Parametric Analysis of Gear Hobbing Process by Using Tin and Alcrn Coated M 35 Hob
Parametric Analysis of Gear Hobbing Process by Using Tin and Alcrn Coated M 35 Hob
Parametric Analysis of Gear Hobbing Process by Using Tin and Alcrn Coated M 35 Hob
mechanism and wear propagation of hobs used in dry interesistitial solid solution (Ai-AI-N, Ti, AI-N-c,
hobbing. The material AlCrN coated hobs are used in Ck). The third generation (1990) multilayer strucual
actual gear cutting [1]. super lattices (M/MN/M) and (MN/MC/NN) etc. M-
The improvement in the hobbing test design is metallic compound, Fourth generation (2002) Nano
problematic to the very long duration of wear test. laminated structures and nano composite structures,
The application of an analogy process could “Fly nano structures depend with solid compounds as dry
hobbing” has been developed on a five areas milling lubricants. Present generation (2010) DLC and OAJ
machine so as to improve the productivity coating. DLC- Diamond link coating. The properties
Preparation of edge procedure based on the abrasive of PVD coatings for tooling are constantly improved
flow machining technology. In this paper “Fly in order to meet the requirements of new materials
hobbing” method is used. This process is based on and applications. In the comparison with standard
the same kinematic to a hobbing operation, but coating (TiN, TiAlN) where the hardness decrease
involves single tooth. This single tooth simulates the upon annealing to 500-700 degree. Advanced mono-
work of each tooth from a hob. This enables an block AlCrN coatings, multilayer TiAlN/ AlCrN and
easier observation of the wear modes during the nc- (Al,Ti,Cr) N/a –S-1-3 N-4 nano composite
investigation. The objective of this paper was to coatings remain stable up to high temperature of
enhance this fly hobbing test by using quicker and 1100oC. This is the significant advantages of these
cheaper method. In this method hob is endless screw coatings in industrial applications, such as high speed
and gear is wheel. The kinematics both the two is cutting and dry machining where the high
controlled by CNC system. The ratio of rotating temperature are reacted at cutting edge of tool [4].
speed must be controlled accurately [2]. From above literature survey, the gaps were
The wear of high speed steel hobs during hobbing identified related with gear on wear of the cutting
has been studied. The wear mechanisms are strongly tool i.e. hob and various materials [5] e.g. hob of the
influenced by the choice of cutting speed. The material H.S.S., Power metallurgical H.S.S.
microstructure and wear behavior of two high speed (PMHSS) hob.
degrades (M-35 and ASP3025) has been compared. It is found that less work has been reported on the
Roughness, profilometer is used for measuring the effect of coating (Hob) on the process parameters of
gear surface roughness. Two grades of HSS M35 and gear (W/P). Hence, this gap of research work has
ASP3025) are selected for this purpose. been identified for the investigation in this research
Mechanical and structural properties of variable paper.
alloyed TiAlN based hard coatings. There is increase The comparison has been made between two
in industrial uses of modern tools used in cutting coating TiN and AlCrN. Hence, the study narrates
operations today that are coated with PVD hard the focus on the effect of different coated tool on the
coating based on TiAlNcoating shows high hardness, parameters of work piece.
good thermal stability and oxidation resistance which
enhances tool performance in many metal cutting 3. Experimental setup
operations. This paper reports the result of the
comparative investigation of ternary and quaternary Hobbing is a continuous gear generation process
nitride systems with an objective to understand the widely used in the industry. For high or low volume
relationship between the mechanical and structural production of external cylindrical gear. Gear hobbing
properties. Additionally oxidation texts at elevated is one of the major manufacturing processes in the
temperature have been performed to rate this aspect industry. Modern engineering practice is continually
of resistance to the high temperature wear increasing its demands form or e-gearing of old and
environment during metal cutting. A standard new types with a higher and higher degree of
balance cathode arc coating machine. Baker RCS accuracy.
has been used for deposition of various nitrides The traditional gear machining methods hobbing
firms. The crystal structure of these deposited CoTi and shaping has limitations on manufacturer’s ability
Al N coating was examined by XRD, TEN and SEM. to efficiently manufacture gear in small and medium
Oxidation behavior is an important property of hard batches. For a spur gear being cut with a single start
coatings particularly for cutting tool applications. hob, the work piece will advance one tooth for each
This paper describes the effect of certain element to revolution of the cutter. When hobbing a 20 tooth
standard (Ti AI) N coatings [3]. gear, the hob will rotate 20 times, while the work
Latest development in PVD coatings for tooling. piece will rotate once.
This paper presents the recent developments in the Table 1. Specifications of CNC Gear hobbing
field of PVD coating for manufacturing tools. The machine
development of PVD coatings are following steps. Name of machine CNC Hobbing
First generation (1970) Pseudo ceramic materials Model No. GE 25 A
based on binary compounds (TiN, TiC, TiB-2 etc).
The second generation (1985) ternary and quaternary
Manufacturer Mitsubushi Japan angle. Maximum lead angle for hobs with straight
gashes is usually within 6 to 8 degrees. Sometimes
Mfg.Date August 2012 for high production, hob diameter has to be increased
Maximum OD 250 mm to enable utilization of a longer hob, since very high
length over diameter ratio may undermine the system
capacity rapidly.
Axial Travel 250 mm 4.4 Hob accuracy class selection:
Hob accuracy selection is based on AGMA gear
Radial Travel 210 mm quality, stage of manufacturing and number of starts.
Maximum cutting 6 mm The productivity increases when hobs with greater
number of starts are employed.
Main motor 18 kW 4.5 Tool (Hob) material
Machine weight 9500 kg In this experiment tool material i.e. hob material
selection process is very important and play an
important role in quality, as well as cost of the
The profile is formed by the equally paced product.
cutting edges around the hob, each taking successive Generally for hobbings process high speed steel
cuts on the work piece, with the work piece in a (HSS) i.e. tool steels are preferred. Here M 35 (HSS
slightly different position for each cut. Several tool steel) is selected as a hob material due to its
cutting edges of the tool will be cutting at the same properties and cost effectiveness.[2]
time as shown in Fig.2. M 35 is a conventionally manufactured Cobalt
alloyed high speed steel. Various stages of
manufacturing process are chosen and controlled so
that an end product is obtained within a good
structure in terms of carbide size and distribution.
This is the distinct advantage for the finishing tool.
M 35 is characterized by all round applicability and
good machinability [1]
Table 2 Composition of M 35
(HSS tool steel)
Composition C Cr Mo W Co V
5.1 Response Surface Methodology: After deciding higher and lower level of each
parameter, to perform the experiments with this two
Response Surface Methodology is an empirical parameters and five levels need to find out
modeling approach for determining the relationship Intermediate Level as given in Table 6.
between various processing parameters and
responses. The RSM is a collection of mathematical Table 6. Parameters and their different levels
and statistical procedures, used for the analysis of
with Coded and Actual values
problems in which the desired response is affected by
several factors. In order to develop the mathematical Parameters
model based on experimental data, a proper planning Levels
of experiments is necessary. The traditional method -2 -1 0 +1 +2
of experimentation, i.e. varying one parameter at a
Speed 200 220 260 280 300
time and studying its effect is considered costly and
time consuming. Hence, the design of experiments (rpm)
(DOE) technique has been selected that requires Feed 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
minimum number of experiments to be conducted.[6] (mm/rev)
Residual plots:
Use to examine the goodness of model Fit in
regression and ANOVA.
Normal probability plot of residuals:
This graph plots residuals versus their expected
values when the distribution is normal. The points in
this plot should generally form a straight line, if
residuals are normally distributed. If the point is far
away from the line then generally appeared to follow Figure 3b. Residual Plots for PCD Run out
the straight line as shown in Fig therefore the
distribution is normal. (AlCrN)
Residual versus Fitted value:
This graph plots residual versus Fitted values. This
plot show a random pattern of residuals on the both
sides of zero. The residuals should be scattered
randomly about zero then that means constant
variance. If point lies far from the majority of points,
it may be an outliner. As shown in Fig plot of span
size variation appears to be randomly scattered about
Residual versus order of data:
This is the plot of all residuals in order that the data
was collected and can be used to find out non
random error, especially time related effect. This plot
helps to check assumption that the residuals are
Figure 3c. Residual Plots for Root Diameter
uncorrected with each other. The residuals in this
plot should fluctuate in a random order around the
center line. This plot used to examine if any
coordination exists between the error terms, co-
relation among the residuals may be existed between
the error terms, co-relation among the residual may
be signified by varied changes in the signs of
adjustment residuals. As shown in Fig it is shown
that there is absence of any non random data and no
evidence exists that the error terms are correlated
with one another.
Histogram of the residuals:
An exploratory tool to show general
characteristics of the residuals including typical
values, spread and shape. A long tail on one side may
indicate a sketch distribution. If one or two bars far
away from the other, those points may be outliner.
8. Acknowledgements
This work was carried out at Premium Auto
transmission MIDC Shendra, Aurangabad under the
factory expert Mr. Shashank Tak.
9. References
[1] J.Grth,M.Larsson,U.Wilkund,“On the wear of
PVD-coated HSS hob in dry gear
cutting”,Elsevier,wear 266,pp. 444-452