Marketability of The SHS of SNA
Marketability of The SHS of SNA
Marketability of The SHS of SNA
in the Philippines. It helps every Filipino to enhance their skills and competency before
stepping in to their tertiary education. Senior High School is a part of the K to 12 program
which helps them to prepare for college. It gives them insights of what is going to happen or
what will they be doing in their college years. It is important to build a strong foundation
while they are learning in the Senior High School years. In order to establish a fine
cornerstone in terms of education, one must have a concrete preparation during his/her senior
high school. Sto. Academy offers numerous possibilities in terms of educating the students.
The School Administrators are working in completing the facilities and as much as possible
aim to give the students the finest education that a school can give.
whether a school would sustain or not. Marketability was defined by Lake (2017) as “the
process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over your
competitors”. In addition to this, some upcoming senior high school students in this school
seems to be missing the point of the things that the school offers. Students tend to look at
more on the name of the school, not on the endeavour that this school is trying to attain.
More often than not students focus on what is more convenient to the students and not what
on the students can get in return. Another thing is that students are influenced by the number
of students transferring to other schools, which narrows the chance of the school to have
Marketability of the Senior High School
more students. Also, they think that other schools outside of their town are better in terms of
quality of education.
In conclusion to this, the goal of this research was to know the marketability of the
senior high school of Sto. Nino Academy to the upcoming senior high students. Specifically,
it aims (1) to identify the reasons why students stay (2) to cite features that lead for students
to enroll at SNA Senior High School and lastly, (3) to list some ways on how to help the
Nelson (2015) stated that even if students devote over twelve years in a school
system, they may not gain substantial improvements in productivity if the quality of their
education was poor. A high quality education can help students to gain a lot of knowledge
that they can use for their succeeding education. Twenty-first century tools enable students to
be well prepared for the labour force (Grant N.D), but as cited by Lynch (2013) “How can
we ensure that education is the right one for the times? Different skill sets will be required
for the future”. The next generation will need to be entrepreneurial, willing to take risks and
be multicultural.
With that being said, it was well known that educational attainment and employment
earnings were closely related. Those with greater schooling had higher earnings but there was
little attempt to discover the undercurrents of this relationship. Rather it was just assumed
that more educated persons possessed greater human capital and that this vague term was
highly linked to profitable productivity, as evidenced by the higher earnings associated with
more human capital, typically as embodied in years of schooling attained. (Levin, 2012)
Marketability of the Senior High School
In connection to this, Waugh (2013) cited that, living a superior life, is an important
part of culture and values. The education system has a noteworthy and unswerving influence
on the worth of our workforce of our economic efficiency and ultimately, our ability to
flourish as businesses, as people, and as a nation rely on our public schools to provide highly
skilled and educated students. K to 12 is an answer to produce chances that will aid all
children from the time they enter the classroom to when they join the workforce (McCleary
covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education to provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,
middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. Part of the K-12 is the
senior high school that will be the center of this study as this is a part of the K-12 curriculum
graduates but also to improve the quality of life of the country as a whole.
whatever ways we can, share the information to others and, most of all,
Furthermore, the goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students ample
time to master skills and ideas so that they are ready for tertiary education when the
time comes. The longer educational progression of the K-12 curriculum is seen as
Marketability of the Senior High School
work in the industry or be a businessperson (Sarmiento and Orale, 2016). Taking up senior
high school gives a student a lot of benefits that can help them in the future. One of these is
the “Preparedness for tertiary learning – With adaptation of K-12 scheme hence, they will be
more equipped to deal with much higher level of learning as they enter college education”
(CIIT College of Arts and Technology, 2013). This set up will give students more time to
master capabilities and time for extra-curricular activities, thus allowing for a more all-
inclusive development (Forbes, 2012). Another thing that this curriculum can contribute to
the students is the Grade Point Average. It is a number in place of the average value of the
accumulated final grades received in courses over time (Merrick, 2013).“A good GPA is
important for many reasons including college admissions, scholarship opportunities, or even
just to display when you create your first resume” (Greg, 2016).
In connection to this, a school needs to attain these benefits in order for the
student’s senior high school Year to become a productive one. There are a lot of things to
consider when choosing the right school for a student. A school bears a lot about its ethos in
its mission statement (Gilbert, N.D). In order to know the right school, it must be an
environment where one will be challenged and encouraged to move outside of a person’s
comfort zone (Davis, N.D). It is not just merely attending school but finding the best school
that some school faces especially now that the K-12 curriculum has been fully implemented.
According to a survey about the biggest challenge in K-12, “Creating authentic learning
Marketability of the Senior High School
knowledge through hands-on community engagement” were the ones which ranked at the top
(Francisco, 2015). It only shows that this curriculum is still on its experimentation stage. Fr.
Onofre G. Inocensio, Jr., SDB, Superintendent of Don Bosco Schools and TVET (2014)
stated in his thesis both his opinion about the lack of experience of the tech-voc strand, about
“how insignificant the student has gone through a compulsory amount of hours in vocational
training, but how can a student be actually an aid to the industry”, but he also stated a
possible solution: “they will focus on teaching the skills as required by industry, using skilled
teachers and the industrial machinery and equipment required to impart them, and insure
There are a lot of setbacks that a school could encounter in adapting the K-12
Curriculum. Things like having an insufficient teachers or incomplete facility and even in
creating a realistic environment that a student could learn from (Aldecoa, 2016) these are
some of the problems that a school could encounter so the administrations should be aware of
what is happening to the school in order to avoid or remove these kinds of challenges.
Despite these challenges, there are still many schools who market themselves very well.
As for the Philippines, they have state universities like UP and PUP, Private universities like
La Salle and Ateneo, which literally do not even need to market themselves but those
schools, do not need research like this. Families can access advertising material through a
quick online search. Therefore, it is vital that in a website to serve a good purpose for a
product (Jagodowski, 2017). Well of course not just how a school market something but it is
important to show it clearly that what a school offers is different from other competitors and
Marketability of the Senior High School
how their service helps students learn and succeed. (Hawk, 2015). Highlighting one of the
famous all-boys school in the Philippines, Don Bosco Academy has variety of ways on how
they market their school, but one of the outstanding method that they used was establishing a
hotel and those who want to be employed there at their early age must educate themselves in
Furthermore, on the side of the administrative staff of a school, one must know how
important marketing is. “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for
creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large” (Klein, 2013). It is the process of teaching consumers
why they should choose a product or service over their competitors (Lake, 2017). In line with
this, it can be set as an example that the school is the product and the students and parents are
the consumers. And one must know if their product is marketable enough to their consumers.
Thus, the researchers are aiming to analyze the marketability of Sto. Nino Academy
as it has not yet been studied as far as the researchers know. Therefore, through this study, the
researchers are more than willing to help Sto. Nino Academy to improve the school’s marketability.
Conceptual Framework
The aim of the study was to know the marketability of Sto. Nino Academy and to
contribute to the current marketing strategy of the school by analyzing the extracted data.
Table 1 shows two key factors are given to extract the data. (1) What are the features that
lead students to enroll at Sto. Nino Academy Senior high school and (2) What is the current
Marketability of the Senior High School
Figure 1.
This research aims to know the marketability of the Senior High School of Sto. Nino
Academy of. To help achieve this purpose, the study has been guided by the following
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Grade Level
d. Section
2. How is the marketability of the Sto. Nino Academy’s Senior High School be
a. Facilities
b. Administration
c. Service
Marketability of the Senior High School
This research was proposed to find more ways to help the school to be more
parents and the future researchers must know the significance of this research in order to
narrow down their deliberation on how important this research is for them.
To the administrative staff of Sto. Nino Academy, this may help them to re-strategize
To the teachers of Sto. Nino Academy, this can be their guide in marketing the school
To the parents, to help them discuss to their children what this school really is, in line
with that it may also help them to convince their children to enroll at SNA.
To the upcoming senior high students, this can be their reference in choosing the right
school for them, and help them realize the services that the school has to offer.
To the other school, they may utilize this research to look for a way to also improve
To the future researchers, they may utilize this research to add more information and
Marketability of the Senior High School
Research Design
determine, describe or identify what is, while analytical research attempts to establish why it
is that way or how it came to be” (Dudovskiy, 2004). While, Quantitative research uses
numbers to test hypotheses and make predictions by using measured amounts, and ultimately
describe an event by using figures (Kowalczyk, 2016) By assessing the school, the researcher
has described the marketability of the Senior High School of Sto. Nino Academy.
The researchers used stratified sampling for this research paper. "A stratified sample
is one that ensures that subgroups (strata) of a given population are each adequately
represented within the whole sample population of a research study. To stratify this sample,
the researcher would then randomly select proportional amounts of people from each age
The researchers had two (2) groups of respondents: The Upcoming Senior High
school Students and The Senior High Students of Sto. Nino Academy. To get the participants
First, the researchers got the population of each strata which is their section. Second, they
divided the total population by the number of the strata. And then last the researches will get
the 40 percent (40%) of the sample population per class and half of the key information
Marketability of the Senior High School
Table 1.
St. Dominic 38 15
Grade 10
San Lorenzo Luis 39 16
Mystical Rose 39 16
Grade 11
Seat of Wisdom 39 16
Queen of Peace 29 12
Morning Star 26 10
Vessel of Honor 29 12
Grade 12
Mirror of Justice 25 10
House of Gold 26 11
Marketability of the Senior High School
As shown in Table 2, There are sixty-two (62) male students who hold forty-seven
percent (47%) percentage distribution while there were seventy-one (71) female students
Table 2.
MALE 62 46.62
FEMALE 71 53.38
As noted in Table 3. There were eighteen (18) students with an age of fifteen (15)
including a fourteen percent (14%) percentage distribution, Forty-eight (48) students with an
age of sixteen (16) including thirty-six percent (36%) percentage distribution, Fifty-one (51)
students with an age of seventeen (17) including a thirty-eight percent (38%) percentage
distribution, Fourteen (14) students with an age of eighteen (18) including eleven percent
(11%) percentage distribution, and two (2) student with an age of nineteen (19) including a
15 18 13.53
16 48 36.09
17 51 38.35
18 14 10.53
Marketability of the Senior High School
19 2 1.50
The researchers made a checklist in order to extract the information that will answer
both of the Statement of the Problem. These were considered by the researchers that
extracted the needed information and these were be validated by their research advisers and
The researchers have written a letter of permission to the Principal of the school to
formally conduct the research and also asked permission to collect some information from
the students and gather some data that is necessary for their research; the researchers have
presented the research and the goals and objectives of doing it. Next, the researchers have
informed the Academic Coordinators and the advisers of the students through a letter that
indicates the list of the transferees, the schedule for the interview and the list of the
interviewees. They have oriented the students and the teachers who were chosen for the
Ethical Considerations
respondents what the objectives of this research are and why they are involve in this. They
Marketability of the Senior High School
have also stated that the information that was collected will be purely for research purpose
Data Analysis
The answers of the questionnaires in the interview have undertaken thematic analysis.
Braun and Clarke defined thematic analysis as: “A method for identifying, analysing and
reporting patterns within data.” (Braun and Clarke, 2006). To provide simple summaries
about the sample and the measures, together with basic graphics analysis, they form the basis
of nearly every quantitative analysis of data. Therefore, the results that has been analyzed
will help produce some data that has given the researches answers in their statement of the
problem. The researchers have categorized the transferee and non-transferee in the
questionnaire. After doing the segregation, the researchers have added all the answers of the
respondents and have compute ford the mean of each questionnaires. The researchers used a
Marketability of the Senior High School
The researchers conducted survey rating in which the researchers presented in their
questionnaire the different kinds of service that Sto. Nino Academy offers to the Senior High
School students.
Table 4 shows the Mean and Interpretation of the Non-Transferee who rated the
features that Sto. Nino Academy caters for Senior High School in terms of School
Administrators. Statement number one (1) and (4) hoard an average score of 2.96 and 2.71
with a descriptive rating of Disagree based on the results that was collected from the Non-
Transferee. While the statement number two (2) garnered a 3.51 average with a descriptive of
Highly Agree based on the results that was collected from the Transferees.
Table 4.
Non- Transferee
each room.
Marketability of the Senior High School
Here in Table 5 indicates the ratings of both the transferees and non-transferees about
the facilities of the school whereas it shows the mean and its interpretation. The total mean of
the response of the Transferees are 2.87 with a descriptive rating of Disagree while the non-
transferee gained 2.98 with a descriptive rating of Disagree. The results of the statement
number six (6) for the both sides ranked lowest of all the factors under the facilities, attaining
2.21 with a descriptive rating of Disagree for the Non-transferees and 2.14with a descriptive
Table 5.
Non- Transferees
Facilities Mean
Marketability of the Senior High School
Here in Table 6 specifies the ratings of both the transferee and non-transferee about
the additional services that the school offers whereas it shows the mean and its interpretation.
On one hand, In this table the results show that majority of the Services got an positive
interpretation by gaining multiple high mean in the results, with that being said the response
of the non-transferee gained a total of 3.19 mean score with the descripting rating of agree
with statement number thirteen (13) that gained the highest rating of 3.89 with the descriptive
rating of Highly Agree and statement number twelve (12) being the lowest garnering a total
of 2.68 mean score with a descriptive rating of Disagree. On the other hand, The results of
the response of the transferees gained a total score of 3.27 mean score with the descriptive
rating of Agree. Statement number eleven (15) attained a mean score of 3.51 with a
descriptive rating of Highly Agree making it the highest mean score while the statement
number twelve (12) being the lowest with a mean score of 2.97 with a descriptive rating of
Table 6.
Non- Transferee
Services Mean
Marketability of the Senior High School
who has an average of 90% and above 3.19 Agree 3.36 Agree
13 teachers were able to focus more on 3.89 Highly Agree 3.12 Agree
15 SNA has produced successful alumni. 3.48 Agree 3.51 Highly Agree
Table 7 show the overall rating of both Transferee and non-transferee about the
Administrators, Facilities and The additional Services of the School. Among the fifteen (15)
statements under the sub-factors of 3 key factors of the questionnaires, thirteen (13) were
rated Agree while two (2) were rated Disagree. The responses of the students gained majority
of the mean that weighted 3.11 with the descriptive rating of Agree. Item number two (2)
“The school administration gives full support on all sports organizations.” Gained the highest
rating of 3.5 with the descriptive of Highly Agree, while statement six (6) gained the lowest
Marketability of the Senior High School
Table 7.
The school administration gives full support on all sports 3.27 Agree
2. organizations.
Because of the restrictions, the students are being taught of 2.96 Disagree
6. The school canteen has enough space to accommodate students. 2.18 Disagree
7. The school is providing more improved rooms and facilities. 3.28 Agree
Sto. Nino academy builds the skills of the students by engaging 3.33 Agree
Senior high students from public school who has an average of 3.28 Agree
With the number of students at SNA, the teachers were able to 3.01 Agree
Marketability of the Senior High School
14. The school participates to activities outside the school. 3.3 Agree
Below (Table 8 is the summarization of the 3 Factors of what makes the Senior High School
of the Sto. Nino Academy marketable. (3) Services, attained a mean score 3.12 with
descriptive rating of Agree, (1) School Administrators, attaining a mean score 3.23 with a
descriptive rating of Agree and lastly (2) Facilities, being the lowest factor, with a mean
Table 8.
Marketability of the Senior High School
Marketable school means that it could cater the student’s wants and needs. It means
that it could offer a quality service and education and be able to have the ability to raise up
successful and globally competitive alumni. In line with this, the researchers have conducted
a survey rating to the students in order to know the state of the marketability of the Senior
There are three factors that the researchers considered in order to describe the
marketability of the Senior High School of the school – The school administrators, The
In line with this the researchers have presented four (4) characteristics of school
administrators to the students. Based on the results that were gathered in the interview, the
first characteristics is how the school administrators show their support to the athletes, the
results show how the students have agreed that the school administrators give ample support
on the sports organization especially the varsities who are representing the school (Refer to
table 5) , The researchers weren’t able to interview the varsity, yet the school administrators
and faculty have given varsities consideration in terms of their academic performance or
Marketability of the Senior High School
Second, the school also provides the students competitive faculty members wherein
the teachers made sure that the students are able to learn what they need. Having competitive
faculty members is a vast advantage towards students’ efficiency and can lead them to have a
important to have good teachers to help the school produce more successful alumni.
Third, the researchers included the way how the school administrators monitor the
students, aside from having a teacher inside, the school has their Surveillance camera and
also let the school administrators to roam around and check room by room. In addition to this
the school administrators also implement restrictions inside the school in order to teach the
students to follow the rules and regulations properly. This could be a good practice to the
students when they get a job, the students will have problem in following the instructions of
their company. Although the results showed that the students disagree on the fact that not all
students are not being taught to follow the rules or the school has limited restrictions
Next, The Facilities that the researchers have focused on the ones that has a big
impact on the one that are using it – the students. Facility quality is an important interpreter
of teacher retention and student learning. The physical and emotional health of students and
teachers depend on the quality of the corporeal location, which makes establishing safe,
healthy buildings essential (E.J.F, 2015). The facilities that the researchers have focused on
are the canteen, the ventilation of the rooms, and the environment of the school. The
researchers have also prepared a number on the survey rating for general rating for the other
Marketability of the Senior High School
The first facility that the researchers presented in their survey rating is the concern
about the ventilation of the rooms. On one hand, because of some students who disagreed on
this facility, it got a not-so-high rating on it (refer to table 6). There are possibility rooms in
the school that are not-well ventilated or even if the room has an air condition, it could
probably can’t make the room cool. On the other hand, the school still manage to give the
students a good environment with regard to being clean and organize. Unfortunately, there is
one facility that the students would like to improve- the canteen. Based on the results the
canteen does not have enough space for the number of students that the school have today.
The school has two canteens but it is still not enough to cater the students. But generally
speaking the school is trying their best to upgrade their facilities by improving the rooms and
adding more available facilities like improved laboratory, TLE and library rooms.
Based on the participants that the researchers have computed (refer to table 2), there
are a total of 213 Senior high students, and it is also no doubt according to the students that
the with this number of students, the teachers can easily focus on the all the progression of
each student. In spite of being a Catholic school, the school also allows non-Catholic students
to attend Sto. Nino Academy without forcing their beliefs in line with their religion. The
advantage of being a Catholic school is that they teach values to their students, but aside on
learning inside the four corners of the room, the school also lets the student to enhance their
skills by encouraging them to participate to the activities. The students can use the school as
their training grounds for the activities outside the school, the students compete with the
other school in their area of expertise to hone their skills even more. And by letting their
Marketability of the Senior High School
students excel outside the school, it can become a way to market the school. However, in the
overall rating of how “the tuition fee is low and affordable” the student mostly disagreed
Ergo, based on the results that the researchers have interpreted, the school in general
is a marketable in terms of School administrators and other additional services that student
can attend to with the overall rating that the two factors (refer to table 9). Although there are
some areas that needs improvement according to the data that the researchers have collected.
In connection to this, the school is gradually changing with the new set of school
For the betterment of the school and according to the results, the following
is important to extend to each and every school counselor in your area to make sure they
know about what your school offers and what separates it from other schools in the area.
2. Improve Facilities
Marketability of the Senior High School
Students will always look for something new in their school. If the school is lacking
in facilities students/parents will doubt to enroll. The school must always be open for
To improve the usage of the school canteen, the researchers suggest that the
2.2 Restrooms
Must have enough trash bins every cubicle. The locks in the cubicle should be
2.3 Ceilings
Broken ceilings must be fixed to avoid leakage especially during rainy season.
Equipment and venue should be given attention too. Some of the sports in the
school lacks in terms of equipment and venue which causes the athletes to have
When advertising a school, the only thing that are mentioned are the services offered.
The researchers suggested that they should include the tuition fee so that they will be aware
of the budget.
Marketability of the Senior High School
Giving away printed materials like brochures and leaflets will make people, specially
Reach out to alumni of your school and ask them to provide you with a small tribute
regarding what they enjoyed about the school and how they profited from going. Include
In this generation very rarely actually read anything. More often than not, they scan the
content and just get the “essence” of what it’s about. This can lead to some serious
information about your school as possible, look into creating an informative video.
Marketability of the Senior High School
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