Substation Switching Schemes

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S wi tch i n g S ch e m e O f S u b s ta ti o n

technical article is intended to provide description and comparison of single line options for a DESN substation. The
goal is to provide an analytical comparison for all options so that one can select the optimum solution considering
cost, reliability, maintainability, ease of operation.

This article describes alternative solutions to the deficiencies at the station.

Descript ion Of Opt ions St udied

Switching Scheme Of Substation

Switching scheme of substation determines the electrical and physical arrangement of the switching equipment.
Different switching schemes can be selected as emphasis is shifted between the factors of security, economy,
extendibility, maintainability, operational flexibility, protection arrangement, short circuit limitations, land area, safety
and simplicity dictated by function and importance of the substation.

Security of supply

Security of supply or substation service continuity is the main factor in selecting the switching scheme. Complete
security of supply may be achieved by duplicating all circuits and substation equipment such that following a fault or
during maintenance connections remain available. This would be extremely costly. Switching schemes discussed in
this report are mainly based on a compromise between complete security of supply and capital investment.
Considering that line or transformer faults destroy service continuity on the affected circuits, substation service
continuity could be categoriz ed into four categories, as described below.

Switching schemes will be categorized in accordance with this categorization.

Cat egory 1 – No outage necessary within the substation for either maintenance or fault; e.g. the 1 ½ breaker
scheme under maintenance conditions in the circuit breaker area.

Cat egory 2 – Short outage necessary to transfer the load to an alternative circuit for maintenance or fault conditions;
e.g. the double busbar scheme with bypass disconnect switch and bus- coupler switch under fault or maintenance
conditions in the circuit breaker or busbar area.

Cat egory 3 – Loss of a circuit or section; for example the single busbar with bus section circuit breaker scheme for
a fault in the circuit breaker or busbar area. The single feed scheme also comes under category 3 service continuity
and for this arrangement the addition of incoming circuit breakers, busbar and transformer circuit breakers does not
improve the classification.

Cat egory 4 – Loss of substation; for example the single busbar scheme without bus sectionaliz ation for a fault in the
busbar area.


The design should allow for future extendibility. Adding bays of switchgear to a substation is normally possible and
care must be taken to minimiz e the outages and outage durations for construction and commissioning. Where future
extension is likely to involve major changes (such as from a single to double busbar arrangement) then it is best to
install the final arrangement at the outset because of the disruption involved.

When minor changes such as the addition of overhead line or cable feeder bays are required then busbar
disconnect switches may be installed at the outset thereby minimiz ing outage disruption.


The switching scheme must take into account the electricity supply company system planning and operations
procedures together with knowledge of reliability and maintenance requirements for the proposed substation
equipment. The need for circuit breaker disconnect switch bypass facilities may therefore be obviated by an
understanding of the relative short maintenance periods for modern switchgear.

Operational f lexibility

The switching scheme must permit the required power flow control of individual circuits and groups of circuits. In a
two transformer substation operation of either or both transformers on one infeed together with the facility to take out
of service and restore to service either transformer without loss of supply would be a normal design consideration. In
general a multiple busbar arrangement will provide greater flexibility than a ring busbar.

Protection arrangements

The switching scheme must allow for the protection of each system element by provision of suitable CT locations to
ensure overlapping of protection z ones. The number of circuit breakers that require to be tripped following a fault,
the auto- reclose arrangements, the type of protection and extent and type of mechanical or electrical interlocking
must be considered.

For example a 1½ breaker substation layout produces a good utiliz ation of switchgear per circuit but also involves
complex protection and interlocking design which all needs to be engineered and thus increases the capital cost.

Short circuit limitations

In order to keep fault levels down parallel connections (transformers or power sources feeding the substation)
should be avoided. Multi- busbar arrangements with sectioning facilities allow the system to be split or connected
through a fault limiting reactor. It is also possible to split a system using circuit breakers in a mesh or ring type
substation layout although this requires careful planning and operational procedures.


A satisfactory cost comparison between different substation switching scheme is extremely difficult because of the
differences in performance and maintainability. It is preferable to base a decision for a particular scheme on
technical grounds and then to determine the most economical means of achieving these technical requirements.

The options studied are described in this section.


Alt ernat ive Swit ching Schemes

1. Single Bus Scheme

The single busbar arrangement is simple to operate, places minimum reliance on signalling for satisfactory
operation of protection and facilitates the economical addition of future feeder bays. Figure 1 illustrates a single
busbar scheme with fourteen feeder circuits and one bus section circuit breaker.

Fi g u r e 1: S i n g l e B u s s ch e m e wi th B u s S e cti o n B r e a ke r


1. Each circuit is protected by its own circuit breaker and hence a fault on a feeder/transformer does not
necessarily result in loss of supply to other feeders.
2. A fault on a feeder or transformer circuit breaker causes loss of the transformer and feeders circuits. They may
be restored after isolating the faulty circuit breaker.
3. A fault on a bus section circuit breaker causes complete shutdown of the substation. All circuits may be
restored after isolating the faulty circuit breaker and the substation will be ‘split’ under these conditions.
4. A busbar fault causes loss of one transformer and all feeders on that bus section. Maintenance of one busbar
section will cause the temporary outage of all circuits. Can be used only where loads can be interrupted.
5. Bus cannot be extended without de- energiz ing of half of the substation
6. Difficult to do any maintenance, maintenance of a feeder or transformer circuit breaker involves loss of that
7. Lowest cost
8. The introduction of bypass isolators between the busbar and circuit isolator (Figure 2) allows circuit breaker
maintenance facilities without loss of the circuit. Under these conditions full circuit protection is not available.
9. Bypass facilities may also be obtained by using a disconnect switch on the out- going ways between two
adjacent switchgear bays (Figure 3). The circuits are paralleled onto one circuit breaker during maintenance
of the other. It is possible to maintain protection (although some adjustment to settings may be necessary)
during maintenance but if a fault occurs then both circuits are lost. With the high reliability and short
maintenance times involved with modern circuit breakers such bypasses are not nowadays so common.


Fi g u r e 2: S i n g l e B u s s ch e m e wi th B yp a s s Is o l a to r

Mesh Scheme

Each section of the mesh scheme, as shown in Figure 4, is

included in a line or transformer protection z one so no specific
separate busbar protection is required. Operation of two circuit
breakers is required to connect or disconnect a circuit and
disconnection involves opening the mesh.

Line or transformer circuit disconnect switches may then be used to

isolate the particular circuit and the mesh reclosed:

1. Circuit breakers may be maintained without loss of supply or

protection and no additional bypass facilities are required.
The particular circuit may be fed from an alternative route
around the mesh.
2. If a fault occurs during a breaker maintenance period, the
mesh can be separated into two sections
3. Busbar faults will only cause the loss of one circuit.
4. Circuit breaker faults will involve the loss of a maximum of two
circuits. Breaker failure during a fault on one of the circuits
causes loss of one additional circuit owing to operation of
breaker- failure relaying
5. Maximum security is obtained with equal numbers of
alternatively arranged infeeds and load circuits. Fi g u r e 3: S i n g l e B u s s ch e m e wi th B yp a s s S wi tch
b e twe e n Two a d j a ce n t B a ys
6. Flexible operation for breaker maintenance. Any breaker can
be removed for maintenance without interrupting load.
7. Does not use main bus.
8. Each circuit is fed by two
breakers however the ratio of
circuit breakers to circuits is 1/1.
9. Automatic reclosing and
protective relaying circuitry rather
10. If a single set of relays is used,
the circuit must be taken out of
service to maintain the relays.
(Common on all schemes)
Fi g u r e 4: Me s h S ch e m e
11. Requires potential devices on all
circuits since there is no definite
potential reference point These devices may be required in all cases for synchroniz ing, live line, or voltage
12. Low initial and ultimate cost.

Maintenance on a disconnect switch

requires an outage of both adjacent
circuits. The inability of disconnect
switches to break load current is also
an operational disadvantage.


4. Double Busbar

Transf er Bus Fi g u r e 5: Ri n g B u s S ch e m e

A typical transfer busbar arrangement

is shown in Figure 6.

1. This is essentially a
single bus scheme
with bus section
breaker and an extra
bus coupler breaker
with bypass
disconnect switch
facilities. When circuit
breakers are under
maintenance the
Fi g u r e 6: Tr a n s fe r B u s S ch e m e
protection is arranged
to trip the bus- coupler
2. Failure of bus or any circuit breaker results in shutdown of half of the substation.
3. Any breaker can be taken out of service for maintenance,
4. The use of circuit breaker bypass isolator facilities is not considered to offer substantial benefits since modern
circuit breaker maintenance times are short and in highly interconnected systems alternative
feeder arrangements are normally possible.
5. The system is considered to offer less flexibility than the duplicate bus scheme shown in Figure 7.
6. Potential devices may be used on the main bus for relaying.
7. Low initial and ultimate cost.


5. Duplicate Bus (Double Bus Single Breaker) scheme

The duplicate bus scheme has the flexibility to allow the grouping of circuits onto separate busbars with facilities for
transfer from one busbar to another for maintenance or operational reasons. A typical duplicate busbar arrangement
is shown in Figure 7.
1. Each circuit may
be connected to
either busbar
using the
switches. On- load
Fi g u r e 7: Du p l i ca te B u s S ch e m e
busbar selection
may be
made using the bus- coupler circuit breaker.
2. Feeder breaker failure takes all circuits connected to that bus section out of service.
3. Bus- tie breaker failure takes entire substation out of service.
4. One extra breaker is required for the bus tie on the duplicate bus,
5. Either main bus may be isolated for maintenance.
6. Permits some flexibility with two operating buses.
7. Circuit can be transferred readily from one bus to the other by use of bus coupler breaker and bus selector
disconnects switches.
8. Busbar and busbar breaker maintenance may be carried out without loss of supply to any circuit.


6. 1 ½ Circuit breaker Scheme

The arrangement is shown in Figure 8. It offers the circuit breaker bypass facilities and security of the mesh
arrangement coupled with some of the flexibility of the double busbar scheme. The layout is used at important high
voltage substations and large generating substations where the cost can be offset against high reliability

Essentially the scheme requires 1 ½ circuit

breakers per connected transmission line or
transformer circuit and hence the name of this

1. High security against loss of supply.

2. Bus failure does not remove any feeder
circuits from service.
3. Breaker failure of bus side breakers does not
remove any other circuit from service.
4. Either main bus can be taken out of service at
any time for maintenance.
Fi g u r e 8: 1 ½ B r e a ke r S ch e m e
5. Most flexible operation.
6. Simple operation; no disconnect switching
required for normal operation
7. The circuit breakers and other system components must be rated for the sum of the load currents of two
8. Relaying and automatic reclosing are more complex since the middle breaker must be responsive to either of
its associated circuits.
9. Additional costs of circuit breakers are involved together with complex protection arrangements.


7. Single f eed scheme (Primary)

The single feed scheme, shown in f igure 9, offers savings in land area together with less switchgear, small DC
battery requirements, less control and relay equipment, less initial civil works together with reduced maintenance
and spares holding in comparison with the double feed scheme.

An isolator and earth switch may be added at

the transformer HV connections depending
upon the electrical supply company’s
operational procedures.


8. Double f eed Scheme (primary)

A simplified H arrangement of double feed is

shown in Figure 10. The scheme offers better
features and facilities than the two single feed
schemes. Two motoriz ed disconnect
switches, three manual gang operated
disconnect switches and two circuit switchers
are used in this scheme.

Fi g u r e 9: S i n g l e fe e d S ch e m e

Fi g u r e 10: Do u b l e fe e d S ch e m e

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