C403 - Candy Advanced Estimating - Final - 11-05-2015 PDF

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C403 - Advanced


Learner Guide

MP - Rev 2 - 05/2015
Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2. Training Set-up ................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Create Data path ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Company Manager ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Create a New Company ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Job Manager ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Recover the Training Job................................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 3. Customising the Interface ............................................................................................ 11
3.1 Customising the System ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Document Navigation .................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions.................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 4. Global Variables ............................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Creating a global variable ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Applied Factor ................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Switches ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5. Macro Price Codes ......................................................................................................... 27
5.1 Creating a Macro Price Code ....................................................................................................................... 28
5.2 Pricing a Macro Worksheet .......................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 6. Indirect Bill ..................................................................................................................... 31
6.1 Creating an Indirect Costs Schedule ......................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Pricing the Indirect Bill ................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Indirect Costs Reports .................................................................................................................................... 49
6.4 Copy Indirects to a Bill page ........................................................................................................................ 51
Chapter 7. Alternate Estimates ....................................................................................................... 53
7.1 Define alternative names............................................................................................................................... 53
7.2 Allocate alternative codes ............................................................................................................................. 54
7.3 Set up alternative jobs.................................................................................................................................... 55
7.4 Update alternative jobs.................................................................................................................................. 56
Chapter 8. Precision in Candy ......................................................................................................... 59
8.1 Full Precision Mode ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 9. Estimating Utilities ........................................................................................................ 63
9.1 Taking a Snapshot ........................................................................................................................................... 63
9.2 Rolling Back of the Estimate ........................................................................................................................ 64
Chapter 10. Annexures .................................................................................................................... 67
10.1 Annexure 1 – Production Codes & Manhours ...................................................................................... 67
10.1.1 Define Production Codes ............................................................................................................................... 67
10.1.2 Allocate Production Codes ............................................................................................................................ 68
10.1.3 Allocate the Trade Quantity Factor............................................................................................................. 69
10.1.4 Production Code Reports ............................................................................................................................... 70
10.1.5 Define Manhour Codes ................................................................................................................................... 75
10.1.6 Manhours on Worksheets .............................................................................................................................. 76
10.1.7 Manhours per Bill Item .................................................................................................................................... 77
10.2 Annexure 2 – Addendum Merging ............................................................................................................ 78
10.2.1 Inserting an Addendum item ........................................................................................................................ 78
10.2.2 Replacing a Job item ........................................................................................................................................ 83

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.2.3 Deleting a Job item .......................................................................................................................................... 84

10.3 Annexure 3 – Foreign Currency Pricing ................................................................................................... 86
10.3.1 The Pricing Currency ........................................................................................................................................ 86
10.3.2 Currency Exchange Rates ............................................................................................................................... 87
10.3.2 Tax Multipliers .................................................................................................................................................... 88
10.3.4 Code Allocations................................................................................................................................................ 89
10.3.5 Multiple Currency Subcontract Adjudication ......................................................................................... 91
10.3.6 Reports .................................................................................................................................................................. 93
10.4 Annexure 4 – Spreading the Indirect Cost ........................................................................................... 106
10.4.1 Procedure Set-up ........................................................................................................................................... 110
10.4.2 Calculating the Selling Rate........................................................................................................................ 115
10.4.3 Blocking bill items .......................................................................................................................................... 115

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 1. Introduction
This advanced estimating training course was designed to give you, the Estimator, exposure to
more of the estimating tools that are available in Candy. These tools will not only help you to
speed up the pricing process but will also enhance the quality of your estimate.
We all know that in any estimating department your biggest enemy is the clock. You are constantly
under pressure to complete the estimate within the required time with the required degree of
accuracy. The problem that you are often faced with is that there is not enough time to check or
review what you have put together prior to committing yourself.
Using the bulk of the estimating tools available in Candy will help you to increase the integrity of
the information contained in your estimate and will therefore increase your confidence in the
quality and accuracy of the estimates that you produce.
Completion of this course is in no way an indication that you will have a full or vast knowledge of
Candy’s estimating potential. There is still a lot more that Candy has to offer than what we are able
to introduce to you in this training course. Further to this training, many of you will have individual
requirements that can be addressed on a one to one training basis.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 2. Training Set-up

2.1 Create Data path
To ensure that the training does not impact any of the work that you currently have on your system
a separate Data Path must be created.

Do this:
Click on the Button on the top left of the Candy Desktop once or twice until the Company
Manager window appears. In the Company Manager click on the back arrow on the top left
corner of the window to access the Data Path Manager – Right click in the next available line and
select Add a new data path

The following window will appear

Click on to Add a new Data Path

Create a new folder in the Documents folder under your user profile and call the folder CCSDATA
– Training

Candy Advanced Estimating

Double click on to create the path

Click on to add the new path to the Data path manager

Double click on the new data path to access the Company Manager

Candy Advanced Estimating

2.2 Company Manager

This is the top-level menu in the system where a maximum of 24 companies can be created.

For example, if you are tendering in a joint venture with another firm, you can create a brand new
company for that bid.

2.3 Create a New Company

Do this
Click the Company > Add a new company in the menu

Candy Advanced Estimating

Edit the company name to read “CCS Training Company”, click .

Note: You may enter a Company Code and a Password for your company

The “CCS Training Company” is now be added to your list of companies.

Candy Advanced Estimating

2.4 Job Manager

Double click on the “CCS Training Company” to access the Jobs in this company.

The job manager generates a new header and new job automatically. You may create up to 99
jobs within a company. These jobs can be copied, renamed, deleted and backed-up using the Job
menu or using the Right-click Menu within this window.

2.5 Recover the Training Job

From the Job Manager right click on a blank line, select > Backup/recover job > Recover into a
NEW job > from file

Candy Advanced Estimating

Recover the Candy training job using the following directory on the Candy Flash drive

<Candy flash drive>/C403 - Candy Advanced Estimating Job and click on

Click on

Note: Do the same to recover The Vent shaft & Substation – Master Job

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 3. Customising the Interface

3.1 Customising the System

The (brown hammer) icon or right clicking on the Candy desktop enables desktop

Change the Desktop background image or colour, add a calendar and allow multiple monitors

Candy Advanced Estimating

Change the font, style and size for various areas of the system. You may find that the view is
limited in a document, for example the Bill of Quantities, and may need to adjust your fonts later.

The appearance of the Candy interface can be changed here example, Theme and Tab colours.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Document styles
Colours can be selected for cursors and input fields on documents and level headings.

Tool buttons
Frequently used shortcuts keys can be activated here by applying ticks or removing ticks

Do this:
Select “Utilities Toolbar Buttons” to activate or deactivate the required tool buttons on screen

Candy Advanced Estimating

Folders and Paths

This sheet holds various folder paths used by Candy. You can manually enter the path or map the
path by using the Browse button.

The Candy system can be configured on the network by setting up the folders and paths. The
following paths can be set as below:-
Common backups – to set the path to the Common folder used by all the users wishing to backup
data on the organisation’s network. (The backed up data can be recovered by other users)
Archived backups - to set the path to the Archived folder for the individual user who wishes to
backup data on the organisation’s network. (The backed up data can only be recovered by the
individual user)
Candy network masters – To set the path for a master network company enabling users to access
the master library job centrally
Microsoft Excel - the path pointing to Excel for exporting Candy data directly to Excel.

Candy Advanced Estimating

3.2 Document Navigation

Filter on Fragment

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Pricing Bill - > Highlight the fragment “disp”
(disposal) in Item B under Excavation and select Filter on Fragment

This will filter the occurrences of “disp” in the item descriptions – depending on the number of
variances in words that start with this fragment one can choose to redo the filter on the filtered
results but the option selected must be to “Reduce by excluding” the variations that is not

Candy Advanced Estimating

Group by

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Standard Bill of quantities, add the column “6.4 Net
Spit amounts” then in the documents menu select > View > Group by > Trades

This will give you the trade totals view of the bill with a breakdown of the items that made-up the
various sums of money in the trade totals document.

Access the Trade Totals document by clicking on to see the benefit of the above group by

Candy Advanced Estimating

Filter by Bill Quantity and Net Rates

Candy Advanced Estimating

3.3 Keystrokes, Icons and Mouse Functions

Mouse Functions
Note: This table assumes that the mouse buttons are configured for a right-handed user.

Mouse action Function

Left-click On an Active Document - moves the cursor line to and positions the editing
cursor at the mouse pointer. On an Inactive Document - Turns the document
Active and acts as above.
Right-click On an Active Document, calls up the context menu.
Double Click Fetch another document, i.e.: Double Click on a Net Rate calls up the
Row Record Select a line of data for Dragging and Dropping.
Row Record Marks the Start and End of a Range of records for Dragging and Dropping.
Alt+Left-click Set an Alternate document.

This is a list of the Editing and Cursor Movement Keystrokes, with a brief explanation of the
function, and the equivalent Icon if available.
Note: Normal Windows shortcut keys can be used e.g. Ctrl C – Copy, Ctrl V – Paste etc.

Shift+Esc(ape) Returns to the job selector

Esc(ape) Returns to the previous menu

Ctrl+Tab Moves the document currently on top to behind all other documents.
Ctrl+Insert Inserts a new line at the cursor position
Ctrl+Del Deletes the current line at the cursor
Tab Moves the cursor forward to the next Field. Shift+Tab moves the
cursor backwards.
Home Moves the cursor to beginning of the field
End Moves the cursor to the end of the field
Ctrl + > Move to the next page
Ctrl + < Move to the previous page

Candy Advanced Estimating

Ctrl+Page Up Takes you to the first line of the first page of a document
Ctrl+Page Down Takes you to the first line of the last page of a document
Ctrl+Enter Split the line at the cursor position
Backspace Deletes one character at a time
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes one word at a time
Ctrl+Left-arrow Bubble Up - move the current line up
Ctrl+Right-arrow Bubble Down - move the current line down
Ctrl+Up-arrow Collapse level headings (to hide all text under headings)
Ctrl+Down-arrow Expand level headings (to show all text under headings)
Shift+Ctrl+Down- Opens all sub headings within the cursor position heading
Shift+Ctrl+Up- Closes all sub headings within the cursor position heading
Ctrl+Space Bar Open all headings completely
Shift+Ctrl+Space Close all headings completely
Ctrl+R Pick Up the current Line
Shift+Ctrl+R Drop (insert) Lines picked up using Ctrl+R at the current line
Ctrl+U Turn current line to UPPERCASE letters
Ctrl+L Turn current line to lowercase letters
Ctrl+T Turn current word to Sentence case
Ctrl+K Copy the Field above
Ctrl+J Copy the Field above and moves cursor down one line
Alt+Del Close the active Document.
Shift+Alt+Del Close All Documents.
Ctrl+Z Undo.
Note: As soon as the cursor is moved off the line, the line is stored
and the undo button will not function

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 4. Global Variables

Global variables have a numeric value that is constant or fixed over a range of pricing worksheets,
both price code worksheets and complex worksheets, and are also used in the calculation of
quantities in Macro pricing worksheets.
These variables are defined by an 8-character alphanumeric code in the Estimating application
under definitions and settings. The numeric constant or fixed value attributed to the code can be
calculated in the formula field at the point of definition or simply entered in the value field.
These codes are then used in the calculations in place of the numeric constant or fixed value that
has multiple occurrences across a range of worksheets. Example, the number of hours attributed
to a shift or a working day can vary dependant on the nature and location of the job. The shift or a
working day can be defined as a global variable in the master job and the code used in all the
calculations in place of the numeric value. This will mean that when the value attributed to the
code, in this instance the number of hours, is changed in the job being priced then the entire job,
every worksheet in which the code was used, will be calculated against the changed value, saving
the user an immense amount of re-engineering time.
These variables can be used as a switch in calculations an explanation of which will be discussed
later in this chapter.

4.1 Creating a global variable

Note that the Global Variables are copied from the Master, if the Master is selected in the New
Estimate set-up window when creating a new job.

Do this:
Access the Definitions & Settings menu in the Estimating application and select 2.4 Global

These are typical examples of Global variables.

The following parameters need to be adhered to when creating Global variables:
1. Global variable codes A to H are reserved for use on Macro worksheets
2. The codes PI and SD are also reserved as system constants
3. The maximum number of Global variables that can be created is 700 No.

Candy Advanced Estimating

For understanding the impact of Global variables we will focus on the Global variable [CONC]. Note
this Global variable has a quantity calculation in free format.

Do this:
Access the Resource list and open the complex worksheet 3513 for the 21/14 Mixing Plant.

Note that the Global variable code is always entered within square brackets to open and close the
entry. [CONC] is used for the total volume to be batched. Leave this worksheet minimised to the
bottom half of your screen.

Do this:
Access the Definitions & Settings menu in the Estimating application and select 2.4 Global
In the calculation for Global variable [CONC], amend the quantity for “Bill 3” to 500, click on
and then click on the complex worksheet 3513.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Note the rate change from R81.92 to R87.74 – all other worksheets that used this Global variable
will be impacted accordingly. Store the complex worksheet .

4.2 Applied Factor

Global variable [CONC] is a common denominator in the calculation of the rate for the Mixing
Plant. It can therefore be added to the applied factor.

Do this:
Access the Resource list and open the complex worksheet 3513 for the 21/14 Mixing Plant.
And delete “[CONC] m3” against each of the resources in the applied factor range and add
/[CONC] m3 to the applied factor.

Store the worksheet .

4.3 Switches
Global variables can also have a great impact on time saving concerning re-engineering of
Let’s take a hypothetical scenario,
The Estimator prices all of the concrete items in the estimate, like in this instance, using site
batched concrete as per the requirements of the original tender specifications and the client sends
out an addendum stating that the contractor has to use RMC instead of batching on site.
This will mean that the Estimator has to now remove the price codes against all of the concrete
items and create new ones based on the addendum.

Candy Advanced Estimating

This can be avoided if both scenarios are priced in one worksheet in the Master Job and a switch
created to simple switch between the scenarios in the Job being priced.

Do this:
Access the Definitions & Settings menu in the Estimating application and select 2.4 Global

Global variable [RMC] is created has a switch.

Do this:
Access the Pricing Bill and open the worksheet for item “M” under the heading “CONCRETE”

Click on resource 515203 and then click on

Candy Advanced Estimating

Note the structure of the calculation – If the Global variable [RMC] is a “1” then the applied factor
will be zero “0” for the site batching and the alternate – RMC will be the active calculation
multiplied by “1”.

Do this:
Access the Definitions & Settings menu in the Estimating application and select 2.4 Global
Variables. Change the value of [RMC] to “1”.

Now access the complex worksheet 515203 and note the difference

Candy Advanced Estimating

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 5. Macro Price Codes

A Macro worksheet is actually a complex Price code with a make-up sheet in the form of a mini-bill.
The "items" in this mini-bill are Price codes or other Macros. A macro used within a macro must be
more junior than the host macro. The quantities for each item in the macro can either be typed in,
calculated with a calc-sheet or calculated via the macro formula mechanism.

Header of the macro

The header section displays the macro's code, its description, bill quantity and unit. Below these is a
section for local variables which can be used in the formulae to calculate the quantity of the items
in the macro bill.

Variables and Formulae

Up to eight variables labelled A through to H can be entered on a macro. These variables represent
dimensions or factors and are used in formulae to calculate the quantities of the items in the
macro. A formula can be set up for any item in the macro or the quantity can simply be typed in.
Note: If any of the Price codes in the macro are unpriced or use plug rates, these will be
highlighted with an Orange dot in the Price code field.

Pricing Quantity
The Pricing Quantity converts the Macro amount back to a unit rate for use on the bill. The Pricing
Quantity is used to calculate the unit rate for the macro. The total amount (value) of the macro is
divided by the Pricing Quantity to produce its unit rate.
For example, a slab measured in m3 including concrete, formwork and reinforcing would need to
price all these components and then divide the total amount by the volume of the slab to arrive at
a unit rate - the volume is the Pricing quantity.
The Pricing Quantity will always default to 1.

Benefits of Macro Price Codes

Macro price codes assists the Estimator in that there is a clearly defined and calculated rate make-
up that requires little adjustments to adapt the pricing to suit various jobs or conditions.
The real value is seen at the post tender stage when the Quantity Surveyor has to clearly define his
allowable. The Macro price code worksheet can be exploded and the price codes used in the
pricing of the Macro are converted to Internal Bill items, thereby awarding the Quantity Surveyor
the opportunity to clearly quantify each of the work processes that were defined in the Macro.

Candy Advanced Estimating

5.1 Creating a Macro Price Code

Macros also have a Price code but the code starts with a number between 1 and 9 - this represents
its hierarchical level where 9 is the most junior level. The second character of the code must be a
valid Trade character, and the balance of the code is free format.

Do this:
Access the Pricing Bill. In the Earthworks section, clear the price code (retain the Trade) against
Item E – Excavate in Class A material for trenches and backfill, compact and dispose of
surplus material and create a new price code – 9E3013*

Double click in the rate column of Item E to access the Macro Price Code worksheet

Candy Advanced Estimating

5.2 Pricing a Macro Worksheet

Now type in the price code E3251 – Exc. Trench, ne 2m then click in the Quantity column to start
the calculation of the quantities.
Define the following local dimensions with their names: A – 1 - width; B – 2 - depth; C – 1 -
batter; D - 0.40 – pipe dia.
Type the following formula: [A]*[B]+{add batter} [B]*[C]

Now type in the price code E8251 – Backfill & compact , 90% MOD then click in the Quantity
column to start the calculation of the quantities.
Type the following formula: [A]*[B]+[B]*[C]-([PI]*[D]*[D]/4)

Candy Advanced Estimating

Now type in the price code E8121 – Load and dispose of surplus material then click in the
Quantity column to start the calculation of the quantities.
Type the following formula: [PI]*[d]*[d]/4

Now change the pricing quantity to 2, seeing that the total volume is calculated to the depth of
2.00m – this will bring the rate to a rate per m3

Closing the Macro price code worksheet will store the worksheet and return to the document.
The rate is now R 91.38/m3 for Item F.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 6. Indirect Bill

The Indirect cost bill in Candy is a second bill that allows users to price their internal
preliminaries/overhead costs, both time and value related, in a pricing document that gives the
user optional access to a barchart to assist in the spreading of the cost over time.
The Indirect cost bill can be created in the Master Job and recovered into the pricing job to simplify
and speed-up the pricing process.

6.1 Creating an Indirect Costs Schedule

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select > Indirect Cost Documents

In the Indirect Costs Document Manager select > 1.2 Indirects – Start and End Input

Candy Advanced Estimating

The following message appears

This message only appears when you access any indirect costs document for the first time. You
have four options of how you can create an Indirects Bill:
 Copy from master and clear quantities - Select this option to copy an indirect costs
schedule from the current master into the current job, excluding the master quantities.
 Copy from master and preserve quantities - Select this option to copy an indirect
costs schedule from the current master into the current job, including the master
 Create a new document - Select this option to create a new indirect costs schedule in
the current job and enter the start date yourself.
 Create a new document, & copy the start date from a Planning program – Select
this option to create a new indirect costs schedule in the current job and create the start
date as per the start date on the selected program – Candy will give you a list of existing
programs in the job to choose from.

Select > Create a new bill

The New Indirect Cost Program set-up will appear – Change the start date to 24/02/2014

Click on and close the document that opens.

Candy Advanced Estimating

6.2 Pricing the Indirect Bill

There are 3 methods of indirect cost input

 Time input only – This option limits post tender control or monthly spreads
 Start and end input – This option is allows for better post tender information but is
restricted to monthly entry and control
 Barchart input – This is the ideal option for accurate Indirects calculations, monthly
spreads and Indirects allowable histograms.

Before starting to price ensure that there is a Trade created for the Indirects Price codes

Do this:
Access the Definitions & Settings menu in the Estimating application and select >1.1 Trades

The trade is already created in this instance – if this is done in the Master Job then it will always be
available if the Master is selected at the initial New Estimate Set-up document.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Time Input only

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select > Indirect Cost Documents > New Document
> 1.1 Indirects – Time input and access the document

The price codes can be created directly on the Indirect bill or created in the price code list and then
added to the Indirect bill in a similarly to pricing the direct costs bill/Pricing bill.
In this instance, the Indirect Price Codes are created already.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Do this:
Access the Price code list , minimise this document to the bottom half of your screen and scroll
down to price code a1102

You can now drag and drop this price code onto the first line of document 1.1 Indirects – Time
input or simply type it into the price code column.
Then enter the No. of Contracts Managers as “1” and the No. of months as “6” in the Price Code
time column for this 13-month contract.

The Factor column is used to proportion the amount of money that will be spread over the

Candy Advanced Estimating

Time Units
When Pricing from the Master, it is important that the required default time units are checked and
edited prior to the commencement of pricing. This will have a direct impact on the proportion of
cost spread over the period/time allocated to each price code.

Do this:
Double click in the unit column and the following window will appear

Double click on the required time unit to select it. To create a new time unit click on

Then name the unit “Wk 6D” and scroll down to select the standard description “Week – 6
working days”

Click on

Note: The predefined descriptions have predefined time units, relating to its description, attached
to it. The price code will retain the unit attached to it like in the pricing bill.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Start and End Input

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select > Indirect Cost Documents > 1.2 Indirects –
Start and End input and access the document.

Note that the tool button is linked to this document.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Add the following Price codes: a1102 – Site Agent and a1109 – Quantity Surveyor. In the number
column enter the number of these individuals that are required as “1”. Then enter the start month
as “1” and the End month as “13” against both price codes.

Section Headings
Section headings can be created in order to summarize items into logical groupings.

Do this:
Click on > Ctrl + F1 (Function key), add column >10.1 Activity type (T) as the first column

Click on

Candy Advanced Estimating

The new layout will be as below

To insert a level heading above the first line

Do this:
Single click on the first line and then insert a blank line above this line by clicking on > Ctrl and the
“Insert” key. Type in a 0 in the “Type” column and enter the heading “Indirect Costs”

Barchart Input

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select > Indirect Cost Documents > 1.4 Indirects –
Barchart input and access the document.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Note that the activity bars have been created for those items that have been priced thus far.

Do this:
Enter the Price Code > a602 – Contractors All Risk & Public Liability with the Number being
“1” (because it is a Sum)

Candy Advanced Estimating

Price code a602 being a sum, the value will not change but the monthly spread is dependent on
the span of the bar.

Do this:
Place your cursor on the 1 Day activity bar that Candy created for this activity and slide the cursor
to the right in-line with the activity bar until the following sign appears, . When the sign appears
click on your left mouse button, hold down the button and slide the cursor to the right with the
mouse button down to extend the span/duration of the activity bar in relation to the required time
frame, End of February 2015 (New Duration 265 days) and release the mouse button to confirm
the end of the span of the bar.
Note: As you adjust the length of the bar a pale yellow information “panel” appears that will
indicate the Previous and Current durations.

Note: Once you release the mouse button the colour of the bar is white with blue stripes leaning

Activities created in this document with bars that have blue stripes leaning forward are activities
with fixed sums which are not time related and bars with red stripes leaning backwards are time
related activities with a total cost that adjusts in proportion to the span of the bar.
Activities created in the Start and End input document have bars with blue stripes that are 90
degrees to the bar to indicate that these are activities with fixed sums which are not time related

Candy Advanced Estimating

and bars with red stripes that are 90 degrees to the bar to indicate that these are time related
activities with a total cost that adjusts in proportion to the span of the bar.

Editing an Activity

Changing the start date of an Activity without changing the duration

Do this:
Create a new activity by adding price code a1105 with a quantity of “1” and adjust the span of the
bar to create a duration of 60 days. Place your cursor on the left end of the activity bar that Candy
created for this activity and slide the cursor to the left in-line with the activity bar until the
following sign appears, . When the sign appears click on your left mouse button, hold down the
button and slide the cursor to the right with the mouse button down to move the activity bar. As
you move the bar a pale yellow information “panel” appears that will indicate the Previous Start
and the New Start dates. Move the bar to the Start date of 1st April 2014.

Note: If the symbol appears red, it indicates that the start of the bar is determined by the
network logic, and cannot be moved manually.
Altering the duration of time related items alters the amount of money against those items.
Altering the duration of non-time related items does not alter the amount of money against that
Moving the position of an item alters the distribution of the money over time.

Copying the Indirect Costs from the Master

To simplify and speed-up the pricing of Indirect Costs, the Master Job must have priced indirect
costs for every probable item or cost that can be required. When entering the Indirect costs
schedule for the first time in a job, the user will have access to option to import the Indirect Costs
from the Master. The Master Indirect Costs will be copied to the Job and the number and the time
can be entered or adjusted against the relevant required costs – depending on the selected copy

Do this:
In the Job Manager create a new Job called Ventshaft & Substation – Indirects from Master.
Access the Job and in the Estimating application select the Indirects application menu. In the
Master Selection document that appears, select Advanced Estimating Master as the Master Job.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Access the Indirects costs Document Manager and select document 1.2 Indirects – Barchart

The following message will appear

Select Copy from Master and preserve quantities

Change the Start date of the program to 24/02/2014 and select the option Move imposed dates
relative to the new start date and click

• Keep dates fixed - Select this option to maintain existing scheduled dates that are later than
the new start, while moving earlier dates to after the new start.
• Move dates relative to new start date - Select this option to move all scheduled dates,
maintaining the same working day number in the calendar.

Candy Advanced Estimating

The following message will appear

Select and the following message will appear

Click on and document 1.2 Indirects – Barchart Input will open

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Note: The bars for the items in the Indirect Costs schedule are initially white with a black boarder
when they are copied from the master. This indicates that they are not used in the current job.
Enter values as required in the Number column. As soon as you do this, the bars are coloured
either red, to indicate time-related items, or blue to indicate non-time related items.

If the start dated was entered incorrectly, you can change the date

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select Customise the program

You can now change the start date

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Using Tied (Hammock) Activities

It is possible to create a summary construction program, which ties to the start and end of time-
related indirect costs items.

Do this:
Access document 1.2 Indirects – Barchart Input from the Indirects cost Document Manager

In this example, the top part of the indirect costs schedule is a summary construction program.
There are links to the start and end of specific indirect activity bars. The indirect costs items that
use this linking mechanism are indicated by the letter “T” in the T(ype) column.
Setting up the indirect costs schedule in this manner allows for quick “what-if?” situations to be
assessed by altering the duration and/or the sequence of the summary construction program.

Indirects cost Totals Display

A Trade Totals Display can be produced for the Indirect Costs only.

Do this:
Click on the Indirects application menu and select Indirects cost Totals Display

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The following document will appear

Select Net Rates and click on

This can also be done by clicking on the application tool button and selecting the options as

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Indirect Costs Resource Analysis

The resources that have been used to price the Indirect Cost items can be analysed and quantified.
All the resources used in the Indirects pricing reside in the same resource list that is used when
price the direct works bill and can thus be included or excluded from resource analysis reports in
the direct works pricing analysis.
The resource analysis reports under the indirects menu will analyses only those resources used to
price the Indirect Cost items.

Do this:
Go back to the Ventshaft and Substation Advanced Estimating Job > Click on the Indirects
application menu and select Indirect costs Resource Analysis

The report filter options will appear

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Select Summary by Cost codes and click on and preview the report

6.3 Indirect Costs Reports

There are several template reports available in the Estimating Reports Manager

Do this:
Access the Estimating Reports Manager and select Reports from the application menu

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Select the Indirect Costs Report and preview the report

Close the report and access the next report Indirects Costs Barchart and preview the report.

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6.4 Copy Indirects to a Bill page

Do this:
Access document 1.4 Indirects – Barchart input, click on Tools and select Copy indirects to a
Bill Page

Click on to copy the Indirects to the end the bill.

Click on once the number items have been confirmed.

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The Indirects are added to the end of the Bill as Page 7 titled Indirects.

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Chapter 7. Alternate Estimates

The Estimator has the ability to carry out all the pricing in one job, which is referred to as the
Parent Job, and to maintain up to 8 alternative jobs, in which different estimating alternatives may
be considered by only including those bill items that are relevant to each alternative.

7.1 Define alternative names

The Parent Job will first have to be set-up. A parent job is a normal Candy job in all other respects,
and any existing job may be declared a parent at any time. All pricing, marking up etc. should be
carried out in the parent job and used to update the alternative jobs as often as is required.
The definition of at least one alternative name declares the current job as a parent job.

Do this:
In the Estimating application menu, select Advanced > Alternative estimates > Define
Alternative Estimates

There are alternatives that have been predefined, making the current Job a Parent Job

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The various Alternatives are actually a variance of quantity options. The quantities can be entered
as factors that are used to be multiply to the billed quantity in the parent job to create an
alternative. The other option is to enter an entirely new quantity.
Note: Once an alternative has been defined on this document, it may not be removed as it might
have factors and alternative jobs that may refer to it.

7.2 Allocate alternative codes

Do this:
Access the Estimating Document Manager > Estimating Tab > select document 5.5 Alternative
estimate (parent only)

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Factors can now be allocated in the appropriate alternative code column. The default allocation is a
blank, which implies a factor of 1. A zero must be specifically entered in order to exclude an item
from a particular alternative. Factors in the range 0.001 to 9999 are allowed.

7.3 Set up alternative jobs

Do this:
Return to the Job Manager and create a New Job and name it Option 1 – Ventshaft only

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Access the Job and click on the toolbutton, in the New Estimate Set-up select the Alternative
Estimate tab > select Confirm this estimate is an Alternative > select the linked defined alternative
as B – Otion 1 – Ventilation Shaft Only and click on

The new job is immediately populated with the appropriate bill items from the parent job and
autopriced. All definitions, worksheets, resources, selling rates and mark ups are copied. All
subcontract adjudicators in the parent job are copied into the alternative and examined. If an item
is in the alternative bill, the quantity on the adjudicator is updated, if not, the item is deleted from
the adjudicator. If all items are deleted from the adjudicator then the adjudicator document is

7.4 Update alternative jobs

Any changes made in the Parent Job against any of the alternative options will require the related
alternative job to be updated. They may be updated from the parent job as often as required.
Note: Changes may be made to alternative jobs after updating from the parent, however, any
subsequent updates will overwrite such changes.

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Do this:
In the alternative job – Option 1 – Ventshaft only, Access the Estimating application menu, select
Advanced > Alternative estimates > Update this Alternative Estimate

All files for the current alternative job are deleted, and the job is repopulated with the appropriate
bill items from the parent job and autopriced. All definitions, worksheets, resources, selling rates
and mark ups are copied.

All subcontract adjudicators in the parent job are copied into the alternative and examined. If an
item is in the alternative bill, the quantity on the adjudicator is updated, if not, the item is deleted
from the adjudicator. If all items are deleted from the adjudicator then the adjudicator document is

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Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 8. Precision in Candy

As an Estimator one needs to be aware of how to deal with rounding of values and quantities. The
way rounding is dealt with can have a huge impact on the estimate value. This chapter will explain
the way Candy deals with rounding and the options that the user has deal with rounding in Candy.

Net rates and amounts

The Net rates are held to 7 decimal places and all arithmetic is done using 7 decimal precision. Net
rates are displayed at the decimals you specify, and the Net split rates are displayed to one extra
decimal. For example, for a net rate of 123.45, the split rates could be 100.001 and 23.453.
Normally you would work with the display decimals set to 2, but the splits may not appear to add
up to the net rate - increasing the decimal display reveals the hidden fractions.
The Net rate multiplied by the Bill quantity produces the Net amount. The Net rate may have
hidden decimals and the amount, displayed to two decimals could appear to be incorrect. Again,
displaying the Net rates to more decimals would show the arithmetic to be correct.
Gross rates and amounts
Because Gross rates and amounts must be available for presentation to the client, these rates
cannot contain hidden decimals which could distort the amounts. The rule is that Gross rates and
amounts must cross cast exactly.
The Gross rates are held and displayed to the decimal places that you specify for the Price code
and the addition of the Gross split rates will always exactly equal the Gross rate. The Gross rate
multiplied by the Bill quantity will equal the Gross amount exactly.
Resource rates
The resource Base rates are held to the decimals as entered from the keyboard, but will not be less
than the minimum specified in the Definitions & Settings. For example, if you had set the Default
decimal for resource rates to 2 and you entered a base rate of, say, 9, it would be changed to 9.00,
however if you entered 9.1234 the four decimals would be preserved. The Final rate uses the same
decimals as the Base rate.
The Trade Total Display
The Net Trade Total Display is calculated by adding up the Net amounts and Net split amounts
used in the bill and will always equal the Net bill totals. The Net trade totals and the Net total bill
amount are exactly the same and represent the value of the job.
The Resource Analysis
A Net resource analysis is calculated by extracting the resource usages from the worksheets and
multiplying by the appropriate bill quantities.
This is a very different calculation to the Trade Total Display and may result in minor differences. If
there is a difference between the Resource Analysis and the Trade Total Display, the Trade Total
Display is correct.
The difference will probably never exceed 0.001% of the job total.

Candy Advanced Estimating

The Gross & Selling Trade Totals Display

A Gross Trade Total Display uses the Gross amounts from the bill and will equal the Gross bill total.
However, the Gross split amounts are calculated by splitting the Gross amount in proportion to the
Net split amounts and rounding errors may occur. In most analyses, the difference between the
amount and splits will be spread to hide the difference.

Understanding how the various rates in Candy are populated will assist in understanding
how to deal with rounding.

Net rates and amounts

The Net Split Rates are calculated on the worksheet. They are the base from which all other rates
are derived. The Net Rates are held to 7 decimal points.
The Net Rate is the sum of the Net Split Rates. The Net Rates are displayed to the decimals
specified by the user.
The Net Amount is the Net Rate multiplied by the Bill quantity, decimal rounded as specified for
display in the job.
The Net Split Amounts are calculated by multiplying each Net Split Rate by the bill quantity. If there
is a differences between the Net Rate and the sum of the Net Splits, increase the number of display
decimals to resolve this. The display decimals can be set at any column which displayes net rates.
Gross rates and amounts
The Gross Split Rates are calculated by adding the markup to the Net Split Rates.
The Gross Rates are the summation of the Gross split rates.
The Gross Amount is the Gross Rate multiplied by the Bill quantity, decimal rounded as specified
for amounts in the job.
The Gross Split Amounts are calculated by multiplying the Gross Split Rates by the Bill quantity.
Any differences between the sum of the Gross Split Amounts and the Gross Amount is spread over
the splits.
Cost rates
The Cost Split Rates are calculated on Cost worksheets in exactly the same way that the Net Split
Rates are calculated from the Net worksheets.
The Cost Rate is the sum of the Cost Split Rates.

Changing Net rates to Full Precision

This simply means that Net rates are kept to 7 decimal places in this option. Prior to 2012, the rule
in Candy was: Net rate = Labour Net rate + Plant Net rate + Material Net rate +.... The split rates
were rounded to the decimals specified by the user and the Net rate was calculated as the sum of
the split rates. This ensured that Net rate x quantity equalled the Net amount exactly.

Candy Advanced Estimating

However, anything calculated via the resources usually produced results different to those
calculated via the bill. The reason for this is that the resource utilisations calculated on the
worksheets are held to full precision and the resulting analyses were actually arithmetically more
correct than the bill Net values. In some cases the difference between resource analysis and the bill
could be considerable.
The new rule in Candy
To resolve this problem the Net rates are no longer rounded but are held to full precision and
displayed to the decimals set by the user - this is similar to the way spreadsheets work. The
downside to this is that the Net rate x quantity may not appear to equal the net amount - however,
displaying the Net rate to more decimal places shows the arithmetic to be correct.
At full precision the Net rate equals the sum of the Net split rates, but when displayed at 2
decimals may appear incorrect. To minimise this effect, the Net split rates are displayed to one
decimal place more than the Net rate.
The Gross rates
Gross rate decimalisation is unchanged - the sum of the Gross split rates is exactly equal to the
Gross rate at the user specified decimals. Also, the Gross rate x quantity is exactly equal to the
Gross amount.

8.1 Full Precision Mode

Do this:
In the Estimating applications menu select > Advanced > Upgrade to full precision

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Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 9. Estimating Utilities

All of your job data is automatically saved in Candy. Under normal conditions you need never
worry about saving your day-to-day files. However, computer hardware can fail, data corruption
does occur, and sometimes you just make a mistake, so you should always keep copies of your
Each each day of the week, just before you access the estimate, Candy takes a snapshot of the
estimate files, so that you can restore the estimate to a previous working day's status. Candy only
stores one for each working day of the week, so after a week the snapshot is erased. If you know
that a certain snapshot date is unneeded, you can delete it.
You can also take a snapshot right now, if you want to do something that might compromise your
files. Currently you have to delete today's snapshot first.
It's not advised to disable this system - that might leave you exposed to file loss, if you don't
backup your job regularly.
If you decide to rollback...
1. The current estimate will be deleted to the recycle bin.
2. The earlier estimate will be installed into the current job.
3. Your job will then represent the estimate as it was on that date.

9.1 Taking a Snapshot

You can delete “today’s” snapshot and take a snapshot of the current job status

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on Main > Snapshot and roll back

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Click on

9.2 Rolling Back of the Estimate

To roll back to a snapshot

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on Main > Snapshot and roll back. This time select snapshot

that you want to roll back to then click on

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You can also do a quick save and a quick recover

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on Main > Bover Estimate & Valuation > Quick save this
Estimate & Valuation or Quick recover this Estimate & Valuation

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Candy Advanced Estimating

Chapter 10. Annexures

10.1 Annexure 1 – Production Codes & Manhours
Production codes are single alpha character codes allocated to resources for analysing outputs by
bill item or Task/Project codes. They are allocated to resources together with a Production Factor.
These codes are then used to produce analysis reports on the outputs and production by Bill item
or by Task/Project code.

Production factor
The Production Factor is used to convert quantities based on the resource units to the Production
code units for analysis and reporting.
Example, M is used as the production code for labour manhours but the unit of the labour resource
is days. A factor of 9 converts days to hours for manhour reporting.
Note: The production factor will default to 1 when a production code is first entered.

10.1.1 Define Production Codes

Do this:
Access the Estimating Definitions and settings by clicking on the tool button. Access 4.5
Production Codes

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Up to 52 Production codes, using both 26 uppercase and 26 lowercase letters can be defined. The
codes can be typed in if they are job specific or it can be copied from the Master. In this instance
there are 4 predefined codes with units.

10.1.2 Allocate Production Codes

Do this:
Access the Estimating Document Manager > Resources Tab > Click on New Document > select
1.7 Allocating Production codes and factors

Note: The Production codes are already allocated in this instance.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Double click in the Production code column to select the required code during allocation.
The Production code A have been allocated to skilled labours with a rate per day – the conversion
factor of 8.5 will convert the time to hours from days.

10.1.3 Allocate the Trade Quantity Factor

A trade factor may be allocated to each Price Code in order to convert billed quantities into a trade
quantity. Trades do not have units associated with them, however, for the purpose of the
production rate reports, sensible combinations of Price Code quantities may be made to reflect for
example, the total m3 of Excavation or the total m2 of Formwork.

Do this:
Access the Estimating Document Manager > Estimating Tab > select document 1.8 Bill with
Codes and Factors

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In this instance the Trade Code Conversion factor has been entered – scroll down and look at the
various conversion factors – Note that they have been converted to allow the summation of
quantities in the trade to determine the total quantity for the trade to assist with the production
Enter a 1 in the trade factor column to associate the Price Code quantity with its trade, or leave
blank to ignore the Price Code quantity.

10.1.4 Production Code Reports

Bill Production Rates report

Do this:
Access the Estimating Report Manager, Under the Resource Analysis Reports, select report >
Bill Production Rates (18).

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Select Bill Quantity

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Select Bill order using Bill Quantity; Select Trades; Summary – Bill and summary; Number of
decimals - 2 and click on

Select the Concrete Trade and click on .

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Looking at Item M, the billed quantity is 1950 m3. The number of skilled manhours allowed to do
this work is 5977 hours. Therefore, you have allowed 3.07 skilled manhours per m3 of concrete or
conversely you must pour 0.33 m3 per skilled manhour. The cost per unit, in this case 63.14, is the
net cost per m3, which is generated by those resources to which the skilled manhour production
code have been allocated.

Bill Production Rates report

Do this:
Access the Estimating Report Manager, Under the Projects Codes Reports, select report >
Projects Codes Production Rates (29).

Candy Advanced Estimating

Select Task Codes; Select all pages; Print costs per unit; Number of decimals – 2 and click on

Filter for Task Code 1102

Click on

Select the Bill Quantity and click on .

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In this report Task/Project Code 0110, the Quantity is 19036 m3. The number of skilled manhours
allowed to do this work is 6517 hours. Therefore, you have allowed 0.34 skilled manhours per m3 of
excavation or conversely you must excavate 2.92 m3 per skilled manhour. The cost per unit, in this
case 7.01, is the net cost per m3 which is generated by those resources which have been allocated
the skilled manhour production code.

Man Hour Codes make it possible to group together up to eight Production Codes in order to
produce an overall figure for Manhours.

10.1.5 Define Manhour Codes

Do this:
Access the Estimating Definitions and settings by clicking on the tool button. Access 4.5
Production Codes

Up to eight Production Codes can be selected, together with a column heading, which will be
printed on reports – the total of these individual manhours will be summed to produce the total

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.1.6 Manhours on Worksheets

The calculated Man Hours can be printed on any of the Worksheet reports.

Do this:
Access the Estimating Report Manager, Under the Worksheet Reports, select report > Individual
Worksheets (4).

Filter for Prices Code Worksheet C2212 and click on

Candy Advanced Estimating

Select the filters as above and click on

The Worksheet reflects the Man Hours displayed for each resource line on the worksheet, and the
total for the worksheet.

10.1.7 Manhours per Bill Item

Do this:
Access the Estimating Document Manager > Estimating Tab > select document 3.2 Manhours
per Bill Item

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.2 Annexure 2 – Addendum Merging

Addendums usually contain new items, deletes previous items or re-arranges bill items.
Administering these changes after you have priced sections of the bill or linked bill items to
subcontract packages or linked bill items to program activities, can be quite a task and time
consuming. Addendum merging is a Candy process used to import addendum items and adjust the
current bill ensuring that all the pricing, internal and external links are preserved hence retaining
the integrity of what has already been done without taking up too much of your time.
Note: It is advisable to take a snapshot of the Job before attempting the merger.
The Process
 The addendum bill must be the Master to the Job.
 The Addendum Merger displays the item number, description, unit and quantity columns,
for both the Job and Master, side by side for easy comparison.
 A Difference column names those columns where there are differences between the Job
and Master.
 The right-click menu on a line with differences provides options to insert the highlighted
lines into the Job, delete lines from the Job or to overwrite the Job lines with those from the
 Once all the differences have been resolved, the changes to the bill can be accepted and
the bill is corrected accordingly.
Note: No changes are made to the bill until you choose the Update bill option. The bill can be
updated in sections/stages – updates as far as the differences have been resolved.

10.2.1 Inserting an Addendum item

If an Addendum requires a new bill items to be added to the current bill, these items will be
inserted into the jobs bill as indicated below.

Do this:
Go to the Job Manager > create a New Job > Name it Addendum 1 > Access the Job and import
the MS Excel addendum from the flash drive. Return to the current job and make the Addendum 1
job the Master > In the Estimating application menu, Click on Bill Prep

Candy Advanced Estimating

Looking at the miss match, it would be ideal to get a complete job with the addendum changes in
it. In this instance, which is the most common practise, the addendum only comprises of the items
requiring changes.
The first Addendum instruction is to insert item C30 Concrete in walls below the current jobs Item
C25 Concrete in walls.
The Process:
We need to align the Bill items with the addendum items.

Do this:
Select a range of lines in the Jobs items, from the first line up to and including item C25 Concrete
in walls > right click in the highlighted range > select Ignore Job Item – This will cloud out the
selected range

Ignoring items means that the ignored items will not be affected by the change instructions

Candy Advanced Estimating

Now we need to align the addendum item

Do this:
Select a range of lines in the Addendum items, from the first line up to and including item C30
Concrete in foundations > right click in the highlighted range > select Ignore Addendum Item
– This will cloud out the selected range

Now right click on C30 Concrete in walls under the Addendum description and select Insert
Addendum item

Once this is done, scroll to the right and note the remarks in the Action column – This is done so
that the Estimator can return the document at a later stage to access or investigate the changes.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Now update the Bill with the changes made thus far by right clicking on the line of the last
adjustment (important – note the changes are to be updated to the point where the cursor is)

Take note of the details in the message and click on

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The following message appears

Click on , this will take a snapshot up to the last change (discussed in a Later Chapter)
A confirmation window will appear

Click on

A confirmation message will appear click on . Note the added item under Job Description

Candy Advanced Estimating

Note: The word <insert> will be recorded against the bill items so that they can be studied in the
amended bill at a later stage.

10.2.2 Replacing a Job item

If the Addendum identifies a spelling mistake, unit, item no. or quantity that has to be corrected
then the bill will be adjusted accordingly as follows – in this instance the bill item reads Vertical
framework to sides of walls – the word framework must be replaced with formwork.

Do this:
As before, select a range of lines in the Jobs items, from the first line up to and including item
Vertical formwork to sides of foundation > right click in the highlighted range > select Ignore
Job Item – This will cloud out the selected range. Then

Do this:
As before, select a range of lines in the Addendum items, from the first line up to and including
item Vertical formwork to sides of foundation > right click in the highlighted range > select
Ignore Addendum Item – This will cloud out the selected range

Now right click on Vertical formwork to sides of walls under the Addendum description and
select Replace Addendum item

Candy Advanced Estimating

Once this is done, scroll to the right and note the remarks in the Action. The word <replace> is
recorded against the bill items so that they can be studied in the amended bill at a later stage.

10.2.3 Deleting a Job item

If the addendum instruction is to remove a Bill item that is no longer relevant to the Job then it will
need to be deleted – In this instance, a hypothetical scenario – the item 6mm thick chequer plate
duct covers cut will be deleted as follows

Do this:
Right click on 6mm thick chequer plate duct covers cut under the Job description and select
Delete Job item

Now, as before, update the Bill with the changes made thus far by right clicking on the line of the
last adjustment (important – note the changes are to be updated to the point where the cursor is)
Note: The update process will confirm the changes as below

Candy Advanced Estimating

What happens during the update?

 The process of merging effectively lines up like items in the two bills.
 If there is no instruction in the Action column, only the External link is copied from the
Addendum bill to the Job bill.
 If the action is to ignore the Job bill item, that item is left unaltered.
 If the action is to ignore the Addendum bill item, the Job bill is not affected.
 If the action is to insert the Addendum bill item it, including the External link number, is
inserted above the next Job bill item.
 If the action is to replace the Job bill item the entire Addendum item, including the
External link number, overwrites the Job bill item.
 If the action is to delete the Job bill item it is removed completely from the Job bill

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.3 Annexure 3 – Foreign Currency Pricing

This section covers multi-currency pricing utilities in Candy. An estimate can have up to 16
currencies defined. Currency allocation is determined at resource level - a Currency Code may be
entered for each simple resource.
A dual currency bill splits each rate and amount into Local and Foreign components. Assuming that
this tender is for a client in Hong Kong, the Local component comprises all resources priced in
Hong Kong dollars and the foreign component comprises those resources priced in all other
currencies, including the Pricing currency.

10.3.1 The Pricing Currency

When working with multiple currencies, it is advisable to name the Pricing Currency - that is the
currency to which all resources priced in a foreign currency will be converted to. This would
normally be the currency in which a tender is to be submitted.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on toolbutton to access the estimating Definitions and
Settings > select 5.1 General settings

This is where the name of the Pricing Currency is entered. The purpose of the field called Primary
Foreign Currency is explained later in this section.

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.3.2 Currency Exchange Rates

In any one job, the Pricing Currency is used, plus up to sixteen Foreign Currencies. Before using
foreign currencies in a job, they need to be defined.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on toolbutton to access the estimating Definitions and
Settings > select 5.1 General settings

Up to eight currencies can be defined here.

Columns explained:
 Currency Code – this must be a 3-digit alpha code
 Currency Name – this is a 10-digit field thus limiting the name to 10 characters
 Exchange Rate, 1/X and Factor – These columns used to mathematically define the
relationship between the Foreign Currency and the Pricing Currency.
 Remarks – this is used to record any comments against any of the defined currencies.
The numerical relationship between a Foreign Currency and the Pricing Currency can be entered in
two different ways.

Do this:
Click on the first predefined currency, the button becomes active, click on it and note
what happens the currency factor.
The characters 1/X are displayed against this currency, and the reciprocal of the exchange rate is
calculated and displayed in the Factor column.

Candy Advanced Estimating

This means that 1 Euro = 0.076923 Sterling, clicking back on the button will revert the
factor meaning that 1 Sterling = 13 Euros

Now click the Code GBP – Sterling, then click on the button to set Sterling as the
Primary foreign currency – this indicated above the defined currencies.
Return to 5.1 General settings, note that you can also change the preferred Primary foreign
currency here.

10.3.2 Tax Multipliers

If procuring resources from overseas, it may be necessary to allow for import duty, port taxes etc. in
the pricing. Up to twelve Tax Codes can be defined.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, click on toolbutton to access the estimating Definitions and
Settings > select 4.3 Tax codes
Up to fifty Tax Multipliers can be defined here.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Columns explained:
 Tax Code – this is a 1-digit alpha code.
 Description – this is a 12-digit alphanumeric field.
 % Tax – this is a numeric percentage field.
 T – refers to Tax type - a “+” indicates that a tax code always operates on the base rate,
an “x” indicates that a tax code operates on the rate calculated thus far.
 Remarks – this field is used to record a comment against any of the defined tax codes.

10.3.4 Code Allocations

Foreign Currencies and Tax Multipliers are applied to Resources. This application to resources
forms the basis of all reports concerned with multiple currencies and taxes.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Documents Manager , access the
Resources tab and select 1.3 Base rate, percentages, tax and currency

Scroll down the resource list, until the plant section of the list is displayed. Some of these resources
have Base Rates in US Dollars and have had the Currency Code “USD” allocated to them. This takes
the Base Rate, converts it into the Pricing Currency, and displays the result as a Final Rate.

Candy Advanced Estimating

The “B” in the Attributes column indicates that there is a Base Rate for the resource on that line

Candy Advanced Estimating

Scroll down the resource list further to the concrete materials section. Some of these resources
have both Currency and Tax Codes applied to them.

The following formula applies to resource code 51311 in this example: ((Base Rate+D%)+T%) x
(Currency) = Final Rate
Currency Codes and Tax Multipliers may be allocated either by typing or double clicking in the
respective columns to call up a pick list of defined codes.

10.3.5 Multiple Currency Subcontract Adjudication

It is possible to adjudicate subcontract quotations that have been received in currencies other than
the Pricing Currency.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Adjudicator application menu, select Subcontractor
Adjudicator II

Then access the Earthworks package

Candy Advanced Estimating

The currency code is selected as indicated above – just below the name of the subcontractor.
Enter the Currency Codes as indicated.
The rates can be entered in their quoted currency; the calculated amounts for that column are
displayed in the Pricing Currency.

Transferring Rates to Bill

The transfer of rates from a subcontract adjudicator uses the Quoted Rates, with the discount
factor if applicable, for a given column.
Thus, if a set of rates has been entered in a foreign currency, those rates are transferred onto the
worksheets. The subcontract resource code must already exist, have a Base Rate of 1.00 and have
the appropriate Currency Code in order that the Final Rate, and therefore the worksheet rate is
correctly calculated in the Pricing Currency.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Documents Manager , access the
Resources tab and select 1.3 Base rate, percentages, tax and currency, at the end of the resource
list add a new resource under a new heading as below

Candy Advanced Estimating

Now access the adjudication document again and transfer the rates for John Hole Ltd to the bill. In
the resource selector document select resource code 99991 and take note of the currency
displayed in line with the resource code

10.3.6 Reports
Once all of the above information has been entered correctly, various reports that analyse the
foreign currency and tax components, that have been used in the pricing, can be printed.

Currency Analysis Reports

This report prints the job resources as separate lists for each foreign currency.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , under Analysis
Reports select the Currency Analysis (36) report

Candy Advanced Estimating

A selector is displayed with the following options:

Bill Selection
 Direct cost bill only - Select this option to base the report on the direct costs or measured
works bill only.
 Direct and indirect costs - Select this option to base the report on both the direct costs bill
and the indirect costs schedule.
 Indirect costs only - Select this option to base the report on the indirect costs schedule only.

Page Selection
 Page range - A page range can be specified. Use Select All Pages to analyse the whole bill.
 Express rates in currency of origin - Select this option to print resource rates in their base
currency, i.e.: the currency in which they are quoted.
 Convert rates to pricing currency - Select this option to print resource rates converted to
the pricing currency.
 Convert rates to primary foreign currency - Select this option to print resource rates
converted to the primary foreign currency.
 Include items priced in pricing currency - Select this option to include resources that are
priced in the pricing currency, otherwise the report only prints resources that are priced in a
foreign currency.

Candy Advanced Estimating

The report prints, for each foreign currency and the pricing currency, if selected, a list of resources
that have been priced in that currency.
The Rates and Amounts that are printed on this report are expressed in the Currency of Origin, the
Pricing Currency or the Primary Foreign Currency, depending on the selection that was made on
the report selector.

Click on and preview the report

The report prints the rates for Sterling and US Dollars

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Tax Analysis Report

This report prints the Tax that is generated against Resource Group Codes, expressed in the pricing

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , under Analysis
Reports select the Tax Analysis (37) report

A selector is displayed with some of the same options that are described for the Currency Analysis
A further option is available:
 Calculate tax after applying percentages - Select this option to base the tax calculation after
applying any positive or negative adjustments to the resources.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Click on and preview the report

Trade Currency Analysis Report

This report looks something like a Trade Totals Display, showing the split between the Pricing
Currency and the Foreign Currencies. All the figures displayed on this report are expressed in the
Pricing Currency.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , Click on
under Analysis Reports select the Trade Currency Analysis (39) report

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Click on the and preview the Report

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Resource Type Currency Analysis Report

This report prints the value for each foreign currency broken down into resource types.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , Click on
under Analysis Reports select the Resource Type Currency Analysis (40) report

Click on the and preview the Report

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Dual Currency Bill Listing Report

This is a bill of quantities report which prints the Rate and Amount for each item as a split between
the Local component and the Foreign component.

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , under Specialized
Bills select the 2.2 Currency Analysis Bill report

Click on and access the Column Properties column

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Click on the button

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Local Component Definition

 Local component definition - Use the button to display a pick list of foreign currencies
defined in the job, from which any one may be specified for the calculation of the local
component - if left blank the pricing currency is used.
Note: The name of the selected currency is displayed in the panel.
Local Component

 Currency code - Use the button to display a pick list of foreign currencies defined in the
job, from which any one may be specified for the printing of the calculated local
component - if left blank the pricing currency is used.

 Decimalisation - Use the button to set the required decimalisation for Rates and
Amounts for the local component.
Foreign Component

 Currency code - Use the button to display a pick list of foreign currencies defined in the
job, from which any one may be specified for the printing of the calculated foreign
component - if left blank the pricing currency is used.

 Decimalisation - Use the button to set the required decimalisation for Rates and
Amounts for the foreign component.
 Client format - Select this option to print the report without each value broken down into
resource types.
 Spreadsheet format - Select this option to print the report with each value broken down
into resource types.
 Gross rate - Select this option to base the report on the gross rate.
 Net rate - Select this option to base the report on the net rate.

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Resource Analysis Report

Do this:
In the Estimating application, access the Estimating Report Manager , under Resource
Analysis Reports select the Bill resources report

In the Options section of the selector, if you select Primary Foreign Currency, the monetary
information on the report is expressed in the Primary Foreign Currency.
If this option is not selected, the monetary information on the report is expressed in the Pricing
Note: This option is not available for worksheet reports and generally not available for valuation

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Click on

Use the button to select the required decimalisation to which the reported rates should be

Select Bill Quantity in the quantity selector

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Click on the and preview the Report

Note: The currency of the report is confirmed in the header of this report.

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10.4 Annexure 4 – Spreading the Indirect Cost

There are instances where the total Indirects Costs are required to be added or spread over the
direct works gross rates, over and above the mark-up. Candy allows the user the ability to do this in
a controlled manner. The Indirect spread amounts are recorded against the bill items. The amount
is divided by the Bill quantity to calculate a “spread rate”. The Spread rate is added to the bill
item’s Gross rate and stored as its Selling rate. The User can elect to calculate the Spread rate using
the Final quantity if required.
The process starts early in the bid stage where what has to be spread where (against what) is set-
up with the ability to be thoroughly tested. The process can be revisited at the finalisation stage
where the spread can be re-done at the last minute with confidence.
The process requires the price codes to be unique seeing that the Selling rates are manipulated
and the bill items including the Indirects must be marked-up prior to spreading.
There are a variety of ways to organise spreading and limit or stop particular bill items from
receiving spread from the Indirects. The processes are controlled through named “Procedures”.
Each Procedure has one or many Indirect items assigned to it, the percentage of their money
contributed by these items and the target bill items over which they are to be spread.
Added control is gained by the ability to mark a bill item “blocked” to ensure that only specific
spreads are to be added to it. Typically, PC sums would be marked as blocked. Where items have
zero quantity rates, the process will aborted unless they are marked as blocked. The rates for these
items will have to be dealt with by the User by manually adjusting the Selling rates.
There are 3 types of spreading that can be used:
 Specific
 Trade related
 Balance
During the spreading calculation, the Specific and Trade related spreads are done first. Any
amounts remaining against Indirect items are spread proportionally over the entire bill, except for
items that have been marked as “blocked”.
The Specific method of spreading takes the total amount of the Indirects allocated to a procedure
modifies it by the percentage specified and spreads this amount over the target bill items in
proportion to each bill item’s Gross amount. In this method, blocking a bill item does not stop it
from receiving a Specific spread. This option ignores a bill item’s Blocked status.
The Trade Related method of spreading takes the total amount allocated to the procedure
modifies it by the percentage specified and spreads it over all the target bill items of the specified
Trade in proportion to each bill item’s Gross amount. In this method, blocking a bill item prevents it
from receiving a Trade Related spread.
Bill items with negative rates will have their rates reduced during the spreading in other words,
made less negative.
A bill item with zero quantity (rate only) is totally ignored during the spreading and therefore the
Selling rate will not be changed by the Indirect spreading.
The Procedures will have no effect until the Indirect Spreading calculation is invoked by the User.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Do this:
In the Job Manager, duplicate the Master Job and rename it to Ventshaft and Substation – Indirects
Spread. Then access the Job and click on the Indirects application menu to select Indirect costs
Resource Analysis

The quantity selector document will open

Select Bill Quantity

The message clearly states that there are 8 price codes that require recoding.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Do this:
In Document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread, right click on the column header Price Code
and select Recode duplicate Price codes

The following option confirmation will appear

Click on

Select to view the price codes that have been affected

Candy Advanced Estimating

You may print this for future reference

The Selling rates will have to be unlocked to allow these rates to be adjusted with the spreading.

Do this:
In Document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread, right click on the column header Selling Rate
and select Lock/Unlock Selling rates > Unlock Selling rates and close the document on

Any of the documents used in the pricing of the Indirects Costs can be used to select the Indirect
Costs items to spread over the bill.

Candy Advanced Estimating

10.4.1 Procedure Set-up

Named procedures are created which spread groups of Indirect items over groups of bill items.
Each procedure has a list of source Indirect items and the percentage of their value to be spread.
The procedure must also have a list of bill items over which to spread the amount. The amount is
spread over the destination bill items in proportion to their Gross Amounts.

Do this:
In the Indirect Cost documents Manager, select and access document 2.1 Indirects – Spreading
Procedures and minimize it to the bottom half of the screen and open document 1.4 Indirects –
Barchart input and minimize it to the top half of the screen.

Candy Advanced Estimating

Step 1: Make a Procedure by entering a descriptive name – call it Supervision – Time related

Step 2: Drag and drop the Price codes a1101 to a1105, which is Activities A230 to A270, against
this Procedure in the Source activities, Act column.

Step 3: Enter the percentage of the indirect amounts to be spread by this Procedure in the Percent

Step 4: Open the pricing Bill by clicking on the tool button and minimise the document to the
top half of the screen. Select the destination bill item(s) over which the Procedure’s Indirect items
are to be spread. Drag these against the Procedure in the Destination BOQ page/Item list
So what we have specified here is that 70% of the value of five Indirect items is to be spread over
the one bill item.
This is termed a “Specific” spread – one or more Indirect items targeted at one or more specific
bill items.

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To view the Bill with the spreading procedures against them, open document 2.3 BOQ with
Indirect Costs spread from the Indirects Costs documents Manager.

The next Procedure – “Trade related” spread

Step 1: Make a Procedure by entering a descriptive name – call it Batch Plant

Step 2: Drag and drop the Price codes a701 and a702, which is Activities A600 and A610, against
this Procedure in the Source activities, Act column.

Step 3: By default, the percentage will be 100 percent of the indirect amounts to be spread by this
Procedure in the Percent column. You can adjust this dependant on the requirements.

Step 4: Right click in the Destination BOQ page/Item list column and select and select “Select a
destination Trade” and then select the trade Concrete from the trade selector.
In this instance the Batch plant procedure the batch plant running costs have been spread over all
the Concrete Trade and therefore the concrete items in the bill.

Candy Advanced Estimating

To activate these procedures go to document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread from the
Indirects Costs documents Mak nager. And click on and select Bill quantity as
the spread quantity.

There is one Rate only item which we will ignore for now – click .

This confirms the total amount being spread

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Note: The Indirect spreads are displayed split into the three columns of Specific, Trade and Balance
with a Total.

To view the Bill with the procedure allocations, open document 2.2 Indirects - Procedure
allocations from the Indirects Costs documents Manager.

The next Procedure – spreading the “Balance”

After the Specific and Trade related spreads have been done, any remaining amounts will have to
be spread over the entire bill (except for Blocked items).
This Balancing spread is proportional to the spread already allocated to each item and displayed in
the Balance column in document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread

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10.4.2 Calculating the Selling Rate

Refer to document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread, the Gross amount and the Total Spread
amount for each bill item are added to make a new Selling amount. This amount is converted to
the Selling rate by dividing by the Bill quantity.
Note: Any bill item receiving Indirect spread will have its Selling rate changed in the process.
Items that are Blocked and have no Specific spread will be unchanged.

10.4.3 Blocking bill items

There are situations where particular bill items should not receive any Indirect spread. For example,
PC sum items and Rate only items (items with a zero quantity).

Do this:
Access document 2.3 BOQ with Indirect Costs spread and mark Item F, Wood float finish under
– Concrete as “Blocked” by right clicking in line with Item F in the Balance column and selecting
Block Trade and Balance spreads

In this instance Item F - Wood float finish was marked as Blocked item to prevent it from accepting
any burden from the Batch plant running costs. Blocked items are prevented from Indirect spread
from any Trade or Balancing spreads. However, Specific spreads would be accepted by a Blocked
item. This will allow you to put a specific amount against particular items.

Now redo the spreading buy clicking on to remove the blocked sum of money
from the spread then Copy the Selling Rates from the Gross Rate.
Note that blocked items are marked with the word Blocked.

Candy Advanced Estimating


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