
(1+R31*d) (O+R32*d) ...... (O+R3n*d) [4] Roli Bansal, Priti sehgal, Punam Bedi, "Minutiae
Ex traetion from Fingerprint Images - a Review",
IJCSI Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 3, September 20 1 1.
[5] Neha pathak, shweta pandey "An Effieient
Method for Privaey Preserving Data Mining in
Seeure Multiparty Computation", NUiCONE, 20 13
(1+Rml*d) (O+Rm2*d) ...... (O+Rmn*d)
[6] Reena Kharat, Madhuri Kumbhar and Preeti
Bhamre, "Effieient Privaey Preserving Distributed
Table 1: Vote easting and Reeording in Eneryption Assoeiation Rule Mining Protoeol Based on Random
Number", D. P. Mohapatra and S. Patnaik (eds),
4. Vote counting and Result publication: Intelligent Computing, Networking, and Informatics,
Eaeh eolumn in database represents vote for eaeh Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 243,
eandidate. So eount total vote gained by the eandidate DOI: 10. 10071978-8 1-322- 1665-0_83, _ Springer
is eomputed as Cl [(Vll + Rll*D) + (V21 + R21*D)
India 20 14.
+ .....+ (Vnl + Rnl*D)] % D. By seeure multi-party
eomputation YI (1 + RII*D) + (1 + R21*D) + .....+
Two voters does not have the same
biometrie features. So it is more seeure to use
biometrie authentieation in voting system. The
problem of falsifieation will be overeome beeause
authorization will sueeeed only when user will
provide its ID eard with fresh fingerprint.
Confidentiality of voter's biometrie feature is
enhaneed by storing shares of fingerprint at different
plaees like smart eard and database instead of storing
original fingerprint image at same plaee. With the
help of seeure multi-party eneryption system
overeome problem of falsifying results. The
ex perimental results show high aeeuraey in vote
eounting. Two-faetor authentieation eould drastieally
reduee the ineidenee of fake voting. So, in future we
would like to use multiple faetors in authentieation.
[1] Moni Naor and Adi Shamir, "Visual
eryptography", In Proceedings 01 the advances in
cryptology Eurocrypt 1- 12, 1995.