Deskriptor Alpukat

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Descriptors for

(Persei1 spp.)

ISUN 92-9043-220·9
Descriptors for

ii Descriptors for Avocado

The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) is an autonomous international

scientific organization operating under the aegis of the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IPGRI's mandate is to advance the conservation and use of
plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. IPGRI works in part-
nership with other organizations, undertaking research, training and the provision of scientific
and technical advice and information, and has a particularly strong programme link with the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Financial support for the agreed
research agenda of IPGRI is provided by the Governments of Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Neth-
erlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, and by the Asian Develop-
ment Bank, IDRC, UNDP and the World Bank.

IPGRI. 1995. Descriptors for Avocado (Persea spp.). International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy.

ISBN 92-9043-220-9

Via delle Sette Chiese 142
00145 Rome

©International Plant Genetic Resources Institute 1995

Descriptors for Avocado iii




1. Accession descriptors 3
2. Collecting descriptors 5

3. Seed management descriptors 9
4. Multiplication/Regeneration descriptors 9


5. Characterization and/ or evaluation site descriptors 11
6. Collecting and/ or characterization/ evaluation site environment descriptors 12

7. Plant descriptors 23

8. Plant descriptors 45
9. Abiotic stress susceptibility 45
10. Biotic stress susceptibility 46
11. Biochemical markers 47
12. Molecular markers 47
13. Cytological characters 48
14. Identified genes 48



iv Descriptors for Avocado
Descriptors for Avocado v


Descriptors for Avocado (Persea spp.) was developed by a group of scientists with the support
of the GIARA Fund, under the coordination of Alejandro F. Barrientos Priego and prepared in
the internationally accepted IPGRI format for descriptor lists. In this group the following scien-
tists were included: A. Ben-Ya'acov, L. Lopez Lopez, G. Bufler and M.W. Borys. A draft version
of the revision was subsequently sent to a number of experts for their comments and amend-
ments. Their amendments were used to produce the definitive list. A full list of the names and
addresses of those involved is given in 'Contributors'.
IPGRI encourages the collection of data for descriptors in the first four categories of this
list: Passport, Management, Environment and site and Characterization; and endorses data in these
categories as those that should be available for any accession. However, the number of each of
the site and environment descriptor types used will depend on the crop and their importance
to the crop's description. Descriptors listed under Evaluation allow for a more detailed descrip-
tion of the accession's characters, but generally require replicated site and time trials.
Although the suggested coding should not be regarded as the definitive scheme, this for-
mat represents an important tool for a standardized characterization system and it is promoted
by IPGRI throughout the world.
This descriptor list is intended to be comprehensive for the descriptors that it contains.
This approach assists with the standardization of descriptor definitions. IPGRI does not,
however, assume that all curators will characterize accessions of their collection utilizing all
descriptors given. Descriptors should be used when they are useful to the curator for the
management and maintenance of the collection and/or to the users of the plant genetic re-
sources. Minimum, highly discriminating descriptors are marked with a star<*>·
This descriptor list provides an international format and thereby produces a universally
understood 'language' for plant genetic resources data. The adoption of this scheme for data
encoding, or at least the production of a transformation method to convert other schemes into
the IPGRI format, will produce a rapid, reliable and efficient means for information storage,
retrieval and communication, and will assist with the utilization of germplasm. It is recom-
mended, therefore, that information should be produced by closely following the descriptor
list with regard to: ordering and numbering descriptors; using the descriptors specified; and
using the descriptor states recommended.
Any suggestions on this descriptor list will be highly appreciated by IPGRI.
Definitions and Use of the Descriptors


IPGRI now uses the following definitions in genetic resources documentation:

Passport descriptors: These provide the basic information used for the general manage-
ment of the accession (including the registration at the genebank and other identification
information) and describe parameters that should be observed when the accession is origi-
nally collected.

Management descriptors: These provide the basis for the management of accessions in
the genebank and assist with their multiplication and regeneration.

Environment and site descriptors: These describe the environmental and site-specific
parameters that are important when characterization and evaluation trials are held. They
can be important for the interpretation of the results of those trials. Germplasm collecting
site descriptors are also included here.

Characterization descriptors: These enable an easy and quick discrimination between

phenotypes. They are generally highly heritable, can be easily seen by the eye and are
equally expressed in all environments. In addition, these may include a limited number of
additional traits thought desirable by a consensus of users of the particular crop.

Evaluation descriptors: Many of the descriptors in this category are susceptible to envi-
ronmental differences but are generally useful in crop improvement and others may in-
volve complex biochemical or molecular characterization. They include yield, agronomic
performance, stress susceptibilities and biochemical and cytological traits.

Characterization will normally be the responsibility of genebank curators, while evalua-

tion will typically be carried out elsewhere (possibly by a multidisciplinary team of scientists).
The evaluation data should be fed back to the genebank which will maintain a data file.

Minimum highly discriminating descriptors are marked with a star(*)·

The following internationally accepted norms for the scoring, coding and recording of
descriptor states should be followed:

(a) the Systeme International d'Unites (SI system) is used. The units to be applied are given
in square brackets following the descriptor name;

(b) standard colour charts, e.g. Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, Methuen Hand-
book of Colour, or Munsell Color Chart for Plant Tissues, are strongly recommended for
all ungraded colour characters (the precise chart used should be specified in the section
where it is used);
2 Descriptors for Avocado

(c) many quantitative characters which are continuously variable are recorded on a 1-9 scale,

1 Very low 6 Intermediate to high

2 Very low to low 7 High
3 Low 8 High to very high
4 Low to intermediate 9 Very high
5 Intermediate

is the expression of a character. The authors of this list have sometimes described only a
selection of the states, e.g. 3, 5 and 7 for such descriptors. Where this has occurred, the full
range of codes is available for use by extension of the codes given or by interpolation
between them, e.g. in Section 10 (Biotic stress susceptibility) 1 =very low susceptibility
and 9 =very high susceptibility;

(d) when a descriptor is scored using a 1-9 scale, such as in (c), 'O' would be scored when (i)
the character is not expressed; (ii) when a descriptor is inapplicable. In the following
example, 'O' will be recorded if an accession does not have a central leaf lobe:

Shape of central leaf lobe

3 Toothed
5 Elliptic
7 Linear

(e) absence/presence of characters is scored as in the following example:

Absence/presence of terminal leaflet

0 Absent
1 (or +) Present

(f) blanks are used for information not yet available;

(g) for accessions which are not generally uniform for a descriptor (e.g. mixed collection, ge-
netic segregation), the mean and standard deviation could be reported where the descrip-
tor is continuous. Where the descriptor is discontinuous, several codes in the order of
frequency could be recorded; or other publicized methods can be utilized, such as van
Hintum (1993), that clearly state a method for scoring heterogeneous accessions;

(h) dates should be expressed numerically in the format DDMMYYYY, where

DD 2 digits to represent the day

MM 2 digits to represent the month
YYYY - 4 digits to represent the year.
Passport 3


1. Accession descriptors

* 1.1 Accession number

This number serves as a unique identifier for accessions and is assigned when an acces-
sion is entered into the collection. Once assigned this number should never be reassigned
to another accession in the collection. Even if an accession is lost, its assigned number is
still not available for re-use. Letters should be used before the number to identify the
genebank or national system (e.g. IDG indicates an accession that comes from the genebank
at Bari, Italy; CGN indicates an accession from the genebank at Wageningen, The Nether-
lands; PI indicates an accession within the USA system)

1.2 Donor name

Name of institution or individual responsible for donating the germplasm

1.3 Donor number

Number assigned to an accession by the donor

1.4 Other number(s) associated with the accession

Any other identification number known to exist in other collections for this accession, e.g.
USDA Plant Inventory number (not Collecting number, see 2.3). Other numbers can be
added as 1.4.3, etc.
1.4.1 Other number 1
1.4.2 Other number 2

* 1.5 Scientific name

1.5.1 Genus
1.5.2 Species
1.5.3 Subspecies
1.5.4 Botanical variety

* 1.6 Race
1 Mexican
2 Guatemalan
3 West Indian (Antillian)
4 Other (specify in descriptor 1.14 Notes)

1.7 Pedigree
Parentage or nomenclature, and designations assigned to breeders' material
4 Descriptors for Avocado

1.8 Cultivar
1.8.1 Cultivar name
Either a registered or other formal cultivar designation given to the accession

1.8.2 TranslationlTransliteration
Provide translation of the local cultivar name into English

1.8.3 Synonyms
Include here any previous identification other than the current name. Collecting
number or newly assigned station name are frequently used as identifiers

1.9 Pollination group

1 Predominantly self-pollinated
2 Intermediate
3 Predominantly out-crossing

1.10 Acquisition date [DDMMYYYY]

Date on which the accession entered the collection

1.11 Type of material received

1 Zygotic embryo
2 Seed
3 Plant (including seedling)
4 Somatic tissue
5 Pollen
6 Other (specify in descriptor 1.14 Notes)

1.12 Accession size

Approximate number or weight of seeds, budwoods or plants of an accession in the

1.13 Type of maintenance

1 Clonal
2 Grafted
3 Seed
4 Vegetative and seed
5 Tissue culture
6 Other (specify in descriptor 1.14 Notes)

1.14 Notes
Any additional information may be specified here
Passport 5

2. Collecting descriptors

2.1 Collecting institute(s)

Institute(s) and people collecting/sponsoring the sample collection

2.2 Site number

Number assigned to the physical site by the collector

2.3 Collecting number

Original number assigned by the collector(s) of the sample, normally composed of the
name or initials of the collector(s) followed by a number. This item is essential for identify-
ing duplicates held in different collections. It should be unique and always accompany
subsamples wherever they are sent

2.4 Collecting date of original sample [DDMMYYYY]

2.5 Country of collecting

Name of the country in which the sample was collected or bred. Use the three-letter abbre-
viations from the International Standard (ISO) Codes for the representation of names of coun-
tries, No. 3166, 4th Edition. Copies of these are available from DIN: Deutsche Institut for
Normung e·.v., 10772 Berlin, Germany; Tel. 30-2601-2860; Fax 30-2601-1231, Tlx. 184 273-

2.6 Province/State
Name of the primary administrative subdivision of the country in which the sample was

2. 7 Department/County
Name of the secondary administrative subdivision (within a Province/State) of the coun-
try in which the sample was collected

2.8 Location of collecting site

Distance in kilometers and direction from the nearest town, village or map grid reference
point (e.g. CURITIBA 7S means 7 km south of Curitiba)

2.9 Latitude of collecting site

Degrees and minutes followed by N (North) or S (South) (e.g. 01030S)

2.1 O Longitude of collecting site

Degrees and minutes followed by E (East) or W (West) (e.g. 07625W)

* 2.11 Elevation of collecting site [m]

6 Descriptors for Avocado

2.12 Collecting source

1 Wild habitat
2 Farm land
3 Backyard
4 Market
5 Research organization
6 Other (specify in descriptor 2.27 Collector's notes)

2.13 Collecting source environment

Use descriptors 6.1.1 to 6.1.27 in section 6

2.14 Type of sample

Form of sample collected. If different types of material were collected from the same source,
each sample type should be designated with a unique collecting number and a corre-
sponding unique accession number
1 Vegetative
2 Seed
3 Pollen
4 Tissue culture (specify which part of the plant is used in descriptor 2.27
Collector's notes)

2.15 Status of sample

1 Wild
2 Weedy
3 Breeding/ research material
4 Land race
5 Advanced cultivar
6 Other (specify in descriptor 2.27 Collector's notes)

* 2.16 Local/vernacular name

Name given by farmer to crop and cultivar/landrace/weed. State language and dialect if
the ethnic group is not provided

2.17 Ethnic group

Name of the tribe of the farmer donating the sample or of the people living in the area of

2.18 Population size

Number of plants sampled. If estimated, provide method used (i) row per column count;
(ii) area per plant density; for both, allow for missing stands
Passport 7

2.19 Plant population density

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

2.20 Genetic erosion

Estimate of the rate at which genetic erosion of the species is occurring in the region of
3 Slow
5 Intermediate
7 Rapid

2.21 Cultural practices

2.21.1 Sowing date [DDMMYYYY]
2.21.2 Transplanting date [DDMMYYYY]
2.21.3 Harvest date [DDMMYYYY]
2.21.4 Irrigation
Specify amount, frequency, and method of application

2.22 Cropping system and associated flora

1 · Pure stand (clean weeded)
2 Pure stand (with weeds)
3 Pure stand (with planted cover)
4 Intercropped (specify crop in descriptor 2.27 Collector's notes)

2.23 Uses of the accession

1 Vegetable
2 Food
3 Spice
4 Vitamin
5 Oil
6 Medicinal
7 Ornamental
8 Timber
9 Other (specify in descriptor 2.27 Collector's notes)

2.24 Photograph
Was a photograph(s) taken of the accession or habitat at the time of collecting? If so, pro-
vide an identification number(s) in descriptor 2.27 Collector's notes
0 No
1 Yes
8 Descriptors for Avocado

2.25 Herbarium specimen

Was a herbarium specimen collected? If so, provide an identification number in descriptor
2.27 Collector's notes
0 No
1 Yes

2.26 Prevailing stresses

Information on associated biotic and abiotic stresses and the accession's reaction. Indicate
if disease indexing was done at the time of collecting

2.27 Collector's notes

Additional information recorded by the collector or any specific information on any state
in any of the above descriptors
Management 9


3. Seed management descriptors

3.1 Accession number (Passport 1.1)

3.2 Population identification (Passport 2.3)

Collecting number, pedigree, cultivar name, etc. depending on the population type

3.3 Storage address

(Building, room, shelf numbers/location in medium- and/ or long-term storage)

3.4 Storage date [DDMMYYYY]

3.5 Germination at storage (initial) [%]

3.6 Date of last germination test [DDMMYYYY]

3.7 Germination at the last test [%]

3.8 Date of next test [DDMMYYYY]

Date (estimate) when the accession should next be tested

3.9 Moisture content at harvest[%]

3.10 Moisture content at storage (initial)[%]

3.11 Amount of seed in storage(s) [g or number] (Passport 1.12)

3.12 Location of duplicates of this accession

(Within the host's programme)

4. Multiplication/Regeneration descriptors

4.1 Accession number (Passport 1.1)

4.2 Population identification (Passport 2.3)

Collecting number, pedigree, cultivar name, etc. depending on the population type

4.3 Field plot number

4.4 Location
1O Descriptors for Avocado

4.5 Collaborator

4.6 Cultural practices

4.6.1 Sowing date [DDMMYYYY]
4.6.2 Grafting date [DDMMYYYY]
4.6.3 Transplanting date [DDMMYYYY]
4.6.4 Harvest date [DDMMYYYY]
4.6.5 Irrigation
Specify amount, frequency and method of application

4.7 Sowing density [%]

4.8 Fertilizer application [g m·2 ]

4.9 Germination in the nursery [%]

4.10 Germination in the field [%]

4.11 Seedling vigour

Assessed at 18 days after emergence

4.12 Number of plants established by hectare

4.13 Number of plants used as seed source for each regeneration

4.14 Pollination method

1 Self pollinated
2 Often cross-pollinated
3 Cross pollinated

4.15 Pollen viability

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

4.16 Previous multiplication and/or regeneration

4.16.1 Location
4.16.2 Sowing date [DDMMYYYY]
4.16.3 Plot number

4.17 Number of times accession regenerated

Since the date of acquisition

4.18 Notes
Any additional information may be specified here
Environment and Site 11


5. Characterization and/or evaluation site descriptors

5.1 Country of characterization and/or evaluation

(See instructions in 2.5 Country of collecting)

5.2 Site (research institute)

5.2.1 Latitude
Degrees and minutes followed by N (North) or S (South) (e.g. 01030S)

5.2.2 Longitude
Degrees and minutes followed by E (East) or W (West) (e.g. 07625 W)

5.2.3 Elevation [m]

5.2.4 Name of farm or institute

5.3 Evaluator's name and address

5.4 Sowing date [DDMMYYYY]

5.5 Grafting date [DDMMYYYY]

5.6 Harvest date [DDMMYYYY]

5. 7 Evaluation environment
Environment in which characterization/ evaluation was carried out
1 Field
2 Screenhouse
3 Glasshouse/plastic house
4 Laboratory
5 Other (specify in descriptor 5.17 Notes)

5.8 Seed germination [%]

Specify number of days over which germination is measured

5.9 Field establishment [%]

5.1 O Number of days to planting after grafting

12 Descriptors for Avocado

5.11 Number of days to 50% field emergence

Emergence for each accession

5.12 Sowing/planting site in field

Give block, strip and/ or row /plot numbers as applicable, plants/plot, replication

5.13 Field spacing

5.13.1 Distance between plants in a row [m]
5.13.2 Distance between rows [m]

5.14 Environmental characteristics of site

Use descriptors 6.1.1 to 6.1.27 in section 6

5.15 Fertilizer
Specify types, doses, frequency of each, and method of application

5.16 Plant protection

Specify pesticides used, doses, frequency of each, and method of application

5.17 Notes
Any other site-specific information

6. Collecting and/or characterization/evaluation site environment descriptors

6.1 Site environment

6.1.1 Topography
* This refers to the profiles in elevation of the land surface on a broad scale.
The reference is FAO (1990)
1 Flat 0 0.5%
2 Almost flat 0.6 2.9%
3 Gently undulating 3 5.9%
4 Undulating 6 10.9%
5 Rolling 11 15.9%
6 Hilly 16 30%
7 Steeply dissected >30%, moderate elevation range
8 Mountainous >30%, great elevation range (>300 m)
9 Other (Specify in appropriate section's Notes)
Environment and Site 13

* 6.1.2 Higher level landform (general physiographic features)

The landform refers to the shape of the land surface in the area in which the site is
located (adapted from FAO 1990)
1 Plain
2 Basin
3 Valley
4 Plateau
5 Upland
6 Hill
7 Mountain

6.1.3 Second level landform (Adapted from FAO 1990)

1 Alluvial plain (A plain formed from the deposition of al-
luvium usually adjacent to a river that pe-
riodically overflows (aggraded valley
plain, river plain, wash plain, waste plain))
2 Coastal plain
3 Lacustrine plain
4 Glacial plain
5 Peneplain (Base-leveled plain) (Any land surface
changed almost to a plain by subaerial ero-
6 Pediment (A piedmont slope formed from a combi-
nation of mainly erosional processes; the
surface is chiefly bare rock but may have a
covering veneer of alluvium or gravel
(conoplain, piedmont interstream flat))
7 Volcano
8 Dunefield
9 Delta
10 Tidal flat (A marshy, sandy, or muddy nearly hori-
zontal coastal flatland which is alternately
covered and exposed as the tide rises and
11 Playa (A small, generally sandy land area at the
mouth of a stream or along the shore of a
12 Cay (A flat coral island)
13 Other (Specify in appropriate section's Notes)
14 Descriptors for Avocado

6.1.4 Land element and position

Description of the geomorphology of the immediate surroundings of the site
(adapted from FAO 1990). (See Fig. 1)
1 Plain level 17 Interdunal depression
2 Escarpment 18 Mangrove
3 Interfluve 19 Upper slope
4 Valley 20 Mid slope
5 Valley floor 21 Lower slope
6 Channel 22 Ridge
7 Levee 23 Beach
8 Terrace 24 Beachridge
9 Floodplain 25 Rounsummit
10 Lagoon 26 Summit
11 Pan 27 Coral atoll
12 Caldera 28 Drainage line (bottom position inflat
13 Open depression or almost-flat terrain)
14 Closed depression 29 Coral reef
15 Dune 30 Other (specify in appropriate
16 Longitudinal dune section's Notes)

6.1.5 Slope [0 ]
* Estimated slope of the site

6.1.6 Slope form

* It refers to the general shape of the slope in both the vertical and horizontal direc-
tions (FAO 1990)
1 Straight
2 Concave
3 Convex
4 Terraced
5 Complex (irregular)

6.1.7 Slope aspect

* The direction that the slope on which the accession was collected faces. Describe
the direction with symbols N, S, E, W (e.g. a slope that faces a southwestern direc-
tion has an aspect of SW)
Environment and Site 15

6.1.8 Crop agriculture

(From PAO 1990) Annual field cropping
1 Shifting cultivation
2 Fallow system cultivation
3 Ley system cultivation
4 Rainfed arable cultivation
5 Wet rice cultivation
6 Irrigated cultivation Perennial field cropping

1 Non-irrigated cultivation
2 Irrigated cultivation

Fig. 1 Land element and position

16 Descriptors for Avocado

6.1.9 Overall vegetation surrounding and at the site

(From FAO 1990)
1 Grassland (Grasses, subordinate forbs, no woody spe-
2 Forbland (Herbaceous plants predominant)
3 Forest (Continuous tree layer, crowns overlap-
ping, large number of tree and shrub spe-
cies in distinct layers)
4 Woodland (Continuous tree layer, crowns usually not
touching, understorey may be present)
5 Shrub land (Continuous layer of shrubs, crowns touch-
6 Savanna (Grasses with a discontinuous layer of trees
or shrubs)
7 Other (Specify in appropriate section's Notes)

* 6.1.10 Soil parent material

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
Two lists of examples of parent material and rock are given below. The reliability
of the geological information and the knowledge of the local lithology will deter-
mine whether a general or a specific definition of the parent material can be given.
Saprolite is used if the in situ weathered material is thoroughly decomposed, clay-
rich but still showing rock structure. Alluvial deposits and colluvium derived from
a single rock type may be further specified by that rock type Unconsolidated material

1 Aeolian deposits 10 Volcanic ash
(unspecified) 11 Loess
2 Aeolian sand 12 Pyroclastic deposits
3 Littoral deposits 13 Glacial deposits
4 Lagoonal deposits 14 Organic deposits
5 Marine deposits 15 Colluvial deposits
6 Lacustrine deposits 16 In situ weathered
7 Pluvial deposits 17 Saprolite
8 Alluvial deposits 18 (Specify in appropriate
9 Unconsolidated section's Notes)
Environment and Site 17 Rock type

1 Acid igneous I 16 Limestone
metamorphic rock 17 Dolomite
2 Granite 18 Sandstone
3 Gneiss 19 Quartzitic sandstone
4 Granite/ gneiss 20 Shale
5 Quartzite 21 Marl .
6 Schist 22 Travertine
7 Andesite 23 Conglomerate
8 Diorite 24 Siltstone
9 Basic igneous I 25 Tuff
metamorphic rock 26 Pyroclastic rock
10 Ultra basic rock 27 Evaporite
11 Gabbro 28 Gypsum rock
12 Basalt 29 Other (specify in
13 Dolerite appropriate section's
14 Volcanic rock Notes)
15 Sedimentary rock 30 Not known

6.1.11 Stoniness/rockiness/hardpan/cementation
1 Tillage unaffected
2 Tillage affected
3 Tillage difficult
4 Tillage impossible
5 Essentially paved

* 6.1.12 Soil drainage

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
3 Poorly drained
5 Moderately drained
7 Well drained

6.1.13 Flooding
(From FAO 1990)
Flooding or temporary inundation is described according to its estimated frequency,
duration and sampling depth. Information may be obtained from records of past
flooding or from local enquiry. The frequency and duration classes should give an
indication of the average occurrence of inundation

6.1.14 Soil salinity

* 1 <160 ppm dissolved salts
2 160 - 240 ppm
3 241 - 480 ppm
4 >480 ppm
18 Descriptors for Avocado

6.1.15 Qua Iity of the groundwater

(From FAO 1990)
1 Saline
2 Brackish
3 Fresh
4 Polluted
5 Oxygenated
6 Stagnating

* 6.1.16 Soil depth to groundwater table

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
The depth to the groundwater table, if present, as well as an estimate of the ap-
proximate annual fluctuation, should be given. The maximum rise of the ground-
water table can be inferred approximately from changes in profile colour in many,
but not all, soils
1 0-25cm
2 25.l-50cm
3 50.1 - 100 cm
4 100.1 - 150 cm
5 >150 cm

6.1.17 Soil moisture

Moisture conditions prevailing in the soil at the time of collecting should be given
together with the depth. Attention should be paid to unusual moisture conditions
caused by unseasonal weather, prolonged exposure of the profile, flooding, etc.
(from FAO 1990)
3 Dry
5 Slightly moist
7 Moist
9 Wet

6.1.18 Soil pH
* Actual value of the soil within the following root depths around the accession pH at 10-15 cm pH at 30-60 cm pH at 60-90 cm

6.1.19 Soil erosion

* 3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High
Environment and Site 19

6.1.20 Soil matrix colour

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
The colour of the soil matrix material in the root zone around the accession is
recorded in the moist condition (or both dry and moist condition, if possible) using
the notation for hue, value and chroma as given in the Munsell Soil Color Charts
(Munsell 1975). If there is no dominant soil matrix colour, the horizon is described
as mottled and two or more colours are given and should be registered under
uniform conditions. Early morning and late evening readings are not accurate.
Provide depth of measurement [cm]. If colour chart is not available, the following
states may be used

1 White 7 Reddish brown 12 Grey

2 Red 8 Yellowish 13 Greyish
3 Reddish brown 14 Blue
4 Yellowish red 9 Yellow 15 Bluish-black
5 Brown 10 Reddish yellow 16 Black
6 Brownish 11 Greenish, green

6.1.21 Soil organic matter content

1 Nil (as in arid zones)
3 Low (as in long-term cultivation in a tropical setting)
5 Medium (as in recently cultivated but not yet much depleted)
7 High (as in never cultivated, and in recently cleared forest)
9 Peaty

* 6.1.22 Rock fragments

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
Large rock and mineral fragments (>2 mm) are described according to abundance
1 0-2%
2 2.1- 5%
3 5.1 -15%
4 15.1 - 40%
5 40.1- 80%
6 >80%
20 Descriptors for Avocado

6.1.23 Soil texture classes

(Adapted from FAO 1990)
For convenience in determining the texture classes of the following list, particle
size classes are given for each of the fine earth fractions below. (See Fig. 2)
1 Clay 12 Coarse sandy loam
2 Loam 13 Loamy sand
3 Clay loam 14 Loamy very fine sand
4 Silt 15 Loamy fine sand
5 Silty clay 16 Loamy coarse sand
6 Silty clay loam 17 Very fine sand
7 Silt loam 18 Fine sand
8 Sandy clay 19 Medium sand
9 Sandy clay loam 20 Coarse sand
10 Sandy loam 21 Sand, unsorted
11 Fine sandy loam 22 Sand, unspecified

percent sand

Fig. 2 Soil texture classes

Environment and Site 21 Soil particle size classes

* (Adapted from FAO 1990)
1 Clay <2µm
2 Fine silt 2 - 20 µm
3 Coarse silt 21 - 63 µm
4 Very fine sand 64 - 125 µm
5 Fine sand 126 - 200 µm
6 Medium sand 201 - 630 µm
7 Coarse sand 631 - 1250 µm
8 Very coarse sand 1251 - 2000 µm

6.1.24 Soil taxonomic classification

As detailed a classification as possible should be given. This may be taken from a
soil survey map. State class (e.g. Alfisols, Spodosols, Vertisols, etc.)

* 6.1.25 Water availability

1 Rainfed
2 Irrigated
3 Flooded
4 River banks
5 Sea coast
6 Other (specify in appropriate section's Notes)

6.1.26 Soil fertility

General assessment of the soil fertility based on existing vegetation
3 Low
5 Moderate
7 High

6.1.27 Climate of the site

Should be assessed as close to the site as possible Temperature [°C)

Provide either the diurnal (mean, maximum, minimum) or the sea-
sonal (mean, maximum, minimum) Rainfall [mm]

Annual average (state number of recorded years) Wind [km s· 1]

Annual average (state number of years recorded) Frequency of typhoons or hurricane force winds
22 Descriptors for Avocado

6.1.27 .3.2 Date of most recent typhoons or hurricane force

winds [DDMMYYYY] Annual maximum wind velocity [km s-11

6.1.27 .4 Frost Date of most recent frost [DDMMYYYY] Lowest temperature [°C]
Specify seasonal average and minimum survived
6.1.27 .4.3 Duration of temperature below freezing [d] Relative humidity Relative humidity diurnal range [%] Relative humidity seasonal range [%] Light
3 Shady
7 Sunny

6.1.28 Other
(Specify in appropriate section's Notes)
Characterization 23


7. Plant descriptors
For all colour descriptors, RHS colour codes are given in parentheses beside descriptor states

7.1 Overall tree

For descriptors 7.1.1-7.1.6, specify number of trees characterized per accession

7.1.1 Tree age [y]

7.1.2 Tree type

1 Seedling
2 Grafted
3 Clonal Rootstock type

(If appropriate)
1 Seedling
2 Clonal

7.1.3 Tree vigour

3 Weak
5 Intermediate
7 Strong

7.1.4 Tree spread [m]

Measured as the mean diameter using two directions

7.1.5 Tree height [m]

From ground level to the top of the tree (if grafted, record also height of graft
union and rootstock name). Evaluate only unpruned trees

7.1.6 Tree shape

(See Fig. 3)
1 Columnar
2 Pyramidal
3 Obovate
4 Rectangular
5 Circular
6 Semicircular
7 Semielliptic
8 Irregular
9 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)
24 Descriptors for Avocado

1- / .,, - '\...

>~~i~;w 3 4

.. ·.:'~&i:~ ,,,, ·-- . · . i

*~:12:. 5 6 7 8

Fig. 3 Tree shape

7.1.7 Trunk surface

* 3 Smooth
7 Rough
9 Very rough

7.1.8 Trunk circumference (cm)

Recorded at 30 cm above ground level

7.1.9 Branching pattern

(See Fig. 4)
1 Extensive (one branch arises below apex of twig with
each flush of growth)
2 Intensive (several branches arise below apex of twig
with each flush of growth)
3 Both patterns (record prominent one)
Characterization 25

Fig. 4 Branching pattern

7.1.10 Distribution of branches

(See Fig. 5)
1 Ascendant
2 Irregular
3 Verticillate
4 Axial
5 Horizontal


2 3


Fig. 5 Distribution of branches

26 Descriptors for Avocado

7.1.11 Crotch angle of main branches

(See Fig. 6)
1 Acute ( 90°)
2 Obtuse (>90°)

Fig. 6 Crotch angle of main branches

7.1.12 Extension growth of twigs [cm]

Measured after major growth flush following harvest. Mean of 10 randomly se-
lected twigs

7.1.13 lnternode length of twigs [cm]

* Measured at the intermediate part of the twig, after current season's growth has
ceased. Mean of 10 randomly selected twigs

7.1.14 Twig diameter [cm]

* Of current shoot at an internode of the intermediate part of the twig, measured
after current season's growth has ceased. Mean of 10 randomly selected twigs

* 7.1.15 Colour of young twig

(Including young leaves of the shoot tip)
1 Yellow (yellow-orange group 14D)
2 Green (green group 141A)
3 Red (greyed-orange group 166A)
4 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.1.16 Surface of young twig

* 1 Glabrous
2 Pubescent
Characterization 27

7.1.17 Colour of lenticels of young twig

1 Ivory (yellow-white group 158A)
2 Green (green group 137A)
3 Brown (grey-brown group 199A)
4 Red (greyed-red group 180B)
5 Purple (purple group 79A)
6 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

* 7.1.18 Leaf shape

Record on midspring flush leaf. (See Fig. 7)
1 Ovate
2 Narrowly obovate
3 Obovate
4 Oval
5 Roundish
6 Cordiform
7 Lanceolate
8 Oblong
9 Oblong-lanceolate
10 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

Fig. 7 Leaf shape

28 Descriptors for Avocado

7.1.19 Leaf base shape

(See Fig. 8)
1 Acute
2 Obtuse
3 Truncate

2 3

Fig. 8 Leaf base shape

7.1.20 Leaf blade length [cm]

Average of 10 mature leaves

7.1.21 Pubescence of leaf under surface

* 3 Sparse
5 Intermediate
7 Dense

7.1.22 Pubescence of leaf upper surface

3 Sparse
5 Intermediate
7 Dense

7.1.23 Colour of mature leaves

1 Light green (green group 141D)
2 Green (green group 141A)
3 Dark green (green group 139A)

7.1.24 Groove on petiole

0 Absent
1 Present
Characterization 29

For the following descriptors all records should be taken from midspring flush leaf

7.1.25 Crotch angle of leaf petiole

(See Fig. 9)
1 Acute ( 90°)
2 Obtuse (>90°)

Fig. 9 Crotch angle of leaf petiole

7 .1.26 Leaf margin

(See Fig. 10)
1 Entire
2 Undulate

Fig. 10 Leaf margin

7.1.27 Number of primary veins

7.1.28 Relief of venation on upper surface
3 Sunken
5 Intermediate
7 Raised

* 7.1.29 Primary leaf vein divergence relative to the main vein [0 ]

At middle part of the leaf. (See Fig. 11)
30 Descriptors for Avocado

Fig. 11 Primary leaf vein divergence relative to the main vein

7.1.30 Leaf apex shape

(See Fig. 12)
1 Very acute
3 Acute
5 Intermediate
7 Obtuse
9 Very obtuse

. . &. ..... ~.... . . /!\........~.......~. .

3 5 7 9

Fig. 12 Leaf apex shape

7.1.31 Leaf texture

3 Soft
5 Semihard
7 Hard
9 Veryhard

7.1.32 Anise smell

(Leaf must be crushed)
3 Weak
5 Intermediate
7 Strong
Characterization 31

7.2 Flower

7.2.1 Number of years to flowering after planting [y]

7.2.2 Season of flowering and duration

If possible, indicate the flowering season of a known cultivar First sign of flower buds [DDMMYYYY] First flowers open [DDMMYYYY] End of flowering [DDMMYYYY]

7.2.3 Secondary flowering

0 Absent
1 Present

7.2.4 Leaf defoliation

Recorded while flowering
3 Partial
9 Full

7.2.5 Flowering type

Recorded after five observations. (See Fig. 13)
1 TypeA
2 Type B
3 Unknown

a.m. p.m.

Pistillate sta e Staminate stage
~ Type A functionally ?emale functionally male


ii: p.m.

Pistillate sta e ~ :/~---- Staminate stage

Type B . functionally ?emale \. functionally male

Fig. 13 Flowering type

32 Descriptors for Avocado

7.2.6 Inflorescence position

1 Terminal
2 Subterminal
3 Axillary
4 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.2.7 Flower colour

1 Cream (yellow group 4D)
2 Yellow (yellow group SB)
3 Green (yellow-green group 149C)
4 Brown (greyed-orange group 164B)
5 Reddish (red group 40B)
6 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

* 7.2.8 Petal pubescence

Specify if it is observed in the inner or outer parts
3 Sparse
5 Intermediate
7 Dense

7.2.9 Sepal pubescence

* Specify if it is observed in the inner or outer parts
3 Sparse
5 Intermediate
7 Dense

For descriptors 7.2.10-7.2.15 an average of five observations per accession should be made

7.2.10 Number of flowers per inflorescence

7.2.11 Number of inflorescence ramifications

7.2.12 Length of inflorescence main axis [cm]

7.2.13 Pedicel length [mm]

(See Fig. 14)

7.2.14 Petal length [mm]

(See Fig. 14)

7.2.15 Sepal length [mm]

(See Fig. 14)
Characterization 33




Inflorescence axis

Fig. 14 Avocado flower

7.2.16 Flower style

1 Straight
2 Kinked
3 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.2.17 Absence/presence of pollen

0 Absent
1 Present

7.2.18 Absence/presence of nectary stalks

0 Absent
1 Present

7.3 Fruit

7.3.1 Number of years to first fruiting after planting (y)

34 Descriptors for Avocado

Number of days from flowering to fruit maturity [d]

* 7.3.2

7.3.3 Season of fruiting

* If possible, indicate the fruiting season of a known cultivar Starting date [DDMMYYYY] Ending date [DDMMYYYY]

7 .3.4 Fruiting habit

Specify number of trees evaluated per accession
1 Single isolated fruit
2 Clusters

* 7.3.5 Fruit shape

Specify number of fruits evaluated. (See Fig. 15)
1 Oblate
2 Spheroid
3 High spheroid
4 Ellipsoid
5 Narrowly obovate
6 Obovate
7 Pyriform
8 Clavate
9 Rhomboidal
10 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

6 :

2 4

5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 15 Fruit shape

Characterization 35

7.3.6 Fruit length [cm]

Average of five fruits

7.3.7 Fruit diameter [cm]

Measured at the broadest part. Average of five fruits

7.3.8 Fruit size uniformity

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

7.3.9 Fruit weight [g]

Average of five fruits

7.3.10 Fruit base shape

(See Fig. 16)
1 Depressed
2 Flattened
3 Inflated
4 Pointed

.... /....:~.~.~~-··· 2 3 4

Fig. 16 Fruit base shape

7.3.11 Fruit apex shape

(See Fig. 17)
1 Deeply depressed
2 Slightly depressed
3 Flattened
4 Rounded
5 Pointed
36 Descriptors for Avocado

a 0. ~- ....: ..... .

_ _· .
lJ 3
4 5

Fig. 17 Fruit apex shape

7.3.12 Fruit apex position

(See Fig. 18)
1 Central
2 Asymmetric

.· .·

Fig. 18 Fruit apex position

7.3.13 Ridges on fruit

(See Fig. 19)
1 None (Absent)
2 Partial
3 Entire
Characterization 37

~ ~
'0 ~

Fig. 19 Ridges on fruit

7.3.14 Gloss of fruit skin

3 Weak
5 Medium
7 Strong

7.3.15 Pedicel position on fruit

(See Fig. 20)
1 Central
2 Asymmetrical
3 Very asymmetrical
4 Extremely asymmetrical

2 3 4

Fig. 20 Pedicel position on fruit

38 Descriptors for Avocado

* 7 .3.16 Pedicel shape

(See Fig. 21)
1 Cylindrical
2 Conical
3 Rounded
4 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

..... .............................
. ,• ·· .· .... .

2 3

Fig. 21 Pedicel shape

7.3.17. Nailhead pedicel apex shape

(See Fig. 22)
0 Absent
1 Present

.............. .
~ .;.~~~~~~~; .....

Fig. 22 Nailhead pedicel apex shape

For descriptors 7.3.18-7.3.21, five observations per accession should be taken

7.3.18 Peduncle length [cm]

Including the pedicel. (See Fig. 23)
Characterization 39

7.3.19 Peduncle diameter [mm]

Recorded at the middle part

7.3.20 Pedicel length [cm]

(If it can be distinguished). (See Fig. 23)

... ·~ : ' .: .-. .: ..' .: ;.';: \.

_ _ _ _ _ _ Peduncle

Pedicel -- _ _ _ _ _ _ Pedicel base

_ _ _ _ _ _ Pedicel apex

Fig. 23 Peduncle and pedicel

7.3.21 Pedicel colour

Recorded in mature fruits which grow in the shade
1 Yellow (yellow group 8A)
2 Green (yellow-green group 145A)
3 Orange (orange-red group 32A)
4 Red (red group 43A)
5 Brown (greyed-orange group 177B)
6 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.3.22 Conspicuousness of junction of pedicel with peduncle

1 Conspicuous
2 Inconspicuous

7.3.23 Absence/presence of perianth

0 Absent
1 Present

7.3.24 Fruit skin surface

3 Smooth
5 Intermediate
7 Rough
40 Descriptors for Avocado

7.3.25 Fruit skin colour

* Ripe fruits
1 Light green (green group 142A)
2 Green (green group 141B)
3 Dark green (green group 135A)
4 Yellow (yellow-green group 154A)
5 Red (orange-red group 30C)
6 Purple (purple group 79C)
7 Black (black group 202A)
8 Speckled
9 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.3.26 Fruit skin thickness

* Average of five observations per accession
3 lmm
5 2mm
7 3mm

7.3.27 Lenticel size on fruit

3 Small
5 Intermediate
7 Large

7.3.28 Density of lenticels on fruit

3 Sparse
5 Intermediate
7 Dense

7.3.29 Corky lenticel

0 Absent
1 Present

For descriptors 7.3.30 - 7.3.33 records should be taken using mature fruits

7.3.30 Pliability of fruit skin

1 Pliable
2 Brittle

7.3.31 Adherence of skin to flesh

3 Slight
5 Intermediate
7 Strong
Characterization 41

7.3.32 Colour of flesh next to skin

Average of five ripe fruits
1 Ivory (yellow group 4D)
2 Light yellow (yellow-green group 154D)
3 Yellow (yellow group 6B)
4 Deep yellow (yellow group 7A)
5 Light green (yellow-green group 145A)
6 Green (yellow-green group 144A)
7 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.3.33 Colour of flesh next to seed

1 Ivory (yellow group 4D)
2 Light yellow (yellow-green group 154D)
3 Yellow (yellow group 6B)
4 Deep yellow (yellow group 7A)
5 Light green (yellow-green group 145A)
6 Green (yellow-green group 144A)
7 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

For descriptors 7.3.34 - 7.3.43 records should be taken using ripe fruits

7.3.34 Flesh texture

* 1 Watery
2 Buttery
3 Pastose (doughy)
4 Granular
5 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

7.3.35 Sweetness of flesh

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

7.3.36 Bitterness of flesh

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

7.3.37 Nut taste of flesh

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High
42 Descriptors for Avocado

7.3.38 Fibre in flesh

Presence of fibre in tasted flesh of ripe fruits
3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

7.3.39 General taste of flesh

1 Verypoor
3 Poor
5 Fair
7 Good
9 Excellent

7.3.40 Degree of discolouration of open fruit after 4 h

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High

7.3.41 Colour of discolouration

1 Blue
2 Brown
3 Grey
4 Black

7.3.42 Storage days of fruit [d]

Number of days to softening (ripening) at room temperature (20°C)

7.3.43 Shelf life of fruit [d]

Number of days ripe fruit keeps at room temperature (20°C)

7.4 Seed

* 7 .4.1 Seed shape

(See Fig. 24)
1 Oblate
2 Spheroid
3 Ellipsoid
4 Ovate
5 Broadly ovate
6 Cordiform
7 Base flattened, apex rounded
8 Base flattened, apex conical
9 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)
Characterization 43

Q .
(} 2

() 3
. () 4



0 6

7 8

Fig. 24 Seed shape

7.4.2 Seed weight [g]

7.4.3 Cotyledon surface

* 3 Smooth
5 Intermediate
7 Rough

7.4.4 Attachment of cotyledons

0 Not attached
1 Attached

7 .4.5 Cotyledon colour

1 Ivory (white group 155A)
2 Cream (yellow-white group 158B)
3 Yellow (yellow-orange group 20B)
4 Pink (red group 38B)
5 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

For descriptors 7.4.6-7.4.9, average of five fruits per accession

7.4.6 Length of seed cavity [cm]

7.4.7 Diameter of seed cavity [cm]

7.4.8 Length of seed [cm]

7.4.9 Diameter of seed [cm]

44 Descriptors for Avocado

7.4.10 Seed coat

Ripe fruits
1 Seed not free, coat not attached to the flesh
2 Seed not free, coat attached to the flesh
3 Seed free, coat not attached to the flesh
4 Seed free, coat attached to the flesh

7.4.11 Seed position in fruit

1 Basal
2 Central
3 To one side
4 Apical

7 .4.12 Free space of the seed cavity

(If appropriate.) Specify time of measurement. (See Fig. 25)
1 Space on seed apex
2 Space on seed base
3 Space on seed apex and base
4 Other (specify in descriptor 7.5 Notes)

2 3

Fig. 25 Free space of seed cavity

7.4.13 Shape of seed cross-section

1 Circular
2 Elliptical

7.4.14 Embryo axis position [mm]

Relative to the cotyledon length. Indicate position from the base of the cotyledons

7.5 Notes
Any additional information, especially in the category of 'other' under various descrip-
tors above, may be specified here
Evaluation 45


8. Plant descriptors

8.1 Fruit

8.1.1 Yield per tree (kg y- 1]

Average of eight trees per accession

8.1.2 Yield behaviour

Average of eight trees per accession
1 Continuous
2 Alternate
3 Erratic

Productivity [kg m·21

* 8.1.3
Average of eight trees per accession. Yield relative to tree canopy size calculated
from length and width

8.1.4 Number of days fruit is held on tree after reaching maturity (d]

8.1.5 Flesh oil[%]

* Taken from mature fruit (not ripe). Indicate method of estimation

8.1.6 Oil composition

8.2 Notes
Specify here any additional information

9. Abiotic stress susceptibility

Scored under artificial and/ or natural conditions, which should be clearly specified. These
are coded on a susceptibility scale from 1 to 9:

1 Very low or no visible sign of susceptibility

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High
9 Veryhigh

9.1 Low temperature

9.2 High temperature

46 Descriptors for Avocado

9.3 Waterlogging

9.4 Drought

9.5 Heavy and compact soil (lack of aeration)

9.6 Iron chlorosis

9.7 Saline soil

9.8 Alkaline soil

9.9 Saline water

9.10 Wind

9.11 Notes
Specify here any additional information

1O. Biotic stress susceptibility

In each case, it is important to state the origin of the infestation or infection, i.e. natural, field
inoculation, laboratory. Indicate the age of plant when damage is observed. Record such infor-
mation in descriptor 10.5 Notes. These are coded on a susceptibility scale from 1to9:

1 "Very low or no visible sign of susceptibility

3 Low
5 Intermediate
7 High
9 Veryhigh

10.1 Pests
Causal organism Pest or common name

10.1.1 Oligonychus spp. Redmite

10.1.2 Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis Thrips
10.1.3 Trioza anceps Leaf gall
10.1.4 Conotrachelus aguacatae Seed weevil
10.1.5 Copturus aguacatae Branch weevil (borer)
Evaluation 47

10.2 Fungi

Causal organism Disease or common name

10.2.1 Phytophthora cinnamomi Root rot

10.2.2 Phytophthora citricola Collar rot
10.2.3 Sphaceloma perseae Fruit scab
10.2.4 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Anthracnose ·
(teleomorph: Glomerella cingulata)
10.2.5 Nectria galligena Trunk canker
10.2.6 Verticillium albo-atrum Wilt (Dieback)
10.2.7 Diplodia phomopsis Stem-end rot
(teleomorph: Botryodiplodia theobromae)

10.3 Bacteria

10.3.1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens Crown gall

10.3.2 Pseudomonas syringae Fruit blast

10.4 Viruses and virus-like agents

10.4.1 Avocado sunblotch viroid ASBVd

10.4.2 Unknown Black streak

10.5 Notes
Specify here any additional information

11. Biochemical markers

11.1 lsozyme
For each enzyme, indicate the tissue analysed and the zymogram type. A particular en-
zyme can be recorded as 11.1.1; 11.1.2, etc.

11.2 Other biochemical markers

(e.g. Polyphenol profile)

12. Molecular markers

Describe any specific discriminating or useful trait for this accession. Report probe-enzyme
combination analyzed

12.1 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism {RFLP)

48 Descriptors for Avocado

12.2 Other molecular markers

(e.g. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD); Specific Amplicon Polymorphism

13. Cytological characters

13.1 Chromosome number

13.2 Ploidy level

(e.g. aneuploid or structural rearrangement)

13.3 Other cytological characters

14. Identified genes

Describe any known specific mutant present in the accession
References 49


FAO. 1990. Guidelines for Soil Profile Description, 3rd edition (revised). Food andAgriculture
Organization of the United Nations, International Soil Reference Information Centre, Land
and Water Development Division. FAO, Rome.

Munsell Color. 1977. Munsell Color Charts for Plant Tissues, 2nd edition, revised. Munsell
Color, Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Corporation, 2441 North Calvert Street, Baltimore,
Maryland 21218, USA.

Royal Horticultural Society, 1966, c. 1986. R.H.S. Colour Chart [ed. 1, 2]. Royal Horticultural
Society, London.

van Hintum, Th. J.L. 1993. A computer compatible system for scoring heterogeneous popula-
tions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 40:133-136.
50 Descriptors for Avocado


Dr. Alejandro F. Barrientos Priego Dr. Arturo Cedeno-Maldonado

Professor-Researcher Professor and Plant Physiologist
Departamento de Fitotecnia Department of Horticulture
Universidad Aut6noma Chapingo College of Agricultural Sciences
Chapingo, University of Puerto-Rico
Estado de Mexico C.P. 56230 Mayaguez, PR 00681-5000.
Mexico Puerto Rico

Dr. Avraham D. Ben-Ya'acov Dr. Costas Gregoriou

Horticulturist Curator
Agricultural Research Organization Agricultural Research Institute (ARI)
The Vokani Center Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Re-
Institute of Horticulture sources
P.O. Box6 P.O. Box 2016
Bet-Dagan, 50-250 Nicosia
Israel Cyprus

Dr. Michal W. Borys Dr. P.J. Ito

Professor-Researcher Horticulturist
Departamento de Fitotecnia Hawaii Branch Station
Universidad Aut6noma Chapingo College of Tropical Agriculture
Chapingo and Human Resources
Estado de Mexico C.P. 56230 University of Hawaii
Mexico 461 W. Lanikaula Street
Hilo, Hawaii 96720-4090
Dr. Gebhard Bufler USA
Institut for Obst-, Gemiise- und Weinbau Dr. E. Lahav
Universitat Hohenheim (370) Agricultural Research Organization
Postfach 700562 The Vokani Center
7000 Stuttgart 70 Institute of Horticulture
Germany P.O. Box 6
Bet-Dagan, 50-250
Dr. Eulogio de la Cruz Torres Israel
Fundaci6n Salvador Sanchez Colin-
Ignacio Zaragoza No.6
Coatepec Harinas
Estado de Mexico C.P. 51700
Contributors 51

Eng. Luis Lopez Lopez Dr. D.N. Zamet

Researcher Hava Eizorit
Fundacion Salvador Sanchez Colin- Ministry of Agriculture
Ignacio Zaragoza No.6 Israel
Coatepec Harinas
Estado de Mexico C.P. 51700

Dr. Simon E. Malo

Escuela Agricola Panamericana
El Zamorano
P.O. Box 93

Eng. Salvador Montes Hernandez

Inv. Programa de Recursos Geneticos
Campo Experimental Bajio
Apdo. Postal 112
Celaya, Gto.

Dr. Martin Rubi Arriaga

Fundacion Salvador Sanchez Colin-
Ignacio Zaragoza No.6
Coatepec Harinas
Estado de Mexico C.P. 51700

Dr. Ruben Velez Colon

Project Leader
University of Puerto Rico
College of Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Experiment Station
HC-02 - Box 7115
Juana Diaz - PR 00665-9601
Puerto Rico
52 Descriptors for Avocado


IPGRI wishes to place on record their sincere thanks to the numerous avocado workers around
the world who have contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the Descriptors
for Avocado.

Ms Adriana Alercia supervised the drafting and re-drafting of the text up to the pre-pub-
lication stage; Ms Pina di Pilla drew the illustrations; Ms Layla Daoud contributed to typing
the text, Ms Linda Sears edited the text and Ms Patrizia Tazza drew the cover and prepared the
layout. Scientific direction was provided by Dr Mark Perry. Mr Paul Stapleton managed the
production of the publication.

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