13.Ms-Plumbing and Drainage Work
13.Ms-Plumbing and Drainage Work
13.Ms-Plumbing and Drainage Work
Plumbing Definition:
Plumbing is installed in a building not only for convenience & comfort but also for sanitation &
health. We would term the plumbing of a building to start from the water main, utilize the water in
the entire building and right up to the connecting the sewage to the municipal sewer.
General Terms
a) Static Pressure:
Pressure head in term used in fluid mechanics to represent the internal energy of a fluid due to the
pressure exerted on its container. It may also be called static pressure head or simply static head.
The static head of pump is the maximum height (pressure) it can deliver. The capacity of the pump
can be read from its Q-H curve (flow Vs. height)
c) Friction Loss:
Friction loss refers to that portion of pressure lost by resistance to flow exerted on fluids while
moving through a pipe, hose or other limited space.
d) Water hammer:
Water hammer is a very loud banging, knocking or hammering noise in the pipes that occurs when
the flow is suddenly turned off. It is caused by a pressure or shock wave that travels faster than the
speed of sound through the pipes, brought on by a sudden stop in the velocity of the water or a
change in the direction. It’s also been described as a rumbling, shaking vibration in the pipes.
e) Cavitation:
Cavitation is defined as the phenomenon of vapour bubbles of a flowing liquid in a region where the
pressure of the liquid falls below its vapour pressure.
f) Air Lock:
An air lock is gas trapped in a high point of a liquid – filled pipes system. The gas, being lighter than
the liquid, rises to the highest point and restricts the flow of liquid. In very tall systems, the gas can
prevent flow entirely. Flushing the system with high flow or pressure can help move the gas away
from the highest point, or a tap/air vent valve can be installed to permit the gas to be vented.
All G I pipes and fittings shall be of the diameter and size as specified on the drawing. Class of all G I
pipes shall be checked by comparing their weights as per table attached (Table 1). Colour marked on
pipes shall not be followed blindly. Wall thickness of pipes shall also be checked.
All PVC pipes and fittings shall be of the diameter and size as specified on the drawing or as specified
by Architect.
It is desirable always to have provisions of door type fitting at each bend (in a drainage line) and for
line laid horizontally provision of cleanouts are kept before the branch connections, bends and at
specific intervals of 6 mtrs.
D) CPVC Pipes (Internal & External Plumbing):
CPVC pipes shall be visually inspected for any cracks or defects. Plastic clamps from the same
manufacturer should be preferred as far as possible. Metal clamps for CPVC pipes should be avoided.
All CPVC pipes and fittings shall be of the diameter and size specified on the drawing or as specified
by Architect.
For all pipes other than G I, manufacturer’s test certificate for following tests for pipes shall be
obtained and properly filed in at site, for easy reference:
Hot water pressure test
Pigment dispersion & physical dimension test
Reversion test
Impact test
Melt flow index test
K) Other Fixtures
(Internal Plumbing):
Other fixtures like Nahani Traps, WC Traps, Bottle Traps, EWC, wash Basins, Sinks, Anti Siphon pipes,
other WC fittings etc. shall be checked for any cracks, defects etc. Their size, shape and make shall be
as shown on the drawings or as mentioned in the specifications.
(External Plumbing):
Other fixtures like Pressure reducing valves, Gate valves, Foot valves, G I spouts, Clamps for pipes
etc shall be checked for any cracks.
Their size, shape and make shall be as shown on the drawings or as specified by Architect.
L) Sealants:
All sealants shall be of approved make.
Teflon tape shall be used as a thread sealant for GI / CPVC pipes.
Lead / Drip seal shall be used for jointing of CI pipes or otherwise specified by Architect.
“Habak”, “Tag”. “Hold tight” shall be of approved make.
For jointing of CPVC pipes and fittings, one step / two step solvent cement with primer as
recommended by the CPVC pipe manufacturer / as specified by Architect shall be followed.
A) Internal Plumbing and Internal Drainage:
Pre Installation Procedures (internal plumbing / internal drainage works):
1) A licensed plumber shall be employed to carry out all plumbing works and a Photo Copy of his
license shall be kept ready for producing before any authorized agency coming for inspection.
2) It shall be ensured that base coat of toilet water-proofing is complete before staring any of the
following procedure.
3) It is necessary to have ledge walls for RCC shear walls for concealed plumbing network and the
base coat waterproofing should be necessarily done before laying of ledge walls.
4) Toilet walls shall be clearly marked with proposed tile locations (using nylon string dipped in white
colour solution) showing tile joints, routing pipelines over walls, locations of fittings and proposed
outlet of pipes. (Concerned architectural drawing showing exact distances from walls and finished
floor level (FFL) of toilet, shall be referred to while doing so and the drawing shall be kept ready for
inspection). Slight adjustments in pipe routing, if required, shall be made on site with consent of Site
In charge for keeping outlets of pipes at joints.
5) Finished tile plane shall be clearly marked on walls by fixing tile pads at four corners of walls.
6) Dado tile piece, if required, shall be kept at corner or at a place which is not easily detected.
7) Similarly, toilet floor shall be marked with correct position of sanitary-ware including bath tub
fittings and piping.
8) Flush tanks / Boiler or heater / Wash basin positions shall be marked on the walls.
9) Drainage outlet holes shall be clearly marked on walls, hole size being same diameter as that of
outlet pipe. Holes shall not be made in cast RCC members. Sleeves shall be planned and kept at the
desired location at the time of cast.
10) Ablution tap position shall be kept on right hand side unless specified otherwise on drawing.
Installation of G I Pipes:
1) G I Pipes shall be cut to the required length as per layout on walls / floors and coconut oil shall be
used while threading.
2) Pipes shall be cut at perfect right angles and burrs, if any, shall be removed by debarring tool.
3) Number of threads in G I Pipes shall be minimum 11 per 1” length, Pitch of threads shall be
around 2.4mm and depth of threads shall be 1.48mm.
4) Teflon tape shall be used as a sealant over threads while jointing pipes.
5) Concealed G I pipes including fittings shall be applied 2 coats of bituminous paint (Black Japan)
before installation. Asbestos rope OR alternative shall be tied around hot water pipes and Hessian
cloth shall be tied around cold water pipes. Over this, a coat of bituminous paint shall be applied for
better protection against corrosion.
For heat insulation it is recommended preferably to use poly – urethane pipe sleeves or use 2-3 mm
thick heatlon sheets. However the instructions given by Plumbing Consultant / Architect should be
6) All G I fittings shall be washed with kerosene to remove rust inside, prior to their installation.
Fittings shall be fitted using “Habak” and “Teflon” tapes only.
7) The pipe assembly shall then be placed in chases.
8) Horizontal pipelines shall be laid perfectly horizontal and vertical pipelines shall be laid perfectly
vertical. Slant piping shall be avoided.
9) To keep G I lines in position 40 mm plumbing nails at 9” c/c on alternate sides of G I pipes shall be
driven in masonry.
10) Flushing lines shall be of minimum dia 1 1/4” and shall be separated from fresh water lines
entirely. All pipelines through which gravity flow is expected shall be laid with a minimum slope
1:100 or specified on drawing.
11) All outlets shall be maintained at right angles and fitted with G I plugs. G I plugs shall project at
least ½” beyond the face of plaster for fixing of fittings.
12) Open G I pipes shall be applied with oil paint as an anti corrosive treatment over a base coat of
red oxide primer.
13) Whenever pipes are embedded, insertion depth shall be marked on pipes.
14) All the open pipes shall be properly plugged in to prevent entry of mortar in pipes and also for
carrying out Pressure Test.
15) Control valves shall be provided for each toilet unit and valve position shall be easily accessible
for operating through toilet window, if possible.
16) Fittings for mixer unit in toilet shall be installed carefully so as to avoid mixing of hot water and
cold water.
17) Mouths of traps shall be plugged with suitable cloth to prevent entry of dirt and mortar into it.
Special Requirements:
1) Pipes shall be cut to the required length using sharp edges cutter to have a square cut exactly
perpendicular to the pipe which provides maximum bonding area for the joint.
2) If cracks are observed during cutting, then the pipe shall be cut 50 mm beyond the crack and such
cut piece of pipe shall not be used anywhere.
3) Chamfering tool, file or pocketknife shall be used to give slight bevel at the cut end for easy entry
of pipe into the fittings. Burrs, if any, shall be removed with the help of debarring tool.
4) Pipes shall be wiped clean and made dry before installation of fittings.
5) PVC pipes should be embedded with proper encasing for internal drain to prevent damages, cracks
For application of one step solvent cement primer application is not required.
PPR Pipes:
For PPR pipes general guidelines given for CPVC pipes shall be followed. Polyfusion Welding Device
with Mortice shall be used for welding of PPR pipes and Teflon Tape shall be used as a sealant for
threads. Heating, Welding and Cooling time shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
1) WC Trap connector:
a) PVC pipe shall be used as WC Trap connector
b) Lip ring with rubber lubricant shall be fitted over spigot portion of ceramic trap.
c) Over lip ring, PVC pipe connector which acts as socket shall be fitted.
2) PVC to PVC joint:
a) PVC pipe shall be cut with the help of toothed saw
b) 1/3rd thickness of pipe (spigot) shall be given a chamfer at 15º using coarse file.
c) Both spigot and socket shall be cleaned thoroughly.
d) Marking shall be made on spigot up to which joinery is required.
e) Joining lubricant shall be applied on spigot from marking to chamfered end and a rubber ring shall
be fixed over it, without twisting.
f) Spigot is then inserted into socket to 10mm less than the marking to allow for thermal expansion.
3) PVC to CI joint:
a) Inside face of PVC plug tee socket shall be roughened with emery paper and a thin coat of solvent
cement shall be applied over it with the help of brush.
b) Medium size sand is then sprinkled over it and allowed to dry for 5 minutes which will provide a
better bonding surface.
c) Gap between Nahani Trap and PVC plug tee shall then be filled with cement.
4) CI to CI:
For CI to CI connections, lead joints / drip seal joints should be used or as specified in drawing.
Smoke test shall be done after all the joints are filled & the branches brought up to ground level.
1) In C.I. pipes with lead joints the joints shall be first caulked with strands of spun yarn. The requisite
quantity of lead shall be poured / caulked into the joint & then shall be compacted by means of
special tools having chamfered edges & angled length.
2) In drip seal joint, two component epoxy based chemical is used instead of lead.
B) External Plumbing
Pre Installation Procedures:
1) A licensed plumber shall be employed to carry out all plumbing works and a Photo Copy of his
license shall be kept ready for producing before any authorized agency coming for inspection.
2) Approved plumbing drawing shall be made available on site.
3) For CPVC pipes, technical literature and manufacturer’s user guide manual shall be made available
on site 4) Layout of pipes shall be marked on external wall surface as also on terrace and shall get
approved from plumbing consultant. It shall be ensured that vertical lines so drawn are in plumb.
5) Holes shall be made in parapet wall. Diameter of holes shall be 1” more than the respective
diameter of pipes.
6) In Over Head Water Tank and Under Ground Water Tank GI pipe sockets shall be provide as inserts
at the inlet / outlet locations to avoid puncturing of RCC walls later.
During Installation Procedures (External plumbing):
Installation of GI Pipes:
1) GI pipes shall be cut to the required length as per layout on walls and terrace. Coconut oil shall be
used while threading.
2) Pipes shall be cut at perfect right angles and burrs, if any, shall be removed by deburring tool.
Round wheel cutter OR cutter recommended by manufacturer shall be used for cutting CPVC pipes.
3) Number of threads in GI pipes shall be minimum 11 per 1” length, Pitch of threads shall be around
2.4mm and depth of threads shall be 1.48mm.
4) All GI fittings shall be washed with kerosene to remove rust inside, prior to their installation.
5) Fittings shall be fitted using “Habak” and “Teflon” tape only while jointing pipes.
Vertical pipes shall be laid truly vertical by checking their plumb. Horizontal pipelines shall be truly
horizontal. Slant piping shall be avoided.
6) Adequate distance shall be maintained between main pumping lines and wall surface for
maintenance purpose.
7) Vertical pumping mains shall be double clamped near joints, connections, bends and turns to
avoid bursting of pipes.
8) Clamps for CPVC pipelines shall be of plastic or PVC as specified by manufacturer. (Metal clamps
shall be avoided). Clamps for vertical CPVC pipelines shall be kept loose for free movement of pipes
near expansion loop, if specified. Expansion loop shall be adequately supported.
9) Entry of pipes through walls shall be at right angles.
10) Pressure reducing valves shall be provided for high rise buildings and Control valves shall be
provided for each branch line of OHWT. Control valve position shall be easily accessible for operating
through toilet window, if possible.
11) Foot valve location shall be kept 4” - 6” above tank bottom / sump level. Non return valves shall
be provided near pumps.
12) Vent pipes shall be provided for all outlets through OHWT to prevent air locks.
13) Cleanout provision at bottom shall be provided for each line separately.
14) Pipeline on terrace shall necessary run along parapet and be properly anchored to parapet wall
with the help of saddles / clamps.
15) Underground main GI pipeline including fittings shall be applied 2 coats of bituminous paint
(Black Japan) before installation and shall be preferably supported on concrete pedestals.
16) In case internal piping network is to be connected to outside water supply lines of different
material, suitable adapters with sealants shall be used. Refer joinery at the end of this section.
17) Open GI pipes shall be applied with oil paint as an anti-corrosive treatment over a base coat of
red oxide primer.
18) Exterior grade latex paint shall be applied on CPVC pipes for UV resistance.
19) In case, solar water heating system is provided, temperature control system shall be installed and
adequate precaution shall be taken to avoid mixing of hot and cold water. Also GI hot water pipes
shall be wrapped with wool piles and Aluminum foil for which minimum 1” clear distance between
wall and pipe surface shall be kept.
Installation of CPVC pipes, application of two step solvent cement & joinery:
Same as mentioned in internal plumbing & internal drainage.
Pre Installation Procedures (External drainage works):
1) A licensed plumber shall be employed to carry out all plumbing works and a Photo Copy/Xerox
copy of his license shall be kept ready for producing before any authorized agency coming for
2) Approved plumbing drawing showing routing pipeline, location of Inspection Chambers and all
necessary Invert levels shall be made available on site.
3) Layout of sewage and sullage shall be marked on external wall surface and shall get approved from
plumbing consultant. It shall be ensured that vertical lines so drawn are in plumb.
4) Sleeves shall be kept in toilet / bath-room walls or holes shall be drilled in walls for connection to
sewage and sullage lines. Diameter of sleeves / holes shall be 1” more than the respective diameter
of outlet pipes. (Drilling of holes in RCC structure is not permitted).
5) In Septic tank, PVC pipe sleeves shall be provided as inserts at the inlet / outlet locations to avoid
puncturing of RCC walls later.
PVC to PVC joint, PVC to C I joint & Open CI to CI joint - Same as mentioned in internal plumbing &
internal drainage.
However it is necessary to follow the Plumbing Consultant’s drawings and instructions. But for
general guidelines, the following dia. of pipes is recommended for the following.
1) Soil Waste -100 to 150mm
2) Waste Water - 75 to 100mm
3) Gas Vents & Anti-syphonage - 50 to 75mm
4) Rain Water - 90 to 200mm
External plumbing:
A. Drill, Chasing Machine, Spirit Level, Hammer, Drill Bit, Grinding wheel, File, Measuring tape,
Pressure Testing Machine.
B. Chisel, Pipe wrench, Chain wrench, sledge hammer, screw driver, Bench Vice, pipe vice, Die
set, hammer drilling M/c, Mini angle grinding M/c.