The Man Who Couldn't Dance
The Man Who Couldn't Dance
The Man Who Couldn't Dance
The attic of Gail’s house in Connecticut. ELIZABETH sleeps in her
crib. ERIC and GAIL enter.
little situation comedy. Do not
mistake neurotic fears and to cry.
obsessions for light comedy. Very
dangerous, Gail.
GAIL. I don’t want to get into a disc GAIL. I regret my choices? Fuck you.
ussion like this now, Eric. ERIC. I’m sorry. I said what I thought. I broke the unwritten
ERIC. What kind of discussion is
it, and when would you like Tule between us since we broke up. I’m supposed to smile, and talk
to get into it?
GAIL. A discussion about us. And never. They to you like I’m really interested in just the right amount of sugar to
’re waiting. put into the pecan pie recipe.
ERIC. They’re fine on their own.
GAIL. What is that supposed to mean? GAIL. I can’t believe you said that thing about my pie.
ERIC. What? ERIC. I liked the pie. I thought it had a little too much sugar. I
GAIL. They’re fine on their own. Fine? just don’t understand why everyone who makes pecan pie is
ERIC. It doesn’t mean anything. obligated to put too much sugar in it because every other pecan pie
GAIL. Are you Saying that my husb has too much sugar in it. It’s like a world doomed to repeat its
and is attracted to your girl horrors. I eat that pecan pie and I think we’re just marking time
friend. Is that it?
ERIC. Wooo. Hold on Gail. All I Said until the next goddamn Holocaust.
was they’re fine on their GAIL. Are you saying I baked a Nazi pie?
GAIL. Fred and I happen to be ERIC, Not intentionally.
very, very happy. Together. GAIL. You shouldn’t have criticized my pie in front of
He’s not interested in some twen
ty-three-year-old music student
and her stupid thesis on Todd Rund company.
ERIC. You seemed very interested ERIC. Gail, ] am the company.
over dinner.
GAIL. Who the hell would write a
thesis on Todd Rundgren? Is (A beat.)
she going to hand out T-shirts and
loose joints at her orals?
ERIC. She’s just a date, Gail. A
date. GAIL. Oh am I glad that you are not the father of my daughter.
GAIL, It didn’t sound like that on
the phone. “She’s beautiful. I am so happy to not have to worry for her about your
She’s intelligent. She’s not hung
up by society’s rules.” These are
your words. I think inconsistency, your stubbornness, your uncanny ability to make the
you should grow up.
ERIC. Why? most politically and philosophically interesting choices leaving
GAIL. Why should you grow up? 7 yourself and your loved ones in the shit heap. Let’s just spend the
Are you asking m e wh rest of the night playing Pictionary. All right?
Should grow up?
” ° you my ERIC. This is the fourth time tonight you brought up
ERIC. Yes. I’m interested in hear
ing about it from someone Pictionary. Are you forcing me to play fucking Pictionary?
who thinks she has.
GAIL. That is what people do. GAIL. It’s just a game, Eric. Or am I wrong. Is it actually going
They get married, They have
kids. They remember their ideals to join forces with pecan pie to cause the next Holocaust?
fondly. They try to stick to them
in their own way. They donate to ERIC. It’s a waste of time. People sit around and solve
public television. They get by.
ERIC. Don’t cry, Gail. Please do meaningless little puzzles and form arbitrary alliances for no other
not cry. reason than to pass time. Well, time is passing well enough for me
GAIL. Oooh that gets me. What make
s you think I’m going to without games, Gail. Fred wastes enough of my time talking about
ERIC. Because you regret your choi his fucking boat. Does he really think I care about his fucking
ces. And now you’re going boat? All right, great. He bought a motorized flotation device.
Does he really think I want to go on for hour after hour about it? GAIL. You threw it away.
GAIL. So good. It’s good to know how you feel about Fred. ERIC. I never threw you away.
ERIC. How do I feel about Fred? GAIL. Not me. It. Everything. Eric you’re such an asshole.
GAIL. I always knew you didn’t like him. Everyone’s goddamn guru. Living by your values. True to
ERIC. How can I like him or not like him? I don’t know him. I yourself. The ascetic. The 20th Century Philosopher. Eric, I have a
know his boat. I could draw the blueprints for his fucking boat. I question for you. A real question, Why are you working on a farm?
don’t know him. Why? It’s like I’m supposed to admire you or something. I’m so
GAIL. It’s so goddamn easy for you. sick of your untraditional paths. The Farm Boy from Bensonhurst.
ERIC, What? You're wasting your intelligence. You’re wasting your intelligence
GAIL. It’s so easy for you not to play Pictionary. You’re funny, to pick vegetables. There is nothing to admire about that. It’s
verbal, provocative. Do you know how intimidated my husband is stupid.
by you? ERIC. You’re right. Why work with my hands to produce a
ERIC. Play fucking Pictionary, Gail. Play your heart out. I’ll reasonably priced source of nourishment for my fellow human
stay here with Elizabeth. beings while I could be getting fat and playing Pictionary.
GAIL. You belong with Elizabeth. GAIL. I gained four pounds. Four. Don’t you dare say I'm
ERIC. Purity-wise? getting fat. And there is nothing wrong with playing Pictionary,
GAIL. Maturity-wise. you goddamn all-knowing fool. You lost me.
ERIC. (Change of tone.) You don’t love Fred. ERIC. I know.
GAIL. What? GAIL. It pisses me off. It really pisses me off. That thing you
ERIC. You don’t love Fred. said about me regretting my choices. At least I made a choice.
GAIL. That’s it. I demand that you play Pictionary, Eric. I ERIC. But you do regret it.
goddamn insist. GAIL. I love Fred, Eric. I do love him. Not like I loved you.
ERIC. Why did you marry a man you didn’t love? But we have these things together. This family. This feeling. This
GAIL. I never said I don’t love him. sureness.
ERIC. Christ, Gail. Tell me you love him. Please. ERIC. I don’t consider your need for structure your strongest
point. The pinnacle time. The absolute quintessential turning point GAIL. Look, Eric, I don’t think I can have this conversation
om relationship and you’re on a fucking boat to fucking Saint with you. I’m sorry things had to happen the way they happened.
ohn. Let’s go downstairs.
ERIC. That has nothing to do with it. ERIC. Right. I’m sorry.
GAIL. It’s got everything to do with it. GAIL. You're just being yourself.
ERIC. You make it sound like you made some kind of choice ERIC. That’s what I’m sorry for. I should say goodbye to
between two men. Like it was me or him. : Elizabeth. Who knows when Ill see her again.
GAIL. It was.
ERIC. It was? Come on Gail. It’s a huge world. If it were a (ERIC walks to the crib. HE looks down. In a moment HE bends
choice between me or Fred most women would just fucking shoot over to her.)
change. I don’t know why this is. People think I make these GAIL. I’m sure you’! do just fine on your own.
choices. But you’ve got to believe me, Gail, I have no control. I ERIC. She was just an excuse to see you. I figured, I’d call with
can’t dance. this woman in my life. I’d be less of a threat to the home. It was
GAIL. I never knew you couldn't dance. I always thought it really stupid of me.
was that you wouldn't dance. GAIL. No. It was human.
ERIC. Could you hold me? ERIC. Thank you for showing me your daughter. She is
GAIL. I don’t think so, Eric. I mean, I don’t think I would be absolutely the single, greatest thing I’ve ever looked at in my entire
able to let go. life.
ERIC. Yeah. You’re right. (Pause. ERIC wipes his eyes.) Gail,
there were these things that you needed. Just to breathe you needed (THEY are about to leave.)
them. And it was so clear that there was no way I was going to
provide you with them. And it was this thing that I did. This thing GAIL. Eric.
that I did. It wasn’t that horrible. You needed to find someone. I
felt that you needed me off the continent. Please believe me, Gail. (ERIC turns. GAIL walks up to him slowly. SHE puts her head into
When I got on that boat. I was thinking of you. Not of me. his chest. His arms fold around her.)
GAIL. I believe you.
ERIC. Well, this is a sign of times to come. The first time we GAIL. Eric, you are Fred Astaire. You are Fred Astaire.
had a conversation where your eyes stayed dry and mine didn’t. ERIC. No, no. Sweetheart. I’m Eric.
GAIL. I cried. GAIL. You are Fred Astaire. Just move the slightest bit. You
ERIC. We better get downstairs before Marie tells Fred about have nothing to prove to anyone. Just move a little slowly. The
her orgy with the British invasion. slightest bit. Don’t worry.
GAIL. There was one time you danced with me. ERIC. We should go down there.
ERIC. I don’t remember. GAIL. In a minute. Just one minute.
GAIL. On my wedding day.
ERIC. I couldn’t have. (GAIL rocks back and forth musically. ERIC makes a slight
GAIL. You did. I remember it clearly. I remember thinking movement trying to follow her. In a moment, HE relaxes. HE is
how strange it was to be in this wedding gown. On my wedding dancing. GAIL reaches over, still holding him and pulls the
day. Dancing with you. And you weren’t my groom. light cord.
ERIC. Oh yeah. That. I wasn’t dancing, Gail. I was walking. I BLACKOUT.)
convinced myself that I was walking very slowly and sideways. It
was the only way I could do it. THE END
GAIL. Eric, maybe one day ...
ERIC. Please don’t say it.
GAIL. Right.
ERIC. Gail, I cannot stand Marie. I can’t stand her. Please, find
something to say to her about me so she won’t expect me to sleep
with her tonight.