Task New 1

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Q. Describe in detail the information that should be available in a safety data sheet?

Ans. SDS (Safety Data Sheet) is a document which is carries information about the budding threats
like fire, reactivity, health and environment and how to handle safely those chemical products.SDS
is usually prepared in by the manufacturer and the supplier of the particular product. It is mainly
use to tell that what are the threats of the product, how to use the product safely, what should be
in case on any accident or emergency.

Following kind of information must be available in safety data sheet:

 Product information
 Hazards identification
 Physical data
 Reactivity data
 First aid measures
 Firefighting measures
 Handling measures
 Toxicological properties
 Transport information
 Regulatory information
 Disposal consideration
 Toxicity
 Physical and chemical properties
 Accidental release measures
 Other information

1. Product Information:
The general information and detail about the product must be mentioned for example
product name, name of the manufacture and supplier, emergency contact number.
2. Hazards Identification:
It consists of the hazardous ingredient, label elements and other hazards/
3. Physical Data:
It consists of composition and information and ingredients like mixtures and substances.
4. Reactivity Data:
It carries information about the chemical un certainty of a product or substance it might
react with.
5. First Aid Measures:
It consists of details of first aid measures. Along with it, it considers detail about most
significant symptoms and effects, which includes both acute and delayed.
6. Fire Fighting Measures:
It compromises of extinguishing media and special threats which arises from the substance.
In this section, advices for fight fighters is also mentioned.
7. Handling Measures:
Precautions for the safe handling is also mentioned. Accompanied with it conditions for
the safe storage is also alluded.
8. Toxicological Properties
It carries information about the toxicological effects and health effects.
9. Transport Information:
It consists of the information about the UN number, UN shipping name, environment
hazards, special precautions for the users, packaging group.
10. Regulatory Information:
It compromises of safety, health and environmental legislation.
11. Disposal Consideration:
In disposal consideration, the waste material decomposition is considered, and it should
also be present on the sheet.
12. Toxicity
It includes persistence and degradibity, mobility in soil, bio accumulative potential and
other serious and toxic effects.
13. Physical and chemical Properties:
It consists the data about the basic physical and chemical properties of the products.
14. Exposure controls and Personal Protection:
It compromises of the exposure measures and the control parameters
15. Accidental Release Measures:
It consist of the personal safety measures such as protective equipment’s and the
emergency procedures.
16. Other information:
Any other information which is not mentioned in above points comes under this heading

Q. Discuss the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative analysis in the risk
assessment process.

Ans. In the risk assessment process, there are two methods used, Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis. Considering quantitative risk analysis, it is used to identify the consequences of
recognized risks on overall project objectives. It is used to determine the size and cost of the
planned contingencies whereas qualitative risk analysis is used to identify the risk for the future

Below mentioned are few of the difference of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis

Qualitative Risk Analysis Quantitative Risk Analysis

1. It deals with all the risks which are 1. It deals only with risks which we spot
determined during the identify risk process for the further analysis is the perform
qualitative risk analysis process
2. Risk is not determined and analyzed 2. Risk is determined mathematically
3. Qualitative Risk Analysis is use in all kind of 3. Quantitative risk analysis is mostly used in
projects. the complex projects.

4. Risk is based on the objective measures 4. Risk is based upon the subjective
5. It can be performed by non-technical staff 6. it cannot be performed by non-technical
Q. Describe the action you should take on receipt of a Safety Data Sheet?

Ans. Safety data sheet gives a useful information about the chemical, mentioning the threats of
the chemicals presents, and giving the information about handling and storage of the data on in the
case of emergency situations. Safety data

Once the safety data sheet, it should be verified and tested and for this purpose following point
should be examined which are mentioned below:

1. Verification of the Information;

In the verification of the information, it should be check that whether the information which
is provided, is authentic or not. Is the information which in mentioned complete and vague.
2. Availability of the Material:
In availability of material, it is determined the material is fully available. For example, if
there is something needed for the safety precautions, so for that purpose whether the
complete tools and material is available or not. Similar not only for safety precautions
measures, it can be any sort of the relevant material.
3. Cost of the Material:
One of the most important thing which should always be checked that whether the cost of
the material is mentioned or not because everything relies on it and it should be definitely
4. First Aid Procedure:
It should be checked whether the first aid procedure is mentioned or not, because it is very
important to keep a check on first aid measures because anything could happen and in that
case most important thing is first aid, so it should be mentioned.
5. Competency of the Manufacturer:
Safety data sheet is not something which can be easily made, so while preparing it the
competency of the person who is preparing it is always checked, that whether the person
who is preparing it is aware about the sensitivity it or not.
6. Clear and Understandable:
Whenever the SDS is prepared, it should be simple, vague and understandable , so it should
also be tested.

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