2019 Errata Sheet For FPMT RPB 2016 FS

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Corrections for

FPMT Retreat Prayer Book, 2016 Edition

Instructions and advice by Lama Zopa Rinpoche are contained in

instruction boxes marked by the symbol v.

Page 21
Under the Heart Mantra of Dependent Relation, insert:

v You must pause after “YO,” before reciting “NI.”

Page 26
After the section of Holy Name Mantra that Fulfill Wishes, insert:

Mantras for Specific Occasions

Mantra to Increase the Power of Recitation
v Recite this mantra right before reading and reciting prayers,
sutras, and so forth:

ཏདྱ་ཐཱ།  ༀ་དྷ་རེ་དྷ་རེ་བྷནྡྷ་རེ་སཧཱྭཱ །

Mantra to Bless the Feet

Recite the mantra seven times and then spit on the soles of your feet. It
is taught that any insects that die under your feet will be reborn as devas
in the Realm of the Thirty-Three.

ༀ་ཁྲེ་ཙ་ར་གྷ་ན་ཧཱུཾ་ཧཱི་ྲ སཧཱྭཱ །

v This mantra can also be used to bless the wheels of vehicles

and other things that can crush and kill sentient beings. It should
be recited when the specific need arises such as having to walk
on ground where there are many insects or other small creatures
and when driving a car, riding a bicycle, and so forth.

Page 29
After Blessing, Multiplying, and Presenting the Offerings, insert:

v Think of all the offerings in your home, in your Dharma center,

in my houses, and in the FPMT centers, as well as all owned and
unowned offerings, such as the sun and the moon, and your own
and others’ body, speech, and mind, enjoyments, and three-time

Page 30­
Delete this section: Prostrations with the Mantra and Homage.

Page 33
Clarification: Lama Zopa Rinpoche says that it is not necessary
to recite any particular mantras while doing three prostrations
before and after taking the precepts.

Page 38
Add “or recite” to the instruction:

v Think or recite: “This is my contribution to the peace and

happiness of all sentient beings and, in particular, to the peace
and happiness of all the sentient beings of this world.”

Page 38
Before the dedication verses from Bodhisattvacharyavatara,
recite this dedication:

Dedication to Seal the Merits with Emptiness

Due to all the past, present, and future merits collected by me
and all the merits of the three times collected by the numberless
buddhas and numberless sentient beings, which are completely
empty of existing from their own side, may I, who am completely
empty of existing from my own side, achieve buddhahood, which
is completely empty of existing from its own side, and lead all
sentient beings, who are completely empty of existing from
their own side, to that buddhahood, which is completely empty
of existing from its own side, by myself alone, who is completely
empty of existing from my own side.

Pages 41, 43, 52, 56

• It is not necessary to read Motivation on p. 41, Visualization on
p. 43, How to Meditate on the ‘General Confession’ on p. 52,
and Visualization on p. 56 every time you do the practice. Just
do the practices and visualizations as described.
• Omit the paragraph “Then think that all the buddhas are
extremely pleased...” on p. 56.
• Continue with the paragraph “Then reflect on emptiness...” on
p. 57.

Page 44
Replace the section Homage and Mantras to Increase the Merit

Preliminary Holy Name Mantras

v Recite the following holy name mantras to increase the power
of prostrations. They can be recited very quickly, i.e., one recitation
does not need to correspond with one prostration.

To multiply every prostration ten million times, prostrate while

reciting the holy name and mantra of Buddha Ratnaketu (Tib.
Rinchen Gyaltsen, Eng. Precious Victory Banner).
Recite the holy name three times followed by the mantra three
times, or recite them as a pair three times, or recite just one of
them three times.

Chom dän dä de zhin sheg pa dra chom pa yang dag par

dzog päi sang gyä rin chhen gyäl tshän la chhag tshäl lo
To Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha,
Precious Victory Banner, I prostrate. (3x)



To multiply every prostration a thousand times, prostrate while

reciting the following mantra:



v While prostrating, recite Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s holy

name together with the mantra for prostration and circumam-
bulation (OṂ NAMO DAŚHADIK...) 1 as a pair. The Kangyur says
that reciting Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s holy name once purifies
eighty trillion eons of negative karmas.

1. Although this mantra is called Dharani for Circumambulating the Arya

Holy Objects of the Rare Sublime Ones (Skt. ārya pradakṣā ratnatrayā
nāma dhāraṇī, Tib. 'phags pa dkon mchog gi rten la bskor ba bya ba'i
gzungs), it can also be recited when doing prostrations.

L a ma tön pa chom dän dä de zhin sheg pa dra chom pa

yang dag par dzog päi sang gyä päl gyäl wa sha kya thub
pa la chhag tshäl lo
To Guru, Teacher, Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly
Complete Buddha, Glorious Conqueror Shakyamuni,
I prostrate.

There are five very important benefits of reciting this mantra

even one time: (1) Each prostration and circumambulation
becomes the same as having prostrated to or circumambulated
all the Three Rare Sublime Ones—Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha—
and all the other holy objects—statues, stupas, scriptures,
and so forth—of the ten directions and the three times. (2) All
your negative karmas collected from beginningless rebirths are
purified. (3) You will quickly achieve full enlightenment. (4) You
will not be harmed by enemies and interferers. (5) You will be
free from diseases and spirit harms.

Page 44
Recite the prayer for Taking Refuge (1x) not (3x)

Page 51
whatever possessions of stupas
whatever possessions of holy objects of offering

Page 57
To conclude the practice, recite dedication prayers, such as those
found in Standard Dedication Prayers on p. 321 or Extensive Dedi-
cation Prayers on p. 325. Otherwise, at least recite the Dedication
to Seal the Merits with Emptiness (on p. 3 of this correction sheet).

Page 67
Sang gyä kün gyi ye she de chhen chhö kur ro chig
The wisdom of all buddhas, one taste with the great bliss
The transcendental wisdom of all buddhas, one taste in
the great bliss dharmakaya,

Page 75
Change NGÄL to NGÄI:
Dug ngäi nä sel päl dän la ma
Magnificently glorious guru, eliminating the diseases
of the five poisons;

Page 76
Change soon to now, quickly:
Da ta nyur du jin gyi lob shig
Please bless me now, quickly.
Change very soon to quickly, very quickly:
Nyur wa nyur du jin gyi lob shig
Please bless me quickly, very quickly.

Page 78
Replace the colophon for Calling the Guru from Afar (abbreviated
version) (Bla ma rgyang 'bod) with:

Original Colophon:
Not available. Lama Zopa Rinpoche suggests it was composed by Kyabje
Trulshik Rinpoche’s root guru, Rongphu Sanggye (Ngawang Tenzin Norbu,

Page 109
Replace the translation of the Requesting Prayer by the Fifth Dalai
Lama with:
May I and all sentient beings meet the teachings of
the victorious one, Lozang Dragpa,
Who lived an eminent life endowed with pure morality,
A brave heart in doing the bodhisattva’s extensive deeds,
And the yoga of the two stages, the essence of which is
the transcendental wisdom of nondual bliss and emptiness.

Page 110
Before Offering of Practice, insert:

v In a group practice, chant verses LC33–37 in Tibetan with the

appropriate tunes. Chant LC 33 slowly, pause, and then recite LC
34–37 more quickly.

Page 124
Replace the translation of Special Request for the Three Great
Purposes with:
I prostrate and go for refuge to the guru and the Three Rare
Sublime Ones: please bless my mind.
Please bless me and all mother sentient beings to immediately
cease all the wrong concepts from disrespect to the
virtuous friend up to the subtle dual appearances of the
white appearance, red increase, and dark near attainment. 
Please bless us to immediately generate all the right
realizations from respect for the virtuous friend up to the
unification of no more learning.
Please bless us to immediately pacify all outer and inner

Page 128
Replace the instruction under Requesting Prayer to the Lam-Rim
Lineage Gurus (from Jorchö) with:
v When there is time, chant these verses with one of the
appropriate tunes. This makes them more effective for the mind.
At the end of each set of lineage gurus bring the chanting to a
close and start it again with the next set.
When recited with Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo’s tune, the last
line of each verse is repeated twice. With the first recitation,
white purifying light flows from the gurus into you. With the
second, replicas of the gurus absorb into you and you receive
all their qualities. When recited with the tune of His Holiness’
Namgyal Monastery, the last line is recited only once.

Page 137
Insert this requesting verse to Ling Rinpoche after the request to
Trijang Rinpoche, which begins on p. 136.
To Kyabje Ling Rinpoche
Thub päi tän la thub wang nyi pa je
Like a second Mighty One for the teachings of the Mighty
Lung tog dam chhö dzin päi da dräl wa
Incomparable in preserving the holy Dharma of the lineage
teachings and realization,
Nam par gyäl wäi thrin lä sa sum la
Your holy actions are fully victorious in controlling the three
Wang gyur je tsün la mar söl wa deb
To you, perfect, pure guru, Thubten Lungtog Namgyal Trinle,
I make requests.
Translated by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Bendigo, Australia, 2018. Scribed by Ven.
Ailsa Cameron and lightly edited by Ven. Joan Nicell, FPMT Education Services,
The Muni, i.e., the Buddha.

Page 137
Replace the verse to Kyabje Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche with:
Ngag rig khä wang nam nön lo drö kyi
With intelligence that outshines those with mastery and
command over speech and knowledge,
Ge dän lug zang thub wang tän päi chü
You are the perfect ripening into a stronghold of the
excellent and virtuous Gelug tradition—
Tän dön nying pöi tob su leg min päi
The essence of Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings—and the
incomparable true friend;
Da dräl näl jor chhen por söl wa deb
To you, peerless great yogi, Ngawang Gendun, I make
Translated by Alex Berzin. Lightly edited by Ven. Joan Nicell, FPMT Education
Services, 2018, to accord with the structure of the Tibetan and the other
lineage gurus’ verses. “Quintessential true friend” amended to “incomparable
true friend” as translated by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Kyabje Serkong Tsenshab
Rinpoche’s name amended to Ngawang Gendun as advised by Lama Zopa

Page 138
For the request to Kyabje Choden Rinpoche, change KHYÖ to LA
in the last line:
Tha ye dül jäi gön la söl wa deb
To the savior of the infinite beings to be subdued, Losang
Gyalten Jigdral Wangchug, I make requests.

Page 139­
Before Requests Recalling the Guru’s Qualities add:
v The Foundation of All Good Qualities can be recited here
(turn to p. 249).
v It is better to recite verses LC 43–52 in English, rather than
chant them in Tibetan.

Page 144
Clarification: Lama Zopa Rinpoche says to recite your direct gurus’
holy name mantras 21 times (in this case, His Holiness the Dalai
Lama’s and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s mantras). The rest, except for
OM AH HUM, can be done either 3 or 7 times depending on the
time. OM AH HUM should always be recited 54 or 108 times.

Page 144
This mantra should have two HUMs:
Holy Name Mantra of Lama Tsongkhapa

Page 145
This mantra should have two HUMs:
Mantra of Vajradhara

Page 146
Change the title Practicing Guru Devotion with the Nine Attitudes
Advice to Correctly Follow the Virtuous Friend with Thought and
Action: The Nine Attitudes of Guru Devotion

Page 154
Replace the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation with the one

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

1. Dag ni sem chän tham chä la
Determined to obtain the greatest possible benefit
Yi zhin nor bu lä lhag päi
From all sentient beings,

Dön chhog drub päi sam pa yi

Who are more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel,
Tag tu che par dzin par lab3
I hold them most dear at all times.

2. Gang du su dang drog päi tshe

Wherever I am and whoever I am with,
Dag nyi kün lä män ta zhing
I always consider myself the lowest of all,
Zhän la sam pa thag pa yi
And from the depths of my heart
Chhog tu che par dzin par lab
Hold others dear and supreme.

3. Chö lam kün tu rang gyu la

In all actions, I examine my mental continuum
Tog ching nyön mong kye ma thag
And the minute a delusion arises,
Dag zhän ma rung je pä na
Since it endangers myself and others,
Tsän thab dong nä dog par lab
I forcefully confront and avert it.

4. Rang zhin ngän päi sem chän ni

Whenever I see sentient beings who are wicked in nature
Dig dug drag pö nön thong tshe
And overwhelmed by negative actions and heavy
3 In some Tibetan versions each verse ends with shog (Tib. shog), meaning
“May I,” while in others each verse ends with lab (Tib. bslab), meaning “I will
practice” or “I will train.” The latter version is included here as this is Lama
Zopa Rinpoche’s preference (Light of the Path, North Carolina, USA, 2009 and
2014). Since Rinpoche said that it is even better to say “I am going to do it,”
bslab was originally translated simply as “I will.” However, in 2019 Lama Zopa
Rinpoche amended “I will” to the present tense, saying that “I will” makes it
sound as if one will only do these practices in the future.

Rin chhen ter dang thrä pa zhin

I hold such rare ones dear,
Nye par ka wä che dzin lab
As if I had found a precious treasure.

5. Dag la zhän gyi thrag dog gi

When, out of envy, others mistreat me
She kur la sog mi rig päi
With abuse, insults, or the like,
Gyong kha rang gi len pa dang
I accept defeat
Gyäl kha zhän la bül war lab
And offer the victory to others.

6. Gang la dag gi phän tag pam

When someone whom I have benefited
Re wa chhe wa gang zhig gi
And in whom I have great hopes
Shin tu mi rig nö je nang
Gives me terrible harm,
She nyen dam par ta war lab
I regard them as my virtuous friend.

7. Dor na ngö dang gyü pa yi

In short, both directly and indirectly,
Phän de ma nam kün la bül
I offer every happiness and benefit to all my mothers.
Ma yi nö dang dug ngäl kün
I secretly take upon myself
Sang wä dag la len par lab
All their harms and sufferings.

8. De dag kün kyang chhö gyä kyi

Also, I do not defile all these practices
Tog päi dri mä ma bag shing
By the stains of the superstitions of the eight worldly
Chhö kün gyu mar she päi lö
And by knowing all phenomena to be illusory,
Zhen me chhing wa lä dröl lab
Without trusting in them, I am freed from bondage.

This rendition of Kadampa Geshe Langri Thangpa’s Eight Verses of Thought
Transformation (blo sbyong tshigs brgyad ma) was translated by Lama Zopa
Rinpoche in Everflowing Nectar of Bodhichitta, Portland: FPMT Inc., 2008,
7–9. Verse 2 amended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Land of Medicine Buddha,
Soquel, USA, 2015. Verses 3, 4, and 8 amended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche at
Chag Tong Chen Tong Centre, Hobart, Australia, 2018. Changes input by Ven.
Ailsa Cameron and Ven. Joan Nicell in consultation with Joona Repo, FPMT
Translation Services, 2018. Approved by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, 2019.

Page 156
Delete PHEM and PHAIM.

Page 161
Replace the instruction under Tonglen: Meditation on Taking and
Giving with:

v Chant or recite LC 95 slowly while meditating on tonglen.

Chant it at least one time in Tibetan, but if the group is familiar
with the verse, chant it all three times in Tibetan. Pause at the
end of the third repetition, for however long is needed, to finish
the meditation on tonglen.

Page 169
Delete this entire instruction:
Dissolution according to Lama Chöpa: Visualize that your gurus...

For instructions on how to do the dissolution, turn to Appendix 4


Page 171­
Delete this entire instruction:
Absorption according to Lama Chöpa...

Replace it with:
If you have not received a highest yoga tantra empowerment,
visualize that Lama Lozang Thubwang Dorje Chang dissolves into
light and absorbs into you. If you have received a highest yoga
tantra empowerment, do the visualization of the guru entering
your heart.

Page 173
Add “center directors, staff”:
Due to all the merits of the three times collected by me, the
numberless buddhas, and the numberless sentient beings, may
I, my family members, all those who rely upon me, all those for
whom I have promised to pray, all those whose names have been
given to me, all the students, benefactors, center directors, staff,
and volunteers in the FPMT organizaton, and all sentient beings
never be parted in all our lives from Mahayana’s four wheels...

Page 188
Replace Appendix 4 with the following:

Appendix 4
Dissolution of the Merit Field
According to Lama Chopa Jorcho

Phabongkha Rinpoche’s commentary to Jorchö, found in Liberation

in the Palm of Your Hand, with a slight adaptation advised by Lama
Zopa Rinpoche to make the dissolution suitable for Lama Chopa
Jorchö says:

Visualize that light rays stream forth from Guru Vajradhara’s heart
and illuminate the other figures. Then, rather like the evaporation
of condensation on a mirror, the lower figures in the merit field­—
that is, the four maharajas and so forth—withdraw progressively
into the higher figures; this happens as far as the deities standing
on the four petals of the topmost lotus.
These four deities withdraw into the Vajradhara figure at
Buddha Shakyamuni’s heart. The Profound View lineage gurus
withdraw into Guru Manjushri; those of the Extensive Deeds, into
Guru Maitreya; those of the Consecrated Practices, into Guru
Vajradhara; and your personal gurus, from whom you received
teachings, withdraw into the figure of your root guru in his everyday
form—the one in which you normally see him. Think to yourself
while maintaining the clarity of your visualization, “How fortunate
I am to have actually seen these buddhas and bodhisattvas.”
Maitreya and Manjushri then dissolve into light, which dissolves
into the main figure. Vajradhara dissolves into the main figure
as a wisdom being. The figure of your root guru in his normal
aspect should not, however, dissolve into light—this would be an
inauspicious gesture while he is still alive. So, whether he is still
alive or not, he dissolves into the Vajradhara at the main figure’s

heart as one would push a grain of barley into a pat of butter. The
wish-granting tree, lion throne and all, dissolve into the lotus base
of the main figure, [Lama Lozang Thubwang Dorje Chang].

If you are not doing “Requesting Prayer Planting a Stake,” go to

LC 115 on p. 171.
If you are doing “Requesting Prayer Planting a Stake,” and have not
yet visualized your root guru on the crown of your head, recite:

Request to the Root Guru

Päl dän tsa wäi la ma rin po chhe
Magnificent and precious root Guru,
Dag gi chi wor pä möi teng zhug la
Please abide on the lotus seat on my crown,
K a drin chhen pöi go nä je zung te
Guide me with your great kindness,
Ku sung thug kyi ngö drub tsäl du söl
And grant me the realizations of your holy body, speech,
and mind.

If you have already visualized your root guru on the crown of your
head, continue here:

The main figure, [Lama Lozang Thubwang Dorje Chang,] then

dissolves into light, which in turn dissolves into your guru sitting
on the crown of your head. Then the lotus base used by the main
figure dissolves into your Guru’s lotus base on your crown.
Next, visualize that your root Guru on your head turns into our
teacher, [Lama Lozang Thubwang Dorje Chang].

Either do the following prayers and then the Requesting Prayer

Planting a Stake, or go directly to the Requesting Prayer Planting a
Stake on p. 169.

Seven-Limb Prayer
Phün tshog ge leg je wä trün päi ku
Holy body created by ten million excellent virtues,
Tha yä dro wäi re wa kong wäi sung
Holy speech fulfilling the hopes of infinite transmigratory
Ma lü she ja ji zhin zig päi thug
Holy mind seeing all objects of knowledge just as they are;
Sha kyäi tso wo kye la chhag tshäl lo
To the principal of the Shakyas, I prostrate.

Tön pa la me sang gyä rin po chhe

The supreme teacher, the precious Buddha;
Kyob pa la me dam chhö rin po chhe
The supreme refuge, the precious Dharma;
Dren pa la me ge dün rin po chhe
The supreme guides, the precious Sangha:
Kyab nä kün dü kyö la chhag tshäl lo
To you who embody all the objects of refuge, I prostrate.

Ngö sham yi trül chhö trin ma lü bül

I present clouds of every type of offering, both actually
arranged and mentally emanated.
Thog me nä sag dig tung tham chä shag
I confess all my negative actions and downfalls collected
from beginningless time.
Kye phag ge wa nam la je yi rang
I rejoice in the virtues of ordinary beings and aryas.
Khor wa ma tong bar du leg zhug nä
Please remain until the end of cyclic existence,
Dro la chhö kyi khor lo kor wa dang
And turn the wheel of Dharma for transmigratory beings.
Dag zhän ge nam jang chhub chhen por ngo
I dedicate my own and others’ virtues to great

Short Mandala Offering

Ling zhi ri rab nyi da rin chhen dün
A precious mandala of the four continents, Mount Meru,
the sun, the moon,
Rin chhen män däl kün zang chhö päi tshog
And the seven precious substances, together with a
multitude of Samantabhadra offerings,
L a ma yi dam kön chhog sum la bül
I offer to the Guru, yidam, and Three Rare Sublime Ones.
Thug je zhe nä jin gyi lab tu söl
Please accept them with compassion and grant me your

Now continue with the Requesting Prayer Planting a Stake on p. 169.

Page 201
v The practice of Six Mantras, Six Mudras, and Six Concentrations
can be done here to bless the offerings.
For the Abbreviated Blessing, which can be used to bless the tsog
offering, turn to p. 311. For the Extensive Blessing, turn to p. 313.

Page 209
Under Offering the Tsog to the Ritual Master, add:
v Only the people offering the tsog substances should chant
this verse.

Under The Ritual Master’s Reply, add:

Everyone can join in and chant this verse.


Page 232­
Lama Zopa Rinpoche sometimes recites the following verse
before the Heart Sutra:

Praise to the Perfection of Wisdom

Ma sam jö me she rab pha röl chhin
The inexpressible, inconceivable, and indescribable
perfection of wisdom,
Ma kye mi gag nam khäi ngo wo nyi
Unproduced, unceasing, the nature of space,
So sor rang rig ye she chö yül wa
Object of the uniquely knowing transcendental wisdom:
Dü sum gyäl wäi yum la chhag tshäl lo
To the Mother of the Victorious Ones of the three times,
I prostrate.

Page 256
Replace the second verse, The Definition of Not Having Completed
the Analysis of the Right View, with:
If the appearance that is unbetraying dependent relation
Is accepted separately from emptiness,
As long as these two understandings are seen as separate,
Then one has still not realized the Buddha’s intent.

Page 258
In A Song of Experience change “Song” to “Hymn”

Page 286­

Page 289
Change: BE and VAI to HUM

Page 321 and 327

This verse can be recited instead of the usual long-life prayer for
His Holiness the Dalai Lama:

Jig ten kham dir phän de ma lü pa

The wish-granting Wish-Fulfilling Jewel,
Gang lä jung wäi sam phel yi zhin nor
Source of every single benefit and happiness in this world,
K a drin tshung me tän dzin gya tsho chhog
The incomparably kind, supreme Tenzin Gyatso,
Ku tshe tän ching zhe dön lhün drub shog
May your life be long and your holy wishes be spontaneously
Composed by Sera Jey Tre Lharam Geshe Tsulga, Kurukulla Center, USA.
Translated by Ven. Thubten Dekyong (Tsenla), January 2019, Root Institute,
India. Edited by Ven. Joan Nicell, FPMT Education Services, and checked by Ven.
Ailsa Cameron, March 2019. De kyi in the original changed to phän de and dzä
thrin gyä gyur chig changed to zhe dön lhün drub shog by Lama Zopa Rinpoche,
April 2019. Translation amended by Ven. Joan Nicell, FPMT Education Services,
April 2019.

Page 329
Insert after Dedication 10:
To be Able to Please the Virtuous Friend
Tag tu ngu yi chhö phag ten pa tar
Just as Bodhisattva Always Crying correctly followed Dharma
Lü sog long chö kün gyi yo me par
May I please my holy virtuous friend resolutely and well
She nyen dam pa leg par nye jä nä
With my body, life, and enjoyments,
Mi nye kä chig tsam yang mi je shog
Never displeasing them even for an instant.

Translated by Ven. Tsenla, January 2019, Root Institute, India. Edited by Ven.
Joan Nicell, FPMT Education Services, and Ven. Ailsa Cameron, March 2019.

Page 363
One the second last line, change breech to breach

Prepared by Vens. Joan Nicell and Tenzin Tsomo, FPMT Education Services,
February 2019, for the Vajrayogini retreat at Institut Vajra Yogini, France, May
2019. Updated in May 2019.

A Long Life Prayer for

Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Spontaneously Composed by
Rangjung Neljorma Khadro Namsel Drönme

Kün tu nang wä mün pa ö säl wa

Through illuminating all, your appearance dispels the
Nyon mong gyä thri zhi tong nyen pöi tob
Your clear mind knows the 84,000 heaps of Dharma,
Chhö phung gyä thri zhi tong lo säl rig
The power of the remedy to the 84,000 delusions;
Ten jung ma wä de nyi yül lä gyäl
Your proclaiming dependent arising itself is victorious in
battle [with the maras]:
Drin chhen dor je chhang chhen chi wor chhö
I worship the supremely kind, great Vajradhara on my

Thub päi tän pa lung tog säl dzä nä

Clarifying the scriptures and realizations, the teachings of
the Muni,
Tän pa ma khyab khyab säl dzam büi ling
You spread and illuminate those teachings wherever they
have not yet spread in the world.
Zö pä ka thub gyäl sä ngö gyur nä
Having become an actual son of the conquerors, you bear
hardships with patience.
Pa ra ten jung thra mo gyü tog pa
In your continuum is realization of the perfection of
wisdom, subtle dependent arising.

Rin chhen nor bu jam nying thong dröl je

Precious jewel, lord possessing love and compassion,
who liberates upon seeing,
Po ti drang nge kün jung ob chhub dzö
Treasury of mastery of the all-arising interpretative and
definitive scriptures,
Chhe wäi chhe chhog tong nyi nying jei dön
Supremely great among the great, fully comprehending and
clarifying the meaning of emptiness and compassion,
Rang chhub säl dzä kye gu thar lam dren
You guide all beings in the path to liberation.
Tshe dän she nyen la mar zhab tän söl
Perfectly qualified spiritual friend, my guru, please remain
Dü sum jig kyob phag ma dröl ma yi
She who protects from the fears of the three times, Arya
Tän dzin kye bu ku tshe dzä thrin pel
Please increase the life spans and activities of the beings
who preserve the holy Dharma,
Mi dräl thrin lä lhün drub dü kün kyong
And always, without separation, develop their spontaneous
Lu me tsa sum lha yi tra shi shog
By the infallible deities of the three roots, may all be

This was written by the devotee Khadro Nam Drön as a requesting prayer for
the stable life of Lama Zopa Rinpoche on March 12, 2016.
Publisher’s Colophon:
Lama Zopa Rinpoche completed this revised translation, at Kopan Monastery
in March 2017, based on a translation by Vens. Gyalten Lekden and Jampa
Khedrub. It was dictated to and edited by Ven. Ailsa Cameron, with the kind
help of Ven. Joan Nicell. Phonetics prepared by Ven. Joan Nicell and Ven. Tenzin
Tsomo, FPMT Education Services, August 2016. Checked against the Tibetan by
Joona Repo, FPMT Translation Services, April 2017.
Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

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