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Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công


1. General:
The Bridge to be designed as a simple prestressed concrete I-girder one with cast-in-situ
reinforced concrete slab acting compositelly.
The effects of diffirential shrinkage and differential creep are also considered in this calculation.

2. Design Specifications:
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications - Second Edition 1998, inwhich the HL93 Descriptive
Vehicular Load shall be increased 25%.

3. Bridge Geometry:
Bridge type : Simple span bridge
Girder type : Pretensioned I shape girder
Girder length : 33 m
Span length : 32.2 m
Numbers of girder : 7
Spacing of Girders : 1.70 m
Total bridge width: : 12.00 m
Carriageway width : 11.00 m
Sidewalk width : 0.00 m
4. Material strength & Stress Limits:
4.1 Prestressing steel (low-relaxation):
Ultimate strength of prestressing steel : fpu = 1860 MPa
Yield strength : fpy=0.9fpu = 1674 MPa
Elastic Modulus : Ep = 197,000 MPa
Limit of tensile stress prior to transfer : 0.75fpu = 1395.0 MPa
Limit of tensile stress at service state after all losses : f'pe=0.8fpy = 1339.2 MPa
4.2 Reinforcement:
Yield strength : f'sy = 400 MPa
Limit of tensile stress at service : f'sa=0.6fsy = 240 MPa
Elastic Modulus : Es = 200,000 MPa

4.3 Concrete:
Density gc = 2400 kg/m3
Thermal coefficient EXP = 1.08E-05 1/0C
a) Girder Concrete:
Compresive strength at 28 days : f'c = 40 MPa
Compresive strength at time of initial prestress : f'ci = 0.85f'c = 34 MPa
Compressive stress limit at the time of initial prestress : 0.6 f'ci = 20.4 MPa
Tensile stress limit at the time of initial prestress : 0.58(f'ci)0.5 = 3.38 MPa
Compresive stress limit at service limit state after losses
* Prestress + permanent load : 0.45 f'c = 18 MPa
Tensile stress limit at service limit state after losses : 0.5(f'c)^0.5 3.16 MPa
Elastic Modulus: : Ec1 = 31,980 MPa
at initial prestress 0.043gc (f'c)0.5 =
29,480 MPa
b) Slab Concrete:
Compresive strength at 28 days : f'c = 30 MPa

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO -9- Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

Temporary compresive stress: 0.6 f'c = 18 MPa

Limit of compresive stress at service : 0.45 f'c = 13.5 MPa
Limit of tensile stress at service : 0.63(f'c)0.5 = 3.45 Mpa
and control crack width by distribution of reinforcement Article
Elastic Modulus: : Ec2 = 27,690 MPa
= 0.043gc1.5(f'c)0.5

5. Design Loads & Load Combination:

5.1 Dead Loads:
* Girders' selfweight.
* Diaphargm & Deck Slab.
* Temporary deck form.
* Asphalt surface (5cm thick).
* Sidewalk, raillings etc.

5.2 Live Loads:

a) Vehicle Load : see sheet "2-Distribution Factors" & Sheet "4-Load&Load Combinations".
b) Impact (IM):
IM = 0.25

5.3 Load Combinations:


6. Design Considerations:
Nominal Strength
Type your choose here
Deformation & Camber
Take into account the effects of Different Shrinkage and Creep or not (Y /N) ? Y

7. Construction Sequence:
"The construction sequence influences the design of composite concrete members."
The individual elements of composite girder shall be investigated for each critical loading
stages. The construction sequence of this bridge will be as follow:
a) At transfer, Applied loads include: - Selfweight.
- Sprestressing forces.
b) Stage I: At placing the cast in situ deck slab: - At transfer, plus
- Selfweight of deck slab
* Temporary construction load (ignored).
c) Stage II: At final service (for traffic): - Include Stage I, plus
- Selfweight of Railing, Wearing surface…
- Live Load.
- Differential Shrinkage and Creep if
considered or not.
The Stage I shall be considered for non-composite girder.
The Stage II shall be considered for composite girder.

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 10 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công


1. Input Data:
Span length: L= 33000 mm
Effective span length: Le = 32200 mm
Total carrigeway width: D= 11000 mm
Width of sidewalk each side: Ws = 0 mm
Width of railing pedestal each side: Wr =
500 mm
Total width of bridge: W= 12000 mm
Number of load lanes: nL = 3 lanes
Multiple Present Factor: m= 0.85
Design Live Load: HL93 Loading, Design Truck increased 25%.
Pedestrian Load: 0.003 MPa
Average thickness of slab: ts = 180 mm
Number of girder: Nb = 7 girders
Girder spacing: S= 1700 mm
Overhang width: wo = 900 mm
Top flange width of girder: b= 500 mm

Effective flange width: According to A- - AASHTO LRFD 1998.

Interior girder - fi = least of: Le/4 = 8050 mm
12ts + b/2 = 2410 mm
S= 1700 mm
Exterior girder - fe = least of: fi/2 + Le/8 = 4875 mm
fi/2 + 6ts + b/4 = 2055 mm
fi/2 + wo = 1750 mm
=> fi = 1700 mm and fe = 1750 mm
Longitudinal stiffness parameter: Kg = n(I + Ae2g) = 3.77E+11 mm4
in which: n - Elastic modulus ratio: n = Ec1 / Ec2 =
I - moment of inertia of girder: I = 1.08E+11 mm4
A - area of girder: A = 4.45E+05 mm2
eg - distance between the centers of gravity of basic girder and deck:
eg = ts / 2 + 611.98 = 701.98 mm
(detailed calculation of section properties of girders refer to sheet "3-Section Properties")
2. Live Load Distribution Factors: Article
Type of cross-section (defined in Table k
For moment in Interior girder:
1 Design Lane Loaded:
gm.I = 0.06 + (S/4300)0.4 (S/L)0.3 (Kg/Lts3)0.1 gm.I = 0.366
³2 Design Lanes Loaded:
gm.I = 0.075 + (S/2900)0.6 (S/Le)0.2 (Kg/Lets3)0.1 gm.I = 0.507
Check Range of Applicability: 1100 =< S =< 1900 OK
110 =< ts =< 300 OK
6000 =< Le =< 73000 OK
4 =< Nb OK
For moment in Exterior girder:
Distance from the exterior web of Exterior Girder to the interior face of the traffic railing or curb:
de = wo - Ws = 400 mm
1 Design Lane Loaded: Lever rule Multiple Present Factor added.

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Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

Dis. from the farthest wheel to Ex. Web: dw = Wr + 300 - wo

=> dw = -100 mm => gm.E = 0.450

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 12 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

³2 Design Lanes Loaded: gm.E = egm.I = (0.77 + de/2800)gm.I gm.E = 0.463

Check Range of Applicability: -300 =< de =< 1700 OK
For shear in Interior girder:
1 Design Lane Loaded: gs.I = 0.36 + (S/7600) gs.I = 0.584
³2 Design Lanes Loaded: gs.I = 0.2 + (S/3600) - (S/10700)2 gs.I = 0.647
Check Range of Applicability: 1100 =< S =< 4900 OK
110 =< ts =< 300 OK
6000 =< Le =< 73000 OK
4x10 =<
9 Kg =< 3x10 12
4 =< Nb OK
For shear in Exterior girder:
1 Design Lane Loaded: Lever rule Multiple Present Factor added. gs.E = 0.450
³2 Design Lanes Loaded: gs.E = egs.I = (0.6 + de/3000)gs.I gs.E = 0.474
Distribution Factor summary:
Moment on Exterior girder: 0.463
Moment on Interior girder: 0.507
Shear on Exterior girder: 0.474
Shear on Interior girder: 0.647

Girder Checking: Interior Girder of Exterior Girder (I / E) I

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 13 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công


CROSS-SECTION at the Middle CROSS-SECTION at the End

bs bs

bt bt

ts ts

h1 E
h2 D
b2 b2
h6 H
b1 bw b1

h4 B B G
h5 A h5 F

bb bb

Section properties of Interior Girder

Dimension (mm):
Horizontal: bs = 1700.0 bt = 500.0 bw = 160.0 bb = 610.0
b1 = 225.0 b2 = 170.0
Vertical: ts = 180.0 h1 = 160.0 h2 = 120.0 h3 = 770.0
h4 =
170.0 h5 = 180.0 h6 = 1178.0 h7 = 42.0
Height of non-composite girder: 1400.0 mm
Height of composite girder: 1580.0 mm

1. Concrete gross section properties:

di1: distance from the centroidal axis of element to the bottom of girder.
di2: distance from the centroidal axis of element to the neutral axis of girder.
y: distance from the bottom of girder to the neutral axis.
h: height of girder. h(mm) = 1400.00
At mid of span:
y(mm) = 644.49 A (mm2) = 418050.0 I (mm4) = 100229501494.7
At end of span:
y(mm) = 681.66 A (mm2) = 722110.0 I (mm4) = 122103486535.2
Elements w h Area d i1 S Ii di2 A*di22
(mm) (mm) (A-mm2) (mm) (mm3) (mm4) (D-mm) (mm4)
A 610.00 180.00 1.10E+05 90.009.88E+06 2.96E+08 5.54E+02 3.38E+10
2B 225.00 170.00 3.83E+04 236.679.05E+06 1.84E+08 4.08E+02 6.36E+09
C 160.00 1,060.00 1.70E+05 710.001.20E+08 1.59E+10 6.55E+01 7.28E+08
2D 170.00 120.00 2.04E+04 1,200.002.45E+07 4.90E+07 5.56E+02 6.30E+09
E 500.00 160.00 8.00E+04 1,320.001.06E+08 1.71E+08 6.76E+02 3.65E+10
Total: 4.18E+05 2.69E+08 1.66E+10 8.36E+10
F 610.00 180.00 1.10E+05 90.00 9.88E+06 2.96E+08 5.92E+02 3.84E+10
2G 55.00 42.00 2.31E+03 194.00 4.48E+05 6.79E+05 4.88E+02 5.49E+08
H 500.00 1,220.00 6.10E+05 790.00 4.82E+08 7.57E+10 1.08E+02 7.16E+09
Total: 7.22E+05 4.92E+08 7.60E+10 4.61E+10

2. Coordinates of prestressing strands:

Total length of girder: 33000 mm
Span length: 32200 mm

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 14 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

Distance from the changed point of inclination of P.S to girder C.L: l1 = 5000 mm
l2 = 8200 mm
Length of straight end segment: 1000 mm
zm: height of tendon from the bottom of girder at the mid-span.
ze: height of tendon from the bottom of girder at the end-span.
Prestressing strand coodinates at different sections:
Strand Number of Zm Ze Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 3 Sec. 4 Sec. 5
No strands (mm) (mm) 400 1000 8300 11500 16500
N1 12 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
N2 10 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00
N3 10 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00
N4 2 62.70 1075.00 977.43 904.25 62.70 62.70 62.70
N5 2 95.70 1120.00 1021.27 947.23 95.70 95.70 95.70
N6 2 128.70 1165.00 1065.12 990.20 128.70 128.70 128.70
N7 2 141.40 1210.00 1135.66 1079.91 401.58 141.40 141.40
N8 2 174.40 1255.00 1179.83 1123.45 437.50 174.40 174.40
N9 2 207.40 1300.00 1223.99 1166.99 473.42 207.40 207.40
Distances from the bottom of girder to
the centroidal axis of prestressing steel (mm): 367.20 349.41 139.75 103.88 103.88
The angle of inclined P.S (rad): i1 = 0.12136 i2 = 0.09266

3. Section properties including prestressing steel:

Elastic modulus ratio: Ep/Ec1 = 6.1601
Area of one prestressing strand: a (mm ) = 2
Inertia of one prestressing strand: i (mm4) = 1087.8
c: distance from the extreme compresion fiber to the neutral axis (or upper fiber).
Section Area Extreme fiber (mm) Bending modulus dp S Ig
No (mm2) c h-c Wt Wb (mm) (mm3) (mm4)
1 748864.8 729.58 670.42 1.71E+08 1.86E+08 1032.80 5.021E+08 1.247E+11
2 748864.8 730.21 669.79 1.71E+08 1.87E+08 1050.59 5.016E+08 1.250E+11
3 444804.8 785.87 614.13 1.36E+08 1.74E+08 1260.25 2.732E+08 1.066E+11
4 444804.8 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 1296.12 2.722E+08 1.076E+11
5 444804.8 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 1296.12 2.722E+08 1.076E+11

4. Composite section properties:

Elastic modulus ratio: Ec2/Ec1 = 0.8659
The total height of composite girder: h*(mm) = 1580.0
Section Area c* h* - c* dp Bending modulus S I
No (mm ) 2
(mm) (mm) (mm) Wt Wb (mm ) 3
1 1013816 695.39 884.61 1212.80 3.69E+08 2.9E+08 8.968E+08 2.568E+11
2 1013816.0 695.86 884.14 1230.59 3.70E+08 2.91E+08 8.964E+08 2.573E+11
3 709756.0 638.91 941.09 1440.25 3.67E+08 2.49E+08 6.679E+08 2.347E+11
4 709756.0 640.26 939.74 1476.12 3.69E+08 2.51E+08 6.670E+08 2.363E+11
5 709756.0 640.26 939.74 1476.12 3.69E+08 2.51E+08 6.670E+08 2.363E+11

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 15 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công


1. Input Data:
Span length: L= 33000 mm
Effective span length: Le = 32200 mm
Total carriageway widh: D= 11000 mm
Width of sidewalk each side: Ws = 0 mm
Width of railing pedestal each side: Wr = 500 mm
Total width of bridge: W= 12000 mm
Number of load lanes: nL = 3 lanes
Multiple Present Factor: m= 0.85
Design Live Load: HL93 Loading, Design Truck increased 25%.
Pedestrian Load: 0.003 MPa
Average thickness of slab: ts = 180 mm
Thickness of wearing surface: tw = 50 mm
Number of girder: Nb = 7 girders
Girder spacing: S= 1700 mm
Cross-section of diaphragm: wd = 250 mm; hd = 1050 mm
Selfweight: Railing + Parapet = 0.70 N/mm
Railing pedestal 1039 Kg/m = 10.19 N/mm
Total: 10.89 N/mm
Utilities = 1.50 N/mm
Top flange width of girder: b= 500 mm

Unit weight of Reinforced Concrete: 2500 Kg/m3 <=> 2.453E-05 N/mm3

Unit weight of Wearing Surface: 2250 Kg/m3 <=> 2.207E-05 N/mm3

2. Dead Load - per girder:

Dead Load Description Unit Value Note & Calculation Formula

Stage I:
Selfweight of gider: N/mm 11.12 = 358000N (S.W of 1 girder) / Le
DL of diaphragm: PD = N 10944.3 = wd * hd * S * gc
(acting as point loads at 6
positions along the span length)
Deck slab: N/mm 7.57 = W * ts * gc / Nb
Stage II:
DL of Railing, Pedestal N/mm 1.56 = Total of Railing, Pedestal/Nb
DL of Wearing Surface & Utilities. N/mm 0.25 = ((W - 2*Wr) * gw + Utilities )/ Nb

HL93 Truck: Design Tandem:
4.3m 4.3m 1.2m

P5 P4
P P P1
3 2

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 16 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

Dead Loads/ Lane Load/ Pedestrian Load: Diaphragm:


Uniform Loads


3. Live Loads:
For Moment of Interior Girder
Force Description Unit Value (1 + IM) Increased D.F Value x Factors
HL93 - P1 N 35,000 1.250 1.250 0.507 27736.2
HL93 - P2 N 145,000 1.250 1.250 0.507 114907.1
HL93 - P3 N 145,000 1.250 1.250 0.507 114907.1
D.T - P4 N 110,000 1.250 1.250 0.507 87170.9
D.T - P5 N 110,000 1.250 1.250 0.507 87170.9
Lane Load N/mm 9.3 1.000 1.000 0.507 4.72
For Shear of Interior Girder
Force Description Unit Value (1 + IM) Increased D.F Value x Factors
HL93 - P1 N 35,000 1.250 1.250 0.647 35381.7
H93 - P2 N 145,000 1.250 1.250 0.647 146581.4
H93 - P3 N 145,000 1.250 1.250 0.647 146581.4
D.T - P4 N 110,000 1.250 1.250 0.647 111199.7
D.T - P5 N 110,000 1.250 1.250 0.647 111199.7
Lane Load N/mm 9.3 1.000 1.000 0.647 6.02
Note: D.F - Distribution Factor.

4. Load Combinations:

Loads & L.F D.L D.L HS25-44 Lane Load Pedestrian

Limit state Stage I Stage II Load
STRENGTH - I 1.25 1.25 & 1.5 1.75 1.75 -
SERVICE - I 1.00 1.00 - - -
SERVICE - III 1.00 1.00 - - -

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 17 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

x1 = 400 mm
x3 x2 = 1000 mm
x2 x3 = 8300 mm
x1 x4 = 11500 mm
x5 = 16500 mm

S.1 S.2 S.3 S.4 S.5


Moment Section 2:



Area(+): 9.480

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Moment Section 3:



Area(+): 95.985

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Moment Section 4:


Area(+): 117.105

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Moment Section 5:




Area(+): 129.605

4.3m 1.2m 3.1m

Shear Section 1:




Area(+): 16.100
Area(-): 0.000

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Shear Section 2:



Area(+): 15.506
Area(-): -0.006

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Shear Section 3:



Area(+): 9.169
Area(-): -0.969

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

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Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công
1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 19 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

Shear Section 4:



Area(+): 6.913
Area(-): -1.913

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Shear Section 5:



Area(+): 4.025
Area(-): -4.025

1.2m 3.1m 4.3m

Sign convention: - Moment: (+) - tensing the bottom face, (-) compressing the bottom face.
- Shear: (+) - acting downward, (-) acting upward.
- Axial Load: (+) - tension, (-) compression.

1. Sectional Forces due to Dead Load:

Unit: KN, KN-m, m.
Load Description Moment Influence Shear Influence Point Uniform M V P
Section Area Value Area Value Load Load (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
Stage I:
S-1 - 16.1 11.12 - 179.0
S-2 9.5 15.5 11.12 105.4 172.3
S-3 96.0 8.2 11.12 1,067.2 91.2
S-4 117.1 5.0 11.12 1,302.0 55.6
S-5 129.6 - 11.12 1,441.0 -
S-1 - 1.0 10.94 - 10.9
S-2 1.0 1.0 10.94 10.9 10.9
S-3 5.8 1.0 10.94 63.0 10.9
S-4 7.9 - 10.94 86.1 -
S-5 7.9 - 10.94 86.1 -
Deck Slab:
S-1 - 16.1 7.57 - 121.8
S-2 9.5 15.5 7.57 71.7 117.3
S-3 96.0 8.2 7.57 726.4 62.1
S-4 117.1 5.0 7.57 886.2 37.8
S-5 129.6 - 7.57 980.8 -
Total of Stage I:
S-1 - 311.8 -
S-2 188.0 300.6 -
S-3 1,856.6 164.2 -
S-4 2,274.3 93.4 -
S-5 2,507.9 - -
Stage II:
D.L of Railing & Pedestal:
S-1 - 16.1 1.56 - 25.0 -
S-2 9.5 15.5 1.56 14.7 24.1 -
S-3 96.0 8.2 1.56 149.3 12.8 -
S-4 117.1 5.0 1.56 182.2 7.8 -
S-5 129.6 - 1.56 201.6 - -

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Consultant Association (Liên danh tư vấn) : SMEC, CECI BAECCO - 20 - Issued date: 11/25/2019 , By:
Southern Coastal Corridor Project Detail Design and Construction
Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

D.L of Railing & Pedestal:

S-1 - 16.1 0.25 - 4.0 -
S-2 9.5 15.5 0.25 2.4 3.9 -
S-3 96.0 8.2 0.25 23.9 2.0 -
S-4 117.1 5.0 0.25 29.2 1.2 -
S-5 129.6 - 0.25 32.3 - -
Total of Stage II:
S-1 - 29.1 -
S-2 17.1 28.0 -
S-3 173.2 14.8 -
S-4 211.3 9.0 -
S-5 233.9 - -

2. Internal Forces due to Vehicular Load:

Load Description Moment Influence Value Shear Influence Value M V P

Section Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
Design Truck (1): P1 = 27.7 KN P1 = 35.4 KN
P2 = 114.9 KN P2 = 146.6 KN
P3 = 114.9 KN P3 = 146.6 KN
S-1 - - - 0.6423 0.8211 1.0000 - 289.67 -
S-2 0.4286 0.5087 0.5888 0.5990 0.7779 0.9567 138.00 275.45 -
S-3 3.8519 4.9068 5.9618 0.4027 0.5815 0.7604 1355.72 210.95 -
S-4 4.3090 5.7913 7.2736 0.2691 0.4480 0.6269 1620.77 167.08 -
S-5 5.9000 8.0500 5.9000 0.1423 0.3211 0.5000 1766.60 125.39 -
Design Tandem (2): P4 = 87.2 KN P4 = 111.2 KN
P5 = 87.2 KN P5 = 111.2 KN
S-1 - - 0.9501 1.0000 - 216.85 -
S-2 0.5665 0.5888 0.9068 0.9576 100.71 207.32 -
S-3 5.6674 5.9618 0.7105 0.7604 1013.73 163.56 -
S-4 6.8599 7.2736 0.5770 0.6269 1232.03 133.87 -
S-5 7.4500 8.0500 0.4501 0.5000 1351.15 105.65 -
Lane Load (3): q= 4.72 N/mm q= 6.02 N/mm
Area Area
S-1 - 16.100 - 96.87 -
S-2 9.480 15.500 44.71 93.26 -
S-3 95.985 8.200 452.74 49.34 -
S-4 117.105 5.000 552.35 30.08 -
S-5 ### - 611.31 - -
Calculation - max of (1+3) and (2+3):
S-1 - 386.54 -
S-2 182.71 368.72 -
S-3 1808.46 260.28 -
S-4 2173.12 197.17 -
S-5 2377.91 125.39 -
For calculation of Deflection at mid span: Only Bending Moments are considered
S-1 -
S-2 94.87
S-3 1113.10
S-4 1480.20
S-5 2377.91

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3. Internal Force due to Prestressing:

Tensile strength of Prestressing Steel at transfer (0.75 f pu): Pp = 1395 MPa

Area of one Prestressing strand: Ap = 98.71 mm2
e: Equivalent eccentricity of all Prestressing strands.
es: Eccentricity of straight Prestressing strands.
ei: Eccentricity of inclination Prestressing strands.
Ps: Stress in straight Prestrssing strands at each stage of calculation.
Pi: Stress in inclination Prestrssing strands at each stage of calculation.

The internal forces are calculated by the formula:

For Axial Load: P = Ap * (Ps * ns + Pi * ni * COS(Inc. Angle))
For Moment: M=P*e
For Shear: V = Ap * Pi * ni * SIN(Inc. Angle)

Section e ns ni Ps Pi Inc. M V P
No. (mm) (nos) (nos) (MPa) (MPa) Angle (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
Before all losses
1 303.23 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -1834.3 -176.5 -6049.4
2 320.37 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -1938.1 -176.5 -6049.4
3 474.38 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -2869.7 -176.5 -6049.4
4 508.10 44.00 - ### ### - -3078.5 - -6058.8
5 508.10 44.00 - ### ### - -3078.5 - -6058.8
After Relaxation At Transfer loss and Friction loss
1 303.23 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -1766.3 -158.0 -5825.2
2 320.37 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -1866.2 -158.0 -5825.2
3 474.38 32.00 12.00 ### ### 0.1070 -2763.3 -158.0 -5825.2
4 508.10 44.00 - ### ### - -3041.8 - -5986.7
5 508.10 44.00 - ### ### - -3041.8 - -5986.7
After Relaxation At Transfer loss, Friction loss and Elastic Shortening
1 303.23 32.00 12.00 ### 1168.49 0.1070 -1660.2 -147.8 -5475.2
2 320.37 32.00 12.00 ### 1167.03 0.1070 -1752.1 -147.6 -5468.9
3 474.38 32.00 12.00 ### 1111.24 0.1070 -2479.6 -140.6 -5227.0
4 508.10 44.00 - ### 1104.33 - -2722.2 - -5357.5
5 508.10 44.00 - ### 1108.71 - -2731.8 - -5376.6
After all losses
1 303.23 32.00 12.00 1171.93 ### 0.1070 -1494.9 -131.9 -4929.8
2 320.37 32.00 12.00 1167.71 ### 0.1070 -1573.5 -131.4 -4911.6
3 474.38 32.00 12.00 ### 912.70 0.1070 -2071.2 -115.5 -4366.0
4 508.10 44.00 - ### 891.53 - -2252.6 - -4433.3
5 508.10 44.00 - ### 895.59 - -2261.5 - -4450.9

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CROSS-SECTION at the Middle CROSS-SECTION at the End
bs bs

bt bt

ts ts

Effective Shear Area
b2 b2
0.72H 0.72H
bw h6
b1 b1

h5 h5

bb bb

1. Nominal Moment Strength Girder - Article

Average stress in prestress steel fps
fps = fpu (1 - k c / dp)
for which:
k = 2 (1.04 - fpy / fpu), for Low relaxation strand (from Table C5. k = 0.28
Ultimate Strength of prestressing steel fpu = 1860 MPa
Yield Strength of prestressing steel fpy = 1674 MPa
Distance from extreme comp. fiber to neutral axis, c:
For T-section behaviour cT = mm
For Rectangular section behaviour cR = mm
Determining the calculation value of c shall be based on the the depth of compression area h and the depth
of compression flange hf.
Area of prestressing steel Aps = 4343 mm2
Area of tensile reinforcement As = mm2
Area of compressive reinforcement A's = mm2
Yield strength of reinforcement fy = f'y = 400 MPa
Specified compressive strength of concrete f'c = 40 MPa
Width of compressive flange b = Ec2 / Ec1 * bs = mm
Width of web bw = mm
Depth of compressive flange hf = mm
Distance from extreme comp. fiber to centroid of prestressing steel dp = mm
Distance from extreme comp. fiber to centroid of tensile reinf. of girder & composite SEC. ds : 1335 1335 mm
Distance from extreme comp. fiber to centroid of comp. reinf. of girder & composie SEC. d's : 65 245 mm
Diameter of compressive reinforced bar of girder & composite section db : 16 16 mm
Stress block factor b1 = 0.764
For non-composite section:
Sec. fpe(Mpa) As(mm2) A's(mm2) dp(mm) b(mm) bw(mm) hf(mm) cT(mm) cR(mm) a=b1*c fps(Mpa) Mn(KN-m)
1 1231.29 0 804 1032.80 500.0 500 160 510.9 510.9 390.5 1602.4 5871.02
2 1230.19 0 804 1050.59 500.0 500 160 512.1 512.1 391.4 1606.1 6005.52
3 1186.00 0 804 1260.25 500.0 160 160 1065.6 524.5 814.4 1419.6 5372.61
4 1180.87 0 804 1296.12 500.0 160 160 1074.6 526.3 821.3 1428.2 5606.84
5 1184.72 0 804 1296.12 500.0 160 160 1074.6 526.3 821.3 1428.2 5606.84
Notes: No tensile reinforcement is in the section; the compressive reinforcements are 4 nos of 10mm.
For composite section:
Sec. fpe(Mpa) As(mm2) A's(mm2) dp(mm) b(mm) bw(mm) hf(mm) cT(mm) cR(mm) a=b1*c fps(Mpa) Mn(KN-m)
1 1131.23 0 804 1212.80 1472.0 500 180 216.1 193.4 165.1 1767.2 8680.47
2 1127.02 0 804 1230.59 1472.0 500 180 216.5 193.5 165.4 1768.4 8821.74
3 1001.22 0 804 1440.25 1472.0 500 180 220.4 194.8 168.5 1780.3 10490.93
4 980.04 0 804 1476.12 1472.0 500 180 221.0 195.0 168.9 1782.0 10777.18

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5 984.11 0 804 1476.12 1472.0 500 180 221.0 195.0 168.9 1782.0 10777.18
Notes: No tensile or compressive reinforcement is calculated.
2. Nominal Shear Strength of Girder - Article Ignored Shear strength of composite slab.
Vn = min of {Vn1;Vn2}
Vn1 = Vc + Vs + Vp; Vn2 = 0.25f'cbvdv + Vp.
Vc = 0.083 b f'c0.5 bv dv
Vs = Av fy dv (cotq + cota)sina / s
Effective shear depth dv = 0.72H = 1008 mm
Height of girder (noncomposite girder) H= 1400 mm
Effective web width: bv = mm
Factor indicating ability of diagonally cracked concrete to transmit tension b: b=
Spacing of stirrups: s= mm
Assumed angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stress - for calculation of ex: qas = deg
Angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stress q - from Table q= deg
Angle of inclination of transverse reinf. to longitudinal axis: a= 90 deg
Area of shear reinforcement within a distance s: Av = mm2
Component of effective prestressing force in the direction of the applied shear - after all losses: Vp =
Shear stress on the concrete:
v = (Vu - jVp) / (j bv dv)
Resistance factor for shear: j= 0.9
Strain in the tensile reinforcement: ex = (Mu / dv + 0.5Nu + 0.5Vucot(q) - Apsfpo) / (EsAs + EpAps)
If ex is negative, shall be multiplied by the factor Fe taken as: Fe = (EsAs + EpAps)/(EcAc + EsAs + EpAps)
Area of concrete on the flexural tension side of girder: Ac = bv * H/2

Summary of detail calculation:

Sec. bv(mm) s(mm) Av(mm2) Vp(N) v(MPa) v/f'c fpc(MPa) fpo(MPa) Aps(mm2) As(mm) q as(deg)
1 500 150 314.2 1.3E+05 1.57 0.039 -4.12 1105.82 4343 0 27.00
2 500 150 314.2 1.3E+05 1.51 0.038 -4.17 1101.31 4343 0 27.00
3 160 250 157.1 1.2E+05 2.95 0.074 -6.47 961.37 4343 0 27.00
4 160 300 157.1 0.0E+00 2.06 0.052 -6.83 937.99 4343 0 27.00
5 160 300 157.1 0.0E+00 0.86 0.022 -7.00 940.97 4343 0 27.00
Sec. e x.as x1000 Ac(mm2) Fe e x x1000 b q(deg) Vc(N) Vs(N) Vn1(N) Vn2(N) Vn(KN)
1 -0.0018 3.5E+05 0.071 -1.3E-04 4.88 27.0 1.3E+06 4.5E+06 5.9E+06 5.0E+06 5040.00
2 -0.0018 3.5E+05 0.071 -1.3E-04 4.88 27.0 1.3E+06 4.5E+06 5.9E+06 5.0E+06 5040.00
3 -0.0023 1.3E+05 0.175 -4.0E-04 4.88 27.0 4.1E+05 1.3E+06 1.9E+06 1.6E+06 1612.80
4 -0.0025 1.3E+05 0.175 -4.3E-04 4.88 27.0 4.1E+05 1.1E+06 1.5E+06 1.6E+06 1526.24
5 -0.0028 1.3E+05 0.175 -4.8E-04 4.88 27.0 4.1E+05 1.1E+06 1.5E+06 1.6E+06 1526.24

3. Nominal Shear Resistance of the interface plane - Article 5.8.4:

Vn = c Acv + m (Avf fy + Pc) (*)
The Nominal Shear Resistance will the minimum of (*) and the lesser of: 0.2 f'c Acv
5.5 Acv
Area of concrete engaged in the shear transfer Acv = bv * l = 500000 mm2
Area of reinforcement within the length l = 1000mm Avf mm2
Width of the interface between the girder and the deck bv = 500 mm
Yield strength of reinforcement fy = 400 Mpa
Specified compressive strength of concrete f'c = 30 Mpa
Cohesion factor c= 0.7 Mpa
Friction factor m = 1
Permanent net compressive force normal to the shear plan - selfweight of deck Pc = 9562.5 N
Number of dowel bars or stirrups within the length l = 1000mm n
Sec. Ds n Avf Vn 0.2 f'c Acv 5.5 Acv Interface Shear Resistance
1 10 44 3455.8 1741863 3000000 2750000 1741.86
2 10 28 2199.1 1239208 3000000 2750000 1239.21
3 10 20 1570.8 987881 3000000 2750000 987.88
4 10 16 1256.6 862217 3000000 2750000 862.217
5 10 16 1256.6 862217 3000000 2750000 862.217
Minima of dowel bar or stirrup reinforcement area: Avf >= 0.35 bv / fy

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Dự Án Đường Hành Lang Ven Biển Phía Nam Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật Thi Công

0.35 bv / fy l = 437.5 < min of Avf = 1256.6 OK

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1. Gider's sectional forces:

(unit: KN, KN-m)
STAGE I (non-composite girder)
Combination Section S.W of gider Prestress after all losses S.W of deck slab S.W of diaphragm Total Resistance Check
1 - 179.0 - -1494.9 -131.9 -4929.8 - 121.8 - - 10.9 - -1494.9 179.9 -4929.8 5871.0 5040.0
All Load 2 105.4 172.3 - -1573.5 -131.4 -4911.6 71.7 117.3 - 10.9 10.9 - -1385.5 169.2 -4911.6 6005.5 5040.0
factors = 1.0 3 1067.2 91.2 - -2071.2 -115.5 -4366.0 726.4 62.1 - 63.0 10.9 - -214.6 48.7 -4366.0 5372.6 1612.8
4 1302.0 55.6 - -2252.6 - -4433.3 886.2 37.8 - 86.1 - - 21.8 93.4 -4433.3 5606.8 1526.2
5 1441.0 - - -2261.5 - -4450.9 980.8 - - 86.1 - - 246.4 - -4450.9 5606.8 1526.2
Factor 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.25
1 - 223.8 - -1494.9 -131.9 -4929.8 - 152.3 - - 13.7 - -1494.9 257.8 -4929.8 5871.0 5040.0 OK
2 131.7 215.4 - -1573.5 -131.4 -4911.6 89.7 146.6 - 13.6 13.7 - -1338.5 244.3 -4911.6 6005.5 5040.0 OK
STRENGTH I 3 1334.0 114.0 - -2071.2 -115.5 -4366.0 908.0 77.6 - 78.8 13.7 - 249.6 89.7 -4366.0 5372.6 1612.8 OK
4 1627.5 69.5 - -2252.6 - -4433.3 1107.8 47.3 - 107.7 - - 590.4 116.8 -4433.3 5606.8 1526.2 OK
5 1801.2 - - -2261.5 - -4450.9 1226.0 - - 107.7 - - 873.3 - -4450.9 5606.8 1526.2 OK
Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 - 179.0 - -1494.9 -131.9 -4929.8 - 121.8 - - 10.9 - -1494.9 179.9 -4929.8 5871.0 5040.0
2 105.4 172.3 - -1573.5 -131.4 -4911.6 71.7 117.3 - 10.9 10.9 - -1385.5 169.2 -4911.6 6005.5 5040.0
SERVICE I 3 1067.2 91.2 - -2071.2 -115.5 -4366.0 726.4 62.1 - 63.0 10.9 - -214.6 48.7 -4366.0 5372.6 1612.8
4 1302.0 55.6 - -2252.6 - -4433.3 886.2 37.8 - 86.1 - - 21.8 93.4 -4433.3 5606.8 1526.2
5 1441.0 - - -2261.5 - -4450.9 980.8 - - 86.1 - - 246.4 - -4450.9 5606.8 1526.2
Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 - 179.0 - -1494.9 -131.9 -4929.8 - 121.8 - - 10.9 - -1494.9 179.9 -4929.8 5871.0 5040.0
2 105.4 172.3 - -1573.5 -131.4 -4911.6 71.7 117.3 - 10.9 10.9 - -1385.5 169.2 -4911.6 6005.5 5040.0
SERVICE III 3 1067.2 91.2 - -2071.2 -115.5 -4366.0 726.4 62.1 - 63.0 10.9 - -214.6 48.7 -4366.0 5372.6 1612.8
4 1302.0 55.6 - -2252.6 - -4433.3 886.2 37.8 - 86.1 - - 21.8 93.4 -4433.3 5606.8 1526.2
5 1441.0 - - -2261.5 - -4450.9 980.8 - - 86.1 - - 246.4 - -4450.9 5606.8 1526.2

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STAGE II (composite girder)

Combination Section D.L of Railing, W.S, Ultilities Differential Shrinkage Differential Creep Live Load Total Resistance Check
1 - 29.1 - -5.7 - -67.0 -79.9 - 814.9 - 386.5 - -1580.5 595.5 -4181.9 8680.5 5040.0
All Load 2 17.1 28.0 - -5.7 - -67.0 -74.5 - 747.6 182.7 368.7 - -1266.0 565.9 -4230.9 8821.7 5040.0
factors = 1.0 3 173.2 14.8 - -4.1 - -48.6 -3.7 - -177.0 1808.5 260.3 - 1759.3 323.8 -4591.6 10490.9 1612.8
4 211.3 9.0 - -4.1 - -48.7 11.0 - -363.2 2173.1 197.2 - 2413.1 299.6 -4845.2 10777.2 1526.2
5 233.9 - - -4.1 - -48.7 19.4 - -470.5 2377.9 125.4 - 2873.5 125.4 -4970.2 10777.2 1526.2
Factor 1.25 and 1.50 0.50 0.50 1.75
1 - 37.3 - -2.9 - -33.5 -40.0 - 407.5 - 676.4 - -1537.7 971.6 -4555.9 8680.5 5040.0 OK
2 22.0 35.9 - -2.9 - -33.5 -37.3 - 373.8 319.7 645.3 - -1036.9 925.5 -4571.2 8821.7 5040.0 OK
STRENGTH I 3 222.5 19.0 - -2.1 - -24.3 -1.8 - -88.5 3164.8 455.5 - 3633.0 564.2 -4478.8 10490.9 1612.8 OK
4 271.4 11.6 - -2.1 - -24.4 5.5 - -181.6 3803.0 345.0 - 4668.2 473.4 -4639.2 10777.2 1526.2 OK
5 300.4 - - -2.1 - -24.4 9.7 - -235.3 4161.3 219.4 - 5342.8 219.4 -4710.6 10777.2 1526.2 OK
Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1 - 29.1 - -5.7 - -67.0 -79.9 - 814.9 - 386.5 - -1580.5 595.5 -4181.9 8680.5 5040.0
2 17.1 28.0 - -5.7 - -67.0 -74.5 - 747.6 182.7 368.7 - -1266.0 565.9 -4230.9 8821.7 5040.0
SERVICE I 3 173.2 14.8 - -4.1 - -48.6 -3.7 - -177.0 1808.5 260.3 - 1759.3 323.8 -4591.6 10490.9 1612.8
4 211.3 9.0 - -4.1 - -48.7 11.0 - -363.2 2173.1 197.2 - 2413.1 299.6 -4845.2 10777.2 1526.2
5 233.9 - - -4.1 - -48.7 19.4 - -470.5 2377.9 125.4 - 2873.5 125.4 -4970.2 10777.2 1526.2
Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80
1 - 29.1 - -5.7 - -67.0 -79.9 - 814.9 - 309.2 - -1580.5 518.1 -4181.9 8680.5 5040.0
2 17.1 28.0 - -5.7 - -67.0 -74.5 - 747.6 146.2 295.0 - -1302.5 492.1 -4230.9 8821.7 5040.0
SERVICE III 3 173.2 14.8 - -4.1 - -48.6 -3.7 - -177.0 1446.8 208.2 - 1397.6 271.7 -4591.6 10490.9 1612.8
4 211.3 9.0 - -4.1 - -48.7 11.0 - -363.2 1738.5 157.7 - 1978.5 260.2 -4845.2 10777.2 1526.2
5 233.9 - - -4.1 - -48.7 19.4 - -470.5 1902.3 100.3 - 2397.9 100.3 -4970.2 10777.2 1526.2

2. Horizontal Shear at the interface between the girder and the deck:
Horizontal per unit length of girder: Vh = Vu / de
Factored Vertical Shear (above): Vu
Distance from the centroid of tensile steel and the midthickness of the deck: de
(unit: m, KN)
Combination Section D.L of Railing, W.S, Ultilities Differential Sh. Differential Creep Live Load de ABS(S Vh
Vn Check
Vh P Vh P Vh P Vh P + S P)
1 25.88 - - -66.96 - 814.91 344.26 - 1.123 1118.09 1741.86
All Load 2 24.52 - - -67.00 - 747.62 323.27 - 1.141 1028.41 1239.21
factors = 1.0 3 10.96 - - -48.61 - -176.96 192.77 - 1.350 21.85 987.88
4 6.51 - - -48.72 - -363.17 142.24 - 1.386 263.14 862.22
5 - - - -48.72 - -470.54 90.46 - 1.386 428.80 862.22
Factor 1.25 and 1.50 1.20 1.20 1.75
1 37.32 - - -80.35 - 977.90 602.46 - 1.123 1537.32 1741.86 OK
2 35.93 - - -80.40 - 897.14 565.72 - 1.141 1418.39 1239.21 Failure
STRENGTH I 3 19.01 - - -58.33 - -212.36 337.34 - 1.350 85.66 987.88 OK
4 11.59 - - -58.47 - -435.81 248.93 - 1.386 233.76 862.22 OK
5 - - - -58.47 - -564.65 158.31 - 1.386 464.81 862.22 OK

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1. Gider's sectional forces:

Combination Section
All Load 2
factors = 1.0 3
1 OK
2 OK
4 OK
5 OK

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Combination Section
All Load 2
factors = 1.0 3
1 OK
2 OK
4 OK
5 OK

2. Horizontal Shear at the interface between the girder and the deck:
Horizontal per unit length of girder:
Factored Vertical Shear (above):
Distance from the centroid of tensile steel and the midthickness of the deck:

Combination Section

All Load 2
factors = 1.0 3

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1. Stress checking:
Stress limits: Girder: Deck slab:
* Tension at service: [s]tensile = 3.16 MPa [s]tensile = 3.45 MPa
* Compression at service: [s]compress = -20.40 MPa [s]compress = -13.50 MPa
* Temporary stress limits at erection: [s]tensile = 3.38 MPa

At transfer due to "Selfweight of Girder + Prestressing (after R.A.T & FR losses)" - Non-composite Girder
Section Area Inertia Ig c h-c Wtop Wbot Service I Service III = Service I Stresses
mm2 mm 4
mm mm mm 3
mm 3
M(KN-m) P(KN) M(KN-m) P(KN) s top (MPa) Check s bot (MPa)
1 7.49E+05 1.25E+11 729.58 670.42 1.71E+08 1.86E+08 -1766.33 -5825.15 -1766.33 -5825.15 2.559 OK -17.278
2 7.49E+05 1.25E+11 730.21 669.79 1.71E+08 1.87E+08 -1760.83 -5825.15 -1760.83 -5825.15 2.512 OK -17.217
3 4.45E+05 1.07E+11 785.87 614.13 1.36E+08 1.74E+08 -1696.17 -5825.15 -1696.17 -5825.15 -0.596 OK -22.864
4 4.45E+05 1.08E+11 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 -1739.84 -5986.67 -1739.84 -5986.67 -0.715 OK -23.356
5 4.45E+05 1.08E+11 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 -1600.87 -5986.67 -1600.87 -5986.67 -1.733 OK -22.566

Stage I due to "Selfweigtht + Prestressing (after All losses) + Selfweight of Deck slab" - Non-composite Girder
Section Area Inertia Ig c h-c Wtop Wbot Service I Service III Stresses
mm2 mm 4
mm mm mm 3
mm 3
M(KN-m) P(KN) M(KN-m) P(KN) s top (MPa) Check s bot (MPa)
1 7.49E+05 1.25E+11 729.58 670.42 1.71E+08 1.86E+08 -1494.85 -4929.84 -1494.85 -4929.84 2.166 OK -14.623
2 7.49E+05 1.25E+11 730.21 669.79 1.71E+08 1.87E+08 -1385.53 -4911.55 -1385.53 -4911.55 1.538 OK -13.986
3 4.45E+05 1.07E+11 785.87 614.13 1.36E+08 1.74E+08 -214.57 -4366.03 -214.57 -4366.03 -8.234 OK -11.051
4 4.45E+05 1.08E+11 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 21.77 -4433.30 21.77 -4433.30 -10.126 OK -9.843
5 4.45E+05 1.08E+11 788.02 611.98 1.37E+08 1.76E+08 246.38 -4450.95 246.38 -4450.95 -11.811 OK -8.605

Due to "Dead Loads of Railing, Wearing Surface… + Live Load" - Composite Girder
Section Area Inertia I c* h* - c* Wtop Wbot Service I Service III Stresses
mm2 mm4 mm mm mm 3
mm 3
M(KN-m) P(KN) M(KN-m) P(KN) s top (MPa) s bot (MPa)
1 1.01E+06 2.57E+11 515.39 884.61 4.98E+08 2.90E+08 -85.63 747.96 -85.63 747.96 0.910 0.443
2 1.01E+06 2.57E+11 515.86 884.14 4.99E+08 2.91E+08 119.57 680.62 83.02 680.62 0.432 0.957
3 7.10E+05 2.35E+11 458.91 941.09 5.12E+08 2.49E+08 1973.86 -225.58 1612.17 -225.58 -4.177 6.146
4 7.10E+05 2.36E+11 460.26 939.74 5.13E+08 2.51E+08 2391.32 -411.89 1956.70 -411.89 -5.238 7.201
5 7.10E+05 2.36E+11 460.26 939.74 5.13E+08 2.51E+08 2627.08 -519.26 2151.50 -519.26 -5.849 7.825

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Stresses at Deck Slab - Longitudinal direction

Section Area Inertia I ctop cbot Wtop Wbot Service I Service III Stresses
mm2 mm4 mm mm mm3
mm 3
M(KN-m) P(KN) M(KN-m) P(KN) s top (MPa) Check s bot (MPa)
1 1.01E+06 2.57E+11 695.39 515.39 3.69E+08 4.98E+08 -85.63 747.96 -85.63 747.96 0.970 OK 0.910
2 1.01E+06 2.57E+11 695.86 515.86 3.70E+08 4.99E+08 119.57 680.62 83.02 680.62 0.348 OK 0.505
3 7.10E+05 2.35E+11 638.91 458.91 3.67E+08 5.12E+08 1973.86 -225.58 1612.17 -225.58 -5.690 OK -3.470
4 7.10E+05 2.36E+11 640.26 460.26 3.69E+08 5.13E+08 2391.32 -411.89 1956.70 -411.89 -7.060 OK -4.391
5 7.10E+05 2.36E+11 640.26 460.26 3.69E+08 5.13E+08 2627.08 -519.26 2151.50 -519.26 -7.850 OK -4.922

Section Stage I A.T D.L + L.L (*) Stage II = Stage I + (*) Shrinkage Creep Final Service Stage
stop (MPa) sbot (MPa) stop (MPa) sbot (MPa) stop (MPa) sbot (MPa) stop (MPa) sbot (MPa) stop (MPa) sbot (MPa) s top (MPa) Check s bot (MPa)
1 2.166 -14.623 0.910 0.443 3.076 -14.180 3.076 OK -14.180
2 1.538 -13.986 0.432 0.957 1.970 -13.029 1.970 OK -13.029
3 -8.234 -11.051 -4.177 6.146 -12.411 -4.906 -12.411 OK -4.906
4 -10.126 -9.843 -5.238 7.201 -15.364 -2.642 -15.364 OK -2.642
5 -11.811 -8.605 -5.849 7.825 -17.660 -0.780 -0.32 0.14 -3.07 0.95 -21.049 Failure 0.314
* The effect of prestressing is already added to the sectional forces in Load Combinations.
* Stress sign convention: (+) - tension. (-) - compression.

2. Cracking control - Article

cs: Distance from the centroid of reinforcement to the neutral axis.
W: Bending modulus, = I / cs.
w: Width of top or bottom flange that reinforcement shall be proportion.
RE: Ratio between the modulus of reinforcement and the modulus of girder concrete, E sy / Ec1: RE = 6.25
fsy: tensile stress in the reinforcement, = RE (-M/W + P/A) - top flange; = RE (M/W + P/A) - bottom flange.
fsa: Limit tensile stress in the reinforcement fsa = Z / (dcA)1/3 =< 0.6fy 0.6fy = 240
Z: Crack width parameter: Z= 23000
A: Area of concrete having the same centroid as the principle tensile reinforcement divided by the number of bar.
Depth of concrete from extreme tensile fibre to center of closest bar, =< 50mm: dc = 50
Area Inertia cs w W Sectional Forces - S. III fsy n A fsa Check
Cross-section Acs (mm2) I (mm4) (mm) (mm) (mm3) M (N-mm) P (N) (MPa) (mm2) (MPa) fsy =< fsa =< 0.6fy
Top face - at the end 7.49E+05 1.25E+11 674.58 500 1.85E+08 -1.49E+03 -4.93E+03 -0.041 4 12500 269.01 OK

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Bottom face - at the

middle of span 7.10E+05 2.36E+11 881.74 610 2.68E+08 2.15E+03 -5.19E+02 -0.005 1.00E-09 6.10E+13 0.16 OK

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s bot (MPa)

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=< fsa =< 0.6fy

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(Initial stress: 75% fpu)

Ap : Area of one prestressing strand = 98.71 mm2

dp : Dis. from bottom of girder to centroid of strands = mm
Ig : Inertia of girder = mm4
I : Inertia of composite section = mm4
y' : Distance from neutral axis to centroid of strands = mm
yc': Distance from neutral axis of composite section to centroid of strands mm
Wp : Bending modulus at center of tendons = mm4
Ag : Concrete section area of gider = mm2
A : Area of composite gider = mm2

1. Elastic shortening (ES): Table 1: After Relaxation At Transfer loss and Friction loss.
fcgp = SM/Wp + SN/A : stress of conc at centroid of strands Sec. No dp Ig y' Wp A M N fcgp DfpES
Ep : Elastic modulus of prestressing steel = 2.0E+05 MPa 1 367.20 1.25E+11 303.23 4.11E+08 7.49E+05 -1.77E+09 -5.83E+06 1.21E+01 8.07E+01
Eci : Elastic modulus of concrete at transfer = 2.9E+04 MPa 2 349.41 1.25E+11 320.37 3.90E+08 7.49E+05 -1.76E+09 -5.83E+06 1.23E+01 8.22E+01
f'pu : Ultimate strength of prestressing steel = 1860 MPa 3 139.75 1.07E+11 474.38 2.25E+08 4.45E+05 -1.70E+09 -5.83E+06 2.06E+01 1.38E+02
DfpES = Ep/Eci*fcgp = 140.47 MPa 4 103.88 1.08E+11 508.10 2.12E+08 4.45E+05 -1.74E+09 -5.99E+06 2.17E+01 1.45E+02
ES (%) = 10.07 % 5 103.88 1.08E+11 508.10 2.12E+08 4.45E+05 -1.60E+09 -5.99E+06 2.10E+01 1.40E+02

2. Creep (CR): Table 2:

DfpCR = 12*fcgp - 7*Dfcdp > 0 Sec. No I yc' W'p A M1 N1 M2 N2 Dfcdp DfpCR
Dfcdp = SM/Wp + SN/A : change in concrete stress due to 1 2.6E+11 517.41 4.96E+08 1.01E+06 -1.66E+09 -5.48E+06 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 11.35 6.55E+01
permanent Dead Load = 12.32 MPa 2 2.6E+11 534.73 4.81E+08 1.01E+06 -1.56E+09 -5.47E+06 1.71E+07 0.00E+00 11.28 6.86E+01
M1 : Moment due to D.L of Stage I = see Table 3 2.3E+11 801.34 2.93E+08 7.10E+05 -6.23E+08 -5.23E+06 1.73E+08 0.00E+00 13.93 1.50E+02
N1 : Axial force due to D.L of Stage I = see Table 4 2.4E+11 835.86 2.83E+08 7.10E+05 -4.48E+08 -5.36E+06 2.11E+08 0.00E+00 13.41 1.66E+02
M2 : Moment due to D.L of Stage II = see Table 5 2.4E+11 835.86 2.83E+08 7.10E+05 -2.24E+08 -5.38E+06 2.34E+08 0.00E+00 12.32 1.66E+02
N2 : Axial force due to DL of Stage II = see Table
=> DfpCR = 166.01 MPa
CR (%) = 11.90 %

3. Shrinkage (SH):
DfpSR = (117-1.03H) MPa
H : Relative Humidity = 80 %
=> DfpSH = 34.60 MPa
SH (%) = 2.48 %

4. Steel Relaxation (RS):

At transfer:
DfpR1 = (log(24t)/40)*(fpj/fpy - 0.55)fpj

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t : time estimated in days from stressing to transfer = 2 days
fpj : initial stress in the strand at the end of stressing = 1395 MPa
fpy : specified yield strength of prestressing steel = 1674 MPa Table 4:
=> DfpR1 = 16.61 MPa Sec. No DfpES DfpCR DfpSH DfpR1 DfpR2 DfpR
After transfer: 1 80.69 65.45 34.60 16.61 25.71 42.33
DfpR2 = 0.3*(138 - 0.4*DfpES - 0.2(DfpSR + DfpCR)) 2 82.15 68.58 34.60 16.61 25.35 41.96
DfpR2 = 12.51 MPa 3 137.94 150.18 34.60 16.61 13.76 30.37
DfpR = 29.12 MPa 4 144.85 166.23 34.60 16.61 11.97 28.58
RS(%) = 2.09 % 5 140.47 166.01 34.60 16.61 12.51 29.12

5. Friction loss (FR):

Appear in the manufacturing procedure, caused by the contacts between P.S strands and guide platforms.
Friction loss depends on the the applied loads at the contact points and the coefficient of friction. Table 5:
In the manufacturing procedure, 2 girders were logitudinally cast together. We assume that the total losses due to Friction to be less than 124 Mpa. Strand No n Inc. angle P DfpF
DfpF = nc x ce x m x P/Ap 1 2 0.12136 16702 169.1995
nc : Number of contact points = 4 2 2 0.12136 16702 169.1995
ce : Coefficient of restrain property = 0.0 -> 1.0 1.00 3 2 0.12136 16702 169.1995
P : Value of perpendicular load transfer to the contact device = 1.3E+04 N 4 2 0.09266 12754 129.2084
m : Coefficient of friction = 0.25 5 2 0.09266 12754 129.2084
=> DfpF = 129.21 MPa Only for inclined strands at every section along the girder. 6 2 0.09266 12754 129.2084
FR (%) = 9.26 % The average friction loss is multiplied by the ratio of: 3/11 = 12/44

Sum of Losses: Sec. No ES CR SH RS FR Total losses Initial % loss

1 80.69 65.45 34.60 42.33 40.69 263.77 11.74 18.91
2 82.15 68.58 34.60 41.96 40.69 267.98 11.81 19.21
3 137.94 150.18 34.60 30.37 40.69 393.78 14.98 28.23
4 144.85 166.23 34.60 28.58 40.69 414.96 15.35 29.75
5 140.47 166.01 34.60 29.12 40.69 410.89 15.07 29.45

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1. Creep coefficient:
For girder: y(ti,t) = 3.5kckf(1.58-H/120)ti-0.118 (t-ti)0.6/[10.0+(t-ti)0.6]
Where: kf = 62/(42+f'c) = 0.75610 Section V/S V/S* kc y(ti,t)
f'c: 40 MPa Sec. 1 218.36 150.00 0.4652276658 1.89207795
t - maturity of concrete: 1000 days Sec. 2 218.36 150.00 0.4652276658 1.89207795
ti - age of concrete at initial load apply: 2 days Sec. 3 119.38 119.38 0.6861418892 2.66527773
H - humidity : 80 % Sec. 4 119.38 119.38 0.6861418892 2.66527773
kc = {(t/26e0.0142(V/S)+t)/[t/(45+t)]}*{[1.80+1.77e-0.0213(V/S)]/2.587} Sec. 5 119.38 119.38 0.6861418892 2.66527773
V/S* = 119.38 mm V/S* - computed value =< 150.
=> kc = 0.68614 (see Table)
=> y(ti,t) = 2.66528 (see Table)
For Slab:
kf = 62/(42+f'c) = 0.86111 f'c: 30 MPa
kc = {(t/26e +t)/[t/(45+t)]}/{[1.80+1.77e
t - maturity of concrete: 1000 days
V/S* = 105.5 mm ti - age of concrete at initial load apply 14 days
=> kc = 0.71900 H - humidity: 80 %
=> y(ti,t) = 2.81662
2. Shrinkage strains:
For girder: esh = -kskht/(35.0+t) x 0.51x10-3 Note: esh shall be icreased 20% if the drying time is less than 5 days.
Where: kh = (140-H)/70 = 0.85714 Section V/S V/S* ks e sh
t - drying time: 7 days Sec. 1 218.36 150.00 0.0379368794 -2.7640E-06
H - humidity ; 80 % Sec. 2 218.36 150.00 0.0379368794 -2.7640E-06
ks = {(t/26e0.0142(V/S)+t)/[t/(45+t)]}*{[1064-3.07(V/S)]/923} Sec. 3 119.38 119.38 0.264368915 -1.9261E-05
V/S* = 119.38 mm Sec. 4 119.38 119.38 0.264368915 -1.9261E-05
=> ks = 0.26437 (see Table) Sec. 5 119.38 119.38 0.264368915 -1.9261E-05
=> e sh = -1.92612E-05 (see Table) V/S* - computed value =< 150.
For Slab:
kh = (140-H)/70 = 0.85714 t - drying time: 30 days
ks = {(t/26e0.0142(V/S)+t)/[t/(45+t)]}*{[1064-3.07(V/S)]/923} H - humidity: 80 %
V/S* = 105.5 mm

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=> ks = 0.41095
=> e sh = -8.29129E-05

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1. Sectional forces due to Differential Shrinkage:

Nsh = esh x Ec1 x Ic1 x B/(BF-C2) x 1/(1+yinf.)
Msh = esh x Ec1 x Ic1 x C/(C2-BF) x 1/(1+yinf.)
esh = esh2 - esh1 = -6.37E-05
esh1 : Strain of girder due to shringkage = -1.93E-05
esh2 : Strain of slab due to shringkage = -8.29E-05
yinf. : Creep coefficient of slab concrete = 2.816619
yt Creep coefficient of girder concrete
1+yinf. : = 3.816619
Ec1 : Elastic modulus of girder concrete = 3.20E+04 MPa
Ec2 : Elastic modulus of slab concrete = 2.77E+04 MPa
Ic1 : Moment Inertia of girder = 1.076E+11 mm4
Ic2 : Moment Inertia of slab = 8.262E+08 mm4
Ac1 : Area of girder = 444804.8 mm2
Ac2 : Area of slab = 306000.0 mm2
rc1 2
= Ic1 / Ac1 = 241856.6 mm2
rc22 = Ic2 / Ac2 = 2700.0 mm2
m = (Ec1 x Ic1) / (Ec2 x Ic2) = 150.4
B = 1+m = 151.4
C = y1' - m x y2 = -12894.2 mm
y1' : Distance from neutral axis of Girder to top of girder = 640.3 mm
y1 : Distance from neutral axis of girder to bottom fibre = 759.7 mm
y2' : Distance from neutral axis of slab to top fiber = 90.0 mm
y2 Distance from neutral axis of slab to bottom fibre = 90.0 mm
F = y1'2 + rc12+ m x rc22 + m x y22 = 2275920.3
BF-C2 : = 178274970
C2-BF : = -178274970
=> Axial force : Ns = -48.722 KN
Bending moment : Ms = -4.150 KN-m
Force effects cuased by differential shrinkage at different sections:
Sec. No e sh Ic1 Ac1 rc12 m B C F BF-C2 Ns(N) Ms(N-mm)
1 -8.0E-05 1.2E+11 7.5E+05 1.7E+05 174.25 175.25 -1.5E+04 2.5E+06 2.2E+08 -66.959 -5.726
2 -8.0E-05 1.2E+11 7.5E+05 1.7E+05 174.67 175.67 -1.5E+04 2.5E+06 2.2E+08 -66.997 -5.730
3 -6.4E-05 1.1E+11 4.4E+05 2.4E+05 149.06 150.06 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -48.611 -4.139
4 -6.4E-05 1.1E+11 4.4E+05 2.4E+05 150.38 151.38 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -48.722 -4.150
5 -6.4E-05 1.1E+11 4.4E+05 2.4E+05 150.38 151.38 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -48.722 -4.150
Stresses due to diffrential shrinkage at mid-span section:
Bottom of girder:
ssgb = Ns/Ac1 - (Ms + Ns x y1') x y1 / Ic1 = 0.140 MPa
Top of girder:
ssgt = Ns/Ac1 + (Ms + Ns x y1') x y1' / Ic1 = -0.320 MPa
Bottom of slab:
sssb = - Ns/Ac2 - (Ms - Ns x y2) x y2' / Ic2 = 0.134 MPa
Top of slab:
ssst = - Ns/Ac2 + (Ms - Ns x y2) x y2' / Ic2 = 0.185 MPa

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2. Sectional forces due to differential creep:

K = yinf. /(1+yinf.) = 0.737988
K' = yt /(1+yinf.) =
P = Pt x (1 + Ec2 / Ec1) /2
Pt : Prestressed axial force after losses
Md1 : Moment due to permanent loads - Stage I = N-mm
Md2 : Moment due to permanent loads - Stage II = N-mm
ep : Ecentricity between centroidal axes of the composite girder section
and the concrete slab section. = mm2
- K' K
Nc = x [P{B(y'1 x ep – rc12) – C x ep} + Md1(C - By’1)] - Md2(C – B x y’1)
C² - BF C² - BF

K’ K
Mc = x [P{C(y'1 x ep – rc12) – F x ep} + Md1(F- C.y’1)] - Md2(F – C x y’1)
BF - C² BF - C²
Force effects caused by differential creep:
Sec.No y1' K' ep P Md1 Md2 C F BF-C2 Nc(KN) Mc(KN-m)
1 695.39 5.0E-01 785.39 4.6E+06 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 -1.5E+04 2.5E+06 2.2E+08 814.914 -79.908
2 695.86 5.0E-01 785.86 4.6E+06 1.9E+08 1.7E+07 -1.5E+04 2.5E+06 2.2E+08 747.616 -74.526
3 638.91 7.0E-01 728.91 4.1E+06 1.9E+09 1.7E+08 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -176.965 -3.662
4 640.26 7.0E-01 730.26 4.1E+06 2.3E+09 2.1E+08 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -363.173 11.032
5 640.26 7.0E-01 730.26 4.2E+06 2.5E+09 2.3E+08 -1.3E+04 2.3E+06 1.8E+08 -470.543 19.442
Stresses due to diffrential creep at mid-span section:
Bottom of girder:
scgb = Nc/Ac1 - (Mc + Nc x y1') x y1 / Ic1 = 0.954 Mpa
Top of girder:
scgt = Nc/Ac1 + (Mc + Nc x y1') x y1' / Ic1 = -3.070 MPa
Bottom of slab:
scsb = - Nc/Ac2 + (Mc - Nc x y2) x y2' / Ic2 = 8.269 MPa
Top of slab:
scst = - Nc/Ac2 - (Mc - Nc x y2) x y2' / Ic2 = -5.193 MPa

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All the values are inversed
B E N D IN G M O M E N T (N -m m )




1.00E+09 Prestressing
Tota l (3)












11 2 7 0









Note: (1) - Selfweight of girder.

(2) - Prestressing after Steel Relaxation At Transfer and Friction losses.
(3) - Total of (1) and (2).
B E N D IN G M O M E N T (N -m m )





After SR and
5.00E+08 FR






1 4 4 90

1 6 1 00

17 7 1 0

2 0 93 0

2 2 54 0

2 8 9 80

30 5 9 0
11 2 7 0


16 10

8 0 50

96 6 0


B E N D IN G M O M E N T (N -m m )














11 2 7 0










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Deflection: At mid - span Using Simpson's rule: D = S Ax / EI.

Rotation: At end of span q = S A / EI.

Note: Non-composite section properties: E1 = 31,980 Mpa

I1 = 1.08E+11 mm4
Composite section properties: E2 = 31,980 Mpa
I2 = 2.36E+11 mm4
1. At transfer: After all losses
Section li xi Bending moment (N-mm) Ai-I Ai-I xi
No. (mm) (mm) Selfweight Prestressing Total (N-mm2) (N-mm3)
1 0 0.00E+00 -1.49E+09 -1.49E+09
2 600 15800 1.05E+08 -1.57E+09 -1.47E+09 -8.889E+11 -1.404E+16
3 7900 11850 1.07E+09 -2.07E+09 -1.00E+09 -9.023E+12 -1.069E+17
4 11100 6600 1.30E+09 -2.25E+09 -9.51E+08 -3.127E+12 -2.064E+16
5 16100 2500 1.44E+09 -2.26E+09 -8.21E+08 -4.428E+12 -1.107E+16
Total: -3.493E+13 -3.054E+17
=> D1 = -88.8 mm - upward
q1 = -0.01015 rad

2. Due to Dead Loads: Deck slab, Diaphragm,…, Shrinkage and Creep:

Section li xi Bending moment (N-mm) Ai-I Ai-I xi Ai-II Ai-II xi
No. (mm) (mm) Deck + Dia. D.L, SH & CR (N-mm2) (N-mm3) (N-mm2) (N-mm3)
1 0 0.00E+00 -8.56E+07
2 600 15800 8.26E+07 -6.31E+07 2.48E+10 3.92E+14 -4.46E+10 -7.05E+14
3 7900 11850 7.89E+08 1.65E+08 3.18E+12 3.77E+16 3.73E+11 4.42E+15
4 11100 6600 9.72E+08 2.18E+08 2.82E+12 1.86E+16 6.14E+11 4.05E+15
5 16100 2500 1.07E+09 2.49E+08 5.10E+12 1.27E+16 1.17E+12 2.92E+15
Total: 2.22E+13 1.39E+17 4.22E+12 2.14E+16
=> D2 = 43.2080 mm
q2 = 0.00056 rad
Deflection due to Dead Load:
DD = D1 + D2 = -45.5500 mm
qD = q1 + q2 = -0.00960 mm

3. Due to Live Loads:

Section li xi Moment Ai-I Ai-I xi
No. (mm) (mm) (N-mm) (N-mm2) (N-mm3)
1 0 0.00E+00
2 600 15800 9.49E+07 2.85E+10 4.50E+14
3 7900 11850 1.11E+09 4.41E+12 5.22E+16
4 11100 6600 1.48E+09 4.15E+12 2.74E+16
5 16100 2500 2.38E+09 9.65E+12 2.41E+16
Total: 1.82E+13 2.08E+17
=> D3 = 27.58 mm =< Le / 1000 OK
q3 = 0.00241 rad

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General: The calculation of deck slab presented below is based on concepts & assumptions:
- Strip method for analysis of force effects.
- Wheel loads are modeled as concentrated load acting on continuous beam, the
number of equal continuous spans in analysis is four or over than four.
1 Input Data:

Spacing of supporting component - spacing of girder: S= 1700 mm

Overhang width: wo = 900 mm
Width of railing pedestal each side: wr = 500 mm
Span length of deck - diaphragm spacing: L= 6440 mm
Positive moment: +M = N-mm
Negative moment: -M = N-mm
Distancce from load to girder C.L - for overhang deck: X= 100 mm
Width of top flange of girder: 500 mmbt =
Distancce from the applied load to the edge of top flange of girder for overhang deck, taken as
positive if it is outside and negative if it is inside: = -150 mm
Spacing of supporting component in the secondary direction: = 3.788 S >= 1.5 S
=> The provisions of Article may be applied in the secondary direction.
Equivalent strip width for calculation in primary direction (Ws): Table
Deck overhang: = 1140 + 0.833 X = 1223.30 mm
Positive moment: = 660 + 0.55 S = 1595.00 mm
Negative moment: = 1200 + 0.25 S = 1625.00 mm

Average thickness of slab: ts = 180 mm

Thickness of wearing surface: tw = 50 mm
Selfweight of: Railing 0.70 KN/m
Railing pedestal 10.19 KN/m
Unit weight of Reinforced Concrete gc: 2500 Kg/m3 <=> 24.525 KN/m3
Unit weight of Wearing Surface gws: 2250 Kg/m3 <=> 22.073 KN/m3

2 Loading - Force effects:

Dead Load: Per 1 metre of deck slab

Force value (KN, KN/m) for
Description Load Type Load Factor
Overhang +M -M
(1) Selfweight of deck slab Uniform YDC 4.415 4.415 4.415
(2) D.L of wearing surface Uniform YDW 1.104 1.104 1.104
(3) Dead Load of Railing, Parapet.. Point YDC 10.889
Vehicular Load:
Dynamic allowance: 1+ IM = 1.33
Increasing Factor: IF = 1.25
Weight of vehicular wheel load: P1 = 72.5 KN - for Design Truck Used
P2 =
55 KN - for Design Tandem
Values of concentrated wheel loads per 1 metre of deck slab are: P LL = P x (1+IM) x IF / Ws
Description Load Factor 1 + IM IF Wheel Load Force (KN)
Overhang deck: YLL 1.00 1.25 72.50 74.08
Positive moment: YLL 1.00 1.25 72.50 56.82
Negative moment: YLL 1.00 1.25 72.50 55.77
Force effect:

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Convention: Uniform Load - q Concentrated Load - P

Negative moment - (-) Positive moment - (+)
Caused by Dead Load:
For overhang slab: Article
Length of cantiliver arm lc = wo - bt/3 0.733 m
(1) Selfweight of deck slab M(1) = -q lc2 / 2 = -1.187 KN-m
(2) D.L of wearing surface M(2) = -q (lc - wr)2 / 2 = -0.030 KN-m
(3) Dead Load of Railing, Parapet.. M(3) = -P (lc - wr / 2) = -5.263 KN-m
For Positive moment:
(1) Selfweight of deck slab M(1) = 0.077 q S = 0.578 KN-m
(2) D.L of wearing surface M(2) = 0.077 q S = 0.144 KN-m
For Negative moment:
(1) Selfweight of deck slab M(1) = -0.107 q S = -0.803 KN-m
(2) D.L of wearing surface M(2) = -0.107 q S = -0.201 KN-m
Caused by Live Load:
For Overhang slab: MLL = -(lc - wr - 0.3) PLL = - KN-m
Positive moment: MLL = 0.210 S PLL = 20.284 KN-m
Negative moment: MLL = -0.181 S PLL = -17.160 KN-m

Load Combinations: FOR OVERHANG SLAB

No Description 1 + IM
(KN-m) Y Force x Y Y Force x Y
1 Selfweight of deck slab -1.187 1.25 -1.484 1.00 -1.187
2 D.L of wearing surface -0.030 1.50 -0.045 1.00 -0.030
3 Dead Load of Railing… -5.263 1.25 -6.579 1.00 -5.263
4 Vehicular Load 1.33 & 1.15 - 1.75 - 1.00 -
Total: -8.108 Total: -6.480
Load Combinations: FOR POSITIVE MOMENT
No Description 1 + IM
(KN-m) Y Force x Y Y Force x Y
1 Selfweight of deck slab 0.578 1.25 0.722 1.00 0.578
2 D.L of wearing surface 0.144 1.50 0.217 1.00 0.144
3 Vehicular Load 1.33 & 1.15 20.284 1.75 47.211 1.00 23.327
Total: 48.150 Total: 24.049
Load Combinations: FOR NEGATIVE MOMENT
No Description 1 + IM
(KN-m) Y Force x Y Y Force x Y
1 Selfweight of deck slab -0.803 1.25 -1.004 1.00 -0.803
2 D.L of wearing surface -0.201 1.50 -0.301 1.00 -0.201
3 Vehicular Load 1.33 & 1.15 -17.160 1.75 -39.940 1.00 -19.734
Total: -41.245 Total: -20.738

3 Sectional Checks:
Compressive strength of concrete: f'c = 30 MPa
Elastic modulus of concrete: Ec = 26,300 MPa
Modulus of rupture of concrete: fr = 3.45 MPa
Yield strength of reinforcement steel: fy = 400 MPa
Elastic modulus of reinforcement: Es = 200,000 MPa
Factored Flexural Resistance: Mr = j Mn = j As fy (ds - a/2) A.
As: Reinforcement area (mm2)

Ag: Gross section area (mm2)


ds: Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid


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of reinforcement (mm).
dc: Distance from tension face to centroid of reinfcement.

a: Depth of equivalent compression block: a = b1 c.
b1: Stress block factor.
c: Distance between the neutral axis and the compressive face (mm).
c = As fy / (0.85 f'c b1 w).
j: Resistance factor specified in Article j= 0.9
Maximum reinforcement: c / d e
=< 0.42 A.
de: corresponding effective depth, for nonprestressed reinforcement section d e = ds (mm).

Minimum reinforcement: rmin >= 0.03 f'c / fy A.

and As >= 0.75 Ag/fy A.
Crack Control: fs =< fsa = Z / (d*c A)1/3 =< 0.6fy A.
fs: tensile stress in reinforcement at service limit state I (MPa).
fsa: tensile stress in mild steel reinforcement at service limit state (MPa).
A: area of concrete having the same centroid as tensile reinforcement bounded by the surface
and a straight line parallel to neutral asis, divided by the number of bars (mm2).
Z: crack width parameter (N/mm).
d*c: computed value of dc, =< 50mm.

Summary of detail calculation:

Overhang Positive Negative
No Description Symbol Unit
Slab Moment Moment
1 Section width w mm 1000 1000 1000
2 Section height h mm 180 180 180
3 Gross section area Ag mm2 180000 180000 180000
4 Inertia I mm4 4.86E+08 4.86E+08 4.86E+08
5 Distance from tension face to centroid
of reinfcement. dc mm 60 35 60
6 Distance from extreme compression
fiber to centroid of reinforcement ds = d e mm 120.00 145.00 120.00
7 Bar diameter mm 16 16 16
8 Number of bars 6 6 6
9 Reinforcement area As mm2 1206.37 1206.37 1206.37
10 Stress block factor b1 0.836 0.836 0.836
11 Distance from the extreme
compression fiber to the neutral axis c mm 22.64 22.64 22.64
12 Depth of equivalent compression block a mm 18.92 18.92 18.92
13 Factored Flexural Resistance Mr N-mm 4.80E+07 5.89E+07 4.80E+07
14 Factored Moment Mu N-mm 8.11E+06 4.82E+07 4.12E+07
Flexural Check: OK OK OK
15 "Maximum" reinforcement c / de 0.1887 0.1562 0.1887
Maximum Reinforcement Check: OK OK OK
16 Ratio of tension steel to gross area r 0.0067 0.0067 0.0067
17 Amount of reinforcement mm2/mm 1.2064 1.2064 1.2064
18 Min. Ratio of tension steel to gross area rmin 0.0023 0.0023 0.0023
19 Min. amount of reinforcement mm2/mm 0.380 0.570 0.380
20 0.75 Ag / fy 337.50 337.50 337.50
Minimum Reinforcement Check: OK OK OK
21 Factored moment at Service I MSI N-mm 6.48E+06 2.40E+07 2.07E+07
22 Distance from neutral axis to the

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centroid of tensile reinforcement ds - c mm 97.36 122.36 97.36

23 Tensile stress in concrete fiber having
the same centroid with tensile reinf.
(= MSI x (ds - c) / I) sc MPa 1.30 6.05 4.15
24 Modulus of rupture MPa 3.45 3.45 3.45
Concrete Stress Check: s c =< fr OK Not OK Not OK
25 Tensile stress in reinforcement at service state I:
fs = MSI / (As * (ds - a/2)) fs MPa 48.59 147.08 155.52
26 Crack width parameter Z N/mm 23000 23000 23000
27 Area of concrete around steel bar A mm2 16666.7 11666.7 16666.7
28 Computed concrete cover when control of
cracking by distribution of reinforcement. d c* mm 50 35 50
29 fsa = Z / (d*c A)1/3 fsa MPa 244.4 310.0 244.4
30 0.6 fy MPa240 240 240
Crack Width Control: fs =< min (fsa , 0.6 fy) OK OK OK
Distribution reinforcement in secondary direction: Article
31 Pecentage of secondary reinforcement of the primary reinforcement:
1750 / S0.5 =< 50 % % 42.4 42.4 42.4
32 Required reinforcement area Asr mm2 512.0 512.0 512.0
33 Diameter of secondary reinforcement mm 12 12 12
34 Number of bars 6.7 6.7 6.7
35 Reinforcement area Ass mm2 757.75 757.75 757.75
Minimum secondary reinforcement Check: OK OK OK

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