DISS Prelim Exam
DISS Prelim Exam
DISS Prelim Exam
Grade and Section:__________________________Score:__________
______________1. What stage of societal development that chiefly utilizing crude technology like fire,
bow and pottery?
______________2. Who is the one that examined the social, psychological and economic factors that
led to the rise of ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean?
______________5. What theory states that human groups go through stages of development?
______________6. What promotes the study of people and their lifeways based on the context of their
culture and not of the researchers?
______________7. What subfields in linguistics anthropology that focuses on understanding the syntax
and the grammar of a particular language?
______________8. Who was the lawyer by training and profession, who became fascinated with the
land disputes between the United States government and American Indians people?
______________9. What field that studies the human’s closest relative like the bonobo chimpanzees in
one of its subfields?
______________10. What field that engaged in understanding humans and their nature as an animal
______________12. What study in science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the
bones, tools, etc., of ancient people?
______________14. Who is the French philosopher said in his work that these “primitive” societies can
later be on expected to progress towards the stage of civilized societies just like those in Europe?
______________15. What method that entails the process of actual daily encounters with the locals of
an anthropologist’s area of study?
7. 11.
8. 12.
9. 13.
1. Compare the works of Charles Darwin and Franz Boas in the discipline of anthropology.