Chapter PDF
Chapter PDF
Chapter PDF
8 Addition and Subtraction
d Big Idea 1. Addition and subtraction are used to represent
and solve many different kinds of problems.
Reflect 1.1
What counters might a child point to as she uses each of the counting strategies
shown above?
Does a child need all of the counters for counting on?
Reflect 1.2
What number relationships might students perceive from the standard
arrangements of dots on a number cube?
3 4 5
5 4 3 2
Reflect 1.3
Why is “counting back” so much more difficult than “counting on”?
The chart in figure 1.8 shows the input and the output for the
algebraic rule “add 2.” The output number is always two more than
the input number.
Rule: Add 2
Input Output
1 3
5 7
8 10
11 13
For a discussion
of the inverse
x Add 2 x+2
Fig. 1.9. A function machine for “add 2” multiplication
and division, see
Example 2, about Sari’s apples, showed a problem situation Developing Essential
that some people would represent by addition, while others would Understanding of
use subtraction. The “counting on” subtraction strategy described Multiplication and
above is grounded in the fact that 5 – 3 = ☐ is equivalent to 5 = 3 Division for Teach-
+ ☐. The result of subtracting b from a, a – b, is formally defined ing Mathematics in
as the number y where a = b + y. This definition builds logically Grades 3–5 (Otto
et al. 2011).
on what students already know about addition, demonstrating why
some problems can be solved by either operation.
Understanding the relationship between addition and subtrac-
tion reduces the number of facts that students must “know” by
giving them a consistent, reliable strategy for subtraction: use the
related addition fact. These related facts then form fact families.
The third column in figure 1.10 shows a more formal algebraic
description of a fact family.